add reactjs modal to admin cog
fixes #CNVS-14256 One the new files page written in reactjs, the file and folder item admin cog has a 'restricted access' option. When you click this, a modal should appear. It now does. Test Plan Given you've enabled the new files page for a course As a teacher When you navigate to the files page You should see an admin cog when you hover over a file or folder Then clicking on the admin cog should show you a list of options And when you click on 'Restrict Access" Then it should show a modal And clicking the modals x should close the modal And clicking the modals cancel button should close the modal Change-Id: Id8358a35ed0d7c23ff98227af655a88a459d9174 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> QA-Review: Clare Strong <> Reviewed-by: Ryan Shaw <> Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ define [
], (React, withGlobalDom, Folder, File) ->
], (React, withGlobalDom, Folder, File, RestrictStudentAccessModal) ->
# Expects @props.model to be either a folder or a file collection/backbone model
ItemCog = React.createClass
@ -16,31 +17,35 @@ define [
isAFolderCog: -> @props.model instanceof Folder
getInitialState: -> restrictStudentModalOpen: false
openRestricStudentModal: -> @setState restrictStudentModalOpen: true
render: withGlobalDom ->
div( {className:'ef-hover-options'},
a( {herf:'#', style: {'color': 'black', 'margin-right': '10px'}}, i( {className:'icon-download'})),
div null,
RestrictStudentAccessModal open: @state.restrictStudentModalOpen, null
div className:'ef-hover-options',
a herf:'#', style: {'color': 'black', 'margin-right': '10px'},
i className:'icon-download'
div className:'ef-admin-gear',
div null,
a className:'al-trigger al-trigger-gray', role:'button', 'aria-haspopup':'true', 'aria-owns':'content-1', 'aria-label':'Settings', href:'#',
i className:'icon-settings',
i className:'icon-mini-arrow-down'
ul id:'content-1', className:'al-options', role:'menu', tabindex:'0', 'aria-hidden':'true', 'aria-expanded':'false', 'aria-activedescendant':'content-2',
li {},
a href:'#', id:'content-2', tabindex:'-1', role:'menuitem', title:'Edit Name', 'Edit Name'
li {},
a onClick: @openRestricStudentModal, href:'#', id:'content-3', tabindex:'-1', role:'menuitem', title:'Restrict Access', 'Restrict Access'
li {},
a href:'#', id:'content-3', tabindex:'-1', role:'menuitem', title:'Delete', 'Delete'
(li {},
a href:'#', id:'content-3', tabindex:'-1', role:'menuitem', title:'Download as Zip',
'Download as Zip'
) if @isAFolderCog()
div( {className:'ef-admin-gear'},
a( {className:'al-trigger al-trigger-gray', role:'button', 'aria-haspopup':'true', 'aria-owns':'content-1', 'aria-label':'Settings', href:'#'},
i( {className:'icon-settings'}),
i( {className:'icon-mini-arrow-down'})
ul( {id:'content-1', className:'al-options', role:'menu', tabindex:'0', 'aria-hidden':'true', 'aria-expanded':'false', 'aria-activedescendant':'content-2'},
li( {role:'presentation'},
a( {href:'#', id:'content-2', tabindex:'-1', role:'menuitem', title:'Edit Name'}, 'Edit Name')
li( {role:'presentation'},
a( {href:'#', id:'content-3', tabindex:'-1', role:'menuitem', title:'Restrict Access'}, 'Restrict Access')
li( {role:'presentation'},
a( {href:'#', id:'content-3', tabindex:'-1', role:'menuitem', title:'Delete'}, 'Delete')
(li( {role:'presentation'},
a( {href:'#', id:'content-3', tabindex:'-1', role:'menuitem', title:'Download as Zip'}, 'Download as Zip')
) if @isAFolderCog())
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
define [
], (React, withGlobalDom) ->
RestrictStudentAccessModal = React.createClass
getDefaultProps: -> open: false
componentDidMount: ->
@dialog = $(@refs.dialog.getDOMNode()).dialog({ autoOpen: false })
@dialog.find('#cancelButton').on "click", (event) => @dialog.dialog('close')
componentWillUnmount: ->
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) ->
render: withGlobalDom ->
form ref: 'dialog', id:"testdialog", style: {display: 'none'}, title:"Title Goes Here",
p null,
"everything should go in here"
div className: 'button-container',
button type: 'submit', className: 'btn btn-primary',
a id: 'cancelButton', className: 'btn dialog_closer',
Reference in New Issue