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Running Locally

  1. Clone the repository with git clone
  2. Make sure you have a recent version of Node.js installed
  3. Run $ script/bootstrap to install all the project dependencies
  4. Install ngrok ($ brew cask install ngrok on a mac), which will expose the local server to the internet so GitHub can send webhooks
  5. Run $ script/tunnel to start ngrok, which should output something like Forwarding -> localhost:3000
  6. Register an integration on GitHub with:
  • Homepage URL, Callback URL, and Webhook URL: The full ngrok url above. For example:
  • Secret: development
  • Permissions & events needed will depend on how you use the bot, but for development it may be easiest to enable everything.
  1. Download the private key and move it to private-key.pem in the project directory
  2. Edit .env and fill in all the environment variables
  3. With ngrok still running, open another terminal and run $ script/server to start the server on http://localhost:3000

Whenever you com back to work on the app after you've already had it running once, then you need to:

  1. Run $ script/server
  2. Run $ script/tunnel in another window
  3. ngrok will use a different URL every time it is restarted, so you will have to go into the settings for your Integration and update all the URLs.


To test with a real GitHub repository, you'll need to create a test repository and install the integration you created above:

  1. Open up the settings for your installation and click "Install"
  2. Create a .probot.js in your repository with: on("issues.opened").comment("Hello World! Your bot is working!");
  3. Open a new issue. Your bot should post a comment (you may need to refresh to see it).


  1. Always run $ script/bootstrap and restart the server if package.json has changed.
  2. To turn on verbose logging, start server by running: $ LOG_LEVEL=debug script/server
  3. To see what requests are going out, start the server by running: $ LOG_LEVEL=trace script/server

Adding an action

TODO: This is out of date and will be updated after plugin API is settled.

Actions are called when a webhook is delivered and any conditions are met. For example, this configuration in .probot calls two actions when a new issue is opened:

on issues.opened
  label("triage") # <-- `label` is an action
  and close       # <-- and so is `close`

These actions are defined in lib/actions/label.js and lib/actions/close.js.

Implementing new actions is relatively straight forward. Create a file in lib/actions/{name}.js, replacing name with the name of the action, and add the new action in lib/actions.js. An action is a function that takes two arguments and returns a Promise:

module.exports = function (context, args) {
  return Promise.resolve('This action is a no-op');

The two arguments are:

  • The aptly named context argument provides context for the current webhook. There are two properties that will likely be most helpful:
    • context.github is an authenticated instance of the GitHub API client. See the node-github documentation for more information.
    • context.payload is the webhook payload. Depending on the type of event, the payload will be slightly different. See the GitHub webhook docs for more information.
  • args is any arguments passed to the action. For the label action called in the example above, args will be the string "triage".

Actions must return a Promise that gets resolved when the action completes. Fortunately, the GitHub API client available in context.github returns promises, so you can usually just return the API call. For example, here is the full implementation of the react action:

module.exports = function (context, react) {
  return context.github.reactions.createForIssue(
    context.payload.toIssue({content: react})

Note that context.payload.toIssue() will extract the owner, repo, and number params from the issues or pull_request events.

That's it! You now have everything you need to implement an action. If you're looking for ideas of new actions to add, check out this tracking issue for unimplemented GitHub actions.

Adding a condition

TODO: This is out of date and will be updated after plugin API is settled.

Conditions are called when a webhook is delivered and are used to determine if the actions should be called. For example, this configuration in .probot checks if an issue or pull request has a label before closing it:

on issues.labeled or pull_request.labeled
if labeled("wontfix")  # <-- `labeled` is a condition
then close;

This condition is defined in lib/conditions/labeled.js.

Like adding an action, adding a new condition is straight forward. Create a file in lib/conditions/{name}.js, replacing name with the name of the condition, and add the new condition in lib/conditions.js. A condition is a function that takes two arguments and returns true or false:

module.exports = function (context, args) {
  return context.payload.sender.login === "bkeepers";

Check out docs for adding an action for more information on the two arguments.

And that's it! You now have everything you need to add a condition.