- Add a new file `.hadolint.yaml`
- Ignore the `DL3018` and `DL3008` rules in `.hadolint.yaml`
- Update the base image in `docker/Dockerfile` from `alpine:3.17` to `alpine:3.19`
- Remove the labels `org.label-schema.name`, `org.label-schema.vendor`, and `org.label-schema.schema-version` in `docker/Dockerfile`
- Update the package installation command in `docker/Dockerfile` to remove the specific version of `ca-certificates`
- Add a new user and group `deploy` with UID and GID `1000` in `docker/Dockerfile`
- Create a directory `/home/deploy` and change its ownership to `deploy:deploy` in `docker/Dockerfile`
- Set the user and group to `deploy:deploy` with UID and GID `1000` in `docker/Dockerfile`
- Copy the `drone-scp` binary to `/bin/` in `docker/Dockerfile`
Signed-off-by: appleboy <appleboy.tw@gmail.com>