To develop a Probot app, you will first need a recent version of [Node.js]( installed. Open a terminal and run `node -v` to verify that it is installed and is at least 8.3.0 or later. Otherwise, [install the latest version](
[create-probot-app]( is the best way to start building a new app. It will generate a new app with everything you need to get started and run your app in production.
The most important files note here are `index.js`, which is where the code for your app will go, and `package.json`, which makes this a standard [npm module](
- **Permissions & events** is located lower down the page and will depend on what data you want your app to have access to. Note: if, for example, you only enable issue events, you will not be able to listen on pull request webhooks with your app. However, for development we recommend enabling everything.
1. Edit `.env` and set `APP_ID` to the ID of the app you just created. The App ID can be found in your app settings page here <imgwidth="1048"alt="screen shot 2017-08-20 at 8 31 31 am"src="">
Optionally, you can also run your app through [nodemon]( which will listen on any files changes in your local development environment and automatically restart the server. After installing nodemon, you can run `nodemon --exec "npm start"` and from there the server will automatically restart upon file changes.