- )
- },
- teardown() {
- ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.gradingStandard).parentNode)
- $('#fixtures').empty()
- }
-test('rowDataIsValid() returns false with duplicate values', function() {
- deepEqual(this.gradingStandard.rowDataIsValid(), false)
-test('alerts the user that the input is invalid when they try to save', function() {
- Simulate.click(this.gradingStandard.refs.saveButton)
- ok(this.gradingStandard.refs.invalidStandardAlert)
-test('shows a messsage describing why the input is invalid', function() {
- Simulate.click(this.gradingStandard.refs.saveButton)
- deepEqual(
- this.gradingStandard.refs.invalidStandardAlert.textContent,
- "Cannot have overlapping or empty ranges. Fix the ranges and try clicking 'Save' again."
- )
-QUnit.module('GradingStandard being edited with values that round to the same number', {
- setup() {
- const props = {
- key: 1,
- standard: {
- id: 1,
- title: 'Test Grading Standard',
- data: [['A', 0.92], ['B', 0.91996], ['F', 0]]
- },
- permissions: {manage: true},
- editing: true,
- justAdded: false,
- othersEditing: false,
- round(number) {
- return Math.round(number * 100) / 100
- },
- onSetEditingStatus() {},
- onDeleteGradingStandard() {},
- onSaveGradingStandard() {}
- }
- const GradingStandardElement =
- this.gradingStandard = ReactDOM.render(
- GradingStandardElement,
- $('
- )
- },
- teardown() {
- ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.gradingStandard).parentNode)
- $('#fixtures').empty()
- }
-test('rowDataIsValid() returns false with if values round to the same number (91.996 rounds to 92)', function() {
- deepEqual(this.gradingStandard.rowDataIsValid(), false)
-test('alerts the user that the input is invalid when they try to save', function() {
- Simulate.click(this.gradingStandard.refs.saveButton)
- ok(this.gradingStandard.refs.invalidStandardAlert)
-test('shows a messsage describing why the input is invalid', function() {
- Simulate.click(this.gradingStandard.refs.saveButton)
- deepEqual(
- this.gradingStandard.refs.invalidStandardAlert.textContent,
- "Cannot have overlapping or empty ranges. Fix the ranges and try clicking 'Save' again."
- )
-QUnit.module('GradingStandard being edited with overlapping values', {
- setup() {
- const props = {
- key: 1,
- standard: {
- id: 1,
- title: 'Test Grading Standard',
- data: [['A', 0.92], ['B', 0.93], ['F', 0]]
- },
- permissions: {manage: true},
- editing: true,
- justAdded: false,
- othersEditing: false,
- round(number) {
- return Math.round(number * 100) / 100
- },
- onSetEditingStatus() {},
- onDeleteGradingStandard() {},
- onSaveGradingStandard() {}
- }
- const GradingStandardElement =
- this.gradingStandard = ReactDOM.render(
- GradingStandardElement,
- $('
- )
- },
- teardown() {
- ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.gradingStandard).parentNode)
- $('#fixtures').empty()
- }
-test('rowDataIsValid() returns false if scheme values overlap', function() {
- deepEqual(this.gradingStandard.rowDataIsValid(), false)
-test('alerts the user that the input is invalid when they try to save', function() {
- Simulate.click(this.gradingStandard.refs.saveButton)
- ok(this.gradingStandard.refs.invalidStandardAlert)
-test('shows a messsage describing why the input is invalid', function() {
- Simulate.click(this.gradingStandard.refs.saveButton)
- deepEqual(
- this.gradingStandard.refs.invalidStandardAlert.textContent,
- "Cannot have overlapping or empty ranges. Fix the ranges and try clicking 'Save' again."
- )
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/jsx/grading/GradingStandardSpec.js b/spec/javascripts/jsx/grading/GradingStandardSpec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ca14354501f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/javascripts/jsx/grading/GradingStandardSpec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 - present Instructure, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of Canvas.
+ *
+ * Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+ *
+ * Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+ * with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+import React from 'react'
+import {mount} from 'enzyme'
+import fakeENV from 'helpers/fakeENV'
+import GradingStandard from 'jsx/grading/gradingStandard'
+QUnit.module('GradingStandard', suiteHooks => {
+ let props
+ let wrapper
+ suiteHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props = {
+ editing: false,
+ justAdded: false,
+ othersEditing: false,
+ permissions: {manage: true},
+ round(number) {
+ return Math.round(number * 100) / 100
+ },
+ onDeleteGradingStandard: sinon.spy(),
+ onSaveGradingStandard: sinon.spy(),
+ onSetEditingStatus: sinon.spy(),
+ standard: {
+ context_code: 'course_1201',
+ context_id: '1201',
+ context_name: 'Calculus 101',
+ context_type: 'Course',
+ data: [['A', 0.9], ['B', 0.8], ['C', 0.7], ['D', 0.6], ['F', 0]],
+ id: '5001',
+ title: 'Example Grading Scheme'
+ },
+ uniqueId: '5001'
+ }
+ fakeENV.setup({context_asset_string: 'course_1201'})
+ })
+ suiteHooks.afterEach(() => {
+ wrapper.unmount()
+ fakeENV.teardown()
+ })
+ function mountComponent() {
+ wrapper = mount()
+ }
+ function addRowAfter(rowIndex) {
+ const dataRow = wrapper.find('.grading_standard_row').at(rowIndex)
+ dataRow.find('.insert_row_button').simulate('click')
+ }
+ function removeRow(rowIndex) {
+ const dataRow = wrapper.find('.grading_standard_row').at(rowIndex)
+ dataRow.find('.delete_row_button').simulate('click')
+ }
+ function setRowName(rowIndex, name) {
+ const dataRow = wrapper.find('.grading_standard_row').at(rowIndex)
+ const input = dataRow.find('input.standard_name')
+ input.simulate('change', {target: {value: name}})
+ }
+ function setRowMinScore(rowIndex, score) {
+ const dataRow = wrapper.find('.grading_standard_row').at(rowIndex)
+ const input = dataRow.find('input.standard_value')
+ input.simulate('change', {target: {value: score}})
+ input.simulate('blur')
+ }
+ QUnit.module('when not being edited', () => {
+ test('includes the grading scheme id the id of the container', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ strictEqual(wrapper.find('#grading_standard_5001').length, 1)
+ })
+ test('displays the grading scheme title', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ const title = wrapper.find('.title').text()
+ ok(title.includes('Example Grading Scheme'))
+ })
+ test('displays an edit button', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ const button = wrapper.find('.edit_grading_standard_button')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 1)
+ })
+ test('does not display the button as read-only', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ const button = wrapper.find('.edit_grading_standard_button')
+ strictEqual(button.hasClass('read_only'), false)
+ })
+ test('displays a delete button', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ const button = wrapper.find('.delete_grading_standard_button')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 1)
+ })
+ test('does not display a save button', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ const button = wrapper.find('.save_button')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 0)
+ })
+ test('does not display a cancel button', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ const button = wrapper.find('.cancel_button')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 0)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when clicking the "Edit" button', hooks => {
+ hooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.onSetEditingStatus = sinon.spy()
+ mountComponent()
+ wrapper.find('.edit_grading_standard_button').simulate('click')
+ })
+ test('calls the onSetEditingStatus prop', () => {
+ strictEqual(props.onSetEditingStatus.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ test('includes the unique id of the grading scheme when calling the onSetEditingStatus prop', () => {
+ const [uniqueId] = props.onSetEditingStatus.lastCall.args
+ strictEqual(uniqueId, '5001')
+ })
+ test('sets the editing status to true when calling the onSetEditingStatus prop', () => {
+ const [, status] = props.onSetEditingStatus.lastCall.args
+ strictEqual(status, true)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when clicking the "Delete" button', hooks => {
+ hooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.onDeleteGradingStandard = sinon.spy()
+ mountComponent()
+ wrapper.find('.delete_grading_standard_button').simulate('click')
+ })
+ test('calls the onDeleteGradingStandard prop', () => {
+ strictEqual(props.onDeleteGradingStandard.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ test('includes the unique id of the grading scheme when calling the onDeleteGradingStandard prop', () => {
+ const [, uniqueId] = props.onDeleteGradingStandard.lastCall.args
+ strictEqual(uniqueId, '5001')
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when editing', contextHooks => {
+ contextHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.editing = true
+ mountComponent()
+ })
+ test('does not display an edit button', () => {
+ const button = wrapper.find('.edit_grading_standard_button')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 0)
+ })
+ test('does not display a delete button', () => {
+ const button = wrapper.find('.delete_grading_standard_button')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 0)
+ })
+ test('displays a save button', () => {
+ const button = wrapper.find('.save_button')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 1)
+ })
+ test('uses "Save" as the save button text', () => {
+ const button = wrapper.find('.save_button')
+ equal(button.text(), 'Save')
+ })
+ test('displays a cancel button', () => {
+ const button = wrapper.find('.cancel_button')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 1)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when editing and removing a row', contextHooks => {
+ contextHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.editing = true
+ })
+ test('removes the related row', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ removeRow(1)
+ const rows = wrapper.find('.grading_standard_row')
+ const rowNames = rows.map(row => row.find('input.standard_name').prop('value'))
+ deepEqual(rowNames, ['A', 'C', 'D', 'F'])
+ })
+ test('does not include a delete button when only one row is present', () => {
+ props.standard.data.splice(1)
+ mountComponent()
+ const buttons = wrapper.find('.delete_row_button')
+ strictEqual(buttons.length, 0)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when editing and adding a row', contextHooks => {
+ contextHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.editing = true
+ })
+ test('inserts an unnamed row after the related row', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ addRowAfter(1)
+ const rows = wrapper.find('.grading_standard_row')
+ const rowNames = rows.map(row => row.find('input.standard_name').prop('value'))
+ deepEqual(rowNames, ['A', 'B', '', 'C', 'D', 'F'])
+ })
+ test('assigns no minimum score value to the inserted row', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ addRowAfter(1)
+ const rows = wrapper.find('.grading_standard_row')
+ const rowScores = rows.map(row => row.find('input.standard_value').prop('value'))
+ deepEqual(rowScores, ['0.9', '0.8', '0', '0.7', '0.6', '0'])
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when saving edits', contextHooks => {
+ contextHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.editing = true
+ mountComponent()
+ })
+ function save() {
+ wrapper.find('.save_button').simulate('click')
+ }
+ function getSavedGradingScheme() {
+ return props.onSaveGradingStandard.lastCall.args[0]
+ }
+ QUnit.module('when nothing was changed', () => {
+ test('calls onSaveGradingStandard', () => {
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ test('calls onSaveGradingStandard with the grading scheme', () => {
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 1)
+ deepEqual(getSavedGradingScheme(), props.standard)
+ })
+ test('disables the save button', () => {
+ save()
+ const button = wrapper.find('.save_button')
+ equal(button.prop('disabled'), 'true')
+ })
+ test('updates the save button to show "Saving..."', () => {
+ save()
+ const button = wrapper.find('.save_button')
+ equal(button.text(), 'Saving...')
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when the title was changed', hooks => {
+ hooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ const input = wrapper.find('input.scheme_name')
+ input.simulate('change', {target: {value: 'Emoji Grading Scheme'}})
+ })
+ test('calls onSaveGradingStandard', () => {
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ test('saves with the updated title', () => {
+ save()
+ equal(getSavedGradingScheme().title, 'Emoji Grading Scheme')
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when a row name was changed', () => {
+ test('calls onSaveGradingStandard when the new name is valid', () => {
+ setRowName(0, 'A+')
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ test('saves with the updated row name', () => {
+ setRowName(0, 'A+')
+ save()
+ const {data} = getSavedGradingScheme()
+ equal(data[0][0], 'A+')
+ })
+ test('does not call onSaveGradingStandard when the new name is a duplicate', () => {
+ setRowName(0, 'B')
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ test('displays a validation message about duplicate row names', () => {
+ setRowName(0, 'B')
+ save()
+ const message = wrapper.find('#invalid_standard_message_5001').text()
+ ok(message.includes('Cannot have duplicate or empty row names.'))
+ })
+ test('does not call onSaveGradingStandard when the new name is blank', () => {
+ setRowName(0, '')
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ test('displays a validation message about empty row names', () => {
+ setRowName(0, '')
+ save()
+ const message = wrapper.find('#invalid_standard_message_5001').text()
+ ok(message.includes('Cannot have duplicate or empty row names.'))
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when a row minimum score was changed', () => {
+ test('calls onSaveGradingStandard when the new score is valid', () => {
+ setRowMinScore(0, 0.95)
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ test('saves with the updated row score', () => {
+ setRowMinScore(0, 0.95)
+ save()
+ const {data} = getSavedGradingScheme()
+ strictEqual(data[0][1], '0.95')
+ })
+ test('does not call onSaveGradingStandard when the row score overlaps', () => {
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.91)
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ test('displays a validation message about overlapping ranges', () => {
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.91)
+ save()
+ const message = wrapper.find('#invalid_standard_message_5001').text()
+ ok(message.includes('Cannot have overlapping or empty ranges.'))
+ })
+ test('does not accept two scores which overlap after rounding to two decimal places', () => {
+ setRowMinScore(0, 0.92)
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.91996)
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when a row was added', hooks => {
+ hooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ addRowAfter(0)
+ })
+ test('calls onSaveGradingStandard when the new row is valid', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B+')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.89)
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ test('saves with the added row having the given name', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B+')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.89)
+ save()
+ const {data} = getSavedGradingScheme()
+ equal(data[1][0], 'B+')
+ })
+ test('saves with the added row having the given value', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B+')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.89)
+ save()
+ const {data} = getSavedGradingScheme()
+ equal(data[1][1], 0.89)
+ })
+ test('does not call onSaveGradingStandard when the new row name is a duplicate', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.89)
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ test('displays a validation message about duplicate row names', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.89)
+ save()
+ const message = wrapper.find('#invalid_standard_message_5001').text()
+ ok(message.includes('Cannot have duplicate or empty row names.'))
+ })
+ test('does not call onSaveGradingStandard when the new row name is blank', () => {
+ setRowName(1, '')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.89)
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ test('displays a validation message about blank row names', () => {
+ setRowName(1, '')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.89)
+ save()
+ const message = wrapper.find('#invalid_standard_message_5001').text()
+ ok(message.includes('Cannot have duplicate or empty row names.'))
+ })
+ test('does not call onSaveGradingStandard when the row score overlaps', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B+')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.91)
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ test('displays a validation message about overlapping ranges', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B+')
+ setRowMinScore(1, 0.91)
+ save()
+ const message = wrapper.find('#invalid_standard_message_5001').text()
+ ok(message.includes('Cannot have overlapping or empty ranges.'))
+ })
+ test('does not call onSaveGradingStandard when the row score is blank', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B+')
+ setRowMinScore(1, '')
+ save()
+ strictEqual(props.onSaveGradingStandard.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ test('displays a validation message about empty ranges', () => {
+ setRowName(1, 'B+')
+ setRowMinScore(1, '')
+ save()
+ const message = wrapper.find('#invalid_standard_message_5001').text()
+ ok(message.includes('Cannot have overlapping or empty ranges.'))
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when a row was removed', () => {
+ test('saves without the removed row', () => {
+ removeRow(1)
+ save()
+ const {data} = getSavedGradingScheme()
+ deepEqual(data.map(datum => datum[0]), ['A', 'C', 'D', 'F'])
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when canceling edits', contextHooks => {
+ contextHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.editing = true
+ mountComponent()
+ wrapper.find('.cancel_button').simulate('click')
+ })
+ test('calls onSetEditingStatus when the cancel button is clicked', () => {
+ strictEqual(props.onSetEditingStatus.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ test('includes the unique id of the grading scheme when calling the onSetEditingStatus prop', () => {
+ const [uniqueId] = props.onSetEditingStatus.lastCall.args
+ strictEqual(uniqueId, '5001')
+ })
+ test('sets the editing status to false when calling the onSetEditingStatus prop', () => {
+ const [, editing] = props.onSetEditingStatus.lastCall.args
+ strictEqual(editing, false)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when an assignment using the grading scheme has been assessed', hooks => {
+ hooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.standard['assessed_assignment?'] = true
+ })
+ test('sets the id of the container to "grading_standard_blank"', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ strictEqual(wrapper.find('#grading_standard_blank').length, 1)
+ })
+ test('displays the edit button as read-only', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ const button = wrapper.find('.edit_grading_standard_button')
+ strictEqual(button.hasClass('read_only'), true)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when another grading scheme is being edited', contextHooks => {
+ contextHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.othersEditing = true
+ mountComponent()
+ })
+ test('disables the edit button', () => {
+ const button = wrapper.find('.disabled-buttons .icon-edit')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 1)
+ })
+ test('disables the delete button', () => {
+ const button = wrapper.find('.disabled-buttons .icon-trash')
+ strictEqual(button.length, 1)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when the grading scheme belongs to a different context', contextHooks => {
+ contextHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ ENV.context_asset_string = 'course_1202'
+ })
+ test('displays the context type and name', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ equal(wrapper.find('div.cannot-manage-notification').text(), '(course: Calculus 101)')
+ })
+ test('displays only the context type when the grading standard has no context name', () => {
+ delete props.standard.context_name
+ mountComponent()
+ equal(wrapper.find('div.cannot-manage-notification').text(), '(course level)')
+ })
+ test('disables the options menu when another grading scheme is being edited', () => {
+ props.othersEditing = true
+ mountComponent()
+ strictEqual(wrapper.find('div.cannot-manage-notification').length, 1)
+ })
+ })
+ QUnit.module('when the user cannot manage the grading scheme', contextHooks => {
+ contextHooks.beforeEach(() => {
+ props.permissions.manage = false
+ })
+ test('displays a "cannot manage" message', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ strictEqual(wrapper.find('div.cannot-manage-notification').length, 1)
+ })
+ test('displays the grading scheme title', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ const title = wrapper.find('.title').text()
+ ok(title.includes('Example Grading Scheme'))
+ })
+ test('displays the context type and name', () => {
+ mountComponent()
+ equal(wrapper.find('div.cannot-manage-notification').text(), '(course: Calculus 101)')
+ })
+ test('displays only the context type when the grading standard has no context name', () => {
+ delete props.standard.context_name
+ mountComponent()
+ equal(wrapper.find('div.cannot-manage-notification').text(), '(course level)')
+ })
+ })