fix permissions on imported announcements.

fixes CNVS-7467

test plan:
  * create an announcement without a user ID (by running
    DiscussionTopic.update_all('user_id = NULL', id: ID)
    where 'ID' is the ID of the announcement;
  * without logging in, navigate to the announcement's url;
  * verify that you are asked to log in;
  * make the course public and verify that the announcement
    is visible without a log in.

Change-Id: I79062535da8266384bb32c43732c7f25b0036675
Reviewed-by: Joel Hough <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Zach Pendleton <>
This commit is contained in:
Zach Pendleton 2013-08-10 17:48:59 -06:00
parent d27f5caa31
commit 4ad728e411
3 changed files with 74 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -57,25 +57,25 @@ class Announcement < DiscussionTopic
set_policy do
given { |user| self.user == user }
given { |user| self.user.present? && self.user == user }
can :update and can :reply and can :read
given { |user| self.user == user and }
given { |user| self.user.present? && self.user == user && }
can :delete
given { |user, session| self.context.grants_right?(user, session, :read) }
can :read
given { |user, session| self.context.grants_right?(user, session, :post_to_forum) }
can :reply
given { |user, session| self.context.is_a?(Group) && self.context.grants_right?(user, session, :post_to_forum) }
can :create
given { |user, session| self.context.grants_right?(user, session, :moderate_forum) } #admins.include?(user) }
can :update and can :delete and can :reply and can :create and can :read and can :attach
def is_announcement; true end
# no one should receive discussion entry notifications for announcements

View File

@ -84,65 +84,67 @@
<% end %>
<div class="admin-links">
<a class="al-trigger btn" data-kyle-menu-options='{"appendMenuTo": "body"}'>
<i class="icon-settings"></i><i class="icon-mini-arrow-down"></i>
<div class="screenreader-only"><%= t :manage_discussion, 'Manage Discussion' %></div>
<ul class="al-options">
<li><a href="#" class="mark_all_as_read"><i class="icon-mark-as-read" aria-hidden="hidden"></i> <%= t :mark_all_as_read, 'Mark All as Read' %></a></li>
<% if false # keep this command out of the interface for now %>
<li><a href="#" class="mark_all_as_unread"><%#= <i class="icon-mark-as-unread" aria-hidden="hidden"></i> %> <%= t :mark_all_as_unread, 'Mark All as Unread' %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% if can_do(@topic, @current_user, :delete) %>
<li><a href="<%= context_url(@context, :context_discussion_topic_url, %>" class="delete_discussion" data-method="delete" rel="nofollow" data-confirm="<%= t :confirm_delete_discussion, 'Are you sure you want to delete this discussion?' %>"><i class="icon-trash"></i> <%= t :delete, 'Delete' %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% if @presenter.can_grade?(@current_user) && @presenter.allows_speed_grader? %>
<li><a href="<%= context_url(@topic.assignment.context,
:assignment_id => %>">
<i class="icon-speed-grader" aria-hidden="hidden"></i>
<%= t :speed_grader, "Speed Grader" %>
<% end %>
<% if @presenter.show_peer_reviews?(@current_user) %>
<li><a class="peer-review assignment_peer_reviews_link"
href="<%= context_url(@topic.assignment.context,
:context_assignment_peer_reviews_url, %>">
<i class="icon-peer-review" aria-hidden="hidden"></i>
<%= t 'links.peer_reviews', "Peer Reviews" %>
<% end %>
<% if @presenter.should_show_rubric?(@current_user) %>
<%# HACK! this is here because edit_rubric.js expects there to be a #add_rubric_url on the page and sets it's <form action="..."> to it %>
<% if can_do(@topic.assignment, @current_user, :update) %>
<a href="<%= context_url(@topic.assignment.context, :context_rubrics_url) %>" id="add_rubric_url" style="display: none;"></a>
<% end %>
<a class="rubric_dialog_trigger rubric" href="#" data-no-rubric-exists="<%= !@presenter.has_attached_rubric? %>" data-url="<%= context_url(@topic.assignment.context, :context_assignment_rubric_url, %>">
<i class="icon-rubric" aria-hidden="hidden"></i>
<%= @presenter.has_attached_rubric? ? t(:show_rubric, "Show Rubric") : t(:add_rubric, "Add Rubric") %>
<% end %>
<% unless @presenter.comments_disabled? %>
<% if @locked %>
<% if can_do(@context, @current_user, :moderate_forum) %>
<li><a href="#" data-mark-locked="false" class="discussion_locked_toggler"><i class="icon-unlock"></i> <%= t(:unlock_topic, %{Open for Comments}) %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% elsif can_do(@context, @current_user, :moderate_forum) && (!@topic.assignment.try(:due_at) || @topic.assignment.due_at <= %>
<li><a href="#" data-mark-locked="true" class="discussion_locked_toggler"><i class="icon-lock"></i> <%= t(:lock_topic, %{Close for Comments}) %></a></li>
<% if @current_user.present? %>
<div class="admin-links">
<a class="al-trigger btn" data-kyle-menu-options='{"appendMenuTo": "body"}'>
<i class="icon-settings"></i><i class="icon-mini-arrow-down"></i>
<div class="screenreader-only"><%= t :manage_discussion, 'Manage Discussion' %></div>
<ul class="al-options">
<li><a href="#" class="mark_all_as_read"><i class="icon-mark-as-read" aria-hidden="hidden"></i> <%= t :mark_all_as_read, 'Mark All as Read' %></a></li>
<% if false # keep this command out of the interface for now %>
<li><a href="#" class="mark_all_as_unread"><%#= <i class="icon-mark-as-unread" aria-hidden="hidden"></i> %> <%= t :mark_all_as_unread, 'Mark All as Unread' %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if can_do(@topic, @current_user, :delete) %>
<li><a href="<%= context_url(@context, :context_discussion_topic_url, %>" class="delete_discussion" data-method="delete" rel="nofollow" data-confirm="<%= t :confirm_delete_discussion, 'Are you sure you want to delete this discussion?' %>"><i class="icon-trash"></i> <%= t :delete, 'Delete' %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% if @presenter.can_grade?(@current_user) && @presenter.allows_speed_grader? %>
<li><a href="<%= context_url(@topic.assignment.context,
:assignment_id => %>">
<i class="icon-speed-grader" aria-hidden="hidden"></i>
<%= t :speed_grader, "Speed Grader" %>
<% end %>
<% if @presenter.show_peer_reviews?(@current_user) %>
<li><a class="peer-review assignment_peer_reviews_link"
href="<%= context_url(@topic.assignment.context,
:context_assignment_peer_reviews_url, %>">
<i class="icon-peer-review" aria-hidden="hidden"></i>
<%= t 'links.peer_reviews', "Peer Reviews" %>
<% end %>
<% if @presenter.should_show_rubric?(@current_user) %>
<%# HACK! this is here because edit_rubric.js expects there to be a #add_rubric_url on the page and sets it's <form action="..."> to it %>
<% if can_do(@topic.assignment, @current_user, :update) %>
<a href="<%= context_url(@topic.assignment.context, :context_rubrics_url) %>" id="add_rubric_url" style="display: none;"></a>
<% end %>
<a class="rubric_dialog_trigger rubric" href="#" data-no-rubric-exists="<%= !@presenter.has_attached_rubric? %>" data-url="<%= context_url(@topic.assignment.context, :context_assignment_rubric_url, %>">
<i class="icon-rubric" aria-hidden="hidden"></i>
<%= @presenter.has_attached_rubric? ? t(:show_rubric, "Show Rubric") : t(:add_rubric, "Add Rubric") %>
<% end %>
<% unless @presenter.comments_disabled? %>
<% if @locked %>
<% if can_do(@context, @current_user, :moderate_forum) %>
<li><a href="#" data-mark-locked="false" class="discussion_locked_toggler"><i class="icon-unlock"></i> <%= t(:unlock_topic, %{Open for Comments}) %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% elsif can_do(@context, @current_user, :moderate_forum) && (!@topic.assignment.try(:due_at) || @topic.assignment.due_at <= %>
<li><a href="#" data-mark-locked="true" class="discussion_locked_toggler"><i class="icon-lock"></i> <%= t(:lock_topic, %{Close for Comments}) %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -65,6 +65,13 @@ describe DiscussionTopicsController do
response.should be_success
it "should not display announcements in private courses to users who aren't logged in" do
course(active_all: true)
announcement = @course.announcements.create!(title: 'Test announcement', message: 'Message')
get('show', course_id:, id:
response.code.should == '401'
context "discussion topic with assignment with overrides" do