2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# See the uploads controller and views for examples on how to use this model.
class Attachment < ActiveRecord :: Base
2012-07-07 03:45:00 +08:00
def self . display_name_order_by_clause ( table = nil )
col = table ? " #{ table } .display_name " : 'display_name'
best_unicode_collation_key ( col )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
attr_accessible :context , :folder , :filename , :display_name , :user , :locked , :position , :lock_at , :unlock_at , :uploaded_data
include HasContentTags
allow using an item in modules more than once
closes #8769
An item can be added to multiple modules, or even the same module more
than once. This is especially useful for attachment items, but is also
useful for allowing multiple paths through a course, with say an
assignment in two different modules and the user only has to complete
one of the two modules.
test plan:
For an item in only one module, verify that the module navigation still
appears if you go straight to that item's page, without going through
the modules page.
Add an item to more than one module. If you visit that item from the
modules page, you'll see the right nav depending on which instance of
the item you clicked on. If you visit the item directly without going
through the modules page, you'll see no nav.
Lock one instance of the item by adding a prerequisite, but leave the
other unlocked. You can still see the item as a student.
Lock all instances of the item with prerequisites. The item will now be
locked and you can't see it as a student.
Add completion requirements to the item, such as a minimum score on a
quiz. Make the requirements different -- 3 points in one instance and 5
in the other, for instance. Verify that if you get 3 points on the quiz,
one item is marked as completed but the other isn't, as expected.
Rename the item. Verify that all instances of it in modules get renamed.
Change-Id: I4f1b2f6f033062ec47ac34fe5eb973a950c17b0c
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/11671
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <bracken@instructure.com>
2012-06-19 06:18:43 +08:00
include ContextModuleItem
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
belongs_to :context , :polymorphic = > true
belongs_to :cloned_item
belongs_to :folder
belongs_to :user
has_one :account_report
has_one :media_object
has_many :submissions
has_many :attachment_associations
belongs_to :root_attachment , :class_name = > 'Attachment'
belongs_to :scribd_mime_type
belongs_to :scribd_account
has_one :sis_batch
has_one :thumbnail , :foreign_key = > " parent_id " , :conditions = > { :thumbnail = > " thumb " }
2012-05-17 06:06:29 +08:00
has_many :thumbnails , :foreign_key = > " parent_id "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
before_save :infer_display_name
before_save :default_values
before_validation :assert_attachment
before_destroy :delete_scribd_doc
acts_as_list :scope = > :folder
2011-08-09 05:22:44 +08:00
after_save :touch_context_if_appropriate
2012-03-09 04:14:12 +08:00
after_save :build_media_object
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-02-10 01:26:42 +08:00
attr_accessor :podcast_associated_asset
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-09-29 07:26:18 +08:00
# this mixin can be added to a has_many :attachments association, and it'll
# handle finding replaced attachments. In other words, if an attachment fond
# by id is deleted but an active attachment in the same context has the same
# path, it'll return that attachment.
module FindInContextAssociation
def find ( * a , & b )
return super if a . first . is_a? ( Symbol )
find_with_possibly_replaced ( super )
def method_missing ( method , * a , & b )
return super unless method . to_s =~ / ^find(?:_all)?_by_id$ /
find_with_possibly_replaced ( super )
def find_with_possibly_replaced ( a_or_as )
if a_or_as . is_a? ( Attachment )
find_attachment_possibly_replaced ( a_or_as )
elsif a_or_as . is_a? ( Array )
a_or_as . map { | a | find_attachment_possibly_replaced ( a ) }
def find_attachment_possibly_replaced ( att )
# if they found a deleted attachment by id, but there's an available
# attachment in the same context and the same full path, we return that
# instead, to emulate replacing a file without having to update every
# by-id reference in every user content field.
if att . deleted?
new_att = Folder . find_attachment_in_context_with_path ( proxy_owner , att . full_display_path )
new_att || att
2011-10-21 23:38:09 +08:00
RELATIVE_CONTEXT_TYPES = %w( Course Group User Account )
# returns true if the context is a type that supports relative file paths
def self . relative_context? ( context_class )
RELATIVE_CONTEXT_TYPES . include? ( context_class . to_s )
2011-08-09 05:22:44 +08:00
def touch_context_if_appropriate
touch_context unless context_type == 'ConversationMessage'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# this is a magic method that gets run by attachment-fu after it is done sending to s3,
# that is the moment that we also want to submit it to scribd.
# note, that the time it takes to send to s3 is the bad guy.
# It blocks and makes the user wait. The good thing is that sending
# it to scribd from that point does not make the user wait since that
# does happen asynchronously and the data goes directly from s3 to scribd.
def after_attachment_saved
2012-01-13 00:46:31 +08:00
if ! self . scribdable?
# We aren't scribdable, so just mark as processed. (pending_upload and processing are the
# only states that define transitions to process, so for other states this is correctly
# a no-op.)
self . process
2011-12-14 06:37:14 +08:00
elsif ScribdAPI . enabled? && ! Attachment . skip_scribd_submits?
2012-06-06 07:47:25 +08:00
send_later_enqueue_args ( :submit_to_scribd! , { :n_strand = > 'scribd' , :max_attempts = > 1 } )
2011-12-14 06:37:14 +08:00
2012-06-22 02:05:47 +08:00
# try an infer encoding if it would be useful to do so
send_later ( :infer_encoding ) if self . encoding . nil? && self . content_type =~ / text / && self . context_type != 'SisBatch'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if respond_to? ( :process_attachment_with_processing ) && thumbnailable? && ! attachment_options [ :thumbnails ] . blank? && parent_id . nil?
temp_file = temp_path || create_temp_file
self . class . attachment_options [ :thumbnails ] . each { | suffix , size | send_later_if_production ( :create_thumbnail_size , suffix ) }
2011-10-25 01:20:42 +08:00
def infer_encoding
return unless self . encoding . nil?
Iconv . open ( 'UTF-8' , 'UTF-8' ) do | iconv |
self . open do | chunk |
iconv . iconv ( chunk )
iconv . iconv ( nil )
2012-02-23 00:59:34 +08:00
self . encoding = 'UTF-8'
Attachment . update_all ( { :encoding = > 'UTF-8' } , { :id = > self . id } )
2011-10-25 01:20:42 +08:00
rescue Iconv :: Failure
2012-02-23 00:59:34 +08:00
self . encoding = ''
Attachment . update_all ( { :encoding = > '' } , { :id = > self . id } )
2011-10-25 01:20:42 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# this is here becase attachment_fu looks to make sure that parent_id is nil before it will create a thumbnail of something.
# basically, it makes a false assumption that the thumbnail class is the same as the original class
# which in our case is false because we use the Thumbnail model for the thumbnails.
def parent_id ; end
attr_accessor :clone_updated
def clone_for ( context , dup = nil , options = { } )
if ! self . cloned_item && ! self . new_record?
self . cloned_item || = ClonedItem . create ( :original_item = > self )
self . save!
existing = context . attachments . active . find_by_id ( self . id )
2012-05-08 06:38:15 +08:00
existing || = self . cloned_item_id ? context . attachments . active . find_by_cloned_item_id ( self . cloned_item_id ) : nil
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
return existing if existing && ! options [ :overwrite ] && ! options [ :force_copy ]
2012-05-08 06:38:15 +08:00
existing || = self . cloned_item_id ? context . attachments . find_by_cloned_item_id ( self . cloned_item_id ) : nil
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
dup || = Attachment . new
dup = existing if existing && options [ :overwrite ]
2012-07-06 04:47:08 +08:00
self . attributes . delete_if { | k , v | [ :id , :root_attachment_id , :uuid , :folder_id , :user_id , :filename ] . include? ( k . to_sym ) } . each do | key , val |
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
dup . send ( " #{ key } = " , val )
dup . write_attribute ( :filename , self . filename )
2012-07-06 04:47:08 +08:00
# avoid cycles (a -> b -> a) and self-references (a -> a) in root_attachment_id pointers
root_id = ( [ self . root_attachment_id , self . id ] - [ dup . id , nil ] ) . first
dup . root_attachment_id = root_id
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
dup . context = context
2012-03-28 22:52:21 +08:00
dup . migration_id = CC :: CCHelper . create_key ( self )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
context . log_merge_result ( " File \" #{ dup . folder . full_name rescue '' } / #{ dup . display_name } \" created " ) if context . respond_to? ( :log_merge_result )
dup . updated_at = Time . now
dup . clone_updated = true
def build_media_object
2011-04-24 22:46:36 +08:00
return true if self . class . skip_media_object_creation?
2012-03-09 04:14:12 +08:00
in_the_right_state = self . file_state == 'available' && self . workflow_state !~ / ^unattached /
transitioned_to_this_state = self . id_was == nil || self . file_state_changed? && self . workflow_state_was =~ / ^unattached /
if in_the_right_state && transitioned_to_this_state &&
self . content_type && self . content_type . match ( / \ A(video|audio) / )
2012-01-26 05:19:31 +08:00
delay = Setting . get_cached ( 'attachment_build_media_object_delay_seconds' , 10 . to_s ) . to_i
2012-05-11 00:39:33 +08:00
MediaObject . send_later_enqueue_args ( :add_media_files , { :run_at = > delay . seconds . from_now , :priority = > Delayed :: LOWER_PRIORITY } , self , false )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . process_migration ( data , migration )
attachments = data [ 'file_map' ] ? data [ 'file_map' ] : { }
2011-07-01 04:36:59 +08:00
# TODO i18n
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
attachments . values . each do | att |
2012-04-03 06:38:05 +08:00
if ! att [ 'is_folder' ] && migration . import_object? ( " files " , att [ 'migration_id' ] )
2011-06-18 00:58:18 +08:00
import_from_migration ( att , migration . context )
migration . add_warning ( " Couldn't import file \" #{ att [ :display_name ] || att [ :path_name ] } \" " , $! )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-26 08:27:03 +08:00
if data [ :locked_folders ]
data [ :locked_folders ] . each do | path |
2011-07-01 04:36:59 +08:00
# TODO i18n
2011-04-26 08:27:03 +08:00
if f = migration . context . active_folders . find_by_full_name ( " course files/ #{ path } " )
f . locked = true
f . save
if data [ :hidden_folders ]
data [ :hidden_folders ] . each do | path |
2011-07-01 04:36:59 +08:00
# TODO i18n
2011-04-26 08:27:03 +08:00
if f = migration . context . active_folders . find_by_full_name ( " course files/ #{ path } " )
f . workflow_state = 'hidden'
f . save
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . import_from_migration ( hash , context , item = nil )
hash = hash . with_indifferent_access
hash [ :migration_id ] || = hash [ :attachment_id ] || hash [ :file_id ]
return nil if hash [ :migration_id ] && hash [ :files_to_import ] && ! hash [ :files_to_import ] [ hash [ :migration_id ] ]
item || = find_by_context_type_and_context_id_and_id ( context . class . to_s , context . id , hash [ :id ] )
item || = find_by_context_type_and_context_id_and_migration_id ( context . class . to_s , context . id , hash [ :migration_id ] ) if hash [ :migration_id ]
item || = Attachment . find_from_path ( hash [ :path_name ] , context )
if item
item . context = context
item . migration_id = hash [ :migration_id ]
2011-04-26 08:27:03 +08:00
item . locked = true if hash [ :locked ]
item . file_state = 'hidden' if hash [ :hidden ]
2011-04-26 22:57:27 +08:00
item . display_name = hash [ :display_name ] if hash [ :display_name ]
2012-02-25 04:05:58 +08:00
item . save!
2011-06-18 00:58:18 +08:00
context . imported_migration_items << item if context . imported_migration_items
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def assert_attachment
if ! self . to_be_zipped? && ! self . zipping? && ! self . errored? && ( ! filename || ! content_type || ! downloadable? )
2011-06-16 00:41:22 +08:00
self . errors . add_to_base ( t ( 'errors.not_found' , " File data could not be found " ) )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
return false
after_create :flag_as_recently_created
attr_accessor :recently_created
validates_presence_of :context_id
validates_presence_of :context_type
serialize :scribd_doc , Scribd :: Document
def delete_scribd_doc
2011-08-31 00:38:22 +08:00
return true unless self . scribd_doc && ScribdAPI . enabled? && ! self . root_attachment_id
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
ScribdAPI . instance . set_user ( self . scribd_account )
self . scribd_doc . destroy
protected :delete_scribd_doc
# This method retrieves a URL to the thumbnail of a document, in a given size, and for any page in that document. Note that docs.getSettings and docs.getList also retrieve thumbnail URLs in default size - this method is really for resizing those. IMPORTANT - it is possible that at some time in the future, Scribd will redesign its image system, invalidating these URLs. So if you cache them, please have an update strategy in place so that you can update them if neceessary.
# Parameters
# integer width (optional) Width in px of the desired image. If not included, will use the default thumb size.
# integer height (optional) Height in px of the desired image. If not included, will use the default thumb size.
# integer page (optional) Page to generate a thumbnail of. Defaults to 1.
# usage: Attachment.scribdable?.last.scribd_thumbnail(:height => 1100, :width=> 850, :page => 2)
# => "http://imgv2-4.scribdassets.com/img/word_document_page/34518627/850x1100/b0c489ddf1/1279739442/2"
# or just some_attachment.scribd_thumbnail #will give you the default tumbnail for the document.
def scribd_thumbnail ( options = { } )
return unless self . scribd_doc && ScribdAPI . enabled?
if options . empty? && self . cached_scribd_thumbnail
self . cached_scribd_thumbnail
# if we aren't requesting special demensions, fetch and save it to the db.
if options . empty?
ScribdAPI . instance . set_user ( self . scribd_account )
self . cached_scribd_thumbnail = self . scribd_doc . thumbnail ( options )
# just update the cached_scribd_thumbnail column of this attachment without running callbacks
Attachment . update_all ( { :cached_scribd_thumbnail = > self . cached_scribd_thumbnail } , { :id = > self . id } )
self . cached_scribd_thumbnail
Rails . cache . fetch ( [ 'scribd_thumb' , self , options ] . cache_key ) do
ScribdAPI . instance . set_user ( self . scribd_account )
self . scribd_doc . thumbnail ( options )
rescue Scribd :: NotReadyError
rescue = > e
memoize :scribd_thumbnail
def turnitinable?
self . content_type && [
'application/msword' ,
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' ,
'application/pdf' ,
'text/plain' ,
'text/html' ,
'application/rtf' ,
'text/richtext' ,
] . include? ( self . content_type )
def flag_as_recently_created
@recently_created = true
protected :flag_as_recently_created
def recently_created?
@recently_created || ( self . created_at && self . created_at > Time . now - ( 60 * 5 ) )
def scribdable_context?
case self . context
when Group
when User
when Course
protected :scribdable_context?
def after_extension
res = self . extension [ 1 .. - 1 ] rescue nil
res = nil if res == " " || res == " unknown "
def assert_file_extension
self . content_type = nil if self . content_type && ( self . content_type == 'application/x-unknown' || self . content_type . match ( / ERROR / ) )
self . content_type || = self . mimetype ( self . filename )
if self . filename && self . filename . split ( " . " ) . length < 2
# we actually have better luck assuming zip files without extensions
# are docx files than assuming they're zip files
self . content_type = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' if self . content_type . match ( / zip / )
ext = self . extension
self . write_attribute ( :filename , self . filename + ext ) unless ext == '.unknown'
def extension
res = ( self . filename || " " ) . match ( / ( \ .[^ \ .]*) \ z / ) . to_s
res = nil if res == " "
if ! res || res == " "
res = File . mime_types [ self . content_type ] . to_s rescue nil
res = " . " + res if res
res = nil if res == " . "
res || = " .unknown "
res . to_s
def self . clear_cached_mime_ids
@@mime_ids = { }
def default_values
self . display_name = nil if self . display_name && self . display_name . empty?
self . display_name || = unencoded_filename
self . file_state || = " available "
self . last_unlock_at = self . unlock_at if self . unlock_at
self . last_lock_at = self . lock_at if self . lock_at
self . assert_file_extension
self . folder_id = nil if ! self . folder || self . folder . context != self . context
self . folder_id = nil if self . folder && self . folder . deleted? && ! self . deleted?
self . folder_id || = Folder . unfiled_folder ( self . context ) . id rescue nil
self . scribd_attempts || = 0
self . folder_id || = Folder . root_folders ( context ) . first . id rescue nil
if self . root_attachment && self . new_record?
[ :md5 , :size , :content_type , :scribd_mime_type_id , :scribd_user , :submitted_to_scribd_at , :workflow_state , :scribd_doc ] . each do | key |
self . send ( " #{ key . to_s } = " , self . root_attachment . send ( key ) )
self . write_attribute ( :filename , self . root_attachment . filename )
self . context = self . folder . context if self . folder && ( ! self . context || ( self . context . respond_to? ( :is_a_context? ) && self . context . is_a_context? ) )
2011-10-01 07:45:46 +08:00
if ! self . scribd_mime_type_id && ! [ 'text/html' , 'application/xhtml+xml' , 'application/xml' , 'text/xml' ] . include? ( self . content_type )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@@mime_ids || = { }
2011-10-01 07:45:46 +08:00
@@mime_ids [ self . content_type ] || = self . content_type && ScribdMimeType . find_by_name ( self . content_type ) . try ( :id )
self . scribd_mime_type_id = @@mime_ids [ self . content_type ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if ! self . scribd_mime_type_id
2011-10-01 07:45:46 +08:00
@@mime_ids [ self . after_extension ] || = self . after_extension && ScribdMimeType . find_by_extension ( self . after_extension ) . try ( :id )
self . scribd_mime_type_id = @@mime_ids [ self . after_extension ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if self . respond_to? ( :namespace = ) && self . new_record?
self . namespace = infer_namespace
2011-04-24 08:51:53 +08:00
self . media_entry_id || = 'maybe' if self . new_record? && self . content_type && self . content_type . match ( / (video|audio) / )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Raise an error if this is scribdable without a scribdable context?
if scribdable_context? and scribdable? and ScribdAPI . enabled?
unless context . scribd_account
ScribdAccount . create ( :scribdable = > context )
self . context . reload
self . scribd_account_id || = context . scribd_account . id
protected :default_values
2012-02-02 00:32:24 +08:00
def root_account_id
# see note in infer_namespace below
2012-05-02 00:35:37 +08:00
splits = namespace . try ( :split , / _ / )
2012-02-02 00:32:24 +08:00
return nil if splits . blank?
if splits [ 1 ] == " localstorage "
splits [ 3 ] . to_i
splits [ 1 ] . to_i
2012-05-02 00:35:37 +08:00
def namespace
2012-05-18 01:16:17 +08:00
read_attribute ( :namespace ) || ( new_record? ? write_attribute ( :namespace , infer_namespace ) : nil )
2012-05-02 00:35:37 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def infer_namespace
2012-02-02 00:32:24 +08:00
# If you are thinking about changing the format of this, take note: some
# code relies on the namespace as a hacky way to efficiently get the
# attachment's account id. Look for anybody who is accessing namespace and
# splitting the string, etc.
# I've added the root_account_id accessor above, but I didn't verify there
# isn't any code still accessing the namespace for the account id directly.
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
ns = Attachment . domain_namespace
ns || = self . context . root_account . file_namespace rescue nil
ns || = self . context . account . file_namespace rescue nil
2011-04-29 01:12:23 +08:00
if Rails . env . development? && Attachment . local_storage?
ns || = " "
ns = " _localstorage_/ #{ ns } "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
ns = nil if ns && ns . empty?
2011-05-20 04:14:01 +08:00
def process_s3_details! ( details )
unless workflow_state == 'unattached_temporary'
self . workflow_state = nil
self . file_state = 'available'
self . md5 = ( details [ 'etag' ] || " " ) . gsub ( / \ " / , '' )
self . content_type = details [ 'content-type' ]
self . size = details [ 'content-length' ]
if md5 . present? && ns = infer_namespace
if existing_attachment = Attachment . find_all_by_md5_and_namespace ( md5 , ns ) . detect { | a | a . id != id && ! a . root_attachment_id && a . content_type == content_type }
AWS :: S3 :: S3Object . delete ( full_filename , bucket_name ) rescue nil
self . root_attachment = existing_attachment
write_attribute ( :filename , nil )
# normally this would be called by attachment_fu after it had uploaded the file to S3.
2011-05-23 22:47:21 +08:00
CONTENT_LENGTH_RANGE = 10 . gigabytes
2011-05-20 04:14:01 +08:00
S3_EXPIRATION_TIME = 30 . minutes
def ajax_upload_params ( pseudonym , local_upload_url , s3_success_url , options = { } )
if Attachment . s3_storage?
res = {
:upload_url = > " #{ options [ :ssl ] ? " https " : " http " } :// #{ bucket_name } .s3.amazonaws.com/ " ,
:remote_url = > true ,
:file_param = > 'file' ,
:success_url = > s3_success_url ,
:upload_params = > {
'AWSAccessKeyId' = > AWS :: S3 :: Base . connection . access_key_id
elsif Attachment . local_storage?
res = {
:upload_url = > local_upload_url ,
:remote_url = > false ,
:file_param = > options [ :file_param ] || 'attachment[uploaded_data]' , #uploadify ignores this and uses 'file',
:upload_params = > options [ :upload_params ] || { }
raise " Unknown storage system configured "
# Build the data that will be needed for the user to upload to s3
# without us being the middle-man
sanitized_filename = full_filename . gsub ( / \ + / , " " )
policy = {
'expiration' = > ( options [ :expiration ] || S3_EXPIRATION_TIME ) . from_now . utc . iso8601 ,
'conditions' = > [
{ 'bucket' = > bucket_name } ,
{ 'key' = > sanitized_filename } ,
{ 'acl' = > 'private' } ,
[ 'starts-with' , '$Filename' , '' ] ,
[ 'starts-with' , '$folder' , '' ] ,
[ 'content-length-range' , 1 , ( options [ :max_size ] || CONTENT_LENGTH_RANGE ) ]
extras = [ ]
if options [ :no_redirect ]
extras << { 'success_action_status' = > '201' }
elsif res [ :success_url ]
extras << { 'success_action_redirect' = > res [ :success_url ] }
if content_type && content_type != " unknown/unknown "
extras << { 'content-type' = > content_type }
policy [ 'conditions' ] += extras
# flash won't send the session cookie, so for local uploads we put the user id in the signed
# policy so we can mock up the session for FilesController#create
2012-03-21 06:08:20 +08:00
if Attachment . local_storage?
policy [ 'conditions' ] << { 'pseudonym_id' = > pseudonym . id }
policy [ 'attachment_id' ] = self . id
2011-05-20 04:14:01 +08:00
policy_encoded = Base64 . encode64 ( policy . to_json ) . gsub ( / \ n / , '' )
signature = Base64 . encode64 (
OpenSSL :: HMAC . digest (
OpenSSL :: Digest :: Digest . new ( 'sha1' ) , Attachment . shared_secret , policy_encoded
) . gsub ( / \ n / , '' )
res [ :id ] = id
res [ :upload_params ] . merge! ( {
2012-03-21 06:08:20 +08:00
'Filename' = > '' ,
'folder' = > '' ,
'key' = > sanitized_filename ,
'acl' = > 'private' ,
'Policy' = > policy_encoded ,
'Signature' = > signature ,
2011-05-20 04:14:01 +08:00
} )
extras . map ( & :to_a ) . each { | extra | res [ :upload_params ] [ extra . first . first ] = extra . first . last }
2012-03-21 06:08:20 +08:00
def self . decode_policy ( policy_str , signature_str )
return nil if policy_str . blank? || signature_str . blank?
signature = Base64 . decode64 ( signature_str )
return nil if OpenSSL :: HMAC . digest ( OpenSSL :: Digest :: Digest . new ( " sha1 " ) , Attachment . shared_secret , policy_str ) != signature
policy = JSON . parse ( Base64 . decode64 ( policy_str ) )
return nil unless Time . zone . parse ( policy [ 'expiration' ] ) > = Time . now
attachment = Attachment . find ( policy [ 'attachment_id' ] )
return nil unless attachment . try ( :state ) == :unattached
return policy , attachment
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def unencoded_filename
2011-06-16 00:41:22 +08:00
CGI :: unescape ( self . filename || t ( :default_filename , " File " ) )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-08-16 06:16:36 +08:00
def handle_duplicates ( method )
return [ ] unless method . present? && self . folder
method = method . to_sym
deleted_attachments = [ ]
other_attachments =
if method == :rename
self . display_name = Attachment . make_unique_filename ( self . display_name , self . folder . active_file_attachments . reject { | a | a . id == self . id } . map ( & :display_name ) )
self . save
elsif method == :overwrite
self . folder . active_file_attachments . find_all_by_display_name ( self . display_name ) . reject { | a | a . id == self . id } . each do | a |
a . destroy
deleted_attachments << a
return deleted_attachments
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . destroy_files ( ids )
Attachment . find_all_by_id ( ids ) . compact . each ( & :destroy )
before_save :assign_uuid
def assign_uuid
2011-04-15 06:09:37 +08:00
self . uuid || = AutoHandle . generate_securish_uuid
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
protected :assign_uuid
def inline_content?
self . content_type . match ( / \ Atext / ) || self . extension == '.html' || self . extension == '.htm' || self . extension == '.swf'
2011-02-02 02:50:10 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . s3_config
# Return existing value, even if nil, as long as it's defined
return @s3_config if defined? ( @s3_config )
2012-04-24 23:49:01 +08:00
@s3_config || = YAML . load_file ( RAILS_ROOT + " /config/amazon_s3.yml " ) [ RAILS_ENV ] . symbolize_keys rescue nil
def s3_config
@s3_config || = ( self . class . s3_config || { } ) . merge ( PluginSetting . settings_for_plugin ( 's3' ) . symbolize_keys || { } )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . file_store_config
# Return existing value, even if nil, as long as it's defined
@file_store_config || = YAML . load_file ( RAILS_ROOT + " /config/file_store.yml " ) [ RAILS_ENV ] rescue nil
2011-10-06 06:51:08 +08:00
@file_store_config || = { 'storage' = > 'local' }
2011-07-30 06:03:42 +08:00
@file_store_config [ 'path_prefix' ] || = @file_store_config [ 'path' ] || 'tmp/files'
if RAILS_ENV == " test "
2011-08-13 04:40:30 +08:00
# yes, a rescue nil; the problem is that in an automated test environment, this may be
# in the auto-require path, before the DB is even created; obviously it hasn't been
# overridden yet
file_storage_test_override = Setting . get ( " file_storage_test_override " , nil ) rescue nil
2011-07-30 06:03:42 +08:00
return @file_store_config . merge ( { " storage " = > file_storage_test_override } ) if file_storage_test_override
return @file_store_config
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . s3_storage?
2011-07-30 06:03:42 +08:00
( file_store_config [ 'storage' ] rescue nil ) == 's3' && s3_config
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . local_storage?
2011-02-02 02:50:10 +08:00
rv = ! s3_storage?
raise " Unknown storage type! " if rv && file_store_config [ 'storage' ] != 'local'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-03-08 05:02:56 +08:00
def self . shared_secret
self . s3_storage? ? AWS :: S3 :: Base . connection . secret_access_key : " local_storage " + Canvas :: Security . encryption_key
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def downloadable?
! ! ( self . authenticated_s3_url rescue false )
2011-05-05 22:30:05 +08:00
# Haaay... you're changing stuff here? Don't forget about the Thumbnail model
# too, it cares about local vs s3 storage.
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if local_storage?
has_attachment (
2011-07-30 06:03:42 +08:00
:path_prefix = > file_store_config [ 'path_prefix' ] ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
:thumbnails = > { :thumb = > '200x50' } ,
2011-05-05 22:30:05 +08:00
:thumbnail_class = > 'Thumbnail'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def authenticated_s3_url ( * args )
return root_attachment . authenticated_s3_url ( * args ) if root_attachment
2011-10-06 06:51:08 +08:00
protocol = args [ 0 ] . is_a? ( Hash ) && args [ 0 ] [ :protocol ]
2012-06-26 23:52:40 +08:00
protocol || = " #{ HostUrl . protocol } :// "
2011-10-06 06:51:08 +08:00
" #{ protocol } #{ HostUrl . context_host ( context ) } / #{ context_type . underscore . pluralize } / #{ context_id } /files/ #{ id } /download?verifier= #{ uuid } "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-05-05 22:30:05 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
alias_method :attachment_fu_filename = , :filename =
def filename = ( val )
if self . new_record?
write_attribute ( :filename , val )
self . attachment_fu_filename = val
2011-05-05 22:30:05 +08:00
2011-02-02 02:50:10 +08:00
def bucket_name ; " no-bucket " ; end
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_attachment (
:storage = > :s3 ,
:s3_access = > :private ,
:thumbnails = > { :thumb = > '200x50' } ,
2011-05-05 22:30:05 +08:00
:thumbnail_class = > 'Thumbnail'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-04-24 23:49:01 +08:00
def bucket_name
s3_config [ :bucket_name ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-29 01:16:26 +08:00
2011-10-25 01:20:42 +08:00
def content_type_with_encoding
encoding . blank? ? content_type : " #{ content_type } ; charset= #{ encoding } "
2011-04-29 01:16:26 +08:00
# Returns an IO-like object containing the contents of the attachment file.
# Any resources are guaranteed to be cleaned up when the object is garbage
# collected (for instance, using the Tempfile class). Calling close on the
# object may clean up things faster.
# By default, this method will stream the file as it is read, if it's stored
# remotely and streaming is possible. If opts[:need_local_file] is true,
# then a local Tempfile will be created if necessary and the IO object
# returned will always respond_to :path and :rewind, and have the right file
# extension.
# Be warned! If local storage is used, a File handle to the actual file will
# be returned, not a Tempfile handle. So don't rm the file's .path or
# anything crazy like that. If you need to test whether you can move the file
# at .path, or if you need to copy it, check if the file is_a?(Tempfile) (and
# pass :need_local_file => true of course).
# If opts[:temp_folder] is given, and a local temporary file is created, this
# path will be used instead of the default system temporary path. It'll be
# created if necessary.
2011-10-25 01:20:42 +08:00
def open ( opts = { } , & block )
2011-04-29 01:16:26 +08:00
if Attachment . local_storage?
2011-10-25 01:20:42 +08:00
if block
File . open ( self . full_filename , 'rb' ) { | file |
chunk = file . read ( 4096 )
while chunk
yield chunk
chunk = file . read ( 4096 )
File . open ( self . full_filename , 'rb' )
elsif block
AWS :: S3 :: S3Object . stream ( self . full_filename , self . bucket_name , & block )
2011-04-29 01:16:26 +08:00
# TODO: !need_local_file -- net/http and thus AWS::S3::S3Object don't
# natively support streaming the response, except when a block is given.
# so without Fibers, there's not a great way to return an IO-like object
# that streams the response. A separate thread, I guess. Bleck. Need to
# investigate other options.
if opts [ :temp_folder ] . present? && ! File . exist? ( opts [ :temp_folder ] )
FileUtils . mkdir_p ( opts [ :temp_folder ] )
tempfile = Tempfile . new ( [ " attachment_ #{ self . id } " , self . extension ] ,
opts [ :temp_folder ] . presence || Dir :: tmpdir )
AWS :: S3 :: S3Object . stream ( self . full_filename , self . bucket_name ) do | chunk |
tempfile . write ( chunk )
tempfile . rewind
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# you should be able to pass an optional width, height, and page_number/video_seconds to this method
# can't handle arbitrary thumbnails for our attachment_fu thumbnails on s3 though, we could handle a couple *predefined* sizes though
def thumbnail_url ( options = { } )
2012-05-17 23:00:37 +08:00
return nil if Attachment . skip_thumbnails
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if self . scribd_doc #handle if it is a scribd doc, get the thumbnail from scribd's api
self . scribd_thumbnail ( options )
2012-05-17 06:06:29 +08:00
elsif self . thumbnail || ( options && options [ :size ] . present? )
if options && options [ :size ] . present?
geometry = options [ :size ]
if self . class . dynamic_thumbnail_sizes . include? ( geometry )
to_use = thumbnails . loaded? ? thumbnails . detect { | t | t . thumbnail == geometry } : thumbnails . find_by_thumbnail ( geometry )
to_use || = create_dynamic_thumbnail ( geometry )
to_use || = self . thumbnail
to_use . cached_s3_url
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
elsif self . media_object && self . media_object . media_id
2011-03-09 00:35:09 +08:00
Kaltura :: ClientV3 . new . thumbnail_url ( self . media_object . media_id ,
2011-10-08 00:36:22 +08:00
:width = > options [ :width ] || 140 ,
:height = > options [ :height ] || 100 ,
:vid_sec = > options [ :video_seconds ] || 5 )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# "still need to handle things that are not images with thumbnails, scribd_docs, or kaltura docs"
memoize :thumbnail_url
alias_method :original_sanitize_filename , :sanitize_filename
def sanitize_filename ( filename )
filename = CGI :: escape ( filename )
filename = self . root_attachment . filename if self . root_attachment && self . root_attachment . filename
chunks = ( filename || " " ) . scan ( / \ . / ) . length + 1
filename . gsub! ( / [^ \ .]+ / ) do | str |
str [ 0 , 220 / chunks ]
def infer_display_name
self . display_name || = unencoded_filename
protected :infer_display_name
# Accepts an array of words and returns an array of words, some of them
# combined by a dash.
def dashed_map ( words , n = 30 )
line_length = 0
words . inject ( [ ] ) do | list , word |
# Get the length of the word
word_size = word . size
# Add 1 for the space preceding the word
# There is no space added before the first word
word_size += 1 unless list . empty?
# If adding a word takes us over our limit,
# join two words by a dash and insert that
if word_size > = n
word_pieces = [ ]
( ( word_size / 15 ) + 1 ) . times do | i |
word_pieces << word [ ( i * 15 ) .. ( ( ( i + 1 ) * 15 ) - 1 ) ]
word = word_pieces . compact . select { | p | p . length > 0 } . join ( '-' )
list << word
line_length = word . size
elsif ( line_length + word_size > = n ) and not list . empty?
previous = list . pop
previous || = ''
list << previous + '-' + word
line_length = word_size
# Otherwise just add the word to the list
list << word
line_length += word_size
# Return the list so that inject works
protected :dashed_map
def readable_size
h = ActionView :: Base . new
h . extend ActionView :: Helpers :: NumberHelper
h . number_to_human_size ( self . size ) rescue " size unknown "
2011-02-02 02:50:10 +08:00
def clear_cached_urls
2012-01-23 15:09:38 +08:00
Rails . cache . delete ( [ 'cacheable_s3_urls' , self ] . cache_key )
2011-02-02 02:50:10 +08:00
self . cached_scribd_thumbnail = nil
2012-01-23 15:09:38 +08:00
def cacheable_s3_download_url
cacheable_s3_urls [ 'attachment' ]
def cacheable_s3_inline_url
cacheable_s3_urls [ 'inline' ]
def cacheable_s3_urls
Rails . cache . fetch ( [ 'cacheable_s3_urls' , self ] . cache_key , :expires_in = > 24 . hours ) do
2011-12-08 09:55:57 +08:00
ascii_filename = Iconv . conv ( " ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE " , " UTF-8 " , display_name )
2011-10-27 04:47:13 +08:00
# response-content-disposition will be url encoded in the depths of
# aws-s3, doesn't need to happen here. we'll be nice and ghetto http
# quote the filename string, though.
2011-12-08 09:55:57 +08:00
quoted_ascii = ascii_filename . gsub ( / ([ \ x00- \ x1f" \ x7f]) / , '\\\\\\1' )
2012-01-23 15:09:38 +08:00
# awesome browsers will use the filename* and get the proper unicode filename,
# everyone else will get the sanitized ascii version of the filename
2012-02-21 04:58:20 +08:00
quoted_unicode = " UTF-8'' #{ URI . escape ( display_name , / [^A-Za-z0-9.] / ) } "
2012-01-23 15:09:38 +08:00
filename = %( filename=" #{ quoted_ascii } "; filename*= #{ quoted_unicode } )
2011-12-08 09:55:57 +08:00
2012-01-23 15:09:38 +08:00
# we need to have versions of the url for each content-disposition
'inline' = > authenticated_s3_url ( :expires_in = > 6 . days , " response-content-disposition " = > " inline; " + filename ) ,
'attachment' = > authenticated_s3_url ( :expires_in = > 6 . days , " response-content-disposition " = > " attachment; " + filename )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-23 15:09:38 +08:00
protected :cacheable_s3_urls
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def attachment_path_id
a = ( self . respond_to? ( :root_attachment ) && self . root_attachment ) || self
( ( a . respond_to? ( :parent_id ) && a . parent_id ) || a . id ) . to_s
def filename
read_attribute ( :filename ) || ( self . root_attachment && self . root_attachment . filename )
2011-07-01 03:12:38 +08:00
def thumbnail_with_root_attachment
self . thumbnail_without_root_attachment || self . root_attachment . try ( :thumbnail )
alias_method_chain :thumbnail , :root_attachment
2011-08-31 00:38:22 +08:00
def scribd_doc
self . read_attribute ( :scribd_doc ) || self . root_attachment . try ( :scribd_doc )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def content_directory
self . directory_name || Folder . root_folders ( self . context ) . first . name
def to_atom ( opts = { } )
Atom :: Entry . new do | entry |
2011-06-16 00:41:22 +08:00
entry . title = t ( :feed_title , " File: %{title} " , :title = > self . context . name ) unless opts [ :include_context ]
2012-04-05 03:06:48 +08:00
entry . title = t ( :feed_title_with_context , " File, %{course_or_group}: %{title} " , :course_or_group = > self . context . name , :title = > self . context . name ) if opts [ :include_context ]
entry . authors << Atom :: Person . new ( :name = > self . context . name )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
entry . updated = self . updated_at
entry . published = self . created_at
entry . id = " tag: #{ HostUrl . default_host } , #{ self . created_at . strftime ( " %Y-%m-%d " ) } :/files/ #{ self . feed_code } "
entry . links << Atom :: Link . new ( :rel = > 'alternate' ,
2012-04-05 03:06:48 +08:00
:href = > " http:// #{ HostUrl . context_host ( self . context ) } / #{ context_url_prefix } /files/ #{ self . id } " )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
entry . content = Atom :: Content :: Html . new ( " #{ self . display_name } " )
def name
def title
def associate_with ( context )
self . attachment_associations . create ( :context = > context )
def mime_class
'text/html' = > 'html' ,
" text/x-csharp " = > " code " ,
" text/xml " = > " code " ,
" text/css " = > 'code' ,
" text " = > " text " ,
" text/plain " = > " text " ,
" application/rtf " = > " doc " ,
" text/rtf " = > " doc " ,
" application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text " = > " doc " ,
" application/pdf " = > " pdf " ,
" application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document " = > " doc " ,
" application/x-docx " = > " doc " ,
" application/msword " = > " doc " ,
" application/vnd.ms-powerpoint " = > " ppt " ,
" application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation " = > " ppt " ,
" application/vnd.ms-excel " = > " xls " ,
" application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet " = > " xls " ,
" application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet " = > " xls " ,
" image/jpeg " = > " image " ,
" image/pjpeg " = > " image " ,
" image/png " = > " image " ,
" image/gif " = > " image " ,
" image/x-psd " = > " image " ,
" application/x-rar " = > " zip " ,
" application/x-rar-compressed " = > " zip " ,
" application/x-zip " = > " zip " ,
" application/x-zip-compressed " = > " zip " ,
" application/xml " = > " code " ,
" application/zip " = > " zip " ,
" audio/mpeg " = > " audio " ,
" audio/basic " = > " audio " ,
" audio/mid " = > " audio " ,
" audio/mpeg " = > " audio " ,
" audio/3gpp " = > " audio " ,
" audio/x-aiff " = > " audio " ,
" audio/x-mpegurl " = > " audio " ,
" audio/x-pn-realaudio " = > " audio " ,
" audio/x-wav " = > " audio " ,
" video/mpeg " = > " video " ,
" video/quicktime " = > " video " ,
" video/x-la-asf " = > " video " ,
" video/x-ms-asf " = > " video " ,
" video/x-msvideo " = > " video " ,
" video/x-sgi-movie " = > " video " ,
" video/3gpp " = > " video " ,
2011-02-08 07:49:58 +08:00
" video/mp4 " = > " video " ,
" application/x-shockwave-flash " = > " flash "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
} [ content_type ] || " file "
set_policy do
given { | user , session | self . cached_context_grants_right? ( user , session , :manage_files ) } #admins.include? user }
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :read and can :update and can :delete and can :create and can :download
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
given { | user , session | self . public? }
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :read and can :download
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
given { | user , session | self . cached_context_grants_right? ( user , session , :read ) } #students.include? user }
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :read
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-02-18 08:32:23 +08:00
given { | user , session |
self . cached_context_grants_right? ( user , session , :read ) &&
( self . cached_context_grants_right? ( user , session , :manage_files ) || ! self . locked_for? ( user ) )
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :download
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-02-02 02:50:10 +08:00
given { | user , session | self . context_type == 'Submission' && self . context . grant_rights? ( user , session , :comment ) }
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :create
2011-02-02 02:50:10 +08:00
2011-04-27 11:55:24 +08:00
given { | user , session |
session && session [ 'file_access_user_id' ] . present? &&
( u = User . find_by_id ( session [ 'file_access_user_id' ] ) ) &&
self . cached_context_grants_right? ( u , session , :read ) &&
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
session [ 'file_access_expiration' ] && session [ 'file_access_expiration' ] . to_i > Time . now . to_i
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :read
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-27 11:55:24 +08:00
given { | user , session |
session && session [ 'file_access_user_id' ] . present? &&
( u = User . find_by_id ( session [ 'file_access_user_id' ] ) ) &&
self . cached_context_grants_right? ( u , session , :read ) &&
2011-02-18 08:32:23 +08:00
( self . cached_context_grants_right? ( u , session , :manage_files ) || ! self . locked_for? ( u ) ) &&
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
session [ 'file_access_expiration' ] && session [ 'file_access_expiration' ] . to_i > Time . now . to_i
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :download
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def locked_for? ( user , opts = { } )
return false if opts [ :check_policies ] && self . grants_right? ( user , nil , :update )
return { :manually_locked = > true } if self . locked || ( self . folder && self . folder . locked? )
allow using an item in modules more than once
closes #8769
An item can be added to multiple modules, or even the same module more
than once. This is especially useful for attachment items, but is also
useful for allowing multiple paths through a course, with say an
assignment in two different modules and the user only has to complete
one of the two modules.
test plan:
For an item in only one module, verify that the module navigation still
appears if you go straight to that item's page, without going through
the modules page.
Add an item to more than one module. If you visit that item from the
modules page, you'll see the right nav depending on which instance of
the item you clicked on. If you visit the item directly without going
through the modules page, you'll see no nav.
Lock one instance of the item by adding a prerequisite, but leave the
other unlocked. You can still see the item as a student.
Lock all instances of the item with prerequisites. The item will now be
locked and you can't see it as a student.
Add completion requirements to the item, such as a minimum score on a
quiz. Make the requirements different -- 3 points in one instance and 5
in the other, for instance. Verify that if you get 3 points on the quiz,
one item is marked as completed but the other isn't, as expected.
Rename the item. Verify that all instances of it in modules get renamed.
Change-Id: I4f1b2f6f033062ec47ac34fe5eb973a950c17b0c
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/11671
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <bracken@instructure.com>
2012-06-19 06:18:43 +08:00
Rails . cache . fetch ( locked_cache_key ( user ) , :expires_in = > 1 . minute ) do
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
locked = false
if ( self . unlock_at && Time . now < self . unlock_at )
locked = { :asset_string = > self . asset_string , :unlock_at = > self . unlock_at }
elsif ( self . lock_at && Time . now > self . lock_at )
locked = { :asset_string = > self . asset_string , :lock_at = > self . lock_at }
allow using an item in modules more than once
closes #8769
An item can be added to multiple modules, or even the same module more
than once. This is especially useful for attachment items, but is also
useful for allowing multiple paths through a course, with say an
assignment in two different modules and the user only has to complete
one of the two modules.
test plan:
For an item in only one module, verify that the module navigation still
appears if you go straight to that item's page, without going through
the modules page.
Add an item to more than one module. If you visit that item from the
modules page, you'll see the right nav depending on which instance of
the item you clicked on. If you visit the item directly without going
through the modules page, you'll see no nav.
Lock one instance of the item by adding a prerequisite, but leave the
other unlocked. You can still see the item as a student.
Lock all instances of the item with prerequisites. The item will now be
locked and you can't see it as a student.
Add completion requirements to the item, such as a minimum score on a
quiz. Make the requirements different -- 3 points in one instance and 5
in the other, for instance. Verify that if you get 3 points on the quiz,
one item is marked as completed but the other isn't, as expected.
Rename the item. Verify that all instances of it in modules get renamed.
Change-Id: I4f1b2f6f033062ec47ac34fe5eb973a950c17b0c
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/11671
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <bracken@instructure.com>
2012-06-19 06:18:43 +08:00
elsif self . could_be_locked && item = locked_by_module_item? ( user , opts [ :deep_check_if_needed ] )
locked = { :asset_string = > self . asset_string , :context_module = > item . context_module . attributes }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def hidden?
self . file_state == 'hidden' || ( self . folder && self . folder . hidden? )
memoize :hidden?
def just_hide
self . file_state == 'hidden'
def public?
self . file_state == 'public'
memoize :public?
def currently_locked
self . locked || ( self . lock_at && Time . now > self . lock_at ) || ( self . unlock_at && Time . now < self . unlock_at ) || self . file_state == 'hidden'
def hidden
def hidden = ( val )
self . file_state = ( val == true || val == '1' ? 'hidden' : 'available' )
def context_module_action ( user , action )
allow using an item in modules more than once
closes #8769
An item can be added to multiple modules, or even the same module more
than once. This is especially useful for attachment items, but is also
useful for allowing multiple paths through a course, with say an
assignment in two different modules and the user only has to complete
one of the two modules.
test plan:
For an item in only one module, verify that the module navigation still
appears if you go straight to that item's page, without going through
the modules page.
Add an item to more than one module. If you visit that item from the
modules page, you'll see the right nav depending on which instance of
the item you clicked on. If you visit the item directly without going
through the modules page, you'll see no nav.
Lock one instance of the item by adding a prerequisite, but leave the
other unlocked. You can still see the item as a student.
Lock all instances of the item with prerequisites. The item will now be
locked and you can't see it as a student.
Add completion requirements to the item, such as a minimum score on a
quiz. Make the requirements different -- 3 points in one instance and 5
in the other, for instance. Verify that if you get 3 points on the quiz,
one item is marked as completed but the other isn't, as expected.
Rename the item. Verify that all instances of it in modules get renamed.
Change-Id: I4f1b2f6f033062ec47ac34fe5eb973a950c17b0c
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/11671
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <bracken@instructure.com>
2012-06-19 06:18:43 +08:00
self . context_module_tags . each { | tag | tag . context_module_action ( user , action ) }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
include Workflow
# Right now, using the state machine to manage whether an attachment has
# been uploaded to Scribd. It can be uploaded to other places, or
# scrubbed in other ways. All that work should be managed by the state
# machine.
workflow do
state :pending_upload do
event :upload , :transitions_to = > :processing do
self . submitted_to_scribd_at = Time . now
self . scribd_attempts || = 0
self . scribd_attempts += 1
event :process , :transitions_to = > :processed
event :mark_errored , :transitions_to = > :errored
state :processing do
event :process , :transitions_to = > :processed
event :mark_errored , :transitions_to = > :errored
state :processed do
event :recycle , :transitions_to = > :pending_upload
state :errored do
event :recycle , :transitions_to = > :pending_upload
state :to_be_zipped
state :zipping
state :zipped
2011-02-02 02:50:10 +08:00
state :unattached
state :unattached_temporary
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
named_scope :to_be_zipped , lambda {
{ :conditions = > [ 'attachments.workflow_state = ? AND attachments.scribd_attempts < ?' , 'to_be_zipped' , 10 ] , :order = > 'created_at' }
2012-05-10 06:47:48 +08:00
named_scope :active , lambda {
{ :conditions = > [ 'attachments.file_state != ?' , 'deleted' ] }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
alias_method :destroy! , :destroy
# file_state is like workflow_state, which was already taken
# possible values are: available, deleted
2011-04-28 00:25:47 +08:00
def destroy ( delete_media_object = true )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
return if self . new_record?
self . file_state = 'deleted' #destroy
self . deleted_at = Time . now
ContentTag . delete_for ( self )
2011-08-31 06:13:41 +08:00
MediaObject . update_all ( { :workflow_state = > 'deleted' , :updated_at = > Time . now . utc } , { :attachment_id = > self . id } ) if self . id && delete_media_object
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-05-10 06:47:48 +08:00
# if the attachment being deleted belongs to a user and the uuid (hash of file) matches the avatar_image_url
# then clear the avatar_image_url value.
self . context . clear_avatar_image_url_with_uuid ( self . uuid ) if self . context_type == 'User' && self . uuid . present?
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def restore
self . file_state = 'active'
self . save
def deleted?
self . file_state == 'deleted'
def available?
self . file_state == 'available'
def scribdable?
ScribdAPI . enabled? && self . scribd_mime_type_id ? true : false
def self . submit_to_scribd ( ids )
Attachment . find_all_by_id ( ids ) . compact . each do | attachment |
attachment . submit_to_scribd! rescue nil
def self . skip_scribd_submits ( skip = true )
@skip_scribd_submits = skip
def self . skip_broadcast_messages ( skip = true )
@skip_broadcast_messages = skip
def self . skip_scribd_submits?
! ! @skip_scribd_submits
2011-04-24 08:51:53 +08:00
def self . skip_media_object_creation ( & block )
@skip_media_object_creation = true
block . call
@skip_media_object_creation = false
2011-04-24 22:46:36 +08:00
def self . skip_media_object_creation?
! ! @skip_media_object_creation
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# This is the engine of the Scribd machine. Submits the code to
# scribd when appropriate, otherwise adjusts the state machine. This
# should be called from another service, creating an asynchronous upload
# to Scribd. This is fairly forgiving, so that if I ask to submit
# something that shouldn't be submitted, it just returns false. If it's
# something that should never be submitted, it should just update the
# state to processed so that it doesn't try to do that again.
def submit_to_scribd!
# Newly created record that needs to be submitted to scribd
if self . pending_upload? and self . scribdable? and self . filename and ScribdAPI . enabled?
ScribdAPI . instance . set_user ( self . scribd_account )
2011-05-04 03:26:30 +08:00
upload_path = if Attachment . local_storage?
self . full_filename
self . authenticated_s3_url ( :expires_in = > 1 . year )
self . write_attribute ( :scribd_doc , ScribdAPI . upload ( upload_path , self . after_extension || self . scribd_mime_type . extension ) )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . cached_scribd_thumbnail = self . scribd_doc . thumbnail
self . workflow_state = 'processing'
rescue = > e
self . workflow_state = 'errored'
2011-07-01 23:36:32 +08:00
ErrorReport . log_exception ( :scribd , e , :attachment_id = > self . id )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . submitted_to_scribd_at = Time . now
self . scribd_attempts || = 0
self . scribd_attempts += 1
self . save
return true
# Newly created record that isn't appropriate for scribd
elsif self . pending_upload? and not self . scribdable?
self . process!
return true
return false
def resubmit_to_scribd!
if self . scribd_doc && ScribdAPI . enabled?
ScribdAPI . instance . set_user ( self . scribd_account )
self . scribd_doc . destroy rescue nil
self . workflow_state = 'pending_upload'
self . submit_to_scribd!
2011-09-08 03:46:54 +08:00
# Should be one of "PROCESSING", "DISPLAYABLE", "DONE", "ERROR". "DONE"
# should mean indexed, "DISPLAYABLE" is good enough for showing a user
# the iPaper. I added a state, "NOT SUBMITTED", for any attachment that
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# hasn't been submitted, regardless of whether it should be. As long as
# we go through the submit_to_scribd! gateway, we'll be fine.
2011-10-06 01:58:43 +08:00
# This is a cached view of the status, it doesn't query scribd directly. That
# happens in a periodic job. Our javascript is set up to check scribd for the
# document if status is "PROCESSING" so we don't have to actually wait for
# the periodic job to find the doc is done.
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def conversion_status
return 'DONE' if ! ScribdAPI . enabled?
return 'ERROR' if self . errored?
if ! self . scribd_doc
2011-10-06 01:58:43 +08:00
if ! self . scribdable?
self . process
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-06 01:58:43 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
return 'DONE' if self . processed?
2011-10-06 01:58:43 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-06 01:58:43 +08:00
def query_conversion_status!
return unless ScribdAPI . enabled? && self . scribdable?
if self . scribd_doc
ScribdAPI . set_user ( self . scribd_account ) rescue nil
res = ScribdAPI . get_status ( self . scribd_doc ) rescue 'ERROR'
case res
when 'DONE'
self . process
when 'ERROR'
self . mark_errored
res . to_s . upcase
self . send_at ( 10 . minutes . from_now , :resubmit_to_scribd! )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Returns a link to get the document remotely.
def download_url ( format = 'original' )
return @download_url if @download_url
return nil unless ScribdAPI . enabled?
ScribdAPI . set_user ( self . scribd_account )
@download_url = self . scribd_doc . download_url ( format )
rescue Scribd :: ResponseError = > e
return nil
def self . mimetype ( filename )
res = nil
res = File . mime_type? ( filename ) if ! res || res == 'unknown/unknown'
res || = " unknown/unknown "
def mimetype ( fn = nil )
res = Attachment . mimetype ( filename )
res = File . mime_type? ( self . uploaded_data ) if ( ! res || res == 'unknown/unknown' ) && self . uploaded_data
res || = " unknown/unknown "
def full_path
folder = ( self . folder . full_name + '/' ) rescue Folder . root_folders ( self . context ) . first . name + '/'
folder + self . filename
def matches_full_path? ( path )
f_path = full_path
f_path == path || URI . unescape ( f_path ) == path || f_path . downcase == path . downcase || URI . unescape ( f_path ) . downcase == path . downcase
def full_display_path
folder = ( self . folder . full_name + '/' ) rescue Folder . root_folders ( self . context ) . first . name + '/'
folder + self . display_name
def matches_full_display_path? ( path )
fd_path = full_display_path
fd_path == path || URI . unescape ( fd_path ) == path || fd_path . downcase == path . downcase || URI . unescape ( fd_path ) . downcase == path . downcase
2011-05-24 06:38:18 +08:00
def matches_filename? ( match )
filename == match || display_name == match ||
URI . unescape ( filename ) == match || URI . unescape ( display_name ) == match ||
filename . downcase == match . downcase || display_name . downcase == match . downcase ||
URI . unescape ( filename ) . downcase == match . downcase || URI . unescape ( display_name ) . downcase == match . downcase
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def protect_for ( user )
@cant_preview_scribd_doc = ! self . grants_right? ( user , nil , :download )
def self . attachment_list_from_migration ( context , ids )
return " " if ! ids || ! ids . is_a? ( Array ) || ids . empty?
2011-06-16 00:41:22 +08:00
description = " <h3> #{ t 'title.migration_list' , " Associated Files " } </h3><ul> "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
ids . each do | id |
attachment = context . attachments . find_by_migration_id ( id )
description += " <li><a href='/courses/ #{ context . id } /files/ #{ attachment . id } /download' class=' #{ 'instructure_file_link' if attachment . scribdable? } '> #{ attachment . display_name } </a></li> " if attachment
description += " </ul> " ;
def self . find_from_path ( path , context )
list = path . split ( " / " ) . select { | f | ! f . empty? }
if list [ 0 ] != Folder . root_folders ( context ) . first . name
list . unshift ( Folder . root_folders ( context ) . first . name )
filename = list . pop
folder = context . folder_name_lookups [ list . join ( '/' ) ] rescue nil
folder || = context . folders . active . find_by_full_name ( list . join ( '/' ) )
context . folder_name_lookups || = { }
context . folder_name_lookups [ list . join ( '/' ) ] = folder
file = nil
if folder
file = folder . file_attachments . find_by_filename ( filename )
file || = folder . file_attachments . find_by_display_name ( filename )
def self . domain_namespace = ( val )
@@domain_namespace = val
def self . domain_namespace
@@domain_namespace || = nil
optimize FoldersController#show
Don't make thumbnail_url automatically included with every
serialization of Attachment, since it requires loading Thumbnail, and
Context. Instead specifically include it where it is actually needed.
Then be very specific about what fields show up in
FoldersController#show, since we're returning a bunch of items, this
improves both render time, transfer time, and is also less data for
the javascript to manage.
Also fix FoldersController#index. It obviously wasn't used, since it
was very broken. I just fixed it because it was the easiest way for
me to find a folder id for a course to test #show.
With this and prior optimization, FoldersController#show for a a
folder with ~3000 items went from 10 minutes (!) to < 10 seconds.
Not perfect, but a huge improvemnt, and that many items in a single
folder is definitely an outlier. "Normal" folders are now quite
Refs #3975
Change-Id: I2952ba886e2bc8ac7d8b230105caa508084841f1
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/4646
Tested-by: Hudson <hudson@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <brianp@instructure.com>
2011-07-12 06:38:23 +08:00
def self . serialization_methods ; [ :mime_class , :scribdable? , :currently_locked ] ; end
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
cattr_accessor :skip_thumbnails
named_scope :scribdable? , :conditions = > [ 'scribd_mime_type_id is not null' ]
named_scope :recyclable , :conditions = > [ 'attachments.scribd_attempts < ? AND attachments.workflow_state = ?' , 3 , 'errored' ]
named_scope :needing_scribd_conversion_status , :conditions = > [ 'attachments.workflow_state = ? AND attachments.updated_at < ?' , 'processing' , 30 . minutes . ago ] , :limit = > 50
named_scope :uploadable , :conditions = > [ 'workflow_state = ?' , 'pending_upload' ]
named_scope :active , :conditions = > [ 'file_state = ?' , 'available' ]
2012-07-07 03:45:00 +08:00
named_scope :thumbnailable? , :conditions = > { :content_type = > Technoweenie :: AttachmentFu . content_types }
named_scope :by_display_name , :order = > display_name_order_by_clause ( 'attachments' )
named_scope :by_position_then_display_name , :order = > " attachments.position, #{ display_name_order_by_clause ( 'attachments' ) } "
2012-01-23 15:09:38 +08:00
def self . serialization_excludes ; [ :uuid , :namespace ] ; end
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def set_serialization_options
if self . scribd_doc
@scribd_password = self . scribd_doc . secret_password
@scribd_doc_backup = self . scribd_doc . dup
@scribd_doc_backup . instance_variable_set ( '@attributes' , self . scribd_doc . instance_variable_get ( '@attributes' ) . dup )
self . scribd_doc . secret_password = ''
self . scribd_doc = nil if @cant_preview_scribd_doc
def revert_from_serialization_options
self . scribd_doc = @scribd_doc_backup
self . scribd_doc . secret_password = @scribd_password if self . scribd_doc
def self . process_scribd_conversion_statuses
# Runs periodically
@attachments = Attachment . needing_scribd_conversion_status
@attachments . each do | attachment |
2011-10-06 01:58:43 +08:00
attachment . query_conversion_status!
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@attachments = Attachment . scribdable? . recyclable
@attachments . each do | attachment |
attachment . resubmit_to_scribd!
2011-04-29 23:56:52 +08:00
# returns filename, if it's already unique, or returns a modified version of
# filename that makes it unique. you can either pass existing_files as string
# filenames, in which case it'll test against those, or a block that'll be
# called repeatedly with a filename until it returns true.
def self . make_unique_filename ( filename , existing_files = [ ] , & block )
unless block
block = proc { | fname | ! existing_files . include? ( fname ) }
return filename if block . call ( filename )
new_name = filename
addition = 1
dir = File . dirname ( filename )
dir = dir == " . " ? " " : " #{ dir } / "
extname = File . extname ( filename )
basename = File . basename ( filename , extname )
until block . call ( new_name = " #{ dir } #{ basename } - #{ addition } #{ extname } " )
addition += 1
2012-05-17 06:06:29 +08:00
# the list of allowed thumbnail sizes to be generated dynamically
def self . dynamic_thumbnail_sizes
DYNAMIC_THUMBNAIL_SIZES + Setting . get_cached ( " attachment_thumbnail_sizes " , " " ) . split ( " , " )
def create_dynamic_thumbnail ( geometry_string )
tmp = self . create_temp_file
Attachment . unique_constraint_retry do
self . create_or_update_thumbnail ( tmp , geometry_string , geometry_string )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00