2017-04-28 03:59:16 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2015 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2015-07-08 06:08:27 +08:00
require 'pathname'
require 'yaml'
2015-09-25 01:37:49 +08:00
require 'open3'
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
2016-06-03 06:15:44 +08:00
module BrandableCSS
2015-07-08 06:08:27 +08:00
APP_ROOT = defined? ( Rails ) && Rails . root || Pathname . pwd
CONFIG = YAML . load_file ( APP_ROOT . join ( 'config/brandable_css.yml' ) ) . freeze
BRANDABLE_VARIABLES = JSON . parse ( File . read ( APP_ROOT . join ( CONFIG [ 'paths' ] [ 'brandable_variables_json' ] ) ) ) . freeze
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
MIGRATION_NAME = 'RegenerateBrandFilesBasedOnNewDefaults' . freeze
2015-07-20 23:49:03 +08:00
use_compressed = ( defined? ( Rails ) && Rails . env . production? ) || ( ENV [ 'RAILS_ENV' ] == 'production' )
SASS_STYLE = ENV [ 'SASS_STYLE' ] || ( ( use_compressed ? 'compressed' : 'nested' ) ) . freeze
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
2015-10-26 22:59:25 +08:00
2016-09-09 04:39:50 +08:00
" ic-brand-primary " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Primary Brand Color " ) } ,
" ic-brand-font-color-dark " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Main Text Color " ) } ,
" ic-link-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Link Color " ) } ,
2015-10-26 22:59:25 +08:00
" ic-brand-button--primary-bgd " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Primary Button " ) } ,
" ic-brand-button--primary-text " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Primary Button Text " ) } ,
" ic-brand-button--secondary-bgd " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Secondary Button " ) } ,
" ic-brand-button--secondary-text " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Secondary Button Text " ) } ,
" ic-brand-global-nav-bgd " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Background " ) } ,
" ic-brand-global-nav-ic-icon-svg-fill " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Icon " ) } ,
" ic-brand-global-nav-ic-icon-svg-fill--active " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Icon Active " ) } ,
" ic-brand-global-nav-menu-item__text-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Text " ) } ,
" ic-brand-global-nav-menu-item__text-color--active " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Text Active " ) } ,
" ic-brand-global-nav-avatar-border " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Avatar Border " ) } ,
" ic-brand-global-nav-menu-item__badge-bgd " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Badge " ) } ,
2016-03-31 02:11:36 +08:00
" ic-brand-global-nav-menu-item__badge-text " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Badge Text " ) } ,
2015-10-26 22:59:25 +08:00
" ic-brand-global-nav-logo-bgd " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Logo Background " ) } ,
" ic-brand-header-image " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Nav Logo " ) } ,
2019-07-17 03:55:24 +08:00
" ic-brand-mobile-global-nav-logo " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Mobile Global Nav Logo " ) } ,
2015-10-26 22:59:25 +08:00
" ic-brand-watermark " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Watermark " ) } ,
" ic-brand-watermark-opacity " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Watermark Opacity " ) } ,
" ic-brand-favicon " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Favicon " ) } ,
" ic-brand-apple-touch-icon " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Mobile Homescreen Icon " ) } ,
" ic-brand-msapplication-tile-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Windows Tile Color " ) } ,
" ic-brand-msapplication-tile-square " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Windows Tile: Square " ) } ,
" ic-brand-msapplication-tile-wide " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Windows Tile: Wide " ) } ,
" ic-brand-right-sidebar-logo " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Right Sidebar Logo " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-body-bgd-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Background Color " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-body-bgd-image " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Background Image " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-body-bgd-shadow-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Body Shadow " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-logo " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Login Logo " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-Content-bgd-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Top Box Background " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-Content-border-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Top Box Border " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-Content-inner-bgd " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Inner Box Background " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-Content-inner-border " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Inner Box Border " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-Content-inner-body-bgd " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Form Background " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-Content-inner-body-border " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Form Border " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-Content-label-text-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Login Label " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-Content-password-text-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Login Link Color " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-footer-link-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Login Footer Link " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-footer-link-color-hover " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Login Footer Link Hover " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-instructure-logo " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Login Instructure Logo " ) }
} . freeze
" global_branding " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Global Branding " ) } ,
" global_navigation " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Global Navigation " ) } ,
" watermarks " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Watermarks & Other Images " ) } ,
" login " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Login Screen " ) }
} . freeze
" ic-brand-header-image " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Accepted formats: svg, png, jpg, gif " ) } ,
2019-07-17 03:55:24 +08:00
" ic-brand-mobile-global-nav-logo " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Appears at the top of the global navigation tray that opens on mobile sized screens. display height: 48px. Accepted formats: svg, png, jpg, gif " ) } ,
2015-10-26 22:59:25 +08:00
" ic-brand-watermark " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " This image appears as a background watermark to your page. Accepted formats: png, svg, gif, jpeg " ) } ,
" ic-brand-watermark-opacity " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " Specify the transparency of the watermark background image. " ) } ,
" ic-brand-favicon " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " You can use a single 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 ico file. " ) } ,
" ic-brand-apple-touch-icon " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " The shortcut icon for iOS/Android devices. 180x180 png " ) } ,
" ic-brand-msapplication-tile-square " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " 558x558 png, jpg, gif (1.8x the standard tile size, so it can be scaled up or down as needed) " ) } ,
" ic-brand-msapplication-tile-wide " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " 558x270 png, jpg, gif " ) } ,
" ic-brand-right-sidebar-logo " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " A full-size logo that appears in the right sidebar on the Canvas dashboard. Ideal size is 360 x 140 pixels. Accepted formats: svg, png, jpeg, gif " ) } ,
" ic-brand-Login-body-bgd-shadow-color " = > lambda { I18n . t ( " accepted formats: hex, rgba, rgb, hsl " ) }
} . freeze
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
class << self
def variables_map
@variables_map || = BRANDABLE_VARIABLES . each_with_object ( { } ) do | variable_group , memo |
variable_group [ 'variables' ] . each { | variable | memo [ variable [ 'variable_name' ] ] = variable }
end . freeze
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
def variables_map_with_image_urls
@variables_map_with_image_urls || = variables_map . each_with_object ( { } ) do | ( key , config ) , memo |
if config [ 'type' ] == 'image'
2016-09-23 04:09:09 +08:00
memo [ key ] = config . merge ( 'default' = > ActionController :: Base . helpers . image_url ( config [ 'default' ] ) )
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
memo [ key ] = config
end . freeze
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
def things_that_go_into_defaults_md5
variables_map . each_with_object ( { } ) do | ( variable_name , config ) , memo |
default = config [ 'default' ]
if config [ 'type' ] == 'image'
# to make consistent md5s whether the cdn is enabled or not, don't include hostname in defaults
default = ActionController :: Base . helpers . image_path ( default , host : '' )
memo [ variable_name ] = default
end . freeze
def migration_version
# ActiveRecord usually uses integer timestamps to generate migration versions but any integer
# will work, so we just use the result of stripping out the alphabetic characters from the md5
default_variables_md5_without_migration_check . gsub ( / [a-z] / , '' ) . to_i . freeze
def check_if_we_need_to_create_a_db_migration
2018-04-17 23:07:21 +08:00
path = ActiveRecord :: Migrator . migrations_paths . first
migrations = CANVAS_RAILS5_1 ?
ActiveRecord :: Migrator . migrations ( path ) :
ActiveRecord :: MigrationContext . new ( path ) . migrations
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
[ 'predeploy' , 'postdeploy' ] . each do | pre_or_post |
migration = migrations . find { | m | m . name == MIGRATION_NAME + pre_or_post . camelize }
# they can't have the same id, so we just add 1 to the postdeploy one
expected_version = ( pre_or_post == 'predeploy' ) ? migration_version : ( migration_version + 1 )
2019-07-17 03:55:24 +08:00
raise BrandConfigWithOutCompileAssets if expected_version == 85663486644871658581990
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
raise DefaultMD5NotUpToDateError unless migration && migration . version == expected_version
def skip_migration_check?
# our canvas_rspec build doesn't even run `yarn install` or `gulp rev` so since
# they are not expecting all the frontend assets to work, this check isn't useful
Rails . env . test? && ! Rails . root . join ( 'public' , 'dist' , 'rev-manifest.json' ) . exist?
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
def default_variables_md5
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
@default_variables_md5 || = begin
check_if_we_need_to_create_a_db_migration unless skip_migration_check?
def default_variables_md5_without_migration_check
Digest :: MD5 . hexdigest ( things_that_go_into_defaults_md5 . to_json ) . freeze
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
def handle_urls ( value , config , css_urls )
return value unless config [ 'type' ] == 'image' && css_urls
" url(' #{ value } ') " if value . present?
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
# gets the *effective* value for a brandable variable
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
def brand_variable_value ( variable_name , active_brand_config = nil , config_map = variables_map , css_urls = false )
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
config = config_map [ variable_name ]
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
explicit_value = active_brand_config && active_brand_config . get_value ( variable_name ) . presence
return handle_urls ( explicit_value , config , css_urls ) if explicit_value
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
default = config [ 'default' ]
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
if default && default . starts_with? ( '$' )
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
if css_urls
return " var(-- #{ default [ 1 .. - 1 ] } ) "
return brand_variable_value ( default [ 1 .. - 1 ] , active_brand_config , config_map , css_urls )
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
# while in our sass, we want `url(/images/foo.png)`,
# the Rails Asset Helpers expect us to not have the '/images/', eg: <%= image_tag('foo.png') %>
2015-08-01 06:38:28 +08:00
default = default . sub ( / ^ \/ images \/ / , '' ) if config [ 'type' ] == 'image'
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
handle_urls ( default , config , css_urls )
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
2017-07-28 03:24:10 +08:00
def computed_variables ( active_brand_config = nil )
[ 'ic-brand-primary' , 'darken' , 5 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-primary' , 'darken' , 10 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-primary' , 'darken' , 15 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-primary' , 'lighten' , 5 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-primary' , 'lighten' , 10 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-primary' , 'lighten' , 15 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-button--primary-bgd' , 'darken' , 5 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-button--primary-bgd' , 'darken' , 15 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-button--secondary-bgd' , 'darken' , 5 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-button--secondary-bgd' , 'darken' , 15 ] ,
2017-07-29 05:26:12 +08:00
[ 'ic-brand-font-color-dark' , 'lighten' , 15 ] ,
[ 'ic-brand-font-color-dark' , 'lighten' , 30 ] ,
[ 'ic-link-color' , 'darken' , 10 ] ,
[ 'ic-link-color' , 'lighten' , 10 ] ,
2017-07-28 03:24:10 +08:00
] . each_with_object ( { } ) do | ( variable_name , darken_or_lighten , percent ) , memo |
color = brand_variable_value ( variable_name , active_brand_config , variables_map_with_image_urls )
computed_color = CanvasColor :: Color . new ( color ) . send ( darken_or_lighten , percent / 100 . 0 )
memo [ " #{ variable_name } - #{ darken_or_lighten } ed- #{ percent } " ] = computed_color . to_s
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
def all_brand_variable_values ( active_brand_config = nil , css_urls = false )
2017-07-28 03:24:10 +08:00
variables_map . each_with_object ( computed_variables ( active_brand_config ) ) do | ( key , _ ) , memo |
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
memo [ key ] = brand_variable_value ( key , active_brand_config , variables_map_with_image_urls , css_urls )
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
def all_brand_variable_values_as_json ( active_brand_config = nil )
all_brand_variable_values ( active_brand_config ) . to_json
2017-01-13 07:26:23 +08:00
def all_brand_variable_values_as_js ( active_brand_config = nil )
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
" CANVAS_ACTIVE_BRAND_VARIABLES = #{ all_brand_variable_values_as_json ( active_brand_config ) } ; "
2017-01-13 07:26:23 +08:00
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
def all_brand_variable_values_as_css ( active_brand_config = nil )
" :root {
#{all_brand_variable_values(active_brand_config, true).map{ |k, v| "--#{k}: #{v};"}.join("\n")}
} "
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
def public_brandable_css_folder
Pathname . new ( 'public/dist/brandable_css' )
def default_brand_folder
public_brandable_css_folder . join ( 'default' )
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
def default_brand_file ( type , high_contrast = false )
default_brand_folder . join ( " variables #{ high_contrast ? '-high_contrast' : '' } - #{ default_variables_md5 } . #{ type } " )
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
def high_contrast_overrides
Class . new do
def get_value ( variable_name )
{ " ic-brand-primary " = > " # 0770A3 " , " ic-link-color " = > " # 0073A7 " } [ variable_name ]
end . new
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
def default ( type , high_contrast = false )
bc = high_contrast ? high_contrast_overrides : nil
send ( " all_brand_variable_values_as_ #{ type } " , bc )
2017-01-13 07:26:23 +08:00
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
def save_default! ( type , high_contrast = false )
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
default_brand_folder . mkpath
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
default_brand_file ( type , high_contrast ) . write ( default ( type , high_contrast ) )
move_default_to_s3_if_enabled! ( type , high_contrast )
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
2017-08-10 01:25:10 +08:00
def save_default_files!
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
[ true , false ] . each do | high_contrast |
[ 'js' , 'css' , 'json' ] . each { | type | save_default! ( type , high_contrast ) }
2017-01-13 07:26:23 +08:00
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
def move_default_to_s3_if_enabled! ( type , high_contrast = false )
2017-01-13 07:26:23 +08:00
return unless defined? ( Canvas ) && Canvas :: Cdn . enabled?
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
s3_uploader . upload_file ( public_default_path ( type , high_contrast ) )
2017-01-13 07:26:23 +08:00
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
File . delete ( default_brand_file ( type , high_contrast ) )
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
rescue Errno :: ENOENT # continue if something else deleted it in another process
2016-04-20 04:55:21 +08:00
def s3_uploader
@s3_uploaderer || = Canvas :: Cdn :: S3Uploader . new
2017-10-17 06:07:03 +08:00
def public_default_path ( type , high_contrast = false )
" dist/brandable_css/default/variables #{ high_contrast ? '-high_contrast' : '' } - #{ default_variables_md5 } . #{ type } "
2017-07-26 06:16:44 +08:00
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
def variants
2016-05-09 12:23:09 +08:00
@variants || = CONFIG [ 'variants' ] . keys . freeze
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
def brandable_variants
@brandable_variants || = CONFIG [ 'variants' ] . select { | _ , v | v [ 'brandable' ] } . map { | k , _ | k } . freeze
def combined_checksums
2015-07-08 06:08:27 +08:00
if defined? ( ActionController ) && ActionController :: Base . perform_caching && defined? ( @combined_checksums )
return @combined_checksums
file = APP_ROOT . join ( CONFIG [ 'paths' ] [ 'bundles_with_deps' ] + SASS_STYLE )
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
if file . exist?
@combined_checksums = JSON . parse ( file . read ) . each_with_object ( { } ) do | ( k , v ) , memo |
upload css direct to s3 and optimize unbranded css
fixes: CNVS-22276
what this change does:
* changes it so if you have a 'host' set in canvs_cdn.yml,
when you run brandable_css it will push the css
files directly to s3 instead of writing them all to
* fixes the bug where brandable_css thought it had
to re-compile css files that have not changed
* changes the way we load css bundles that don't include
any branding or use any of the variant variables
(like: $use-high-contrast or $use-new-styles).
before, we generated a unique css file for each
variant and each brand for any of those bundles.
this will instead point everyone to same url if
the file uses none of those variables.
test plan:
* with no canvas_cdn.yml file:
* run compile_assets
* run it again, it should say "no changes" quickly
* the css in canvas should work
* now, rm -rf public/dist/brandable_css
* save a canvas_cdn.yml with proper s3/cloudfront settings
* compile_assets
* canvas should work and use the css that was uploaded
to s3 in previous step
* compile_assets again, it should say "no changes"
within a few seconds.
* if you can, delete a css file from s3 & run
brandable_css again. it should see that it needs
to regenerate that file and do so correctly.
when testing the css in the UI, especially make sure
to look for:
* try loading the equation editor in different variants,
(e.g.: high contrast, new styles, legacy) the css
for it should always be loaded from <cdn>/dist/brandable_css/no_variables/...
* keep your js console open, there should not be any 404s
* check the screenreader_gradebook
most of the changes actually happened in brandable_css:
when code-reviewing, please do a thorough scan of
those changes too.
Change-Id: Ie6efcedd92c3783e0b2dd194ec222b9dc28d0838
Change-Id: Ie6efcedd92c3783e0b2dd194ec222b9dc28d0838
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/61495
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <august@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <rob@instructure.com>
2015-08-21 07:13:25 +08:00
memo [ k ] = v . symbolize_keys . slice ( :combinedChecksum , :includesNoVariables )
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
end . freeze
2015-07-08 06:08:27 +08:00
elsif defined? ( Rails ) && Rails . env . production?
2017-09-26 07:19:15 +08:00
raise " #{ file . expand_path } does not exist. You need to run brandable_css before you can serve css. "
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
# for dev/test there might be cases where you don't want it to raise an exception
# if you haven't ran `brandable_css` and the manifest file doesn't exist yet.
# eg: you want to test a controller action and you don't care that it links
# to a css file that hasn't been created yet.
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
default_value = { :combinedChecksum = > " Error: unknown css checksum. you need to run brandable_css " } . freeze
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
@combined_checksums = Hash . new ( default_value ) . freeze
# bundle path should be something like "bundles/speedgrader" or "plugins/analytics/something"
upload css direct to s3 and optimize unbranded css
fixes: CNVS-22276
what this change does:
* changes it so if you have a 'host' set in canvs_cdn.yml,
when you run brandable_css it will push the css
files directly to s3 instead of writing them all to
* fixes the bug where brandable_css thought it had
to re-compile css files that have not changed
* changes the way we load css bundles that don't include
any branding or use any of the variant variables
(like: $use-high-contrast or $use-new-styles).
before, we generated a unique css file for each
variant and each brand for any of those bundles.
this will instead point everyone to same url if
the file uses none of those variables.
test plan:
* with no canvas_cdn.yml file:
* run compile_assets
* run it again, it should say "no changes" quickly
* the css in canvas should work
* now, rm -rf public/dist/brandable_css
* save a canvas_cdn.yml with proper s3/cloudfront settings
* compile_assets
* canvas should work and use the css that was uploaded
to s3 in previous step
* compile_assets again, it should say "no changes"
within a few seconds.
* if you can, delete a css file from s3 & run
brandable_css again. it should see that it needs
to regenerate that file and do so correctly.
when testing the css in the UI, especially make sure
to look for:
* try loading the equation editor in different variants,
(e.g.: high contrast, new styles, legacy) the css
for it should always be loaded from <cdn>/dist/brandable_css/no_variables/...
* keep your js console open, there should not be any 404s
* check the screenreader_gradebook
most of the changes actually happened in brandable_css:
when code-reviewing, please do a thorough scan of
those changes too.
Change-Id: Ie6efcedd92c3783e0b2dd194ec222b9dc28d0838
Change-Id: Ie6efcedd92c3783e0b2dd194ec222b9dc28d0838
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/61495
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <august@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <rob@instructure.com>
2015-08-21 07:13:25 +08:00
def cache_for ( bundle_path , variant )
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
key = [ " #{ bundle_path } .scss " , variant ] . join ( CONFIG [ 'manifest_key_seperator' ] )
fingerprint = combined_checksums [ key ]
raise " Fingerprint not found. #{ bundle_path } #{ variant } " unless fingerprint
def all_fingerprints_for ( bundle_path )
variants . each_with_object ( { } ) do | variant , object |
upload css direct to s3 and optimize unbranded css
fixes: CNVS-22276
what this change does:
* changes it so if you have a 'host' set in canvs_cdn.yml,
when you run brandable_css it will push the css
files directly to s3 instead of writing them all to
* fixes the bug where brandable_css thought it had
to re-compile css files that have not changed
* changes the way we load css bundles that don't include
any branding or use any of the variant variables
(like: $use-high-contrast or $use-new-styles).
before, we generated a unique css file for each
variant and each brand for any of those bundles.
this will instead point everyone to same url if
the file uses none of those variables.
test plan:
* with no canvas_cdn.yml file:
* run compile_assets
* run it again, it should say "no changes" quickly
* the css in canvas should work
* now, rm -rf public/dist/brandable_css
* save a canvas_cdn.yml with proper s3/cloudfront settings
* compile_assets
* canvas should work and use the css that was uploaded
to s3 in previous step
* compile_assets again, it should say "no changes"
within a few seconds.
* if you can, delete a css file from s3 & run
brandable_css again. it should see that it needs
to regenerate that file and do so correctly.
when testing the css in the UI, especially make sure
to look for:
* try loading the equation editor in different variants,
(e.g.: high contrast, new styles, legacy) the css
for it should always be loaded from <cdn>/dist/brandable_css/no_variables/...
* keep your js console open, there should not be any 404s
* check the screenreader_gradebook
most of the changes actually happened in brandable_css:
when code-reviewing, please do a thorough scan of
those changes too.
Change-Id: Ie6efcedd92c3783e0b2dd194ec222b9dc28d0838
Change-Id: Ie6efcedd92c3783e0b2dd194ec222b9dc28d0838
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/61495
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <august@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <rob@instructure.com>
2015-08-21 07:13:25 +08:00
object [ variant ] = cache_for ( bundle_path , variant )
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
2018-11-03 00:54:31 +08:00
class BrandConfigWithOutCompileAssets < RuntimeError
def initialize
super <<-END
It looks like you are running a migration before running ` rake canvas:compile_assets `
compile_assets needs to complete before running db : migrate if brand_configs have not run
run ` rake canvas:compile_assets ` and then try migrations again .
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
class DefaultMD5NotUpToDateError < RuntimeError
def initialize
super <<-END
2019-06-05 23:51:59 +08:00
Something has changed about the default variables or images used in the Theme Editor .
2019-07-17 03:55:24 +08:00
If you are seeing this and _you_ did not make changes to either app / stylesheets / brandable_variables . json
or one of the images it references , it probably meeans your local setup is out of date .
2019-04-27 04:38:46 +08:00
2019-07-17 03:55:24 +08:00
First , make sure you run ` rake db:migrate `
2019-06-05 23:51:59 +08:00
and then run ` ./script/nuke_node.sh `
2019-04-27 04:38:46 +08:00
2019-06-05 23:51:59 +08:00
If that does not resolve the issue , it probably means you _did_ update one of those json variables
2019-07-17 03:55:24 +08:00
in app / stylesheets / brandable_variables . json or one of the images it references so you need to rename
2019-06-05 23:51:59 +08:00
the db migrations that makes sure when this change is deployed or checked out by anyone else
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
makes a new . css file for the css variables for each brand based on these new defaults .
To do that , run this command and then restart your rails process . ( for local dev , if you want the
2019-06-05 23:51:59 +08:00
changes to show up in the ui , make sure you also run ` rake db:migrate ` afterwards ) .
2017-09-28 07:22:53 +08:00
mv db / migrate / * _ #{MIGRATION_NAME.underscore}_predeploy.rb \\
db / migrate / #{BrandableCSS.migration_version}_#{MIGRATION_NAME.underscore}_predeploy.rb \\
&& \ \
mv db / migrate / * _ #{MIGRATION_NAME.underscore}_postdeploy.rb \\
db / migrate / #{BrandableCSS.migration_version + 1}_#{MIGRATION_NAME.underscore}_postdeploy.rb
FYI , current variables are : #{BrandableCSS.things_that_go_into_defaults_md5}
A new way of doing css/sass & New Canvas Theme Editor
what this does:
* Changes the way we generate css so we are able to generate custom
css for people that use the theme editor.
* Sets everything up so we can push all of our static assets
(js, fonts, css, images, etc) to s3 pre-deploy and serve them
from cloudfront. Yay! faster canvas for everyone!
* as part of that, this enables the rails asset pipeline just so we
can use it to put md5s in our urls. we don't use it for any of the
coffeescript/sass/sprockets transformer stuff.
* adds a new "Theme editor" functionality (only for people that have
have the use-new-styles feature flag turned on) where an admin for
an account can pick their own colors/images for all the users
at their account/school.
* when the user is done saving things in theme editor, it will,
in a delayed job, generate all the css with against the variables
that user specified and push it to s3 so it will be available to
anyone else that requests it. (the delayed job will shell
out to a node.js executable called `brandable_css`).
* ability to pick an existing shared theme and to reset to
blank theme. closes: CNVS-19685
* gets rid of jammit.
test plan:
(this is exaustive, so not every person has to do every step
but we should make sure at least someone does each of these things.
maybe as part of the review add a comment if you have done one of these
* before you check this out, compile all css and copy the
public/stylsheets_compiled directory somewhere. after you check out
this code and regenerate all the css. make sure there are no
significant changes to the css output. (we updated the versions of
node-sass and autoprefixer that we use so we want to make sure they
don't change things in a way we weren't expecting)
* make sure the way we load css for handlebars templates still works.
eg: if there is a handlebars template at
if there is also a scss file at
then that stylesheet should get loaded when that template is rendered
* check out the code and run migrations. browse around canvas,
make sure css and js files load correctly as before.
* cody, jacob, or someone on queso: look at the db migrations and
make sure everything looks good and that I am handling sharding
* verify that both rake canvas:compile_assets and guard, works as well
as `node_modules/.bin/brandable_css` (note: if you have
"node_modules/.bin" in your PATH (which you should), it will also
work with just `brandable_css`)
* verify that passing the --watch option to
`.bin/node_modules/brandable_css` works and picks up changes to
sass files, images, fonts, or any other resource that goes into
a css file. and that it only recompiles the css files that actually
depend on that file.
* go to https://github.com/ryankshaw/brandable_css and check out the
code there. that is what is actually doing the sass compiling
* create a config/canvas_cdn.yml file and add aws access creds and
an s3 bucket and cdn hostname (for testing, you can use the credentials
for instructure_uploads_engineering from
https://gollum.instructure.com/OtherServiceTestAccounts ). for a test
cdn hostname you can use https://diu0rq5m1weh1.cloudfront.net. that
is a cloudfront bucket I set up on my personal account that points to
* run rake canvas:compile_assets again, this time, at the end, you
should see it run the assets:precompile task that puts md5s in filenames
and, gzipps them, and copys them to public/assets.
then you should see it run canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3
(look at log/development.log for progress),
which pushes everything to s3.
closes: CNVS-17333 CNVS-17430 CNVS-17337
* try out the theme editor: turn on new styles, go to accounts/x
(where x is the @domain root acount you are testing from) and click
the "theme editor" button on the right side of the page.
that should take you to a page that has the ability to pick colors/images
on the left side and preview your changes in an iframe on the right
closes: CNVS-19360 CNVS-20551
* test the "preview", "save", "reset", and "choose existing" functionality
closes: CNVS-17339 CNVS-17338 CNVS-19685
* make sure that the themeeditor works both if you have
config/canvas_cdn.yml set up and enabled as well as if you don't.
if it is enabled, you should see it push the css for just that new
brand config to s3 when you hit preview, and the css
should be accessible from the cdn you configured.
Change-Id: Ie0a812d04f5eeb40e7df7e71941ff63ea51a4d22
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/53873
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
2015-02-12 03:51:05 +08:00