81 lines
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81 lines
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title GetRange Fallback
participantgroup **Client** (NativeAPI.actor.cpp)
participant "getRangeFallback" as gRF
participant "getKey" as gK
participant "getExactRange" as gER
participant "getKeyRangeLocations" as gKRL
participantgroup **Storage Server** (storageserver.actor.cpp)
participant "serveGetKeyValuesRequests" as sGKVR
participant "serveGetKeyRequests" as sGKR
autoactivation off
opt Key need resolve
gRF -> gK: KeySelector
box over gK: Wait for the version
note right of gK: <color:#green>//GetKeyAttachID//</color>
note right of gK: <color:#blue>AfterVersion</color>
box over gK: See getKeyLocation in Get
note right of gK: <color:#blue>Before</color>
gK -> sGKR: GetKeyRequest
sGKR --> gK: GetKeyReply
alt Success
note right of gK: <color:#blue>After</color>
gK --> gRF: Key
else Error
note right of gK: <color:#blue>Error</color>
box over gRF: Update read version if necessary
gRF -> gER: Version, KeyRangeRef
loop Loop over keys in the range
gER -> gKRL: KeyRange
note right of gKRL: <color:#blue>Before</color>
box over gKRL: Get the locations
note right of gKRL: <color:#blue>After</color>
gKRL --> gER: LocationInfo
loop Loop over shards
note right of gER: <color:#blue>Before</color>
gER -> sGKVR: GetKeyValuesRequest
note right of sGKVR: <color:#lightblue>--storageserver.getKeyValues.Before--</color>
box over sGKVR: Wait the SS version
note right of sGKVR: <color:#lightblue>--storageserver.getKeyValues.AfterVersion--</color>
box over sGKVR: Realign the keys
note right of sGKVR: <color:#lightblue>--storageserver.getKeyValues.AfterKeys--</color>
alt No KV pair stored in this server
note right of sGKVR: <color:#lightblue>--storageserver.getKeyValues.Send--</color>
sGKVR --> gER: GetKeyValuesReply (empty)
else KV pair found
note right of sGKVR: <color:#lightblue>--storageserver.getKeyValues.AfterReadRange--</color>
sGKVR --> gER: GetKeyValuesReply
note right of gER: <color:#blue>After</color>
gER --> gRF: RangeResultRef