Add post policy to update and create course API endpoints

Please note that this PS also updates the permissions
checked for setting a course's post policy through the
Graphql mutation.  This is to ensure REST and Graphql
permissions are consistent to eliminate confusion.

closes OUT-6401

test plan:
- Test plan:
- Follow instructions in
to set up Postman OR log in to your local canvas as an admin
- Testing Creating a Course (without post_manually)
- Past the below after your canvas domain which will call the create a
  course API endpoint
  /api/v1/accounts/{account id}/courses?course[name]=PostPolicyCourseFalse
- Take note of the course id returned in the json response
- Navigate the course -> grades -> click on the gear icon -> choose
  "Grade posting policy" and assert the default setting of "Automatically"
  is set for the course
- Create another course using the same API endpoint but add post_manually
  course parameter with a value of true
  /api/v1/accounts/{account id}/courses?course[name]=PostPolicyCourseTrue
- Take note of the course id returned in the json response
- Navigate the course -> grades -> click on the gear icon -> choose
  "Grade posting policy" and assert the default setting of "Manually"
  is set for the course
- Testing Updating a Course
- Use the course id from the first course created and update the course
  name to "PostPolicyCourseFalseUpdated"
  /api/v1/courses/{course id}?course[post_manually]=true
- Navigate the course -> grades -> click on the gear icon -> choose
  "Grade posting policy" and assert the default setting of "Manually"
  is set for the course
- Use the course id from the second course created and update the course
  post policy to false
  /api/v1/courses/{course id}?course[post_manually]=false
- Navigate the course -> grades -> click on the gear icon -> choose
  "Grade posting policy" and assert the default setting of "Automatically"
  is set for the course
- Use the course id from the second course created and update the name
  only to ensure update performs as expected without post_manually
  /api/v1/courses/{course id}?course[name]=SomethingElse
- Navigate to the course and notice the name has been updated
- Testing permissions up on graphql endpoint
- navigate to Graphql interface on your local instance
  http://{canvas domain}/graphiql
- Run the below mutation on the first course created
 mutation MyMutation {
  setCoursePostPolicy(input: {courseId: "{first course created id}",
                              postManually: true})
    postPolicy {
- Assert that the course post policy has been updated to manually
- Log in as a student and perform the same mutation
- Assert in the response you receive an error message saying "not found"
- Log out as student and log in as an instructor that is not
  enrolled in the first created course
- Perform the same mutation and assert in the response you receive an
  error message saying "not found"
- Log in as the instructor of the course, perform the same mutation
  and assert the mutation runs successfully

Change-Id: I46d35138aacc8d324c6c642550f5dac5f5f0a9b9
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Dave Wenzlick <>
QA-Review: Dave Wenzlick <>
Product-Review: Kyle Rosenbaum <>
This commit is contained in:
Chrystal Langston 2024-06-26 14:28:49 -04:00
parent 21d3e2eaee
commit 4622427706
5 changed files with 118 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -865,6 +865,11 @@ class CoursesController < ApplicationController
# @argument course[course_format] [String]
# Optional. Specifies the format of the course. (Should be 'on_campus', 'online', or 'blended')
# @argument course[post_manually] [Boolean]
# Default is false.
# When true, all grades in the course must be posted manually, and will not be automatically posted.
# When false, all grades in the course will be automatically posted.
# @argument enable_sis_reactivation [Boolean]
# When true, will first try to re-activate a deleted course with matching sis_course_id if possible.
@ -894,6 +899,12 @@ class CoursesController < ApplicationController
sis_course_id = params[:course].delete(:sis_course_id)
apply_assignment_group_weights = params[:course].delete(:apply_assignment_group_weights)
# params_for_create is used to build the course object
# since post_manually is not an actual attribute of the course object,
# we need to remove it from the params. We will use it later to
# apply the post policy to the course after the course is saved.
post_manually = params_for_create.delete(:post_manually) if params_for_create.key?(:post_manually)
# accept end_at as an alias for conclude_at. continue to accept
# conclude_at for legacy support, and return conclude_at only if
# the user uses that name.
@ -931,6 +942,7 @@ class CoursesController < ApplicationController
@course.account = @sub_account if @sub_account
@course ||= (@sub_account || @account)
if can_manage_sis
@ -971,6 +983,11 @@ class CoursesController < ApplicationController
# force the user to refresh the page after the job finishes to see the changes
# Cannot set the course PostPolicy until the course has saved a PostPolicy
# is a polymorphic association
@course.apply_post_policy!(post_manually: value_to_boolean(post_manually)) unless post_manually.nil?
format.html { redirect_to @course }
format.json do
render json: course_json(
@ -3026,6 +3043,11 @@ class CoursesController < ApplicationController
# @argument course[conditional_release] [Boolean]
# Enable or disable individual learning paths for students based on assessment
# @argument course[post_manually] [Boolean]
# When true, all grades in the course will be posted manually.
# When false, all grades in the course will be automatically posted.
# Use with caution as this setting will override any assignment level post policy.
# @argument override_sis_stickiness [boolean]
# Default is true. If false, any fields containing “sticky” changes will not be updated.
# See SIS CSV Format documentation for information on which fields can have SIS stickiness
@ -3150,6 +3172,14 @@ class CoursesController < ApplicationController
if params_for_update.key?(:post_manually)
@course.apply_post_policy!(post_manually: value_to_boolean(params_for_update[:post_manually]))
# attributes in params_for_update will be applied to the course
# since post_manually is not an attribute on the Course model, it needs to be removed
params_for_update.delete :post_manually
unless @course.account.grants_right? @current_user, session, :manage_storage_quotas
params_for_update.delete :storage_quota
params_for_update.delete :storage_quota_mb
@ -4237,7 +4267,8 @@ class CoursesController < ApplicationController

View File

@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ class Mutations::BaseMutation < GraphQL::Schema::Mutation
raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, "not found" unless obj.grants_right?(current_user, session, perm)
def verify_any_authorized_actions!(obj, perms)
raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, "not found" unless obj.grants_any_right?(current_user, session, *Array(perms))
# TODO: replace this with model validation where applicable
def validation_error(message, attribute: "message")

View File

@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ class Mutations::SetCoursePostPolicy < Mutations::BaseMutation
raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, "A course with that id does not exist"
verify_authorized_action!(course, :manage_grades)
# checking if the current user has manage_content or
# manage_course_content_edit permission in the current course
perms = %i[manage_content manage_course_content_edit]
verify_any_authorized_actions!(course, perms)
course.apply_post_policy!(post_manually: input[:post_manually])
{ post_policy: course.default_post_policy }

View File

@ -2519,6 +2519,38 @@ describe CoursesController do
expect(Course.find(json["id"]).grade_passback_setting).to eq "nightly_sync"
describe "post policy" do
it "sets to true" do
post "create",
params: {
course: {
name: "new course with post policy set to true",
post_manually: true
format: :json
json = response.parsed_body
expect(Course.find(json["id"]).post_manually?).to be true
it "sets to false" do
post "create",
params: {
course: {
name: "new course with post policy set to false",
post_manually: false
format: :json
json = response.parsed_body
expect(Course.find(json["id"]).post_manually?).to be false
it "does not allow visibility to be set when we don't have permission" do
@visperm.enabled = false
@ -3017,6 +3049,24 @@ describe CoursesController do
expect(@course.account_id).to eq
describe "post policy" do
before do
it "updates to true" do
put "update", params: { id:, course: { post_manually: true } }
expect(@course.post_manually?).to be true
it "updates to false" do
put "update", params: { id:, course: { post_manually: false } }
expect(@course.post_manually?).to be false
describe "touching content when public visibility changes" do
before do

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ require_relative "../graphql_spec_helper"
describe Mutations::SetCoursePostPolicy do
let(:assignment) { course.assignments.create! }
let(:course) { Course.create!(workflow_state: "available") }
let(:course) { Course.create!(workflow_state: "available", root_account: Account.default) }
let(:student) { course.enroll_user(User.create!, "StudentEnrollment", enrollment_state: "active").user }
let(:teacher) { course.enroll_user(User.create!, "TeacherEnrollment", enrollment_state: "active").user }
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ describe Mutations::SetCoursePostPolicy do
CanvasSchema.execute(mutation_str, context:)
context "when user has manage_grades permission" do
context "when user has permission (aka teacher role)" do
let(:context) { { current_user: teacher } }
it "requires that courseId be passed in the query" do
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ describe Mutations::SetCoursePostPolicy do
it "returns the related post policy" do
result = execute_query(mutation_str(course_id:, post_manually: true), context)
result = execute_query(mutation_str(course_id:, post_manually: true), { current_user: teacher })
policy = PostPolicy.find_by(course:, assignment: nil)
expect(result.dig("data", "setCoursePostPolicy", "postPolicy", "_id").to_i).to be
@ -139,17 +139,34 @@ describe Mutations::SetCoursePostPolicy do
context "when user does not have manage_grades permission" do
let(:context) { { current_user: student } }
context "when user does not have proper permissions" do
shared_examples "user cannot interact with endpoint" do
it "returns an error" do
result = execute_query(mutation_str(course_id:, post_manually: true), context)
expect(result.dig("errors", 0, "message")).to eql "not found"
it "returns an error" do
result = execute_query(mutation_str(course_id:, post_manually: true), context)
expect(result.dig("errors", 0, "message")).to eql "not found"
it "does not return data for the related post policy" do
result = execute_query(mutation_str(course_id:, post_manually: true), context)
expect(result.dig("data", "setCoursePostPolicy")).to be_nil
it "does not return data for the related post policy" do
result = execute_query(mutation_str(course_id:, post_manually: true), context)
expect(result.dig("data", "setCoursePostPolicy")).to be_nil
describe "when user is a student" do
let(:context) { { current_user: student } }
it_behaves_like "user cannot interact with endpoint"
describe "when user is a teacher" do
let(:context) { { current_user: teacher } }
before do
Account.default.role_overrides.create!(role: Role.find_by(name: "TeacherEnrollment"), permission: "manage_content", enabled: false)
Account.default.role_overrides.create!(role: Role.find_by(name: "TeacherEnrollment"), permission: "manage_course_content_edit", enabled: false)
it_behaves_like "user cannot interact with endpoint"