update correct row when invalidating student rows
When Gradezilla students are sorted, grading will be broken. As an example, assume two students (A and B) have been sorted so that their order is reversed. When student A (now in the second row) is graded, the assignment group and total grades for student B (in the first row - student A's original row) will be updated. This change might not be immediately apparent, as the update will only be visible if the grades for the other student had not yet been updated and displayed. fixes CNVS-37086 test plan: 1. visit Gradezilla 2. change a submission grade a. ensure the student's assignment group grades update correctly b. ensure the student's total grade updates correctly 3. sort students so that the given student row has moved 4. change the student's submission grade a. ensure the student's assignment group grades update correctly b. ensure the student's total grade updates correctly Change-Id: Ie794c1d17283554348ef9f7110350886e6a54e82 Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/112957 Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <sjaveed@instructure.com> Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <kgarner@instructure.com> Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <djbender@instructure.com> QA-Review: Anju Reddy <areddy@instructure.com> Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <kgarner@instructure.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -319,9 +319,6 @@ define [
for studentId in _.uniq(studentsWithHiddenAssignments)
student = @student(studentId)
hiddenStudentIdsForAssignment: (studentIds, assignment) ->
# TODO: _.difference is ridic expensive. may need to do something else
@ -365,12 +362,15 @@ define [
@customColumns = columns
gotCustomColumnDataChunk: (column, columnData) =>
studentIds = []
for datum in columnData
student = @student(datum.user_id)
if student? #ignore filtered students
student["custom_col_#{column.id}"] = datum.content
doSlickgridStuff: =>
@ -441,13 +441,12 @@ define [
student.initialized = true
@setAssignmentVisibility(_.pluck(students, 'id'))
studentIds = _.pluck(students, 'id')
rowIndex: 0
addRow: (student) =>
student.computed_current_score ||= 0
student.computed_final_score ||= 0
@ -460,8 +459,6 @@ define [
if @rowFilter(student)
student.row = @rowIndex
@ -649,12 +646,8 @@ define [
@withAllStudents (students) =>
@rowIndex = 0
for id, student of @students
student.row = -1
if @rowFilter(student)
student.row = @rowIndex
@rowIndex += 1
@calculateStudentGrade(student) # TODO: this may not be necessary
@ -678,20 +671,21 @@ define [
student.display_name = cell.render()
gotSubmissionsChunk: (student_submissions) =>
changedStudentIds = []
for data in student_submissions
student = @student(data.user_id)
for submission in data.submissions
student.loaded = true
if @grid
# TODO: if gb2 survives long enough, we should consider debouncing all
# the invalidation/rendering for smoother performance while loading
student: (id) =>
@students[id] || @studentViewStudents[id]
@ -725,7 +719,8 @@ define [
updateSubmissionsFromExternal: (submissions) =>
columns = @grid.getColumns()
changedColumnHeaders = {}
changedRows = []
changedStudentIds = []
for submission in submissions
student = @student(submission.user_id)
idToMatch = @getAssignmentColumnId(submission.assignment_id)
@ -741,21 +736,12 @@ define [
submissionState = @submissionStateMap.getSubmissionState(submission)
student["assignment_#{submission.assignment_id}"].gradeLocked = submissionState.locked
@updateRowTotals student.row
for assignmentId, cell of changedColumnHeaders
for assignmentId of changedColumnHeaders
columns = (index for column, index in @grid.getColumns() when column.type is 'assignment')
for row in _.uniq(changedRows)
for column in columns
@grid.updateCell row, column
updateRowTotals: (rowIndex) ->
columns = @grid.getColumns()
for column, columnIndex in columns
@grid.updateCell rowIndex, columnIndex if column.type isnt 'assignment'
cellFormatter: (row, col, submission) =>
if !@rows[row].loaded or !@rows[row].initialized
@ -1816,7 +1802,45 @@ define [
columnPosition = @getColumnPositionById(colId, @parentColumns)
return columnPosition != null
## React Grid Component Rendering Methods
## SlickGrid Data Access Methods
listRows: =>
@rows # currently the source of truth for filtered and sorted rows
listRowIndicesForStudentIds: (studentIds) =>
rowIndicesByStudentId = @listRows().reduce((map, row, index) =>
map[row.id] = index
, {})
studentIds.map (studentId) => rowIndicesByStudentId[studentId]
## SlickGrid Update Methods
updateRowCellsForStudentIds: (studentIds) =>
return unless @grid
# Update each row without entirely replacing the DOM elements.
# This is needed to preserve the editor for the active cell, when present.
rowIndices = @listRowIndicesForStudentIds(studentIds)
columns = @grid.getColumns()
for rowIndex in rowIndices
for column, columnIndex in columns
@grid.updateCell(rowIndex, columnIndex)
null # skip building an unused array return value
invalidateRowsForStudentIds: (studentIds) =>
return unless @grid
rowIndices = @listRowIndicesForStudentIds(studentIds)
for rowIndex in rowIndices
null # skip building an unused array return value
## Gradebook Bulk UI Update Methods
updateFrozenColumnsAndRenderGrid: (newColumns = @getVisibleGradeGridColumns()) ->
@ -129,6 +129,81 @@ test('initializes content load state for context modules to false', function ()
strictEqual(gradebook.contentLoadStates.contextModulesLoaded, false);
test('calls renderStatusesModal', function () {
const loaderPromises = {
gotAssignmentGroups: $.Deferred(),
gotContextModules: $.Deferred(),
gotCustomColumns: $.Deferred(),
gotStudents: $.Deferred(),
gotSubmissions: $.Deferred(),
gotCustomColumnData: $.Deferred(),
gotEffectiveDueDates: $.Deferred()
this.stub(DataLoader, 'loadGradebookData').returns(loaderPromises);
this.stub(Gradebook.prototype, 'gotAllAssignmentGroupsAndEffectiveDueDates');
this.stub(Gradebook.prototype, 'renderActionMenu');
const gradebook = createGradebook();
].forEach(fn => this.stub(gradebook, fn));
const renderStatusesModalStub = this.stub(gradebook, 'renderStatusesModal');
QUnit.module('Gradebook#gotCustomColumnDataChunk', {
setup () {
this.gradebook = createGradebook();
this.gradebook.students = {
1101: { id: '1101', assignment_201: {}, assignment_202: {} },
1102: { id: '1102', assignment_201: {} }
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'invalidateRowsForStudentIds')
test('updates students with custom column data', function () {
const data = [{ user_id: '1101', content: 'example' }, { user_id: '1102', content: 'sample' }];
this.gradebook.gotCustomColumnDataChunk({ id: '2401' }, data);
equal(this.gradebook.students[1101].custom_col_2401, 'example');
equal(this.gradebook.students[1102].custom_col_2401, 'sample');
test('invalidates rows for related students', function () {
const data = [{ user_id: '1101', content: 'example' }, { user_id: '1102', content: 'sample' }];
this.gradebook.gotCustomColumnDataChunk({ id: '2401' }, data);
strictEqual(this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds.callCount, 1);
const [studentIds] = this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds.lastCall.args;
deepEqual(studentIds, ['1101', '1102'], 'both students had custom column data');
test('ignores students without custom column data', function () {
const data = [{ user_id: '1102', content: 'sample' }];
this.gradebook.gotCustomColumnDataChunk({ id: '2401' }, data);
const [studentIds] = this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds.lastCall.args;
deepEqual(studentIds, ['1102'], 'only the student 1102 had custom column data');
test('invalidates rows after updating students', function () {
const data = [{ user_id: '1101', content: 'example' }, { user_id: '1102', content: 'sample' }];
this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds.callsFake(() => {
equal(this.gradebook.students[1101].custom_col_2401, 'example');
equal(this.gradebook.students[1102].custom_col_2401, 'sample');
this.gradebook.gotCustomColumnDataChunk({ id: '2401' }, data);
QUnit.module('Gradebook - initial content load', {
setup () {
this.loaderPromises = {
@ -2083,6 +2158,36 @@ test('StatusesModal is mounted on renderStatusesModal', function () {
QUnit.module('setupGrading', {
setup () {
this.gradebook = createGradebook();
this.students = [{ id: '1101' }, { id: '1102' }];
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'setAssignmentVisibility');
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'invalidateRowsForStudentIds');
test('sets assignment visibility for the given students', function () {
strictEqual(this.gradebook.setAssignmentVisibility.callCount, 1, 'setAssignmentVisibility was called once');
const [studentIds] = this.gradebook.setAssignmentVisibility.lastCall.args;
deepEqual(studentIds, ['1101', '1102'], 'both students were updated');
test('invalidates student rows for the given students', function () {
strictEqual(this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds.callCount, 1, 'invalidateRowsForStudentIds was called once');
const [studentIds] = this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds.lastCall.args;
deepEqual(studentIds, ['1101', '1102'], 'both students were updated');
test('invalidates student rows after setting assignment visibility', function () {
this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds.callsFake(() => {
strictEqual(this.gradebook.setAssignmentVisibility.callCount, 1, 'setAssignmentVisibility was already called');
QUnit.module('addRow', {
setup () {
@ -2109,9 +2214,6 @@ test('does not add filtered out users', function () {
const student3 = {...student1, sections: ['2']};
[student1, student2, student3].forEach((student) => { gradebook.addRow(student) });
ok(student1.row == null, 'filtered out students get no row number');
ok(student2.row === 0, 'other students do get a row number');
ok(student3.row === 1, 'row number increments');
ok(_.isEqual(gradebook.rows, [student2, student3]));
@ -3555,6 +3657,111 @@ test('preserves the order of any existing movable columns that have been dragged
deepEqual(this.gradebook.grid.getColumns().map(item => item.id), expectedColumnOrder);
test('returns a row index for each student id', function () {
const gradebook = createGradebook();
gradebook.rows = [
{ id: '1101' },
{ id: '1102' },
{ id: '1103' },
{ id: '1104' }
deepEqual(gradebook.listRowIndicesForStudentIds(['1102', '1104']), [1, 3]);
QUnit.module('Gradebook#updateRowCellsForStudentIds', {
setup () {
const columns = [
{ id: 'student', type: 'student' },
{ id: 'assignment_232', type: 'assignment' },
{ id: 'total_grade', type: 'total_grade' },
{ id: 'assignment_group_12', type: 'assignment' }
this.gradebook = createGradebook();
this.gradebook.rows = [
{ id: '1101' },
{ id: '1102' }
this.gradebook.grid = {
updateCell: this.stub(),
getColumns () { return columns },
test('updates cells for each column', function () {
strictEqual(this.gradebook.grid.updateCell.callCount, 4, 'called once per column');
test('includes the row index of the student when updating', function () {
const rows = _.map(this.gradebook.grid.updateCell.args, args => args[0]); // get the first arg of each call
deepEqual(rows, [1, 1, 1, 1], 'each call specified row 1 (student 1102)');
test('includes the index of each column when updating', function () {
this.gradebook.updateRowCellsForStudentIds(['1101', '1102']);
const rows = _.map(this.gradebook.grid.updateCell.args, args => args[1]); // get the first arg of each call
deepEqual(rows, [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]);
test('updates row cells for each student', function () {
this.gradebook.updateRowCellsForStudentIds(['1101', '1102']);
strictEqual(this.gradebook.grid.updateCell.callCount, 8, 'called once per student, per column');
test('has no effect when the grid has not been initialized', function () {
this.gradebook.grid = null;
ok(true, 'no error was thrown');
QUnit.module('Gradebook#invalidateRowsForStudentIds', {
setup () {
this.gradebook = createGradebook();
this.gradebook.rows = [
{ id: '1101' },
{ id: '1102' }
this.gradebook.grid = {
invalidateRow: this.stub(),
render: this.stub()
test('invalidates each student row', function () {
this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds(['1101', '1102']);
strictEqual(this.gradebook.grid.invalidateRow.callCount, 2, 'called once per student row');
test('includes the row index of the student when invalidating', function () {
this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds(['1101', '1102']);
const rows = _.map(this.gradebook.grid.invalidateRow.args, args => args[0]); // get the first arg of each call
deepEqual(rows, [0, 1]);
test('re-renders the grid after invalidating', function () {
this.gradebook.grid.render.callsFake(() => {
strictEqual(this.gradebook.grid.invalidateRow.callCount, 2, 'both rows have already been validated');
this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds(['1101', '1102']);
test('does not invalidate rows for students not included', function () {
strictEqual(this.gradebook.grid.invalidateRow.callCount, 1, 'called once');
strictEqual(this.gradebook.grid.invalidateRow.lastCall.args[0], 1, 'called for the row (1) of student 1102');
test('has no effect when the grid has not been initialized', function () {
this.gradebook.grid = null;
ok(true, 'no error was thrown');
QUnit.module('Gradebook#updateFrozenColumnsAndRenderGrid', {
setupGradebook () {
const gradebook = createGradebook();
@ -4028,6 +4235,39 @@ test('when primaryInfo is set as "anonymous", sets display_name without other va
QUnit.module('Gradebook#gotSubmissionsChunk', {
setup () {
this.gradebook = createGradebook();
this.gradebook.students = {
1101: { id: '1101', assignment_201: {}, assignment_202: {} },
1102: { id: '1102', assignment_201: {} }
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'updateSubmission');
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'invalidateRowsForStudentIds');
test('invalidates rows for related students', function () {
const studentSubmissions = [
submissions: [
{ assignment_id: '201', user_id: '1101', score: 10, assignment_visible: true },
{ assignment_id: '202', user_id: '1101', score: 9, assignment_visible: true }
user_id: '1101'
submissions: [
{ assignment_id: '201', user_id: '1102', score: 8, assignment_visible: true }
user_id: '1102'
const [studentIds] = this.gradebook.invalidateRowsForStudentIds.lastCall.args;
deepEqual(studentIds, ['1101', '1102']);
test('sets the "sort rows by" setting', function () {
@ -5038,76 +5278,51 @@ test('is rendered on renderGridColor', function () {
$fixtures.innerHTML = '';
QUnit.module('Gradebook#updateSubmissionsFromExternal', {
setup () {
const columns = [
{ id: 'student', type: 'student' },
{ id: 'assignment_232', type: 'assignment' },
{ id: 'total_grade', type: 'total_grade' },
{ id: 'assignment_group_12', type: 'assignment' }
this.gradebook = createGradebook();
this.gradebook.students = {
1101: { id: '1101', assignment_201: {}, assignment_202: {} },
1102: { id: '1102', assignment_201: {} }
this.gradebook.assignments = []
this.gradebook.submissionStateMap = {
setSubmissionCellState () {},
getSubmissionState () { return { locked: false } }
this.gradebook.grid = {
updateCell: this.stub(),
getColumns () { return columns },
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'renderAssignmentColumnHeader')
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'updateSubmission');
test('updateCell is called for each assignment in a row', function () {
const columns = [
{ id: 'student', type: 'student' },
{ id: 'assignment_232', type: 'assignment' },
{ id: 'total_grade', type: 'total_grade' },
{ id: 'assignment_group_12', type: 'assignment' }
const gradebook = createGradebook();
test('updates row cells', function () {
const submissions = [
{ assignment_id: 201, user_id: 123, score: 10, assignment_visible: true }
{ assignment_id: '201', user_id: '1101', score: 10, assignment_visible: true },
{ assignment_id: '201', user_id: '1102', score: 8, assignment_visible: true }
gradebook.students = {
123: { row: 1, assignment_201: {} }
gradebook.assignments = []
gradebook.submissionStateMap = {
setSubmissionCellState () {},
getSubmissionState () { return { locked: false } }
gradebook.grid = {
updateCell: this.stub(),
getColumns () { return columns },
const updateCellStub = gradebook.grid.updateCell;
this.stub(gradebook, 'renderAssignmentColumnHeader')
this.stub(gradebook, 'updateSubmission');
ok(updateCellStub.withArgs(1, 0).calledOnce);
ok(updateCellStub.withArgs(1, 2).calledOnce);
ok(updateCellStub.withArgs(1, 1).calledOnce);
ok(updateCellStub.withArgs(1, 3).calledOnce);
strictEqual(updateCellStub.callCount, 4);
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'updateRowCellsForStudentIds');
strictEqual(this.gradebook.updateRowCellsForStudentIds.callCount, 1);
QUnit.module('Gradebook - initialization');
test('calls renderStatusesModal', function () {
const loaderPromises = {
gotAssignmentGroups: $.Deferred(),
gotContextModules: $.Deferred(),
gotCustomColumns: $.Deferred(),
gotStudents: $.Deferred(),
gotSubmissions: $.Deferred(),
gotCustomColumnData: $.Deferred(),
gotEffectiveDueDates: $.Deferred()
this.stub(DataLoader, 'loadGradebookData').returns(loaderPromises);
this.stub(Gradebook.prototype, 'gotAllAssignmentGroupsAndEffectiveDueDates');
this.stub(Gradebook.prototype, 'renderActionMenu');
const gradebook = createGradebook();
].forEach(fn => this.stub(gradebook, fn));
const renderStatusesModalStub = this.stub(gradebook, 'renderStatusesModal');
test('updates row cells only once for each student', function () {
const submissions = [
{ assignment_id: '201', user_id: '1101', score: 10, assignment_visible: true },
{ assignment_id: '202', user_id: '1101', score: 9, assignment_visible: true },
{ assignment_id: '201', user_id: '1102', score: 8, assignment_visible: true }
this.stub(this.gradebook, 'updateRowCellsForStudentIds');
const [studentIds] = this.gradebook.updateRowCellsForStudentIds.lastCall.args;
deepEqual(studentIds, ['1101', '1102']);
Reference in New Issue