!50119 [API] Add bias to ops.conv2d
Merge pull request !50119 from shaojunsong/conv_bias
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ mindspore/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/nn_func.py:max_unpool3d
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ MindSpore中 `mindspore.ops` 接口与上一版本相比,新增、删除和支
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
.. py:function:: mindspore.ops.conv1d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1)
对输入Tensor计算一维卷积。该Tensor的常见shape为 :math:`(N, C_{in}, W_{in})` ,其中 :math:`N` 为batch size,:math:`C_{in}` 为通道数, :math:`W_{in}` 分别为特征层的宽度, :math:`X_i` 为 :math:`i^{th}` 输入值, :math:`b_i` 为 :math:`i^{th}` 输入值的偏置项。对于每个batch中的Tensor,其shape为 :math:`(C_{in}, W_{in})` ,公式定义如下:
.. math::
out_j = \sum_{i=0}^{C_{in} - 1} ccor(W_{ij}, X_i) + b_j,
其中, :math:`ccor` 为 `cross-correlation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation>`_ , :math:`C_{in}` 为输入通道数, :math:`j` 的范围从 :math:`0` 到 :math:`C_{out} - 1` , :math:`W_{ij}` 对应第 :math:`j` 个过滤器的第 :math:`i` 个通道, :math:`out_{j}` 对应输出的第 :math:`j` 个通道。 :math:`W_{ij}` 为卷积核的切片,其shape为 :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]},\text{kernel_size[1]})` ,其中 :math:`\text{kernel_size[0]}` 和 :math:`\text{kernel_size[1]}` 是卷积核的高度和宽度。完整卷积核的shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})` ,其中 `groups` 是在通道上分割输入 `input` 的组数。
如果 `pad_mode` 设置为"valid",则输出宽度为 :math:`\left \lfloor{1 + \frac{W_{in} + \text{padding[0]} - \text{kernel_size} - (\text{kernel_size} - 1) \times(\text{dilation} - 1)}{\text { stride }}} \right \rfloor` 。
其中, :math:`dialtion` 为卷积核元素之间的间距, :math:`stride` 为移动步长, :math:`padding` 为添加到输入两侧的零填充。
对于取其他值的 `pad_mode` 时候的输出高度和宽度的计算,请参考 :class:`mindspore.nn.Conv1d` 里的计算公式。
请参考论文 `Gradient Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition <http://vision.stanford.edu/cs598_spring07/papers/Lecun98.pdf>`_ 。更详细的介绍,参见: `ConvNets <http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/>`_ 。
.. note::
在Ascend平台上,目前只支持深度卷积场景下的分组卷积运算。也就是说,当 `groups>1` 的场景下,必须要满足 `C_{in}` = `C_{out}` = `groups` 的约束条件。
- **input** (Tensor) - shape为 :math:`(N, C_{in}, W_{in})` 的Tensor。
- **weight** (Tensor) - shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in}, W_{kernel}})` ,则卷积核shape为 :math:`(W_{kernel})` 。
- **bias** (Tensor) - 偏置Tensor,shape为 :math:`(C_{out})` 的Tensor。如果 `bias` 是None,将不会添加偏置。默认值:None。
- **pad_mode** (str,可选) - 指定填充模式。取值为"same","valid",或"pad"。默认值:"valid"。
- **same**: 输出的宽度与输入整除 `stride` 后的值相同。填充将被均匀地添加到两侧,剩余填充量将被添加到维度末端。若设置该模式,`padding` 的值必须为0。
- **valid**: 在不填充的前提下返回有效计算所得的输出。不满足计算的多余像素会被丢弃。如果设置此模式,则 `padding` 的值必须为0。
- **pad**: 对输入 `input` 进行填充。在输入上填充 `padding` 大小的0。如果设置此模式, `padding` 必须大于或等于0。
- **padding** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 输入 `input` 的宽度方向上填充的数量。数据类型为int或包含1个int组成的tuple。表示宽度方向的 `padding` 数量(左右两边均为该值)。值必须大于等于0,默认值:0。
- **stride** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 卷积核移动的步长,数据类型为int或1个int组成的tuple。表示在宽度方向的移动步长。默认值:1。
- **dilation** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 卷积核元素间的间隔。数据类型为int或1个int组成的tuple。若 :math:`k > 1` ,则卷积核间隔 `k` 个元素进行采样。垂直和水平方向上的 `k` ,其取值范围为[1, W]。默认值:1。
- **groups** (int,可选) - 将过滤器拆分为组。默认值:1。
Tensor,卷积后的值。shape为 :math:`(N, C_{out}, W_{out})` 。
- **TypeError** - `stride` 、 `padding` 或 `dilation` 既不是int也不是tuple。
- **TypeError** - `groups` 不是int。
- **TypeError** - `bias` 不是Tensor。
- **ValueError** - `bias` 的shape不是 :math:`(C_{out})` 。
- **ValueError** - `stride` 或 `diation` 小于1。
- **ValueError** - `pad_mode` 不是"same"、"valid"或"pad"。
- **ValueError** - `padding` 是一个长度不等于4的tuple。
- **ValueError** - `pad_mode` 不等于"pad"时,`padding` 大于0。
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
.. py:function:: mindspore.ops.conv2d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, group=1)
.. py:function:: mindspore.ops.conv2d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1)
对输入Tensor计算二维卷积。该Tensor的常见shape为 :math:`(N, C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` ,其中 :math:`N` 为batch size,:math:`C_{in}` 为通道数, :math:`H_{in}, W_{in}` 分别为特征层的高度和宽度, :math:`X_i` 为 :math:`i^{th}` 输入值, :math:`b_i` 为 :math:`i^{th}` 输入值的偏置项。对于每个batch中的Tensor,其shape为 :math:`(C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` ,公式定义如下:
.. math::
out_j = \sum_{i=0}^{C_{in} - 1} ccor(W_{ij}, X_i) + b_j,
其中, :math:`ccor` 为 `cross-correlation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation>`_ , :math:`C_{in}` 为输入通道数, :math:`j` 的范围从 :math:`0` 到 :math:`C_{out} - 1` , :math:`W_{ij}` 对应第 :math:`j` 个过滤器的第 :math:`i` 个通道, :math:`out_{j}` 对应输出的第 :math:`j` 个通道。 :math:`W_{ij}` 为卷积核的切片,其shape为 :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]},\text{kernel_size[1]})` ,其中 :math:`\text{kernel_size[0]}` 和 :math:`\text{kernel_size[1]}` 是卷积核的高度和宽度。完整卷积核的shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{group}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})` ,其中 `group` 是在通道上分割输入 `inputs` 的组数。
其中, :math:`ccor` 为 `cross-correlation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation>`_ , :math:`C_{in}` 为输入通道数, :math:`j` 的范围从 :math:`0` 到 :math:`C_{out} - 1` , :math:`W_{ij}` 对应第 :math:`j` 个过滤器的第 :math:`i` 个通道, :math:`out_{j}` 对应输出的第 :math:`j` 个通道。 :math:`W_{ij}` 为卷积核的切片,其shape为 :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]},\text{kernel_size[1]})` ,其中 :math:`\text{kernel_size[0]}` 和 :math:`\text{kernel_size[1]}` 是卷积核的高度和宽度。完整卷积核的shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})` ,其中 `groups` 是在通道上分割输入 `input` 的组数。
如果 `pad_mode` 设置为"valid",则输出高度和宽度将分别为 :math:`\left \lfloor{1 + \frac{H_{in} + \text{padding[0]} + \text{padding[1]} - \text{kernel_size[0]} - (\text{kernel_size[0]} - 1) \times (\text{dilation[0]} - 1) }{\text{stride[0]}}} \right \rfloor` 和 :math:`\left \lfloor{1 + \frac{W_{in} + \text{padding[2]} + \text{padding[3]} - \text{kernel_size[1]} - (\text{kernel_size[1]} - 1) \times (\text{dilation[1]} - 1) }{\text{stride[1]}}} \right \rfloor` 。
其中, :math:`dialtion` 为卷积核元素之间的间距, :math:`stride` 为移动步长, :math:`padding` 为添加到输入两侧的零填充。
@ -17,29 +17,32 @@ mindspore.ops.conv2d
请参考论文 `Gradient Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition <http://vision.stanford.edu/cs598_spring07/papers/Lecun98.pdf>`_ 。更详细的介绍,参见: `ConvNets <http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/>`_ 。
.. note::
在Ascend平台上,目前只支持深度卷积场景下的分组卷积运算。也就是说,当 `group>1` 的场景下,必须要满足 `C_{in}` = `C_{out}` = `group` 的约束条件。
在Ascend平台上,目前只支持深度卷积场景下的分组卷积运算。也就是说,当 `groups>1` 的场景下,必须要满足 `C_{in}` = `C_{out}` = `groups` 的约束条件。
- **inputs** (Tensor) - shape为 :math:`(N, C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` 的Tensor。
- **weight** (Tensor) - 设置卷积核的大小为 :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})` ,则shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})` 。
- **input** (Tensor) - shape为 :math:`(N, C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` 的Tensor。
- **weight** (Tensor) - shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})` ,则卷积核的大小为 :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})` 。
- **bias** (Tensor) - 偏置Tensor,shape为 :math:`(C_{out})` 的Tensor。如果 `bias` 是None,将不会添加偏置。默认值:None。
- **stride** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 卷积核移动的步长,数据类型为int或两个int组成的tuple。一个int表示在高度和宽度方向的移动步长均为该值。两个int组成的tuple分别表示在高度和宽度方向的移动步长。默认值:1。
- **pad_mode** (str,可选) - 指定填充模式。取值为"same","valid",或"pad"。默认值:"valid"。
- **same**: 输出的高度和宽度分别与输入整除 `stride` 后的值相同。填充将被均匀地添加到高和宽的两侧,剩余填充量将被添加到维度末端。若设置该模式,`padding` 的值必须为0。
- **valid**: 在不填充的前提下返回有效计算所得的输出。不满足计算的多余像素会被丢弃。如果设置此模式,则 `padding` 的值必须为0。
- **pad**: 对输入 `inputs` 进行填充。在输入的高度和宽度方向上填充 `padding` 大小的0。如果设置此模式, `padding` 必须大于或等于0。
- **pad**: 对输入 `input` 进行填充。在输入的高度和宽度方向上填充 `padding` 大小的0。如果设置此模式, `padding` 必须大于或等于0。
- **padding** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 输入 `inputs` 的高度和宽度方向上填充的数量。数据类型为int或包含4个int组成的tuple。如果 `padding` 是一个int,那么上、下、左、右的填充都等于 `padding` 。如果 `padding` 是一个有4个int组成的tuple,那么上、下、左、右的填充分别等于 `padding[0]` 、 `padding[1]` 、 `padding[2]` 和 `padding[3]` 。值必须大于等于0,默认值:0。
- **stride** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 卷积核移动的步长,数据类型为int或两个int组成的tuple。一个int表示在高度和宽度方向的移动步长均为该值。两个int组成的tuple分别表示在高度和宽度方向的移动步长。默认值:1。
- **dilation** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 卷积核膨胀尺寸。数据类型为int或由2个int组成的tuple。若 :math:`k > 1` ,则卷积核间隔 `k` 个元素进行采样。垂直和水平方向上的 `k` ,其取值范围分别为[1, H]和[1, W]。默认值:1。
- **group** (int,可选) - 将过滤器拆分为组。默认值:1。
- **padding** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 输入 `input` 的高度和宽度方向上填充的数量。数据类型为int或包含2个int组成的tuple。如果 `padding` 是一个int,那么上、下、左、右的填充都等于 `padding` 。如果 `padding` 是一个有2个int组成的tuple,那么上、下的填充为 `padding[0]` ,左、右的填充为 `padding[1]` 。值必须大于等于0,默认值:0。
- **dilation** (Union(int, tuple[int]),可选) - 卷积核元素间的间隔。数据类型为int或由2个int组成的tuple。若 :math:`k > 1` ,则卷积核间隔 `k` 个元素进行采样。垂直和水平方向上的 `k` ,其取值范围分别为[1, H]和[1, W]。默认值:1。
- **groups** (int,可选) - 将过滤器拆分为组。默认值:1。
Tensor,卷积后的值。shape为 :math:`(N, C_{out}, H_{out}, W_{out})` 。
- **TypeError** - `stride` 、 `padding` 或 `dilation` 既不是int也不是tuple。
- **TypeError** - `out_channel` 或 `group` 不是int。
- **TypeError** - `groups` 不是int。
- **TypeError** - `bias` 不是Tensor。
- **ValueError** - `bias` 的shape不是 :math:`(C_{out})` 。
- **ValueError** - `stride` 或 `diation` 小于1。
- **ValueError** - `pad_mode` 不是"same"、"valid"或"pad"。
- **ValueError** - `padding` 是一个长度不等于4的tuple。
- **ValueError** - `pad_mode` 不等于"pad",`padding` 不等于(0, 0, 0, 0)。
- **ValueError** - `pad_mode` 不等于"pad"时,`padding` 大于0。
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
.. py:function:: mindspore.ops.conv3d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, group=1)
.. py:function:: mindspore.ops.conv3d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1)
对输入Tensor计算三维卷积。该Tensor的常见shape为 :math:`(N, C_{in}, D_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` ,其中 :math:`N` 为batch size,:math:`C_{in}` 为通道数,:math:`D` 为深度, :math:`H_{in}, W_{in}` 分别为特征层的高度和宽度。 :math:`X_i` 为 :math:`i^{th}` 输入值, :math:`b_i` 为 :math:`i^{th}` 输入值的偏置项。对于每个batch中的Tensor,其shape为 :math:`(C_{in}, D_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` ,公式定义如下:
@ -17,24 +17,28 @@ mindspore.ops.conv3d
:math:`\text{bias}` 是偏置参数, :math:`\text{X}` 是输入Tensor。
完整卷积核的shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{group}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]}, \text{kernel_size[2]})` ,其中 `group` 是在通道上分割输入 `inputs` 的组数。
详细内容请参考论文 `Gradient Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition <http://vision.stanford.edu/cs598_spring07/papers/Lecun98.pdf>`_ 。
.. note::
在Ascend平台上,目前只支持深度卷积场景下的分组卷积运算。也就是说,当 `group>1` 的场景下,必须要满足 :math:`C_{in} = C_{out} = group` 的约束条件。
1. 在Ascend平台上,目前只支持深度卷积场景下的分组卷积运算。也就是说,当 `groups>1` 的场景下,必须要满足 :math:`C_{in} = C_{out} = groups` 的约束条件。
2. 在Ascend平台上,目前只支持 :math:`dialtion=1` 。
- **inputs** (Tensor) - shape为 :math:`(N, C_{in}, D_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` 的Tensor。
- **weight** (Tensor) - 设置卷积核的大小为 :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]}, \text{kernel_size[2]})` ,则shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]}, \text{kernel_size[2]})` 。
- **input** (Tensor) - shape为 :math:`(N, C_{in}, D_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` 的Tensor。
- **weight** (Tensor) - shape为 :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]}, \text{kernel_size[2]})` ,则卷积核的大小为 :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]}, \text{kernel_size[2]})` 。
- **bias** (Tensor) - 偏置Tensor,shape为 :math:`(C_{out})` 的Tensor。如果 `bias` 是None,将不会添加偏置。默认值:None。
- **stride** (Union[int, tuple[int]],可选) - 卷积核移动的步长,数据类型为int或两个int组成的tuple。一个int表示在高度和宽度方向的移动步长均为该值。两个int组成的tuple分别表示在高度和宽度方向的移动步长。默认值:1。
- **pad_mode** (str,可选) - 指定填充模式。取值为"same","valid",或"pad"。默认值:"valid"。
- **same**: 输出的高度和宽度分别与输入整除 `stride` 后的值相同。填充将被均匀地添加到高和宽的两侧,剩余填充量将被添加到维度末端。若设置该模式,`padding` 的值必须为0。
- **valid**: 在不填充的前提下返回有效计算所得的输出。不满足计算的多余像素会被丢弃。如果设置此模式,则 `padding` 的值必须为0。
- **pad**: 对输入 `inputs` 进行填充。在输入的高度和宽度方向上填充 `padding` 大小的0。如果设置此模式, `padding` 必须大于或等于0。
- **pad**: 对输入 `input` 进行填充。在输入的高度和宽度方向上填充 `padding` 大小的0。如果设置此模式, `padding` 必须大于或等于0。
- **padding** (Union[int, tuple[int]],可选) - 输入 `inputs` 的深度、高度和宽度方向上填充的数量。数据类型为int或包含6个int组成的tuple。如果 `padding` 是一个int,那么前、后、上、下、左、右的填充都等于 `padding` 。如果 `padding` 是一个有6个int组成的tuple,那么前、后、上、下、左、右的填充分别等于 `padding[0]` 、 `padding[1]` 、 `padding[2]` 、 `padding[3]` 、`padding[4]` 和 `padding[5]` 。值必须大于等于0,默认值:0。
- **stride** (Union[int, tuple[int]],可选) - 卷积核移动的步长,数据类型为int或两个int组成的tuple。一个int表示在高度和宽度方向的移动步长均为该值。两个int组成的tuple分别表示在高度和宽度方向的移动步长。默认值:1。
- **dilation** (Union[int, tuple[int]],可选) - 卷积核膨胀尺寸。数据类型为int或由3个int组成的tuple。若 :math:`k > 1` ,则卷积核间隔 `k` 个元素进行采样。前后、垂直和水平方向上的 `k` ,其取值范围分别为[1, D]、[1, H]和[1, W]。默认值:1。
- **group** (int,可选) - 将筛选器拆分为组,默认值:1。当前仅支持值为1。
- **padding** (Union[int, tuple[int]],可选) - 输入 `input` 的深度、高度和宽度方向上填充的数量。数据类型为int或包含3个int组成的tuple。如果 `padding` 是一个int,那么前、后、上、下、左、右的填充都等于 `padding` 。如果 `padding` 是一个有6个int组成的tuple,那么前、后的填充为 `padding[0]` ,上、下的填充为 `padding[1]` ,左、右的填充为 `padding[2]` 。值必须大于等于0,默认值:0。
- **dilation** (Union[int, tuple[int]],可选) - 卷积核元素间的间隔。数据类型为int或由3个int组成的tuple。若 :math:`k > 1` ,则卷积核间隔 `k` 个元素进行采样。前后、垂直和水平方向上的 `k` ,其取值范围分别为[1, D]、[1, H]和[1, W]。默认值:1。
- **groups** (int,可选) - 将筛选器拆分为组,默认值:1。当前仅支持值为1。
Tensor,卷积后的值。shape为 :math:`(N, C_{out}, D_{out}, H_{out}, W_{out})` 。
@ -64,18 +68,20 @@ mindspore.ops.conv3d
.. math::
\begin{array}{ll} \\
D_{out} = \left \lfloor{\frac{D_{in} + padding[0] + padding[1] - (\text{dilation[0]} - 1) \times
D_{out} = \left \lfloor{\frac{D_{in} + padding[0] + padding[0] - (\text{dilation[0]} - 1) \times
\text{kernel_size[0]} - 1 }{\text{stride[0]}} + 1} \right \rfloor \\
H_{out} = \left \lfloor{\frac{H_{in} + padding[2] + padding[3] - (\text{dilation[1]} - 1) \times
H_{out} = \left \lfloor{\frac{H_{in} + padding[1] + padding[1] - (\text{dilation[1]} - 1) \times
\text{kernel_size[1]} - 1 }{\text{stride[1]}} + 1} \right \rfloor \\
W_{out} = \left \lfloor{\frac{W_{in} + padding[4] + padding[5] - (\text{dilation[2]} - 1) \times
W_{out} = \left \lfloor{\frac{W_{in} + padding[2] + padding[2] - (\text{dilation[2]} - 1) \times
\text{kernel_size[2]} - 1 }{\text{stride[2]}} + 1} \right \rfloor \\
- **TypeError** - `stride` 、 `padding` 或 `dilation` 既不是int也不是tuple。
- **TypeError** - `out_channel` 或 `group` 不是int。
- **TypeError** - `groups` 不是int。
- **TypeError** - `bias` 不是Tensor。
- **ValueError** - `bias` 的shape不是 :math:`(C_{out})` 。
- **ValueError** - `stride` 或 `diation` 小于1。
- **ValueError** - `pad_mode` 不是"same"、"valid"或"pad"。
- **ValueError** - `padding` 是一个长度不等于6的tuple。
- **ValueError** - `pad_mode` 不等于"pad",`padding` 不等于(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)。
- **ValueError** - `padding` 是一个长度不等于3的tuple。
- **ValueError** - `pad_mode` 不等于"pad"时,`padding` 大于0。
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Neural Network
@ -483,6 +483,7 @@ from .nn_func import (
@ -4389,7 +4389,148 @@ def conv3d_transpose(inputs, weight, pad_mode='valid', padding=0, stride=1, dila
return _conv_3d_transpose(inputs, weight)
def conv2d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, group=1):
def _manipulate_padding(padding, dim):
"""convert padding to Conv2D padding"""
ms_padding = ()
if not isinstance(padding, (tuple, list)):
raise TypeError(f"For 'conv{dim}d', 'padding' must be a tuple, list or int, but got {type(padding)}.")
if len(padding) != dim:
raise ValueError(f"For 'conv{dim}d', 'padding' must be a tuple or list of {dim} integers, but got {padding}.")
for i in range(dim):
ms_padding += (padding[i], padding[i])
return ms_padding
def _manipulate_dilation(dilation, dim=1):
"""convert 1d dilation to 2d"""
if isinstance(dilation, int):
return 1, dilation
if isinstance(dilation, (tuple, list)):
if len(dilation) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"For 'conv{dim}d', dilation must be a tuple/list with 1 element or int, \
but got {dilation}.")
return 1, dilation[0]
return dilation
def conv1d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1):
Applies a 1D convolution over an input tensor.
The input tensor is typically of shape :math:`(N, C_{in}, W_{in})`,
where :math:`N` is batch size, :math:`C` is channel number, :math:`H` is height, :math:`W` is width, :math:`X_i` is
the :math:`i^{th}` input value and :math:`b_i` indicates the deviation value of the :math:`i^{th}` input value.
For each batch of shape :math:`(C_{in}, W_{in})`, the formula is defined as:
.. math::
out_j = \sum_{i=0}^{C_{in} - 1} ccor(W_{j}, X_i) + b_j,
where :math:`ccor` is the `cross-correlation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation>`_ operator,
:math:`C_{in}` is the input channel number, :math:`j` ranges
from :math:`0` to :math:`C_{out} - 1`, :math:`W_{ij}` corresponds to the :math:`i`-th channel of the :math:`j`-th
filter and :math:`out_{j}` corresponds to the :math:`j`-th channel of the output. :math:`W_{j}` is a slice
of kernel, and it has shape :math:`(\text{kernal_size})`, where :math:`\text{kernel_size}` is the width of
the convolution kernel. The full kernel has shape :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size})`,
where `groups` is the group number to split the input in the channel dimension.
If the `pad_mode` is set to be "valid", the output width will be :math:`\left \lfloor{
1 + \frac{W_{in} + \text{padding[0]} - \text{kernel_size} - (\text{kernel_size} - 1) \times(\text{dilation} - 1)}
{\text { stride }}} \right \rfloor`.
where :math:`dilation` is spacing between kernel elements, :math:`stride` is The step length of each step,
:math:`padding` is zero-padding added to both sides of the input.
For output width on other `pad_mode`, please refer to formula on `mindspore.nn.Conv1d
The first introduction can be found in paper `Gradient Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition
<http://vision.stanford.edu/cs598_spring07/papers/Lecun98.pdf>`_. More detailed introduction can be found here:
`ConvNets <http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/>`_ .
On Ascend platform, only group convolution in depthwise convolution scenarios is supported.
That is, when `groups>1`, condition `C_{in}` = `C_{out}` = `groups` must be satisfied.
input (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, C_{in}, W_{in})`.
weight (Tensor): Tensor of shape
:math:`(N, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size})`, then the size of kernel is
bias (Tensor): Bias Tensor with shape :math:`(C_{out})`. When bias is None, zeros will be used. Default: None.
stride (Union(int, tuple[int]), optional): The distance of kernel moving, an int number or a tuple of one int
that represents width of movement. Default: 1.
pad_mode (str, optional): Specifies padding mode. The optional values are
"same", "valid" and "pad". Default: "valid".
- same: Adopts the way of completion. The height and width of the output will be equal to
the input `x` divided by stride. The padding will be evenly calculated in left and right possiblily.
Otherwise, the last extra padding will be calculated from the right side.
If this mode is set, `padding` must be 0.
- valid: Adopts the way of discarding. The possible largest width of output will be returned
without padding. Extra pixels will be discarded. If this mode is set, `padding` must be 0.
- pad: Implicit paddings on both sides of the input `x`. The number of `padding` will be padded to the input
Tensor borders. `padding` must be greater than or equal to 0.
padding (Union(int, tuple[int]), optional): Implicit paddings on both sides of `input`, meaning the paddings of
left and right are the same, equal to padding or padding[0] when padding is a tuple of 1 integer.
Default: 0.
dilation (Union(int, tuple[int]), optional): Gaps between kernel elements. The data type is int or a tuple of
1 integer. Specifies the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. If set to be :math:`k > 1`,
there will be :math:`k - 1` pixels skipped for each sampling location. Its value must be greater than or
equal to 1 and bounded by the width of `input`. Default: 1.
groups (int, optional): Splits `input` into groups. Default: 1.
Tensor, the value that applied 1D convolution. The shape is :math:`(N, C_{out}, W_{out})`.
TypeError: If `stride`, `padding` or `dilation` is neither an int nor a tuple.
TypeError: If `bias` is not a Tensor.
ValueError: If the shape of `bias` is not :math:`C_{out}` .
ValueError: If `stride` or `dilation` is less than 1.
ValueError: If `pad_mode` is not one of 'same', 'valid' or 'pad'.
ValueError: If `padding` is a tuple whose length is not equal to 1.
ValueError: If `pad_mode` is not equal to 'pad' and `padding` is greater than 0.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> x = Tensor(np.arange(64).reshape((4, 4, 4)), mindspore.float32)
>>> weight = Tensor(np.arange(8).rehspe((2, 2, 2)), mindspore.float32)
>>> bias = Tensor([-0.12345, 2.7683], ms.float32)
>>> output = ops.conv1d(x, weight, pad_mode='pad', padding=(1,), bias=bias, groups=2)
>>> print(output.shape)
(4, 2, 5)
_expand = _get_cache_prim(P.ExpandDims)()
expanded_input = _expand(input, 2)
sqz = _get_cache_prim(P.Squeeze)(2)
weight_shape = weight.shape
out_channel = weight_shape[0]
kernel_size = (1, weight_shape[2])
expanded_weight = _expand(weight, 2)
if isinstance(padding, int):
padding = (0, 0, padding, padding)
elif isinstance(padding, (tuple, list)):
if len(padding) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"For 'conv1d', padding must be a tuple or list with 1 element or int, but got {padding}.")
padding = (0, 0, padding[0], padding[0])
raise ValueError(f"For 'conv1d', padding must be a tuple, list or int, but got {type(padding)}.")
dilation = _manipulate_dilation(dilation)
conv = _get_cache_prim(P.Conv2D)(out_channel, kernel_size, 1, pad_mode, padding, stride, dilation, groups, "NCHW")
conv_res = conv(expanded_input, expanded_weight)
squeezed_conv_res = sqz(conv_res)
if bias is None:
return squeezed_conv_res
if not isinstance(bias, Tensor):
raise TypeError(f"For 'conv1d', the 'bias' must be a Tensor, but got {type(bias)}.")
output = bias_add(squeezed_conv_res, bias)
return output
def conv2d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1):
Applies a 2D convolution over an input tensor.
The input tensor is typically of shape :math:`(N, C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})`,
@ -4405,10 +4546,10 @@ def conv2d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
:math:`C_{in}` is the input channel number, :math:`j` ranges
from :math:`0` to :math:`C_{out} - 1`, :math:`W_{ij}` corresponds to the :math:`i`-th channel of the :math:`j`-th
filter and :math:`out_{j}` corresponds to the :math:`j`-th channel of the output. :math:`W_{ij}` is a slice
of kernel and it has shape :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`, where :math:`\text{
of kernel, and it has shape :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`, where :math:`\text{
kernel_size[0]}` and :math:`\text{kernel_size[1]}` are the height and width of the convolution kernel.
The full kernel has shape :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{group}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`,
where `group` is the group number to split the input in the channel dimension.
The full kernel has shape :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`,
where `groups` is the group number to split the input in the channel dimension.
If the `pad_mode` is set to be "valid", the output height and width will be :math:`\left \lfloor{
1 + \frac{H_{in} + \text{padding[0]} + \text{padding[1]} - \text{kernel_size[0]} -
@ -4417,7 +4558,7 @@ def conv2d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
:math:`\left \lfloor{1 + \frac{W_{in} + \text{padding[2]} + \text{padding[3]} - \text{kernel_size[1]} -
(\text{kernel_size[1]} - 1) \times(\text{dilation[1]} - 1)} {\text { stride[1] }}} \right \rfloor` respectively.
Where :math:`dilation` is Spacing between kernel elements, :math:`stride` is The step length of each step,
where :math:`dilation` is spacing between kernel elements, :math:`stride` is The step length of each step,
:math:`padding` is zero-padding added to both sides of the input.
For output height and width on other `pad_mode`, please refer to formula on `mindspore.nn.Conv2d
@ -4428,12 +4569,17 @@ def conv2d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
On Ascend platform, only group convolution in depthwise convolution scenarios is supported.
That is, when `group>1`, condition `C_{in}` = `C_{out}` = `group` must be satisfied.
That is, when `groups>1`, condition `C_{in}` = `C_{out}` = `groups` must be satisfied.
inputs (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})`.
weight (Tensor): Set size of kernel is :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`,
then the shape is :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`.
input (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})`.
weight (Tensor): Tensor of shape
:math:`(N, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`, then the size of kernel
is :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`.
bias (Tensor): Bias Tensor with shape :math:`(C_{out})`. When bias is None, zeros will be used. Default: None.
stride (Union(int, tuple[int]), optional): The distance of kernel moving, an int number that represents
the height and width of movement are both strides, or a tuple of two int numbers that
represent height and width of movement respectively. Default: 1.
pad_mode (str, optional): Specifies padding mode. The optional values are
"same", "valid" and "pad". Default: "valid".
@ -4449,27 +4595,25 @@ def conv2d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
Tensor borders. `padding` must be greater than or equal to 0.
padding (Union(int, tuple[int]), optional): Implicit paddings on both sides of the input `x`.
If `padding` is one integer, the paddings of top, bottom, left and right are the same, equal to padding.
If `padding` is a tuple with four integers, the paddings of top, bottom, left and right will be equal
to padding[0], padding[1], padding[2], and padding[3] accordingly. Default: 0.
stride (Union(int, tuple[int]), optional): The distance of kernel moving, an int number that represents
the height and width of movement are both strides, or a tuple of two int numbers that
represent height and width of movement respectively. Default: 1.
dilation (Union(int, tuple[int]), optional): The data type is int or a tuple of 2 integers.
Specifies the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. If set to be :math:`k > 1`, there will
be :math:`k - 1` pixels skipped for each sampling location. Its value must
If `padding` is a tuple with two integers, the padding of top adn bottom is padding[0], and the padding of
left and right is padding[1]. Default: 0.
dilation (Union(int, tuple[int]), optional): Gaps between kernel elements.The data type is int or a tuple of
2 integers. Specifies the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. If set to be :math:`k > 1`,
there will be :math:`k - 1` pixels skipped for each sampling location. Its value must
be greater than or equal to 1 and bounded by the height and width of the input `x`. Default: 1.
group (int, optional): Splits inputs into groups. Default: 1.
groups (int, optional): Splits `input` into groups. Default: 1.
Tensor, the value that applied 2D convolution. The shape is :math:`(N, C_{out}, H_{out}, W_{out})`.
TypeError: If `stride`, `padding` or `dilation` is neither an int nor a tuple.
TypeError: If `out_channel` or `group` is not an int.
TypeError: If `bias` is not a Tensor.
ValueError: If the shape of `bias` is not :math:`C_{out}` .
ValueError: If `stride` or `dilation` is less than 1.
ValueError: If `pad_mode` is not one of 'same', 'valid' or 'pad'.
ValueError: If `padding` is a tuple whose length is not equal to 4.
ValueError: If `pad_mode` it not equal to 'pad' and `padding` is not equal to (0, 0, 0, 0).
ValueError: If `padding` is a tuple whose length is not equal to 2.
ValueError: If `pad_mode` is not equal to 'pad' and `padding` is greater than 0.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
@ -4481,11 +4625,18 @@ def conv2d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
>>> print(output.shape)
(10, 32, 30, 30)
if isinstance(padding, (tuple, list)):
padding = _manipulate_padding(padding, dim=2)
weight_shape = weight.shape
out_channel = weight_shape[0]
kernel_size = weight_shape[2:4]
conv = _get_cache_prim(P.Conv2D)(out_channel, kernel_size, 1, pad_mode, padding, stride, dilation, group, "NCHW")
output = conv(inputs, weight)
conv = _get_cache_prim(P.Conv2D)(out_channel, kernel_size, 1, pad_mode, padding, stride, dilation, groups, "NCHW")
if bias is None:
return conv(input, weight)
if not isinstance(bias, Tensor):
raise TypeError(f"For 'conv2d', the 'bias' must be a Tensor, but got {type(bias)}.")
conv_result = conv(input, weight)
output = bias_add(conv_result, bias)
return output
@ -4887,7 +5038,7 @@ def binary_cross_entropy(logits, labels, weight=None, reduction='mean'):
return binary_cross_entropy_op(logits, labels, weight)
def conv3d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, group=1):
def conv3d(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1):
Applies a 3D convolution over an input tensor. The input tensor is typically of shape
:math:`(N, C_{in}, D_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})` and output shape
@ -4910,21 +5061,27 @@ def conv3d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
the depth, height and width of the convolution kernel respectively. :math:`\text{bias}` is the bias parameter
and :math:`\text{X}` is the input tensor.
The shape of full convolution kernel is
:math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{group}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]}, \text{kernel_size[2]})`,
where `group` is the number of groups to split the input `x` in the channel dimension.
:math:`(C_{out}, C_{in} / \text{groups}, \text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]}, \text{kernel_size[2]})`,
where `groups` is the number of groups to split `input` in the channel dimension.
For more details, please refer to the paper `Gradient Based Learning Applied to Document
Recognition <http://vision.stanford.edu/cs598_spring07/papers/Lecun98.pdf>`_ .
On Ascend platform, only group convolution in depthwise convolution scenarios is supported.
That is, when `group>1`, condition :math:`C_{in} = C_{out} = group` must be satisfied.
1. On Ascend platform, only group convolution in depthwise convolution scenarios is supported. That is, when
`groups>1`, condition :math:`C_{in} = C_{out} = groups` must be satisfied.
2. On Ascend dilation on depth only supports the case of 1.
inputs (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, C_{in}, D_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})`.
input (Tensor): Tensor of shape :math:`(N, C_{in}, D_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})`.
weight (Tensor): Set size of kernel is :math:`(\text{kernel_size[0]}, \text{kernel_size[1]},
\text{kernel_size[2]})`, then the shape is :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in}, \text{kernel_size[0]},
\text{kernel_size[1]}, \text{kernel_size[1]})`.
bias (Tensor): Bias Tensor with shape `:math:`(C_{out})`. When bias is None, zeros will be used. Default:
stride (Union[int, tuple[int]], optional): The distance of kernel moving, an int number that represents
the height and width of movement are both strides, or a tuple of two int numbers that
represent height and width of movement respectively. Default: 1
pad_mode (str, optional): Specifies padding mode. The optional values are
"same", "valid" and "pad". Default: "valid".
@ -4943,17 +5100,14 @@ def conv3d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
padding (Union[int, tuple[int]], optional): The pad value to be filled. If `pad` is an integer,
the paddings of head, tail, top, bottom, left and right are the same, equal to pad.
If `pad` is a tuple of six integers, the padding of head, tail, top, bottom,
left and right equal to pad[0], pad[1], pad[2], pad[3], pad[4] and pad[5] correspondingly. Default: 0.
stride (Union[int, tuple[int]], optional): The distance of kernel moving, an int number that represents
the height and width of movement are both strides, or a tuple of two int numbers that
represent height and width of movement respectively. Default: 1.
If `pad` is a tuple of 3 integers, the padding of head, tail, top, bottom,
left and right equal to pad[0], pad[0], pad[1], pad[1], pad[2] and pad[2] correspondingly. Default: 0.
dilation (Union[int, tuple[int]], optional): The data type is int or a tuple of 3 integers
:math:`(dilation_d, dilation_h, dilation_w)`. Currently, dilation on depth only supports the case of 1
on Ascend backend. Specifies the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. If set :math:`k > 1`,
there will be :math:`k - 1` pixels skipped for each sampling location.
Its value must be greater than or equal to 1 and bounded by the height and width of the input. Default: 1.
group (int, optional): Splits filter into groups. Default: 1.
there will be :math:`k - 1` pixels skipped for each sampling location. Its value must be greater than or
equal to 1 and bounded by the height and width of the input. Default: 1.
groups (int, optional): Splits `input` into groups. Default: 1.
Tensor, the value that applied 3D convolution. The shape is :math:`(N, C_{out}, D_{out}, H_{out}, W_{out})`.
@ -4992,12 +5146,14 @@ def conv3d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
TypeError: If `out_channel` or `group` is not an int.
TypeError: If `out_channel` or `groups` is not an int.
TypeError: If `stride`, `padding` or `dilation` is neither an int nor a tuple.
TypeError: If `bias` is not a Tensor.
ValueError: If the shape of `bias` is not :math:`C_{out}`.
ValueError: If `stride` or `dilation` is less than 1.
ValueError: If `pad_mode` is not one of 'same', 'valid' or 'pad'.
ValueError: If `padding` is a tuple whose length is not equal to 4.
ValueError: If `pad_mode` is not equal to 'pad' and `pad` is not equal to (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
ValueError: If `pad_mode` is not equal to 'pad' and `pad` is greater than 0.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
@ -5012,8 +5168,15 @@ def conv3d(inputs, weight, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, gr
weight_shape = weight.shape
out_channel = weight_shape[0]
kernel_size = weight_shape[2:5]
conv = _get_cache_prim(P.Conv3D)(out_channel, kernel_size, 1, pad_mode, padding, stride, dilation, group, "NCDHW")
output = conv(inputs, weight)
if isinstance(padding, (list, tuple)):
padding = _manipulate_padding(padding, dim=3)
conv = _get_cache_prim(P.Conv3D)(out_channel, kernel_size, 1, pad_mode, padding, stride, dilation, groups, "NCDHW")
if bias is None:
return conv(input, weight)
if not isinstance(bias, Tensor):
raise TypeError(f"For 'conv3d', the 'bias' must be a Tensor, but got {type(bias)}.")
conv_result = conv(input, weight)
output = bias_add(conv_result, bias)
return output
@ -6314,6 +6477,7 @@ __all__ = [
@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ def test_grad_mutable_dynamic_len_sequence():
def construct(self, input1, input2):
x = (input1, input2)
x = mutable(x, True)
output = ops.conv2d(x[0], x[1], pad_mode="pad", padding=(2, 2, 3, 3))
output = ops.conv2d(x[0], x[1], pad_mode="pad", padding=(2, 3))
return output
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
# Copyright 2023 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
import numpy as np
import pytest
import mindspore as ms
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore import ops
class Net1d(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1):
self.pad_mode = pad_mode
self.padding = padding
self.stride = stride
def construct(self, x, weight, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=None):
return ops.conv1d(x, weight, bias, self.stride, self.pad_mode, self.padding, dilation, groups)
class Net2d(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1):
self.pad_mode = pad_mode
self.padding = padding
self.stride = stride
def construct(self, x, weight, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=None):
return ops.conv2d(x, weight, bias, self.stride, self.pad_mode, self.padding, dilation, groups)
class Net3d(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, pad_mode="valid", padding=0, stride=1):
self.pad_mode = pad_mode
self.padding = padding
self.stride = stride
def construct(self, x, weight, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=None):
return ops.conv3d(x, weight, bias, self.stride, self.pad_mode, self.padding, dilation, groups)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', [ms.GRAPH_MODE, ms.PYNATIVE_MODE])
def test_ops_conv1d(mode):
Feature: ops.conv1d with padding = (1, )
Description: Verify the result of conv1d
Expectation: success
x = Tensor(np.arange(32).reshape((4, 2, 4)), ms.float32)
weight = Tensor(np.arange(8).reshape((2, 2, 2)), ms.float32)
bias = Tensor([-0.12345, 2.7683], ms.float32)
net = Net1d(pad_mode='pad', padding=(1,))
output = net(x, weight, bias=bias, groups=1)
expected = np.array([[[11.8765, 23.8766, 29.8765, 35.8765, 13.8765],
[30.7683, 66.7683, 88.7683, 110.7683, 56.7683]],
[[43.8765, 71.8765, 77.8765, 83.8765, 29.8766],
[126.7683, 242.7683, 264.7683, 286.7683, 136.7683]],
[[75.8765, 119.8765, 125.8765, 131.8766, 45.8765],
[222.7683, 418.7683, 440.7683, 462.7683, 216.7683]],
[[107.8765, 167.8766, 173.8766, 179.8766, 61.8765],
[318.7683, 594.7683, 616.7683, 638.7683, 296.7683]]])
assert np.allclose(output.asnumpy(), expected, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', [ms.GRAPH_MODE, ms.PYNATIVE_MODE])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pad_mode', ['valid', 'same', 'pad'])
def test_ops_conv2d(mode, pad_mode):
Feature: ops.conv2d
Description: Verify the result of conv2d
Expectation: success
Note: There is a precision problem on Ascend, #I6PT9L
x = Tensor([[[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]],
[[9.0, 10.0, 11.0], [12.0, 13.0, 14.0], [15.0, 16.0, 17.0]]],
[[[18.0, 19.0, 20.0], [21.0, 22.0, 23.0], [24.0, 25.0, 26.0]],
[[27.0, 28.0, 29.0], [30.0, 31.0, 32.0], [33.0, 34.0, 35.0]]],
[[[36.0, 37.0, 38.0], [39.0, 40.0, 41.0], [42.0, 43.0, 44.0]],
[[45.0, 46.0, 47.0], [48.0, 49.0, 50.0], [51.0, 52.0, 53.0]]]], ms.float32)
bias = Tensor([0.7297250824055579, 0.6472988621466479], ms.float32)
if pad_mode == 'valid':
net = Net2d(pad_mode)
weight = Tensor([[[[-1.090221803810641]], [[-0.044567894776783905]]],
[[[0.04005113957734308]], [[0.22892450020231897]]]], ms.float32)
output = net(x, weight, bias=bias)
expected = np.array([[[[0.3286140263080597, -0.8061756491661072, -1.940965175628662],
[-3.0757548809051514, -4.210544586181641, -5.345334529876709],
[-6.480123996734619, -7.6149139404296875, -8.749703407287598]],
[[2.7076191902160645, 2.976594924926758, 3.245570659637451],
[3.5145461559295654, 3.783521890640259, 4.052497386932373],
[4.321473121643066, 4.59044885635376, 4.859424591064453]]],
[[[-20.097599029541016, -21.232391357421875, -22.36717987060547],
[-23.501968383789062, -24.63675880432129, -25.771547317504883],
[-26.90633773803711, -28.041128158569336, -29.17591667175293]],
[[7.54918098449707, 7.8181562423706055, 8.087132453918457],
[8.356107711791992, 8.625083923339844, 8.894059181213379],
[9.163034439086914, 9.432010650634766, 9.7009859085083]]],
[[[-40.52381134033203, -41.658599853515625, -42.79339599609375],
[-43.928184509277344, -45.06297302246094, -46.19776153564453],
[-47.33255386352539, -48.467342376708984, -49.60213088989258]],
[[12.390742301940918, 12.659717559814453, 12.928693771362305],
[13.19766902923584, 13.466644287109375, 13.735620498657227],
[14.004595756530762, 14.273571968078613, 14.542547225952148]]]])
assert np.allclose(output.asnumpy(), expected, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
elif pad_mode == 'pad':
net = Net2d(pad_mode=pad_mode, padding=(1, 1), stride=2)
weight = Tensor(np.arange(16).reshape((2, 2, 2, 2)), ms.float32)
output = net(x, weight, bias=bias)
expected = np.array([[[[63.7297, 145.7297], [186.7297, 380.7297]],
[[135.6473, 337.6473], [474.6473, 1052.6473]]],
[[[243.7297, 469.7297], [474.7297, 884.7297]],
[[603.6473, 1237.6472], [1338.6472, 2708.6472]]],
[[[423.7297, 793.7297], [762.7297, 1388.7297]],
[[1071.6473, 2137.6475], [2202.6475, 4364.6475]]]])
assert np.allclose(output.asnumpy(), expected, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
net = Net2d(pad_mode=pad_mode)
weight = Tensor(np.arange(16).reshape((2, 2, 2, 2)), ms.float32)
output = net(x, weight, bias=bias)
expected = np.array([[[[268.7297, 296.7297, 138.7297],
[352.7297, 380.7297, 174.7297],
[147.7297, 157.7297, 68.7297]],
[[684.6473, 776.6473, 394.6473],
[960.6473, 1052.6473, 526.6473],
[499.6473, 541.6473, 268.6473]]],
[[[772.7297, 800.7297, 354.7297],
[856.7297, 884.7297, 390.7297],
[327.7297, 337.7297, 140.7297]],
[[2340.6472, 2432.6472, 1186.6472],
[2616.6472, 2708.6472, 1318.6472],
[1255.6472, 1297.6472, 628.6473]]],
[[[1276.7297, 1304.7297, 570.7297],
[1360.7297, 1388.7297, 606.7297],
[507.7297, 517.7297, 212.7297]],
[[3996.6475, 4088.6475, 1978.6473],
[4272.6475, 4364.6475, 2110.6475],
[2011.6473, 2053.6475, 988.6473]]]])
assert np.allclose(output.asnumpy(), expected, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', [ms.GRAPH_MODE, ms.PYNATIVE_MODE])
def test_ops_conv3d(mode):
Feature: ops.conv3d
Description: Verify the result of conv3d
Expectation: success
x = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 2 * 4 * 4 * 4).reshape((3, 2, 4, 4, 4)), ms.float32)
weight = Tensor(np.arange(32).reshape((2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), ms.float32)
bias = Tensor(np.array([-0.12345, 2.7683]), ms.float32)
net = Net3d(pad_mode='valid')
output = net(x, weight, bias=bias)
expect_output = np.array([[[[[7439.8765, 7559.8765, 7679.8765],
[7919.8765, 8039.8765, 8159.8765],
[8399.8770, 8519.8770, 8639.8770]],
[[9359.8770, 9479.8770, 9599.8770],
[9839.8770, 9959.8770, 10079.8770],
[10319.8770, 10439.8770, 10559.8770]],
[[11279.8770, 11399.8770, 11519.8770],
[11759.8770, 11879.8770, 11999.8770],
[12239.8770, 12359.8770, 12479.8770]]],
[[[18322.7695, 18698.7695, 19074.7695],
[19826.7695, 20202.7695, 20578.7695],
[21330.7695, 21706.7695, 22082.7695]],
[[24338.7695, 24714.7695, 25090.7695],
[25842.7695, 26218.7695, 26594.7695],
[27346.7695, 27722.7695, 28098.7695]],
[[30354.7695, 30730.7695, 31106.7695],
[31858.7695, 32234.7695, 32610.7695],
[33362.7695, 33738.7695, 34114.7695]]]],
[[[[22799.8770, 22919.8770, 23039.8770],
[23279.8770, 23399.8770, 23519.8770],
[23759.8770, 23879.8770, 23999.8770]],
[[24719.8770, 24839.8770, 24959.8770],
[25199.8770, 25319.8770, 25439.8770],
[25679.8770, 25799.8770, 25919.8770]],
[[26639.8770, 26759.8770, 26879.8770],
[27119.8770, 27239.8770, 27359.8770],
[27599.8770, 27719.8770, 27839.8770]]],
[[[66450.7656, 66826.7656, 67202.7656],
[67954.7656, 68330.7656, 68706.7656],
[69458.7656, 69834.7656, 70210.7656]],
[[72466.7656, 72842.7656, 73218.7656],
[73970.7656, 74346.7656, 74722.7656],
[75474.7656, 75850.7656, 76226.7656]],
[[78482.7656, 78858.7656, 79234.7656],
[79986.7656, 80362.7656, 80738.7656],
[81490.7656, 81866.7656, 82242.7656]]]],
[[[[38159.8750, 38279.8750, 38399.8750],
[38639.8750, 38759.8750, 38879.8750],
[39119.8750, 39239.8750, 39359.8750]],
[[40079.8750, 40199.8750, 40319.8750],
[40559.8750, 40679.8750, 40799.8750],
[41039.8750, 41159.8750, 41279.8750]],
[[41999.8750, 42119.8750, 42239.8750],
[42479.8750, 42599.8750, 42719.8750],
[42959.8750, 43079.8750, 43199.8750]]],
[[[114578.7656, 114954.7656, 115330.7656],
[116082.7656, 116458.7656, 116834.7656],
[117586.7656, 117962.7656, 118338.7656]],
[[120594.7656, 120970.7656, 121346.7656],
[122098.7656, 122474.7656, 122850.7656],
[123602.7656, 123978.7656, 124354.7656]],
[[126610.7656, 126986.7656, 127362.7656],
[128114.7656, 128490.7656, 128866.7656],
[129618.7656, 129994.7656, 130370.7656]]]]])
assert np.allclose(output.asnumpy(), expect_output, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
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