support parsing event time formats in datepicker
fixes CORE-2036 test plan: - change language to spanish (and portuguese) - create a discussion topic with a delayed post date/time - edit the discussion topic - the date under the datepicker should be correct - verify the same thing with: - quizzes show answers after - file restriction dates Change-Id: I0cb8101d1573c6364cfa5592f514b6bab85c2f1e Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <> QA-Review: Tucker Mcknight <> Product-Review: Brent Burgoyne <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,9 +17,34 @@
import _ from 'underscore'
import I18n from 'i18nObj'
import I18n from 'i18n!instructure'
import moment from 'moment'
function eventTimes(dateFormats, timeFormats) {
const formats = []
dateFormats.forEach(df => {
timeFormats.forEach(tf => {
formats.push(() => I18n.t('#time.event', {
date: I18n.lookup(`date.formats.${df}`),
time: I18n.lookup(`time.formats.${tf}`)
return formats
function dateFormat(key) {
return () => I18n.lookup(`date.formats.${key}`)
function timeFormat(key) {
return () => I18n.lookup(`time.formats.${key}`)
function joinFormats(separator, ...formats) {
return () => => I18n.lookup(key)).join(separator)
export default {
i18nToMomentHash: {
@ -76,34 +101,32 @@ export default {
// examples are from en_US. order is significant since if an input matches
// multiple formats, the format earlier in the list will be preferred
orderedFormats: [
'time.formats.default', // %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z
'date.formats.full_with_weekday', // %a %b %-d, %Y %-l:%M%P
'date.formats.full', // %b %-d, %Y %-l:%M%P
'date.formats.date_at_time', // %b %-d at %l:%M%P
'date.formats.long_with_weekday', // %A, %B %-d
'date.formats.medium_with_weekday', // %a %b %-d, %Y
'date.formats.short_with_weekday', // %a, %b %-d
'time.formats.long', // %B %d, %Y %H:%M
'date.formats.long', // %B %-d, %Y
'date.formats.medium', // %b %-d, %Y
'time.formats.short', // %d %b %H:%M
'date.formats.short', // %b %-d
'date.formats.default', // %Y-%m-%d
'time.formats.tiny', // %l:%M%P
'time.formats.tiny_on_the_hour', // %l%P
'date.formats.weekday', // %A
'date.formats.short_weekday' // %a
timeFormat('default'), // %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z
dateFormat('full_with_weekday'), // %a %b %-d, %Y %-l:%M%P
dateFormat('full'), // %b %-d, %Y %-l:%M%P
dateFormat('date_at_time'), // %b %-d at %l:%M%P
dateFormat('long_with_weekday'), // %A, %B %-d
dateFormat('medium_with_weekday'), // %a %b %-d, %Y
dateFormat('short_with_weekday'), // %a, %b %-d
timeFormat('long'), // %B %d, %Y %H:%M
dateFormat('long'), // %B %-d, %Y
...eventTimes(['medium', 'short'], ['tiny', 'tiny_on_the_hour']),
joinFormats(' ', 'date.formats.medium', 'time.formats.tiny'),
joinFormats(' ', 'date.formats.medium', 'time.formats.tiny_on_the_hour'),
dateFormat('medium'), // %b %-d, %Y
timeFormat('short'), // %d %b %H:%M
joinFormats(' ', 'date.formats.short', 'time.formats.tiny'),
joinFormats(' ', 'date.formats.short', 'time.formats.tiny_on_the_hour'),
dateFormat('short'), // %b %-d
dateFormat('default'), // %Y-%m-%d
timeFormat('tiny'), // %l:%M%P
timeFormat('tiny_on_the_hour'), // %l%P
dateFormat('weekday'), // %A
dateFormat('short_weekday') // %a
formatsForLocale () {
return _.compact(, key => key.split('+')
.map(format => format !== '_' ? I18n.lookup(format) : ' ')
.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
return _.compact( => fn()))
i18nToMomentFormat (fullString) {
@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ QUnit.module('Moment formats', {
I18nStubber.stub('test', {
'date.formats.medium': '%b %-d, %Y',
'date.formats.short': '%b %-d',
'time.formats.tiny': '%l:%M%P',
'time.formats.tiny_on_the_hour': '%l%P'
'time.formats.tiny_on_the_hour': '%l%P',
'time.event': '%{date} event %{time}'
teardown () {
@ -36,6 +38,14 @@ QUnit.module('Moment formats', {
test('formatsForLocale include formats matching datepicker', () => {
const formats = moment_formats.formatsForLocale()
ok(formats.indexOf('%b %-d, %Y %l:%M%P') !== -1)
ok(formats.indexOf('%b %-d, %Y %l%P') !== -1)
ok(formats.includes('%b %-d, %Y %l:%M%P'))
ok(formats.includes('%b %-d, %Y %l%P'))
test('formatsForLocale includes all event formats', () => {
const formats = moment_formats.formatsForLocale()
ok(formats.includes('%b %-d, %Y event %l:%M%P'))
ok(formats.includes('%b %-d event %l:%M%P'))
ok(formats.includes('%b %-d, %Y event %l%P'))
ok(formats.includes('%b %-d, %Y event %l%P'))
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