remove freeform label support; fixes #6829

only support the 'starred' label, and that through its own field in
responses and updates. remove label UI from conversations, leaving just

  - stars still work in conversations.
  - labels are gone.
  - ability to use freeform labels through API gone.

Change-Id: I61704cf604e081e1894c516462d0112c7e88302c
Tested-by: Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
This commit is contained in:
Jacob Fugal 2012-01-20 15:25:06 -07:00
parent 6ff8c1ad49
commit 756315bf98
9 changed files with 66 additions and 274 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ $messages = []
$message_list = []
$form = []
$selected_conversation = null
$last_label = null
page = {}
MessageInbox = {}
@ -1065,13 +1064,11 @@ I18n.scoped 'conversations', (I18n) ->
$conversation.find('').text $.friendlyDatetime($.parseFromISO(data.last_message_at).datetime)
move_direction = if $'last_message_at') > data.last_message_at then 'down' else 'up'
$ 'last_message_at', data.last_message_at
$ 'label', (if data.starred then null else data.label)
$ 'starred', data.starred
$p = $conversation.find('p')
$p.text data.last_message
($conversation.addClass(property) for property in if
$conversation.addClass('private') if data['private']
$conversation.addClass('labeled').addClass(data.label) if data.label && !data.starred
$conversation.addClass('starred') if data.starred
$conversation.addClass('unsubscribed') unless data.subscribed
set_conversation_state $conversation, data.workflow_state
@ -1132,9 +1129,6 @@ I18n.scoped 'conversations', (I18n) ->
unarchive : $('#action_unarchive').parent()
delete : $('#action_delete').parent()
deleteAll : $('#action_delete_all').parent()
group: $('#conversation_actions .label_group')
icon: $('#conversation_actions .label_icon')
page.activeActionMenu = elements.node
@ -1160,10 +1154,6 @@ I18n.scoped 'conversations', (I18n) ->
elements.labels.icon.removeClass 'checked'
elements.container.find('.label_icon.' + ($'label') || 'none')).addClass('checked')
if elements.conversation.hasClass('private')
@ -1240,11 +1230,6 @@ I18n.scoped 'conversations', (I18n) ->
if state then $("#message_actions").slideDown(100) else $("#message_actions").slideUp(100)
$form[if state then 'addClass' else 'removeClass']('disabled')
set_last_label = (label) ->
$conversation_list.removeClass('red orange yellow green blue purple').addClass(label) # so that the label hover is correct
$.cookie('last_label', label)
$last_label = label
set_hash = (hash) ->
if hash isnt location.hash
location.hash = hash
@ -1256,7 +1241,6 @@ I18n.scoped 'conversations', (I18n) ->
$(document).ready () ->
$conversations = $('#conversations')
$conversation_list = $conversations.find("ul.conversations")
set_last_label($.cookie('last_label') ? 'red')
$messages = $('#messages')
$message_list = $messages.find('ul.messages')
$form = $('#create_message_form')
@ -1404,66 +1388,17 @@ I18n.scoped 'conversations', (I18n) ->
starred = null
current_label = null
inbox_action $(this),
method: 'PUT'
before: ($node, options) ->
current_label = $'label')
starred = $'starred')
if !starred
$node.removeClass('labeled ' + current_label) if current_label
success: ($node, data) ->
update_conversation($node, data)
error: ($node) ->
$node.addClass('labeled ' + current_label) if current_label
$('.action_remove_label').click (e) ->
current_label = null
inbox_action $(this),
method: 'PUT'
before: ($node) ->
current_label = $'label')
$node.removeClass('labeled ' + current_label) if current_label
success: ($node, data) ->
update_conversation($node, data)
remove_conversation $node if MessageInbox.scope == 'labeled'
error: ($node) ->
$node.addClass('labeled ' + current_label)
$('.action_add_label').click (e) ->
label = null
current_label = null
starred = null
inbox_action $(this),
method: 'PUT'
before: ($node, options) ->
current_label = $'label')
label = options.url.match(/%5Blabel%5D=(.*)/)[1]
starred = $'starred')
if label is 'last'
label = $last_label
options.url = options.url.replace(/%5Blabel%5D=last/, '%5Blabel%5D=' + label)
if label isnt current_label
$node.removeClass('labeled ' + current_label) if current_label
$node.removeClass('starred') if starred
label isnt current_label
success: ($node, data) ->
update_conversation($node, data)
remove_conversation $node if MessageInbox.label_scope and MessageInbox.label_scope isnt label
error: ($node) ->
$node.removeClass('labeled ' + label)
$node.addClass('starred') if starred
$node.addClass('labeled ' + current_label) if current_label
$('#action_add_recipients').click (e) ->

View File

@ -33,16 +33,12 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# @API
# Returns the list of conversations for the current user, most recent ones first.
# @argument scope [optional, "unread"|"starred"|"labeled"|"archived"]
# @argument scope [optional, "unread"|"starred"|"archived"]
# When set, only return conversations of the specified type. For example,
# set to "unread" to return only conversations that haven't been read.
# The default behavior is to return all non-archived conversations (i.e.
# read and unread).
# @argument label [optional, "red"|"orange"|"yellow"|"green"|"blue"|"purple"]
# When scope is set to "labeled", you can use this argument to limit the
# results to a particular label.
# @argument interleave_submissions Boolean, default false. If true, the
# message_count will also include these submission-based messages in the
# total. See the show action for more information.
@ -59,7 +55,6 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# @response_field private Indicates whether this is a private conversation
# (i.e. audience of one)
# @response_field starred Whether the conversation is starred
# @response_field label Current label for this conversation, if set
# @response_field properties Additional conversation flags (last_author,
# attachments, media_objects). Each listed property means the flag is
# set to true (i.e. the current user is the most recent author, there
@ -87,7 +82,6 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": false,
# "label": null,
# "properties": ["attachments"],
# "audience": [2],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": ["StudentEnrollment"]}, "groups": {}},
@ -106,20 +100,6 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
@view_name = I18n.t('index.inbox_views.starred', 'Starred')
@no_messages = I18n.t('no_starred_messages', 'You have no starred messages')
when 'labeled'
@label, @view_name = ConversationParticipant.labels.detect{ |l| l.first == params[:label] }
@view_name ||= I18n.t('index.inbox_views.labeled', 'Labeled')
@no_messages = case @label
when 'starred'; I18n.t('no_starred_messages', 'You have no starred messages')
when 'red'; I18n.t('no_red_messages', 'You have no red messages')
when 'orange'; I18n.t('no_orange_messages', 'You have no orange messages')
when 'yellow'; I18n.t('no_yellow_messages', 'You have no yellow messages')
when 'green'; I18n.t('no_green_messages', 'You have no green messages')
when 'blue'; I18n.t('no_blue_messages', 'You have no blue messages')
when 'purple'; I18n.t('no_purple_messages', 'You have no purple messages')
else I18n.t('no_labeled_messages', 'You have no labeled messages')
when 'archived'
@view_name = I18n.t('index.inbox_views.archived', 'Archived')
@no_messages = I18n.t('no_archived_messages', 'You have no archived messages')
@ -225,7 +205,6 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": false,
# "label": null,
# "properties": ["attachments"],
# "audience": [2],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": ["StudentEnrollment"]}, "groups": {}},
@ -297,8 +276,7 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# @argument conversation[workflow_state] ["read"|"unread"|"archived"] Change the state of this conversation
# @argument conversation[subscribed] [true|false] Toggle the current user's subscription to the conversation (only valid for group conversations). If unsubscribed, the user will still have access to the latest messages, but the conversation won't be automatically flagged as unread, nor will it jump to the top of the inbox.
# @argument conversation[starred] [true|false] Toggle the starred state of the current user's view of the conversation. Takes precedence over labels; if starred is true, label is forced to null.
# @argument conversation[label] ["red"|"orange"|"yellow"|"green"|"blue"|"purple"|null] Set/unset a flag on this conversation
# @argument conversation[starred] [true|false] Toggle the starred state of the current user's view of the conversation.
# @example_response
# {
@ -310,22 +288,9 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": false,
# "label": null,
# "properties": ["attachments"]
# }
def update
# force label to 'starred' if starred is true. set label to nil (to unstar)
# if starred is false, unless label is already set (if so, use the set
# value). do nothing if starred is absent.
starred = params[:conversation].delete(:starred)
unless starred.nil?
if ['true', true, '1', 1].include?(starred)
params[:conversation][:label] = 'starred'
params[:conversation][:label] ||= nil
if @conversation.update_attributes(params[:conversation])
render :json => @conversation
@ -356,7 +321,6 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": false,
# "label": null,
# "properties": []
# }
def destroy
@ -383,7 +347,6 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": false,
# "starred": null,
# "label": null,
# "properties": [],
# "audience": [2, 3, 4],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": []}, "groups": {}},
@ -430,7 +393,6 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": false,
# "starred": null,
# "label": null,
# "properties": [],
# "audience": [2, 3],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": []}, "groups": {}},
@ -477,7 +439,6 @@ class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": null,
# "label": null,
# "properties": ["attachments"]
# }
def remove_messages

View File

@ -33,31 +33,13 @@ class ConversationParticipant < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :unread, :conditions => "workflow_state = 'unread'"
named_scope :archived, :conditions => "workflow_state = 'archived'"
named_scope :starred, :conditions => "label = 'starred'"
named_scope :labeled, lambda { |label|
{:conditions => label ?
["label = ?", label] :
["label IS NOT NULL"]
delegate :private?, :to => :conversation
before_update :update_unread_count
attr_accessible :subscribed, :label, :workflow_state
attr_accessible :subscribed, :starred, :workflow_state
def self.labels
(@labels ||= {})[I18n.locale] ||= [
['starred', I18n.t('labels.starred', "Starred")],
['red', I18n.t('', "Red")],
['orange', I18n.t('', "Orange")],
['yellow', I18n.t('labels.yellow', "Yellow")],
['green', I18n.t('', "Green")],
['blue', I18n.t('', "Blue")],
['purple', I18n.t('labels.purple', "Purple")],
validates_inclusion_of :label, :in =>, :allow_nil => true
validates_inclusion_of :label, :in => ['starred'], :allow_nil => true
def as_json(options = {})
latest = options[:last_message] || messages.human.first
@ -70,8 +52,7 @@ class ConversationParticipant < ActiveRecord::Base
:message_count => message_count,
:subscribed => subscribed?,
:private => private?,
:starred => label == 'starred',
:label => label != 'starred' ? label : nil,
:starred => starred,
:properties => properties(latest)
@ -180,8 +161,16 @@ class ConversationParticipant < ActiveRecord::Base
def label=(label)
write_attribute(:label, label.present? ? label : nil)
def starred
read_attribute(:label) == 'starred'
def starred=(val)
# if starred were an actual boolean column, this is the method that would
# be used to convert strings to appropriate boolean values (e.g. 'true' =>
# true and 'false' => false)
val = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.value_to_boolean(val)
write_attribute(:label, val ? 'starred' : nil)
def one_on_one?
@ -226,7 +215,7 @@ class ConversationParticipant < ActiveRecord::Base
self.last_message_at = nil
self.has_attachments = false
self.has_media_objects = false
self.label = nil
self.starred = false
# note that last_authored_at doesn't know/care about messages you may
# have deleted... this is because it is only used by other participants

View File

@ -122,27 +122,6 @@ body
background-color: #05a5e9
color: #fff
text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px #0276aa
overflow: hidden
padding: 2px 22px 2px 22px
min-width: 110px
overflow: hidden
text-indent: -9999em
float: left
padding: 0
margin: 2px
top: 4px
left: 24px
height: 11px
width: 11px
z-index: 4
background-color: #fff
background-repeat: no-repeat
border: 1px solid #aaa
a:hover, a.checked
border: 3px solid #05a5e9
margin: 0
font-size: 0.9em
@ -161,8 +140,6 @@ body
position: relative
top: -1px
left: 0
min-width: 120px
ul.messages, ul.conversations
overflow: auto
@ -524,14 +501,10 @@ button.button:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button.ui-button.ui-state-
color: #636363
color: #222
.action_remove_label, .action_add_label
display: none
// .action_remove_label, .action_add_label,
.action_mark_as_read, .action_mark_as_unread, .action_star, .action_unstar
text-indent: -9999em
overflow: hidden
position: absolute
// .action_remove_label, .action_add_label,
.action_star, .action_unstar
top: -1px
left: 0
@ -544,7 +517,6 @@ button.button:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button.ui-button.ui-state-
background-image: url(/images/messages/star.png)
background-image: url(/images/messages/star-lit.png)
// .action_remove_label,
display: none
.action_mark_as_read, .action_mark_as_unread
@ -554,7 +526,6 @@ button.button:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button.ui-button.ui-state-
height: 24px
margin-top: -12px
background: transparent url(/images/messages/new-replied-icon_sprite.png) 1px 0 no-repeat
// .action_remove_label,
.action_mark_as_read, .action_unstar
display: none
@ -586,12 +557,6 @@ button.button:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button.ui-button.ui-state-
right: 17px
visibility: hidden
// > li.labeled
display: none
background-position: 1px -24px
display: block
> li.starred
display: none
@ -600,35 +565,6 @@ button.button:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button.ui-button.ui-state-
> li.attachments .attachments, > li.media_objects .media_objects
display: inline
background-repeat: no-repeat
background-image: url(/images/messages/flag.png)
background-position: 0 24px li .label_icon:hover
background-position: 1px 1px .label_icon, .red.label_icon
background-position: 1px -23px !important li .label_icon:hover
background-position: 1px -47px .label_icon, .orange.label_icon
background-position: 1px -71px !important
ul.yellow li .label_icon:hover
background-position: 1px -95px
li.yellow .label_icon, .yellow.label_icon
background-position: 1px -119px !important li .label_icon:hover
background-position: 1px -143px .label_icon, .green.label_icon
background-position: 1px -167px !important li .label_icon:hover
background-position: 1px -191px .label_icon, .blue.label_icon
background-position: 1px -215px !important
ul.purple li .label_icon:hover
background-position: 1px -239px
li.purple .label_icon, .purple.label_icon
background-position: 1px -263px !important
display: none

View File

@ -23,12 +23,6 @@
<li class="<%= 'checked' if @scope == :inbox %>"><%= link_to t('inbox_views.inbox', "Inbox"), conversations_url %></li>
<li class="<%= 'checked' if @scope == :unread %>"><%= link_to t('inbox_views.unread_messages', "Unread"), conversations_unread_url %></li>
<li class="<%= 'checked' if @scope == :starred %>"><%= link_to t('inbox_views.starred_messages', "Starred"), conversations_starred_url %></li>
<li class="label_group">
<%= before_label t('labels.conversation_label', 'Label') %><br />
<% ConversationParticipant.labels.each do |label, text| %>
<%= link_to text, conversations_labeled_url(:label => label), :class => 'label_icon ' + label + (label == @label ? ' checked' : '') %>
<% end %>
<li class="<%= 'checked' if @scope == :archived %>"><%= link_to t('inbox_views.archived_messages', "Archived"), conversations_archived_url %></li>
@ -108,8 +102,6 @@
<ul style="display:none">
<li id="conversation_blank">
<%= link_to t('inbox_actions.add_label', "Add Label"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:label => 'last'}), :title => t('inbox_actions.add_label', "Add Label"), :class => 'action_add_label label_icon' %>
<%= link_to t('inbox_actions.remove_label', "Remove Label"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:label => ''}), :title => t('inbox_actions.remove_label', "Remove Label"), :class => 'action_remove_label label_icon' %>
<%= link_to t('inbox_actions.mark_as_unread', "Mark as Unread"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:workflow_state => "unread"}), :title => t('inbox_actions.mark_as_unread', "Mark as Unread"), :class => :action_mark_as_unread %>
<%= link_to t('inbox_actions.mark_as_read', "Mark as Read"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:workflow_state => "read"}), :title => t('inbox_actions.mark_as_read', "Mark as Read"), :class => :action_mark_as_read %>
<%= link_to t('', "Star"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:starred => true}), :title => t('', "Star"), :class => :action_star %>
@ -182,13 +174,6 @@
<li><%= link_to t('inbox_actions.mark_as_read', "Mark as Read"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:workflow_state => "read"}), :id => 'action_mark_as_read', :class => :action_mark_as_read %></li>
<li><%= link_to t('inbox_actions.unstar', "Unstar"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:starred => false}), :id => 'action_unstar', :class => :action_unstar %></li>
<li><%= link_to t('', "Star"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:starred => true}), :id => 'action_star', :class => :action_star %></li>
<li class="label_group">
<%= before_label t('labels.conversation_label', 'Label') %><br />
<% ConversationParticipant.labels.each do |label, text| %>
<%= link_to text, conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:label => label}), :class => 'action_add_label label_icon ' + label, :title => text %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to t('inbox_actions.no_label', "None"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:label => ''}), :class => 'action_remove_label label_icon none', :title => t('inbox_actions.no_label', "None") %>
<li><%= link_to t('inbox_actions.unsubscribe', "Unsubscribe"), conversation_url('{{ id }}', :conversation => {:subscribed => 0}), :id => :action_unsubscribe %></li>
@ -227,7 +212,6 @@
MessageInbox.conversation_page_size = <%= @page_max %>;
MessageInbox.initial_conversations_count = <%= @conversations_count %>;
MessageInbox.scope = <%= raw @scope.to_json %>;
MessageInbox.label_scope = <%= raw @label.to_json %>;
<% # TODO: get note-enabled-ness per account, and cross reference with the recipient's associated account ids. this is already enforced in the model %>
MessageInbox.notes_enabled = <%= raw @current_user.associated_accounts.any?{|a| a.enable_user_notes } %>;
MessageInbox.can_add_notes_for_account = MessageInbox.notes_enabled && <%= raw @current_user.associated_accounts.any?{|a| a.grants_right?(@current_user, nil, :manage_students) } %>;

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.discussion_replies 'conversations/discussion_replies', :controller => 'context', :action => 'discussion_replies'
map.conversations_unread 'conversations/unread', :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'index', :scope => 'unread'
map.conversations_starred 'conversations/starred', :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'index', :scope => 'starred'
map.conversations_labeled 'conversations/labeled', :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'index', :scope => 'labeled'
map.conversations_archived 'conversations/archived', :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'index', :scope => 'archived'
map.conversations_find_recipients 'conversations/find_recipients', :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'find_recipients'
map.conversations_mark_all_as_read 'conversations/mark_all_as_read', :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'mark_all_as_read', :conditions => {:method => :post}
@ -746,7 +745,7 @@ ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
conversations.get 'conversations/find_recipients', :action => :find_recipients 'conversations/mark_all_as_read', :action => :mark_all_as_read
conversations.get 'conversations/:id', :action => :show
conversations.put 'conversations/:id', :action => :update # stars, labels, subscribed-ness, workflow_state
conversations.put 'conversations/:id', :action => :update # stars, subscribed-ness, workflow_state
conversations.delete 'conversations/:id', :action => :destroy 'conversations/:id/add_message', :action => :add_message 'conversations/:id/add_recipients', :action => :add_recipients

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
context "conversations" do
it "should return the conversation list" do
@c1 = conversation(@bob, :workflow_state => 'read', :label => "blue")
@c1 = conversation(@bob, :workflow_state => 'read')
@c2 = conversation(@bob, @billy, :workflow_state => 'unread', :subscribed => false)
@c3 = conversation(@jane, :workflow_state => 'archived') # won't show up, since it's archived
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => false,
"private" => false,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [,],
@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => true,
"label" => "blue",
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [],
@ -116,12 +114,12 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
it "should filter conversations by scope" do
@c1 = conversation(@bob, :workflow_state => 'read', :label => "blue")
@c2 = conversation(@bob, @billy, :workflow_state => 'unread', :subscribed => false, :label => "green")
@c1 = conversation(@bob, :workflow_state => 'read')
@c2 = conversation(@bob, @billy, :workflow_state => 'unread', :subscribed => false)
@c3 = conversation(@jane, :workflow_state => 'read')
json = api_call(:get, "/api/v1/conversations.json?scope=labeled&label=green",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'index', :format => 'json', :scope => 'labeled', :label => 'green' })
json = api_call(:get, "/api/v1/conversations.json?scope=unread",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'index', :format => 'json', :scope => 'unread' })
json.each { |c| c.delete("avatar_url") }
json.should eql [
@ -132,7 +130,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => false,
"private" => false,
"label" => "green",
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [,],
@ -150,9 +147,9 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
it "should include starred conversations in starred scope regardless of if read or archived" do
@c1 = conversation(@bob, :workflow_state => 'unread', :label => "starred")
@c2 = conversation(@billy, :workflow_state => 'read', :label => "starred")
@c3 = conversation(@jane, :workflow_state => 'archived', :label => "starred")
@c1 = conversation(@bob, :workflow_state => 'unread', :starred => true)
@c2 = conversation(@billy, :workflow_state => 'read', :starred => true)
@c3 = conversation(@jane, :workflow_state => 'archived', :starred => true)
json = api_call(:get, "/api/v1/conversations.json?scope=starred",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'index', :format => 'json', :scope => 'starred' })
@ -162,7 +159,7 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
it "should not include unstarred conversations in starred scope regardless of if read or archived" do
@c1 = conversation(@bob, :workflow_state => 'unread')
@c2 = conversation(@billy, :workflow_state => 'read', :label => "blue")
@c2 = conversation(@billy, :workflow_state => 'read')
@c3 = conversation(@jane, :workflow_state => 'archived')
json = api_call(:get, "/api/v1/conversations.json?scope=starred",
@ -205,7 +202,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => true,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [],
@ -244,7 +240,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => false,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [,],
@ -287,7 +282,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 2, # two messages total now, though we'll only get the latest one in the response
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => true,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [],
@ -346,7 +340,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => true,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [],
@ -624,7 +617,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 2,
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => true,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author", "attachments", "media_objects"],
"audience" => [],
@ -668,23 +660,15 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
it "should properly flag if starred in the response" do
conversation1 = conversation(@bob)
conversation2 = conversation(@billy, :label => "starred")
conversation3 = conversation(@jane, :label => "blue")
conversation2 = conversation(@billy, :starred => true)
json = api_call(:get, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation1.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'show', :id => conversation1.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' })
json["label"].should be_nil
json["starred"].should be_false
json = api_call(:get, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation2.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'show', :id => conversation2.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' })
json["label"].should be_nil
json["starred"].should be_true
json = api_call(:get, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation3.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'show', :id => conversation3.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' })
json["label"].should == "blue"
json["starred"].should be_false
context "submission comments" do
@ -766,7 +750,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 2, # two messages total now, though we'll only get the latest one in the response
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => true,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [],
@ -803,7 +786,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => false,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"],
"audience" => [,,,,],
@ -830,7 +812,7 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
json = api_call(:put, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'update', :id => conversation.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' },
{ :conversation => {:subscribed => false, :workflow_state => 'archived', :label => 'red'} })
{ :conversation => {:subscribed => false, :workflow_state => 'archived'} })
json.should eql({
@ -841,7 +823,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => false,
"private" => false,
"label" => 'red',
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"]
@ -853,50 +834,27 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
json = api_call(:put, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'update', :id => conversation.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' },
{ :conversation => {:starred => true} })
json["label"].should be_nil
json["starred"].should be_true
it "should be able to unstar the conversation via update" do
conversation = conversation(@bob, @billy, :label => "starred")
conversation = conversation(@bob, @billy, :starred => true)
json = api_call(:put, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'update', :id => conversation.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' },
{ :conversation => {:starred => false} })
json["label"].should be_nil
json["starred"].should be_false
it "should prefer stars over labels if both present in update" do
conversation = conversation(@bob, @billy)
it "should leave starryness alone when left out of update" do
conversation = conversation(@bob, @billy, :starred => true)
json = api_call(:put, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'update', :id => conversation.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' },
{ :conversation => {:starred => true, :label => "red"} })
json["label"].should be_nil
{ :conversation => {:workflow_state => 'read'} })
json["starred"].should be_true
it "should use any provided label when unstarring via update" do
conversation = conversation(@bob, @billy, :label => "starred")
json = api_call(:put, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'update', :id => conversation.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' },
{ :conversation => {:starred => false, :label => "red"} })
json["label"].should == "red"
json["starred"].should be_false
it "should respect provided label when no starryness specified for update" do
conversation = conversation(@bob, @billy, :label => "starred")
json = api_call(:put, "/api/v1/conversations/#{conversation.conversation_id}",
{ :controller => 'conversations', :action => 'update', :id => conversation.conversation_id.to_s, :format => 'json' },
{ :conversation => {:label => "red"} })
json["label"].should == "red"
json["starred"].should be_false
it "should delete messages from the conversation" do
conversation = conversation(@bob)
message = conversation.add_message("another one")
@ -913,7 +871,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 1,
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => true,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => ["last_author"]
@ -932,7 +889,6 @@ describe ConversationsController, :type => :integration do
"message_count" => 0,
"subscribed" => true,
"private" => true,
"label" => nil,
"starred" => false,
"properties" => []

View File

@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ describe ConversationsController do
course_with_student_logged_in(:active_all => true)
conversation(2).update_attribute(:workflow_state, "unread")
post 'update', :id => @conversation.conversation_id, :conversation => {:subscribed => "0", :workflow_state => "archived", :label => "red"}
post 'update', :id => @conversation.conversation_id, :conversation => {:subscribed => "0", :workflow_state => "archived", :starred => "1"}
response.should be_success
@conversation.subscribed?.should be_false
@conversation.should be_archived
@conversation.label.should eql 'red'
@conversation.starred.should be_true

View File

@ -60,4 +60,36 @@ describe ConversationParticipant do
conversation.update_attribute(:workflow_state, 'unread')
sender.reload.updated_at.should_not eql updated_at
it "should support starred/starred=" do
sender = user
recipient = user
conversation = sender.initiate_conversation([])
conversation.starred = true
conversation.starred.should be_true
conversation.starred = false
conversation.starred.should be_false
it "should support :starred in update_attributes" do
sender = user
recipient = user
conversation = sender.initiate_conversation([])
conversation.update_attributes(:starred => true)
conversation.starred.should be_true
conversation.update_attributes(:starred => false)
conversation.starred.should be_false