MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2013 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
require_dependency 'messageable_user'
class MessageableUser
class Calculator
CONTEXT_RECIPIENT = /\A(course|section|group)_(\d+)(_([a-z]+))?\z/
# all work is done within the context of a user. avoid passing it around in
# every single method call by being an object instead of just a collection
# of class methods
def initialize(user)
@user = user
# convenience module versions of the primary three methods
def self.load_messageable_users(viewing_user, target_users, options={})
new(viewing_user).load_messageable_users(target_users, options)
def self.load_messageable_user(viewing_user, target_user, options={})
new(viewing_user).load_messageable_user(target_user, options)
def self.messageable_users_in_context(viewing_user, asset_string)
# Takes a list of Users (or ids, or MessageableUsers) and:
# * turns them into MessageableUsers if they weren't already
# * bulk loads any common contexts for those MessageableUsers
# * filters them to just those actually messageable by the viewing user
# with the :strict_checks option false (default: true), all provided users
# will be considered messageable and enrollments in unpublished courses,
# etc. will be included when determining common contexts. should be used
# only when loading contexts for users already in a conversation
# the :admin_context option allows specifying a context (course, section,
# or group) to look for users in. the viewing user will be treated as
# having full visibility in that context for the purpose of checking
# messageability and loading common contexts.
# the :from_conversation_id option allows specifying a conversation to look
# for users in. ignored if the viewing user is not already be a participant
# in the conversation. any other user participating in that conversation is
# considered messageable.
def load_messageable_users(users, options={})
strict_checks = {:strict_checks => true}.merge(options)[:strict_checks]
# we can be given user ids, Users (from which we just use the ids), or
# MessageableUsers. if they're not already MessageableUsers, make them so
# (and check availability while at it, unless we're skipping that)
return [] unless users.present?
unless users.first.is_a?(MessageableUser)
user_ids = users.first.is_a?(User) ? : users
users = Shard.partition_by_shard(user_ids) do |shard_user_ids|
MessageableUser.prepped(:strict_checks => strict_checks).
where(:id => shard_user_ids).all
return [] unless users
# interpret admin context, if any
case options[:admin_context]
when Course then include_course_id = options[:admin_context].id
when CourseSection then include_course_id = options[:admin_context].course_id
when Group then include_group_id = options[:admin_context].id
# what common courses and groups do they have, if any. if they had some,
# they're definitely messageable
other_users = users.reject{ |u| == }
if other_users.present?
load_common_courses_with_users(other_users, include_course_id, strict_checks)
load_common_groups_with_users(other_users, include_group_id, strict_checks)
# keep only the ones that look messageable (have a shared context, are
# self, or share the given conversation)
if strict_checks
questionable = do |user|
!user.common_courses.present? &&
!user.common_groups.present? &&
| !=
if questionable.present? && options[:conversation_id]
participants = participants_in_conversation([@user, *questionable], options[:conversation_id])
if participants.detect{ |user| user == @user }
questionable -= participants
users -= questionable
# convenience method. as load_messageable_users, but for a single user
def load_messageable_user(user, options={})
load_messageable_users([user], options).first
# find and return all the messageable users in a particular context,
# specified by an extended asset string (TODO: legacy, should improve
# interface in the future)
# the string should be something like 'group_123', 'section_123_students',
# 'course_123_admins', etc. the third portion of the asset string specifies
# the types of enrollments to include for course or section contexts; it is
# ignored for group contexts. the 'admins' enrollment type refers to
# teachers and tas.
# NOTE: the common_courses and common_groups of the returned
# MessageableUser objects will be populated only with the context given.
# this is by design, and desired behavior for the use case this method is
# directed at. it may be confusing, however, to those not expecting it.
def messageable_users_in_context(asset_string)
return [] unless asset_string.sub(/_all\z/, '') =~ CONTEXT_RECIPIENT
context_type = $1
context_id = $2.to_i
enrollment_type = $4
if enrollment_type == 'admins'
enrollment_types = ['TeacherEnrollment','TaEnrollment']
elsif enrollment_type
enrollment_types = ["#{enrollment_type.capitalize.singularize}Enrollment"]
case context_type
when 'course' then messageable_users_in_course(context_id, enrollment_types)
when 'section' then messageable_users_in_section(context_id, enrollment_types)
when 'group' then messageable_users_in_group(context_id)
else []
# ========================== end of public API ==========================
# | |
# | the rest of these methods are to simplify the implementation of the |
# | above, and increase testability. they're not private so that they |
# | can be tested in isolation, but should not be used directly |
# | |
# =========================================================================
# given a list of MessageableUsers, loads the common courses between each
# of those users and the viewing user into the respective MessageableUser
# objects.
# the optional include_course_id lets you treat a specific course as if the
# viewing user had full visibility in it. (TODO: is this right when
# include_course_id came from a CourseSection admin_context?)
# the optional strict_checks parameter (default: true) is passed down to
# the queried scopes (see enrollment_scope and account_user_scope).
def load_common_courses_with_users(users, include_course_id=nil, strict_checks=true)
# with messageability constraints, do I see any of the users in any of my visible
# courses, and if so with which enrollment type(s)?
Shard.with_each_shard(@user.associated_shards) do
if all_courses.present?
reverse_lookup = users.index_by(&:id)
user_ids = reverse_lookup.keys
visible_enrollment_scope(:strict_checks => strict_checks).where(:id => user_ids).each do |user|
# skipping messageability constraints, do I see the user in that specific
# course, and if so with which enrollment type(s)?
if include_course_id && course = Course.find_by_id(include_course_id)
missing_users = users.reject{ |user| user.global_common_courses.keys.include?(course.global_id) }
if missing_user.present?
course.shard.activate do
reverse_lookup = missing_users.index_by(&:id)
missing_user_ids = reverse_lookup.keys
enrollment_scope(:strict_checks => strict_checks).where(:id => missing_user_ids, '' => do |user|
# do I see the user in any of the accounts I admin, and if so with what
# primary enrollment type?
Shard.with_each_shard(@user.associated_shards) do
if visible_account_ids.present?
reverse_lookup = users.index_by(&:id)
user_ids = reverse_lookup.keys
visible_account_user_scope(:strict_checks => strict_checks).where(:id => user_ids).each do |user|
# given a list of MessageableUsers, loads the common groups between each
# of those users and the viewing user into the respective MessageableUser
# objects.
# the optional include_group_id lets you treat a specific group as if the
# viewing user had full visibility in it.
# the optional strict_checks parameter (default: true) is passed down to
# the queried scopes (see group_user_scope).
def load_common_groups_with_users(users, include_group_id=nil, strict_checks=true)
# with messageability constraints, do I see the user in any of my visible
# groups?
Shard.with_each_shard(@user.associated_shards) do
if fully_visible_group_ids.present?
reverse_lookup = users.index_by(&:id)
user_ids = reverse_lookup.keys
fully_visible_group_user_scope(:strict_checks => strict_checks).where(:id => user_ids).each do |user|
# skipping messageability constraints, do I see the user in that specific
# group?
if include_group_id && group = Group.find_by_id(include_group_id)
missing_users = users.reject{ |user| user.global_common_groups.keys.include?(group.global_id) }
if missing_users.present?
group.shard.activate do
reverse_lookup = missing_users.index_by(&:id)
missing_user_ids = reverse_lookup.keys
group_user_scope(:strict_checks => strict_checks).where(:id => missing_user_ids, 'group_memberships.group_id' => do |user|
# filters the provided list of users to just those that are participants in
# the conversation
def participants_in_conversation(users, conversation_id)
conversation = Conversation.find_by_id(conversation_id)
return [] unless conversation
conversation.shard.activate do
reverse_lookup = users.index_by(&:id)
user_ids = reverse_lookup.keys
:user_id => user_ids,
:conversation_id => conversation_id
).all(:select => 'user_id').map{ |cp| reverse_lookup[cp.user_id] }
# find and return all the messageable users in a particular course (see
# messageable_users_in_context). the optional enrollment_type restricts to
# just users with those enrollments
# NOTE: the common_courses of the returned MessageableUser objects will be
# populated only with the course given.
def messageable_users_in_course(course_id, enrollment_types=nil)
course = Course.find_by_id(course_id)
return [] unless course
course.shard.activate do
# make sure the course is recognized
return [] unless course = course_index[]
scope =
case course_visibility(course)
when :full then enrollment_scope.where(full_visibility_clause([course]))
when :sections then enrollment_scope.where(section_visibility_clause([course]))
when :restricted then enrollment_scope.where(restricted_visibility_clause([course]))
scope = scope.where(observer_restriction_clause) if student_courses.present?
scope = scope.where('enrollments.type' => enrollment_types) if enrollment_types
# find and return all the messageable users in a particular course section
# (see messageable_users_in_context). the optional enrollment_type
# restricts to just users with those enrollments
# NOTE: the common_courses of the returned MessageableUser objects will be
# populated only with the course of the given section.
def messageable_users_in_section(section_id, enrollment_types=nil)
section = CourseSection.find_by_id(section_id)
return [] unless section
section.shard.activate do
return [] unless course = course_index[section.course_id]
return [] unless
fully_visible_courses.include?(course) ||
section_visible_courses.include?(course) &&
scope = enrollment_scope.where('enrollments.course_section_id' => section_id)
scope = scope.where(observer_restriction_clause) if student_courses.present?
scope = scope.where('enrollments.type' => enrollment_types) if enrollment_types
# find and return all the messageable users in a particular group (see
# messageable_users_in_context).
# NOTE: the common_courses of the returned MessageableUser objects will be
# populated only with the group given.
def messageable_users_in_group(group_id)
group = Group.find_by_id(group_id)
return [] unless group
group.shard.activate do
if fully_visible_group_ids.include?(
group_user_scope.where('group_memberships.group_id' =>
elsif section_visible_group_ids.include?(
# group.context is guaranteed to be a course from
# section_visible_courses at this point
course = course_index[group.context_id]
scope = enrollment_scope(:common_group_column =>, :include_completed => false).where([
"course_section_id IN (?) AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM group_memberships WHERE AND group_id=?)",
scope = scope.where(observer_restriction_clause) if student_courses.present?
return []
# ==========================================
# | top-level query construction methods |
# ==========================================
# restricts enrollments to those with extended states (see
# User.enrollment_conditions) of active, invited, and (conditionally)
# completed. also universally excludes student view enrollments
# with the :include_completed option false (default: true), completed
# enrollments are excluded
# the :strict_checks option (default: true) is per load_messageable_users
# and controls the strict_course_state parameter of
# User.enrollment_conditions.
def self.enrollment_conditions(options={})
include_completed = {:include_completed => true}.merge(options)[:include_completed]
strict_checks = {:strict_checks => true}.merge(options)[:strict_checks]
states = [:active, :invited]
states << :completed if include_completed
state_clauses ={ |state| User.enrollment_conditions(state, strict_checks) }
"(#{state_clauses.join(' OR ')}) AND enrollments.type != 'StudentViewEnrollment'"
2013-03-04 15:56:39 +08:00
def base_scope(options={})
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
# scopes MessageableUsers via enrollments in courses, setting up the common
# context fields to produce common_course entries.
# which columns (or values) specify the course id (default:
# enrollments.course_id) and enrollment type (default: enrollments.type)
# for common courses can be overridden by the :common_course_column and
# :common_role_column options.
# specifying a column (or value) for :common_group_column (default: none)
# will add that group to the returned users' common_groups.
# the :include_completed and :strict_checks options are passed through to
# enrollment_conditions; see its documentation.
# additionally, if :strict_checks is false (default: true), all users will
# be included, not just active users. (see MessageableUser.prepped)
def enrollment_scope(options={})
common_context_options = {
:common_course_column => 'enrollments.course_id',
:common_role_column => 'enrollments.type'
}.merge(options.slice(:common_course_column, :common_group_column, :common_role_column, :strict_checks))
2013-03-04 15:56:39 +08:00
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
:joins => <<-SQL,
INNER JOIN enrollments ON
2013-03-04 15:56:39 +08:00
:conditions => self.class.enrollment_conditions(options.slice(:include_completed, :strict_checks)))
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
# further restricts the enrollment scope to users whose enrollment is
# visible by the viewing user (see visibility_restriction_clause and
# observer_restriction_clause)
def visible_enrollment_scope(options={})
scope = enrollment_scope(options).where(visibility_restriction_clause)
scope = scope.where(observer_restriction_clause) if student_courses.present?
# redundant with the visibility_restriction_clause, which is narrower, but
# helps out the query planner
scope.where('enrollments.course_id' =>
# sql clause to limit an enrollment scope to those in the viewing user's
# full visiblity courses
def full_visibility_clause(courses=fully_visible_courses)
["course_id IN (?)",]
# sql clause to limit an enrollment scope to those in the viewing user's
# sections from his section visibility courses
def section_visibility_clause(courses=section_visible_courses)
["course_section_id IN (?)", visible_section_ids_in_courses(courses)]
# sql clause to limit an enrollment scope to those enrollments allowed by
# the viewing user's restricted visibility courses (teachers, tas, and
# observed students)
def restricted_visibility_clause(courses=restricted_visibility_courses)
# TODO: minor bug where if I observer student A in course X and student B in
# course Y, and student A is enrolled in course Y but I do not observer him
# in that class, I will still see that enrollment
"(course_id IN (?) AND (enrollments.type IN ('TeacherEnrollment','TaEnrollment') OR enrollments.user_id IN (?)))",
[] + observed_student_ids_in_courses(courses)
# combine the three course visibility clauses into a sql clause to limit an
# enrollment scope to any enrollments visible to the viewing user
def visibility_restriction_clause
clauses = []
clauses << full_visibility_clause if fully_visible_courses.present?
clauses << section_visibility_clause if section_visible_courses.present?
clauses << restricted_visibility_clause if restricted_visibility_courses.present?
sql = "(#{' OR ')})"
clauses.inject([sql], &:concat)
# regardless of course visibility level, if the viewing user's best
# enrollment in a course is as a student, he can't see observers that
# aren't observing him
def observer_restriction_clause
clause = [" NOT IN (?) OR enrollments.type != 'ObserverEnrollment'",]
if linked_observer_ids.present?
clause.first << " OR enrollments.user_id IN (?)"
clause << linked_observer_ids
# finds the primary enrollment type of the user across all active courses
# in the account (user and account from user_account_associations in the
# outer query). used to fake a common "course" context with that enrollment
# type in users found via the account roster.
2013-03-04 15:56:39 +08:00
(SELECT enrollments.type
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
FROM enrollments
INNER JOIN course_account_associations ON
WHERE enrollments.user_id=user_account_associations.user_id
AND #{enrollment_conditions(:include_completed => false)}
ORDER BY #{Enrollment.type_rank_sql}
2013-03-04 15:56:39 +08:00
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
# scopes MessageableUsers via associations with accounts, setting up the
# common context fields to produce fake common_course entries with the
# primary enrollment type in the account (see above).
# if :strict_checks is false (default: true), all users will be included,
# not just active users. (see MessageableUser.prepped)
def account_user_scope(options={})
2013-03-04 15:56:39 +08:00
options = {
:common_course_column => 0,
:common_role_column => HIGHEST_ENROLLMENT_SQL
:joins => "INNER JOIN user_account_associations ON")
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
# further restricts the account user scope to users associated with
# accounts in which I can read the roster (see visible_account_ids).
def visible_account_user_scope(options={})
account_user_scope(options).where('user_account_associations.account_id' => visible_account_ids)
# scopes MessageableUsers via group memberships, setting up the common
# context fields to produce common_groups entries.
# if :strict_checks is false (default: true), all users will be included,
# not just active users. (see MessageableUser.prepped)
def group_user_scope(options={})
2013-03-04 15:56:39 +08:00
options = {
:common_group_column => 'group_id'
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
:joins => "INNER JOIN group_memberships ON",
2013-03-04 15:56:39 +08:00
:conditions => {'group_memberships.workflow_state' => 'accepted'})
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
# further restricts the group user scope to users in groups for which I
# have full visibility (see fully_visible_group_ids).
def fully_visible_group_user_scope(options={})
group_user_scope(options).where('group_memberships.group_id' => fully_visible_group_ids)
# ====================================================================
# | uncached utility methods used while populating external caches |
# ====================================================================
def uncached_visible_section_ids
ids = {}
section_visible_courses.each do |course|
ids[] = uncached_visible_section_ids_in_course(course)
def uncached_visible_section_ids_in_course(course)
course.section_visibilities_for(@user).map{ |s| s[:course_section_id] }
def uncached_observed_student_ids
ids = {}
restricted_visibility_courses.each do |course|
ids[] = uncached_observed_student_ids_in_course(course)
# the associated_user_id should be local to the current shard, but only
# having it in that format and from those enrollments on the current shard
# is acceptable, as this is specific to a course and the enrollments all
# live on the same shard as the course
def uncached_observed_student_ids_in_course(course)
course.section_visibilities_for(@user).map{ |s| s[:associated_user_id] }.compact
def uncached_linked_observer_ids
# because this is a has_many, we can't just rely on Shard.current for id
# translation magic. we *have* to use with_each_shard... but we're
# already in a with_each_shard from shard_cached, so we can restrict it
# to this shard
@user.observee_enrollments.with_each_shard(Shard.current) do |scope|
scope.scoped(:include => :user).map{ |e| Shard.global_id_for(e.user_id) }
def uncached_visible_account_ids
# ditto
select{ |account| account.grants_right?(@user, nil, :read_roster) }.
def uncached_fully_visible_group_ids
# ditto for current groups
course_group_ids = uncached_group_ids_in_courses(recent_fully_visible_courses)
own_group_ids = @user.current_groups.with_each_shard(Shard.current).map(&:id)
(course_group_ids + own_group_ids).uniq
def uncached_section_visible_group_ids
course_group_ids = uncached_group_ids_in_courses(recent_section_visible_courses)
course_group_ids - fully_visible_group_ids
def uncached_group_ids_in_courses(courses)
:select => 'id',
:conditions => {:context_type => 'Course', :context_id =>}).map(&:id)
# ==================================================
# | calculations cached externally with sharding |
# ==================================================
# the optional methods list is a list of methods to call (not results of a
# method call, since if there are multiple we want to distinguish them) to
# get additional objects to include in the per-shard cache keys
def shard_cached(key, *methods)
@shard_caches ||= {}
@shard_caches[key] ||=
by_shard = {}
2013-02-23 06:39:49 +08:00
Shard.with_each_shard(@user.associated_shards) do
MessageableUser refactor with sharding
Separates, streamlines, and makes shard-aware all use cases of
User#messageable_users *other* than searching (call site in
Produces three new methods that take the bulk of that responsibility:
* User#load_messageable_users -- given a set of users, filter out the
ones that aren't messageable, and load any common contexts for those
that are.
* User#load_messageable_user -- as User#load_messageable_users, but for
just one user.
* User#messageable_users_in_context -- given a context (a course,
section, or group), return the list of messageable users in that
refs CNVS-2519
remaining on CNVS-2519 is to tackle the search application of
User#messageable_user. mostly there, but reconciling pagination
with ranking by number of shared contexts is proving problematic, so I'm
going to separate that into another commit.
meanwhile, I've renamed User#messageable_users to
User#deprecated_search_messageable_users to discourage any accidental
new uses and left it otherwise untouched. searching for users on the
same shard should be unaffected. You can still locate messageable users
on other shards to insert into conversations by browsing the shared
* create user A in shard X
* create user B in shard Y
* for situations where A could message B if on the same shard:
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard X (e.g. course
on shard X and both A and B in it). run exercises below
- setup the situation where the common tie is on shard Y. run
- if appropriate, setup the situation where the common tie is on
shard Z. run exercises.
* for each setup described above, login as A:
- A should see the "message this user" button on B's profile
- if the common tie is a course, section, or group, A should see B
under that context when the context is selected in the recipient
- if a conversation exists involving both A and B, when A loads the
conversation they should see B tagged with the common contexts
* regression test searching for messageable users from the same shard
Change-Id: Ibba5551f8afc2435fd14a2e827a400bf95eae76a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
2013-02-05 06:18:20 +08:00
shard_key = [@user, 'messageable_user', key]
methods.each do |method|
canonical = send(method).cache_key
shard_key << method
shard_key << Digest::MD5.hexdigest(canonical)
by_shard[Shard.current] = Rails.cache.fetch(shard_key.cache_key, :expires_in => { yield }
def all_courses_by_shard
@all_courses_by_shard ||=
@user.courses_with_primary_enrollment(:current_and_concluded_courses, nil, :include_completed_courses => true).
def visible_section_ids_by_shard
shard_cached('visible_section_ids', :section_visible_courses) do
def observed_student_ids_by_shard
shard_cached('observed_student_ids', :restricted_visibility_courses) do
# unlike the others, these aren't partitioned by shard; whichever shard
# you're on, you'll get the full set when you call this method, since these
# are user ids. but they are cached on the object by shard so that we
# transpose from global ids to shard relative ids at most once per shard.
def linked_observer_ids_by_shard
@global_linked_observer_ids ||=
by_shard = shard_cached('linked_observer_ids') do
@linked_observer_ids_by_shard ||= do |hash,shard|
hash[shard] = []
Shard.partition_by_shard(@global_linked_observer_ids) do |shard_ids|
if Shard.current == shard
hash[shard].concat({ |id| Shard.global_id_for(id) })
def visible_account_ids_by_shard
shard_cached('visible_account_ids') do
def fully_visible_group_ids_by_shard
shard_cached('fully_visible_group_ids', :recent_fully_visible_courses) do
def section_visible_group_ids_by_shard
shard_cached('section_visible_group_ids', :recent_section_visible_courses, :recent_fully_visible_courses) do
# =======================================================================
# | shard-implicit object-cached accessors to the main sharded caches |
# =======================================================================
def all_courses
all_courses_by_shard[Shard.current] || []
def course_index
@course_index_by_shard ||= {}
@course_index_by_shard[Shard.current] ||= all_courses.index_by(&:id)
def course_visibility(course)
@course_visibilities ||= {}
@course_visibilities[course.global_id] ||=
course.enrollment_visibility_level_for(@user, course.section_visibilities_for(@user), true)
def all_courses_by_visibility(visibility)
@all_courses_by_visibility_by_shard ||= {}
@all_courses_by_visibility_by_shard[Shard.current] ||=
all_courses.group_by{ |course| course_visibility(course) }
@all_courses_by_visibility_by_shard[Shard.current][visibility] ||= []
def fully_visible_courses
def section_visible_courses
def restricted_visibility_courses
def recent_courses
@recent_courses_by_shard ||= {}
@recent_courses_by_shard[Shard.current] ||=
all_courses.reject{ |course| course.conclude_at && course.conclude_at < 1.month.ago }
def recent_courses_by_visibility(visibility)
@recent_courses_by_visibility_by_shard ||= {}
@recent_courses_by_visibility_by_shard[Shard.current] ||=
recent_courses.group_by{ |course| course_visibility(course) }
@recent_courses_by_visibility_by_shard[Shard.current][visibility] ||= []
def recent_fully_visible_courses
def recent_section_visible_courses
def student_courses
@student_courses_by_shard ||= {}
@student_courses_by_shard[Shard.current] ||= all_courses.
select{ |course| course.primary_enrollment == 'StudentEnrollment' }
def visible_section_ids_in_courses(courses)
visible_section_ids = visible_section_ids_by_shard[Shard.current] || {}
def observed_student_ids_in_courses(courses)
observed_student_ids = observed_student_ids_by_shard[Shard.current] || {}
def linked_observer_ids
linked_observer_ids_by_shard[Shard.current] || []
def visible_account_ids
visible_account_ids_by_shard[Shard.current] || []
def fully_visible_group_ids
fully_visible_group_ids_by_shard[Shard.current] || []
def section_visible_group_ids
section_visible_group_ids_by_shard[Shard.current] || []