2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class User < ActiveRecord :: Base
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
# this has to be before include COntext to prevent a circular dependency in Course
def self . sortable_name_order_by_clause ( table = nil )
col = table ? " #{ table } .sortable_name " : 'sortable_name'
2011-11-02 02:55:22 +08:00
connection_pool . spec . config [ :adapter ] == 'postgresql' ? " LOWER( #{ col } ) " : col
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
include Context
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
attr_accessible :name , :short_name , :sortable_name , :time_zone , :show_user_services , :gender , :visible_inbox_types , :avatar_image , :subscribe_to_emails , :locale
2011-09-27 03:08:41 +08:00
attr_accessor :original_id , :menu_data
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
before_save :infer_defaults
serialize :preferences
include Workflow
has_many :communication_channels , :order = > 'position' , :dependent = > :destroy
has_one :communication_channel , :order = > 'position'
has_many :enrollments , :dependent = > :destroy
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2012-01-13 07:57:58 +08:00
has_many :current_enrollments , :class_name = > 'Enrollment' , :include = > [ :course , :course_section ] , :conditions = > " enrollments.workflow_state = 'active' and ((courses.workflow_state = 'claimed' and (enrollments.type = 'TeacherEnrollment' or enrollments.type = 'TaEnrollment' or enrollments.type = 'DesignerEnrollment')) or (enrollments.workflow_state = 'active' and courses.workflow_state = 'available')) " , :order = > 'enrollments.created_at'
has_many :invited_enrollments , :class_name = > 'Enrollment' , :include = > [ :course , :course_section ] , :conditions = > " enrollments.workflow_state = 'invited' and ((courses.workflow_state = 'available' and (enrollments.type = 'StudentEnrollment' or enrollments.type = 'ObserverEnrollment')) or (courses.workflow_state != 'deleted' and (enrollments.type = 'TeacherEnrollment' or enrollments.type = 'TaEnrollment' or enrollments.type = 'DesignerEnrollment'))) " , :order = > 'enrollments.created_at'
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
has_many :current_and_invited_enrollments , :class_name = > 'Enrollment' , :include = > [ :course ] , :order = > 'enrollments.created_at' ,
2012-01-13 07:57:58 +08:00
:conditions = > " ( enrollments.workflow_state = 'active' and ((courses.workflow_state = 'claimed' and (enrollments.type = 'TeacherEnrollment' or enrollments.type = 'TaEnrollment' or enrollments.type = 'DesignerEnrollment')) or (enrollments.workflow_state = 'active' and courses.workflow_state = 'available')) )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2012-01-13 07:57:58 +08:00
( enrollments . workflow_state = 'invited' and ( ( courses . workflow_state = 'available' and ( enrollments . type = 'StudentEnrollment' or enrollments . type = 'ObserverEnrollment' ) ) or ( courses . workflow_state != 'deleted' and ( enrollments . type = 'TeacherEnrollment' or enrollments . type = 'TaEnrollment' or enrollments . type = 'DesignerEnrollment' ) ) ) ) "
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
has_many :not_ended_enrollments , :class_name = > 'Enrollment' , :conditions = > [ " enrollments.workflow_state NOT IN (?) " , [ 'rejected' , 'completed' , 'deleted' ] ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :concluded_enrollments , :class_name = > 'Enrollment' , :include = > [ :course , :course_section ] , :conditions = > " enrollments.workflow_state = 'completed' " , :order = > 'enrollments.created_at'
has_many :courses , :through = > :current_enrollments
2011-11-01 03:42:10 +08:00
has_many :current_and_invited_courses , :source = > :course , :through = > :current_and_invited_enrollments
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
has_many :concluded_courses , :source = > :course , :through = > :concluded_enrollments
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
has_many :all_courses , :source = > :course , :through = > :enrollments
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :group_memberships , :include = > :group , :dependent = > :destroy
has_many :groups , :through = > :group_memberships
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
has_many :current_group_memberships , :include = > :group , :class_name = > 'GroupMembership' , :conditions = > " group_memberships.workflow_state = 'accepted' "
has_many :current_groups , :through = > :current_group_memberships , :source = > :group , :conditions = > " groups.workflow_state != 'deleted' "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :user_account_associations
has_many :associated_accounts , :source = > :account , :through = > :user_account_associations , :order = > 'user_account_associations.depth'
has_many :associated_root_accounts , :source = > :account , :through = > :user_account_associations , :order = > 'user_account_associations.depth' , :conditions = > 'accounts.parent_account_id IS NULL'
2011-05-27 07:41:43 +08:00
has_many :developer_keys
has_many :access_tokens , :include = > :developer_key
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :student_enrollments
has_many :ta_enrollments
has_many :teacher_enrollments
has_many :submissions , :include = > [ :assignment , :submission_comments ] , :order = > 'submissions.updated_at DESC' , :dependent = > :destroy
has_many :pseudonyms_with_channels , :class_name = > 'Pseudonym' , :order = > 'position' , :include = > :communication_channels
has_many :pseudonyms , :order = > 'position' , :dependent = > :destroy
has_many :pseudonym_accounts , :source = > :account , :through = > :pseudonyms
2011-04-15 05:01:40 +08:00
has_one :pseudonym , :conditions = > [ 'pseudonyms.workflow_state != ?' , 'deleted' ] , :order = > 'position'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :tags , :class_name = > 'ContentTag' , :as = > 'context' , :order = > 'LOWER(title)' , :dependent = > :destroy
has_many :attachments , :as = > 'context' , :dependent = > :destroy
2011-07-12 02:25:54 +08:00
has_many :active_images , :as = > :context , :class_name = > 'Attachment' , :conditions = > [ " attachments.file_state != ? AND attachments.content_type LIKE 'image%' " , 'deleted' ] , :order = > 'attachments.display_name' , :include = > :thumbnail
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :active_assignments , :as = > :context , :class_name = > 'Assignment' , :conditions = > [ 'assignments.workflow_state != ?' , 'deleted' ]
has_many :all_attachments , :as = > 'context' , :class_name = > 'Attachment'
has_many :folders , :as = > 'context' , :order = > 'folders.name'
has_many :active_folders , :class_name = > 'Folder' , :as = > :context , :conditions = > [ 'folders.workflow_state != ?' , 'deleted' ] , :order = > 'folders.name'
2011-03-02 03:17:42 +08:00
has_many :active_folders_with_sub_folders , :class_name = > 'Folder' , :as = > :context , :include = > [ :active_sub_folders ] , :conditions = > [ 'folders.workflow_state != ?' , 'deleted' ] , :order = > 'folders.name'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :active_folders_detailed , :class_name = > 'Folder' , :as = > :context , :include = > [ :active_sub_folders , :active_file_attachments ] , :conditions = > [ 'folders.workflow_state != ?' , 'deleted' ] , :order = > 'folders.name'
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
has_many :calendar_events , :as = > 'context' , :dependent = > :destroy , :include = > [ :parent_event ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :eportfolios , :dependent = > :destroy
has_many :notifications , :through = > :notification_policies
has_many :quiz_submissions , :dependent = > :destroy
has_many :dashboard_messages , :class_name = > 'Message' , :conditions = > { :to = > " dashboard " , :workflow_state = > 'dashboard' } , :order = > 'created_at DESC' , :dependent = > :destroy
has_many :notification_policies , :include = > :communication_channel , :dependent = > :destroy
has_many :collaborations , :order = > 'created_at DESC'
has_many :user_services , :order = > 'created_at' , :dependent = > :destroy
has_one :scribd_account , :as = > :scribdable
has_many :rubric_associations , :as = > :context , :include = > :rubric , :order = > 'rubric_associations.created_at DESC'
has_many :rubrics
has_many :context_rubrics , :as = > :context , :class_name = > 'Rubric'
has_many :grading_standards
has_many :context_module_progressions
has_many :assignment_reminders
has_many :assessment_question_bank_users
has_many :assessment_question_banks , :through = > :assessment_question_bank_users
has_many :learning_outcome_results
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
has_many :inbox_items , :order = > 'created_at DESC'
has_many :submission_comment_participants
has_many :submission_comments , :through = > :submission_comment_participants , :include = > { :submission = > { :assignment = > { } , :user = > { } } }
has_many :collaborators
has_many :collaborations , :through = > :collaborators , :include = > [ :user , :collaborators ]
has_many :assigned_submission_assessments , :class_name = > 'AssessmentRequest' , :foreign_key = > 'assessor_id' , :include = > { :user = > { } , :submission = > :assignment }
has_many :assigned_assessments , :class_name = > 'AssessmentRequest' , :foreign_key = > 'assessor_id'
has_many :web_conference_participants
has_many :web_conferences , :through = > :web_conference_participants
has_many :account_users
has_many :accounts , :through = > :account_users
has_many :media_objects , :as = > :context
has_many :user_generated_media_objects , :class_name = > 'MediaObject'
has_many :page_views
has_many :user_notes
has_many :account_reports
has_many :stream_item_instances , :dependent = > :delete_all
has_many :stream_items , :through = > :stream_item_instances
2011-09-02 23:34:12 +08:00
has_many :all_conversations , :class_name = > 'ConversationParticipant' , :include = > :conversation , :order = > " last_message_at DESC, conversation_id DESC "
2011-09-28 04:06:52 +08:00
has_many :favorites
2011-11-01 03:42:10 +08:00
has_many :favorite_courses , :source = > :course , :through = > :current_and_invited_enrollments , :conditions = > " EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM favorites WHERE context_type = 'Course' AND context_id = enrollments.course_id AND user_id = enrollments.user_id) "
2011-09-28 04:06:52 +08:00
2011-09-22 01:36:45 +08:00
include StickySisFields
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
are_sis_sticky :name , :sortable_name , :short_name
2011-09-22 01:36:45 +08:00
2011-08-19 14:15:43 +08:00
def conversations
all_conversations . visible # i.e. exclude any where the user has deleted all the messages
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
named_scope :of_account , lambda { | account |
:joins = > :user_account_associations ,
:conditions = > [ 'user_account_associations.account_id = ?' , account . id ]
named_scope :recently_logged_in , lambda {
:joins = > :pseudonym ,
:include = > :pseudonyms ,
:conditions = > [ 'pseudonyms.current_login_at > ?' , 1 . month . ago ] ,
:order = > 'pseudonyms.current_login_at DESC' ,
:limit = > 25
named_scope :include_pseudonym , lambda {
{ :include = > :pseudonym }
named_scope :for_course_section , lambda { | sections |
section_ids = Array ( sections ) . map { | s | s . is_a? ( Fixnum ) ? s : s . id }
2011-12-09 08:02:47 +08:00
{ :conditions = > " enrollments.limit_privileges_to_course_section IS NULL OR enrollments.limit_privileges_to_course_section != #{ User . connection . quoted_true } OR enrollments.course_section_id IN ( #{ section_ids . join ( " , " ) } ) " }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
named_scope :name_like , lambda { | name |
2011-07-08 05:53:21 +08:00
{ :conditions = > [ " ( " , wildcard ( 'users.name' , 'users.short_name' , name ) , " OR exists (select 1 from pseudonyms where " , wildcard ( 'pseudonyms.sis_user_id' , 'pseudonyms.unique_id' , name ) , " and pseudonyms.user_id = users.id and ( " , User . send ( :sanitize_sql_array , Pseudonym . active . proxy_options [ :conditions ] ) , " ))) " ] . join }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
named_scope :active , lambda {
{ :conditions = > [ " users.workflow_state != ? " , 'deleted' ] }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
named_scope :has_current_student_enrollments , :conditions = > " EXISTS (SELECT * FROM enrollments JOIN courses ON courses.id = enrollments.course_id AND courses.workflow_state = 'available' WHERE enrollments.user_id = users.id AND enrollments.workflow_state IN ('active','invited') AND enrollments.type = 'StudentEnrollment') "
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
named_scope :order_by_sortable_name , :order = > User . sortable_name_order_by_clause
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
named_scope :enrolled_in_course_between , lambda { | course_ids , start_at , end_at |
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
ids_string = course_ids . join ( " , " )
:joins = > :enrollments ,
:conditions = > [ " enrollments.course_id in ( #{ ids_string } ) AND enrollments.created_at > ? AND enrollments.created_at < ? " , start_at , end_at ]
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# scopes to the most active users across the system
named_scope :most_active , lambda { | * args |
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
:joins = > [ :page_views ] ,
:order = > " users.page_views_count DESC " ,
:limit = > ( args . first || 10 )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# scopes to the most active users (by page view count) in a context:
# User.x_most_active_in_context(30, Course.find(112)) # will give you the 30 most active users in course 112
named_scope :x_most_active_in_context , lambda { | * args |
2011-03-01 08:37:39 +08:00
:select = > " users.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM page_views WHERE user_id = users.id AND context_id = #{ args . last . id } AND context_type = ' #{ args . last . class . to_s } ') AS page_views_count " ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
:order = > " page_views_count DESC " ,
2011-03-01 08:37:39 +08:00
:limit = > ( args . first || 10 ) ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-04-02 00:59:20 +08:00
validates_length_of :name , :maximum = > maximum_string_length , :allow_nil = > true
2011-07-13 04:31:40 +08:00
validates_locale :locale , :browser_locale , :allow_nil = > true
2011-04-02 00:59:20 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
before_save :assign_uuid
before_save :update_avatar_image
after_save :generate_reminders_if_changed
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def page_views_by_day ( options = { } )
conditions = { }
if options [ :dates ]
conditions . merge! ( {
2011-09-27 12:53:08 +08:00
:created_at = > ( options [ :dates ] . first ) .. ( options [ :dates ] . last )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
} )
page_views_as_hash = { }
self . page_views . count (
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
:group = > " date(created_at) " ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
:order = > " date(created_at) " ,
:conditions = > conditions
) . each do | day |
page_views_as_hash [ day . first ] = day . last
memoize :page_views_by_day
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-08-18 00:32:30 +08:00
def self . skip_updating_account_associations ( & block )
@skip_updating_account_associations = true
2011-05-04 03:21:18 +08:00
block . call
2011-08-18 00:32:30 +08:00
@skip_updating_account_associations = false
2011-05-04 03:21:18 +08:00
2011-08-18 00:32:30 +08:00
def self . skip_updating_account_associations?
! ! @skip_updating_account_associations
2011-05-04 03:21:18 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-05-04 03:21:18 +08:00
def update_account_associations_later
2011-08-18 00:32:30 +08:00
self . send_later_if_production ( :update_account_associations ) unless self . class . skip_updating_account_associations?
2011-05-04 03:21:18 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-08-24 00:39:52 +08:00
def update_account_associations ( opts = { } )
User . update_account_associations ( [ self ] , opts )
2011-08-18 03:33:10 +08:00
def self . add_to_account_chain_cache ( account_id , account_chain_cache )
if account_id . is_a? Account
account = account_id
account_id = account . id
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-08-18 03:33:10 +08:00
return account_chain_cache [ account_id ] if account_chain_cache . has_key? ( account_id )
account || = Account . find ( account_id )
return account_chain_cache [ account . id ] = [ account . id ] if account . root_account?
account_chain_cache [ account . id ] = [ account . id ] + add_to_account_chain_cache ( account . parent_account_id , account_chain_cache )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-08-18 03:33:10 +08:00
2011-08-24 00:39:52 +08:00
def self . calculate_account_associations_from_accounts ( starting_account_ids , account_chain_cache = { } )
2011-08-18 03:33:10 +08:00
results = { }
remaining_ids = [ ]
starting_account_ids . each do | account_id |
unless account_chain_cache . has_key? account_id
remaining_ids << account_id
account_chain = account_chain_cache [ account_id ]
account_chain . each_with_index do | account_id , idx |
results [ account_id ] || = idx
results [ account_id ] = idx if idx < results [ account_id ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-08-18 03:33:10 +08:00
unless remaining_ids . empty?
accounts = Account . find_all_by_id ( remaining_ids )
accounts . each do | account |
account_chain = add_to_account_chain_cache ( account , account_chain_cache )
account_chain . each_with_index do | account_id , idx |
results [ account_id ] || = idx
results [ account_id ] = idx if idx < results [ account_id ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-08-18 03:33:10 +08:00
# Users are tied to accounts a couple ways:
# Through enrollments:
# User -> Enrollment -> Section -> Course -> Account
# User -> Enrollment -> Section -> Non-Xlisted Course -> Account
# Through pseudonyms:
# User -> Pseudonym -> Account
# Through account_users
# User -> AccountUser -> Account
def calculate_account_associations ( account_chain_cache = { } )
# Hopefully these have all been pre-loaded
starting_account_ids = self . enrollments . map { | e | e . workflow_state != 'deleted' ? [ e . course_section . course . account_id , e . course_section . nonxlist_course . try ( :account_id ) ] : nil } . flatten . compact
starting_account_ids += self . pseudonyms . map { | p | p . active? ? p . account_id : nil } . compact
starting_account_ids += self . account_users . map ( & :account_id )
starting_account_ids . uniq!
result = User . calculate_account_associations_from_accounts ( starting_account_ids , account_chain_cache )
def self . update_account_associations ( users_or_user_ids , opts = { } )
return if users_or_user_ids . empty?
opts . reverse_merge! :account_chain_cache = > { }
account_chain_cache = opts [ :account_chain_cache ]
# Split it up into manageable chunks
if users_or_user_ids . length > 500
users_or_user_ids . uniq . compact . each_slice ( 500 ) do | users_or_user_ids_slice |
update_account_associations ( users_or_user_ids_slice , opts )
incremental = opts [ :incremental ]
precalculated_associations = opts [ :precalculated_associations ]
user_ids = users_or_user_ids
user_ids = user_ids . map ( & :id ) if user_ids . first . is_a? ( User )
users_or_user_ids = User . find ( :all , :conditions = > { :id = > user_ids } , :include = > [ :pseudonyms , :account_users , { :enrollments = > { :course_section = > [ :course , :nonxlist_course ] } } ] ) if ! user_ids . first . is_a? ( User ) && ! precalculated_associations
UserAccountAssociation . transaction do
current_associations = { }
to_delete = [ ]
UserAccountAssociation . find ( :all , :conditions = > { :user_id = > user_ids } ) . each do | aa |
key = [ aa . user_id , aa . account_id ]
# duplicates
if current_associations . has_key? ( key )
to_delete << aa . id
current_associations [ key ] = [ aa . id , aa . depth ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-08-18 03:33:10 +08:00
users_or_user_ids . each do | user_id |
if user_id . is_a? User
user = user_id
user_id = user_id . id
account_ids_with_depth = precalculated_associations
if account_ids_with_depth . nil?
user || = User . find ( user_id )
account_ids_with_depth = user . calculate_account_associations ( account_chain_cache )
account_ids_with_depth . each do | account_id , depth |
key = [ user_id , account_id ]
association = current_associations [ key ]
if association . nil?
# new association, create it
UserAccountAssociation . create! do | aa |
aa . user_id = user_id
aa . account_id = account_id
aa . depth = depth
# for incremental, only update the old association if it is deeper than the new one
# for non-incremental, update it if it changed
if incremental && association [ 1 ] > depth || ! incremental && association [ 1 ] != depth
UserAccountAssociation . update_all ( " depth= #{ depth } " , :id = > association [ 0 ] )
# remove from list of existing for non-incremental
current_associations . delete ( key ) unless incremental
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-08-18 03:33:10 +08:00
to_delete += current_associations . map { | k , v | v [ 0 ] }
UserAccountAssociation . delete_all ( :id = > to_delete ) unless incremental || to_delete . empty?
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
def page_view_data ( options = { } )
# if they dont supply a date range then use the first day returned by page_views_by_day
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# (which should be the first day that there is pageview statistics gathered)
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
dates = options [ :dates ] && options [ :dates ] . first ?
[ options [ :dates ] . first , ( options [ :dates ] . last || Time . now ) ] :
[ page_views_by_day . sort . first . first . to_datetime , Time . now ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
enrollments_with_page_views = enrollments . reject { | e | e . page_views_by_day ( :dates = > dates ) . empty? }
days = [ ]
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
dates . first . to_datetime . upto ( dates . last ) do | d |
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# this * 1000 part is because the Highcharts expects something like what Date.UTC(2006, 2, 28) would give you,
# which is MILLISECONDS from the unix epoch, ruby's to_f gives you SECONDS since then.
days << [ ( d . at_beginning_of_day . to_f * 1000 ) . to_i , page_views_by_day ( :dates = > dates ) [ d . to_date . to_s ] . to_i , nil , nil ] . concat (
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
# these 2 nil's at the end here are because the google annotatedtimeline expects a title and a text,
# we can put something meaninful here once we start tracking noteworth events
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
enrollments_with_page_views . map { | enrollment | [ enrollment . page_views_by_day ( :dates = > dates ) [ d . to_date . to_s ] . to_i , nil , nil ] }
) . flatten
{ :days = > days , :labels = > [ " All Page Views " ] + enrollments_with_page_views . map { | e | e . course . name } }
memoize :page_view_data
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# These two methods can be overridden by a plugin if you want to have an approval process for new teachers
def registration_approval_required? ; false ; end
2011-02-03 03:31:33 +08:00
def new_teacher_registration ( form_params = { } ) ; end
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
set_broadcast_policy do | p |
p . dispatch :new_teacher_registration
p . to { Account . site_admin . users }
p . whenever { | record |
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
record . just_created && record . school_name && record . school_position
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def assign_uuid
2011-05-06 04:43:15 +08:00
# DON'T use ||=, because that will cause an immediate save to the db if it
# doesn't already exist
self . uuid = AutoHandle . generate_securish_uuid if ! read_attribute ( :uuid )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
protected :assign_uuid
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def hashtag
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
named_scope :with_service , lambda { | service |
if service . is_a? ( UserService )
{ :include = > :user_services , :conditions = > [ 'user_services.service = ?' , service . service ] }
{ :include = > :user_services , :conditions = > [ 'user_services.service = ?' , service . to_s ] }
named_scope :enrolled_before , lambda { | date |
{ :conditions = > [ 'enrollments.created_at < ?' , date ] }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def group_memberships_for ( context )
return [ ] unless context
self . group_memberships . select do | m |
m . group &&
m . group . context_id == context . id &&
m . group . context_type == context . class . to_s &&
! m . group . deleted? &&
! m . deleted?
end . map ( & :group )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def <=> ( other )
self . name < = > other . name
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def default_pseudonym_id
self . pseudonyms . active . first . id
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def available?
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def participants
[ ]
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
# compatibility only - this isn't really last_name_first
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def last_name_first
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
self . sortable_name
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def last_name_first_or_unnamed
res = last_name_first
res = " No Name " if res . strip . empty?
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def first_name
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
User . name_parts ( self . sortable_name ) [ 0 ] || ''
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def last_name
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
User . name_parts ( self . sortable_name ) [ 1 ] || ''
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
# Feel free to add, but the "authoritative" list (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_(name)) is quite large
SUFFIXES = / ^(Sn?r \ .?|Senior|Jn?r \ .?|Junior|II|III|IV|V|VI|Esq \ .?|Esquire)$ /i
# see also user_sortable_name.js
def self . name_parts ( name , prior_surname = nil )
return [ nil , nil , nil ] unless name
surname , given , suffix = name . strip . split ( / \ s*, \ s* / , 3 )
# Doe, John, Sr.
# Otherwise change Ho, Chi, Min to Ho, Chi Min
if suffix && ! ( suffix =~ SUFFIXES )
given = " #{ given } #{ suffix } "
suffix = nil
if given
# John Doe, Sr.
if ! suffix && given =~ SUFFIXES
suffix = given
given = surname
surname = nil
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
# John Doe
given = name . strip
surname = nil
given_parts = given . split
# John Doe Sr.
if ! suffix && given_parts . length > 1 && given_parts . last =~ SUFFIXES
suffix = given_parts . pop
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
# Use prior information on the last name to try and reconstruct it
prior_surname_parts = nil
surname = given_parts . pop ( prior_surname_parts . length ) . join ( ' ' ) if ! surname && prior_surname . present? && ( prior_surname_parts = prior_surname . split ) && ! prior_surname_parts . empty? && given_parts . length > = prior_surname_parts . length && given_parts [ - prior_surname_parts . length .. - 1 ] == prior_surname_parts
# Last resort; last name is just the last word given
surname = given_parts . pop if ! surname && given_parts . length > 1
[ given_parts . empty? ? nil : given_parts . join ( ' ' ) , surname , suffix ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
def self . last_name_first ( name , name_was = nil )
given , surname , suffix = name_parts ( name , name_parts ( name_was ) [ 1 ] )
given = [ given , suffix ] . compact . join ( ' ' )
surname ? " #{ surname } , #{ given } " . strip : given
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . user_lookup_cache_key ( id )
2011-09-28 04:36:33 +08:00
[ '_user_lookup2' , id ] . cache_key
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . invalidate_cache ( id )
Rails . cache . delete ( user_lookup_cache_key ( id ) ) if id
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def infer_defaults
self . name = nil if self . name == " User "
2011-10-27 02:55:27 +08:00
self . name || = self . email || t ( :default_user_name , " User " )
self . short_name = nil if self . short_name == " "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . short_name || = self . name
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
self . sortable_name = nil if self . sortable_name == " "
# recalculate the sortable name if the name changed, but the sortable name didn't, and the sortable_name matches the old name
self . sortable_name = nil if ! self . sortable_name_changed? && self . name_changed? && User . name_parts ( self . sortable_name ) . compact . join ( ' ' ) == self . name_was
self . sortable_name = User . last_name_first ( self . name , self . sortable_name_was ) unless read_attribute ( :sortable_name )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . reminder_time_for_due_dates || = 48 . hours . to_i
self . reminder_time_for_grading || = 0
User . invalidate_cache ( self . id ) if self . id
@reminder_times_changed = self . reminder_time_for_due_dates_changed? || self . reminder_time_for_grading_changed?
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def sortable_name
2011-10-27 05:09:09 +08:00
self . sortable_name = read_attribute ( :sortable_name ) || User . last_name_first ( self . name )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def primary_pseudonym
self . pseudonyms . active . first
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def primary_pseudonym = ( p )
p = Pseudonym . find ( p )
p . move_to_top
self . reload
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def email_channel
# It's already ordered, so find the first one, if there's one.
2011-12-03 03:29:50 +08:00
communication_channels . to_a . find { | cc | cc . path_type == 'email' && cc . workflow_state != 'retired' }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def email
Rails . cache . fetch ( [ 'user_email' , self ] . cache_key ) do
email_channel . path if email_channel
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . cached_name ( id )
key = user_lookup_cache_key ( id )
2011-09-28 04:36:33 +08:00
user = Rails . cache . fetch ( key ) do
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
User . find_by_id ( id )
user && user . name
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def gmail_channel
google_services = self . user_services . find_all_by_service_domain ( " google.com " )
addr = google_services . find { | s | s . service_user_id } . service_user_id rescue nil
2011-12-31 07:10:04 +08:00
self . communication_channels . email . by_path ( addr ) . find ( :first )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def gmail
res = gmail_channel . path rescue nil
res || = self . user_services . find_all_by_service_domain ( " google.com " ) . map ( & :service_user_id ) . compact . first
res || = email
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def google_docs_address
service = self . user_services . find_by_service ( 'google_docs' )
service && service . service_user_id
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def email = ( e )
if e . is_a? ( CommunicationChannel ) and e . user_id == self . id
cc = e
2011-12-17 06:16:37 +08:00
cc = self . communication_channels . find_or_create_by_path_and_path_type ( e , 'email' )
cc . user = self
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
cc . move_to_top
cc . save!
self . reload
cc . path
def sms_channel
# It's already ordered, so find the first one, if there's one.
communication_channels . find ( :first , :conditions = > { :path_type = > 'sms' } )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def sms
sms_channel . path if sms_channel
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def sms = ( s )
if s . is_a? ( CommunicationChannel ) and s . user_id == self . id
cc = s
cc = CommunicationChannel . find_or_create_by_path_and_user_id ( s , self . id )
cc . move_to_top
cc . save!
self . reload
cc . path
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def short_name
read_attribute ( :short_name ) || name
def unread_inbox_items_count
count = read_attribute ( :unread_inbox_items_count )
if count . nil?
self . unread_inbox_items_count = count = self . inbox_items . unread . count rescue 0
self . save
workflow do
state :pre_registered do
event :register , :transitions_to = > :registered
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Not listing this first so it is not the default.
state :pending_approval do
event :approve , :transitions_to = > :pre_registered
event :reject , :transitions_to = > :deleted
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
state :creation_pending do
event :create_user , :transitions_to = > :pre_registered
event :register , :transitions_to = > :registered
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-10-27 00:56:51 +08:00
state :registered
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
state :deleted
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def unavailable?
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
alias_method :destroy! , :destroy
2011-12-06 04:48:11 +08:00
def destroy ( even_if_managed_passwords = false )
ActiveRecord :: Base . transaction do
self . workflow_state = 'deleted'
self . save
self . pseudonyms . each { | p | p . destroy ( even_if_managed_passwords ) }
self . communication_channels . each { | cc | cc . destroy }
self . enrollments . each { | e | e . destroy }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def remove_from_root_account ( account )
self . enrollments . find_all_by_root_account_id ( account . id ) . each ( & :destroy )
2011-06-21 03:51:37 +08:00
self . pseudonyms . active . find_all_by_account_id ( account . id ) . each { | p | p . destroy ( true ) }
2011-05-05 07:09:33 +08:00
self . account_users . find_all_by_account_id ( account . id ) . each ( & :destroy )
self . save
self . update_account_associations
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def move_to_user ( new_user )
return unless new_user
return if new_user == self
max_position = ( new_user . pseudonyms . last . position || 0 ) rescue 0
new_user . save
updates = [ ]
self . pseudonyms . each do | p |
max_position += 1
updates << " WHEN id= #{ p . id } THEN #{ max_position } "
2011-07-08 05:53:21 +08:00
Pseudonym . connection . execute ( " UPDATE pseudonyms SET user_id= #{ new_user . id } , position=CASE #{ updates . join ( " " ) } ELSE NULL END WHERE id IN ( #{ self . pseudonyms . map ( & :id ) . join ( ',' ) } ) " ) unless self . pseudonyms . empty?
2011-10-21 01:24:55 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
max_position = ( new_user . communication_channels . last . position || 0 ) rescue 0
2011-10-21 01:24:55 +08:00
position_updates = [ ]
to_retire_ids = [ ]
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . communication_channels . each do | cc |
max_position += 1
2011-10-21 01:24:55 +08:00
position_updates << " WHEN id= #{ cc . id } THEN #{ max_position } "
source_cc = cc
# have to find conflicting CCs, and make sure we don't have conflicts
# To avoid the case where a user has duplicate CCs and one of them is retired, don't look for retired ccs
# it's okay to do that even if the only matching CC is a retired CC, because it would end up on the no-op
# case below anyway.
# Behavior is undefined if a user has both an active and an unconfirmed CC; it's not allowed with current
# validations, but could be there due to older code that didn't enforce the uniqueness. The results would
# simply be that they'll continue to have duplicate unretired CCs
target_cc = new_user . communication_channels . detect { | cc | cc . path . downcase == source_cc . path . downcase && cc . path_type == source_cc . path_type && ! cc . retired? }
next unless target_cc
# we prefer keeping the "most" active one, preferring the target user if they're equal
# the comments inline show all the different cases, with the source cc on the left,
# target cc on the right. The * indicates the CC that will be retired in order
# to resolve the conflict
if target_cc . active?
# retired, active
# unconfirmed*, active
# active*, active
to_retire = source_cc
elsif source_cc . active?
# active, unconfirmed*
# active, retired
to_retire = target_cc
elsif target_cc . unconfirmed?
# unconfirmed*, unconfirmed
# retired, unconfirmed
to_retire = source_cc
# unconfirmed, retired
# retired, retired
to_retire_ids << to_retire . id if to_retire && ! to_retire . retired?
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-21 01:24:55 +08:00
CommunicationChannel . update_all ( " user_id= #{ new_user . id } , position=CASE #{ position_updates . join ( " " ) } ELSE NULL END " , :id = > self . communication_channels . map ( & :id ) ) unless self . communication_channels . empty?
CommunicationChannel . update_all ( { :workflow_state = > 'retired' } , :id = > to_retire_ids ) unless to_retire_ids . empty?
2011-10-22 00:00:13 +08:00
to_delete_ids = [ ]
self . enrollments . each do | enrollment |
source_enrollment = enrollment
2011-10-22 04:40:56 +08:00
# non-deleted enrollments should be unique per [course_section, type]
target_enrollment = new_user . enrollments . detect { | enrollment | enrollment . course_section_id == source_enrollment . course_section_id && enrollment . type == source_enrollment . type && ! [ 'deleted' , 'inactive' , 'rejected' ] . include? ( enrollment . workflow_state ) }
2011-10-22 00:00:13 +08:00
next unless target_enrollment
# we prefer keeping the "most" active one, preferring the target user if they're equal
# the comments inline show all the different cases, with the source enrollment on the left,
# target enrollment on the right. The * indicates the enrollment that will be deleted in order
# to resolve the conflict.
if target_enrollment . active?
# deleted, active
# inactive, active
# rejected, active
# invited*, active
# creation_pending*, active
# active*, active
# completed*, active
to_delete = source_enrollment
elsif source_enrollment . active?
# active, deleted
# active, inactive
# active, rejected
# active, invited*
# active, creation_pending*
# active, completed*
to_delete = target_enrollment
elsif target_enrollment . completed?
# deleted, completed
# inactive, completed
# rejected, completed
# invited*, completed
# creation_pending*, completed
# completed*, completed
to_delete = source_enrollment
elsif source_enrollment . completed?
# completed, deleted
# completed, inactive
# completed, rejected
# completed, invited*
# completed, creation_pending*
to_delete = target_enrollment
elsif target_enrollment . invited?
# deleted, invited
# inactive, invited
# rejected, invited
# creation_pending*, invited
# invited*, invited
to_delete = source_enrollment
elsif source_enrollment . invited?
# invited, deleted
# invited, inactive
# invited, rejected
# invited, creation_pending*
to_delete = target_enrollment
elsif target_enrollment . creation_pending?
# deleted, creation_pending
# inactive, creation_pending
# rejected, creation_pending
# creation_pending*, creation_pending
to_delete = source_enrollment
# creation_pending, deleted
# creation_pending, inactive
# creation_pending, rejected
# deleted, rejected
# inactive, rejected
# rejected, rejected
# rejected, deleted
# rejected, inactive
# deleted, inactive
# inactive, inactive
# inactive, deleted
# deleted, deleted
to_delete_ids << to_delete . id if to_delete && ! [ 'deleted' , 'inactive' , 'rejected' ] . include? ( to_delete . workflow_state )
Enrollment . update_all ( { :workflow_state = > 'deleted' } , :id = > to_delete_ids ) unless to_delete_ids . empty?
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
[ :quiz_id , :quiz_submissions ] ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
[ :assignment_id , :submissions ]
] . each do | unique_id , table |
# Submissions are a special case since there's a unique index
# on the table, and if both the old user and the new user
# have a submission for the same assignment there will be
# a conflict.
already_there_ids = table . to_s . classify . constantize . find_all_by_user_id ( new_user . id ) . map ( & unique_id )
already_there_ids = [ 0 ] if already_there_ids . empty?
table . to_s . classify . constantize . update_all ( { :user_id = > new_user . id } , " user_id= #{ self . id } AND #{ unique_id } NOT IN ( #{ already_there_ids . join ( ',' ) } ) " )
rescue = > e
logger . error " migrating #{ table } column user_id failed: #{ e . to_s } "
updates = { }
[ 'account_users' , 'asset_user_accesses' ,
'assignment_reminders' , 'attachments' ,
2011-07-31 23:20:53 +08:00
'calendar_events' , 'collaborations' , 'conversation_participants' ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
'context_module_progressions' , 'discussion_entries' , 'discussion_topics' ,
'enrollments' , 'group_memberships' , 'page_comments' , 'page_views' ,
'rubric_assessments' , 'short_messages' ,
'submission_comment_participants' , 'user_services' , 'web_conferences' ,
'web_conference_participants' , 'wiki_pages' ] . each do | key |
updates [ key ] = " user_id "
updates [ 'submission_comments' ] = 'author_id'
2011-07-31 23:20:53 +08:00
updates [ 'conversation_messages' ] = 'author_id'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
updates . each do | table , column |
klass = table . classify . constantize
if klass . new . respond_to? ( " #{ column } = " . to_sym )
2011-07-08 05:53:21 +08:00
klass . connection . execute ( " UPDATE #{ table } SET #{ column } = #{ new_user . id } WHERE #{ column } = #{ self . id } " )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
rescue = > e
logger . error " migrating #{ table } column #{ column } failed: #{ e . to_s } "
self . reload
2011-04-13 01:03:21 +08:00
Enrollment . send_later ( :recompute_final_scores , new_user . id )
2011-10-29 07:40:23 +08:00
new_user . update_account_associations
2011-11-04 06:03:12 +08:00
new_user . touch
2011-10-29 07:40:23 +08:00
self . user_account_associations . delete_all
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . destroy
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# Overwrites the old user name, if there was one. Fills in the new one otherwise.
def assert_name ( name = nil )
if name && ( self . pre_registered? || self . creation_pending? ) && name != email
self . name = name
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def to_atom
Atom :: Entry . new do | entry |
entry . title = self . name
entry . updated = self . updated_at
entry . published = self . created_at
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
entry . links << Atom :: Link . new ( :rel = > 'alternate' ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
:href = > " /users/ #{ self . id } " )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def admins
[ self ]
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def students
[ self ]
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def latest_pseudonym
Pseudonym . scoped ( :order = > 'created_at DESC' , :conditions = > { :user_id = > id } ) . active . first
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def used_feature ( feature )
self . update_attribute ( :features_used , ( ( self . features_used || " " ) . split ( / , / ) . map ( & :to_s ) + [ feature . to_s ] ) . uniq . join ( ',' ) )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def used_feature? ( feature )
self . features_used && self . features_used . split ( / , / ) . include? ( feature . to_s )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def available_courses
2011-12-09 08:02:47 +08:00
# this list should be longer if the person has admin privileges...
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . courses
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def courses_with_grades
self . available_courses . select { | c | c . grants_right? ( self , nil , :participate_as_student ) }
memoize :courses_with_grades
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-11-30 05:59:40 +08:00
def sis_pseudonym_for ( context )
2011-12-28 05:57:56 +08:00
root_account = context . root_account
2011-11-30 05:59:40 +08:00
raise " could not resolve root account " unless root_account . is_a? ( Account )
2011-09-14 23:49:21 +08:00
if self . pseudonyms . loaded?
self . pseudonyms . detect { | p | p . active? && p . sis_user_id && p . account_id == root_account . id }
self . pseudonyms . active . find_by_account_id ( root_account . id , :conditions = > [ " sis_user_id IS NOT NULL " ] )
2011-11-30 05:59:40 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
set_policy do
given { | user | user == self }
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :rename and can :read and can :manage and can :manage_content and can :manage_files and can :manage_calendar and can :become_user
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
given { | user | self . courses . any? { | c | c . user_is_teacher? ( user ) } }
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :rename and can :create_user_notes and can :read_user_notes
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
given do | user |
user && (
# this means that the user we are given is an administrator of an account of one of the courses that this user is enrolled in
self . all_courses . any? { | c | c . grants_right? ( user , nil , :read_reports ) }
2011-08-12 04:50:02 +08:00
can :rename and can :remove_avatar and can :view_statistics
given do | user |
user && self . all_courses . any? { | c | c . grants_right? ( user , nil , :manage_user_notes ) }
can :create_user_notes and can :read_user_notes
2011-08-15 23:53:55 +08:00
given { | user | user && self . all_courses . any? { | c | c . grants_right? ( user , nil , :read_user_notes ) } }
can :read_user_notes
2011-08-12 04:50:02 +08:00
given do | user |
user && (
self . associated_accounts . any? { | a | a . grants_right? ( user , nil , :manage_user_notes ) }
can :create_user_notes and can :read_user_notes and can :delete_user_notes
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
given do | user |
user && (
# or, if the user we are given is an admin in one of this user's accounts
( self . associated_accounts . any? { | a | a . grants_right? ( user , nil , :manage_students ) } )
2012-01-12 08:26:43 +08:00
can :manage_user_details and can :remove_avatar and can :rename and can :view_statistics and can :read
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
given do | user |
user && (
# or, if the user we are given is an admin in one of this user's accounts
( self . associated_accounts . any? { | a | a . grants_right? ( user , nil , :manage_user_logins ) } )
2012-01-12 08:26:43 +08:00
can :manage_user_details and can :manage_logins and can :rename and can :view_statistics and can :read
2011-07-09 02:59:34 +08:00
given do | user |
user && ( (
# or, if the user we are given can masquerade in *all* of this user's accounts
# (to prevent an account admin from masquerading and gaining access to another root account)
( self . associated_accounts . all? { | a | a . grants_right? ( user , nil , :become_user ) } && ! self . associated_accounts . empty? )
) && (
# account admins can't masquerade as other account admins
self . account_users . empty? || (
# unless they're a site admin
Account . site_admin . grants_right? ( user , nil , :become_user ) &&
# and not wanting to become a site admin
! Account . site_admin_user? ( self )
) || (
# only site admins can masquerade as users that don't belong to any account
self . associated_accounts . empty? && Account . site_admin . grants_right? ( user , nil , :become_user )
) )
2011-07-14 00:24:17 +08:00
can :become_user
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . infer_id ( obj )
case obj
when User
obj . id
when Numeric
when CommunicationChannel
obj . user_id
when Pseudonym
obj . user_id
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
when AccountUser
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
obj . user_id
when OpenObject
obj . id
when String
obj . to_i
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
raise ArgumentError , " Cannot infer a user_id from #{ obj . inspect } "
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def management_contexts
contexts = [ self ] + self . courses + self . groups . active + self . all_courses
contexts . uniq
def file_management_contexts
contexts = [ self ] + self . courses + self . groups . active + self . all_courses
contexts . uniq . select { | c | c . grants_right? ( self , nil , :manage_files ) }
def facebook
self . user_services . for_service ( 'facebook' ) . first rescue nil
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def visible_inbox_types = ( val )
types = ( val || " " ) . split ( " , " )
write_attribute ( :visible_inbox_types , types . map { | t | t . classify } . join ( " , " ) )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def show_in_inbox? ( type )
if self . respond_to? ( :visible_inbox_types ) && self . visible_inbox_types
types = self . visible_inbox_types . split ( " , " )
types . include? ( type )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def submitted_submission_for ( assignment_id )
@submissions || = self . submissions . having_submission . to_a
@submissions . detect { | s | s . assignment_id == assignment_id }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-01-06 14:09:46 +08:00
def attempted_quiz_submission_for ( quiz_id )
@quiz_submissions || = self . quiz_submissions . select { | s | ! s . settings_only? }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@quiz_submissions . detect { | qs | qs . quiz_id == quiz_id }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def module_progression_for ( module_id )
@module_progressions || = self . context_module_progressions . to_a
@module_progressions . detect { | p | p . context_module_id == module_id }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def clear_cached_lookups
@module_progressions = nil
@quiz_submissions = nil
@submissions = nil
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def update_avatar_image ( force_reload = false )
if ! self . avatar_image_url || force_reload
if self . avatar_image_source == 'facebook'
2011-05-15 12:40:44 +08:00
# TODO: support this
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
elsif self . avatar_image_source == 'twitter'
twitter = self . user_services . for_service ( 'twitter' ) . first rescue nil
if twitter
url = URI . parse ( " http://twitter.com/users/show.json?user_id= #{ twitter . service_user_id } " )
data = JSON . parse ( Net :: HTTP . get ( url ) ) rescue nil
if data
2011-10-07 06:02:51 +08:00
self . avatar_image_url = data [ 'profile_image_url_https' ] || self . avatar_image_url
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . avatar_image_updated_at = Time . now
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . max_messages_per_day
2011-09-02 22:29:40 +08:00
Setting . get ( 'max_messages_per_day_per_user' , 50 ) . to_i
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def max_messages_per_day
User . max_messages_per_day
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def gravatar_url ( size = 50 , fallback = nil )
fallback || = " http:// #{ HostUrl . default_host } /images/no_pic.gif "
2011-03-09 02:19:33 +08:00
" https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/ #{ Digest :: MD5 . hexdigest ( self . email ) rescue '000' } ?s= #{ size } &d= #{ CGI :: escape ( fallback ) } "
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def avatar_image = ( val )
return false if avatar_state == :locked
val || = { }
2011-10-12 03:19:23 +08:00
# clear out the old avatar first, in case of failure to get new avatar
self . avatar_image_url = nil
self . avatar_image_source = 'no_pic'
self . avatar_image_updated_at = Time . now
self . avatar_state = 'approved'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if val [ 'type' ] == 'facebook'
2011-05-15 12:40:44 +08:00
# TODO: support this
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
elsif val [ 'type' ] == 'gravatar'
self . avatar_image_source = 'gravatar'
self . avatar_image_url = nil
self . avatar_image_updated_at = Time . now
self . avatar_state = 'submitted'
elsif val [ 'type' ] == 'twitter'
twitter = self . user_services . for_service ( 'twitter' ) . first rescue nil
if twitter
url = URI . parse ( " http://twitter.com/users/show.json?user_id= #{ twitter . service_user_id } " )
data = JSON . parse ( Net :: HTTP . get ( url ) ) rescue nil
if data
self . avatar_image_source = 'twitter'
2011-10-07 06:02:51 +08:00
self . avatar_image_url = data [ 'profile_image_url_https' ] || self . avatar_image_url
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
self . avatar_image_updated_at = Time . now
self . avatar_state = 'submitted'
elsif val [ 'type' ] == 'linked_in'
linked_in = self . user_services . for_service ( 'linked_in' ) . first rescue nil
if linked_in
profile = linked_in_profile
if profile
self . avatar_image_url = profile [ 'picture_url' ]
self . avatar_image_source = 'linked_in'
self . avatar_image_updated_at = Time . now
self . avatar_state = 'submitted'
elsif val [ 'type' ] == 'attachment' && val [ 'url' ] && val [ 'url' ] . match ( / \ A \/ images \/ thumbnails \/ / )
self . avatar_image_url = val [ 'url' ]
self . avatar_image_source = 'attachment'
self . avatar_image_updated_at = Time . now
self . avatar_state = 'submitted'
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def report_avatar_image! ( associated_context = nil )
if avatar_state == :approved || avatar_state == :locked
avatar_state = 're_reported'
avatar_state = 'reported'
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def avatar_state
if [ 'none' , 'submitted' , 'approved' , 'locked' , 'reported' , 're_reported' ] . include? ( read_attribute ( :avatar_state ) )
read_attribute ( :avatar_state ) . to_sym
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def avatar_state = ( val )
if [ 'none' , 'submitted' , 'approved' , 'locked' , 'reported' , 're_reported' ] . include? ( val . to_s )
if val == 'none'
self . avatar_image_url = nil
self . avatar_image_source = 'no_pic'
self . avatar_image_updated_at = Time . now
write_attribute ( :avatar_state , val )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def avatar_reportable?
[ :submitted , :approved , :reported , :re_reported ] . include? ( avatar_state )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def avatar_approvable?
[ :submitted , :reported , :re_reported ] . include? ( avatar_state )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def avatar_approved?
[ :approved , :locked , :re_reported ] . include? ( avatar_state )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2012-01-13 07:57:58 +08:00
# Returns the LTI membership based on the LTI specs here: http://www.imsglobal.org/LTI/v1p1pd/ltiIMGv1p1pd.html#_Toc309649701
2011-09-08 13:20:55 +08:00
def lti_role_types ( context = nil )
memberships = [ ]
if context . is_a? ( Course )
memberships += current_enrollments . find_all_by_course_id ( context . id ) . uniq
if context . respond_to? ( :account_chain ) && ! context . account_chain_ids . empty?
memberships += account_users . find_all_by_membership_type_and_account_id ( 'AccountAdmin' , context . account_chain_ids ) . uniq
basic lti navigation links
By properly configuring external tools (see
/spec/models/course_spec/rb:898 for examples) they can
be added as left-side navigation links to a course,
an account, or to the user profile section of Canvas.
testing notes:
- you have to manually set options on the external tool:
- for user navigation the tool needs to be created on the root account
with the following settings:
{:user_navigation => {:url => <url>, :text => <tab label>} }
(there are also some optional language options you can set using
the :labels attribute)
- for account navigation it's the same
- for course navigation it's the same, except with :course_navigation
there's also some additional options:
:visibility => <value> // public, members, admins
:default => <value> // disabled, enabled
test plan:
- configure a user navigation tool at the root account level,
make sure it shows up in the user's profile section
- configure a course navigation tool at the account level,
make sure it shows up in the course's navigation
- configure a course navigation tool at the course level,
make sure it shows up in the course's navigation
- make sure :default => 'disabled' course navigation tools don't
appear by default in the navigation, but can be enabled on
the course settings page
- make sure :visibility => 'members' only shows up for course members
- make sure :visibility => 'admins' only shows up for course admins
- configure an account navigation tool at the account level,
make sure it shows up in the account's navigation, and
any sub-account's navigation
Change-Id: I977da3c6b89a9e32b4cff4c2b6b221f8162782ff
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/5427
Reviewed-by: Brian Whitmer <brian@instructure.com>
Tested-by: Hudson <hudson@instructure.com>
2011-08-18 13:49:01 +08:00
return [ " urn:lti:sysrole:ims/lis/None " ] if memberships . empty?
2011-03-10 00:11:22 +08:00
memberships . map { | membership |
case membership
when StudentEnrollment
2011-09-08 13:20:55 +08:00
2011-03-10 00:11:22 +08:00
when TeacherEnrollment
when TaEnrollment
2012-01-13 07:57:58 +08:00
when DesignerEnrollment
2011-03-10 00:11:22 +08:00
when ObserverEnrollment
2011-09-08 13:20:55 +08:00
2011-03-10 00:11:22 +08:00
when AccountUser
2011-09-08 13:20:55 +08:00
2011-03-10 00:11:22 +08:00
2011-09-08 13:20:55 +08:00
2011-03-10 00:11:22 +08:00
} . uniq
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-10-11 06:17:22 +08:00
def avatar_url ( size = nil , avatar_setting = nil , fallback = '/images/no_pic.gif' )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
size || = 50
avatar_setting || = 'enabled'
if avatar_setting == 'enabled' || ( avatar_setting == 'enabled_pending' && avatar_approved? ) || ( avatar_setting == 'sis_only' )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
@avatar_url || = self . avatar_image_url
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-10-11 06:17:22 +08:00
@avatar_url || = fallback if self . avatar_image_source == 'no_pic'
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
@avatar_url || = gravatar_url ( size , fallback ) if avatar_setting == 'enabled'
2011-10-11 06:17:22 +08:00
@avatar_url || = fallback
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
named_scope :with_avatar_state , lambda { | state |
if state == 'any'
2011-08-10 13:46:52 +08:00
:conditions = > [ 'avatar_image_url IS NOT NULL AND avatar_state IS NOT NULL AND avatar_state != ?' , 'none' ] ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
:order = > 'avatar_image_updated_at DESC'
2011-08-10 13:46:52 +08:00
:conditions = > [ 'avatar_image_url IS NOT NULL AND avatar_state = ?' , state ] ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
:order = > 'avatar_image_updated_at DESC'
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def sorted_rubrics
context_codes = ( [ self ] + self . management_contexts ) . uniq . map ( & :asset_string )
rubrics = self . context_rubrics . active
rubrics += Rubric . active . find_all_by_context_code ( context_codes )
rubrics . uniq . sort_by { | r | [ ( r . association_count || 0 ) > 3 ? 'a' : 'b' , ( r . title . downcase rescue 'zzzzz' ) ] }
def assignments_recently_graded ( opts = { } )
opts = { :start_at = > 1 . week . ago , :limit = > 10 } . merge ( opts )
Submission . recently_graded_assignments ( id , opts [ :start_at ] , opts [ :limit ] )
memoize :assignments_recently_graded
def assignments_recently_graded_total_count ( opts = { } )
assignments_recently_graded ( opts . merge ( { :limit = > nil } ) ) . size
memoize :assignments_recently_graded_total_count
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def preferences
read_attribute ( :preferences ) || write_attribute ( :preferences , { } )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-08-19 17:12:45 +08:00
def watched_conversations_intro?
preferences [ :watched_conversations_intro ] == true
def watched_conversations_intro ( value = true )
preferences [ :watched_conversations_intro ] = value
2011-05-04 11:16:50 +08:00
def send_scores_in_emails?
preferences [ :send_scores_in_emails ] == true
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-15 15:07:14 +08:00
def close_notification ( id )
preferences [ :closed_notifications ] || = [ ]
preferences [ :closed_notifications ] << id . to_i
preferences [ :closed_notifications ] . uniq!
2011-02-19 05:50:18 +08:00
self . updated_at = Time . now
2011-02-15 15:07:14 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def ignore_item! ( asset_string , purpose , permanent = nil )
permanent || = false
asset_string = asset_string . gsub ( / ![0-9a-z_] / , '' )
preferences [ :ignore ] || = { }
preferences [ :ignore ] [ purpose . to_sym ] || = { }
preferences [ :ignore ] [ purpose . to_sym ] . each do | key , item |
preferences [ :ignore ] [ purpose . to_sym ] . delete ( key ) if item && ( ! item [ :set ] || item [ :set ] < 6 . months . ago . utc . iso8601 )
preferences [ :ignore ] [ purpose . to_sym ] [ asset_string ] = { :permanent = > permanent , :set = > Time . now . utc . iso8601 }
2011-03-19 04:37:33 +08:00
self . updated_at = Time . now
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def ignored_item_changed! ( asset_string , purpose )
preferences [ :ignore ] || = { }
preferences [ :ignore ] [ purpose . to_sym ] || = { }
if preferences [ :ignore ] [ purpose . to_sym ] [ asset_string ]
preferences [ :ignore ] [ purpose . to_sym ] . delete ( asset_string ) if ! preferences [ :ignore ] [ purpose . to_sym ] [ asset_string ] [ :permanent ]
2011-03-19 04:37:33 +08:00
self . updated_at = Time . now
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def ignored_items ( purpose )
( preferences [ :ignore ] || { } ) [ purpose . to_sym ] || { }
def assignments_needing_submitting ( opts = { } )
course_codes = opts [ :contexts ] ? ( Array ( opts [ :contexts ] ) . map ( & :asset_string ) & current_student_enrollment_course_codes ) : current_student_enrollment_course_codes
ignored_ids = ignored_items ( :submitting ) . select { | key , val | key . match ( / \ Aassignment_ / ) } . map { | key , val | key . sub ( / \ Aassignment_ / , " " ) }
Assignment . for_context_codes ( course_codes ) . active . due_before ( 1 . week . from_now ) . expecting_submission . due_after ( opts [ :due_after ] || 4 . weeks . ago ) . need_submitting_info ( id , opts [ :limit ] || 15 , ignored_ids )
memoize :assignments_needing_submitting
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def assignments_needing_submitting_total_count ( opts = { } )
course_codes = opts [ :contexts ] ? ( Array ( opts [ :contexts ] ) . map ( & :asset_string ) & current_student_enrollment_course_codes ) : current_student_enrollment_course_codes
ignored_ids = ignored_items ( :submitting ) . select { | key , val | key . match ( / \ Aassignment_ / ) } . map { | key , val | key . sub ( / \ Aassignment_ / , " " ) }
Assignment . for_context_codes ( course_codes ) . active . due_before ( 1 . week . from_now ) . expecting_submission . due_after ( 4 . weeks . ago ) . need_submitting_info ( id , nil , ignored_ids ) . size
memoize :assignments_needing_submitting_total_count
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def assignments_needing_grading ( opts = { } )
course_codes = opts [ :contexts ] ? ( Array ( opts [ :contexts ] ) . map ( & :asset_string ) & current_admin_enrollment_course_codes ) : current_admin_enrollment_course_codes
ignored_ids = ignored_items ( :grading ) . select { | key , val | key . match ( / \ Aassignment_ / ) } . map { | key , val | key . sub ( / \ Aassignment_ / , " " ) }
Assignment . for_context_codes ( course_codes ) . active . expecting_submission . need_grading_info ( opts [ :limit ] || 15 , ignored_ids )
memoize :assignments_needing_grading
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def assignments_needing_grading_total_count ( opts = { } )
course_codes = opts [ :contexts ] ? ( Array ( opts [ :contexts ] ) . map ( & :asset_string ) & current_admin_enrollment_course_codes ) : current_admin_enrollment_course_codes
ignored_ids = ignored_items ( :grading ) . select { | key , val | key . match ( / \ Aassignment_ / ) } . map { | key , val | key . sub ( / \ Aassignment_ / , " " ) }
Assignment . for_context_codes ( course_codes ) . active . expecting_submission . need_grading_info ( nil , ignored_ids ) . size
memoize :assignments_needing_grading_total_count
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def generate_access_verifier ( ts )
require 'openssl'
digest = OpenSSL :: Digest :: MD5 . new
OpenSSL :: HMAC . hexdigest ( digest , uuid , ts . to_s )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
private :generate_access_verifier
def access_verifier
ts = Time . now . utc . to_i
[ ts , generate_access_verifier ( ts ) ]
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def valid_access_verifier? ( ts , sig )
ts . to_i > 5 . minutes . ago . to_i && ts . to_i < 1 . minute . from_now . to_i && sig == generate_access_verifier ( ts . to_i )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def uuid
if ! read_attribute ( :uuid )
2011-04-15 06:09:37 +08:00
self . update_attribute ( :uuid , AutoHandle . generate_securish_uuid )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
read_attribute ( :uuid )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2012-01-06 04:33:21 +08:00
def self . serialization_excludes ; [ :uuid , :phone , :features_used ] ; end
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def migrate_content_links ( html , from_course )
Course . migrate_content_links ( html , from_course , self )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
attr_accessor :merge_mappings
attr_accessor :merge_results
def merge_mapped_id ( * args )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def map_merge ( * args )
def log_merge_result ( text )
@merge_results || = [ ]
@merge_results << text
def warn_merge_result ( text )
record_merge_result ( text )
def file_structure_for ( user )
User . file_structure_for ( self , user )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def secondary_identifier
self . email || self . id
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . file_structure_for ( context , user )
res = {
:contexts = > [ context ] ,
:collaborations = > [ ] ,
:folders = > [ ] ,
:folders_with_subcontent = > [ ] ,
:files = > [ ]
context_codes = res [ :contexts ] . map { | c | c . asset_string }
if ! context . is_a? ( User ) && user
res [ :collaborations ] = user . collaborations . active . find ( :all , :include = > [ :user , :users ] ) . select { | c | c . context_id && c . context_type && context_codes . include? ( " #{ c . context_type . underscore } _ #{ c . context_id } " ) }
res [ :collaborations ] = res [ :collaborations ] . sort_by { | c | c . created_at } . reverse
res [ :contexts ] . each do | context |
2011-03-02 03:17:42 +08:00
res [ :folders ] += context . active_folders_with_sub_folders
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
res [ :folders ] = res [ :folders ] . sort_by { | f | [ f . parent_folder_id || 0 , f . position || 0 , f . name || " " , f . created_at ] }
refactor user creation/invitations closes #5833
fixes #5573, #5572, #5753
* communication channels are now only unique within a single user
* UserList changes
* Always resolve pseudonym#unique_ids
* Support looking up by SMS CCs
* Option to either require e-mails match an existing CC,
or e-mails that don't match a Pseudonym will always be
returned unattached (relying on better merging behavior
to not have a gazillion accounts created)
* Method to return users, creating new ones (*without* a
Pseudonym) if necessary. (can't create with a pseudonym,
since Pseudonym#unique_id is still unique, I can't have
multiple outstanding users with the same unique_id)
* EnrollmentsFromUserList is mostly gutted, now using UserList's
functionality directy.
* Use UserList for adding account admins, removing the now
unused Account#add_admin => User#find_by_email/User#assert_by_email
* Update UsersController#create to not worry about duplicate
communication channels
* Remove AccountsController#add_user, and just use
* Change SIS::UserImporter to send out a merge opportunity
e-mail if a conflicting CC is found (but still create the CC)
* In /profile, don't worry about conflicting CCs (the CC confirmation
process will now allow merging)
* Remove CommunicationChannelsController#try_merge and #merge
* For the non-simple case of CoursesController#enrollment_invitation
redirect to /register (CommunicationsChannelController#confirm)
* Remove CoursesController#transfer_enrollment
* Move PseudonymsController#registration_confirmation to
CommunicationChannelsController#confirm (have to be able to
register an account without a Pseudonym yet)
* Fold the old direct confirm functionality in, if there are
no available merge opportunities
* Allow merging the new account with the currently logged in user
* Allow changing the Pseudonym#unique_id when registering a new
account (since there might be conflicts)
* Display a list of merge opportunities based on conflicting
communication channels
* Provide link(s) to log in as the other user,
redirecting back to the registration page after login is
complete (to complete the merge as the current user)
* Remove several assert_* methods that are no longer needed
* Update PseudonymSessionsController a bit to deal with the new
way of dealing with conflicting CCs (especially CCs from LDAP),
and to redirect back to the registration/confirmation page when
attempting to do a merge
* Expose the open_registration setting; use it to control if
inviting users to a course is able to create new users
Change-Id: If2f38818a71af656854d3bf8431ddbf5dcb84691
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/6149
Tested-by: Hudson <hudson@instructure.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <jacob@instructure.com>
2011-10-13 04:30:48 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def generate_reminders_if_changed
send_later ( :generate_reminders! ) if @reminder_times_changed
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def generate_reminders!
enrollments = self . current_enrollments
2012-01-13 07:57:58 +08:00
mgmt_course_ids = enrollments . select { | e | e . instructor? } . map ( & :course_id ) . uniq
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
student_course_ids = enrollments . select { | e | ! e . admin? } . map ( & :course_id ) . uniq
assignments = Assignment . for_courses ( mgmt_course_ids + student_course_ids ) . active . due_after ( Time . now )
student_assignments = assignments . select { | a | student_course_ids . include? ( a . context_id ) }
mgmt_assignments = assignments - student_assignments
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
due_assignment_ids = [ ]
grading_assignment_ids = [ ]
assignment_reminders . each do | r |
res = r . update_for ( self )
if r . reminder_type == 'grading' && res
grading_assignment_ids << r . assignment_id
elsif r . reminder_type == 'due_at' && res
due_assignment_ids << r . assignment_id
needed_ids = student_assignments . map ( & :id ) - due_assignment_ids
student_assignments . select { | a | needed_ids . include? ( a . id ) } . each do | assignment |
r = assignment_reminders . build ( :user = > self , :assignment = > assignment , :reminder_type = > 'due_at' )
r . update_for ( assignment )
needed_ids = mgmt_assignments . map ( & :id ) - grading_assignment_ids
mgmt_assignments . select { | a | needed_ids . include? ( a . id ) } . each do | assignment |
r = assignment_reminders . build ( :user = > self , :assignment = > assignment , :reminder_type = > 'grading' )
r . update_for ( assignment )
def time_difference_from_date ( hash )
n = hash [ :number ] . to_i
n = nil if n == 0
if hash [ :metric ] == " weeks "
( n || 1 ) . weeks . to_i
elsif hash [ :metric ] == " days "
( n || 1 ) . days . to_i
elsif hash [ :metric ] == " hours "
( n || 1 ) . hours . to_i
elsif hash [ :metric ] == " never "
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def remind_for_due_dates = ( hash )
self . reminder_time_for_due_dates = time_difference_from_date ( hash )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def remind_for_grading = ( hash )
self . reminder_time_for_grading = time_difference_from_date ( hash )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def is_a_context?
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def account
self . pseudonym . account rescue Account . default
memoize :account
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-11-08 03:10:20 +08:00
def courses_with_primary_enrollment ( association = :current_and_invited_courses , enrollment_uuid = nil )
res = Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'courses_with_primary_enrollment' , association ] . cache_key ) do
2011-11-01 03:42:10 +08:00
send ( association ) . distinct_on ( [ " courses.id " ] ,
:select = > " courses.*, enrollments.type AS primary_enrollment, #{ Enrollment :: TYPE_RANK_SQL } AS primary_enrollment_rank, enrollments.workflow_state AS primary_enrollment_state " ,
:order = > " courses.id, #{ Enrollment :: TYPE_RANK_SQL } , #{ Enrollment :: STATE_RANK_SQL } "
2011-11-08 03:10:20 +08:00
end . dup
if association == :current_and_invited_courses
if enrollment_uuid && pending_course = Course . find ( :first ,
:select = > " courses.*, enrollments.type AS primary_enrollment, #{ Enrollment :: TYPE_RANK_SQL } AS primary_enrollment_rank, enrollments.workflow_state AS primary_enrollment_state " ,
:joins = > :enrollments , :conditions = > [ " enrollments.uuid=? AND enrollments.workflow_state='invited' " , enrollment_uuid ] )
res << pending_course
res . uniq!
pending_enrollments = temporary_invitations
unless pending_enrollments . empty?
Enrollment . send ( :preload_associations , pending_enrollments , :course )
res . concat ( pending_enrollments . map { | e | c = e . course ; c . write_attribute ( :primary_enrollment , e . type ) ; c . write_attribute ( :primary_enrollment_rank , e . rank_sortable . to_s ) ; c . write_attribute ( :primary_enrollment_state , e . workflow_state ) ; c . write_attribute ( :invitation , e . uuid ) ; c } )
res . uniq!
2011-10-07 07:38:54 +08:00
2011-11-08 03:10:20 +08:00
res . sort_by { | c | [ c . primary_enrollment_rank , c . name . downcase ] }
2011-10-07 07:38:54 +08:00
memoize :courses_with_primary_enrollment
2011-11-08 03:10:20 +08:00
def cached_active_emails
Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'active_emails' ] . cache_key ) do
self . communication_channels . active . email . map ( & :path )
def temporary_invitations
cached_active_emails . map { | email | Enrollment . cached_temporary_invitations ( email ) . dup . reject { | e | e . user_id == self . id } } . flatten
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# activesupport/lib/active_support/memoizable.rb from rails and
# http://github.com/seamusabshere/cacheable/blob/master/lib/cacheable.rb from the cacheable gem
# to get a head start
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
# this method takes an optional {:include_enrollment_uuid => uuid} so that you can pass it the session[:enrollment_uuid] and it will include it.
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def cached_current_enrollments ( opts = { } )
2011-11-08 03:10:20 +08:00
res = Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'current_enrollments' , opts [ :include_enrollment_uuid ] ] . cache_key ) do
2012-01-13 23:31:20 +08:00
res = self . current_and_invited_enrollments ( true ) . to_a . dup
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if opts [ :include_enrollment_uuid ] && pending_enrollment = Enrollment . find_by_uuid_and_workflow_state ( opts [ :include_enrollment_uuid ] , " invited " )
res << pending_enrollment
res . uniq!
2011-11-08 03:10:20 +08:00
end + temporary_invitations
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
memoize :cached_current_enrollments
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def cached_not_ended_enrollments
@cached_all_enrollments = Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'not_ended_enrollments' ] . cache_key ) do
self . not_ended_enrollments . to_a
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def cached_current_group_memberships
self . group_memberships . active . select { | gm | gm . group . active? }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def current_student_enrollment_course_codes
@current_student_enrollment_course_codes || = Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'current_student_enrollment_course_codes' ] . cache_key ) do
self . enrollments . student . scoped ( :select = > " course_id " ) . map { | e | " course_ #{ e . course_id } " }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def current_admin_enrollment_course_codes
@current_admin_enrollment_course_codes || = Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'current_admin_enrollment_course_codes' ] . cache_key ) do
self . enrollments . admin . scoped ( :select = > " course_id " ) . map { | e | " course_ #{ e . course_id } " }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# TODO: this smells, I really don't get it (anymore... I wrote it :-( )
def self . module_progression_job_queued ( user_id , time_string = nil )
time_string || = Time . now . utc . iso8601
@@user_jobs || = { }
@@user_jobs [ user_id ] || = time_string
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def self . module_progression_jobs_queued? ( user_id )
recent = 1 . minute . ago . utc . iso8601
@@user_jobs || = { }
! ! ( @@user_jobs && @@user_jobs [ user_id ] && @@user_jobs [ user_id ] > recent )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def submissions_for_context_codes ( context_codes , opts = { } )
return [ ] if ( ! context_codes || context_codes . empty? )
opts [ :start_at ] || = 2 . weeks . ago
opts [ :limit ] || = 20
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
submissions = [ ]
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
submissions += self . submissions . after ( opts [ :start_at ] ) . for_context_codes ( context_codes ) . find (
:all ,
2011-09-15 06:41:56 +08:00
:conditions = > [ " submissions.score IS NOT NULL AND assignments.workflow_state != ? AND assignments.muted = ? " , 'deleted' , false ] ,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
:include = > [ :assignment , :user , :submission_comments ] ,
:order = > 'submissions.created_at DESC' ,
:limit = > opts [ :limit ]
2011-09-15 06:41:56 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# THIS IS SLOW, it takes ~230ms for mike
submissions += Submission . for_context_codes ( context_codes ) . find (
:all ,
2011-03-01 08:37:39 +08:00
:select = > " submissions.*, last_updated_at_from_db " ,
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
:joins = > self . class . send ( :sanitize_sql_array , [ <<-SQL, opts[:start_at], self.id, self.id]),
2011-03-01 08:37:39 +08:00
SELECT MAX ( submission_comments . created_at ) AS last_updated_at_from_db , submission_id
FROM submission_comments , submission_comment_participants
WHERE submission_comments . id = submission_comment_id
AND ( submission_comments . created_at > ?)
AND ( submission_comment_participants . user_id = ?)
AND ( submission_comments . author_id < > ?)
GROUP BY submission_id
) AS relevant_submission_comments ON submissions . id = submission_id
2011-03-23 06:23:04 +08:00
INNER JOIN assignments ON assignments . id = submissions . assignment_id AND assignments . workflow_state < > 'deleted'
2011-03-01 08:37:39 +08:00
:order = > 'last_updated_at_from_db DESC' ,
2011-09-15 06:41:56 +08:00
:limit = > opts [ :limit ] ,
:conditions = > { " assignments.muted " = > false }
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
submissions = submissions . sort_by { | t | ( t . last_updated_at_from_db . to_datetime . in_time_zone rescue nil ) || t . created_at } . reverse
submissions = submissions . uniq
submissions . first ( opts [ :limit ] )
memoize :submissions_for_context_codes
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# This is only feedback for student contexts (unless specific contexts are passed in)
def recent_feedback ( opts = { } )
context_codes = opts [ :context_codes ] || ( opts [ :contexts ] ? setup_context_lookups ( opts [ :contexts ] ) : self . current_student_enrollment_course_codes )
submissions_for_context_codes ( context_codes , opts )
memoize :recent_feedback
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
alias_method :stream_items_simple , :stream_items
def stream_items ( opts = { } )
opts [ :start_at ] || = 2 . weeks . ago
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-05-12 06:02:16 +08:00
items = stream_items_simple . scoped ( :conditions = > { 'stream_item_instances.hidden' = > false } )
# dont make the query do an stream_items.context_code IN
# ('course_20033','course_20237','course_20247' ...) if they dont pass any
# contexts, just assume it wants any context code.
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
if opts [ :contexts ]
# still need to optimize the query to use a root_context_code. that way a
# users course dashboard even if they have groups does a query with
# "context_code=..." instead of "context_code IN ..."
items = items . scoped ( :conditions = > [ 'stream_item_instances.context_code in (?)' , setup_context_lookups ( opts [ :contexts ] ) ] )
if opts [ :before_id ]
items = items . scoped ( :conditions = > [ 'id < ?' , opts [ :before_id ] ] , :limit = > 21 )
items = items . scoped ( :limit = > 21 )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
# next line does 2 things,
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# 1. forces the query to be run, so that we dont send one query for the count and one for the actual dataset.
# 2. make sure that we always return an array and not nil
items . all ( :order = > 'stream_item_instances.id desc' )
memoize :stream_items
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def calendar_events_for_calendar ( opts = { } )
opts = opts . dup
context_codes = opts [ :context_codes ] || ( opts [ :contexts ] ? setup_context_lookups ( opts [ :contexts ] ) : self . cached_context_codes )
return [ ] if ( ! context_codes || context_codes . empty? )
opts [ :start_at ] || = 2 . weeks . ago
opts [ :end_at ] || = 1 . weeks . from_now
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
events = [ ]
ev = CalendarEvent
ev = CalendarEvent . active if ! opts [ :include_deleted_events ]
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
event_codes = context_codes + AppointmentGroup . manageable_by ( self , context_codes ) . intersecting ( opts [ :start_at ] , opts [ :end_at ] ) . map ( & :asset_string )
events += ev . for_user_and_context_codes ( self , event_codes ) . between ( opts [ :start_at ] , opts [ :end_at ] ) . updated_after ( opts [ :updated_at ] )
events += Assignment . active . for_context_codes ( context_codes ) . due_between ( opts [ :start_at ] , opts [ :end_at ] ) . updated_after ( opts [ :updated_at ] ) . with_just_calendar_attributes
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
events . sort_by { | e | [ e . start_at , e . title || " " ] } . uniq
def upcoming_events ( opts = { } )
context_codes = opts [ :context_codes ] || ( opts [ :contexts ] ? setup_context_lookups ( opts [ :contexts ] ) : self . cached_context_codes )
return [ ] if ( ! context_codes || context_codes . empty? )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
opts [ :end_at ] || = 1 . weeks . from_now
opts [ :limit ] || = 20
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
events = CalendarEvent . active . for_user_and_context_codes ( self , context_codes ) . between ( Time . now . utc , opts [ :end_at ] ) . scoped ( :limit = > opts [ :limit ] )
events += Assignment . active . for_context_codes ( context_codes ) . due_between ( Time . now . utc , opts [ :end_at ] ) . scoped ( :limit = > opts [ :limit ] ) . include_submitted_count
events += AppointmentGroup . manageable_by ( self , context_codes ) . intersecting ( Time . now . utc , opts [ :end_at ] ) . scoped ( :limit = > opts [ :limit ] )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
events . sort_by { | e | [ e . start_at , e . title ] } . uniq . first ( opts [ :limit ] )
def undated_events ( opts = { } )
opts = opts . dup
context_codes = opts [ :context_codes ] || ( opts [ :contexts ] ? setup_context_lookups ( opts [ :contexts ] ) : self . cached_context_codes )
return [ ] if ( ! context_codes || context_codes . empty? )
undated_events = [ ]
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
undated_events += CalendarEvent . active . for_user_and_context_codes ( self , context_codes ) . undated . updated_after ( opts [ :updated_at ] )
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
undated_events += Assignment . active . for_context_codes ( context_codes ) . undated . updated_after ( opts [ :updated_at ] ) . with_just_calendar_attributes
undated_events . sort_by { | e | e . title }
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def setup_context_lookups ( contexts = nil )
# TODO: All the event methods use this and it's really slow.
Array ( contexts || cached_contexts ) . map ( & :asset_string )
memoize :setup_context_lookups
# TODO: doesn't actually cache, needs to be optimized
def cached_contexts
@cached_contexts || = begin
context_groups = [ ]
2011-03-02 05:28:15 +08:00
# according to the set_policy block in group.rb, user u can manage group
# g if either:
# (a) g.context.grants_right?(u, :manage_groups)
# (b) g.participating_users.include(u)
# this is a very performance sensitive method, so we're bypassing the
# normal policy checking and somewhat duplicating auth logic here. which
# is a shame. it'd be really nice to add support to our policy framework
# for understanding how to load associations based on policies.
self . courses . all ( :include = > :active_groups ) . select { | c | c . grants_right? ( self , :manage_groups ) } . each { | c | context_groups += c . active_groups }
self . courses + ( self . groups . active + context_groups ) . uniq
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
# TODO: doesn't actually cache, needs to be optimized
def cached_context_codes
Array ( self . cached_contexts ) . map ( & :asset_string )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
# context codes of things that might have a schedulable appointment for the
# given user, i.e. courses and sections
def appointment_context_codes
ret = { :primary = > [ ] , :secondary = > [ ] }
cached_current_enrollments . each do | e |
next unless e . is_a? ( StudentEnrollment ) && e . active?
ret [ :primary ] << " course_ #{ e . course_id } "
ret [ :secondary ] << " course_section_ #{ e . course_section_id } "
ret [ :secondary ] . concat groups . map { | g | " group_category_ #{ g . group_category_id } " }
memoize :appointment_context_codes
def manageable_appointment_context_codes
ret = { :full = > [ ] , :limited = > [ ] , :secondary = > [ ] }
cached_current_enrollments . each do | e |
next unless e . course . grants_right? ( self , nil , :manage_calendar )
if e . course . visibility_limited_to_course_sections? ( self )
ret [ :limited ] << " course_ #{ e . course_id } "
ret [ :secondary ] << " course_section_ #{ e . course_section_id } "
ret [ :full ] << " course_ #{ e . course_id } "
memoize :manageable_appointment_context_codes
2011-06-09 03:56:27 +08:00
def manageable_courses
2011-09-13 04:40:34 +08:00
Course . manageable_by_user ( self . id ) . not_deleted
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-06-09 03:56:27 +08:00
def manageable_courses_name_like ( query = " " )
2011-09-13 04:40:34 +08:00
self . manageable_courses . not_deleted . name_like ( query ) . limit ( 50 )
2011-06-09 03:56:27 +08:00
memoize :manageable_courses_name_like
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def last_completed_module
self . context_module_progressions . select { | p | p . completed? } . sort_by { | p | p . completed_at || p . created_at } . last . context_module rescue nil
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def last_completed_course
self . enrollments . select { | e | e . completed? } . sort_by { | e | e . completed_at || e . created_at } . last . course rescue nil
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def last_mastered_assignment
self . learning_outcome_results . sort_by { | r | r . assessed_at || r . created_at } . select { | r | r . mastery? } . map { | r | r . assignment } . last
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-08-05 02:35:32 +08:00
def profile_pics_folder
folder = self . active_folders . find_by_name ( Folder :: PROFILE_PICS_FOLDER_NAME )
unless folder
folder = self . folders . create! ( :name = > Folder :: PROFILE_PICS_FOLDER_NAME ,
:parent_folder = > Folder . root_folders ( self ) . find { | f | f . name == Folder :: MY_FILES_FOLDER_NAME } )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def quota
2011-06-18 00:46:48 +08:00
read_attribute ( :storage_quota ) || Setting . get_cached ( 'user_default_quota' , 50 . megabytes . to_s ) . to_i
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
def update_last_user_note
note = user_notes . active . scoped ( :order = > 'user_notes.created_at DESC' , :limit = > 1 ) . first
self . last_user_note = note ? note . created_at : nil
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00
2011-05-13 05:48:18 +08:00
def sis_user_id
pseudonym . try ( :sis_user_id )
2012-01-04 04:30:49 +08:00
2011-08-27 14:18:36 +08:00
def highest_role
return 'admin' unless self . accounts . empty?
return 'teacher' if self . cached_current_enrollments . any? ( & :admin? )
return 'student' if self . cached_current_enrollments . any? ( & :student? )
return 'user'
memoize :highest_role
2011-06-28 03:43:06 +08:00
2011-11-11 10:43:36 +08:00
def roles
res = [ 'user' ]
res << 'student' if self . cached_current_enrollments . any? ( & :student? )
res << 'teacher' if self . cached_current_enrollments . any? ( & :admin? )
res << 'admin' unless self . accounts . empty?
memoize :roles
2011-08-24 03:44:01 +08:00
def eportfolios_enabled?
accounts = associated_root_accounts . reject ( & :site_admin? )
accounts . size == 0 || accounts . any? { | a | a . settings [ :enable_eportfolios ] != false }
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
def initiate_conversation ( user_ids , private = nil )
2011-08-17 03:32:39 +08:00
user_ids = ( [ self . id ] + user_ids ) . uniq
2011-08-18 05:37:49 +08:00
private = user_ids . size < = 2 if private . nil?
2011-08-17 03:32:39 +08:00
Conversation . initiate ( user_ids , private ) . conversation_participants . find_by_user_id ( self . id )
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
def enrollment_visibility
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'enrollment_visibility_with_sections' ] . cache_key , :expires_in = > 1 . hour ) do
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
full_course_ids = [ ]
section_id_hash = { }
restricted_course_hash = { }
2011-08-27 02:58:34 +08:00
user_counts = { }
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
section_user_counts = { }
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
( courses + concluded_courses ) . each do | course |
section_visibilities = course . section_visibilities_for ( self )
2011-08-27 02:58:34 +08:00
conditions = nil
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
case course . enrollment_visibility_level_for ( self , section_visibilities )
2011-08-27 02:58:34 +08:00
when :full
full_course_ids << course . id
when :sections
section_id_hash [ course . id ] = section_visibilities . map { | s | s [ :course_section_id ] }
conditions = { :course_section_id = > section_id_hash [ course . id ] }
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
when :restricted
section_visibilities . each do | s |
2011-09-01 04:13:50 +08:00
restricted_course_hash [ course . id ] || = [ ]
restricted_course_hash [ course . id ] << s [ :associated_user_id ] if s [ :associated_user_id ]
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
2011-08-27 02:58:34 +08:00
conditions = " enrollments.type = 'TeacherEnrollment' OR enrollments.type = 'TaEnrollment' OR enrollments.user_id IN ( #{ ( [ self . id ] + restricted_course_hash [ course . id ] . uniq ) . join ( ',' ) } ) "
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
base_conditions = self . class . reflections [ :current_and_invited_enrollments ] . options [ :conditions ] + " OR " + self . class . reflections [ :concluded_enrollments ] . options [ :conditions ]
user_counts [ course . id ] = course . enrollments . scoped ( :conditions = > base_conditions ) . scoped ( :conditions = > conditions ) . count ( " DISTINCT user_id " )
sections = course . sections_visible_to ( self )
if sections . size > 1
sections . each { | section | section_user_counts [ section . id ] = 0 }
connection . select_all ( " SELECT course_section_id, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS user_count FROM courses, enrollments WHERE ( #{ base_conditions } ) AND course_section_id IN ( #{ sections . map ( & :id ) . join ( ', ' ) } ) AND courses.id = #{ course . id } GROUP BY course_section_id " ) . each do | row |
section_user_counts [ row [ " course_section_id " ] . to_i ] = row [ " user_count " ] . to_i
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
2011-08-27 02:58:34 +08:00
{ :full_course_ids = > full_course_ids ,
:section_id_hash = > section_id_hash ,
:restricted_course_hash = > restricted_course_hash ,
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
:user_counts = > user_counts ,
:section_user_counts = > section_user_counts
2011-08-27 02:58:34 +08:00
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
2011-09-30 11:29:41 +08:00
memoize :enrollment_visibility
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
def messageable_groups
group_visibility = group_membership_visibility
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
Group . scoped ( :conditions = > { :id = > visible_group_ids . reject { | id | group_visibility [ :user_counts ] [ id ] == 0 } + [ 0 ] } )
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
def visible_group_ids
Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'messageable_groups' ] . cache_key , :expires_in = > 1 . hour ) do
( courses + concluded_courses . recently_ended ) . inject ( self . current_groups ) { | groups , course |
groups | course . groups . active
} . map ( & :id )
2011-09-30 11:29:41 +08:00
memoize :visible_group_ids
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
def group_membership_visibility
Rails . cache . fetch ( [ self , 'group_membership_visibility' ] . cache_key , :expires_in = > 1 . hour ) do
course_visibility = enrollment_visibility
own_group_ids = current_groups . map ( & :id )
full_group_ids = [ ]
section_id_hash = { }
user_counts = { }
if visible_group_ids . present?
Group . find_all_by_id ( visible_group_ids ) . each do | group |
if own_group_ids . include? ( group . id ) || group . context_type == 'Course' && course_visibility [ :full_course_ids ] . include? ( group . context_id )
full_group_ids << group . id
user_counts [ group . id ] = group . users . size
elsif group . context_type == 'Course' && sections = course_visibility [ :section_id_hash ] [ group . context_id ]
section_id_hash [ group . id ] = sections
conditions = { :user_id = > group . group_memberships . map ( & :user_id ) , :course_section_id = > sections }
user_counts [ group . id ] = conditions [ :user_id ] . present? ?
group . context . enrollments . scoped ( :conditions = > self . class . reflections [ :current_and_invited_enrollments ] . options [ :conditions ] ) . scoped ( :conditions = > conditions ) . size +
group . context . enrollments . scoped ( :conditions = > self . class . reflections [ :concluded_enrollments ] . options [ :conditions ] ) . scoped ( :conditions = > conditions ) . size :
{ :full_group_ids = > full_group_ids ,
:section_id_hash = > section_id_hash ,
:user_counts = > user_counts
2011-09-30 11:29:41 +08:00
memoize :group_membership_visibility
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
2011-10-27 02:55:27 +08:00
MESSAGEABLE_USER_COLUMNS = [ 'id' , 'short_name' , 'name' , 'avatar_image_url' , 'avatar_image_source' ] . map { | col | " users. #{ col } " }
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
MESSAGEABLE_USER_CONTEXT_REGEX = / \ A(course|section|group)_( \ d+)(_([a-z]+))? \ z /
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
def messageable_users ( options = { } )
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
course_hash = enrollment_visibility
full_course_ids = course_hash [ :full_course_ids ]
restricted_course_hash = course_hash [ :restricted_course_hash ]
group_hash = group_membership_visibility
full_group_ids = group_hash [ :full_group_ids ]
group_section_ids = [ ]
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
account_ids = [ ]
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
limited_id = { }
enrollment_type_sql = nil
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
if options [ :context ]
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
if options [ :context ] . sub ( / _all \ z / , '' ) =~ MESSAGEABLE_USER_CONTEXT_REGEX
type = $1
limited_id [ type ] = $2 . to_i
enrollment_type = $4
if enrollment_type && type != 'group' # course and section only, since the only group "enrollment type" is member
2011-11-11 10:43:36 +08:00
if enrollment_type == 'admins'
enrollment_type_sql = " AND enrollments.type IN ('TeacherEnrollment','TaEnrollment') "
enrollment_type_sql = " AND enrollments.type = ' #{ enrollment_type . capitalize . singularize } Enrollment' "
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
full_course_ids & = [ limited_id [ 'course' ] ]
full_group_ids & = [ limited_id [ 'group' ] ]
restricted_course_hash . delete_if { | course_id , ids | course_id != limited_id [ 'course' ] }
if limited_id [ 'section' ] && section = CourseSection . find_by_id ( limited_id [ 'section' ] )
course_section_ids = course_hash [ :full_course_ids ] . include? ( section . course_id ) ?
[ limited_id [ 'section' ] ] :
( course_hash [ :section_id_hash ] [ section . course_id ] || [ ] ) & [ limited_id [ 'section' ] ]
course_section_ids = course_hash [ :section_id_hash ] . values_at ( limited_id [ 'course' ] ) . flatten . compact
group_section_ids = group_hash [ :section_id_hash ] . values_at ( limited_id [ 'group' ] ) . flatten . compact
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
course_section_ids = course_hash [ :section_id_hash ] . values . flatten
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
# if we're not searching with a context in mind, include any users we
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
# have admin access to know about
account_ids = associated_accounts . select { | a | a . grants_right? ( self , nil , :read_roster ) } . map ( & :id )
account_ids & = options [ :account_ids ] if options [ :account_ids ]
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
# if :ids is specified but empty (different than just not specified), don't
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
# bother doing a query that's guaranteed to return no results.
return [ ] if options [ :ids ] && options [ :ids ] . empty?
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
user_conditions = [ ]
user_conditions << " users.id IN ( #{ options [ :ids ] . map ( & :to_i ) . join ( ', ' ) } ) " if options [ :ids ] . present?
user_conditions << " users.id NOT IN ( #{ options [ :exclude_ids ] . map ( & :to_i ) . join ( ', ' ) } ) " if options [ :exclude_ids ] . present?
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
if options [ :search ] && ( parts = options [ :search ] . strip . split ( / \ s+ / ) ) . present?
parts . each do | part |
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
user_conditions << " ( #{ wildcard ( 'users.name' , 'users.short_name' , part ) } ) "
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
user_condition_sql = user_conditions . present? ? " AND " + user_conditions . join ( " AND " ) : " "
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
user_sql = [ ]
2011-12-13 08:46:58 +08:00
# this is redundant (and potentially less restrictive than course_sql),
# but it allows the planner to initially limit enrollments to relevant
# courses much more efficiently than the OR'ed course_sql does
all_course_ids = ( course_hash [ :full_course_ids ] + course_hash [ :section_id_hash ] . keys + restricted_course_hash . keys ) . compact
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
course_sql = [ ]
course_sql << " (course_id IN ( #{ full_course_ids . join ( ',' ) } )) " if full_course_ids . present?
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
course_sql << " (course_section_id IN ( #{ course_section_ids . join ( ',' ) } )) " if course_section_ids . present?
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
course_sql << " (course_section_id IN ( #{ group_section_ids . join ( ',' ) } ) AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM group_memberships WHERE user_id = users.id AND group_id = #{ limited_id [ 'group' ] } ) ) " if limited_id [ 'group' ] && group_section_ids . present?
2011-08-19 06:03:33 +08:00
course_sql << " (course_id IN ( #{ restricted_course_hash . keys . join ( ',' ) } ) AND (enrollments.type = 'TeacherEnrollment' OR enrollments.type = 'TaEnrollment' OR enrollments.user_id IN ( #{ ( [ self . id ] + restricted_course_hash . values . flatten . uniq ) . join ( ',' ) } ))) " if restricted_course_hash . present?
user_sql << <<-SQL if course_sql.present?
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
SELECT #{MESSAGEABLE_USER_COLUMN_SQL}, course_id, NULL AS group_id, #{connection.func(:group_concat, :'enrollments.type', ':')} AS roles
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
FROM users , enrollments , courses
2011-12-13 08:46:58 +08:00
WHERE course_id IN ( #{all_course_ids.join(', ')})
AND ( #{course_sql.join(' OR ')}) AND users.id = user_id AND courses.id = course_id
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
AND ( #{self.class.reflections[:current_and_invited_enrollments].options[:conditions]}
OR #{self.class.reflections[:concluded_enrollments].options[:conditions]}
2011-10-01 07:07:35 +08:00
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
2011-08-23 09:45:43 +08:00
GROUP BY #{connection.group_by(['users.id', 'course_id'], *(MESSAGEABLE_USER_COLUMNS[1, MESSAGEABLE_USER_COLUMNS.size]))}
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
user_sql << <<-SQL if full_group_ids.present?
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
FROM users , group_memberships
2011-09-10 04:44:22 +08:00
WHERE group_id IN ( #{full_group_ids.join(',')}) AND users.id = user_id
AND group_memberships . workflow_state = 'accepted'
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
# if this is an account admin who doesn't have any courses/groups in common
# with the user, we want to know the user's highest current enrollment type
highest_enrollment_sql = <<-SQL
FROM enrollments , courses
user_id = users . id AND courses . id = course_id
2011-08-23 07:14:20 +08:00
AND ( #{self.class.reflections[:current_and_invited_enrollments].options[:conditions]})
2011-11-01 03:42:10 +08:00
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
user_sql << <<-SQL if account_ids.present?
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
SELECT #{MESSAGEABLE_USER_COLUMN_SQL}, 0 AS course_id, NULL AS group_id, (#{highest_enrollment_sql}) AS roles
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
FROM users , user_account_associations
WHERE user_account_associations . account_id IN ( #{account_ids.join(',')})
AND user_account_associations . user_id = users . id
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
if options [ :ids ]
# provides a way for this user to start a conversation with someone
# that isn't normally messageable (requires that they already be in a
# conversation with that user)
if options [ :conversation_id ] . present?
user_sql << <<-SQL
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
FROM users , conversation_participants
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
WHERE conversation_participants . user_id = users . id
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
AND conversation_participants . conversation_id = #{options[:conversation_id].to_i}
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
elsif options [ :no_check_context ]
user_sql << <<-SQL
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
FROM users
2011-10-01 01:14:52 +08:00
#{user_condition_sql.sub(/\AAND/, "WHERE")}
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
2011-06-08 08:00:17 +08:00
2011-08-01 08:35:03 +08:00
# if none of our potential sources was included, we're done
return [ ] if user_sql . empty?
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
concat_sql = connection . adapter_name =~ / postgres /i ? :" course_id::text || ':' || roles::text " : :" course_id || ':' || roles "
2011-06-08 08:00:17 +08:00
users = User . find_by_sql ( <<-SQL)
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
#{connection.func(:group_concat, concat_sql)} AS common_courses,
#{connection.func(:group_concat, :group_id)} AS common_groups
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
#{user_sql.join(' UNION ')}
) users
2011-06-08 08:00:17 +08:00
GROUP BY #{connection.group_by(*MESSAGEABLE_USER_COLUMNS)}
2011-07-28 00:33:04 +08:00
ORDER BY LOWER ( COALESCE ( short_name , name ) )
2011-09-02 23:34:12 +08:00
#{options[:limit] && options[:limit] > 0 ? "LIMIT #{options[:limit].to_i}" : ""}
#{options[:offset] && options[:offset] > 0 ? "OFFSET #{options[:offset].to_i}" : ""}
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
2011-06-08 08:00:17 +08:00
users . each do | user |
2011-08-21 08:16:40 +08:00
user . common_courses = user . common_courses . to_s . split ( " , " ) . inject ( { } ) { | hash , info |
roles = info . split ( / : / )
hash [ roles . shift . to_i ] = roles
user . common_groups = user . common_groups . to_s . split ( " , " ) . inject ( { } ) { | hash , info |
roles = info . split ( / : / )
hash [ roles . shift . to_i ] = [ 'Member' ]
2011-06-08 08:00:17 +08:00
2011-05-20 00:33:20 +08:00
2011-07-21 00:05:17 +08:00
2011-10-21 07:19:13 +08:00
def short_name_with_shared_contexts ( user )
if ( contexts = shared_contexts ( user ) ) . present?
" #{ short_name } ( #{ contexts [ 0 , 2 ] . to_sentence } ) "
def shared_contexts ( user )
contexts = [ ]
if info = messageable_users ( :ids = > [ user . id ] ) . first
contexts += Course . find ( :all , :conditions = > { :id = > info . common_courses . keys } ) if info . common_courses . present?
contexts += Group . find ( :all , :conditions = > { :id = > info . common_groups . keys } ) if info . common_groups . present?
contexts . map ( & :name ) . sort_by { | c | c . downcase }
2011-08-01 18:01:38 +08:00
def mark_all_conversations_as_read!
conversations . unread . update_all ( :workflow_state = > 'read' )
User . update_all 'unread_conversations_count = 0' , :id = > id
2011-09-14 01:00:19 +08:00
def conversation_participant ( conversation_id )
all_conversations . find_by_conversation_id ( conversation_id )
2011-06-28 03:43:06 +08:00
# association with dynamic, filtered join condition for submissions.
# This is messy, but in ActiveRecord 2 this is the only way to do an eager
# loading :include condition that has dynamic join conditions. It looks like
# there's better solutions in AR 3.
# See also e.g., http://makandra.com/notes/983-dynamic-conditions-for-belongs_to-has_many-and-has_one-associations
has_many :submissions_for_given_assignments , :include = > [ :assignment , :submission_comments ] , :conditions = > 'submissions.assignment_id IN (#{Api.assignment_ids_for_students_api.join(",")})' , :class_name = > 'Submission'
2011-09-27 03:08:41 +08:00
def set_menu_data ( enrollment_uuid )
2011-09-28 04:06:52 +08:00
return @menu_data if @menu_data
2011-09-27 03:08:41 +08:00
coalesced_enrollments = [ ]
2011-09-28 04:06:52 +08:00
2011-09-27 03:08:41 +08:00
cached_enrollments = self . cached_current_enrollments ( :include_enrollment_uuid = > enrollment_uuid )
cached_enrollments . each do | e |
next if e . state_based_on_date == :inactive
if e . state_based_on_date == :completed
has_completed_enrollment = true
if ! e . course
coalesced_enrollments << {
:enrollment = > e ,
:sortable = > [ e . rank_sortable , e . state_sortable , e . long_name ] ,
:types = > [ e . readable_type ]
existing_enrollment_info = coalesced_enrollments . find { | en |
# coalesce together enrollments for the same course and the same state
! e . course . nil? && en [ :enrollment ] . course == e . course && en [ :enrollment ] . workflow_state == e . workflow_state
if existing_enrollment_info
existing_enrollment_info [ :types ] << e . readable_type
existing_enrollment_info [ :sortable ] = [ existing_enrollment_info [ :sortable ] || [ 999 , 999 , 999 ] , [ e . rank_sortable , e . state_sortable , 0 - e . id ] ] . min
coalesced_enrollments << { :enrollment = > e , :sortable = > [ e . rank_sortable , e . state_sortable , 0 - e . id ] , :types = > [ e . readable_type ] }
coalesced_enrollments = coalesced_enrollments . sort_by { | e | e [ :sortable ] || [ 999 , 999 , 999 ] }
2011-09-29 06:27:13 +08:00
active_enrollments = coalesced_enrollments . map { | e | e [ :enrollment ] }
cached_group_memberships = self . cached_current_group_memberships
coalesced_group_memberships = cached_group_memberships .
select { | gm | gm . active_given_enrollments? ( active_enrollments ) } .
sort_by { | gm | gm . group . name }
2011-09-27 03:08:41 +08:00
@menu_data = {
2011-09-29 06:27:13 +08:00
:group_memberships = > coalesced_group_memberships ,
:group_memberships_count = > cached_group_memberships . length ,
:accounts = > self . accounts ,
:accounts_count = > self . accounts . length ,
2011-09-27 03:08:41 +08:00
2011-11-08 03:10:20 +08:00
def menu_courses ( enrollment_uuid = nil )
return @menu_courses if @menu_courses
favorites = self . courses_with_primary_enrollment ( :favorite_courses , enrollment_uuid )
return ( @menu_courses = favorites ) if favorites . length > 0
@menu_courses = self . courses_with_primary_enrollment ( :current_and_invited_courses , enrollment_uuid ) [ 0 .. 11 ]
2011-09-27 03:08:41 +08:00
2011-10-06 23:54:05 +08:00
def user_can_edit_name?
associated_root_accounts . any? { | a | a . settings [ :users_can_edit_name ] != false } || associated_root_accounts . empty?
2011-10-08 07:19:20 +08:00
def section_for_course ( course )
enrollment = course . student_enrollments . active . for_user ( self ) . first
enrollment && enrollment . course_section
2011-10-29 07:19:11 +08:00
2011-12-08 04:47:19 +08:00
def can_create_enrollment_for? ( course , session , type )
can_add = %w{ StudentEnrollment ObserverEnrollment } . include? ( type ) && course . grants_right? ( self , session , :manage_students )
can_add || = type == 'TeacherEnrollment' && course . teacherless? && course . grants_right? ( self , session , :manage_students )
can_add || = course . grants_right? ( self , session , :manage_admin_users )
2011-10-29 07:19:11 +08:00
def group_member_json ( context )
h = { :user_id = > self . id , :name = > self . last_name_first , :display_name = > self . short_name }
if context && context . is_a? ( Course ) && ( section = self . section_for_course ( context ) )
h = h . merge ( :section_id = > section . id , :section_code = > section . section_code )
2011-11-19 06:20:09 +08:00
2011-11-16 02:13:23 +08:00
def find_pseudonym_for_account ( account )
self . pseudonyms . detect { | p | p . active? && p . works_for_account? ( account ) }
2011-11-19 06:20:09 +08:00
# account = the account that you want a pseudonym for
2011-11-16 02:13:23 +08:00
# preferred_template_account = pass in an actual account if you have a preference for which account the new pseudonym gets copied from
2011-11-19 06:20:09 +08:00
# this may not be able to find a suitable pseudonym to copy, so would still return nil
# if a pseudonym is created, it is *not* saved, and *not* added to the pseudonyms collection
2011-11-16 02:13:23 +08:00
def find_or_initialize_pseudonym_for_account ( account , preferred_template_account = nil )
pseudonym = find_pseudonym_for_account ( account )
if ! pseudonym
2011-11-19 06:20:09 +08:00
# list of copyable pseudonyms
active_pseudonyms = self . pseudonyms . select { | p | p . active? && ! p . password_auto_generated? && ! p . account . delegated_authentication? }
templates = [ ]
# re-arrange in the order we prefer
2011-11-16 02:13:23 +08:00
templates . concat active_pseudonyms . select { | p | p . account_id == preferred_template_account . id } if preferred_template_account
2011-11-19 06:20:09 +08:00
templates . concat active_pseudonyms . select { | p | p . account_id == Account . site_admin . id }
templates . concat active_pseudonyms . select { | p | p . account_id == Account . default . id }
templates . concat active_pseudonyms
templates . uniq!
2011-12-29 05:55:01 +08:00
template = templates . detect { | template | ! account . pseudonyms . custom_find_by_unique_id ( template . unique_id ) }
2011-11-19 06:20:09 +08:00
if template
# creating this not attached to the user's pseudonyms is intentional
pseudonym = account . pseudonyms . build
pseudonym . user = self
pseudonym . unique_id = template . unique_id
pseudonym . password_salt = template . password_salt
pseudonym . crypted_password = template . crypted_password
2011-12-13 05:19:43 +08:00
2011-12-17 05:27:59 +08:00
def flag_as_admin ( account , role = nil )
admin = account . add_user ( self , role )
2011-12-13 05:19:43 +08:00
if self . registered?
admin . account_user_notification!
admin . account_user_registration!
2011-02-01 09:57:29 +08:00