module LearningOutcomeContext
def self.included(klass)
if klass < ActiveRecord::Base
klass.has_many :linked_learning_outcomes, :through => :learning_outcome_links, :source => :learning_outcome_content, :conditions => "content_tags.content_type = 'LearningOutcome'"
klass.has_many :learning_outcome_links, :as => :context, :class_name => 'ContentTag', :conditions => ['content_tags.tag_type = ? AND content_tags.workflow_state != ?', 'learning_outcome_association', 'deleted']
klass.has_many :created_learning_outcomes, :class_name => 'LearningOutcome', :as => :context
klass.has_many :learning_outcome_groups, :as => :context
klass.send :include, InstanceMethods
module InstanceMethods
# create a shim for plugins that use the old association name. this is
# TEMPORARY. the plugins should update to use the new association name, and
# once they're updated, this shim removed. DO NOT USE in new code.
def learning_outcomes
# return the outcome but only if it's available in either the context or one
# of the context's associated accounts.
def available_outcome(outcome_id, opts={})
if opts[:allow_global]
outcome = outcome_id).first
return outcome if outcome
outcome =
linked_learning_outcomes.where(id: outcome_id).first ||
created_learning_outcomes.where(id: outcome_id).first
unless opts[:recurse] == false
(associated_accounts.uniq - [self]).each do |context|
outcome = context.available_outcome(outcome_id, :recurse => false)
return nil
def available_outcomes
[self, *associated_accounts] do |context|
def has_outcomes?
Rails.cache.fetch(['has_outcomes', self].cache_key) do
linked_learning_outcomes.count > 0
def root_outcome_group(force=true)
LearningOutcomeGroup.find_or_create_root(self, force)