2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module SIS
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
class UserImporter
2011-09-22 01:36:45 +08:00
def initialize ( batch_id , root_account , logger , override_sis_stickiness )
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
@batch_id = batch_id
@root_account = root_account
@logger = logger
2011-09-22 01:36:45 +08:00
@override_sis_stickiness = override_sis_stickiness
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
def process ( updates_every , messages )
start = Time . now
importer = Work . new ( @batch_id , @root_account , @logger , updates_every , messages )
User . skip_updating_account_associations do
2011-09-22 01:36:45 +08:00
User . process_as_sis ( @override_sis_stickiness ) do
2011-09-22 01:36:45 +08:00
yield importer
while importer . any_left_to_process?
importer . process_batch
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
User . update_account_associations ( importer . users_to_add_account_associations , :incremental = > true , :precalculated_associations = > { @root_account . id = > 0 } )
User . update_account_associations ( importer . users_to_update_account_associations )
User . update_all ( { :creation_sis_batch_id = > @batch_id } , { :id = > importer . users_to_set_sis_batch_ids } ) if @batch_id && ! importer . users_to_set_sis_batch_ids . empty?
Pseudonym . update_all ( { :sis_batch_id = > @batch_id } , { :id = > importer . pseudos_to_set_sis_batch_ids } ) if @batch && ! importer . pseudos_to_set_sis_batch_ids . empty?
@logger . debug ( " Users took #{ Time . now - start } seconds " )
return importer . success_count
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
class Work
attr_accessor :success_count , :users_to_set_sis_batch_ids ,
:pseudos_to_set_sis_batch_ids , :users_to_add_account_associations ,
def initialize ( batch_id , root_account , logger , updates_every , messages )
@batch_id = batch_id
@root_account = root_account
@logger = logger
@updates_every = updates_every
@batched_users = [ ]
@messages = messages
@success_count = 0
@users_to_set_sis_batch_ids = [ ]
@pseudos_to_set_sis_batch_ids = [ ]
@users_to_add_account_associations = [ ]
@users_to_update_account_associations = [ ]
2011-05-10 05:24:05 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
def add_user ( user_id , login_id , status , first_name , last_name , email = nil , password = nil , ssha_password = nil )
@logger . debug ( " Processing User #{ [ user_id , login_id , status , first_name , last_name , email , password , ssha_password ] . inspect } " )
2011-05-13 03:58:47 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
raise ImportError , " No user_id given for a user " if user_id . blank?
raise ImportError , " No login_id given for user #{ user_id } " if login_id . blank?
raise ImportError , " Improper status for user #{ user_id } " unless status =~ / \ A(active|deleted) /i
2011-05-13 03:58:47 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
@batched_users << [ user_id , login_id , status , first_name , last_name , email , password , ssha_password ]
process_batch if @batched_users . size > = @updates_every
2011-05-04 03:21:18 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
def any_left_to_process?
return @batched_users . size > 0
def process_batch
return unless any_left_to_process?
transaction_timeout = Setting . get ( 'sis_transaction_seconds' , '1' ) . to_i . seconds
User . transaction do
tx_end_time = Time . now + transaction_timeout
user_row = nil
2011-09-27 07:19:39 +08:00
while ! @batched_users . empty? && tx_end_time > Time . now
user_row = @batched_users . shift
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
@logger . debug ( " Processing User #{ user_row . inspect } " )
user_id , login_id , status , first_name , last_name , email , password , ssha_password = user_row
pseudo = Pseudonym . find_by_account_id_and_sis_user_id ( @root_account . id , user_id )
pseudo_by_login = Pseudonym . find_by_unique_id_and_account_id ( login_id , @root_account . id )
pseudo || = pseudo_by_login
pseudo || = Pseudonym . find_by_unique_id_and_account_id ( email , @root_account . id ) if email . present?
if pseudo
if pseudo . sis_user_id . present? && pseudo . sis_user_id != user_id
@messages << " user #{ pseudo . sis_user_id } has already claimed #{ user_id } 's requested login information, skipping "
if ! pseudo_by_login . nil? && pseudo . unique_id != login_id
@messages << " user #{ pseudo_by_login . sis_user_id } has already claimed #{ user_id } 's requested login information, skipping "
user = pseudo . user
2011-09-22 01:36:45 +08:00
user . name = " #{ first_name } #{ last_name } " unless user . stuck_sis_fields . include? ( :name )
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
user = User . new
2011-09-22 01:36:45 +08:00
user . name = " #{ first_name } #{ last_name } "
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
if status =~ / active /i
user . workflow_state = 'registered'
elsif status =~ / deleted /i
user . workflow_state = 'deleted'
user . enrollments . scoped ( :conditions = > { :root_account_id = > @root_account . id } ) . update_all ( :workflow_state = > 'deleted' )
@users_to_update_account_associations << user . id unless user . new_record?
2011-05-04 03:21:18 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
pseudo || = Pseudonym . new
pseudo . unique_id = login_id
pseudo . sis_source_id = login_id
pseudo . sis_user_id = user_id
pseudo . account = @root_account
pseudo . workflow_state = status =~ / active /i ? 'active' : 'deleted'
# if a password is provided, use it only if this is a new user, or the user hasn't changed the password in canvas *AND* the incoming password has changed
# otherwise the persistence_token will change even though we're setting to the same password, logging the user out
if ! password . blank? && ( pseudo . new_record? || pseudo . password_auto_generated && ! pseudo . valid_password? ( password ) )
pseudo . password = password
pseudo . password_confirmation = password
pseudo . password_auto_generated = true
pseudo . sis_ssha = ssha_password if ! ssha_password . blank?
pseudo . reset_persistence_token if pseudo . sis_ssha_changed? && pseudo . password_auto_generated
User . transaction ( :requires_new = > true ) do
if user . changed?
user . creation_sis_batch_id = @batch_id if @batch_id
new_record = user . new_record?
raise user . errors . first . join ( " " ) if ! user . save_without_broadcasting && user . errors . size > 0
@users_to_add_account_associations << user . id if new_record && user . workflow_state != 'deleted'
elsif @batch_id
@users_to_set_sis_batch_ids << user . id
2011-05-13 03:58:47 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
pseudo . user_id = user . id
if pseudo . changed?
pseudo . sis_batch_id = @batch_id if @batch_id
raise pseudo . errors . first . join ( " " ) if ! pseudo . save_without_broadcasting && pseudo . errors . size > 0
rescue = > e
@messages << " Failed saving user. Internal error: #{ e } "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
if email . present?
comm = CommunicationChannel . find_by_path_and_workflow_state_and_path_type ( email , 'active' , 'email' )
if ! comm and status =~ / active /i
2011-06-14 07:25:04 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
comm = pseudo . sis_communication_channel || CommunicationChannel . new
if comm . new_record?
comm . user_id = user . id
comm . pseudonym_id = pseudo . id
pseudo . sis_communication_channel = comm
2011-06-14 07:25:04 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
comm . path = email
comm . workflow_state = 'active'
comm . do_delayed_jobs_immediately = true
comm . save_without_broadcasting if comm . changed?
pseudo . communication_channel_id = comm . id
2011-06-14 07:25:04 +08:00
rescue = > e
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
@messages << " Failed adding communication channel #{ email } to user #{ login_id } "
2011-06-14 07:25:04 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
elsif status =~ / active /i
if comm . user_id != pseudo . user_id
@messages << " E-mail address #{ email } for user #{ login_id } is already claimed; ignoring "
pseudo . sis_communication_channel . destroy if pseudo . sis_communication_channel != comm and ! pseudo . sis_communication_channel . nil?
pseudo . sis_communication_channel = comm
pseudo . communication_channel_id = comm . id
comm . do_delayed_jobs_immediately = true
comm . save_without_broadcasting if comm . changed?
2011-05-13 03:58:47 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
if pseudo . changed?
pseudo . sis_batch_id = @batch_id if @batch_id
pseudo . save_without_broadcasting
elsif @batch_id && pseudo . sis_batch_id != @batch_id
@pseudos_to_set_sis_batch_ids << pseudo . id
2011-04-30 04:03:25 +08:00
2011-09-07 02:07:54 +08:00
@success_count += 1
2011-04-29 04:52:57 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-29 04:52:57 +08:00