To develop a Probot plugin, you will first need a recent version of [Node.js]( installed. Probot uses the `async/await` keywords, so Node.js 7.6 is the minimum required version.
## Generating a new plugin
[create-probot-plugin]( is the best way to start building a new plugin. It will generate a new plugin with everything you need to get started and run your plugin in production.
To get started, install the module from npm:
$ npm install -g create-probot-plugin
Next, run the app:
$ create-probot-plugin my-first-plugin
This will ask you a series of questions about your plugin, which should look something like this:
Let's create a Probot plugin!
? Plugin's package name: my-first-plugin
? Description of plugin: A "Hello World" GitHub App built with Probot
The most important files note here are `index.js`, which is where the code for your plugin will go, and `package.json`, which makes this a standard [npm module](
## Configure a GitHub App
To run your plugin in development, you will need to configure a GitHub App to deliver webhooks to your local machine.
- **Permissions & events** can be found in the next tab over. What you need to choose will depend on what data you want the app to have access to. Note: if, for example, you only enable issue events, you will not be able to listen on pull request webhooks with your app. However, for development we recommend enabling everything.
1. Download the private key and move it to your project's directory.
1. Edit `.env` and set `APP_ID` to the ID of the app you just created. The App ID can be found in your app settings page here <imgwidth="1048"alt="screen shot 2017-08-20 at 8 31 31 am"src="">
1. Run `$ npm start` to start the server, which will output `Listening on`.
Optionally, you can also run your plugin through [nodemon]( which will listen on any files changes in your local development environment and automatically restart the server. After installing nodemon, you can run `nodemon --exec "npm start"` and from there the server will automatically restart upon file changes.