remove unused submission cell code

New Gradebook no longer uses this anywhere.

refs GRADE-932

test plan:
 * ensure Jenkins passes

Change-Id: I73ecccfd031a352863fa69e70c3a5963cf081089
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Spencer Olson <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
QA-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Neander 2018-03-08 14:02:33 -06:00
parent e25768453e
commit 15d8b35bc2
3 changed files with 0 additions and 1022 deletions

View File

@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
define [
'jquery.instructure_misc_helpers' # raw
], ($, _, I18n, numberHelper, GradeFormatHelper, GRADEBOOK_TRANSLATIONS,
{ default: OutlierScoreHelper }, htmlEscape, {extractDataTurnitin}, round) ->
class SubmissionCell
constructor: (@opts) ->
init: () ->
submission = @opts.item[@opts.column.field]
@$wrapper = $(@cellWrapper("<input #{@ariaLabelTemplate(submission.submission_type)} class='grade'/>")).appendTo(@opts.container)
@$input = @$wrapper.find('input').focus().select()
destroy: () ->
focus: () ->
loadValue: () ->
@val = if @opts.item[@opts.column.field].excused
submission = @opts.item[@opts.column.field]
grade = submission.entered_grade || submission.grade || ""
formattedGrade = GradeFormatHelper.formatGrade(grade, { gradingType: submission.gradingType })
@val = htmlEscape(formattedGrade)
@$input[0].defaultValue = @val
@$ if @$input.get(0) == document.activeElement
serializeValue: () ->
applyValue: (item, state) ->
submission = item[@opts.column.field]
if state.toUpperCase() == "EX"
submission.excused = true
submission.grade = htmlEscape state
pointsPossible = numberHelper.parse(@opts.column.object.points_possible)
score = numberHelper.parse(state)
outlierScoreHelper = new OutlierScoreHelper(score, pointsPossible)
$.flashWarning(outlierScoreHelper.warningMessage()) if outlierScoreHelper.hasWarning()
@postValue(item, state)
postValue: (item, state) ->
submission = item[@opts.column.field]
url = @opts.grid.getOptions().change_grade_url
url = url.replace(":assignment", submission.assignment_id).replace(":submission", submission.user_id)
data = if state.toUpperCase() == "EX"
{"submission[excuse]": true}
{"submission[posted_grade]": GradeFormatHelper.delocalizeGrade(state)}
$.ajaxJSON url, "PUT", data, @onUpdateSuccess, @onUpdateError
onUpdateSuccess: (submission) ->
$.publish('submissions_updated', [submission.all_submissions])
onUpdateError: ->
isValueChanged: () ->
@val != @$input.val()
validate: () ->
{ valid: true, msg: null }
# default formatter (points, percent)
@formatter: (row, col, submission, assignment, student, opts = {}) ->
if submission.excused
grade = I18n.t("Excused")
grade = GradeFormatHelper.formatGrade(
gradingType: assignment?.grading_type,
precision: round.DEFAULT
this.prototype.cellWrapper(grade, {
needsGrading: opts.needsGrading,
submission: submission,
assignment: assignment,
editable: false,
student: student,
isLocked: !!opts.isLocked,
tooltip: opts.tooltip
cellWrapper: (innerContents, options = {}) ->
opts = $.extend({}, {
classes: '',
editable: true,
student: {
isInactive: false,
isConcluded: false,
isLocked: false
}, options)
opts.submission ||= @opts.item[@opts.column.field]
opts.assignment ||= @opts.column.object
opts.editable = false if opts.student.isConcluded
submission_type = opts.submission.submission_type if opts.submission?.submission_type || null
styles = SubmissionCell.styles(opts.submission, opts.assignment)
styles.push("grayed-out") if opts.student.isInactive || opts.student.isConcluded || opts.isLocked
styles.push("cannot_edit") if opts.student.isConcluded || opts.isLocked
if opts.tooltip
opts.classes += ' no_grade_yet ' unless opts.submission.grade && opts.submission.workflow_state != 'pending_review'
innerContents = '<i class="icon-not-graded"></i>' if opts.needsGrading
innerContents ?= ''
if turnitin = extractDataTurnitin(opts.submission)
innerContents += "<span class='gradebook-cell-turnitin #{htmlEscape turnitin.state}-score' />"
<div class="gradebook-cell #{htmlEscape if opts.editable then 'gradebook-cell-editable focus' else ''} #{htmlEscape opts.classes} #{htmlEscape styles.join(' ')}">
#{$.raw innerContents}
ariaLabelTemplate: (submission_type) ->
label = GRADEBOOK_TRANSLATIONS["submission_tooltip_#{submission_type}"]
if label?
@styles: (submission = {}, assignment = {}) ->
classes = []
# only one of these can be present for styling
if submission.drop
else if submission.excused
else if submission.grade_matches_current_submission == false
else if submission.missing
else if submission.late
classes.push('ungraded') if ''+assignment.submission_types is "not_graded"
classes.push('muted') if assignment.muted
classes.push(submission.submission_type) if submission.submission_type
class SubmissionCell.out_of extends SubmissionCell
init: () ->
submission = @opts.item[@opts.column.field]
@$wrapper = $(@cellWrapper("""
<div class="overflow-wrapper">
<div class="grade-and-outof-wrapper">
<input type="text" #{@ariaLabelTemplate(submission.submission_type)} class="grade"/>
<span class="outof">
<span class="divider">/</span>
""", { classes: 'gradebook-cell-out-of-formatter' })).appendTo(@opts.container)
@$input = @$wrapper.find('input').focus().select()
class SubmissionCell.letter_grade extends SubmissionCell
# Letter Grade formatter
@formatter: (row, col, submission, assignment, student, opts={}) ->
innerContents = if submission.excused
else if submission.score?
"#{htmlEscape submission.grade}<span class='letter-grade-points'>#{htmlEscape(I18n.n(submission.score))}</span>"
SubmissionCell.prototype.cellWrapper(innerContents, {submission: submission, assignment: assignment, editable: false, student: student, isLocked: !!opts.isLocked, tooltip: opts.tooltip})
class SubmissionCell.gpa_scale extends SubmissionCell
# GPA Scale formatter
@formatter: (row, col, submission, assignment, student, opts={}) ->
innerContents = if submission.excused
SubmissionCell.prototype.cellWrapper(innerContents, {submission: submission, assignment: assignment, editable: false, student: student, classes: "gpa_scale_cell", isLocked: !!opts.isLocked, tooltip: opts.tooltip})
passFailMessage = (text) ->
switch text
when 'EX' then GRADEBOOK_TRANSLATIONS.submission_excused
when '' then GRADEBOOK_TRANSLATIONS.submission_blank
else GRADEBOOK_TRANSLATIONS["submission_#{text}"]
iconClassFromSubmission = (submission) ->
{ pass: 'icon-check', complete: 'icon-check', fail: 'icon-x', incomplete: 'icon-x' }[submission.rawGrade] || 'icon-undefined'
class SubmissionCell.pass_fail extends SubmissionCell
states = ['pass', 'fail', '']
pass: 'pass'
complete: 'pass'
fail: 'fail'
incomplete: 'fail'
classFromSubmission = (submission) ->
if submission.excused
# this can never occur, since excused submissions have no grade
# and ungraded submissions do not use htmlFromSubmission
STATE_MAPPING[submission.rawGrade] || ''
checkboxButtonTemplate = (iconClass) ->
if _.isEmpty(iconClass)
<i class="#{htmlEscape iconClass}" role="presentation"></i>
# Complete/Incomplete (pass_fail) cell formatter and editor
# only used by formatter for graded submissions
htmlFromSubmission: (options={}) ->
cssClass = classFromSubmission(options.submission)
iconClass = iconClassFromSubmission(options.submission)
editable = if options.editable
data-value="#{htmlEscape(options.submission.entered_grade || '')}"
class="Button Button--icon-action gradebook-checkbox gradebook-checkbox-#{htmlEscape cssClass} #{htmlEscape(editable)}"
aria-label="#{htmlEscape cssClass}">
<span class="screenreader-only">#{htmlEscape(passFailMessage(cssClass))}</span>
""", options)
# Complete/Incomplete (pass_fail) formatter
@formatter: (row, col, submission, assignment, student, opts={}) ->
return SubmissionCell.formatter.apply(this, arguments) unless submission.grade?
submission, assignment, editable: false, isLocked: opts.isLocked, tooltip: opts.tooltip, needsGrading: opts.needsGrading
init: () ->
classes = 'Grid__AssignmentRowCell__PassFailInput'
@$wrapper = $(@cellWrapper(undefined, { classes }))
@$wrapper = $(@htmlFromSubmission({
submission: @opts.item[@opts.column.field],
assignment: @opts.column.object,
editable: true})
@$input = @$wrapper.find('.gradebook-checkbox')
.bind('click', (event) =>
currentValue = @$'value')
if currentValue is 'complete'
newValue = 'incomplete'
else if currentValue is 'incomplete'
newValue = ''
newValue = 'complete'
destroy: () ->
transitionValue: (newValue) ->
.removeClass('gradebook-checkbox-pass gradebook-checkbox-fail')
.addClass('gradebook-checkbox-' + classFromSubmission(rawGrade: newValue))
.attr('aria-label', passFailMessage(STATE_MAPPING[newValue]))
.data('value', newValue)
.addClass(iconClassFromSubmission(rawGrade: newValue))
loadValue: () ->
submission = @opts.item[@opts.column.field]
@val = submission.entered_grade || submission.grade || ""
serializeValue: () ->
isValueChanged: () ->
@val != @$'value')
class SubmissionCell.points extends SubmissionCell

View File

@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2013 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
import SubmissionCell from 'compiled/gradezilla/SubmissionCell'
import htmlEscape from 'str/htmlEscape'
import $ from 'jquery'
import numberHelper from 'jsx/shared/helpers/numberHelper'
import GRADEBOOK_TRANSLATIONS from 'compiled/gradezilla/GradebookTranslations'
const dangerousHTML = '"><img src=/ onerror=alert(document.cookie);>'
const escapedDangerousHTML = htmlEscape(dangerousHTML)
QUnit.module('SubmissionCell', {
setup() {
this.pointsPossible = 100
this.opts = {
item: {whatever: {}},
column: {
field: 'whatever',
object: {points_possible: this.pointsPossible}
container: $('#fixtures')[0]
this.cell = new SubmissionCell(this.opts)
teardown() {
test('#applyValue escapes html in passed state', function() {
const item = {whatever: {grade: '1'}}
const state = dangerousHTML
this.stub(this.cell, 'postValue')
this.cell.applyValue(item, state)
equal(item.whatever.grade, escapedDangerousHTML)
test('#applyValue calls flashWarning', function() {
this.stub(this.cell, 'postValue')
const flashWarningStub = this.stub($, 'flashWarning')
this.cell.applyValue(this.opts.item, '150')
test('#applyValue calls numberHelper with points possible', function() {
const numberHelperStub = this.stub(numberHelper, 'parse').withArgs(this.pointsPossible)
this.stub(this.cell, 'postValue')
this.cell.applyValue(this.opts.item, '10')
strictEqual(numberHelperStub.callCount, 1)
test('#applyValue calls numberHelper with state', function() {
const state = '10'
const numberHelperStub = this.stub(numberHelper, 'parse').withArgs(state)
this.stub(this.cell, 'postValue')
this.cell.applyValue(this.opts.item, state)
strictEqual(numberHelperStub.callCount, 1)
test('#loadValue escapes html', function() {
this.opts.item.whatever.grade = dangerousHTML
equal(this.cell.$input.val(), escapedDangerousHTML)
equal(this.cell.$input[0].defaultValue, escapedDangerousHTML)
test('#loadValue uses entered_grade when available', function() {
this.opts.item.whatever.grade = '100'
this.opts.item.whatever.entered_grade = '110'
equal(this.cell.$input.val(), '110')
equal(this.cell.$input[0].defaultValue, '110')
test('#class.formatter rounds numbers if they are numbers', function() {
this.stub(SubmissionCell.prototype, 'cellWrapper')
const formattedResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(0, 0, {grade: 0.666}, {}, {})
equal(formattedResponse, 'ok')
test('#class.formatter gives the value to the formatter if submission.grade isnt a parseable number', function() {
this.stub(SubmissionCell.prototype, 'cellWrapper')
const formattedResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(0, 0, {grade: 'happy'}, {}, {})
equal(formattedResponse, 'ok')
test('#class.formatter adds a percent symbol for assignments with a percent grading_type', function() {
this.stub(SubmissionCell.prototype, 'cellWrapper')
const formattedResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(
{grade: 73},
{grading_type: 'percent'},
equal(formattedResponse, 'ok')
test('#class.formatter, isInactive adds grayed-out', () => {
const student = {isInactive: true}
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(0, 0, {grade: 'happy'}, {}, student)
notEqual(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out'), -1)
test('#class.formatter, isLocked: true adds grayed-out', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(
{grade: 73},
{isLocked: true}
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out') > -1)
test('#class.formatter, isLocked: true adds cannot_edit', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(
{grade: 73},
{isLocked: true}
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('cannot_edit') > -1)
test("#class.formatter, isLocked: false doesn't add grayed-out", () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(
{grade: 73},
{isLocked: false}
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out'), -1)
test("#class.formatter, isLocked: false doesn't add cannot_edit", () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(
{grade: 73},
{isLocked: false}
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('cannot_edit'), -1)
test("#class.formatter, isInactive: false doesn't add grayed-out", () => {
const student = {isInactive: false}
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(0, 0, {grade: 10}, {}, student)
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out'), -1)
test('#class.formatter, isConcluded adds grayed-out', () => {
const student = {isConcluded: true}
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(0, 0, {grade: 10}, {}, student)
notEqual(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out'), -1)
test("#class.formatter, isConcluded doesn't have grayed-out", () => {
const student = {isConcluded: false}
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.formatter(0, 0, {grade: 10}, {}, student)
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out'), -1)
test('#letter_grade.formatter, shows Excused when submission is excused', function() {
this.stub(SubmissionCell.prototype, 'cellWrapper')
const formattedResponse = SubmissionCell.letter_grade.formatter(0, 0, {excused: true}, {}, {})
equal(formattedResponse, 'ok')
test('#letter_grade.formatter, shows the score and letter grade', function() {
this.stub(SubmissionCell.prototype, 'cellWrapper')
.withArgs("F<span class='letter-grade-points'>0</span>")
const formattedResponse = SubmissionCell.letter_grade.formatter(
grade: 'F',
score: 0
equal(formattedResponse, 'ok')
test('#letter_grade.formatter, shows the letter grade', function() {
this.stub(SubmissionCell.prototype, 'cellWrapper')
const formattedResponse = SubmissionCell.letter_grade.formatter(0, 0, {grade: 'B'}, {}, {})
equal(formattedResponse, 'ok')
test('#letter_grade.formatter, isLocked: true adds grayed-out', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.letter_grade.formatter(
{grade: 'A'},
{isLocked: true}
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out') > -1)
test('#letter_grade.formatter, isLocked: true adds cannot_edit', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.letter_grade.formatter(
{grade: 'A'},
{isLocked: true}
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('cannot_edit') > -1)
test("#letter_grade.formatter, isLocked: false doesn't add grayed-out", () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.letter_grade.formatter(
{grade: 'A'},
{isLocked: false}
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out'), -1)
test("#letter_grade.formatter, isLocked: false doesn't add cannot_edit", () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.letter_grade.formatter(
{grade: 'A'},
{isLocked: false}
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('cannot_edit'), -1)
test('#gpa_scale.formatter, isLocked: true adds grayed-out', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.gpa_scale.formatter(
{grade: 3.2},
{isLocked: true}
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out') > -1)
test('#gpa_scale.formatter, isLocked: true adds cannot_edit', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.gpa_scale.formatter(
{grade: 3.2},
{isLocked: true}
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('cannot_edit') > -1)
test("#gpa_scale.formatter, isLocked: false doesn't add grayed-out", () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.gpa_scale.formatter(
{grade: 3.2},
{isLocked: false}
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out'), -1)
test("#gpa_scale.formatter, isLocked: false doesn't add cannot_edit", () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.gpa_scale.formatter(
{grade: 3.2},
{isLocked: false}
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('cannot_edit'), -1)
test('#pass_fail.formatter, isLocked: true adds grayed-out', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.pass_fail.formatter(
{grade: 'complete'},
{isLocked: true}
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out') > -1)
test('#pass_fail.formatter, isLocked: true adds cannot_edit', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.pass_fail.formatter(
{grade: 'complete'},
{isLocked: true}
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('cannot_edit') > -1)
test("#pass_fail.formatter, isLocked: false doesn't add grayed-out", () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.pass_fail.formatter(
{grade: 'complete'},
{isLocked: false}
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('grayed-out'), -1)
test("#pass_fail.formatter, isLocked: false doesn't add cannot_edit", () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.pass_fail.formatter(
{grade: 'complete'},
{isLocked: false}
equal(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('cannot_edit'), -1)
test('#pass_fail.formatter, uses rawGrade to determine cssClass', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.pass_fail.formatter(
grade: 'completo',
rawGrade: 'complete'
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('gradebook-checkbox-pass') > -1)
test('#pass_fail.formatter, uses rawGrade to determine iconClass', () => {
const submissionCellResponse = SubmissionCell.pass_fail.formatter(
grade: 'completo',
rawGrade: 'complete'
ok(submissionCellResponse.indexOf('icon-check') > -1)
QUnit.module('Pass/Fail SubmissionCell', {
getCell(overrides = {}) {
const opts = {
item: {
foo: {
column: {
field: 'foo',
object: {points_possible: 100}
assignment: {},
container: $('#fixtures')[0]
this.cell = new SubmissionCell.pass_fail(opts)
teardown() {
test('#pass_fail#htmlFromSubmission sets the data value for the button to entered_grade when it is complete', function() {
this.getCell({foo: {entered_grade: 'complete'}})
strictEqual(this.cell.$'value'), 'complete')
test('#pass_fail#htmlFromSubmission sets the data value for the button to entered_grade when it is incomplete', function() {
this.getCell({foo: {entered_grade: 'incomplete'}})
strictEqual(this.cell.$'value'), 'incomplete')
test('#pass_fail#transitionValue changes the aria-label to match the currently selected option', function() {
this.cell.$input = $('<button><i></i></button>')
equal(this.cell.$input.attr('aria-label'), 'fail')
test('#pass_fail#transitionValue updates the icon class', function() {
this.cell.$input = $('<button><i></i></button>')
test('when submission and assignment are empty, return nothing', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(), []))
test('when submission is dropped it returns dropped', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({drop: true}), ['dropped']))
test('when submission is not dropped it returns nothing', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({drop: false}), []))
test("when submission's 'drop' property is undefined it returns nothing", () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({drop: undefined}), []))
test('when submission is excused it returns dropped', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({excused: true}), ['excused']))
test('when submission is not excused it returns nothing', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({excused: false}), []))
test("when submission's 'excused' property is undefined it returns nothing", () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({excused: undefined}), []))
test("when submission's grade does not match the current submission it returns resubmitted", () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({grade_matches_current_submission: false}), ['resubmitted']))
test("when submission's grade matches the current submission it returns resubmitted", () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({grade_matches_current_submission: true}), []))
test("when submission's 'grade_matches_current_submission' property is undefined it returns nothing", () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({grade_matches_current_submission: undefined}), []))
test('when a submission is missing it returns missing', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({missing: true}), ['missing']))
test('when a submission is not missing it returns nothing', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({missing: false}), []))
test("when a submission's 'missing' property is undefined it returns nothing", () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({missing: undefined}), []))
test('when a submission is late it returns late', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({late: true}), ['late']))
test('when a submission is not late it returns nothing', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({late: false}), []))
test("when a submission's 'late' property is undefined it return nothing", () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({late: undefined}), []))
test("when an assignment's is ungraded it returns ungraded", () => {
const assignment = {}
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(assignment, {submission_types: ['not_graded']}), ['ungraded'])
test("when an assignment's is not ungraded it returns nothing", () => {
const assignment = {}
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(assignment, {submission_types: ['online_text_entry']}), [])
test("when an assignment's type is undefined it return nothing", () => {
const assignment = {}
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(assignment, {submission_types: undefined}), [])
test('when an assignment is muted it returns muted', () => {
const assignment = {}
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(assignment, {muted: true}), ['muted'])
test('when an assignment is not muted it returns nothing', () => {
const assignment = {}
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(assignment, {muted: false}), [])
test("when an assignment submission's 'mute' property is undefined it return nothing", () => {
const assignment = {}
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(assignment, {muted: undefined}), [])
test('when a submission has a type it is returned', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({submission_type: 'fake_type'}), ['fake_type']))
test('when a submission has no type it returns nothing', () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({submission_type: ''}), []))
test("when a submission's submitions_type is undefined it return nothing", () =>
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles({submission_type: undefined}), []))
test('when a submission is late, ungraded, muted and has a submission type', () => {
const submission = {
late: true,
submission_type: 'online_text_entry'
const assignment = {
submission_types: ['not_graded'],
muted: true
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(submission, assignment), [
test('when a submission is both dropped and excused, dropped takes priority', () =>
drop: true,
excused: true
test('when a submission is both excused and resubmitted, excused takes priority', () =>
excused: true,
grade_matches_current_submission: false
test('when a submission is both resubmitted and missing, missing takes priority', () =>
grade_matches_current_submission: false,
late: true
test('when a submission is both missing and late, missing takes priority', () =>
missing: true,
late: true
test('when all criteria are present, the styles are dropped, ungraded, muted, and the submission_type', () => {
const submission = {
drop: true,
excused: true,
grade_matches_current_submission: false,
missing: true,
late: true,
submission_type: 'online_text_entry'
const assignment = {
submission_types: ['not_graded'],
muted: true
deepEqual(SubmissionCell.styles(submission, assignment), [
QUnit.module('#cellWrapper', {
setup() {
this.fixtures = document.querySelector('#fixtures')
params() {
return {
item: {
whatever: {
id: '1',
submission_type: 'online_text_entry'
column: {
field: 'whatever',
object: {id: '42'}
teardown() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = ''
test("if student is inactive, styles include 'grayed-out'", function() {
const cell = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('', {student: {isInactive: true}})
this.fixtures.innerHTML = cell
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.grayed-out').length, 1)
test("if student is concluded, styles include 'grayed-out'", function() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('', {
student: {isConcluded: true}
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.grayed-out').length, 1)
test("if isLocked, styles include 'grayed-out'", function() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('', {isLocked: true})
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.grayed-out').length, 1)
test("if student is inactive, tooltips include 'grayed-out'", function() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('', {
student: {isInactive: true}
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.grayed-out').length, 1)
test("if student is concluded, styles include 'grayed-out'", function() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('', {
student: {isConcluded: true}
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.grayed-out').length, 1)
test("if locked, styles include 'grayed-out'", function() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('', {isLocked: true})
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.grayed-out').length, 1)
test("if student is concluded, styles include 'cannot_edit'", function() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('', {
student: {isConcluded: true}
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.cannot_edit').length, 1)
test("if is locked, styles include 'cannot_edit'", function() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('', {isLocked: true})
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.cannot_edit').length, 1)
test("if it has turnitin data, styles includes 'turnitin'", function() {
const params = this.params()
params.item.whatever.turnitin_data = {submission_1: 'none'}
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(params).cellWrapper('')
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.turnitin').length, 1)
test("if no turnitin data, styles do not includes 'turnitin'", function() {
this.fixtures.innerHTML = new SubmissionCell(this.params()).cellWrapper('')
strictEqual(this.fixtures.querySelectorAll('div.turnitin').length, 0)

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import SubmissionCell from 'compiled/gradezilla/SubmissionCell';
import AssignmentRowCell from 'jsx/gradezilla/default_gradebook/components/AssignmentRowCell';
QUnit.module('AssignmentRowCell', (suiteHooks) => {