2017-04-28 12:24:56 +08:00
* Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2017-03-25 00:34:54 +08:00
import I18n from 'i18n!question_bank'
import $ from 'jquery'
import find_outcome from './find_outcome'
import moveQuestionTemplate from 'jst/quiz/move_question'
import htmlEscape from './str/htmlEscape'
import moveMultipleQuestionBanks from 'jsx/quizzes/question_bank/moveMultipleQuestionBanks'
import loadBanks from 'jsx/quizzes/question_bank/loadBanks'
import addBank from 'jsx/quizzes/question_bank/addBank'
import './jquery.ajaxJSON'
import './jquery.instructure_forms' /* formSubmit, getFormData, formErrors */
import 'jqueryui/dialog'
import './jquery.instructure_misc_helpers' /* replaceTags */
import './jquery.instructure_misc_plugins' /* confirmDelete, showIf, .dim */
import './jquery.keycodes'
import './jquery.loadingImg'
import './jquery.templateData'
2012-08-08 00:27:59 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
export function updateAlignments(alignments) {
.text(I18n.t('updating_outcomes', 'Updating Outcomes...'))
.attr('disabled', true)
const params = {}
for (const idx in alignments) {
const alignment = alignments[idx]
params['assessment_question_bank[alignments][' + alignment[0] + ']'] = alignment[1]
if (alignments.length == 0) {
params['assessment_question_bank[alignments]'] = ''
const url = $('.edit_bank_link:last').attr('href')
data => {
const alignments = data.assessment_question_bank.learning_outcome_alignments.sort((a, b) => {
const a_name = (
(a.content_tag &&
a.content_tag.learning_outcome &&
a.content_tag.learning_outcome.short_description) ||
const b_name = (
(b.content_tag &&
b.content_tag.learning_outcome &&
b.content_tag.learning_outcome.short_description) ||
if (a_name < b_name) {
return -1
} else if (a_name > b_name) {
return 1
} else {
return 0
2012-08-08 00:27:59 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
.text(I18n.t('align_outcomes', 'Align Outcomes'))
.attr('disabled', false)
const $outcomes = $('#aligned_outcomes_list')
const $template = $outcomes
for (const idx in alignments) {
const alignment = alignments[idx].content_tag
const outcome = {
short_description: alignment.learning_outcome.short_description,
mastery_threshold: Math.round(alignment.mastery_score * 10000) / 100.0
const $outcome = $template.clone(true)
$outcome.attr('data-id', alignment.learning_outcome_id)
data: outcome
data => {
.text(I18n.t('update_outcomes_fail', 'Updating Outcomes Failed'))
.attr('disabled', false)
2017-03-25 00:34:54 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
update "find outcome" interface across canvas.
fixes #11556
when searching for an outcome on question bank,
rubric, quiz, assignment, and discussion pages,
use the new outcome interface.
this commit also adds the following features to the
find outcome dialog:
* option to turn off import of account groups;
* option to add a "set mastery at" input to the
outcome detail pane;
* option to add a "use for scoring" checkbox to
outcome detail pane.
test plan:
* attempt to add/align/whatever an outcome on the
quiz, question bank, assignment, rubic, and discussion
pages; verify that:
- new outcome find dialog is used;
- when an outcome is selected, a mastery level text box
or "use for scoring" checkbox is displayed as
- only outcomes in the current context are displayed;
- on import, the outcome displays;
- outcome groups cannot be imported;
- there are no regressions.
Change-Id: I2439a4287738385e31cdaff18879d4692a4b7cec
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/15083
Reviewed-by: Mark Ericksen <marke@instructure.com>
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Marc LeGendre <marc@instructure.com>
2012-11-06 02:43:42 +08:00
2017-03-25 00:34:54 +08:00
export function attachPageEvents(e) {
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
$('#aligned_outcomes_list').delegate('.delete_outcome_link', 'click', function(event) {
const result = confirm(
'Are you sure you want to remove this outcome from the bank?'
$outcome = $(event.target).parents('.outcome'),
alignments = [],
outcome_id = $outcome.data('id')
update "find outcome" interface across canvas.
fixes #11556
when searching for an outcome on question bank,
rubric, quiz, assignment, and discussion pages,
use the new outcome interface.
this commit also adds the following features to the
find outcome dialog:
* option to turn off import of account groups;
* option to add a "set mastery at" input to the
outcome detail pane;
* option to add a "use for scoring" checkbox to
outcome detail pane.
test plan:
* attempt to add/align/whatever an outcome on the
quiz, question bank, assignment, rubic, and discussion
pages; verify that:
- new outcome find dialog is used;
- when an outcome is selected, a mastery level text box
or "use for scoring" checkbox is displayed as
- only outcomes in the current context are displayed;
- on import, the outcome displays;
- outcome groups cannot be imported;
- there are no regressions.
Change-Id: I2439a4287738385e31cdaff18879d4692a4b7cec
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/15083
Reviewed-by: Mark Ericksen <marke@instructure.com>
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Marc LeGendre <marc@instructure.com>
2012-11-06 02:43:42 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
if (result) {
$('#aligned_outcomes_list .outcome:not(.blank)').each(function() {
const id = $(this).attr('data-id')
const pct =
$(this).getTemplateData({textValues: ['mastery_threshold']}).mastery_threshold / 100
if (id != outcome_id) {
alignments.push([id, pct])
update "find outcome" interface across canvas.
fixes #11556
when searching for an outcome on question bank,
rubric, quiz, assignment, and discussion pages,
use the new outcome interface.
this commit also adds the following features to the
find outcome dialog:
* option to turn off import of account groups;
* option to add a "set mastery at" input to the
outcome detail pane;
* option to add a "use for scoring" checkbox to
outcome detail pane.
test plan:
* attempt to add/align/whatever an outcome on the
quiz, question bank, assignment, rubic, and discussion
pages; verify that:
- new outcome find dialog is used;
- when an outcome is selected, a mastery level text box
or "use for scoring" checkbox is displayed as
- only outcomes in the current context are displayed;
- on import, the outcome displays;
- outcome groups cannot be imported;
- there are no regressions.
Change-Id: I2439a4287738385e31cdaff18879d4692a4b7cec
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/15083
Reviewed-by: Mark Ericksen <marke@instructure.com>
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Marc LeGendre <marc@instructure.com>
2012-11-06 02:43:42 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
if ($('#more_questions').length > 0) {
$('.display_question .move').remove()
const url = $.replaceTags($('#bank_urls .more_questions_url').attr('href'), 'page', 1)
data => {
for (const idx in data.questions) {
const question = data.questions[idx].assessment_question
const $teaser = $('#question_teaser_' + question.id)
$teaser.data('question', question)
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
data => {}
$('.more_questions_link').click(function(event) {
if ($(this).hasClass('loading')) {
const $link = $(this)
const $more_questions = $('#more_questions')
const currentPage = parseInt($more_questions.attr('data-current-page'))
const totalPages = parseInt($more_questions.attr('data-total-pages'))
let url = $(this).attr('href')
url = $.replaceTags(url, 'page', currentPage + 1)
$link.text('loading more questions...').addClass('loading')
data => {
$link.text(I18n.t('links.more_questions', 'more questions')).removeClass('loading')
$more_questions.attr('data-current-page', currentPage + 1)
$more_questions.showIf(currentPage + 1 < totalPages)
for (const idx in data.questions) {
const question = data.questions[idx].assessment_question
question.assessment_question_id = question.id
const $question = $('#question_teaser_blank')
data: question,
id: 'question_teaser_' + question.id,
hrefValues: ['id']
data: question.question_data,
htmlValues: ['question_text']
$question.data('question', question)
() => {
.text(I18n.t('loading_more_fail', 'loading more questions fails, please try again'))
$('.delete_bank_link').click(function(event) {
url: $(this).attr('href'),
message: I18n.t(
'Are you sure you want to delete this bank of questions?'
success() {
location.href = $('.assessment_question_banks_url').attr('href')
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
$('.bookmark_bank_link').click(function(event) {
const $link = $(this)
$link.find('.message').text(I18n.t('bookmarking', 'Bookmarking...'))
data => {
$link.find('.message').text(I18n.t('already_bookmarked', 'Already Bookmarked'))
$link.attr('disabled', true)
() => {
$link.find('.message').text(I18n.t('bookmark_failed', 'Bookmark Failed'))
$('.edit_bank_link').click(event => {
const val = $('#edit_bank_form h2').text()
.val(val || I18n.t('question_bank', 'Question Bank'))
$('#edit_bank_form .bank_name_box').keycodes('return esc', function(event) {
if (event.keyString == 'esc') {
} else if (event.keyString == 'return') {
$('#edit_bank_form .bank_name_box').blur(() => {
object_name: 'assessment_question_bank',
beforeSubmit(data) {
$('#edit_bank_form h2').text(data.title)
success(data) {
const bank = data.assessment_question_bank
$('#edit_bank_form .bank_name_box').blur()
$('#edit_bank_form h2').text(bank.title)
error(data) {
.change(function() {
$('#questions').toggleClass('brief', !$(this).attr('checked'))
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
$('#questions').delegate('.move_question_link', 'click', function(event) {
const $dialog = $('#move_question_dialog')
$dialog.find('.submit_button').text(I18n.t('title.move_copy_questions', 'Move/Copy Questions'))
if (!$dialog.hasClass('loaded')) {
} else {
const template = $(this)
.getTemplateData({textValues: ['question_name', 'question_text']})
data: template
$dialog.data('question', $(this).parents('.question_holder'))
width: 600,
title: I18n.t('title.move_copy_questions', 'Move/Copy Questions')
$('#move_question_dialog .submit_button').click(function() {
const $dialog = $('#move_question_dialog')
const data = $dialog.getFormData()
const multiple_questions = data.multiple_questions == '1'
const move = data.copy != '1'
let submitText = null
if (move) {
submitText = I18n.t(
{one: 'Moving Question...', other: 'Moving Questions...'},
{count: multiple_questions ? 2 : 1}
} else {
submitText = I18n.t(
{one: 'Copying Question...', other: 'Copying Questions...'},
{count: multiple_questions ? 2 : 1}
$dialog.find('button').attr('disabled', true)
const url = $('#bank_urls .move_questions_url').attr('href')
data.move = move ? '1' : '0'
if (!multiple_questions) {
const id = $dialog
data['questions[' + id + ']'] = '1'
const ids = []
$dialog.find('.list_question :checkbox:checked').each(function() {
const save = function(data) {
data => {
$dialog.find('button').attr('disabled', false)
$dialog.find('.submit_button').text('Move/Copy Question')
if (move) {
if ($dialog.data('question')) {
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
} else {
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
for (const idx in ids) {
const id = ids[idx]
$('#question_' + id)
$('#question_teaser_' + id).remove()
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
data => {
$dialog.find('button').attr('disabled', false)
let failedText = null
if (move) {
failedText = I18n.t(
one: 'Moving Question Failed, please try again',
other: 'Moving Questions Failed, please try again'
{count: multiple_questions ? 2 : 1}
} else {
failedText = I18n.t(
one: 'Copying Question Failed, please try again',
other: 'Copying Questions Failed, please try again'
{count: multiple_questions ? 2 : 1}
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
if (data.assessment_question_bank_id == 'new') {
const create_url = $('#bank_urls .assessment_question_banks_url').attr('href')
{'assessment_question_bank[title]': data.assessment_question_bank_name},
bank_data => {
data.assessment_question_bank_id = bank_data.assessment_question_bank.id
data => {
$dialog.find('button').attr('disabled', false)
let submitAgainText = null
if (move) {
submitAgainText = I18n.t(
'Moving Question Failed, please try again...'
} else {
submitAgainText = I18n.t(
'Copying Question Failed, please try again...'
2014-01-23 06:51:40 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
} else {
update "find outcome" interface across canvas.
fixes #11556
when searching for an outcome on question bank,
rubric, quiz, assignment, and discussion pages,
use the new outcome interface.
this commit also adds the following features to the
find outcome dialog:
* option to turn off import of account groups;
* option to add a "set mastery at" input to the
outcome detail pane;
* option to add a "use for scoring" checkbox to
outcome detail pane.
test plan:
* attempt to add/align/whatever an outcome on the
quiz, question bank, assignment, rubic, and discussion
pages; verify that:
- new outcome find dialog is used;
- when an outcome is selected, a mastery level text box
or "use for scoring" checkbox is displayed as
- only outcomes in the current context are displayed;
- on import, the outcome displays;
- outcome groups cannot be imported;
- there are no regressions.
Change-Id: I2439a4287738385e31cdaff18879d4692a4b7cec
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/15083
Reviewed-by: Mark Ericksen <marke@instructure.com>
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Marc LeGendre <marc@instructure.com>
2012-11-06 02:43:42 +08:00
2019-10-09 22:04:45 +08:00
$('#move_question_dialog .cancel_button').click(() => {
$('#move_question_dialog :radio').change(function() {
$('#move_question_dialog .new_question_bank_name').showIf(
$(this).attr('checked') && $(this).val() == 'new'