2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class LearningOutcomeGroup < ActiveRecord :: Base
include Workflow
attr_accessible :context , :title , :description , :learning_outcome_group
belongs_to :learning_outcome_group
2011-04-23 03:41:10 +08:00
belongs_to :root_learning_outcome_group , :class_name = > " LearningOutcomeGroup "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :learning_outcome_groups
has_many :content_tags , :as = > :associated_asset , :order = > :position
belongs_to :context , :polymorphic = > true
before_save :infer_defaults
validates_length_of :description , :maximum = > maximum_text_length , :allow_nil = > true , :allow_blank = > true
sanitize_field :description , Instructure :: SanitizeField :: SANITIZE
2011-04-19 00:10:54 +08:00
attr_accessor :building_default
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def infer_defaults
self . context || = self . learning_outcome_group && self . learning_outcome_group . context
2011-04-19 00:10:54 +08:00
if self . context && ! self . context . learning_outcome_groups . empty? && ! building_default
default = LearningOutcomeGroup . default_for ( self . context )
self . learning_outcome_group || = default unless self == default
self . root_learning_outcome_group || = default
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
workflow do
state :active
state :deleted
2011-03-09 06:27:56 +08:00
def sorted_content ( outcome_ids = [ ] )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
tags = self . content_tags . active
positions = { }
tags . each { | t | positions [ t . content_asset_string ] = t . position }
2011-03-09 06:27:56 +08:00
ids_to_find = tags . select { | t | t . content_type == 'LearningOutcome' } . map ( & :content_id )
ids_to_find = ( ids_to_find & outcome_ids ) unless outcome_ids . empty?
2011-12-17 06:39:57 +08:00
group_ids_to_find = tags . select { | t | t . content_type == 'LearningOutcomeGroup' && ! is_ancestor? ( t . content_id ) } . map ( & :content_id )
2011-05-03 13:56:39 +08:00
objects = [ ]
objects += LearningOutcome . active . find_all_by_id ( ids_to_find ) . compact unless ids_to_find . empty?
objects += LearningOutcomeGroup . active . find_all_by_id ( group_ids_to_find ) . compact unless group_ids_to_find . empty?
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if self . learning_outcome_group_id == nil
all_tags = all_tags_for_context
codes = all_tags . map ( & :content_asset_string ) . uniq
2011-03-09 06:27:56 +08:00
all_objects = LearningOutcome . active . find_all_by_id_and_context_id_and_context_type ( outcome_ids , self . context_id , self . context_type ) . select { | o | ! codes . include? ( o . asset_string ) } unless outcome_ids . empty?
all_objects || = LearningOutcome . active . find_all_by_context_id_and_context_type ( self . context_id , self . context_type ) . select { | o | ! codes . include? ( o . asset_string ) }
objects += all_objects
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
sorted_objects = objects . uniq . sort_by { | o | positions [ o . asset_string ] || 999 }
2011-03-09 06:27:56 +08:00
def sorted_all_outcomes ( ids = [ ] )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
res = [ ]
2011-03-09 06:27:56 +08:00
self . sorted_content ( ids ) . each do | obj |
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if obj . is_a? ( LearningOutcome )
res << obj
2011-03-09 06:27:56 +08:00
res += obj . sorted_all_outcomes ( ids )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
res . uniq . compact
def reorder_content ( orders )
orders || = { }
all_tags = all_tags_for_context
orders = orders . sort_by { | asset_string , position | position . to_i } . map { | asset_string , position | asset_string }
orders += self . content_tags . active . map ( & :content_asset_string )
ordered = [ ]
updates = [ ]
orders . compact . uniq . each_with_index do | asset_string , idx |
2011-12-17 06:39:57 +08:00
if asset_string =~ / learning_outcome_group_( \ d*) /
next if self . is_ancestor? ( $1 . to_i )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
tag = all_tags . detect { | t | t . content_asset_string == asset_string }
if ! tag
tag || = ContentTag . new ( :content_asset_string = > asset_string )
tag . context = self . context
tag . associated_asset = self
tag . tag_type = 'learning_outcome_association'
tag . save!
tag . position = idx + 1
updates << " WHEN id= #{ tag . id } THEN #{ tag . position || 999 } "
ordered << tag
sql = " UPDATE content_tags SET associated_asset_id= #{ self . id } , position=CASE #{ updates . join ( " " ) } ELSE position END WHERE id IN ( #{ ordered . map ( & :id ) . join ( " , " ) } ) "
2011-07-08 05:53:21 +08:00
ContentTag . connection . execute ( sql ) unless updates . empty?
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def all_tags_for_context
self . context . learning_outcome_tags . active
2011-05-25 22:36:00 +08:00
2011-12-17 06:39:57 +08:00
def parent_ids
self . all_tags_for_context . find_all_by_content_type_and_content_id ( " LearningOutcomeGroup " , self . id ) . map ( & :associated_asset_id ) . uniq
# this finds all the ids of the ancestors avoiding relation loops
# because of old broken behavior a group can have multiple parents, including itself
def ancestor_ids
if ! @ancestor_ids
@ancestor_ids = [ self . id ]
ids_to_check = parent_ids - @ancestor_ids
until ids_to_check . empty?
@ancestor_ids += ids_to_check
new_ids = [ ]
ids_to_check . each do | id |
group = self . context . learning_outcome_groups . active . find_by_id ( id )
new_ids += group . parent_ids if group
ids_to_check = new_ids . uniq - @ancestor_ids
def is_ancestor? ( id )
ancestor_ids . member? ( id )
2011-05-25 22:36:00 +08:00
# use_outcome should be a lambda that takes an outcome and returns a boolean
def clone_for ( context , parent , use_outcome = nil )
# don't create a group if none of the items in it are being copied
return nil if use_outcome && ! self . sorted_content . any? { | lo | use_outcome [ lo ] }
new_group = context . learning_outcome_groups . new
new_group . context = context
new_group . title = self . title
new_group . description = self . description
new_group . save!
parent . add_item ( new_group )
self . sorted_content . each do | lo |
next if use_outcome && ! use_outcome [ lo ]
lo . clone_for ( context , new_group )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def add_item ( item , opts = { } )
2011-04-19 00:10:54 +08:00
return if item == self
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if item . is_a? ( LearningOutcome )
all_tags = all_tags_for_context
tag = all_tags . detect { | t | t . content_asset_string == item . asset_string }
tag || = ContentTag . new ( :content_asset_string = > item . asset_string )
tag . context = self . context
tag . position || = ( self . content_tags . map ( & :position ) . compact . max || 0 ) + 1
tag . tag_type = 'learning_outcome_association'
tag . associated_asset = self
tag . save!
elsif item . is_a? ( LearningOutcomeGroup )
2011-12-17 06:39:57 +08:00
return if is_ancestor? ( item . id )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
all_tags = all_tags_for_context
tag = all_tags . detect { | t | t . content_asset_string == item . asset_string }
if ! tag
group = item
if item . context != self . context
group = self . learning_outcome_groups . build
group . title = item . title
group . learning_outcome_group_id = self . id
group . description = item . description
group . context = self . context
2011-05-25 22:36:00 +08:00
group . root_learning_outcome_group_id = self . root_learning_outcome_group_id
group . learning_outcome_group_id = self . id
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-05-25 22:36:00 +08:00
group . save!
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
tag = ContentTag . new ( :content_asset_string = > group . asset_string )
tag . context = self . context
tag . position || = ( self . content_tags . map ( & :position ) . compact . max || 0 ) + 1
tag . tag_type = 'learning_outcome_association'
tag . associated_asset = self
tag . save!
group = tag . content
2011-05-03 13:56:39 +08:00
outcome_ids = item . content_tags . select { | t | t . content_type == 'LearningOutcome' } . map ( & :content_id )
unless outcome_ids . empty?
LearningOutcome . find_all_by_id ( outcome_ids ) . each { | o | group . add_item ( o ) if ! opts [ :only ] || opts [ :only ] [ o . id ] == " 1 " }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
alias_method :destroy! , :destroy
def destroy
self . workflow_state = 'deleted'
ContentTag . delete_for ( self )
# also delete any tags for held outcomes
# if we really do multi-nesting, you'll need it for sub-groups as well
LearningOutcome . delete_if_unused ( self . content_tags . select { | t | t . content_type == 'LearningOutcome' } . map ( & :content_id ) )
def self . default_for ( context )
2011-04-19 00:10:54 +08:00
outcome = LearningOutcomeGroup . find_by_context_type_and_context_id_and_learning_outcome_group_id ( context . class . to_s , context . id , nil )
return outcome if outcome
outcome = LearningOutcomeGroup . new ( :context = > context )
outcome . building_default = true
outcome . save!
outcome . root_learning_outcome_group_id = outcome . id
outcome . save!
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-13 04:29:49 +08:00
def self . import_from_migration ( hash , context , item = nil )
hash = hash . with_indifferent_access
item || = find_by_context_id_and_context_type_and_migration_id ( context . id , context . class . to_s , hash [ :migration_id ] ) if hash [ :migration_id ]
item || = context . learning_outcome_groups . new
item . context = context
item . migration_id = hash [ :migration_id ]
item . title = hash [ :title ]
item . description = hash [ :description ]
2011-06-29 23:29:41 +08:00
# make sure the root group is created before saving the new group
log = LearningOutcomeGroup . default_for ( context )
2011-04-13 04:29:49 +08:00
item . save!
context . imported_migration_items << item if context . imported_migration_items && item . new_record?
if hash [ :outcomes ]
hash [ :outcomes ] . each do | outcome |
outcome [ :learning_outcome_group ] = item
LearningOutcome . import_from_migration ( outcome , context )
log . add_item ( item )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
named_scope :active , lambda {
{ :conditions = > [ 'learning_outcome_groups.workflow_state != ?' , 'deleted' ] }