refactor multiple grading periods code
some small refactors to multiple grading periods code based on code review from ccbd8876. refs CNVS-26727 test plan: 1. turn on multiple grading periods at the account level 2. for a course under the account, verify the course /grading_standards page loads when logged in as a) a teacher, and b) an admin 3. verify the account /grading_standards page loads when logged in as an admin Change-Id: I4e5bd39f442e84c938ab09d71cd44b8fd75cf65a Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <> Tested-by: Jenkins QA-Review: KC Naegle <> Product-Review: Christi Wruck
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,15 +75,7 @@ class GradingPeriodsController < ApplicationController
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :read)
grading_periods = GradingPeriod.for(@context).sort_by(&:start_date)
paginated_grading_periods, meta = paginate_for(grading_periods)
can_create_grading_periods = @context.is_a?(Account) &&
@context.root_account? && @context.grants_right?(@current_user, :manage)
can_toggle_grading_periods = @domain_root_account.grants_right?(@current_user, :manage) ||
@context.feature_allowed?(:multiple_grading_periods, exclude_enabled: true)
permissions = {
can_create_grading_periods: can_create_grading_periods,
can_toggle_grading_periods: can_toggle_grading_periods
render json: serialize_json_api(paginated_grading_periods, meta).merge(permissions)
render json: serialize_json_api(paginated_grading_periods, meta).merge(index_permissions)
@ -248,4 +240,15 @@ class GradingPeriodsController < ApplicationController
include_root: false
def index_permissions
can_create_grading_periods = @context.is_a?(Account) &&
@context.root_account? && @context.grants_right?(@current_user, :manage)
can_toggle_grading_periods = @domain_root_account.grants_right?(@current_user, :manage) ||
@context.feature_allowed?(:multiple_grading_periods, exclude_enabled: true)
can_create_grading_periods: can_create_grading_periods,
can_toggle_grading_periods: can_toggle_grading_periods
@ -98,37 +98,30 @@ define [
endDateNode = React.findDOMNode(@gradingPeriod.refs.endDate)
equal endDateNode.value, "May 31, 2015 at 12am"
module 'custom prop validation for editable periods',
defaultProps: ->
title: "Spring"
startDate: new Date("2015-03-01T00:00:00Z")
endDate: new Date("2015-05-31T00:00:00Z")
id: "1"
readonly: false
disabled: false
onDeleteGradingPeriod: ->
onDateChange: ->
onTitleChange: ->
setup: ->
@consoleWarn = @stub(console, 'warn')
@props =
title: "Spring"
startDate: new Date("2015-03-01T00:00:00Z")
endDate: new Date("2015-05-31T00:00:00Z")
id: "1"
readonly: false
disabled: false
onDeleteGradingPeriod: ->
onDateChange: ->
onTitleChange: ->
test 'does not warn of invalid props if all required props are present and of the correct type', ->
props = @defaultProps()
React.createElement(GradingPeriod, props)
React.createElement(GradingPeriod, @props)
ok @consoleWarn.notCalled
test 'warns of missing props if required props are missing', ->
props = @defaultProps()
delete props.disabled
invalidPropMessage = "Warning: Failed propType: GradingPeriodTemplate: required prop disabled not provided or of wrong type."
React.createElement(GradingPeriod, props)
ok @consoleWarn.calledWithExactly(invalidPropMessage)
test 'warns if required props are missing', ->
delete @props.disabled
React.createElement(GradingPeriod, @props)
ok @consoleWarn.calledOnce
test 'warns of invalid props if required props are of the wrong type', ->
props = @defaultProps()
props.onDeleteGradingPeriod = 'hi ;)'
invalidPropMessage = "Warning: Failed propType: GradingPeriodTemplate: required prop onDeleteGradingPeriod not provided or of wrong type."
React.createElement(GradingPeriod, props)
ok @consoleWarn.calledWithExactly(invalidPropMessage)
test 'warns if required props are of the wrong type', ->
@props.onDeleteGradingPeriod = "a/s/l?"
React.createElement(GradingPeriod, @props)
ok @consoleWarn.calledOnce
@ -54,11 +54,6 @@ describe GradingPeriodsController do
describe 'GET index' do
let(:sub_account_admin) { account_admin_user(account: sub_account) }
context "can_create_grading_periods" do
it "is a key returned with the collection" do
get :index, account_id:
expect(json_parse).to have_key 'can_create_grading_periods'
it "returns true if the context is a root account " \
"and the user is a root account admin" do
get :index, account_id:
@ -73,11 +68,6 @@ describe GradingPeriodsController do
context "can_toggle_grading_periods" do
it "is a key returned with the collection" do
get :index, account_id:
expect(json_parse).to have_key 'can_toggle_grading_periods'
it "returns true if the user is a root account admin" do
get :index, account_id:
expect(json_parse['can_toggle_grading_periods']).to eq true
@ -43,17 +43,18 @@ describe FeatureFlags do
expect(t_sub_account.feature_enabled?(:account_feature)).to be_truthy
it "should report feature_allowed? correctly" do
expect(t_sub_account.feature_allowed?(:account_feature)).to be_truthy
expect(t_root_account.feature_allowed?(:root_account_feature)).to be_falsey
expect(t_course.feature_allowed?(:course_feature)).to be_truthy
describe "#feature_allowed?" do
it "returns true if the feature is 'on' or 'allowed', and false otherwise" do
expect(t_sub_account.feature_allowed?(:account_feature)).to be_truthy
expect(t_root_account.feature_allowed?(:root_account_feature)).to be_falsey
expect(t_course.feature_allowed?(:course_feature)).to be_truthy
it "reports feature_allowed? correctly when passed exclude_enabled: true, " \
"only returning true if the feature is in 'allowed' state" do
expect(t_sub_account.feature_allowed?(:account_feature, exclude_enabled: true)).to be_falsey
expect(t_root_account.feature_allowed?(:root_account_feature, exclude_enabled: true)).to be_falsey
expect(t_course.feature_allowed?(:course_feature, exclude_enabled: true)).to be_truthy
it "returns true if the feature is 'allowed', and false otherwise when passed exclude_enabled: true" do
expect(t_sub_account.feature_allowed?(:account_feature, exclude_enabled: true)).to be_falsey
expect(t_root_account.feature_allowed?(:root_account_feature, exclude_enabled: true)).to be_falsey
expect(t_course.feature_allowed?(:course_feature, exclude_enabled: true)).to be_truthy
describe "lookup_feature_flag" do
Reference in New Issue