2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class GradeCalculator
2013-02-12 04:41:18 +08:00
attr_accessor :submissions, :assignments
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2013-02-09 05:39:18 +08:00
def initialize(user_ids, course, opts = {})
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
opts = opts.reverse_merge(:ignore_muted => true)
2013-02-09 05:39:18 +08:00
@course = course.is_a?(Course) ?
@course = course :
@course = Course.find(course)
@course_id = @course.id
2013-02-12 04:41:18 +08:00
@groups = @course.assignment_groups.active.scoped(:include => :assignments)
@assignments = @groups.map(&:assignments).flatten.select { |a|
a.graded? && a.active?
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@user_ids = Array(user_ids).map(&:to_i)
@current_updates = []
@final_updates = []
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
@ignore_muted = opts[:ignore_muted]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-13 01:03:21 +08:00
def self.recompute_final_score(user_ids, course_id)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
calc = GradeCalculator.new user_ids, course_id
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
2011-04-13 01:03:21 +08:00
# recomputes the scores and saves them to each user's Enrollment
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
def compute_scores
2013-02-09 05:39:18 +08:00
@submissions = @course.submissions.for_user(@user_ids)
submissions_by_user = @submissions.group_by(&:user_id)
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
@user_ids.map do |user_id|
2013-02-09 05:39:18 +08:00
user_submissions = submissions_by_user[user_id] || []
current = calculate_current_score(user_id, user_submissions)
final = calculate_final_score(user_id, user_submissions)
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
[current, final]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
def save_scores
2013-03-15 03:32:18 +08:00
raise "Can't save scores when ignore_muted is false" unless @ignore_muted
2011-07-08 05:53:21 +08:00
2011-08-31 06:13:41 +08:00
Course.update_all({:updated_at => Time.now.utc}, {:id => @course.id})
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if !@current_updates.empty? || !@final_updates.empty?
2011-08-31 06:13:41 +08:00
query = "updated_at=#{Enrollment.sanitize(Time.now.utc)}"
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
query += ", computed_current_score=CASE #{@current_updates.join(" ")} ELSE computed_current_score END" unless @current_updates.empty?
query += ", computed_final_score=CASE #{@final_updates.join(" ")} ELSE computed_final_score END" unless @final_updates.empty?
Enrollment.update_all(query, {:user_id => @user_ids, :course_id => @course.id})
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-13 01:03:21 +08:00
# The score ignoring unsubmitted assignments
def calculate_current_score(user_id, submissions)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
group_sums = create_group_sums(submissions)
score = calculate_total_from_group_scores(group_sums)
@current_updates << "WHEN user_id=#{user_id} THEN #{score || "NULL"}"
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-13 01:03:21 +08:00
# The final score for the class, so unsubmitted assignments count as zeros
def calculate_final_score(user_id, submissions)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
group_sums = create_group_sums(submissions, false)
2013-01-12 07:32:38 +08:00
score = calculate_total_from_group_scores(group_sums)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@final_updates << "WHEN user_id=#{user_id} THEN #{score || "NULL"}"
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
# returns information about assignments groups in the form:
2013-01-12 07:32:38 +08:00
# [
# {
# :id => 1
# :score => 5,
# :possible => 7,
# :weight => 50},
# ...]
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
# each group
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def create_group_sums(submissions, ignore_ungraded=true)
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
assignments_by_group_id = @assignments.group_by(&:assignment_group_id)
submissions_by_assignment_id = Hash[
submissions.map { |s| [s.assignment_id, s] }
2013-01-12 07:32:38 +08:00
@groups.map do |group|
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
assignments = assignments_by_group_id[group.id] || []
2012-09-14 08:53:07 +08:00
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
group_submissions = assignments.map do |a|
s = submissions_by_assignment_id[a.id]
# ignore submissions for muted assignments
2012-12-22 07:02:45 +08:00
s = nil if @ignore_muted && a.muted?
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
:assignment => a,
:submission => s,
:score => s && s.score,
2012-12-29 17:39:44 +08:00
:total => a.points_possible || 0,
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2012-09-14 08:53:07 +08:00
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
group_submissions.reject! { |s| s[:score].nil? } if ignore_ungraded
group_submissions.each { |s| s[:score] ||= 0 }
kept = drop_assignments(group_submissions, group.rules_hash)
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
score, possible = kept.reduce([0, 0]) { |(s_sum,p_sum),s|
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
[s_sum + s[:score], p_sum + s[:total]]
2013-01-12 07:32:38 +08:00
:id => group.id,
:score => score,
:possible => possible,
:weight => group.group_weight,
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
# see comments for dropAssignments in grade_calculator.coffee
def drop_assignments(submissions, rules)
drop_lowest = rules[:drop_lowest] || 0
drop_highest = rules[:drop_highest] || 0
never_drop_ids = rules[:never_drop] || []
return submissions if drop_lowest.zero? && drop_highest.zero?
2012-12-29 17:39:44 +08:00
cant_drop = []
if never_drop_ids.present?
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
cant_drop, submissions = submissions.partition { |s|
never_drop_ids.include? s[:assignment].id
# fudge the drop rules if there aren't enough submissions
return cant_drop if submissions.empty?
drop_lowest = submissions.size - 1 if drop_lowest >= submissions.size
drop_highest = 0 if drop_lowest + drop_highest >= submissions.size
2012-12-29 17:39:44 +08:00
keep_highest = submissions.size - drop_lowest
keep_lowest = keep_highest - drop_highest
2013-01-15 05:06:16 +08:00
submissions.sort! { |a,b| a[:assignment].id - b[:assignment].id }
2012-12-29 17:39:44 +08:00
# assignment groups that have no points possible have to be dropped
# differently (it's a simpler case, but not one that fits in with our
# usual bisection approach)
kept = (cant_drop + submissions).any? { |s| s[:total] > 0 } ?
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
drop_pointed(submissions, cant_drop, keep_highest, keep_lowest) :
2012-12-29 17:39:44 +08:00
drop_unpointed(submissions, keep_highest, keep_lowest)
kept + cant_drop
def drop_unpointed(submissions, keep_highest, keep_lowest)
sorted_submissions = submissions.sort_by { |s| s[:score] }
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
def drop_pointed(submissions, cant_drop, n_highest, n_lowest)
max_total = (submissions + cant_drop).map { |s| s[:total] }.max
kept = keep_highest(submissions, cant_drop, n_highest, max_total)
kept = keep_lowest(kept, cant_drop, n_lowest, max_total)
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
def keep_highest(submissions, cant_drop, keep, max_total)
keep_helper(submissions, cant_drop, keep, max_total) { |*args| big_f_best(*args) }
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
def keep_lowest(submissions, cant_drop, keep, max_total)
keep_helper(submissions, cant_drop, keep, max_total) { |*args| big_f_worst(*args) }
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
# @submissions: set of droppable submissions
# @cant_drop: submissions that are not eligible for dropping
# @keep: number of submissions to keep from +submissions+
# @max_total: the highest number of points possible
# @big_f_blk: sorting block for the big_f function
# returns +keep+ +submissions+
def keep_helper(submissions, cant_drop, keep, max_total, &big_f_blk)
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
return submissions if submissions.size <= keep
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
unpointed, pointed = (submissions + cant_drop).partition { |s|
2012-12-29 17:39:44 +08:00
grades = pointed.map { |s| s[:score].to_f / s[:total] }.sort
q_high = estimate_q_high(pointed, unpointed, grades)
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
q_low = grades.first
q_mid = (q_low + q_high) / 2
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
x, kept = big_f_blk.call(q_mid, submissions, cant_drop, keep)
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
threshold = 1 / (2 * keep * max_total**2)
until q_high - q_low < threshold
x < 0 ?
q_high = q_mid :
q_low = q_mid
q_mid = (q_low + q_high) / 2
2013-02-17 07:42:10 +08:00
# bail if we can't can't ever satisfy the threshold (floats!)
break if q_mid == q_high || q_mid == q_low
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
x, kept = big_f_blk.call(q_mid, submissions, cant_drop, keep)
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
def big_f(q, submissions, cant_drop, keep, &sort_blk)
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
kept = submissions.map { |s|
rated_score = s[:score] - q * s[:total]
[rated_score, s]
q_kept = kept.reduce(0) { |sum,(rated_score,_)| sum + rated_score }
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
q_cant_drop = cant_drop.reduce(0) { |sum,s| sum + (s[:score] - q * s[:total]) }
[q_kept + q_cant_drop, kept.map(&:last)]
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2012-12-29 17:39:44 +08:00
# we can't use the student's highest grade as an upper-bound for bisection
# when 0-points-possible assignments are present, so guess the best possible
# grade the student could have earned in that case
def estimate_q_high(pointed, unpointed, grades)
if unpointed.present?
points_possible = pointed.reduce(0) { |sum,s| sum + s[:total] }
best_pointed_score = [
points_possible, # 100%
pointed.reduce(0) { |sum,s| sum + s[:score] } # ... or extra credit
unpointed_score = unpointed.reduce(0) { |sum,s| sum + s[:score] }
max_score = best_pointed_score + unpointed_score
max_score.to_f / points_possible
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
# determines the best +keep+ assignments from submissions for the given q
# (suitable for use with drop_lowest)
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
def big_f_best(q, submissions, cant_drop, keep)
big_f(q, submissions, cant_drop, keep) { |(a,_),(b,_)| b <=> a }
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
# determines the worst +keep+ assignments from submissions for the given q
# (suitable for use with drop_highest)
2013-01-10 08:59:16 +08:00
def big_f_worst(q, submissions, cant_drop, keep)
big_f(q, submissions, cant_drop, keep) { |(a,_),(b,_)| a <=> b }
2012-12-22 04:31:53 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Calculates the final score from the sums of all the assignment groups
2013-01-12 07:32:38 +08:00
def calculate_total_from_group_scores(group_sums)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if @course.group_weighting_scheme == 'percent'
2013-01-12 07:32:38 +08:00
relevant_group_sums = group_sums.reject { |gs|
gs[:possible].zero? || gs[:possible].nil?
final_grade = relevant_group_sums.reduce(0) { |grade,gs|
grade + (gs[:score].to_f / gs[:possible]) * gs[:weight]
# scale the grade up if total weights don't add up to 100%
full_weight = relevant_group_sums.reduce(0) { |w,gs| w + gs[:weight] }
if full_weight.zero?
final_grade = nil
elsif full_weight < 100
final_grade *= 100.0 / full_weight
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2013-01-12 07:32:38 +08:00
final_grade ? final_grade.round(1) : nil
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2013-01-12 07:32:38 +08:00
total, possible = group_sums.reduce([0,0]) { |(m,n),gs|
[m + gs[:score], n + gs[:possible]]
if possible > 0
final_grade = (total.to_f / possible) * 100
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-12 02:30:31 +08:00