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# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :account
belongs_to :root_account, :class_name => 'Account'
attr_accessible :name
before_validation :infer_root_account_id
validates_presence_of :name, :account_id, :workflow_state
validates_inclusion_of :base_role_type, :in => RoleOverride::BASE_ROLE_TYPES, :message => 'is invalid'
validates_exclusion_of :name, :in => RoleOverride::KNOWN_ROLE_TYPES + Enrollment::SIS_TYPES.values
validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :account_id
validate :ensure_no_name_conflict_with_different_base_role_type
def infer_root_account_id
unless self.account
return false
self.root_account_id = self.account.root_account_id ||
def ensure_no_name_conflict_with_different_base_role_type
if self.root_account.all_roles.not_deleted.where("name = ? AND base_role_type <> ?",, self.base_role_type).any?
self.errors.add(:name, 'is already taken by a different type of Role in the same root account')
include Workflow
workflow do
state :active do
event :deactivate, :transitions_to => :inactive
state :inactive do
event :activate, :transitions_to => :active
state :deleted
def account_role?
base_role_type == AccountUser::BASE_ROLE_NAME
def course_role?
Add new permissions management ui (role overrides) When editing permissions for an account, course or admin section the UI has changed to use drop downs instead of a 6 state check box. It has also been switched to use 100% backbonejs to handle creating and editing roles. This works with the roles api and allows you to create custom roles for courses. fixes #CNVS-1165 Test Plan Apply this test in two places. The Site Admin and a custom university. 1. Go to the "permissions" tab 2. Notice permissions are available per role in a table. ------------ Adding/Removing Roles -------------- 1. When under the "Account Role" tab click "Add Role" 2. Enter a role name and click "Create/Add" 3. A new role should appear automatically. 4. You should be able to delete this role by clicking the x next to it's name. ------------ Editing Permissions ---------------- 1. Go to a role in the permissions tab. 2. Try to edit one of it's permissions. It should have a drop down with options to select permissions. You should be able to enable/disable or set to default and lock the permission. Read only permissions cannot be clicked on. 3. Buttons with default set should have a special "default" class added to the button representing its permission. ------------ Organization of Roles -------------- 1. In the course role tab, add a few roles with different base types (use the dropwdown) 2. Roles should be grouped together by base role type. ------------ Automatic Saving ------------------ 1. Change a permission on a role 2. The role should automatically save the the permission after selecting the option you want Change-Id: I343afc36b85183e5913c8eef6111ea2c5ae62726 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <> QA-Review: Adam Phillipps <>
2012-12-27 04:09:58 +08:00
def label
alias_method :destroy!, :destroy
def destroy
self.workflow_state = 'deleted'
self.deleted_at =
scope :not_deleted, where("roles.workflow_state<>'deleted'")
scope :deleted, where(:workflow_state => 'deleted')
scope :active, where(:workflow_state => 'active')
scope :inactive, where(:workflow_state => 'inactive')
scope :for_courses, where("roles.base_role_type<>?", AccountUser::BASE_ROLE_NAME)
scope :for_accounts, where(:base_role_type => AccountUser::BASE_ROLE_NAME)
def self.is_base_role?(role_name)
# Returns a list of hashes for each base enrollment type, and each will have a
# custom_roles key, each will look like:
# [{:base_role_name => "StudentEnrollment",
# :name => "StudentEnrollment",
# :label => "Student",
# :plural_label => "Students",
# :custom_roles =>
# [{:base_role_name => "StudentEnrollment",
# :name => "weirdstudent",
# :asset_string => "role_4"
# :label => "weirdstudent"}]},
# ]
def self.all_enrollment_roles_for_account(account, include_inactive=false)
custom_roles = account.available_course_roles_by_name(include_inactive).values do |br|
new = br.clone
new[:label] = br[:label].call
new[:plural_label] = br[:plural_label].call
new[:custom_roles] ={|cr|cr.base_role_type == new[:base_role_name]}.map do |cr|
{:base_role_name => cr.base_role_type, :name =>, :label =>, :asset_string => cr.asset_string, :workflow_state => cr.workflow_state}
# returns same hash as all_enrollment_roles_for_account but adds enrollment
# counts for the given course to each item
def self.custom_roles_and_counts_for_course(course, user, include_inactive=false)
users_scope = course.users_visible_to(user)
base_counts = users_scope.where(enrollments: {role_name: nil}).group('enrollments.type')
role_counts = users_scope.where('enrollments.role_name IS NOT NULL').group('enrollments.role_name')
base_counts = base_counts.count(select: '', distinct: true)
role_counts = role_counts.count(select: '', distinct: true)
base_counts ='').uniq.count
role_counts ='').uniq.count
@enrollment_types = Role.all_enrollment_roles_for_account(course.account, include_inactive)
@enrollment_types.each do |base_type|
base_type[:count] = base_counts[base_type[:name]] || 0
base_type[:custom_roles].each do |custom_role|
custom_role[:count] = role_counts[custom_role[:name]] || 0
def self.manageable_roles_by_user(user, course)
manageable = ['ObserverEnrollment', 'DesignerEnrollment']
if course.grants_right?(user, :manage_students)
manageable << 'StudentEnrollment'
if course.grants_right?(user, :manage_admin_users)
manageable << 'TeacherEnrollment'
manageable << 'TaEnrollment'
elsif course.teacherless?
manageable << 'TeacherEnrollment'
def self.role_data(course, user, include_inactive=false)
manageable = Role.manageable_roles_by_user(user, course)
self.custom_roles_and_counts_for_course(course, user, include_inactive).inject([]) { |roles, role|
is_manageable = manageable.include?(role[:base_role_name])
role[:manageable_by_user] = is_manageable
roles << role
role[:custom_roles].each do |custom_role|
custom_role[:manageable_by_user] = is_manageable
roles << custom_role
def self.built_in_role_names
@built_in_role_names ||= %w(AccountAdmin) + Enrollment.valid_types
# this is designed to be used in place of a Role for the purpose
# of displaying built-in roles alongside custom ones.
# it implements name, base_role_type, and workflow_state
class BuiltInRole
attr_accessor :name
Add new permissions management ui (role overrides) When editing permissions for an account, course or admin section the UI has changed to use drop downs instead of a 6 state check box. It has also been switched to use 100% backbonejs to handle creating and editing roles. This works with the roles api and allows you to create custom roles for courses. fixes #CNVS-1165 Test Plan Apply this test in two places. The Site Admin and a custom university. 1. Go to the "permissions" tab 2. Notice permissions are available per role in a table. ------------ Adding/Removing Roles -------------- 1. When under the "Account Role" tab click "Add Role" 2. Enter a role name and click "Create/Add" 3. A new role should appear automatically. 4. You should be able to delete this role by clicking the x next to it's name. ------------ Editing Permissions ---------------- 1. Go to a role in the permissions tab. 2. Try to edit one of it's permissions. It should have a drop down with options to select permissions. You should be able to enable/disable or set to default and lock the permission. Read only permissions cannot be clicked on. 3. Buttons with default set should have a special "default" class added to the button representing its permission. ------------ Organization of Roles -------------- 1. In the course role tab, add a few roles with different base types (use the dropwdown) 2. Roles should be grouped together by base role type. ------------ Automatic Saving ------------------ 1. Change a permission on a role 2. The role should automatically save the the permission after selecting the option you want Change-Id: I343afc36b85183e5913c8eef6111ea2c5ae62726 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <> QA-Review: Adam Phillipps <>
2012-12-27 04:09:58 +08:00
def initialize(name)
@name = name
if @name == 'AccountAdmin'
@label = I18n.t('roles.account_admin', "Account Admin")
er = RoleOverride.enrollment_types.find{|er|er[:name] == @name}
@label = er[:label].call
def self.create(name)
return nil unless Role.built_in_role_names.include?(name)
Add new permissions management ui (role overrides) When editing permissions for an account, course or admin section the UI has changed to use drop downs instead of a 6 state check box. It has also been switched to use 100% backbonejs to handle creating and editing roles. This works with the roles api and allows you to create custom roles for courses. fixes #CNVS-1165 Test Plan Apply this test in two places. The Site Admin and a custom university. 1. Go to the "permissions" tab 2. Notice permissions are available per role in a table. ------------ Adding/Removing Roles -------------- 1. When under the "Account Role" tab click "Add Role" 2. Enter a role name and click "Create/Add" 3. A new role should appear automatically. 4. You should be able to delete this role by clicking the x next to it's name. ------------ Editing Permissions ---------------- 1. Go to a role in the permissions tab. 2. Try to edit one of it's permissions. It should have a drop down with options to select permissions. You should be able to enable/disable or set to default and lock the permission. Read only permissions cannot be clicked on. 3. Buttons with default set should have a special "default" class added to the button representing its permission. ------------ Organization of Roles -------------- 1. In the course role tab, add a few roles with different base types (use the dropwdown) 2. Roles should be grouped together by base role type. ------------ Automatic Saving ------------------ 1. Change a permission on a role 2. The role should automatically save the the permission after selecting the option you want Change-Id: I343afc36b85183e5913c8eef6111ea2c5ae62726 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <> QA-Review: Adam Phillipps <>
2012-12-27 04:09:58 +08:00
def base_role_type
(@name == 'AccountAdmin') ? 'AccountMembership' : @name
def workflow_state
Add new permissions management ui (role overrides) When editing permissions for an account, course or admin section the UI has changed to use drop downs instead of a 6 state check box. It has also been switched to use 100% backbonejs to handle creating and editing roles. This works with the roles api and allows you to create custom roles for courses. fixes #CNVS-1165 Test Plan Apply this test in two places. The Site Admin and a custom university. 1. Go to the "permissions" tab 2. Notice permissions are available per role in a table. ------------ Adding/Removing Roles -------------- 1. When under the "Account Role" tab click "Add Role" 2. Enter a role name and click "Create/Add" 3. A new role should appear automatically. 4. You should be able to delete this role by clicking the x next to it's name. ------------ Editing Permissions ---------------- 1. Go to a role in the permissions tab. 2. Try to edit one of it's permissions. It should have a drop down with options to select permissions. You should be able to enable/disable or set to default and lock the permission. Read only permissions cannot be clicked on. 3. Buttons with default set should have a special "default" class added to the button representing its permission. ------------ Organization of Roles -------------- 1. In the course role tab, add a few roles with different base types (use the dropwdown) 2. Roles should be grouped together by base role type. ------------ Automatic Saving ------------------ 1. Change a permission on a role 2. The role should automatically save the the permission after selecting the option you want Change-Id: I343afc36b85183e5913c8eef6111ea2c5ae62726 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <> QA-Review: Adam Phillipps <>
2012-12-27 04:09:58 +08:00
def label
# returns a BuiltInRole for the role with the given name, or nil
# if the role is not a built-in-role
def self.built_in_role(role_name)
return nil unless self.built_in_role_names.include?(role_name)
@built_in_roles ||= {}
@built_in_roles[role_name] ||= BuiltInRole.create(role_name)
# returns an array of all built-in Roles
def self.built_in_roles
@all_built_in_roles ||={ |brt| Role.built_in_role(brt) }