simplify Google Docs Previews explanation, fixes CNVS-12777

test plan:
1. go to account settings
2. click the "?" next to Google Docs Previews
3. the explanation should be comprehensible to an average person (e.g.
   doesn't say "inline preview"), should not have grammatical
   errors, and should be all around less rambly

Change-Id: I5f4981c3316056bae51fa797b082c81d19f3f682
Reviewed-by: Dave Donahue <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Marc LeGendre <>
QA-Review: Marc LeGendre <>
This commit is contained in:
Jon Jensen 2014-05-01 15:37:50 -06:00
parent e983aa90ce
commit 660de14060
1 changed files with 14 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -473,19 +473,21 @@ TEXT
<!-- put all of the helpful dialogs describing what each service does in here
the magic is in giving it an id of "<name_of_service>_help_dialog" and class="service_help_dialog" -->
<div class="service_help_dialog" title="<%= t(:about_google_docs_tooltip, "About Google Docs Previews") %>" id="google_docs_previews_help_dialog">
<%= mt(:about_google_docs,
"In order to make it easier for users, rather than forcing them to download " +
"things like Word docs, PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, and open office documents " +
"(In addition to requiring that those programs be installed on their on their " +
"computer), in many areas throughout Canvas, it will allow you an inline " +
"preview of the document.\n\n" +
<%= mt(:about_google_docs, <<-TEXT, :terms_url => "")
Google Docs Previews allow users to view documents from
within Canvas, rather than having to download them and
open the corresponding program (e.g. Word or Excel).
"If Scribd has been enabled for this account, it will try to use it to show the preview. " +
"But because Scribd uses flash paper to display the documents, and many users " +
"(namely those using an iPad/iPhone) do not have Flash Player installed, that preview " +
"will not work. By leaving Google Docs Previews enabled, when a browser does not have " +
"Flash enabled, or if Scribd is not enabled, it will use preview powered by Google Docs. " +
"Using this service is subject to Google's viewer [terms of service](%{terms_url})", :terms_url => "") %>
If Scribd has been enabled on this account, Canvas will
try to use it to show the preview. If the document
cannot be previewed in Scribd, or if the user does not
have the Flash player installed (e.g. iPad/iPhone),
Canvas will fall back to using Google Docs Previews
if they are enabled. By using this service you
acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the
[Google Docs Viewer Terms of Service](%{terms_url}).