'no-shadow':'warn',// AirBnB says 'error', we downgrade to just 'warn'
'eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair':['error',{allowWholeFile:true}],// We are okay with turning rules off for the entirety of a file (though use it sparingly)
'jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid':['error',{components:[]}],// InstUI has special behavior around this
'promise/catch-or-return':'warn',// The recommendation is to error on this, but we downgrade it to a warning
'react/default-props-match-prop-types':['error',{allowRequiredDefaults:true}],// add the `allowRequiredDefaults: true` option to allow specifying something as a required prop (so you get propType error messages), but in case it's not present at runtime, I'll use `[]` as the default (so it is resilient)".
'react/forbid-foreign-prop-types':'off',// You can refer to proptypes within proptypes, but you shouldn't use proptypes in actual app code of the component
'react/no-danger':'off',// dangerouslySetInnerHTML is already pretty explicit on making you aware of its danger
'react/no-render-return-value':'warn',// In future versions of react this will fail
// This is here because we are turning off 2 items from what AirBnB cares about.
'import/order':'off',// because it thinks 'jsx/whatever' and 'compiled/baz' should go in their groups. we don't want to encourage people to do that just so they move them back together once those everything is in same dir