!17 [AutoParallel]Fix bug in the case of two cast

Merge pull request !17 from lichen/fix_cast_bug
This commit is contained in:
mindspore-ci-bot 2020-03-31 10:25:04 +08:00 committed by Gitee
commit 140a15924c
3 changed files with 49 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -346,6 +346,8 @@ bool IsAutoParallelCareNode(const CNodePtr &cnode) {
OperatorInfoPtr CreateTheOperatorInfo(const PrimitivePtr &prim, const CNodePtr &cnode) {
auto attrs = prim->attrs();
std::vector<Shapes> shape_list = ExtractShape(cnode);
if (shape_list.empty()) {
@ -381,8 +383,8 @@ OperatorInfoPtr CreateTheOperatorInfo(const PrimitivePtr &prim, const CNodePtr &
// If no strategy has been configured for this operator, then candidate strategies are generated for
// auto-strategy searching
if (!StrategyFound(attrs)) {
// auto-strategy searching, if this primitive is Cast, we ignore the user-specified strategy
if (!StrategyFound(attrs) || prim->name() == CAST) {
// Compute split_flag_list_, indicating which input has batch dimension. This is ONLY used for preparation for
// BatchParallelInfo operator

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@ -370,16 +370,13 @@ bool IsParallelCareNode(const CNodePtr& cnode) {
if (prim == nullptr) {
return false;
auto attrs = prim->attrs();
if (IsInBlackList(prim)) {
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Parallel don't care node: " << prim->name();
return false;
if ((prim->name() == CAST)) {
if ((!attrs.count(STRATEGY)) && (cnode->operator_info() == nullptr)) {
if ((prim->name() == CAST) && (cnode->operator_info() == nullptr)) {
return false;
return cnode->in_forward_flag();
@ -648,6 +645,13 @@ LossNodeInfo GetLossNodeInfo(const AnfNodePtr& loss_node) {
LossNodeInfo node_info;
// return -> cast
auto pre_cnode = pre_node->cast<CNodePtr>();
auto pre_prim = GetValueNode<PrimitivePtr>(pre_cnode->input(0));
if (pre_prim->name() == CAST && pre_cnode->operator_info() == nullptr) {
pre_node = pre_cnode->input(1);
// return -> loss
if (pre_node == loss_node) {
@ -1943,6 +1947,13 @@ CNodePtr FindLossCNode(const FuncGraphPtr& func_graph) {
PrimitivePtr current_prim = current_value->value()->cast<PrimitivePtr>();
// return -> cast
if (current_prim->name() == CAST && pre_cnode->operator_info() == nullptr) {
pre_cnode = pre_cnode->input(1)->cast<CNodePtr>();
current_prim = GetValueNode<PrimitivePtr>(pre_cnode->input(0));
// notice: the GetNext op has not input
if (INVALID_LOSS_OPS.find(current_prim->name()) != INVALID_LOSS_OPS.end()) {
MS_LOG(INFO) << "The loss is: " << current_prim->name();

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@ -272,3 +272,32 @@ def test_cast_before_mirror3():
y = Tensor(np.ones([32, 64]), dtype=ms.float16)
b = Tensor(np.ones([64, 64]), dtype=ms.float32)
_executor.compile(net, x, y, b)
def test_mul_two_cast():
class Net(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, strategy1, strategy2, strategy3):
self.mul = P.Mul().set_strategy(strategy1)
self.mul2 = P.Mul().set_strategy(strategy2)
self.cast = P.Cast().set_strategy(strategy3)
self.cast2 = P.Cast().set_strategy(strategy3)
def construct(self, x, y, b):
out = self.mul(x, y)
out = self.mul2(out, b)
out = self.cast(out, ms.int32)
out = self.cast2(out, ms.bool_)
return out
context.set_auto_parallel_context(device_num=8, global_rank=0)
strategy1 = ((2, 2), (2, 2))
strategy2 = ((8, 1), (8, 1))
strategy3 = ((8, 1), )
net = GradWrap(Net(strategy1, strategy2, strategy3))
x = Tensor(np.ones([128, 32]), dtype=ms.float32)
y = Tensor(np.ones([128, 32]), dtype=ms.float32)
b = Tensor(np.ones([128, 32]), dtype=ms.float32)
_executor.compile(net, x, y, b)