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2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Instructure, Inc.
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb')
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/validates_as_url.rb')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
describe Submission do
before(:once) do
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@user = factory_with_protected_attributes(User, :name => "some student", :workflow_state => "registered")
@course = @context = factory_with_protected_attributes(Course, :name => "some course", :workflow_state => "available")
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@assignment = => "some assignment")
@assignment.workflow_state = "published"
@valid_attributes = {
:assignment_id =>,
:user_id =>,
:grade => "1.5",
:url => ""
it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do
include_examples "url validation tests"
it "should check url validity" do
it "should add http:// to the body for long urls, too" do
s = Submission.create!(@valid_attributes)
expect(s.url).to eq ''
long_url = ("a"*300 + ".com")
s.url = long_url!
expect(s.url).to eq "http://#{long_url}"
# make sure it adds the "http://" to the body for long urls, too
expect(s.body).to eq "http://#{long_url}"
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should offer the context, if one is available" do
@course =
@assignment = => @course)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@submission =
expect{@submission.context}.not_to raise_error
expect(@submission.context).to be_nil
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@submission.assignment = @assignment
expect(@submission.context).to eql(@course)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should have an interesting state machine" do
expect(@submission.state).to eql(:submitted)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
expect(@submission.state).to eql(:graded)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should be versioned" do
expect(@submission).to be_respond_to(:versions)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should not save new versions by default" do
expect {!
}.not_to change(@submission.versions, :count)
describe "version indexing" do
it "should create a SubmissionVersion when a new submission is created" do
expect {
}.to change(SubmissionVersion, :count)
it "should create a SubmissionVersion when a new version is saved" do
expect {
@submission.with_versioning(:explicit => true) { }
}.to change(SubmissionVersion, :count)
it "should ensure the media object exists" do
se = @course.enroll_student(user)
MediaObject.expects(:ensure_media_object).with("fake", { :context => se.user, :user => se.user })
@submission = @assignment.submit_homework(se.user, :media_comment_id => "fake", :media_comment_type => "audio")
add option for course grade change (log auditing) fixes: CNVS-8996 Added a grade change audit UI for searching grade change events. This allows the user to search based off of the grader, student, course id, and assignment id. In addition to each parameter a date range can be selected. Currently assignment and course can only be searched if the ID is known. This is because there is no way to query for courses based on a name with the api. Note: The submission after_save :grade_change_audit needed to be after the simply_versioned call because the grade change audit uses that to grab the previous grade. This was a bug in the grade change audit log api. This fixes that issue also. Test Case: - Create a course with an assignment and student. - Grade the assignment for the student. - Change the grade for the student a few times. - Open the admin tools. Select the Logging tab and then pick the grade change activity option in the drop down. - Search for the grader. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the student. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the course id. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the assignment id. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Perform each search type again, testing the date range capabilities. - Make sure you cannot search with an invalid date range, grader, and student. - Enter an invalid course id, no results should be returned. - Enter an invalid assignment id, no results should be returned. Change-Id: Ie5a4d34dbb60627374035071c68ec4d404e80135 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Nick Cloward <> Product-Review: Nick Cloward <> QA-Review: Nick Cloward <> Tested-by: Nick Cloward <>
2013-12-03 04:42:07 +08:00
it "should log submissions with grade changes" do
@submission.score = 5!
@submission.grader_id =!
context "Discussion Topic" do
it "should use correct date for its submitted_at value" do
course_with_student_logged_in(:active_all => true)
@topic = @course.discussion_topics.create(:title => "some topic")
@assignment = @course.assignments.create(:title => "some discussion assignment")
@assignment.submission_types = 'discussion_topic'!
@entry1 = @topic.discussion_entries.create(:message => "first entry", :user => @user)
@topic.assignment_id =!
@submission = @assignment.submissions.where(:user_id => @entry1.user_id).first
new_time = + 30.minutes
@entry2 = @topic.discussion_entries.create(:message => "second entry", :user => @user)
expect((@submission.submitted_at.to_i - @submission.created_at.to_i).abs).to be < 1.minute
it "should not create multiple versions on submission for discussion topics" do
course_with_student_logged_in(:active_all => true)
@topic = @course.discussion_topics.create(:title => "some topic")
@assignment = @course.assignments.create(:title => "some discussion assignment")
@assignment.submission_types = 'discussion_topic'!
@topic.assignment_id =!
Timecop.freeze(1.second.ago) do
@assignment.submit_homework(@student, :submission_type => 'discussion_topic')
@assignment.submit_homework(@student, :submission_type => 'discussion_topic')
expect(@student.submissions.first.submission_history.count).to eq 1
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
context "broadcast policy" do
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
context "Submission Notifications" do
before :once do
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
Notification.create(:name => 'Assignment Submitted')
Notification.create(:name => 'Assignment Resubmitted')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
Notification.create(:name => 'Assignment Submitted Late')
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
Notification.create(:name => 'Group Assignment Submitted Late')
@teacher = User.create(:name => "some teacher")
@student = User.create(:name => "a student")
it "should send the correct message when an assignment is turned in on-time" do
@assignment.workflow_state = "published"
@assignment.update_attributes(:due_at => + 1000)
submission_spec_model(:user => @student)
expect(@submission.messages_sent.keys).to eq ['Assignment Submitted']
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
it "should send the correct message when an assignment is turned in late" do
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@assignment.workflow_state = "published"
@assignment.update_attributes(:due_at => - 1000)
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
submission_spec_model(:user => @student)
expect(@submission.messages_sent.keys).to eq ['Assignment Submitted Late']
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
it "should send the correct message when an assignment is resubmitted on-time" do
@assignment.submission_types = ['online_text_entry']
@assignment.due_at = + 1000!
@assignment.submit_homework(@student, :body => "lol")
resubmission = @assignment.submit_homework(@student, :body => "frd")
expect(resubmission.messages_sent.keys).to eq ['Assignment Resubmitted']
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
it "should send the correct message when an assignment is resubmitted late" do
@assignment.submission_types = ['online_text_entry']
@assignment.due_at = - 1000!
@assignment.submit_homework(@student, :body => "lol")
resubmission = @assignment.submit_homework(@student, :body => "frd")
expect(resubmission.messages_sent.keys).to eq ['Assignment Submitted Late']
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
it "should send the correct message when a group assignment is submitted late" do
@a = assignment_model(:course => @context, :group_category => "Study Groups", :due_at => - 1000, :submission_types => ["online_text_entry"])
@group1 = @a.context.groups.create!(:name => "Study Group 1", :group_category => @a.group_category)
submission = @a.submit_homework @student, :submission_type => "online_text_entry", :body => "blah"
expect(submission.messages_sent.keys).to eq ['Group Assignment Submitted Late']
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
VDD: notifications; closes #10896 The following changes have been made: - Assignment Created - students see the due date that applies to them - admins see "Multiple Dates" - Assignment Due Date Changed - students see the due date that applies to them; they receive no notification if their date doesn't change - admins receive a separate notification for each due date that changes, that they have access to; the message indicates which section or group applies (section-limited TAs will not get messages about due dates in sections they can't see) - Assignment Submitted Late - the message text does not change, but the student's overridden due date is checked - Group Assignment Submitted Late - same as previous There were some bugs fixed along the way: - no longer send duplicate Assignment Submitted and Assignment Resubmitted notifications when an assignment is resubmitted - Group Assignment Submitted Late actually goes out (there was a typo in the whenever clause) Test plan: - Create a course with two sections and a teacher - Enroll a student in each section - Enroll a section-limited TA in each section - Make sure everybody involved is signed up for "Due Date" notifications, ASAP - Using the API, Create an assignment with a default due date (in the past) and an overridden due date for section 2 (in the future). the assignment and override must be created in the same request (use the "Create an assignment" API and supply assignment[assignment_overrides]; it may be easier to use a JSON request body) - Verify that everybody got an "Assignment Created" message (use /users/X/messages) - the teacher should see "Multiple Dates", as should the TA in section 2 (because the default date is still visible to him) - the student and the TA in section 1 should see the default due date - the student in section 2 should see the overridden due date - "Due Date Changed" messages will not go out for assignments that were created less than 3 hours ago (by design, and not new with this changeset), so for the remaining items, you either need to wait 3 hours, or falsify created_at for the assignment you just made... - Change the default due date for the assignment, leaving it in the past - Everybody except the student in section 2 should get a notification with the new date - Change the overridden due date for section 2, leaving it in the future - everybody except the teacher and TA in section 1 should get a notification about the new date - the teacher and section-2 TA's notifications should indicate that they apply to section 2 (the student's should not) - submit the assignment as each student - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not - submit again - the teacher should get one notification about each submission: the one about the student in section 1 should say it's late; the one about the student in section 2 should not, and should be identified as a resubmission (there is no late-re-submission notification) Change-Id: I26e57807ea0c83b69e2b532ec8822f6570ba1701 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
2012-10-27 04:10:08 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
context "Submission Graded" do
before :once do
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
Notification.create(:name => 'Submission Graded')
it "should create a message when the assignment has been graded and published" do
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create(:path => "somewhere")
expect(@submission.assignment).to eql(@assignment)
expect(@submission.assignment.state).to eql(:published)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
expect(@submission.messages_sent).to be_include('Submission Graded')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should not create a message when a muted assignment has been graded and published" do
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create(:path => "somewhere")
expect(@submission.assignment).to eql(@assignment)
expect(@submission.assignment.state).to eql(:published)
expect(@submission.messages_sent).not_to be_include "Submission Graded"
it "should not create a message when this is a quiz submission" do
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create(:path => "somewhere")
@quiz = Quizzes::Quiz.create!(:context => @course)
@submission.quiz_submission = @quiz.generate_submission(@user)!
expect(@submission.assignment).to eql(@assignment)
expect(@submission.assignment.state).to eql(:published)
expect(@submission.messages_sent).not_to include('Submission Graded')
it "should create a hidden stream_item_instance when muted, graded, and published" do
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create :path => "somewhere"
expect {
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)[0]
}.to change StreamItemInstance, :count
expect(@user.stream_item_instances.last).to be_hidden
it "should hide any existing stream_item_instances when muted" do
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create :path => "somewhere"
expect {
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)[0]
}.to change StreamItemInstance, :count
expect(@user.stream_item_instances.last).not_to be_hidden
expect(@user.stream_item_instances.last).to be_hidden
it "should not create a message for admins and teachers with quiz submissions" do
course_with_teacher(:active_all => true)
assignment = @course.assignments.create!(
:title => 'assignment',
:points_possible => 10)
quiz =
:assignment_id =>,
:title => 'test quiz',
:points_possible => 10)
quiz.workflow_state = 'available'!
user = account_admin_user
channel = user.communication_channels.create!(:path => '')
submission = quiz.generate_submission(user, false)
channel2 = @teacher.communication_channels.create!(:path => '')
submission2 = quiz.generate_submission(@teacher, false)
expect(submission.submission.messages_sent).not_to be_include('Submission Graded')
expect(submission2.submission.messages_sent).not_to be_include('Submission Graded')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should create a stream_item_instance when graded and published" do
Notification.create :name => "Submission Graded"
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create :path => "somewhere"
expect {
@assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)
}.to change StreamItemInstance, :count
it "should create a stream_item_instance when graded, and then made it visible when unmuted" do
Notification.create :name => "Submission Graded"
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create :path => "somewhere"
expect {
@assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)
}.to change StreamItemInstance, :count
stream_item_ids = StreamItem.where(:asset_type => 'Submission', :asset_id => @assignment.submissions.all).pluck(:id)
stream_item_instances = StreamItemInstance.where(:stream_item_id => stream_item_ids)
stream_item_instances.each { |sii| expect(sii).not_to be_hidden }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
context "Submission Grade Changed" do
it "should create a message when the score is changed and the grades were already published" do
Notification.create(:name => 'Submission Grade Changed')
@assignment.stubs(:due_at).returns( - 100)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create(:path => "somewhere")
s = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)[0] #@submission
s.graded_at = Time.parse("Jan 1 2000")
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 9)[0]
expect(@submission).to eql(s)
expect(@submission.messages_sent).to be_include('Submission Grade Changed')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it 'doesnt create a grade changed message when theres a quiz attached' do
Notification.create(:name => 'Submission Grade Changed')
@assignment.stubs(:due_at).returns( - 100)
@quiz = Quizzes::Quiz.create!(:context => @course)
@submission.quiz_submission = @quiz.generate_submission(@user)!
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create(:path => "somewhere")
s = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)[0] #@submission
s.graded_at = Time.parse("Jan 1 2000")
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 9)[0]
expect(@submission).to eql(s)
expect(@submission.messages_sent).not_to include('Submission Grade Changed')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should create a message when the score is changed and the grades were already published" do
Notification.create(:name => 'Submission Grade Changed')
Notification.create(:name => 'Submission Graded')
@assignment.stubs(:due_at).returns( - 100)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create(:path => "somewhere")
s = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)[0] #@submission
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 9)[0]
expect(@submission).to eql(s)
expect(@submission.messages_sent).not_to be_include('Submission Grade Changed')
expect(@submission.messages_sent).to be_include('Submission Graded')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should not create a message when the score is changed and the grades were already published for a muted assignment" do
Notification.create(:name => 'Submission Grade Changed')
@assignment.stubs(:due_at).returns( - 100)
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create(:path => "somewhere")
s = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)[0] #@submission
s.graded_at = Time.parse("Jan 1 2000")
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 9)[0]
expect(@submission).to eql(s)
expect(@submission.messages_sent).not_to be_include('Submission Grade Changed')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
it "should NOT create a message when the score is changed and the submission was recently graded" do
Notification.create(:name => 'Submission Grade Changed')
@assignment.stubs(:due_at).returns( - 100)
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@cc = @user.communication_channels.create(:path => "somewhere")
s = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 10)[0] #@submission
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, :grade => 9)[0]
expect(@submission).to eql(s)
expect(@submission.messages_sent).not_to be_include('Submission Grade Changed')
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
context "turnitin" do
context "submission" do
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
def init_turnitin_api
@turnitin_api ='test_account', 'sekret')
before(:once) do
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
@assignment.submission_types = "online_upload,online_text_entry"
@assignment.turnitin_enabled = true
@assignment.turnitin_settings = @assignment.turnitin_settings!
@submission = @assignment.submit_homework(@user, { :body => "hello there", :submission_type => 'online_text_entry' })
it "should submit to turnitin after a delay" do
job = Delayed::Job.list_jobs(:future, 100).find { |j| j.tag == 'Submission#submit_to_turnitin' }
expect(job).not_to be_nil
expect(job.run_at).to be >
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
it "should initially set turnitin submission to pending" do
@turnitin_api.expects(:createOrUpdateAssignment).with(@assignment, @assignment.turnitin_settings).returns({ :assignment_id => "1234" })
@turnitin_api.expects(:enrollStudent).with(@context, @user).returns(stub(:success? => true))
@submission.asset_string => {
:object_id => '12345'
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
expect(@submission.reload.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string][:status]).to eq 'pending'
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
it "should schedule a retry if something fails initially" do
@turnitin_api.expects(:createOrUpdateAssignment).with(@assignment, @assignment.turnitin_settings).returns({ :assignment_id => "1234" })
@turnitin_api.expects(:enrollStudent).with(@context, @user).returns(stub(:success? => false))
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
expect(Delayed::Job.list_jobs(:future, 100).find_all { |j| j.tag == 'Submission#submit_to_turnitin' }.size).to eq 2
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
it "should set status as failed if something fails after several attempts" do
@turnitin_api.expects(:enrollStudent).with(@context, @user).returns(stub(:success? => false, :error? => true, :error_hash => {}))
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
expect(@submission.reload.turnitin_data[:status]).to eq 'error'
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
it "should set status back to pending on retry" do
# first a submission, to get us into failed state
@turnitin_api.expects(:enrollStudent).with(@context, @user).returns(stub(:success? => false, :error? => true, :error_hash => {}))
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
expect(@submission.reload.turnitin_data[:status]).to eq 'error'
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
# resubmit
expect(@submission.reload.turnitin_data[:status]).to be_nil
expect(@submission.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string][:status]).to eq 'pending'
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
it "should set status to scored on success" do
@submission.turnitin_data ||= {}
@submission.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string] = { :object_id => '1234', :status => 'pending' }
@turnitin_api.expects(:generateReport).with(@submission, @submission.asset_string).returns({
:similarity_score => 56,
:web_overlap => 22,
:publication_overlap => 0,
:student_overlap => 33
expect(@submission.reload.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string][:status]).to eq 'scored'
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
it "should set status as failed if something fails after several attempts" do
@submission.turnitin_data ||= {}
@submission.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string] = { :object_id => '1234', :status => 'pending' }
@turnitin_api.expects(:generateReport).with(@submission, @submission.asset_string).returns({})
expects_job_with_tag('Submission#check_turnitin_status') do
expect(@submission.reload.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string][:status]).to eq 'pending'
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
updated_data = @submission.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string]
expect(updated_data[:status]).to eq 'error'
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
it "should check status for all assets" do
@submission.turnitin_data ||= {}
@submission.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string] = { :object_id => '1234', :status => 'pending' }
@submission.turnitin_data["other_asset"] = { :object_id => 'xxyy', :status => 'pending' }
@turnitin_api.expects(:generateReport).with(@submission, @submission.asset_string).returns({
:similarity_score => 56, :web_overlap => 22, :publication_overlap => 0, :student_overlap => 33
@turnitin_api.expects(:generateReport).with(@submission, "other_asset").returns({ :similarity_score => 20 })
expect(@submission.turnitin_data[@submission.asset_string][:status]).to eq 'scored'
expect(@submission.turnitin_data["other_asset"][:status]).to eq 'scored'
it "should not blow up if submission_type has changed when job runs" do
@submission.submission_type = 'online_url'
expect { @submission.submit_to_turnitin }.not_to raise_error
describe "group" do
before(:once) do
@teacher = User.create(:name => "some teacher")
@student = User.create(:name => "a student")
@student1 = User.create(:name => "student 1")
@a = assignment_model(:course => @context, :group_category => "Study Groups")
@a.submission_types = "online_upload,online_text_entry"
@a.turnitin_enabled = true!
@group1 = @a.context.groups.create!(:name => "Study Group 1", :group_category => @a.group_category)
it "should submit to turnitin for the original submitter" do
submission = @a.submit_homework @student, :submission_type => "online_text_entry", :body => "blah"
Submission.where(assignment_id: @a).each do |s|
if ==
expect(s.turnitin_data[:last_processed_attempt]).to be > 0
expect(s.turnitin_data).to eq({})
context "report" do
before :once do
allow teachers to resubmit to turnitin; closes #7981 add more structure to the turnitin_data hash on a submission to keep track of what state things are in, so that we can present errors to the user as they happen and provide a way to resubmit. there are three states: 'pending', 'error', and 'scored'. submissions start out as 'pending', and can move to 'error' if anything goes wrong in the submission process (either in creating the assignment, enrolling the user, or actually submitting the paper). there are built in retrys, and the error state only gets set if there is still an error after the retry limit. if this succeeds, we stay pending until the score is successfully retrieved from turnitin, at which point it is marked 'scored'. this change is primarily in speed grader, although icons have been updated in the gradebooks and submission pages as well. in the 'scored' state, (or without a state) things should work exactly as they have previously - display a score, which can be clicked to see the full report. in the 'error' state (indicated with an exclaimation point icon), clicking the icon gives you more details about the error and the option to resubmit. in the 'pending' state (indicated by a clock icon), clicking the icon just explains that the submission is pending. test-plan: - locate some submissions that were scored with turnitin before this change was applied and verify that they still work as expected - submit something new that will get sent to turnitin. verify that it initially gets marked as pending, and then after 5-10 minutes has a score. - submit something that will result in a turnitin error (eg: < 20 words, password protected pdf). verify that it initially gets marked as pending, then after ~30 minutes (to account for retries) is marked as an error. - click the icon, and click the resubmit button. verify that it goes back to pending. - verify that the new turnitin icons for these submission in gradebooks 1 and 2 look correct and don't mess up the layout. Change-Id: Ia5e1b04842de16aaa44d498eefe59ddb716dc014 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> Tested-by: Hudson <>
2012-04-19 00:54:19 +08:00
@assignment.submission_types = "online_upload,online_text_entry"
@assignment.turnitin_enabled = true
@assignment.turnitin_settings = @assignment.turnitin_settings!
@submission = @assignment.submit_homework(@user, { :body => "hello there", :submission_type => 'online_text_entry' })
@submission.turnitin_data = {
"submission_#{}" => {
:web_overlap => 92,
:error => true,
:publication_overlap => 0,
:state => "failure",
:object_id => "123456789",
:student_overlap => 90,
:similarity_score => 92
before :each do
api ='test_account', 'sekret')
api.expects(:sendRequest).with(:generate_report, 1, has_entries(:oid => "123456789")).at_least(1).returns('')
it "should let teachers view the turnitin report" do
@teacher = User.create
expect(@submission).to be_grants_right(@teacher, nil, :view_turnitin_report)
expect(@submission.turnitin_report_url("submission_#{}", @teacher)).not_to be_nil
it "should let students view the turnitin report after grading" do
@assignment.turnitin_settings[:originality_report_visibility] = 'after_grading'!
expect(@submission).not_to be_grants_right(@user, nil, :view_turnitin_report)
expect(@submission.turnitin_report_url("submission_#{}", @user)).to be_nil
@submission.score = 1
expect(@submission).to be_grants_right(@user, nil, :view_turnitin_report)
expect(@submission.turnitin_report_url("submission_#{}", @user)).not_to be_nil
it "should let students view the turnitin report immediately if the visibility setting allows it" do
@assignment.turnitin_settings[:originality_report_visibility] = 'after_grading'
expect(@submission).not_to be_grants_right(@user, nil, :view_turnitin_report)
expect(@submission.turnitin_report_url("submission_#{}", @user)).to be_nil
@assignment.turnitin_settings[:originality_report_visibility] = 'immediate'
expect(@submission).to be_grants_right(@user, nil, :view_turnitin_report)
expect(@submission.turnitin_report_url("submission_#{}", @user)).not_to be_nil
it "should let students view the turnitin report after the due date if the visibility setting allows it" do
@assignment.turnitin_settings[:originality_report_visibility] = 'after_due_date'
@assignment.due_at = +
expect(@submission).not_to be_grants_right(@user, nil, :view_turnitin_report)
expect(@submission.turnitin_report_url("submission_#{}", @user)).to be_nil
@assignment.due_at = -
expect(@submission).to be_grants_right(@user, nil, :view_turnitin_report)
expect(@submission.turnitin_report_url("submission_#{}", @user)).not_to be_nil
it "should return the correct quiz_submission_version" do
# see redmine #6048
# set up the data to have a submission with a quiz submission with multiple versions
quiz = @course.quizzes.create!
quiz_submission = quiz.generate_submission @user, false
submission = Submission.create!({
:assignment_id =>,
:user_id =>,
:quiz_submission_id =>
submission = @assignment.submit_homework @user, :submission_type => 'online_quiz'
submission.quiz_submission_id =
# set the microseconds of the submission.submitted_at to be less than the
# quiz_submission.finished_at.
# first set them to be exactly the same (with microseconds)
time_to_i = submission.submitted_at.to_i
usec = submission.submitted_at.usec
timestamp = "#{time_to_i}.#{usec}".to_f
quiz_submission.finished_at =
# get the data in a strange state where the quiz_submission.finished_at is
# microseconds older than the submission (caused the bug in #6048)
quiz_submission.finished_at = + 0.00001)
# verify the data is weird, to_i says they are equal, but the usecs are off
expect(quiz_submission.finished_at.to_i).to eq submission.submitted_at.to_i
expect(quiz_submission.finished_at.usec).to be > submission.submitted_at.usec
# create the versions that Submission#quiz_submission_version uses
quiz_submission.with_versioning do
# the real test, quiz_submission_version shouldn't care about usecs
expect(submission.reload.quiz_submission_version).to eq 2
it "should return only comments readable by the user" do
course_with_teacher(:active_all => true)
@student1 = student_in_course(:active_user => true).user
@student2 = student_in_course(:active_user => true).user
@assignment = => "some assignment")
@assignment.submission_types = "online_text_entry"
@assignment.workflow_state = "published"
@submission = @assignment.submit_homework(@student1, :body => 'some message')
sc1 = SubmissionComment.create!(:submission => @submission, :author => @teacher, :comment => "a")
sc2 = SubmissionComment.create!(:submission => @submission, :author => @teacher, :comment => "b", :hidden => true)
sc3 = SubmissionComment.create!(:submission => @submission, :author => @student1, :comment => "c")
sc4 = SubmissionComment.create!(:submission => @submission, :author => @student2, :comment => "d")
expect(@submission.submission_comments.count).to eql 4
expect(@submission.visible_submission_comments.count).to eql 3
expect(@submission.submission_comments.count).to eql 3
expect(@submission.visible_submission_comments.count).to eql 3
expect(@submission.submission_comments.count).to eql 1
expect(@submission.visible_submission_comments.count).to eql 1
describe "read/unread state" do
it "should be read if a submission exists with no grade" do
@submission = @assignment.submit_homework(@user)
expect( be_truthy
it "should be unread after assignment is graded" do
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, { :grade => 3 }).first
expect(@submission.unread?(@user)).to be_truthy
it "should be unread after submission is graded" do
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@user, { :grade => 3 }).first
expect(@submission.unread?(@user)).to be_truthy
it "should be unread after submission is commented on by teacher" do
@student = @user
course_with_teacher(:course => @context, :active_all => true)
@submission = @assignment.grade_student(@student, { :grader => @teacher, :comment => "good!" }).first
expect(@submission.unread?(@user)).to be_truthy
it "should be read if other submission fields change" do
@submission = @assignment.submit_homework(@user)
@submission.workflow_state = 'graded'
@submission.graded_at =!
expect( be_truthy
describe "mute" do
let(:submission) { }
before :each do
submission.published_score = 100
submission.published_grade = 'A'
submission.graded_at =
submission.grade = 'B'
submission.score = 90
specify { expect(submission.published_score).to be_nil }
specify { expect(submission.published_grade).to be_nil }
specify { expect(submission.graded_at).to be_nil }
specify { expect(submission.grade).to be_nil }
specify { expect(submission.score).to be_nil }
describe "muted_assignment?" do
it "returns true if assignment is muted" do
assignment = stub(:muted? => true)
@submission =
expect(@submission.muted_assignment?).to eq true
it "returns false if assignment is not muted" do
assignment = stub(:muted? => false)
@submission =
expect(@submission.muted_assignment?).to eq false
describe "without_graded_submission?" do
let(:submission) { }
it "returns false if submission does not has_submission?" do
submission.stubs(:has_submission?).returns false
submission.stubs(:graded?).returns true
expect(submission.without_graded_submission?).to eq false
it "returns false if submission does is not graded" do
submission.stubs(:has_submission?).returns true
submission.stubs(:graded?).returns false
expect(submission.without_graded_submission?).to eq false
it "returns true if submission is not graded and has no submission" do
submission.stubs(:has_submission?).returns false
submission.stubs(:graded?).returns false
expect(submission.without_graded_submission?).to eq true
describe "autograded" do
let(:submission) { }
it "returns false when its not autograded" do
assignment = stub(:muted? => false)
@submission =
expect(@submission.autograded?).to eq false
@submission.grader_id = Shard.global_id_for(
expect(@submission.autograded?).to eq false
it "returns true when its autograded" do
assignment = stub(:muted? => false)
@submission =
@submission.grader_id = -1
expect(@submission.autograded?).to eq true
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
describe "past_due" do
before :once do
u1 = @user
@submission1 = @submission
add_section('overridden section')
u2 = student_in_section(@course_section, :active_all => true)
submission_spec_model(:user => u2)
@submission2 = @submission
@assignment.update_attribute(:due_at, -
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should update when an assignment's due date is changed" do
expect(@submission1).to be_past_due
@assignment.reload.update_attribute(:due_at, +
expect(@submission1.reload).not_to be_past_due
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should update when an applicable override is changed" do
expect(@submission1).to be_past_due
expect(@submission2).to be_past_due
assignment_override_model :assignment => @assignment,
:due_at => +,
:set => @course_section
expect(@submission1.reload).to be_past_due
expect(@submission2.reload).not_to be_past_due
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should give a quiz submission 30 extra seconds before making it past due" do
quiz_with_graded_submission([{:question_data => {:name => 'question 1', :points_possible => 1, 'question_type' => 'essay_question'}}]) do
"text_after_answers" => "",
"question_#{@questions[0].id}" => "<p>Lorem ipsum answer.</p>",
"context_id" => "#{}",
"context_type" => "Course",
"user_id" => "#{}",
"quiz_id" => "#{}",
"course_id" => "#{}",
"question_text" => "Lorem ipsum question",
@assignment.due_at = "20130101T23:59Z"!
submission = @quiz_submission.submission.reload
submission.write_attribute(:submitted_at, @assignment.due_at + 3.days)
expect(submission).to be_past_due
submission.write_attribute(:submitted_at, @assignment.due_at + 30.seconds)
expect(submission).not_to be_past_due
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
describe "late" do
before :once do
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should be false if not past due" do
@submission.submitted_at = 2.days.ago
@submission.cached_due_date =
expect(@submission).not_to be_late
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should be false if not submitted, even if past due" do
@submission.submission_type = nil # forces submitted_at to be nil
@submission.cached_due_date =
expect(@submission).not_to be_late
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should be true if submitted and past due" do
@submission.submitted_at =
@submission.cached_due_date = 2.days.ago
expect(@submission).to be_late
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
describe "missing" do
before :once do
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should be false if not past due" do
@submission.submitted_at = 2.days.ago
@submission.cached_due_date =
expect(@submission).not_to be_missing
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should be false if submitted, even if past due" do
@submission.submitted_at =
@submission.cached_due_date = 2.days.ago
expect(@submission).not_to be_missing
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
it "should be true if not submitted, past due, and expects a submission" do
@submission.assignment.submission_types = "online_quiz"
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
@submission.submission_type = nil # forces submitted_at to be nil
@submission.cached_due_date =
# Regardless of score
@submission.score = 0.00000001
@submission.graded_at = +
expect(@submission).to be_missing
it "should be true if not submitted, score of zero, and does not expect a submission" do
@submission.assignment.submission_types = "on_paper"
@submission.submission_type = nil # forces submitted_at to be nil
@submission.cached_due_date =
@submission.score = 0
@submission.graded_at = +
expect(@submission).to be_missing
it "should be false if not submitted, score greater than zero, and does not expect a submission" do
@submission.assignment.submission_types = "on_paper"
@submission.submission_type = nil # forces submitted_at to be nil
@submission.cached_due_date =
@submission.score = 0.00000001
@submission.graded_at = +
expect(@submission).to be_missing
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
describe "cached_due_date" do
it "should get initialized during submission creation" do
@assignment.update_attribute(:due_at, -
override =
override.title = "Some Title"
override.set = @course.default_section
override.override_due_at( +!
# mysql just truncated the timestamp
replace submissions.late column with .cached_due_date refs CNVS-5805 with efficient calculation of all due dates for any submissions for a given assignment when related records (the assignment, its overrides, related enrollments, and related group memberships) changes. compares this cached due date to the submitted_at or current time when determining lateness. populates the column for existing submissions in a post-deploy data-fixup migration. test-plan: - run lib/data_fixup/initialize_submission_cached_due_date.rb - all submissions' cached_due_dates should be updated over several jobs - enroll a student in a course and create submissions in that course - create a second enrollment in a second section; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - destroy the second enrollment; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - create a group assignment - add the student to a group in the assignment's category; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - remove the student from the group; the cached_due_dates for the user's submissions should recalculate - enroll more students in the course - change an assignment's due date; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - create an override for the assignment; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - change the due date on the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - delete the override; the cached_due_dates for the assignment's submissions should recalculate - during any of the above recalculations: - the most lenient applicable override should apply - if the most lenient applicable override is more stringent than the assignment due_at, it should still apply - the assignment due_at should apply if there are no applicable overrides Change-Id: Ibacab27429a76755114dabb1e735d4b3d9bbd2fc Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <> QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <> Tested-by: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-06-01 04:07:26 +08:00
submission = @assignment.submissions.create(:user => @user)
expect(submission.cached_due_date).to eq override.due_at
describe "update_attachment_associations" do
before do
course_with_student active_all: true
@assignment = @course.assignments.create!
it "doesn't include random attachment ids" do
f = Attachment.create! uploaded_data:'blah'),
context: @course,
filename: 'blah.txt'
sub = @assignment.submit_homework(@user, attachments: [f])
expect(sub.attachments).to eq []
describe "versioned_attachments" do
it "should include user attachments" do
student_in_course(active_all: true)
att = attachment_model(filename: "submission.doc", :context => @student)
sub = @assignment.submit_homework(@student, attachments: [att])
expect(sub.versioned_attachments).to eq [att]
it "should not include attachments with a context of Submission" do
student_in_course(active_all: true)
att = attachment_model(filename: "submission.doc", :context => @student)
sub = @assignment.submit_homework(@student, attachments: [att])
sub.attachments.update_all(:context_type => "Submission", :context_id =>
expect(sub.reload.versioned_attachments).to be_empty
describe "#bulk_load_versioned_attachments" do
def ensure_attachments_arent_queried
it "loads attachments for many submissions at once" do
attachments = []
submissions = { |i|
student_in_course(active_all: true)
attachments << [
attachment_model(filename: "submission#{i}-a.doc", :context => @student),
attachment_model(filename: "submission#{i}-b.doc", :context => @student)
@assignment.submit_homework @student, attachments: attachments[i]
submissions.each_with_index { |s, i|
expect(s.versioned_attachments).to eq attachments[i]
def submission_for_some_user
student_in_course active_all: true
submission_type: "online_url",
url: "")
it "includes url submission attachments" do
s = submission_for_some_user
s.attachment = attachment_model(filename: "screenshot.jpg",
context: @student)
expect(s.versioned_attachments).to eq [s.attachment]
it "handles bad data" do
s = submission_for_some_user
s.update_attribute(:attachment_ids, '99999999')
expect(s.versioned_attachments).to eq []
describe "#assign_assessor" do
def peer_review_assignment
assignment = 'Peer review',
due_at: -,
points_possible: 5,
submission_types: 'online_text_entry')
assignment.peer_reviews_assigned = true
assignment.peer_reviews = true
assignment.automatic_peer_reviews = true!
before(:each) do
student_in_course(active_all: true)
@student2 = user
@assignment = peer_review_assignment
@assignment.submit_homework(@student, body: 'Lorem ipsum dolor')
@assignment.submit_homework(@student2, body: 'Sit amet consectetuer')
it "should send a reminder notification" do
submission1, submission2 = @assignment.submissions
describe "#get_web_snapshot" do
it "should not blow up if web snapshotting fails" do
sub =
describe '#submit_attachments_to_canvadocs' do
it 'creates crocodoc documents' do
Canvas::Crocodoc.stubs(:enabled?).returns true
s = @assignment.submit_homework(@user,
submission_type: "online_text_entry",
body: "hi")
# creates crocodoc documents
a1 = crocodocable_attachment_model context: @user
s.attachments = [a1]
cd = a1.crocodoc_document
expect(cd).not_to be_nil
# shouldn't mess with existing crocodoc documents
a2 = crocodocable_attachment_model context: @user
s.attachments = [a1, a2]
expect(a1.crocodoc_document(true)).to eq cd
expect(a2.crocodoc_document).to eq a2.crocodoc_document
describe "cross-shard attachments" do
it "should work" do
@shard1.activate do
@student = user(:active_user => true)
@attachment = Attachment.create! uploaded_data:'blah'), context: @student, filename: 'blah.txt'
course(:active_all => true)
@course.enroll_user(@student, "StudentEnrollment").accept!
@assignment = @course.assignments.create!
sub = @assignment.submit_homework(@user, attachments: [@attachment])
expect(sub.attachments).to eq [@attachment]
describe '.process_bulk_update' do
before(:once) do
course_with_teacher active_all: true
@u1, @u2 = n_students_in_course(2)
@a1, @a2 = {
@course.assignments.create! points_possible: 10
@progress = Progress.create!(context: @course, tag: "submissions_update")
it 'updates submissions on an assignment' do
Submission.process_bulk_update(@progress, @course, nil, @teacher, { => { => {posted_grade: 5}, => {posted_grade: 10}
expect(@a1.submission_for_student(@u1).grade).to eql "5"
expect(@a1.submission_for_student(@u2).grade).to eql "10"
it 'updates submissions on multiple assignments' do
Submission.process_bulk_update(@progress, @course, nil, @teacher, { => { => {posted_grade: 5}, => {posted_grade: 10}
}, => { => {posted_grade: 10}, => {posted_grade: 5}
expect(@a1.submission_for_student(@u1).grade).to eql "5"
expect(@a1.submission_for_student(@u2).grade).to eql "10"
expect(@a2.submission_for_student(@u1).grade).to eql "10"
expect(@a2.submission_for_student(@u2).grade).to eql "5"
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def submission_spec_model(opts={})
@submission =
expect(@submission.assignment).to eql(@assignment)
expect(@assignment.context).to eql(@context)
expect(@submission.assignment.context).to eql(@context)!
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00