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# Copyright (C) 2015 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
# Filters added to this controller apply to all controllers in the application.
# Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers.
# NOTE: To update the VariableExpansion docs run `script/generate_lti_variable_substitution_markdown`
module Lti
class VariableExpander
SUBSTRING_REGEX = /(?<=\${).*?(?=})/.freeze #matches only the stuff inside `${}`
PARAMETERS_REGEX = /^(\$.+)\<(.+)\>$/.freeze # matches key and argument
attr_reader :context, :root_account, :controller, :current_user
attr_accessor :current_pseudonym, :content_tag, :assignment,
:tool_setting_link_id, :tool_setting_binding_id, :tool_setting_proxy_id, :tool, :attachment,
Render simplified launch params into NRPS v2 responses - Output a smaller version of a LTI 1.3 launch payload for each NRPS v2 member when the NRPS request includes a `rlid` query parameter. - Most claims and custom params from the launch payload are excluded either because: - They describe the context and would thus be redundant, or - They pose performance problems (N+1 queries, usually), or - They are absent from the spec example, e.g. ``, or - They require additional development and thus need to be handled as a separate task. - See `memberships_provider.rb` ~line 68 for list of custom params supported in this commit. (More coming later.) - Vast majority of the patch has to do with tests against `JwtMessage`, which was modified to allow claims to be turned on/off via a new white/blacklist mechanism in `AppUtil`. - Custom param white/blacklisting is handled directly in `VariableExpander` to satisfy the LTI rule that unsupported params should just be echoed as-is. This (instead of keeping all the white/blacklist support in `JwtMessage` ensures consistent behavior w/r/t `VariableExpander`'s more sophisticated features, specifically its suport for expanding variables embedded into larger strings. Closes LTIA-40 Test Plan - Configure a LTI 1.3/Advantage tool with the supported set of custom params listed in `memberships_provider.rb` starting ~line 68. If using the POST `/api/lti/accounts/:account_id/developer_keys/tool_configuration` API, this is done by setting `tool_configuration.settings.custom_fields` to a JSON object where keys are the param name to be rendered into LTI payloads and values are the $-prefixed custom param names themselves. Include several nonsense entries as well as unsupported entries e.g.: ``` // ... snip ... "tool_configuration": { "settings": { // ... snip ... "custom_fields": { "person_name_full": "$", "person_name_display": "$", "person_name_family": "$", "person_name_given": "$", "canvas_user_isrootaccountadmin": "$Canvas.user.isRootAccountAdmin" "unsupported_param_1": "$unsupported.param.1", "unsupported_param_2": "$unsupported.param.2" } // ... snip ... } // ... snip ... } // ... snip ... ``` - Place this tool into a course, ensure the course has several active members. - Launch the tool in order to observe the course context's LTI identifier. Use that identifier as the value of the NRPS `rlid` parameter, e.g. a GET to: `/api/lti/courses/1/names_and_roles?rlid=4dde05e8ca1973bcca9bffc13e1548820eee93a3` - Each `members` array element in the response should have a `message` array with a single element being the simplified representation of a LTI 1.3 launch payload, were that user to launch the context referenced by `rlid`. - The `message` entry should have two top level claims: - `"": "LtiResourceLinkRequest"` - `"": <object>` - The `custom` claim should include an entry for each `custom_fields` key/value pair configured above, with supported entries being correctly expanded and nonsense and unsupported entries being echoed as-is. - Repeat for a group context in the same course (still using the course's LTI ID as the `rlid` value). Results should be the same, though scoped to group membership. Change-Id: If2591c62c494756d65774e3115abeca19935c988 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Product-Review: Karl Lloyd <> Reviewed-by: Weston Dransfield <> Reviewed-by: Marc Phillips <> QA-Review: Bill Smith <>
2018-10-19 07:47:37 +08:00
:collaboration, :variable_whitelist, :variable_blacklist
def self.register_expansion(name, permission_groups, expansion_proc, *guards)
@expansions ||= {}
Render simplified launch params into NRPS v2 responses - Output a smaller version of a LTI 1.3 launch payload for each NRPS v2 member when the NRPS request includes a `rlid` query parameter. - Most claims and custom params from the launch payload are excluded either because: - They describe the context and would thus be redundant, or - They pose performance problems (N+1 queries, usually), or - They are absent from the spec example, e.g. ``, or - They require additional development and thus need to be handled as a separate task. - See `memberships_provider.rb` ~line 68 for list of custom params supported in this commit. (More coming later.) - Vast majority of the patch has to do with tests against `JwtMessage`, which was modified to allow claims to be turned on/off via a new white/blacklist mechanism in `AppUtil`. - Custom param white/blacklisting is handled directly in `VariableExpander` to satisfy the LTI rule that unsupported params should just be echoed as-is. This (instead of keeping all the white/blacklist support in `JwtMessage` ensures consistent behavior w/r/t `VariableExpander`'s more sophisticated features, specifically its suport for expanding variables embedded into larger strings. Closes LTIA-40 Test Plan - Configure a LTI 1.3/Advantage tool with the supported set of custom params listed in `memberships_provider.rb` starting ~line 68. If using the POST `/api/lti/accounts/:account_id/developer_keys/tool_configuration` API, this is done by setting `tool_configuration.settings.custom_fields` to a JSON object where keys are the param name to be rendered into LTI payloads and values are the $-prefixed custom param names themselves. Include several nonsense entries as well as unsupported entries e.g.: ``` // ... snip ... "tool_configuration": { "settings": { // ... snip ... "custom_fields": { "person_name_full": "$", "person_name_display": "$", "person_name_family": "$", "person_name_given": "$", "canvas_user_isrootaccountadmin": "$Canvas.user.isRootAccountAdmin" "unsupported_param_1": "$unsupported.param.1", "unsupported_param_2": "$unsupported.param.2" } // ... snip ... } // ... snip ... } // ... snip ... ``` - Place this tool into a course, ensure the course has several active members. - Launch the tool in order to observe the course context's LTI identifier. Use that identifier as the value of the NRPS `rlid` parameter, e.g. a GET to: `/api/lti/courses/1/names_and_roles?rlid=4dde05e8ca1973bcca9bffc13e1548820eee93a3` - Each `members` array element in the response should have a `message` array with a single element being the simplified representation of a LTI 1.3 launch payload, were that user to launch the context referenced by `rlid`. - The `message` entry should have two top level claims: - `"": "LtiResourceLinkRequest"` - `"": <object>` - The `custom` claim should include an entry for each `custom_fields` key/value pair configured above, with supported entries being correctly expanded and nonsense and unsupported entries being echoed as-is. - Repeat for a group context in the same course (still using the course's LTI ID as the `rlid` value). Results should be the same, though scoped to group membership. Change-Id: If2591c62c494756d65774e3115abeca19935c988 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Product-Review: Karl Lloyd <> Reviewed-by: Weston Dransfield <> Reviewed-by: Marc Phillips <> QA-Review: Bill Smith <>
2018-10-19 07:47:37 +08:00
@expansions["$#{name}".to_sym] =
*([-> { Lti::AppUtil.allowed?(name, @variable_whitelist, @variable_blacklist) }] + guards)
def self.expansions
@expansions || {}
def self.expansion_keys { |c| c.to_s[1..-1] }
def self.default_name_expansions { |v| v.default_name.present? }.map(&:name)
def self.find_expansion(key)
return unless key.respond_to?(:to_sym)
if (md = key.to_s.match(PARAMETERS_REGEX))
real_key = md[1] + "<>"
if (expansion = self.expansions[real_key.to_sym])
[expansion, md[2]]
CONTROLLER_GUARD = -> { !!@controller }
COURSE_GUARD = -> { @context.is_a? Course }
TERM_START_DATE_GUARD = -> { @context.is_a?(Course) && @context.enrollment_term &&
@context.enrollment_term.start_at }
TERM_NAME_GUARD = -> { @context.is_a?(Course) && @context.enrollment_term&.name }
USER_GUARD = -> { @current_user }
SIS_USER_GUARD = -> { sis_pseudonym&.sis_user_id }
PSEUDONYM_GUARD = -> { sis_pseudonym }
ENROLLMENT_GUARD = -> { @current_user && @context.is_a?(Course) }
ROLES_GUARD = -> { @current_user && (@context.is_a?(Course) || @context.is_a?(Account)) }
CONTENT_TAG_GUARD = -> { @content_tag }
ASSIGNMENT_GUARD = -> { @assignment }
COLLABORATION_GUARD = -> { @collaboration }
MEDIA_OBJECT_GUARD = -> { @attachment && @attachment.media_object}
USAGE_RIGHTS_GUARD = -> { @attachment && @attachment.usage_rights}
MEDIA_OBJECT_ID_GUARD = -> {@attachment && (@attachment.media_object || @attachment.media_entry_id )}
LTI1_GUARD = -> { @tool.is_a?(ContextExternalTool) }
MASQUERADING_GUARD = -> { !!@controller && @controller.logged_in_user != @current_user }
MESSAGE_TOKEN_GUARD = -> { @post_message_token.present? || @launch&.instance_of?(Lti::Launch) }
ORIGINALITY_REPORT_GUARD = -> { @originality_report.present? }
ORIGINALITY_REPORT_ATTACHMENT_GUARD = -> { @originality_report&.attachment.present? }
LTI_ASSIGN_ID = -> { @assignment.present? || @originality_report.present? || @secure_params.present? }
EDITOR_CONTENTS_GAURD = -> { @editor_contents.present? }
EDITOR_SELECTION_GAURD = -> { @editor_contents.present? }
def initialize(root_account, context, controller, opts = {})
@root_account = root_account
@context = context
@controller = controller
@request = controller.request if controller
opts.each { |opt, val| instance_variable_set("@#{opt}", val) }
def lti_helper
@lti_helper ||=, @root_account, @current_user, @tool)
def current_user=(current_user)
@lti_helper = nil
@current_user = current_user
def [](key)
k = (key[0] == '$' && key) || "$#{key}"
expansion, args = self.class.find_expansion(k)
expansion.expand(self, *args) if expansion
def expand_variables!(var_hash)
var_hash.update(var_hash) do |_, v|
expansion, args = self.class.find_expansion(v)
if expansion
expansion.expand(self, *args)
elsif v.respond_to?(:to_s) && v.to_s =~ SUBSTRING_REGEX
def enabled_capability_params(enabled_capabilities)
enabled_capabilities.each_with_object({}) do |capability, hash|
if (expansion = capability.respond_to?(:to_sym) && self.class.expansions["$#{capability}".to_sym])
value = expansion.expand(self)
hash[expansion.default_name] = value if expansion.default_name.present? && value != "$#{capability}"
# The title of the context
# @launch_parameter context_title
# @example
# ```
# Example Course
# ```
register_expansion 'Context.title', [],
-> { },
default_name: 'context_title'
# The contents of the text editor associated with the content item launch.
# @launch_parameter com_instructure_editor_contents
# @example
# ```
# "This text was in the editor"
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.Editor.contents', [],
-> { @editor_contents},
default_name: 'com_instructure_editor_contents'
# The contents the user has selected in the text editor associated
# with the content item launch.
# @launch_parameter com_instructure_editor_selection
# @example
# ```
# "this text was selected by the user"
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.Editor.selection', [],
-> { @editor_selection },
default_name: 'com_instructure_editor_selection'
# A token that can be used for frontend communication between an LTI tool
# and Canvas via the Window.postMessage API
# @launch_parameter com_instructure_post_message_token
# @example
# ```
# 9ae4170c-6b64-444d-9246-0b7dedd5f560
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.PostMessageToken', [],
-> { @post_message_token || @launch.post_message_token },
default_name: 'com_instructure_post_message_token'
# The LTI assignment id of an assignment. This value corresponds with
# the `ext_lti_assignment_id` send in various launches and webhooks.
# @launch_parameter com_instructure_assignment_lti_id
# @example
# ```
# 9ae4170c-6b64-444d-9246-0b7dedd5f560
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> do
if @assignment
elsif @originality_report
elsif @secure_params.present?
default_name: 'com_instructure_assignment_lti_id'
# The Canvas id of the Originality Report associated
# with the launch.
# @launch_parameter com_instructure_originality_report_id
# @example
# ```
# 23
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> do
default_name: 'com_instructure_originality_report_id'
# The Canvas id of the submission associated with the
# launch.
# @launch_parameter com_instructure_submission_id
# @example
# ```
# 23
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
default_name: 'com_instructure_submission_id'
# The Canvas id of the file associated with the submission
# in the launch.
# @launch_parameter com_instructure_file_id
# @example
# ```
# 23
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
default_name: 'com_instructure_file_id'
# the LIS identifier for the course offering
# @launch_parameter lis_course_offering_sourcedid
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion 'CourseOffering.sourcedId', [],
-> { @context.sis_source_id },
default_name: 'lis_course_offering_sourcedid'
# an opaque identifier that uniquely identifies the context of the tool launch
# @launch_parameter context_id
# @example
# ```
# cdca1fe2c392a208bd8a657f8865ddb9ca359534
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { Lti::Asset.opaque_identifier_for(@context) },
default_name: 'context_id'
# The sourced Id of the context.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion 'Context.sourcedId', [],
-> { @context.sis_source_id }
# communicates the kind of browser window/frame where the Canvas has launched a tool
# @launch_parameter launch_presentation_document_target
# @example
# ```
# iframe
# ```
register_expansion 'Message.documentTarget', [],
-> { IMS::LTI::Models::Messages::Message::LAUNCH_TARGET_IFRAME },
default_name: 'launch_presentation_document_target'
# returns the current locale
# @launch_parameter launch_presentation_locale
# @example
# ```
# de
# ```
register_expansion 'Message.locale', [],
-> { I18n.locale || I18n.default_locale },
default_name: 'launch_presentation_locale'
# returns a unique identifier for the Tool Consumer (Canvas)
# @launch_parameter tool_consumer_instance_guid
# @example
# ```
# 0dWtgJjjFWRNT41WdQMvrleejGgv7AynCVm3lmZ2:canvas-lms
# ```
register_expansion 'ToolConsumerInstance.guid', [],
-> { @root_account.lti_guid },
default_name: 'tool_consumer_instance_guid'
# returns the canvas domain for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.api.domain', [],
-> { HostUrl.context_host(@root_account, },
# returns the api url for the members of the collaboration
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.api.collaborationMembers.url', [],
-> { @controller.api_v1_collaboration_members_url(@collaboration) },
# returns the base URL for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.api.baseUrl', [],
-> { "#{@request.scheme}://#{HostUrl.context_host(@root_account,}" },
# returns the URL for the membership service associated with the current context.
# This variable is for future use only. Complete support for the IMS Membership Service has not been added to Canvas. This will be updated when we fully support and certify the IMS Membership Service.
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion 'ToolProxyBinding.memberships.url', [],
-> { @controller.polymorphic_url([@context, :membership_service]) },
-> { @context.is_a?(Course) || @context.is_a?(Group) }
# returns the account id for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { }
# returns the account name for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# School Name
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { }
# returns the account's sis source id for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# sis_account_id_1234
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.account.sisSourceId', [],
-> { lti_helper.account.sis_source_id }
# returns the Root Account ID for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { }
# returns the root account's sis source id for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# sis_account_id_1234
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.rootAccount.sisSourceId', [],
-> { @root_account.sis_source_id }
# returns the URL for the external tool that was launched. Only available for LTI 1.
# @example
# ```
# http://example.url/path
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.externalTool.url', [],
-> { @controller.named_context_url(@tool.context, :api_v1_context_external_tools_update_url,, include_host:true) },
# returns the URL to retrieve the brand config JSON for the launching context.
# @example
# ```
# http://example.url/path.json
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.brandConfigJSON.url', [],
-> { @controller.active_brand_config_url('json') },
# returns the brand config JSON itself for the launching context.
# @example
# ```
# {"ic-brand-primary-darkened-5":"#0087D7"}
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.brandConfigJSON', [],
-> { @controller.active_brand_config.try(:to_json) },
# returns the URL to retrieve the brand config javascript for the launching context.
# This URL should be used as the src attribute for a script tag on the external tool
# provider's web page. It is configured to be used with the [instructure-ui node module](
# More information on on how to use instructure ui react components can be found [here](
# @example
# ```
# http://example.url/path.js
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.brandConfigJS.url', [],
-> { @controller.active_brand_config_url('js') },
# returns the URL for the common css file.
# @example
# ```
# http://example.url/path.css
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.css.common', [],
-> { URI.parse(@request.url).
merge(@controller.view_context.stylesheet_path(@controller.css_url_for(:common))).to_s },
# returns the shard id for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { }
# returns the root account's global id for the current context.
# @duplicates Canvas.user.globalId
# @example
# ```
# 123400000000123
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.root_account.global_id', [],
-> { @root_account.global_id }
# returns the root account id for the current context.
# @deprecated
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { }
# returns the account uuid for the current context.
# @example
# ```
# Ioe3sJPt0KZp9Pw6xAvcHuLCl0z4TvPKP0iIOLbo
# ```
register_expansion 'vnd.Canvas.root_account.uuid', [],
-> { @root_account.uuid },
default_name: 'vnd_canvas_root_account_uuid'
# returns the root account sis source id for the current context.
# @deprecated
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.root_account.sisSourceId', [],
-> { @root_account.sis_source_id }
# returns the current course id.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
# returns the current course uuid.
# @example
# ```
# S3vhRY2pBzG8iPdZ3OBPsPrEnqn5sdRoJOLXGbwc
# ```
register_expansion 'vnd.instructure.Course.uuid', [],
-> { @context.uuid },
# returns the current course name.
# @example
# ```
# Course Name
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
# returns the current course sis source id.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.sisSourceId', [],
-> { @context.sis_source_id },
# returns the current course start date.
# @example
# ```
# YYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -0700
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.startAt', [],
-> { @context.start_at },
# returns the current course workflow state. Workflow states of "claimed" or "created"
# indicate an unpublished course.
# @example
# ```
# active
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.workflowState', [],
-> { @context.workflow_state },
# returns the current course's term start date.
# @example
# ```
# YYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -0700
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.term.startAt', [],
-> { @context.enrollment_term.start_at },
# returns the current course's term name.
# @example
# ```
# W1 2017
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
default_name: 'canvas_term_name'
# returns the current course sis source id
# to return the section source id use Canvas.course.sectionIds
# @launch_parameter lis_course_section_sourcedid
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion 'CourseSection.sourcedId', [],
-> { @context.sis_source_id },
default_name: 'lis_course_section_sourcedid'
# returns the current course enrollment state
# @example
# ```
# active
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.enrollment.enrollmentState', [],
-> { lti_helper.enrollment_state },
# returns true if the assignment has anonymous grading
# enabled.
# @example
# ```
# true
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.Assignment.anonymous_grading', [],
-> { @assignment.anonymous_grading },
default_name: 'com_instructure_assignment_anonymous_grading'
# returns the current course membership roles
# using the LIS v2 vocabulary.
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion 'com.Instructure.membership.roles', [],
Share LTI 1.3 role map between NRPS and launch - For the `$Membership.role` and `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` custom params, calculate role URNs using `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` for 1.3 tools, else `LIS_V2_ROLE_MAP`. - This way the `` launch claim matches up with the NRPS `roles` field _except_ that NRPS `roles` doesn't include system nor institution roles (N+1 issues). - Really the only meaningful difference is the TA role URN, where `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` corrects a typo in the `LIS_V2_ROLE_MAP`. See `SubstitutionsHelper` line ~61 for all the differences. - Since the contents of `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` changed to include additional roles to support launches but which should not be used as NRPS role filters, `MembershipsProvider.lis_roles` also needed to change to filter those roles out. So took the opportunity to rename that method to `queryable_roles` to avoid confusion with `GroupMembershipDecorator.lti_roles` and `CourseEnrollmentsDecorator.lti_roles` methods that perform the mapping in the _opposite_ direction. Closes LTIA-42 Test Plan - Place a 1.3 tool in a `Course` with several active members, at least one of which is in a TA role. - Ensure the tool's configuration includes mappings for the `$Membership.role` and `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` custom params. - Launch the tool for several members and verify correct contents of: - `` - `['com_instructure_membership_roles']` - `['membership_role']` In particular, the first two should match and for a TA all three should include `` (capital 'I'). - Invoke NRPS for this tool and `Course`. For each `member`, the `roles` field should match the first two launch fields listed above _except_ that system and institution roles are _not_ listed. The `com_instructure_membership_roles` and `membership_role` custom params should render unexpanded, i.e. literally as `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` and `$Membership.role`. Change-Id: I315220edd0b5500934ede9a82047cc0206fbd8f5 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Marc Phillips <> QA-Review: Bill Smith <> Product-Review: Karl Lloyd <>
2018-10-25 01:32:40 +08:00
-> { lti_helper.current_canvas_roles_lis_v2(lti_1_3? ? 'lti1_3' : 'lis2')},
default_name: 'com_instructure_membership_roles'
# returns the current course membership roles
# @example
# ```
# StudentEnrollment
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.membership.roles', [],
-> { lti_helper.current_canvas_roles },
default_name: 'canvas_membership_roles'
# This is a list of IMS LIS roles should have a different key
# @example
# ```
# urn:lti:sysrole:ims/lis/None
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.membership.concludedRoles', [],
-> { lti_helper.concluded_lis_roles },
# Returns a comma-separated list of permissions granted to the user in the current context,
# given a comma-separated set to check using the format
# $Canvas.membership.permissions<example_permission,example_permission2,..>
# @internal
# @example
# ```
# example_permission_1,example_permission_2
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.membership.permissions<>', [],
-> (permissions_str) { lti_helper.granted_permissions(permissions_str.split(",")) },
# With respect to the current course, returns the context ids of the courses from which content has been copied (excludes cartridge imports).
# @example
# ```
# 1234,4567
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.previousContextIds', [],
-> { lti_helper.previous_lti_context_ids },
# With respect to the current course, recursively returns the context ids of the courses from which content has been copied (excludes cartridge imports).
# @example
# ```
# 1234,4567
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.previousContextIds.recursive', [],
-> { lti_helper.recursively_fetch_previous_lti_context_ids },
# With respect to the current course, returns the course ids of the courses from which content has been copied (excludes cartridge imports).
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.previousCourseIds', [],
-> { lti_helper.previous_course_ids },
# Returns the full name of the launching user.
# @launch_parameter lis_person_name_full
# @example
# ```
# John Doe
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
default_name: 'lis_person_name_full'
# Returns the display name of the launching user.
# @launch_parameter lis_person_name_full
# @example
# ```
# John Doe
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { @current_user.short_name },
default_name: 'person_name_display'
# Returns the last name of the launching user.
# @launch_parameter lis_person_name_family
# @example
# ```
# Doe
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { @current_user.last_name },
default_name: 'lis_person_name_family'
# Returns the first name of the launching user.
# @launch_parameter lis_person_name_given
# @example
# ```
# John
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { @current_user.first_name },
default_name: 'lis_person_name_given'
# Returns the sortable name of the launching user.
# @launch_parameter com_instructure_person_name_sortable
# @example
# ```
# Doe, John
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.Person.name_sortable', [],
-> { @current_user.sortable_name },
default_name: 'com_instructure_person_name_sortable'
# Returns the primary email of the launching user.
# @launch_parameter lis_person_contact_email_primary
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
default_name: 'lis_person_contact_email_primary'
# Returns the institution assigned email of the launching user.
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> {lti_helper.sis_email}, SIS_USER_GUARD
# Returns the name of the timezone of the launching user.
# @example
# ```
# America/Denver
# ```
register_expansion 'Person.address.timezone', [],
-> { },
# Returns the profile picture URL of the launching user.
# @launch_parameter user_image
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion 'User.image', [],
-> { @current_user.avatar_url },
default_name: 'user_image'
# Returns the Canvas user_id of the launching user.
# @duplicates
# @launch_parameter user_id
# @example
# ```
# 420000000000042
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
default_name: 'user_id'
# Returns the Canvas user_id of the launching user.
# @duplicates
# @example
# ```
# 420000000000042
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
# Returns the Canvas user_uuid of the launching user for the context.
# @duplicates User.uuid
# @example
# ```
# N2ST123dQ9zyhurykTkBfXFa3Vn1RVyaw9Os6vu3
# ```
register_expansion 'vnd.instructure.User.uuid', [],
-> { UserPastLtiId.uuid_for_user_in_context(@current_user, @context) },
# Returns the current Canvas user_uuid of the launching user.
# @duplicates User.uuid
# @example
# ```
# N2ST123dQ9zyhurykTkBfXFa3Vn1RVyaw9Os6vu3
# ```
register_expansion 'vnd.instructure.User.current_uuid', [],
-> { @current_user.uuid },
# Returns the users preference for high contrast colors (an accessibility feature).
# @example
# ```
# false
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.user.prefersHighContrast', [],
-> { @current_user.prefers_high_contrast? ? 'true' : 'false' },
# returns the Canvas ids of all active groups in the current course.
# @example
# ```
# 23,24,...
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.Course.groupIds', [],
-> {',') },
default_name: 'com_instructure_course_groupids'
# returns the context ids for the groups the user belongs to in the course.
# @example
# ```
# 1c16f0de65a080803785ecb3097da99872616f0d,d4d8d6ae1611e2c7581ce1b2f5c58019d928b79d,...
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { 'Course', context_id: do |g|
end.join(',') },
-> { @current_user && @context.is_a?(Course) }
# Returns the [IMS LTI membership service]( roles for filtering via query parameters.
Share LTI 1.3 role map between NRPS and launch - For the `$Membership.role` and `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` custom params, calculate role URNs using `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` for 1.3 tools, else `LIS_V2_ROLE_MAP`. - This way the `` launch claim matches up with the NRPS `roles` field _except_ that NRPS `roles` doesn't include system nor institution roles (N+1 issues). - Really the only meaningful difference is the TA role URN, where `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` corrects a typo in the `LIS_V2_ROLE_MAP`. See `SubstitutionsHelper` line ~61 for all the differences. - Since the contents of `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` changed to include additional roles to support launches but which should not be used as NRPS role filters, `MembershipsProvider.lis_roles` also needed to change to filter those roles out. So took the opportunity to rename that method to `queryable_roles` to avoid confusion with `GroupMembershipDecorator.lti_roles` and `CourseEnrollmentsDecorator.lti_roles` methods that perform the mapping in the _opposite_ direction. Closes LTIA-42 Test Plan - Place a 1.3 tool in a `Course` with several active members, at least one of which is in a TA role. - Ensure the tool's configuration includes mappings for the `$Membership.role` and `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` custom params. - Launch the tool for several members and verify correct contents of: - `` - `['com_instructure_membership_roles']` - `['membership_role']` In particular, the first two should match and for a TA all three should include `` (capital 'I'). - Invoke NRPS for this tool and `Course`. For each `member`, the `roles` field should match the first two launch fields listed above _except_ that system and institution roles are _not_ listed. The `com_instructure_membership_roles` and `membership_role` custom params should render unexpanded, i.e. literally as `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` and `$Membership.role`. Change-Id: I315220edd0b5500934ede9a82047cc0206fbd8f5 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Marc Phillips <> QA-Review: Bill Smith <> Product-Review: Karl Lloyd <>
2018-10-25 01:32:40 +08:00
# Or, for LTI 1.3 tools, returns the [IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning Service]( roles for filtering via query parameters.
# @launch_parameter roles
# @example
# ```
# ```
register_expansion 'Membership.role', [],
Share LTI 1.3 role map between NRPS and launch - For the `$Membership.role` and `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` custom params, calculate role URNs using `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` for 1.3 tools, else `LIS_V2_ROLE_MAP`. - This way the `` launch claim matches up with the NRPS `roles` field _except_ that NRPS `roles` doesn't include system nor institution roles (N+1 issues). - Really the only meaningful difference is the TA role URN, where `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` corrects a typo in the `LIS_V2_ROLE_MAP`. See `SubstitutionsHelper` line ~61 for all the differences. - Since the contents of `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` changed to include additional roles to support launches but which should not be used as NRPS role filters, `MembershipsProvider.lis_roles` also needed to change to filter those roles out. So took the opportunity to rename that method to `queryable_roles` to avoid confusion with `GroupMembershipDecorator.lti_roles` and `CourseEnrollmentsDecorator.lti_roles` methods that perform the mapping in the _opposite_ direction. Closes LTIA-42 Test Plan - Place a 1.3 tool in a `Course` with several active members, at least one of which is in a TA role. - Ensure the tool's configuration includes mappings for the `$Membership.role` and `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` custom params. - Launch the tool for several members and verify correct contents of: - `` - `['com_instructure_membership_roles']` - `['membership_role']` In particular, the first two should match and for a TA all three should include `` (capital 'I'). - Invoke NRPS for this tool and `Course`. For each `member`, the `roles` field should match the first two launch fields listed above _except_ that system and institution roles are _not_ listed. The `com_instructure_membership_roles` and `membership_role` custom params should render unexpanded, i.e. literally as `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` and `$Membership.role`. Change-Id: I315220edd0b5500934ede9a82047cc0206fbd8f5 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Marc Phillips <> QA-Review: Bill Smith <> Product-Review: Karl Lloyd <>
2018-10-25 01:32:40 +08:00
-> { lti_helper.all_roles(lti_1_3? ? 'lti1_3' : 'lis2') },
default_name: 'roles'
# Returns list of [LIS role full URNs](
# Note that this will include all roles the user has.
# There are 3 different levels of roles defined: Context, Institution, System.
# Context role urns start with "urn:lti:ims" and include roles for the context where the launch occurred.
# Institution role urns start with "urn:lti:instrole" and include roles the user has in the institution. This
# will include roles they have in other courses or at the account level. Note that there is not a TA role at the
# Institution level. Instead Users with a TA enrollment will have an institution role of Instructor.
# System role urns start with "urn:lti:sysrole" and include roles for the entire system.
# @duplicates ext_roles which is sent by default
# @example
# ```
# urn:lti:instrole:ims/lis/Administrator,urn:lti:instrole:ims/lis/Instructor,urn:lti:sysrole:ims/lis/SysAdmin,urn:lti:sysrole:ims/lis/User
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.xuser.allRoles', [],
-> { lti_helper.all_roles }
# Same as "Canvas.xuser.allRoles", but uses roles formatted for LTI Advantage
# @example
# ```
# "",
# "",
# ""
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.User.allRoles', [],
-> { lti_helper.all_roles('lti1_3') }
# Returns the Canvas global user_id of the launching user.
# @duplicates Canvas.root_account.global_id
# @example
# ```
# 420000000000042
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.user.globalId', [],
-> { @current_user.global_id},
# Returns true for root account admins and false for all other roles.
# @example
# ```
# true
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.user.isRootAccountAdmin', [],
-> { @current_user.roles(@root_account).include? 'root_admin' },
# Username/Login ID for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account.
# This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
# @duplicates Canvas.user.loginId
# @example
# ```
# jdoe
# ```
register_expansion 'User.username', [],
-> { sis_pseudonym.unique_id },
# Username/Login ID for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account.
# This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
# @duplicates User.username
# @example
# ```
# jdoe
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.user.loginId', [],
-> { sis_pseudonym.unique_id },
# Returns the sis source id for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account
# This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
# @duplicates Person.sourcedId
# @example
# ```
# sis_user_42
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.user.sisSourceId', [],
-> { sis_pseudonym.sis_user_id },
# Returns the integration id for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account
# This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
# @example
# ```
# integration_user_42
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.user.sisIntegrationId', [],
-> { sis_pseudonym.integration_id },
# Returns the sis source id for the primary pseudonym for the user for the account
# This may not be the pseudonym the user is actually logged in with.
# @duplicates Canvas.user.sisSourceId
# @example
# ```
# sis_user_42
# ```
register_expansion 'Person.sourcedId', [],
-> { sis_pseudonym.sis_user_id },
default_name: 'lis_person_sourcedid'
# Returns the logout service url for the user.
# This is the pseudonym the user is actually logged in as.
# It may not hold all the sis info needed in other launch substitutions.
# @example
# ```
# https://<domain><external_tool_id>-<user_id>-<current_unix_timestamp>-<opaque_string>
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.logoutService.url', [],
-> { @controller.lti_logout_service_url(Lti::LogoutService.create_token(@tool, @current_pseudonym)) },
-> { @current_pseudonym && @tool }
# Returns the Canvas user_id for the masquerading user.
# This is the pseudonym the user is actually logged in as.
# It may not hold all the sis info needed in other launch substitutions.
# @example
# ```
# 420000000000042
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
# Returns the 40 character opaque user_id for masquerading user.
# This is the pseudonym the user is actually logged in as.
# It may not hold all the sis info needed in other launch substitutions.
# @example
# ```
# da12345678cb37ba1e522fc7c5ef086b7704eff9
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.masqueradingUser.userId', [],
-> { @tool.opaque_identifier_for(@controller.logged_in_user, context: @context) },
# Returns the xapi url for the user.
# @example
# ```
# https://<domain><external_tool_id>-<user_id>-<course_id>-<current_unix_timestamp>-<opaque_id>
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.xapi.url', [],
-> { @controller.lti_xapi_url(Lti::AnalyticsService.create_token(@tool, @current_user, @context)) },
-> { @current_user && @context.is_a?(Course) && @tool }
# Returns the caliper url for the user.
# @example
# ```
# https://<domain><external_tool_id>-<user_id>-<course_id>-<current_unix_timestamp>-<opaque_id>
# ```
register_expansion 'Caliper.url', [],
-> { @controller.lti_caliper_url(Lti::AnalyticsService.create_token(@tool, @current_user, @context)) },
-> { @current_user && @context.is_a?(Course) && @tool }
# Returns a comma separated list of section_id's that the user is enrolled in.
# @example
# ```
# 42, 43
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.sectionIds', [],
-> { lti_helper.section_ids },
# Returns true if the user can only view and interact with users in their own sections
# @example
# ```
# true
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.sectionRestricted', [],
-> { lti_helper.section_restricted },
# Returns a comma separated list of section sis_id's that the user is enrolled in.
# @example
# ```
# section_sis_id_1, section_sis_id_2
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.course.sectionSisSourceIds', [],
-> { lti_helper.section_sis_ids },
# Returns the course code
# @example
# ```
# CS 124
# ```
register_expansion 'com.instructure.contextLabel', [],
-> { @context.course_code },
default_name: 'context_label'
# Returns the module_id that the module item was launched from.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> {
# Returns the module_item_id of the module item that was launched.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> {
# Returns the assignment_id of the assignment that was launched.
# @example
# ```
# 1234
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { },
# Returns the Canvas id of the group the current user is in if launching
# from a group assignment.
# @example
# ```
# 481
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { @assignment.group_category && (@assignment.group_category.groups & @current_user.groups).first&.id },
default_name: 'vnd_canvas_group_id'
# Returns the name of the group the current user is in if launching
# from a group assignment.
# @example
# ```
# Group One
# ```
register_expansion '', [],
-> { @assignment.group_category && (@assignment.group_category.groups & @current_user.groups).first&.name },
default_name: 'vnd_canvas_group_name'
# Returns the title of the assignment that was launched.
# @example
# ```
# Deep thought experiment
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.title', [],
-> { @assignment.title },
# Returns the points possible of the assignment that was launched.
# @example
# ```
# 100
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.pointsPossible', [],
-> { TextHelper.round_if_whole(@assignment.points_possible) },
# @deprecated in favor of ISO8601
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.unlockAt', [],
-> { @assignment.unlock_at },
# @deprecated in favor of ISO8601
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.lockAt', [],
-> { @assignment.lock_at },
# @deprecated in favor of ISO8601
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.dueAt', [],
-> { @assignment.due_at },
# Returns the `unlock_at` date of the assignment that was launched.
# Only available when launched as an assignment with an `unlock_at` set.
# @example
# ```
# YYYY-MM-DDT07:00:00Z
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.unlockAt.iso8601', [],
-> { @assignment.unlock_at.utc.iso8601 },
-> {@assignment && @assignment.unlock_at.present?}
# Returns the `lock_at` date of the assignment that was launched.
# Only available when launched as an assignment with a `lock_at` set.
# @example
# ```
# YYYY-MM-DDT07:00:00Z
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.lockAt.iso8601', [],
-> { @assignment.lock_at.utc.iso8601 },
-> {@assignment && @assignment.lock_at.present?}
# Returns the `due_at` date of the assignment that was launched.
# Only available when launched as an assignment with a `due_at` set.
# @example
# ```
# YYYY-MM-DDT07:00:00Z
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.dueAt.iso8601', [],
-> { @assignment.due_at.utc.iso8601 },
-> {@assignment && @assignment.due_at.present?}
# Returns true if the assignment that was launched is published.
# Only available when launched as an assignment.
# @example
# ```
# true
# ```
register_expansion 'Canvas.assignment.published', [],
-> { @assignment.workflow_state == 'published' },
# Returns the endpoint url for accessing link-level tool settings
# Only available for LTI 2.0
# @example
# ```
# https://<domain><link_id>
# ```
register_expansion 'LtiLink.custom.url', [],
-> { @controller.show_lti_tool_settings_url(@tool_setting_link_id) },
-> { @tool_setting_link_id }
# Returns the endpoint url for accessing context-level tool settings
# Only available for LTI 2.0
# @example
# ```
# https://<domain><binding_id>
# ```
register_expansion 'ToolProxyBinding.custom.url', [],
-> { @controller.show_lti_tool_settings_url(@tool_setting_binding_id) },
-> { @tool_setting_binding_id }
# Returns the endpoint url for accessing system-wide tool settings
# Only available for LTI 2.0
# @example
# ```
# https://<domain><proxy_id>
# ```
register_expansion 'ToolProxy.custom.url', [],
-> { @controller.show_lti_tool_settings_url(@tool_setting_proxy_id) },
-> { !!@controller && @tool_setting_proxy_id }
# Returns the [Tool Consumer Profile]( url for the tool.
# Only available for LTI 2.0
# @example
# ```
# https://<domain><course_id>/tool_consumer_profile/<opaque_id>
# https://<domain><account_id>/tool_consumer_profile/<opaque_id>
# ```
register_expansion 'ToolConsumerProfile.url', [],
-> { @controller.polymorphic_url([@tool.context, :tool_consumer_profile])},
-> { @tool && @tool.is_a?(Lti::ToolProxy) }
# The originality report LTI2 service endpoint
# @launch_parameter vnd_canvas_originality_report_url
# @example
# ```
# api/lti/assignments/{assignment_id}/submissions/{submission_id}/originality_report
# ```
register_expansion 'vnd.Canvas.OriginalityReport.url', [],
-> do
OriginalityReportsApiController::SERVICE_DEFINITIONS.find do |s|
s[:id] == 'vnd.Canvas.OriginalityReport'
default_name: 'vnd_canvas_originality_report_url'
# The submission LTI2 service endpoint
# @launch_parameter vnd_canvas_submission_url
# @example
# ```
# api/lti/assignments/{assignment_id}/submissions/{submission_id}
# ```
register_expansion 'vnd.Canvas.submission.url', [],
-> do
Lti::SubmissionsApiController::SERVICE_DEFINITIONS.find do |s|
s[:id] == 'vnd.Canvas.submission'
default_name: 'vnd_canvas_submission_url'
# The submission history LTI2 service endpoint
# @launch_parameter vnd_canvas_submission_history_url
# @example
# ```
# api/lti/assignments/{assignment_id}/submissions/{submission_id}/history
# ```
register_expansion 'vnd.Canvas.submission.history.url', [],
-> do
Lti::SubmissionsApiController::SERVICE_DEFINITIONS.find do |s|
s[:id] == 'vnd.Canvas.submission.history'
default_name: 'vnd_canvas_submission_history_url'
register_expansion '', [],
-> { (@attachment.media_object && @attachment.media_object.media_id) || @attachment.media_entry_id },
register_expansion '', [],
-> {@attachment.media_object.media_type},
register_expansion '', [],
-> {@attachment.media_object.duration},
register_expansion '', [],
-> {@attachment.media_object.total_size},
register_expansion '', [],
-> {@attachment.media_object.user_entered_title || @attachment.media_object.title},
register_expansion '', [],
-> {@attachment.usage_rights.license_name},
register_expansion 'Canvas.file.usageRights.url', [],
-> {@attachment.usage_rights.license_url},
register_expansion 'Canvas.file.usageRights.copyrightText', [],
-> {@attachment.usage_rights.legal_copyright},
def sis_pseudonym
context = @enrollment || @context
@sis_pseudonym ||= SisPseudonym.for(@current_user, context, type: :trusted, require_sis: false, root_account: @root_account) if @current_user
def expand_substring_variables(value)
value.to_s.scan(SUBSTRING_REGEX).inject(value) do |v, match|
substring = "${#{match}}"
v.gsub(substring, (self[match] || substring).to_s)
Share LTI 1.3 role map between NRPS and launch - For the `$Membership.role` and `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` custom params, calculate role URNs using `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` for 1.3 tools, else `LIS_V2_ROLE_MAP`. - This way the `` launch claim matches up with the NRPS `roles` field _except_ that NRPS `roles` doesn't include system nor institution roles (N+1 issues). - Really the only meaningful difference is the TA role URN, where `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` corrects a typo in the `LIS_V2_ROLE_MAP`. See `SubstitutionsHelper` line ~61 for all the differences. - Since the contents of `LIS_V2_LTI_ADVANTAGE_ROLE_MAP` changed to include additional roles to support launches but which should not be used as NRPS role filters, `MembershipsProvider.lis_roles` also needed to change to filter those roles out. So took the opportunity to rename that method to `queryable_roles` to avoid confusion with `GroupMembershipDecorator.lti_roles` and `CourseEnrollmentsDecorator.lti_roles` methods that perform the mapping in the _opposite_ direction. Closes LTIA-42 Test Plan - Place a 1.3 tool in a `Course` with several active members, at least one of which is in a TA role. - Ensure the tool's configuration includes mappings for the `$Membership.role` and `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` custom params. - Launch the tool for several members and verify correct contents of: - `` - `['com_instructure_membership_roles']` - `['membership_role']` In particular, the first two should match and for a TA all three should include `` (capital 'I'). - Invoke NRPS for this tool and `Course`. For each `member`, the `roles` field should match the first two launch fields listed above _except_ that system and institution roles are _not_ listed. The `com_instructure_membership_roles` and `membership_role` custom params should render unexpanded, i.e. literally as `$com.Instructure.membership.roles` and `$Membership.role`. Change-Id: I315220edd0b5500934ede9a82047cc0206fbd8f5 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Marc Phillips <> QA-Review: Bill Smith <> Product-Review: Karl Lloyd <>
2018-10-25 01:32:40 +08:00
def lti_1_3?
@tool && @tool.respond_to?(:use_1_3?) && @tool.use_1_3?