2021-10-29 23:30:26 +08:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (C) 2021 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2022-03-08 08:35:34 +08:00
class CoursePaceHardEndDateCompressor
# Takes a list of course pace module items, compresses them by a specified percentage, and
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# validates that they don't extend past the plan length.
ROUNDING_BREAKPOINT = 0.75 # Determines when we round up
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# @param course_pace [CoursePace] the plan you want to compress
# @param items [CoursePaceModuleItem[]] The module items you want to compress
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# @param enrollment [Enrollment] The enrollment you want to compress the plan for
# @param compress_items_after [integer] an optional integer representing the position of that you want to start at when
# compressing items, rather than compressing them all
# @params save [boolean] set to yes if you want the items saved after being modified.
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# @params start_date [Date] the start date of the plan. Used to calculate the number of days to the hard end date
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def self.compress(course_pace, items, enrollment: nil, compress_items_after: nil, save: false, start_date: nil)
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return if compress_items_after && compress_items_after >= items.length - 1
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return items if items.empty?
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2023-11-11 04:57:49 +08:00
course_pace_due_dates_calculator = CoursePaceDueDatesCalculator.new(course_pace)
blackout_dates = course_pace_due_dates_calculator.blackout_dates
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enrollment_start_date = enrollment&.start_at || [enrollment&.effective_start_at, enrollment&.created_at].compact.max
start_date_of_item_group = start_date || enrollment_start_date&.to_date || course_pace.start_date.to_date
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end_date = course_pace.end_date || course_pace.course.end_at&.to_date || course_pace.course.enrollment_term&.end_at&.to_date
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unless CoursePacesDateHelpers.day_is_enabled?(start_date_of_item_group, course_pace.exclude_weekends, blackout_dates)
start_date_of_item_group = CoursePacesDateHelpers.first_enabled_day(start_date_of_item_group, course_pace.exclude_weekends, blackout_dates)
unless end_date.nil? || CoursePacesDateHelpers.day_is_enabled?(end_date, course_pace.exclude_weekends, blackout_dates)
end_date = CoursePacesDateHelpers.previous_enabled_day(end_date, course_pace.exclude_weekends, blackout_dates)
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due_dates = course_pace_due_dates_calculator.get_due_dates(items, enrollment, start_date: start_date_of_item_group)
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if compress_items_after
starting_item = items[compress_items_after]
# The group should start one day after the due date of the previous item
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start_date_of_item_group = CoursePacesDateHelpers.add_days(
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2022-03-08 08:35:34 +08:00
2022-05-03 05:37:48 +08:00
2021-10-29 23:30:26 +08:00
items = items[compress_items_after + 1..]
# This is how much time the Hard End Date plan should take up
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actual_plan_length = CoursePacesDateHelpers.days_between(
2021-10-29 23:30:26 +08:00
2022-02-01 06:51:22 +08:00
2022-03-08 08:35:34 +08:00
2023-06-02 06:06:09 +08:00
2021-10-29 23:30:26 +08:00
2022-03-08 08:35:34 +08:00
# If the course pace hasn't been committed yet we are grouping the items by their module_item_id since the item.id is
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# not set yet.
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key = course_pace.persisted? ? items[-1].id : items[-1].module_item_id
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final_item_due_date = due_dates[key]
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# Return if we are already within the end of the course pace
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return items if end_date.blank? || final_item_due_date < end_date
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# This is how much time we're currently using
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plan_length_with_items = CoursePacesDateHelpers.days_between(
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(start_date_of_item_group > final_item_due_date) ? start_date_of_item_group : final_item_due_date,
2022-03-08 08:35:34 +08:00
2023-06-02 06:06:09 +08:00
2021-10-29 23:30:26 +08:00
# This is the percentage that we should modify the plan by, so it hits our specified end date
compression_percentage = (plan_length_with_items == 0) ? 0 : actual_plan_length / plan_length_with_items.to_f
unrounded_durations = items.map { |ppmi| ppmi.duration * compression_percentage }
rounded_durations = round_durations(unrounded_durations, actual_plan_length)
items = update_item_durations(items, rounded_durations, save)
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# when compressing heavily, the final due date can end up being after the course pace hard end date
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# adjust later module items
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new_due_dates = course_pace_due_dates_calculator.get_due_dates(items, enrollment, start_date: start_date_of_item_group)
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# If the course pace hasn't been committed yet we are grouping the items by their module_item_id since the item.id is
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# not set yet.
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key = course_pace.persisted? ? items[-1].id : items[-1].module_item_id
2022-02-01 06:51:22 +08:00
if new_due_dates[key] > end_date
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days_over = CoursePacesDateHelpers.days_between(
2022-02-01 06:51:22 +08:00
2021-12-18 01:09:26 +08:00
2022-03-08 08:35:34 +08:00
2021-12-18 01:09:26 +08:00
inclusive_end: false,
2023-06-02 06:06:09 +08:00
2021-12-18 01:09:26 +08:00
2021-10-29 23:30:26 +08:00
adjusted_durations = shift_durations_down(rounded_durations, days_over)
items = update_item_durations(items, adjusted_durations, save)
# Takes an array of floating durations and rounds them to integers. The process used to determine how to round is as follows:
# - If a duration is >= 1:
# - If the remainder is >= the breakpoint:
# - Round up
# - If the remainder is < breakpoint:
# - Round down
# - If a duration is < 0:
# - Create a group of linked assignments by:
# - Adding all the decimals of the following assignments until either:
# - We hit >= the breakpoint
# - We hit an assignment that's >= the breakpoint on its own
# - Assign the first assignment a duration of 1, and link all the rest of the assignments in the group
# After doing this, we check to make sure we haven't overallocated. If we have, we start at the end of the list and remove 1 day
# from each duration that was rounded up, until we are no longer overallocated.
# @param durations [float[]] an array of floated durations that you want rounded
# @param plan_length [integer] the total plan length. Used to adjust as necessary if values that were rounded up cause
# an overallocation.
def self.round_durations(durations, plan_length)
# First, just round up or down based on the breakpoint
rounded_durations = durations.map do |duration|
2022-04-30 02:03:07 +08:00
next PaceDuration.new(duration, "NONE", 0) if duration == 0
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remainder = duration % 1
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PaceDuration.new(duration.ceil, "UP", remainder)
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2022-04-30 02:03:07 +08:00
PaceDuration.new(duration.floor, "DOWN", remainder)
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# Second, adjust assignments that were rounded down to 0 by setting the first assignment in a group (where a group is
# a set of assignment's whose combined remainders are >= the ROUNDING_BREAKPOINT) to 1
current_zero_range_start = nil
current_zero_range_remainder_sum = 0
rounded_durations.each_with_index do |duration, index|
if duration.duration == 0
current_zero_range_start = index if current_zero_range_start.nil?
current_zero_range_remainder_sum += duration.remainder
if current_zero_range_remainder_sum >= ROUNDING_BREAKPOINT
rounded_durations[current_zero_range_start].duration = 1
current_zero_range_start = nil
current_zero_range_remainder_sum = 0
current_zero_range_start = nil
current_zero_range_remainder_sum = 0
# Third, adjust if our plan doesn't match the expected plan length.
# If we're below the expected plan length, round anything up that we previously rounded down.
# If we're above the expected plan length, round anything down that we previously rounded up.
new_plan_length = rounded_durations.sum(&:duration)
if new_plan_length != plan_length
rounded_durations = rounded_durations.reverse.map do |duration|
if duration.rounded_down? && new_plan_length < plan_length
new_plan_length += 1
elsif duration.rounded_up? && new_plan_length > plan_length
new_plan_length -= 1
# Iterates through array of durations, decreasing each one until either it
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# or the number of days the over the course pace end date reaches 0. This weights
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# the reduction heaviest on the last module item, then the next in reverse order,
# and so on.
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# @param durations [Duration[]] The array of Durations used to calculate the course pace item due dates
# @param days_over [Integer] The number of days over the course pace hard end date the durations totaled
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def self.shift_durations_down(durations, days_over)
durations.reverse.map do |duration|
while duration.duration > 0 && days_over > 0
days_over -= 1
def self.update_item_durations(items, durations, save)
items.each_with_index do |ppmi, index|
ppmi.duration = durations[index].duration
ppmi.save! if save && ppmi.changed?
2022-04-30 02:03:07 +08:00
PaceDuration = Struct.new(:duration, :rounding_direction, :remainder) do
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def rounded_up?
rounding_direction == "UP"
def rounded_down?
rounding_direction == "DOWN"
def increment
self.duration += 1
self.rounding_direction = "UP"
def decrement
self.duration -= 1
self.rounding_direction = "DOWN"