2011-05-07 02:44:34 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb')
describe I18n do
context "html safety" do
it "should not return a SafeBuffer if no SafeBuffers are interpolated" do
translation = I18n.t(:foo, "I want %{number} widgets from %{company}", :number => 2, :company => "Acme Co.")
# even though Fixnum is html_safe, that shouldn't trigger our html_safe
# fu (since we don't necessarily want things html-escaped)
translation.html_safe?.should be_false
translation.should eql("I want 2 widgets from Acme Co.")
it "should return a SafeBuffer if a SafeBuffer is interpolated" do
translation = I18n.t(:foo, "I want %{text_field} widgets", :text_field => "<input>".html_safe)
translation.html_safe?.should be_true
translation.should eql("I want <input> widgets")
it "should html_escape the translation if a SafeBuffer is interpolated" do
translation = I18n.t(:foo, "If you create an <input> tag, you will see %{text_field}", :text_field => "<input>".html_safe)
translation.html_safe?.should be_true
translation.should eql("If you create an <input> tag, you will see <input>")
it "should html_escape unsafe interpolated variables if a SafeBuffer is interpolated" do
translation = I18n.t(:foo, "If you create an %{unsafe_tag} tag, you will see %{tag}", :unsafe_tag => "<input>", :tag => "<input>".html_safe)
translation.html_safe?.should be_true
translation.should eql("If you create an <input> tag, you will see <input>")
2011-06-10 03:19:17 +08:00
it "should apply :wrapper" do
translation = I18n.t(:foo, "This is *important*", :wrapper => '<em class="super-important">\1</em>')
translation.html_safe?.should be_true
translation.should == %{This is <em class="super-important">important</em>}
it "should apply :wrappers" do
translation = I18n.t(:foo, 'User *%{firstname}* #%{lastname}#', :wrapper => { '*' => '<span class="firstname">\1</span>', '#' => '<span class="lastname">\1</span>' }, :firstname => "User", :lastname => "Amp&Name")
translation.html_safe?.should be_true
translation.should == %{User <span class="firstname">User</span> <span class="lastname">Amp&Name</span>}
2011-06-14 23:33:34 +08:00
it "should apply all duplicate wrappers" do
translation = I18n.t(:foo, 'From *here* to *there*', :wrapper => '<span>\1</span>')
translation.html_safe?.should be_true
translation.should == %{From <span>here</span> to <span>there</span>}
it "should handle similar looking wrappers" do
translation = I18n.t(:foo, 'From *here* to **there** and ***everywhere***',
:wrapper => { '*' => '<span class="1">\1</span>',
'**' => '<span class="2">\1</span>',
'***' => '<span class="3">\1</span>' })
translation.html_safe?.should be_true
translation.should == %{From <span class="1">here</span> to <span class="2">there</span> and <span class="3">everywhere</span>}
2011-05-07 02:44:34 +08:00
2011-06-10 05:52:35 +08:00
context "pluralization" do
it "should accept hashes for the default value" do
I18n.t(:foo, {:one => "1 thing", :other => "%{count} things"}, :count => 1).
should == "1 thing"
I18n.t(:foo, {:one => "1 thing", :other => "%{count} things"}, :count => 2).
should == "2 things"
it "should pluralize single-word default values" do
I18n.t(:foo, "thing", :count => 1).
should == "1 thing"
I18n.t(:foo, "thing", :count => 2).
should == "2 things"
it "should not pluralize multi-word default values" do
I18n.t(:foo, "thing count: %{count}", :count => 1).
should == "thing count: 1"
I18n.t(:foo, "thing count: %{count}", :count => 2).
should == "thing count: 2"
2013-06-27 07:34:02 +08:00
context "_core_en.js" do
it "should be up-to-date" do
translations = {'en' => I18n.backend.direct_lookup('en').slice(*I18n::Utils::CORE_KEYS)}
# HINT: if this spec fails, run `rake i18n:generate_js`...
# it probably means you added a format or a new language
File.read('public/javascripts/translations/_core_en.js').should ==
2011-06-10 03:19:17 +08:00