make section-to-show menu in gradebook2 update

the functionality where, if you chose a different
section to show, it would show only users from that
section in the gradebook2 broke. this fixes it.

refs: #6844, fixes: #6849

test plan:
 * go to /courses/x/gradebook2 for something with 2
 * choose a different section to show in the top
 * verify that it filtered the students it is
   showing to just those in that section

Change-Id: I8051c6778e6959c9f2767edaa9e89ae453727bdb
Tested-by: Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Florence <>
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Shaw 2012-01-10 22:56:19 -07:00
parent 26df737606
commit 208a24afbd
3 changed files with 35 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -364,7 +364,6 @@ define 'compiled/Gradebook', [
initHeader: =>
if @sections_enabled
$section_being_shown = $('#section_being_shown')
allSectionsText = I18n.t('all_sections', 'All Sections')
sections = [{ name: allSectionsText, checked: !@sectionToShow}]
for id, s of @sections
@ -375,7 +374,7 @@ define 'compiled/Gradebook', [
$sectionToShowMenu = $(sectionToShowMenuTemplate(sections: sections, scrolling: sections.length > 15))
(updateSectionBeingShownText = =>
$section_being_shown.text(if @sectionToShow then @sections[@sectionToShow].name else allSectionsText)
$('#section_being_shown').text(if @sectionToShow then @sections[@sectionToShow].name else allSectionsText)
buttonOpts: {icons: {primary: "ui-icon-sections", secondary: "ui-icon-droparrow"}}

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<ul id="section-to-show-menu" {{#if scrolling}} class="scrolling" {{/if}} >
<li>{{#t "choose_a_section_to_show"}}Choose a section to show{{/t}}</li>
{{#each sections}}
<a href="#">
<label for="section_option_{{id}}">{{name}}</label>
<input id="section_option_{{id}}" type="radio" name="section_to_show_radio" {{#if checked}} checked {{/if}} />
{{#each sections}}
<a href="#">
<label for="section_option_{{id}}">{{name}}</label>
<input id="section_option_{{id}}" type="radio" value="{{id}}" name="section_to_show_radio" {{#if checked}} checked {{/if}} />

View File

@ -75,11 +75,12 @@ describe "gradebook2 selenium tests" do!
#add second student
@other_section = @course.course_sections.create(:name => "the other section")
@student_2 = User.create!(:name => STUDENT_NAME_2)
@student_2.pseudonyms.create!(:unique_id => STUDENT_NAME_2, :password => DEFAULT_PASSWORD, :password_confirmation => DEFAULT_PASSWORD)
e2 = @course.enroll_student(@student_2, :section => @other_section)
e2 = @course.enroll_student(@student_2)
e2.workflow_state = 'active'!
@ -160,6 +161,29 @@ describe "gradebook2 selenium tests" do
driver.find_elements(:css, '.student-name').count.should == @course.students.count
it "should allow showing only a certain section" do
button = driver.find_element(:id, 'section_to_show')
button.should include_text "All Sections"
sleep 1 #TODO find a better way to wait for css3 anmation to end
driver.find_element(:id, 'section-to-show-menu').should be_displayed
driver.find_element(:css, "label[for='section_option_#{}']").click
button.should include_text
# verify that it remembers the section to show across page loads
get "/courses/#{}/gradebook2"
button = driver.find_element(:id, 'section_to_show')
button.should include_text
# now verify that you can set it back
sleep 1 #TODO find a better way to wait for css3 anmation to end
driver.find_element(:id, 'section-to-show-menu').should be_displayed
driver.find_element(:css, "label[for='section_option_']").click
button.should include_text "All Sections"
it "should validate initial grade totals are correct" do
grade_grid = driver.find_element(:css, '#gradebook_grid')
first_row_cells = find_slick_cells(0, grade_grid)
@ -221,7 +245,7 @@ describe "gradebook2 selenium tests" do
grade_cells = find_slick_cells(0, driver.find_element(:css, '#gradebook_grid'))
#filter validation
validate_cell_text(meta_cells[0], STUDENT_NAME_2)
validate_cell_text(meta_cells[0], STUDENT_NAME_2 + "\n" +
validate_cell_text(grade_cells[0], ASSIGNMENT_2_POINTS)
validate_cell_text(grade_cells[4], EXPECTED_ASSIGN_2_TOTAL)