We highly recommend working in the style of [test-driven development](http://agiledata.org/essays/tdd.html) when creating probot apps. It frustrating to constantly create real GitHub events in order to test a app. Redelivering webhooks is possible and can be accessed in your app's [settings](https://github.com/settings/apps) page under the **Advanced** tab. We do offer the above documented `simulate` method to help make this easier; however, by writing your tests first, you can avoid repeatedly recreating actual events from GitHub to check if your code is working.
For our testing examples, we use [mocha](https://mochajs.org/) and [expect](https://github.com/mjackson/expect), but there are other options that can perform similar operations. Here's an example of creating a robot instance and mocking out the GitHub API:
A good testing example from [update-docs](https://github.com/behaviorbot/update-docs) can be found [here](https://github.com/behaviorbot/update-docs/blob/master/test/index.js), and another one from [owners](https://github.com/probot/owners) can be found [here](https://github.com/probot/owners/blob/master/test/owner-notifier.js).