
317 lines
11 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2021 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbcli/"
#include "fdbclient/IClientApi.h"
#include "fdbclient/"
#include "fdbclient/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "fdbclient/CommitTransaction.h"
#include "flow/Arena.h"
#include "flow/"
#include "flow/"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
namespace fdb_cli {
ACTOR Future<bool> throttleCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens) {
if (tokens.size() == 1) {
return false;
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[1], "list")) {
if (tokens.size() > 4) {
printf("Usage: throttle list [throttled|recommended|all] [LIMIT]\n");
printf("Lists tags that are currently throttled.\n");
printf("The default LIMIT is 100 tags.\n");
return false;
state bool reportThrottled = true;
state bool reportRecommended = false;
if (tokens.size() >= 3) {
if (tokencmp(tokens[2], "recommended")) {
reportThrottled = false;
reportRecommended = true;
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[2], "all")) {
reportThrottled = true;
reportRecommended = true;
} else if (!tokencmp(tokens[2], "throttled")) {
printf("ERROR: failed to parse `%s'.\n", printable(tokens[2]).c_str());
return false;
state int throttleListLimit = 100;
if (tokens.size() >= 4) {
char* end;
throttleListLimit = std::strtol((const char*)tokens[3].begin(), &end, 10);
if ((tokens.size() > 4 && !std::isspace(*end)) || (tokens.size() == 4 && *end != '\0')) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to parse limit `%s'.\n", printable(tokens[3]).c_str());
return false;
state std::vector<TagThrottleInfo> tags;
if (reportThrottled && reportRecommended) {
wait(store(tags, ThrottleApi::getThrottledTags(db, throttleListLimit, true)));
} else if (reportThrottled) {
wait(store(tags, ThrottleApi::getThrottledTags(db, throttleListLimit)));
} else if (reportRecommended) {
wait(store(tags, ThrottleApi::getRecommendedTags(db, throttleListLimit)));
bool anyLogged = false;
for (auto itr = tags.begin(); itr != tags.end(); ++itr) {
if (itr->expirationTime > now()) {
if (!anyLogged) {
printf("Throttled tags:\n\n");
printf(" Rate (txn/s) | Expiration (s) | Priority | Type | Reason |Tag\n");
printf(" --------------+----------------+-----------+--------+------------+------\n");
anyLogged = true;
std::string reasonStr = "unset";
if (itr->reason == TagThrottledReason::MANUAL) {
reasonStr = "manual";
} else if (itr->reason == TagThrottledReason::BUSY_WRITE) {
reasonStr = "busy write";
} else if (itr->reason == TagThrottledReason::BUSY_READ) {
reasonStr = "busy read";
printf(" %12d | %13ds | %9s | %6s | %10s |%s\n",
std::min((int)(itr->expirationTime - now()), (int)(itr->initialDuration)),
transactionPriorityToString(itr->priority, false),
itr->throttleType == TagThrottleType::AUTO ? "auto" : "manual",
if (tags.size() == throttleListLimit) {
printf("\nThe tag limit `%d' was reached. Use the [LIMIT] argument to view additional tags.\n",
printf("Usage: throttle list [LIMIT]\n");
if (!anyLogged) {
printf("There are no %s tags\n", reportThrottled ? "throttled" : "recommended");
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[1], "on")) {
if (tokens.size() < 4 || !tokencmp(tokens[2], "tag") || tokens.size() > 7) {
printf("Usage: throttle on tag <TAG> [RATE] [DURATION] [PRIORITY]\n");
printf("Enables throttling for transactions with the specified tag.\n");
printf("An optional transactions per second rate can be specified (default 0).\n");
printf("An optional duration can be specified, which must include a time suffix (s, m, h, "
"d) (default 1h).\n");
printf("An optional priority can be specified. Choices are `default', `immediate', and "
"`batch' (default `default').\n");
return false;
double tpsRate = 0.0;
uint64_t duration = 3600;
TransactionPriority priority = TransactionPriority::DEFAULT;
if (tokens.size() >= 5) {
char* end;
tpsRate = std::strtod((const char*)tokens[4].begin(), &end);
if ((tokens.size() > 5 && !std::isspace(*end)) || (tokens.size() == 5 && *end != '\0')) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to parse rate `%s'.\n", printable(tokens[4]).c_str());
return false;
if (tpsRate < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: rate cannot be negative `%f'\n", tpsRate);
return false;
if (tokens.size() == 6) {
Optional<uint64_t> parsedDuration = parseDuration(tokens[5].toString());
if (!parsedDuration.present()) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to parse duration `%s'.\n", printable(tokens[5]).c_str());
return false;
duration = parsedDuration.get();
if (duration == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: throttle duration cannot be 0\n");
return false;
if (tokens.size() == 7) {
if (tokens[6] == LiteralStringRef("default")) {
priority = TransactionPriority::DEFAULT;
} else if (tokens[6] == LiteralStringRef("immediate")) {
priority = TransactionPriority::IMMEDIATE;
} else if (tokens[6] == LiteralStringRef("batch")) {
priority = TransactionPriority::BATCH;
} else {
"ERROR: unrecognized priority `%s'. Must be one of `default',\n `immediate', "
"or `batch'.\n",
return false;
TagSet tags;
wait(ThrottleApi::throttleTags(db, tags, tpsRate, duration, TagThrottleType::MANUAL, priority));
printf("Tag `%s' has been throttled\n", tokens[3].toString().c_str());
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[1], "off")) {
int nextIndex = 2;
TagSet tags;
bool throttleTypeSpecified = false;
bool is_error = false;
Optional<TagThrottleType> throttleType = TagThrottleType::MANUAL;
Optional<TransactionPriority> priority;
if (tokens.size() == 2) {
is_error = true;
while (nextIndex < tokens.size() && !is_error) {
if (tokencmp(tokens[nextIndex], "all")) {
if (throttleTypeSpecified) {
is_error = true;
throttleTypeSpecified = true;
throttleType = Optional<TagThrottleType>();
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[nextIndex], "auto")) {
if (throttleTypeSpecified) {
is_error = true;
throttleTypeSpecified = true;
throttleType = TagThrottleType::AUTO;
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[nextIndex], "manual")) {
if (throttleTypeSpecified) {
is_error = true;
throttleTypeSpecified = true;
throttleType = TagThrottleType::MANUAL;
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[nextIndex], "default")) {
if (priority.present()) {
is_error = true;
priority = TransactionPriority::DEFAULT;
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[nextIndex], "immediate")) {
if (priority.present()) {
is_error = true;
priority = TransactionPriority::IMMEDIATE;
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[nextIndex], "batch")) {
if (priority.present()) {
is_error = true;
priority = TransactionPriority::BATCH;
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[nextIndex], "tag")) {
if (tags.size() > 0 || nextIndex == tokens.size() - 1) {
is_error = true;
tags.addTag(tokens[nextIndex + 1]);
nextIndex += 2;
if (!is_error) {
state const char* throttleTypeString =
!throttleType.present() ? "" : (throttleType.get() == TagThrottleType::AUTO ? "auto-" : "manually ");
state std::string priorityString =
priority.present() ? format(" at %s priority", transactionPriorityToString(priority.get(), false)) : "";
if (tags.size() > 0) {
bool success = wait(ThrottleApi::unthrottleTags(db, tags, throttleType, priority));
if (success) {
printf("Unthrottled tag `%s'%s\n", tokens[3].toString().c_str(), priorityString.c_str());
} else {
printf("Tag `%s' was not %sthrottled%s\n",
} else {
bool unthrottled = wait(ThrottleApi::unthrottleAll(db, throttleType, priority));
if (unthrottled) {
printf("Unthrottled all %sthrottled tags%s\n", throttleTypeString, priorityString.c_str());
} else {
printf("There were no tags being %sthrottled%s\n", throttleTypeString, priorityString.c_str());
} else {
printf("Usage: throttle off [all|auto|manual] [tag <TAG>] [PRIORITY]\n");
printf("Disables throttling for throttles matching the specified filters. At least one "
"filter must be used.\n\n");
printf("An optional qualifier `all', `auto', or `manual' can be used to specify the type "
"of throttle\n");
printf("affected. `all' targets all throttles, `auto' targets those created by the "
"cluster, and\n");
printf("`manual' targets those created manually (default `manual').\n\n");
printf("The `tag' filter can be use to turn off only a specific tag.\n\n");
printf("The priority filter can be used to turn off only throttles at specific priorities. "
"Choices are\n");
printf("`default', `immediate', or `batch'. By default, all priorities are targeted.\n");
} else if (tokencmp(tokens[1], "enable") || tokencmp(tokens[1], "disable")) {
if (tokens.size() != 3 || !tokencmp(tokens[2], "auto")) {
printf("Usage: throttle <enable|disable> auto\n");
printf("Enables or disable automatic tag throttling.\n");
return false;
state bool autoTagThrottlingEnabled = tokencmp(tokens[1], "enable");
wait(ThrottleApi::enableAuto(db, autoTagThrottlingEnabled));
printf("Automatic tag throttling has been %s\n", autoTagThrottlingEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
} else {
return false;
return true;
CommandFactory throttleFactory(
CommandHelp("throttle <on|off|enable auto|disable auto|list> [ARGS]",
"view and control throttled tags",
"Use `on' and `off' to manually throttle or unthrottle tags. Use `enable auto' or `disable auto' "
"to enable or disable automatic tag throttling. Use `list' to print the list of throttled tags.\n"));
} // namespace fdb_cli