2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
Based on the question type it represents, the `question_statistics` document
may include extra metrics. You can find these metrics below.
2014-06-02 11:14:08 +08:00
<a class="bookmark" id="multiple-choice-question-stats"></a>
#### Multiple Choice
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
2014-06-02 11:14:08 +08:00
// Number of students who have picked any choice.
"responses": 4,
"answers": [
// Unique ID of this answer.
"id": "3866",
// The readable answer text.
"text": "Red",
// Number of students who picked this answer.
"responses": 3,
// Whether this answer is a correct one.
"correct": true
// An incorrect choice:
"id": "2040",
"text": "Green",
"correct": false,
"responses": 1
// The "No Answer" - students who didn't make any choice:
"id": "none",
"text": "No Answer",
"responses": 2,
"correct": false
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
// Number of students who have answered this question.
"answered_student_count": 0,
// Number of students who rank in the top bracket (the top 27%)
// among the submitters which have also answered this question.
"top_student_count": 0,
// Number of students who rank in the middle bracket (the middle 46%)
// among the submitters which have also answered this question.
"middle_student_count": 0,
// Number of students who rank in the bottom bracket (the bottom 27%)
// among the submitters which have also answered this question
"bottom_student_count": 0,
// Number of students who have answered this question correctly.
"correct_student_count": 0,
// Number of students who have answered this question incorrectly.
"incorrect_student_count": 0,
// Ratio of students who have answered this question correctly.
"correct_student_ratio": 0,
// Ratio of students who have answered this question incorrectly.
"incorrect_student_ratio": 0,
// Number of students who rank in the top bracket (the top 27%) among
// the submitters which have also provided a correct answer to this question.
"correct_top_student_count": 0,
// Number of students who rank in the middle bracket (the middle 46%) among
// the submitters which have also provided a correct answer to this question.
"correct_middle_student_count": 0,
// Number of students who rank in the bottom bracket (the bottom 27%) among
// the submitters which have also provided a correct answer to this question.
"correct_bottom_student_count": 0,
// Variance of *all* the scores.
"variance": 0,
// Standard deviation of *all* the scores.
"stdev": 0,
// Denotes the ratio of students who have answered this question correctly,
// which should give an indication of how difficult the question is.
"difficulty_index": 0,
// The reliability, or internal consistency, coefficient of all the scores
// as measured by the Cronbach's alpha algorithm. Value ranges between 0 and
// 1.
// Note: This metric becomes available only in quizzes with more than fifteen
// submissions.
"alpha": null,
// A point biserial correlation coefficient for each of the question's
// answers. This metric helps measure the efficiency of an individual
// question: the calculation looks at the difference between high-scorers
// who chose this answer and low-scorers who also chose this answer.
// See the reference above for a description of each field.
"point_biserials": [
"answer_id": 3866,
"point_biserial": null,
"correct": true,
"distractor": false
"answer_id": 2040,
"point_biserial": null,
"correct": false,
"distractor": true
"answer_id": 7387,
"point_biserial": null,
"correct": false,
"distractor": true
"answer_id": 4082,
"point_biserial": null,
"correct": false,
"distractor": true
2014-05-18 13:13:12 +08:00
<a class="bookmark" id="fimb-question-stats"></a>
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
#### Fill in Multiple Blanks
2014-05-17 23:52:10 +08:00
// Number of students who have filled at least one blank.
"responses": 2,
// Number of students who have filled every blank.
"answered": 2,
// Number of students who filled all blanks correctly.
"correct": 1,
// Number of students who filled one or more blanks correctly.
"partially_correct": 0,
// Number of students who didn't fill any blank correctly.
"incorrect": 1,
// Each entry in the answer set represents a blank and responses to
// its pre-defined answers:
"answer_sets": [
"id": "70dda5dfb8053dc6d1c492574bce9bfd", // md5sum of the blank
"text": "color", // the blank_id
"answers": [
// Students who filled in this blank with this correct answer:
"id": "9711",
"text": "Red",
"responses": 3,
"correct": true
// Students who filled in this blank with this other correct answer:
"id": "2700",
"text": "Blue",
"responses": 0,
"correct": true
// Students who filled in this blank with something else:
"id": "other",
"text": "Other",
"responses": 1,
"correct": false
// Students who left this blank empty:
"id": "none",
"text": "No Answer",
"responses": 1,
"correct": false
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
2014-06-02 13:10:39 +08:00
#### Multiple Answers
// Number of students who have picked any choice.
"responses": 3,
// Number of students who have picked all the right choices.
"correct": 1,
// Number of students who have picked at least one of the right choices,
// but may have also picked a wrong one.
"partially_correct": 2,
"answers": [
// Unique ID of this answer choice.
"id": "5514",
// Displayable choice text.
"text": "A",
// Number of students who picked this choice.
"responses": 3,
// Whether this choice is part of the answer.
"correct": true
// Here's the second part of the correct answer:
"id": "4261",
"text": "B",
"responses": 1,
"correct": true
// And here's a distractor:
"id": "3322",
"text": "C",
"responses": 2,
"correct": false
// "Missing" answers:
// This is an auto-generated answer to account for all students who
// left this question unanswered.
"id": "none",
"text": "No Answer",
"responses": 0,
"correct": false
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
#### Multiple Dropdowns
2014-05-18 13:13:12 +08:00
Multiple Dropdown question statistics look just like the statistics for [Fill In Multiple Blanks](#fimb-question-stats).
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
2014-05-19 16:18:34 +08:00
<a class="bookmark" id="essay-question-stats"></a>
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
#### Essay
2014-04-20 16:22:49 +08:00
// The number of students whose responses were graded by the teacher so
// far.
"graded": 5,
// The number of students who got graded with a full score.
"full_credit": 4,
2014-05-17 23:52:10 +08:00
// Number of students who wrote any kind of answer.
"resposes": 5,
2014-04-20 16:22:49 +08:00
// A set of maps of scores and the number of students who received
// each score.
"point_distribution": [
{ "score": 0, "count": 1 },
{ "score": 1, "count": 1 },
{ "score": 3, "count": 3 }
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
#### Matching
2014-05-22 23:16:20 +08:00
// Number of students who have matched at least one answer.
"responses": 2,
// Number of students who have matched all answers.
"answered": 2,
// Number of students who have matched all answers correctly with their
// right-hand sides.
"correct": 1,
// Number of students who have matched one or more answers correctly
// with their right-hand sides.
"partially_correct": 0,
// Number of students who have not matched any answer with their correct
// right-hand side.
"incorrect": 1,
// Each entry in the answer set represents the left-hand side of the match
// along with all the possible matches on the right-side
"answer_sets": [
// id of the answer
"id": "1",
// the left-hand side of the match
"text": "What does the color red look like?",
// the available matches
"answers": [
// Students who chose this match for this answer set:
// match_id
"id": "9711",
// right-hand side of the match
"text": "Red",
"responses": 3,
"correct": true
// Students who chose an incorrect match:
"id": "2700",
"text": "Blue",
"responses": 0,
"correct": false
// Students who did not make any match:
"id": "none",
"text": "No Answer",
"responses": 1,
"correct": false
2014-03-03 21:00:35 +08:00
2014-05-19 16:18:34 +08:00
#### File Upload
File Upload question statistics look just like the statistics for [Essays](#essay-question-stats).
#### Formula
Formula question statistics look just like the statistics for [Essays](#essay-question-stats).
2014-05-27 15:20:56 +08:00
#### Numerical
// Number of students who have provided any kind of answer.
"responses": 2,
// Number of students who have provided a correct answer.
"correct": 1,
// Number of students who have provided a correct answer and received full
// credit or higher.
"full_credit": 2,
// Number of students who have provided an answer which was not correct.
"incorrect": 1,
"answers": [
// Unique ID of this answer.
"id": "9711",
// This metric contains a formatted version of the correct answer
// ready for display.
"text": "15.00",
// Number of students who provided this answer.
"responses": 3,
// Whether this answer is a correct one.
"correct": true,
// Lower and upper boundaries of the answer range. This is consistent
// regardless of the answer type (e.g., exact vs range).
// In the case of exact answers, the range will be the exact value
// minus plus the defined margin.
"value": [ 13.5, 16.5 ],
// Margin of error tolerance. This is always zero for range answers.
"margin": 1.5
// "Other" answers:
// This is an auto-generated answer that will be present if any student
// provides a number for an answer that is incorrect (doesn't map to
// any of the pre-defined answers.)
"id": "other",
"text": "Other",
"responses": 0,
"correct": false
// "Missing" answers:
// This is an auto-generated answer to account for all students who
// left this question unanswered.
"id": "none",
"text": "No Answer",
"responses": 0,
"correct": false
2014-06-02 11:14:08 +08:00
2014-06-02 11:54:32 +08:00
### Short Answer (aka Fill in The Blank)
// Number of students who have written anything.
"responses": 2,
// Number of students who have written a correct answer.
"correct": 2,
"answers": [
// Unique ID of this answer.
"id": "4684",
// The readable answer text.
"text": "Something",
// Number of students who picked this answer.
"responses": 3,
// Whether this answer is a correct one.
"correct": true
// Another correct answer:
"id": "1797",
"text": "Very cool.",
"responses": 0,
"correct": true
// "Other" answers:
// This is an auto-generated answer that will be present if any student
// does write an answer, but is incorrect.
"id": "other",
"text": "Other",
"responses": 0,
"correct": false
// "Missing" answers:
// This is an auto-generated answer to account for all students who
// left this question unanswered.
"id": "none",
"text": "No Answer",
"responses": 0,
"correct": false
2014-06-02 11:14:08 +08:00
#### True/False
2014-06-02 13:10:39 +08:00
True/False question statistics look just like the statistics for [Multiple-Choice](#multiple-choice-question-stats).