2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* Copyright (C) 2021 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
library 'canvas-builds-library'
loadLocalLibrary('local-lib', 'build/new-jenkins/library')
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
def rspecqNodeTotal = 50
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
// if the build never starts or gets into a node block, then we
// can never load a file. and a very noisy/confusing error is thrown.
def ignoreBuildNeverStartedError(block) {
try {
catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.MissingContextVariableException ex) {
if (!ex.message.startsWith('Required context class hudson.FilePath is missing')) {
throw ex
else {
echo "ignored MissingContextVariableException: \n${ex.message}"
// we can ignore this very noisy error
def getMigrationsTag(name) {
(env.GERRIT_REFSPEC.contains('master')) || !migrations.cacheLoadFailed() ? migrations.imageMergeTag(name) : migrations.imagePatchsetTag(name)
def getPatchsetTag() {
(env.GERRIT_REFSPEC.contains('master')) ? "${configuration.buildRegistryPath()}:${env.GERRIT_BRANCH}" : imageTag.patchset()
def getResultsHTMLUrl() {
return "${env.BUILD_URL}/artifact/crystalball_map.yml"
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
def postFn() {
2022-06-08 04:48:32 +08:00
filter: 'tmp/*/crystalball/**',
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
optional: false,
projectName: env.JOB_NAME,
selector: specific(env.BUILD_NUMBER),
sh """
2022-06-08 04:48:32 +08:00
docker-compose run -v \$(pwd)/\$LOCAL_WORKDIR/tmp/:/tmp \
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
-v \$(pwd)/\$LOCAL_WORKDIR/build:/usr/src/app/build \
--name crystalball-parser \
2022-06-08 04:48:32 +08:00
canvas bash -c 'ruby build/new-jenkins/crystalball_merge_coverage.rb "/tmp/*/crystalball/"'
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
sh 'docker cp crystalball-parser:/usr/src/app/crystalball_map.yml .'
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'crystalball_map.yml'
def message = "<$env.BUILD_URL/testReport|Latest Crystalball Map Generated> - <${getResultsHTMLUrl()}|Map>\n"
try {
def mapSpecInfo = sh(script: """
docker-compose run --rm \
-v \$(pwd)/\$LOCAL_WORKDIR/crystalball_map.yml/:/usr/src/app/crystalball_map.yml \
-v \$(pwd)/\$LOCAL_WORKDIR/build:/usr/src/app/build \
-v \$(pwd)/\$LOCAL_WORKDIR/gems/plugins/:/usr/src/app/gems/plugins \
-v \$(pwd)/\$LOCAL_WORKDIR/spec:/usr/src/app/spec \
canvas bash -c 'ruby build/new-jenkins/crystalball_map_smoke_test.rb'
, returnStdout: true)
message = message + "\n" + mapSpecInfo
// Only alert and push to s3 on periodic jobs, not ones resulting from manual tests
if (env.CRYSTALBALL_MAP_PUSH_TO_S3 == '1' && env.GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE != 'comment-added') {
sh 'aws s3 cp crystalball_map.yml s3://instructure-canvas-ci/'
} catch(e) {
message = message + "\nMap Invalid!"
} finally {
echo message
slackSend channel: '#crystalball-noisy', message: message
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
pipeline {
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
agent none
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
options {
environment {
BUILD_REGISTRY_FQDN = configuration.buildRegistryFQDN()
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
COMPOSE_FILE = 'docker-compose.new-jenkins.yml:docker-compose.new-jenkins-selenium.yml'
2022-06-08 04:48:32 +08:00
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME = 'crystalball-map'
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
RERUNS_RETRY = "${configuration.getInteger('rspecq-max-requeues')}"
RSPECQ_MAX_REQUEUES = "${configuration.getInteger('rspecq-max-requeues')}"
TEST_PATTERN = '^./(spec|gems/plugins/.*/spec_canvas)/'
EXCLUDE_TESTS = '.*/(selenium/performance|instfs/selenium|contracts)'
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
POSTGRES = configuration.postgres()
RUBY = configuration.ruby() // RUBY_VERSION is a reserved keyword for ruby installs
// e.g. canvas-lms:01.123456.78-postgres-12-ruby-2.6
PATCHSET_TAG = getPatchsetTag()
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
BASE_RUNNER_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('base-runner')
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
CASSANDRA_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('cassandra-migrations')
DYNAMODB_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('dynamodb-migrations')
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
KARMA_RUNNER_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('karma-runner')
LINTERS_RUNNER_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('linters-runner')
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
POSTGRES_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('postgres-migrations')
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
RUBY_RUNNER_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('ruby-runner')
YARN_RUNNER_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('yarn-runner')
WEBPACK_BUILDER_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('webpack-builder')
WEBPACK_CACHE_PREFIX = configuration.buildRegistryPath('webpack-cache')
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
IMAGE_CACHE_MERGE_SCOPE = configuration.gerritBranchSanitized()
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
POSTGRES_CLIENT = configuration.postgresClient()
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
stages {
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
stage('Environment') {
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
steps {
script {
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
def rspecNodeRequirements = [label: 'canvas-docker']
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
def postBuildHandler = [
onStageEnded: { stageName, stageConfig, result ->
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
ignoreBuildNeverStartedError {
node('master') {
buildSummaryReport.publishReport('Build Summary Report', stageConfig.status())
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
buildSummaryReport.addFailureRun('Main Build', currentBuild)
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
onNodeReleasing: {
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
2021-12-01 03:56:30 +08:00
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
def postStageHandler = [
onStageEnded: { stageName, stageConfig, result ->
buildSummaryReport.setStageTimings(stageName, stageConfig.timingValues())
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
extendedStage('Root').hooks(postBuildHandler).obeysAllowStages(false).timeout(60).reportTimings(false).nodeRequirements(rspecNodeRequirements).execute {
stage('Clean and Setup') {
2021-12-10 12:31:30 +08:00
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
extendedStage('Build Docker Image')
2022-06-28 20:48:23 +08:00
.execute{ buildDockerImageStage.patchsetImage() }
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
extendedStage('Run Migrations')
.execute { runMigrationsStage() }
extendedStage('Parallel Run Tests').obeysAllowStages(false).execute { stageConfig, buildConfig ->
def rspecqStages = [:]
extendedStage('RSpecQ Reporter').timeout(30).queue(rspecqStages) {
try {
sh(script: "docker run -e SENTRY_DSN -e RSPECQ_REDIS_URL -t $PATCHSET_TAG bundle exec rspecq \
--build=${JOB_NAME}_build${BUILD_NUMBER} \
--queue-wait-timeout 120 \
--redis-url $RSPECQ_REDIS_URL \
--report", label: 'Reporter')
} catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e) {
if (e.causes[0] instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.TimeoutStepExecution.ExceededTimeout) {
/* groovylint-disable-next-line GStringExpressionWithinString, SpaceInsideParentheses */
sh '''#!/bin/bash
ids=($(docker ps -aq --filter "name=canvas_"))
for i in "${ids[@]}"
docker exec $i bash -c "cat /usr/src/app/log/cmd_output/*.log"
throw e
extendedStage('RSpecQ Set 00')
2022-06-08 04:48:32 +08:00
.hooks(postStageHandler + [onNodeAcquired: { sh(script: 'build/new-jenkins/docker-compose-build-up.sh', label: 'Start Containers') }, onNodeReleasing: { rspecStage.tearDownNode() }])
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
.queue(rspecqStages) {
for (int i = 1; i < rspecqNodeTotal; i++) {
def index = i
extendedStage("RSpecQ Set ${(index).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}")
2022-06-08 04:48:32 +08:00
.hooks(postStageHandler + [onNodeAcquired: { rspecStage.setupNode() }, onNodeReleasing: { rspecStage.tearDownNode() }])
2022-04-06 23:51:58 +08:00
.queue(rspecqStages) { rspecStage.runRspecqSuite() }
} //rspecQ
}//stage environment