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# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
module Api
# For plugin usage during transition; remove after
def self.max_per_page
# find id in collection, by either id or sis_*_id
# if the collection is over the users table, `self` is replaced by
# if `writable` is true and a shadow record is found, the corresponding primary record will be returned
# otherwise a read-only shadow record will be returned, to avoid a silent failure when attempting to save it
def api_find(collection, id, account: nil, writable: infer_writable_from_request_method)
result = api_find_all(collection, [id], account:).first
raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find #{} with API id '#{id}'") unless result
if result.shadow_record?
if writable
def api_find_all(collection, ids, account: nil)
if collection.table_name == User.table_name && @current_user
ids = { |id| (id == "self") ? : id }
if collection.table_name == Account.table_name
ids = do |id|
case id
when "self"
when "default"
when "site_admin"
if collection.table_name == EnrollmentTerm.table_name
current_term = nil
ids = do |id|
case id
when "default"
when "current"
unless current_term
current_terms = @domain_root_account
.where("(start_at<=? OR start_at IS NULL) AND (end_at >=? OR end_at IS NULL) AND NOT (start_at IS NULL AND end_at IS NULL)",,
current_term = (current_terms.length == 1) ? current_terms.first : :nil
(current_term == :nil) ? nil : current_term
Api.sis_relation_for_collection(collection, ids, account || @domain_root_account, @current_user)
# map a list of ids and/or sis ids to plain ids.
# sis ids that can't be found in the db won't appear in the result, however
# AR object ids aren't verified to exist in the db so they'll still be
# returned in the result.
def self.map_ids(ids, collection, root_account, current_user = nil)
sis_mapping = sis_find_sis_mapping_for_collection(collection)
columns = sis_parse_ids(ids,
result = columns.delete(sis_mapping[:lookups]["id"]) || { ids: [] }
unless columns.empty?
relation = relation_for_sis_mapping_and_columns(collection, columns, sis_mapping, root_account)
# pluck ignores eager_load
relation = relation.joins(*relation.eager_load_values) if relation.eager_load_values.present?
result[:ids].concat relation.pluck(:id)
"courses" =>
{ lookups: { "sis_course_id" => "sis_source_id",
"id" => "id",
"sis_integration_id" => "integration_id",
"lti_context_id" => "lti_context_id",
"uuid" => "uuid" }.freeze,
is_not_scoped_to_account: ["id"].freeze,
scope: "root_account_id" }.freeze,
"enrollment_terms" =>
{ lookups: { "sis_term_id" => "sis_source_id",
"id" => "id",
"sis_integration_id" => "integration_id" }.freeze,
is_not_scoped_to_account: ["id"].freeze,
scope: "root_account_id" }.freeze,
"users" =>
{ lookups: { "sis_user_id" => "pseudonyms.sis_user_id",
"sis_login_id" => {
column: "LOWER(pseudonyms.unique_id)",
transform: ->(id) {"LOWER(#{Pseudonym.connection.quote(id)})") }
"id" => "",
"sis_integration_id" => "pseudonyms.integration_id",
"lti_context_id" => "users.lti_context_id", # leaving for legacy reasons
"lti_user_id" => {
column: [
joins_needed_for_query: [:past_lti_ids],
"lti_1_1_id" => "users.lti_context_id",
"lti_1_3_id" => "users.lti_id",
"uuid" => "users.uuid" }.freeze,
is_not_scoped_to_account: ["", "users.lti_context_id", "user_past_lti_ids.user_lti_context_id", "users.lti_id", "users.uuid"].freeze,
scope: "pseudonyms.account_id",
joins: :pseudonym }.freeze,
"accounts" =>
{ lookups: { "sis_account_id" => "sis_source_id",
"id" => "id",
"sis_integration_id" => "integration_id",
"lti_context_id" => "lti_context_id",
"uuid" => "uuid" }.freeze,
is_not_scoped_to_account: %w[id lti_context_id uuid].freeze,
scope: "root_account_id" }.freeze,
"course_sections" =>
{ lookups: { "sis_section_id" => "sis_source_id",
"id" => "id",
"sis_integration_id" => "integration_id" }.freeze,
is_not_scoped_to_account: ["id"].freeze,
scope: "root_account_id" }.freeze,
"groups" =>
{ lookups: { "sis_group_id" => "sis_source_id",
"lti_context_id" => "lti_context_id",
"id" => "id" }.freeze,
is_not_scoped_to_account: ["id"].freeze,
scope: "root_account_id" }.freeze,
"group_categories" =>
{ lookups: { "sis_group_category_id" => "sis_source_id",
"id" => "id" }.freeze,
is_not_scoped_to_account: ["id"].freeze,
scope: "root_account_id" }.freeze,
"assignments" =>
{ lookups: { "sis_assignment_id" => "sis_source_id",
"id" => "id",
"lti_context_id" => "lti_context_id" }.freeze,
is_not_scoped_to_account: ["id"].freeze,
scope: "root_account_id" }.freeze,
MAX_ID = ((2**63) - 1)
MAX_ID_LENGTH = MAX_ID.to_s.length
ID_REGEX = /\A\d{1,#{MAX_ID_LENGTH}}\z/
UUID_REGEX = /\Auuid:(\w{40,})\z/
def self.not_scoped_to_account?(columns, sis_mapping)
flattened_array_of_columns = [columns].flatten
not_scoped_to_account_columns = sis_mapping[:is_not_scoped_to_account] || []
(flattened_array_of_columns - not_scoped_to_account_columns).empty?
def self.sis_parse_id(id, _current_user = nil,
root_account: nil)
# returns sis_column_name, column_value
return "id", id if id.is_a?(Numeric) || id.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base)
id = id.to_s.strip
case id
when /\Ahex:(lti_[\w_]+|sis_[\w_]+):(([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+)\z/
sis_column = $1
sis_id = [$2].pack("H*")
when /\A(lti_[\w_]+|sis_[\w_]+):(.+)\z/
sis_column = $1
sis_id = $2
return "id", (/\A\d+\z/.match?(id) ? id.to_i : id)
return "uuid", $1
return nil, nil
[sis_column, sis_id]
def self.sis_parse_ids(ids, lookups, current_user = nil, root_account: nil)
# returns an object like {
# "column_name" => {
# ids: [column_value, ...].uniq,
# joins_needed_for_query: [relation_name, ...] <-- optional
# }
# }
columns = {}
ids.compact.each do |id|
sis_column, sis_id = sis_parse_id(id, current_user, root_account:)
next unless sis_column && sis_id
column = lookups[sis_column]
if column.is_a?(Hash)
column_name = column[:column]
if column[:transform]
if sis_id.is_a? Array
# this means that the MRA override sis_parse_id function turned sis_id into [sis_id, @account]
sis_id[0] = column[:transform].call(sis_id[0])
sis_id = column[:transform].call(sis_id)
if (joins_needed_for_query = column[:joins_needed_for_query])
columns[column_name] ||= {}
columns[column_name][:joins_needed_for_query] ||= []
columns[column_name][:joins_needed_for_query] << joins_needed_for_query
column = column_name
next unless column
columns[column] ||= {}
columns[column][:ids] ||= []
columns[column][:ids] << sis_id
columns.each_key { |key| columns[key][:ids].uniq! }
# remove things that don't look like valid database IDs
# return in integer format if possible
# (note that ID_REGEX may be redefined by a plugin!)
def self.map_non_sis_ids(ids) { |id| id.to_s.strip }.grep(ID_REGEX).map do |id|
/\A\d+\z/.match?(id) ? id.to_i : id
def self.sis_find_sis_mapping_for_collection(collection)
SIS_MAPPINGS[collection.table_name] or
raise(ArgumentError, "need to add support for table name: #{collection.table_name}")
def self.sis_relation_for_collection(collection, ids, sis_root_account, current_user = nil)
def self.relation_for_sis_mapping(relation, sis_mapping, ids, sis_root_account, current_user = nil)
root_account: sis_root_account),
def self.relation_for_sis_mapping_and_columns(relation, columns, sis_mapping, sis_root_account)
raise ArgumentError, "sis_root_account required for lookups" unless sis_root_account.is_a?(Account)
return relation.none if columns.empty?
relation = relation.all unless relation.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation)
if columns.keys.flatten.length == 1 && not_scoped_to_account?(columns.keys.first, sis_mapping)
queryable_columns = {}
columns.each_pair { |column_name, value| queryable_columns[column_name] = value[:ids] }
relation = relation.where(queryable_columns)
args = []
query = []
columns.each_key do |column|
relation = relation.left_outer_joins(columns[column][:joins_needed_for_query]) if columns[column][:joins_needed_for_query]
if not_scoped_to_account?(column, sis_mapping)
conditions = []
if column.is_a?(Array)
column.each do |column_name|
conditions << "#{column_name} IN (?)"
args << columns[column][:ids]
conditions << "#{column} IN (?)"
args << columns[column][:ids]
query << conditions.join(" OR ").to_s
raise ArgumentError, "missing scope for collection" unless sis_mapping[:scope]
ids = columns[column][:ids]
if ids.any?(Array)
ids_hash = {}
ids.each do |id|
id = Array(id)
account = id.last || sis_root_account
ids_hash[account] ||= []
ids_hash[account] << id.first
ids_hash = { sis_root_account => ids }
Shard.partition_by_shard(ids_hash.keys) do |root_accounts_on_shard|
sub_query = []
sub_args = []
root_accounts_on_shard.each do |root_account|
ids = ids_hash[root_account]
conditions = []
if column.is_a?(Array)
column.each do |column_name|
conditions << "#{column_name} IN (?)"
sub_args << ids
conditions << "#{column} IN (?)"
sub_args << ids
sub_query << "(#{sis_mapping[:scope]} = #{} AND (#{conditions.join(" OR ")}))"
if Shard.current == relation.primary_shard
raise "cross-shard non-ID Api lookups are only supported for users" unless relation.klass == User
sub_args.unshift(sub_query.join(" OR "))
users = relation.klass.joins(sis_mapping[:joins]).where(*sub_args).select(:id, :updated_at).to_a
users.each { |u| u.associate_with_shard(relation.primary_shard, :shadow) }
query << "#{relation.table_name}.id IN (?)"
args << users
args.unshift(query.join(" OR "))
relation = relation.where(*args)
relation = relation.eager_load(sis_mapping[:joins]) if sis_mapping[:joins]
cleanup per_page values for json pagination if the response is json and paginated, make sure it honors the per_page parameter. also, make sure we don't accidentally allow arbitrarily large per_page values. test-plan: [check this per endpoint] - have more than <max> entries (e.g. apps in the app center) - fetch <endpoint> - should get a page with <default> results - link with rel="next" should embed per_page=<default> - fetch <endpoint>?per_page=<max+1> - should get a page with <max> results - Link header should have a link with rel="next". that link should embed per_page=<max> - fetch <endpoint>?per_page=1 - should get a page with 1 result - link with rel="next" should embed per_page=1 [endpoints] /api/v1/courses/:course_id/app_center/apps default: 72 max: 72 /api/v1/courses/:course_id/app_center/apps/:app_id/reviews default: 15 max: 50 /conversations/discussion_replies.json default: 15 max: 50 /courses/:course_id/users/:user_id/usage.json default: 50 max: 50 /courses/:course_id/group_unassigned_members.json default: 15 max: 100 /courses/:course_id/outcomes/:outcome_id/results default: 10 max: 50 /courses/:course_id/question_banks/:question_bank_id/questions default: 50 max: 50 /courses/:course_id/quizzes/:quiz_id/moderate.json default: 50 max: 50 /api/v1/courses/:course_id/activity_stream default: 21 max: 50 Change-Id: Iacb0b413de1175fb70d9b073fccef3e70082e60e Reviewed-on: QA-Review: August Thornton <> Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <> Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <>
2013-11-08 05:37:20 +08:00
def self.per_page_for(controller, options = {})
per_page_requested = controller.params[:per_page] || options[:default] || PER_PAGE
max = options[:max] || MAX_PER_PAGE
per_page_requested.to_i.clamp(1, max.to_i)
# Add [link HTTP Headers]( for pagination
# The collection needs to be a will_paginate collection (or act like one)
# a new, paginated collection will be returned
def self.paginate(collection, controller, base_url, pagination_args = {}, response_args = {})
collection = ordered_collection(collection)
collection = paginate_collection!(collection, controller, pagination_args)
hash = build_links_hash(base_url, meta_for_pagination(controller, collection))
links = build_links_from_hash(hash)
controller.response.headers["Link"] = links.join(",") unless links.empty?
if response_args[:enhanced_return]
{ hash:, collection: }
def self.ordered_collection(collection)
if collection.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) && collection.order_values.blank?
collection = collection.order(collection.primary_key.to_sym)
# Returns collection as the first return value, and the meta information hash
# as the second return value
def self.jsonapi_paginate(collection, controller, base_url, pagination_args = {})
collection = paginate_collection!(collection, controller, pagination_args)
meta = jsonapi_meta(collection, controller, base_url)
hash = build_links_hash(base_url, meta_for_pagination(controller, collection))
links = build_links_from_hash(hash)
controller.response.headers["Link"] = links.join(",") unless links.empty?
[collection, meta]
def self.jsonapi_meta(collection, controller, base_url)
pagination = meta_for_pagination(controller, collection)
meta = {
per_page: collection.per_page
meta.merge!(build_links_hash(base_url, pagination))
if collection.ordinal_pages?
meta[:page] = pagination[:current]
meta[:template] = meta[:current].sub(/page=\d+/, "page={page}")
meta[:count] = collection.total_entries if collection.total_entries
meta[:page_count] = collection.total_pages if collection.total_pages
{ pagination: meta }
def self.paginate_collection!(collection, controller, pagination_args)
wrap_pagination_args!(pagination_args, controller)
paginated = collection.paginate(pagination_args)
rescue Folio::InvalidPage
# Have to .try(:build_page) because we use some collections (like
# PaginatedCollection) that do not conform to the full will_paginate API.
if pagination_args[:page].to_s =~ /\d+/ && pagination_args[:page].to_i > 0 && collection.try(:build_page)&.ordinal_pages?
# for backwards compatibility we currently require returning [] for
# pages beyond the end of an ordinal collection, rather than a 404.
paginated = Folio::Ordinal::Page.create
paginated.current_page = pagination_args[:page].to_i
# we're not dealing with a simple out-of-bounds on an ordinal
# collection, let the exception propagate (and turn into a 404)
def self.wrap_pagination_args!(pagination_args, controller)
pagination_args = pagination_args.to_unsafe_h if pagination_args.is_a?(ActionController::Parameters)
page: controller.params[:page],
per_page: per_page_for(controller,
default: pagination_args.delete(:default_per_page),
max: pagination_args.delete(:max_per_page))
def self.meta_for_pagination(controller, collection)
query_parameters: controller.request.query_parameters,
per_page: collection.per_page,
current: collection.current_page,
next: collection.next_page,
prev: collection.previous_page,
first: collection.first_page,
last: collection.last_page,
PAGINATION_PARAMS = %i[current next prev first last].freeze
LINK_PRIORITY = %i[next last prev current first].freeze
EXCLUDE_IN_PAGINATION_LINKS = %w[page per_page access_token api_key].freeze
def self.build_links(base_url, opts = {})
links = build_links_hash(base_url, opts)
def self.build_links_from_hash(links)
# iterate in order, but only using the keys present from build_links_hash
(PAGINATION_PARAMS & links.keys).map do |k|
v = links[k]
"<#{v}>; rel=\"#{k}\""
def self.build_links_hash(base_url, opts = {})
base_url += (base_url.include?("?") ? "&" : "?")
qp = opts[:query_parameters] || {}
qp = qp.with_indifferent_access.except(*EXCLUDE_IN_PAGINATION_LINKS)
base_url += "#{qp.to_query}&" if qp.present?
# Apache limits the HTTP response headers to 8KB total; with lots of query parameters, link headers can exceed this
# so prioritize the links we include and don't exceed (by default) 6KB in total
max_link_headers_size = 6.kilobytes.to_i
link_headers_size = 0
LINK_PRIORITY.each_with_object({}) do |param, obj|
next unless opts[param].present?
link = "#{base_url}page=#{opts[param]}&per_page=#{opts[:per_page]}"
return obj if link_headers_size + link.size > max_link_headers_size
link_headers_size += link.size
obj[param] = link
def self.pagination_params(base_url)
if base_url.length > 65_536
# to prevent Link headers from consuming too much of the 8KB Apache allows in response headers
def self.parse_pagination_links(link_header)
link_header.split(",").map do |link|
url, rel = link.match(/^<([^>]+)>; rel="([^"]+)"/).captures
uri = URI.parse(url)
raise(ArgumentError, "pagination url is not an absolute uri: #{url}") unless uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP)
Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query).merge(uri:, rel:)
def media_comment_json(media_object_or_hash)
media_object_or_hash = if media_object_or_hash.is_a?(Hash)
convert_media_type = Attachment.mime_class(media_object_or_hash.media_type)
"content-type" => "#{convert_media_type}/mp4",
"display_name" => media_object_or_hash.title.presence || media_object_or_hash.user_entered_title,
"media_id" => media_object_or_hash.media_id,
"media_type" => convert_media_type,
"url" => user_media_download_url(user_id:,
entryId: media_object_or_hash.media_id,
type: "mp4",
redirect: "1")
def self.api_bulk_load_user_content_attachments(htmls, context = nil)
regex = context ? %r{/#{}/#{}/files/(\d+)} : %r{/files/(\d+)}
attachment_ids = []
htmls.compact.each do |html|
html.scan(regex).each do |match|
attachment_ids << match.first
if attachment_ids.blank?
attachments = if context.is_a?(User) || context.nil?
Attachment.where(id: attachment_ids)
context.attachments.where(id: attachment_ids)
def api_bulk_load_user_content_attachments(htmls, context = nil)
Api.api_bulk_load_user_content_attachments(htmls, context)
PLACEHOLDER_HOST = "placeholder.invalid"
def get_host_and_protocol_from_request
[request.host_with_port, request.ssl? ? "https" : "http"]
def resolve_placeholders(content)
host, protocol = get_host_and_protocol_from_request
# content is a json-encoded string; slashes are escaped (at least in Rails 4.0)
content.gsub("#{PLACEHOLDER_PROTOCOL}:\\/\\/#{PLACEHOLDER_HOST}", "#{protocol}:\\/\\/#{host}")
.gsub("#{PLACEHOLDER_PROTOCOL}://#{PLACEHOLDER_HOST}", "#{protocol}://#{host}")
def user_can_download_attachment?(attachment, context, user)
# checking on the context first can improve performance when checking many attachments for admins
add granular permissions for course files Note: we'll want to re-run the data fix-up when we're ready to turn on the feature flag permanently; in hopes to capture any differences made to course files permissions between now and then. Modified the files_controller quota and api_quota permission checks to make them more lenient in regards to accepting any or all of the files permissions role overrides. This allows legacy grouping and new granularized files permissions to live in harmony and be modified without causing unauthorized errors on the quota resource. This commit will cover the backend permissions required to granularize files / folders permission calls, however there will be a follow-up ps to clean up the course file page to hide elements the user might not be authorized to use. closes FOO-130 refs FOO-1501 flag = granular_permissions_course_files [fsc-max-nodes=18] [fsc-timeout=30] Test Plan: - Run the migration and make sure there are no errors - With the granular_permissions_course_files FF turned off, course sections and REST API should work the same with this patch set checked out as it does in beta/production - Some things to check: * How it acts as a teacher, student, and public user in course files/folders and personal files/folders with the various settings above toggled to different states * How it acts as a teacher, student, and public user in discussions, modules, content migrations/import/exports (RCE should behave similarly throughout the site) - With the granular_permissions_course_files feature flag turned on course files/folders and REST API should work as expected. The same list checked above should be done so again, but this time: * Should only be able to upload or add folders if the Course Files - add permission is enabled for the user's role * Should only be able to manage file access, usage rights, move, or rename course files/folders if the Course Files - edit permission is enabled for the user's role • Check Toolbar header at the top of Course files • Check Cog (hamburger menu) to the right of each file/folder • Check Usage Rights Indicator under usage rights column that can be found in course and group file pages. This can be enabled under course settings if not available * Should only be able to delete course files/folders if the Course Files - delete permission is enabled for the user's role * Any given user/role should have full access to their respective personal files/folders regardless of granted permissions. The same also applies to a group context with some caveats • Should not be able to modify file access in a group context • Should not be able to modify usage rights in personal files * A student enrollment not granted any file permissions (the default) should only be able to _view_ and _download_ files unless granted additional access from an authorizing role * REST API works as expected * UI works as expected with no additional javascript errors Change-Id: Ieb2d10915c274959e8da4c623f7aba11d3540c2b Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <> QA-Review: Simon Williams <> Product-Review: August Thornton <> Reviewed-by: Michael Ziwisky <>
2020-11-26 06:51:02 +08:00
) || attachment&.grants_right?(user, nil, :download)
def api_user_content(html,
context = @context,
user = @current_user,
preloaded_attachments = {},
options = {},
is_public = false)
return html if html.blank?
# use the host of the request if available;
# use a placeholder host for pre-generated content, which we will replace with the request host when available;
# otherwise let HostUrl figure out what host is appropriate
if respond_to?(:request)
host, protocol = get_host_and_protocol_from_request
target_shard = Shard.current
elsif respond_to?(:use_placeholder_host?) && use_placeholder_host?
host = HostUrl.context_host(context, @account_domain.try(:host))
protocol = HostUrl.protocol
html = context.shard.activate do
rewriter =, user)
rewriter.set_handler("files") do |match|
in_app: respond_to?(:in_app?, true) && in_app?
url_helper =,
get sub account branding and custom css/includes working fixes: CNVS-24787 fixes: CNVS-23964 fixes: CNVS-23957 - Handle parent account custom css/js for new_styles test plan: * set up a root account, child account, and grandchild account * use theme editor to set a custom css/js file for each (eg: for css `* {color:red}` and for js 'console.log("from grandchild")` * make a course & a group in the grandchild account * load a page in that course and group and make sure you see grandchild account's branding, and root's, child's, and then grandchild's css loaded on the page (grandchild should be loaded last so you see it's css effects override root or child's and you should see the console.log from root then child then grandchild) * view a page in "child". it should have root and child's css/js but not grandchild * as a user that only has enrollments (account associations) in "child", go to the dashboard. you should see css/js for both root and child but not grandchild fixes: CNVS-25051 Opening Theme Editor for sub-accounts shows incorrect theme preview test plan: * Go to a sub-account in theme editor and change settings so the Branding is different and save. * the preview on the right should reflect your changes both after you "apply" and "save" (and not just show the preview of the root account's branding) fixes: CNVS-23406 - global JS and CSS files are being included when Global CSS/JavaScript includes is false test plan: * go to /accounts/self/, and go to theme editor and upload a css_override * see that that css is loaded on pages * back in root account settings disable Global CSS/JavaScript includes * check that the css is no longer loaded. * do the same thing checking a subaccount's custom css fixes: CNVS-25558 - load whole chain of custom css/js in native app api requests test plan: * make api request for a wiki page in course in a subaccount that has custom css/js within a root account that also has custom css/js * you should see both the root account's css/js and the child account's returned in the response to test grandchild js issue jeremyp found: * go to theme editor for a grandchild account * choose a js override file (like: `console.log('first')`) * preview & apply * you should see "first" in console * go back to theme editor, pick a new file (like: `console.log('second')`) * preview & apply * you should only see "second" in console. not "first" Change-Id: I8d9047948f5da94be41e0205844629a170f980af Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <> QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <> Tested-by: Jenkins Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
2015-12-05 00:57:07 +08:00
account = Context.get_account(context) || @domain_root_account
include_mobile = !(respond_to?(:in_app?, true) && in_app?)
rewrite_api_urls: options[:rewrite_api_urls]
# This removes the verifier parameters that are added to attachment links by api_user_content
# and adds context (e.g. /courses/:id/) if it is missing
# exception: it leaves user-context file links alone
def process_incoming_html_content(html)
host, port = [, request.port] if respond_to?(:request)
Html::Content.process_incoming(html, host:, port:)
def value_to_boolean(value)
# takes a comma separated string, an array, or nil and returns an array
def self.value_to_array(value)
value.is_a?(String) ? value.split(",") : (value || [])
def self.invalid_time_stamp_error(attribute, message)
data = {
message: "invalid #{attribute}",
exception_message: message
Canvas::Errors.capture("invalid_date_time", data, :info)
# regex for valid iso8601 dates
ISO8601_REGEX = /^(?<year>[0-9]{4})-
# regex for valid dates
DATE_REGEX = %r{^\d{4}[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$}
# regex for shard-aware ID
ID = '(?:\d+~)?\d+'
modules api, closes #10404 also modifies the discussion topic and assignment API controllers to make sure "must_view" requirements are fulfilled test plan: * check the API documentation; ensure it looks okay * create a course with module items of each supported type * set completion criteria of each supported type * create another module, so you can set prerequisites * use the list modules API and verify its output matches the course and the documentation * as a teacher, "state" should be missing * as a student, "state" should be "locked", "unlocked", "started", or "completed" * use the show module API and verify the correct information is returned for a single module * use the list module items API and verify the output * as a teacher, the "completion_requirement" omits the "completed" flag * as a student, "completed" should be true or false, depending on whether the requirement was met * use the show module API and verify the correct information is returned for a single module item * last but not least, verify "must view" requirements can be fulfilled through the api_data_endpoints supplied for files, pages, discussions, and assignments * files are viewed when downloading their content * pages are viewed by the show action (where content is returned) * discussions are viewed when marked read via the mark_topic_read or mark_all_read actions * assignments are viewed by the show action (where description is returned). they are not viewed if the assignment is locked and the user does not have access to the content yet. Change-Id: I0cbbbc542f69215e7b396a501d4d86ff2f76c149 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
2012-09-12 01:16:48 +08:00
# maps a Canvas data type to an API-friendly type name
API_DATA_TYPE = { "Attachment" => "File",
"WikiPage" => "Page",
"DiscussionTopic" => "Discussion",
"Assignment" => "Assignment",
"Quizzes::Quiz" => "Quiz",
modules api, closes #10404 also modifies the discussion topic and assignment API controllers to make sure "must_view" requirements are fulfilled test plan: * check the API documentation; ensure it looks okay * create a course with module items of each supported type * set completion criteria of each supported type * create another module, so you can set prerequisites * use the list modules API and verify its output matches the course and the documentation * as a teacher, "state" should be missing * as a student, "state" should be "locked", "unlocked", "started", or "completed" * use the show module API and verify the correct information is returned for a single module * use the list module items API and verify the output * as a teacher, the "completion_requirement" omits the "completed" flag * as a student, "completed" should be true or false, depending on whether the requirement was met * use the show module API and verify the correct information is returned for a single module item * last but not least, verify "must view" requirements can be fulfilled through the api_data_endpoints supplied for files, pages, discussions, and assignments * files are viewed when downloading their content * pages are viewed by the show action (where content is returned) * discussions are viewed when marked read via the mark_topic_read or mark_all_read actions * assignments are viewed by the show action (where description is returned). they are not viewed if the assignment is locked and the user does not have access to the content yet. Change-Id: I0cbbbc542f69215e7b396a501d4d86ff2f76c149 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
2012-09-12 01:16:48 +08:00
"ContextModuleSubHeader" => "SubHeader",
"ExternalUrl" => "ExternalUrl",
"ContextExternalTool" => "ExternalTool",
"ContextModule" => "Module",
"ContentTag" => "ModuleItem" }.freeze
# matches the other direction, case insensitively
def self.api_type_to_canvas_name(api_type)
unless @inverse_map
m = {}
API_DATA_TYPE.each do |k, v|
m[v.downcase] = k
@inverse_map = m
return nil unless api_type
modules api, closes #10404 also modifies the discussion topic and assignment API controllers to make sure "must_view" requirements are fulfilled test plan: * check the API documentation; ensure it looks okay * create a course with module items of each supported type * set completion criteria of each supported type * create another module, so you can set prerequisites * use the list modules API and verify its output matches the course and the documentation * as a teacher, "state" should be missing * as a student, "state" should be "locked", "unlocked", "started", or "completed" * use the show module API and verify the correct information is returned for a single module * use the list module items API and verify the output * as a teacher, the "completion_requirement" omits the "completed" flag * as a student, "completed" should be true or false, depending on whether the requirement was met * use the show module API and verify the correct information is returned for a single module item * last but not least, verify "must view" requirements can be fulfilled through the api_data_endpoints supplied for files, pages, discussions, and assignments * files are viewed when downloading their content * pages are viewed by the show action (where content is returned) * discussions are viewed when marked read via the mark_topic_read or mark_all_read actions * assignments are viewed by the show action (where description is returned). they are not viewed if the assignment is locked and the user does not have access to the content yet. Change-Id: I0cbbbc542f69215e7b396a501d4d86ff2f76c149 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
2012-09-12 01:16:48 +08:00
def accepts_jsonapi?
Quiz Submissions API - Create & Complete Allows users to start a "quiz-taking session" via the API by creating a QuizSubmission and later on completing it. Note that this patch isn't concerned with actually using the QS to answer questions. That task will be the concern of a new API controller, QuizSubmissionQuestions. closes CNVS-8980 TEST PLAN ---- ---- - Create a quiz - Keep a tab open on the Moderate Quiz (MQ from now) page Create the quiz submission (ie, start a quiz-taking session): - Via the API, as a student: - POST to /courses/:course_id/quizzes/:quiz_id/submissions - Verify that you receive a 200 response with the newly created QuizSubmission in the JSON response. - Copy the "validation_token" field down, you will need this later - Go to the MQ tab and verify that it says the student has started a quiz attempt Complete the quiz submission (ie, finish a quiz-taking session): - Via the API, as a student, prepare a request with: - Method: POST - URI: /courses/:course_id/quizzes/:quiz_id/submissions/:id/complete - Parameter "validation_token" to what you copied earlier - Parameter "attempt" to the current attempt number (starts at 1) - Now perform the request, and: - Verify that you receive a 200 response - Go to the MQ tab and verify that it says the submission has been completed (ie, Time column reads "finished in X seconds/minutes") Other stuff to test (failure scenarios): The first endpoint (one for starting a quiz attempt) should reject your request in any of the following cases: - The quiz has been locked - You are not enrolled in the quiz course - The Quiz has an Access Code that you either didn't pass, or passed incorrectly - The Quiz has an IP filter and you're not in the address range - You are already taking the quiz (you've created the submission and did not call /complete yet) - You are not currently taking the quiz, but you already took it earlier and the Quiz does not allow for multiple attempts The second endpoint (one for completing the quiz attempt) should reject your request in any of the following cases: - You pass in an invalid "validation_token" - You already completed that quiz submission (e.g, you called that endpoint earlier) Change-Id: Iff8a47859d7477c210de46ea034544d5e2527fb2 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Derek DeVries <> Tested-by: Jenkins <> QA-Review: Myller de Araujo <> Product-Review: Ahmad Amireh <>
2013-12-05 22:10:12 +08:00
add option for course grade change (log auditing) fixes: CNVS-8996 Added a grade change audit UI for searching grade change events. This allows the user to search based off of the grader, student, course id, and assignment id. In addition to each parameter a date range can be selected. Currently assignment and course can only be searched if the ID is known. This is because there is no way to query for courses based on a name with the api. Note: The submission after_save :grade_change_audit needed to be after the simply_versioned call because the grade change audit uses that to grab the previous grade. This was a bug in the grade change audit log api. This fixes that issue also. Test Case: - Create a course with an assignment and student. - Grade the assignment for the student. - Change the grade for the student a few times. - Open the admin tools. Select the Logging tab and then pick the grade change activity option in the drop down. - Search for the grader. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the student. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the course id. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the assignment id. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Perform each search type again, testing the date range capabilities. - Make sure you cannot search with an invalid date range, grader, and student. - Enter an invalid course id, no results should be returned. - Enter an invalid assignment id, no results should be returned. Change-Id: Ie5a4d34dbb60627374035071c68ec4d404e80135 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Nick Cloward <> Product-Review: Nick Cloward <> QA-Review: Nick Cloward <> Tested-by: Nick Cloward <>
2013-12-03 04:42:07 +08:00
# Return a template url that follows the root links key for the
# standard.
def templated_url(method, *args)
format = /^\{.*\}$/
placeholder = "PLACEHOLDER"
placeholders = do |arg, index|
arg&.match?(format) ? "#{placeholder}#{index}" : arg
add option for course grade change (log auditing) fixes: CNVS-8996 Added a grade change audit UI for searching grade change events. This allows the user to search based off of the grader, student, course id, and assignment id. In addition to each parameter a date range can be selected. Currently assignment and course can only be searched if the ID is known. This is because there is no way to query for courses based on a name with the api. Note: The submission after_save :grade_change_audit needed to be after the simply_versioned call because the grade change audit uses that to grab the previous grade. This was a bug in the grade change audit log api. This fixes that issue also. Test Case: - Create a course with an assignment and student. - Grade the assignment for the student. - Change the grade for the student a few times. - Open the admin tools. Select the Logging tab and then pick the grade change activity option in the drop down. - Search for the grader. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the student. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the course id. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the assignment id. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Perform each search type again, testing the date range capabilities. - Make sure you cannot search with an invalid date range, grader, and student. - Enter an invalid course id, no results should be returned. - Enter an invalid assignment id, no results should be returned. Change-Id: Ie5a4d34dbb60627374035071c68ec4d404e80135 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Nick Cloward <> Product-Review: Nick Cloward <> QA-Review: Nick Cloward <> Tested-by: Nick Cloward <>
2013-12-03 04:42:07 +08:00
url = send(method, *placeholders)
args.each_with_index do |arg, index|
url.sub!("#{placeholder}#{index}", arg) if arg&.match?(format)
add option for course grade change (log auditing) fixes: CNVS-8996 Added a grade change audit UI for searching grade change events. This allows the user to search based off of the grader, student, course id, and assignment id. In addition to each parameter a date range can be selected. Currently assignment and course can only be searched if the ID is known. This is because there is no way to query for courses based on a name with the api. Note: The submission after_save :grade_change_audit needed to be after the simply_versioned call because the grade change audit uses that to grab the previous grade. This was a bug in the grade change audit log api. This fixes that issue also. Test Case: - Create a course with an assignment and student. - Grade the assignment for the student. - Change the grade for the student a few times. - Open the admin tools. Select the Logging tab and then pick the grade change activity option in the drop down. - Search for the grader. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the student. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the course id. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Search for the assignment id. The results from the grade changes should show accordingly. - Perform each search type again, testing the date range capabilities. - Make sure you cannot search with an invalid date range, grader, and student. - Enter an invalid course id, no results should be returned. - Enter an invalid assignment id, no results should be returned. Change-Id: Ie5a4d34dbb60627374035071c68ec4d404e80135 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Nick Cloward <> Product-Review: Nick Cloward <> QA-Review: Nick Cloward <> Tested-by: Nick Cloward <>
2013-12-03 04:42:07 +08:00
def infer_writable_from_request_method
respond_to?(:request) && %w[PUT POST PATCH DELETE].include?(request&.method)