297 lines
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297 lines
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* AsyncFileBlobStore.actor.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
// When actually compiled (NO_INTELLISENSE), include the generated version of this file. In intellisense use the source version.
#include "fdbclient/AsyncFileBlobStore.actor.g.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>
#include "fdbrpc/IAsyncFile.h"
#include "flow/serialize.h"
#include "flow/Net2Packet.h"
#include "fdbrpc/IRateControl.h"
#include "fdbclient/BlobStore.h"
#include "fdbclient/md5/md5.h"
#include "fdbclient/libb64/encode.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
ACTOR template<typename T> static Future<T> joinErrorGroup(Future<T> f, Promise<Void> p) {
try {
wait(success(f) || p.getFuture());
return f.get();
} catch(Error &e) {
// This class represents a write-only file that lives in an S3-style blob store. It writes using the REST API,
// using multi-part upload and beginning to transfer each part as soon as it is large enough.
// All write operations file operations must be sequential and contiguous.
// Limits on part sizes, upload speed, and concurrent uploads are taken from the BlobStoreEndpoint being used.
class AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite : public IAsyncFile, public ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite> {
virtual void addref() { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite>::addref(); }
virtual void delref() { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite>::delref(); }
struct Part : ReferenceCounted<Part> {
Part(int n, int minSize) : number(n), writer(content.getWriteBuffer(minSize), NULL, Unversioned()), length(0) {
etag = std::string();
virtual ~Part() {
Future<std::string> etag;
int number;
UnsentPacketQueue content;
std::string md5string;
PacketWriter writer;
int length;
void write(const uint8_t *buf, int len) {
writer.serializeBytes(buf, len);
::MD5_Update(&content_md5_buf, buf, len);
length += len;
// MD5 sum can only be finalized once, further calls will do nothing so new writes will be reflected in the sum.
void finalizeMD5() {
if(md5string.empty()) {
std::string sumBytes;
::MD5_Final((unsigned char *)sumBytes.data(), &content_md5_buf);
md5string = base64::encoder::from_string(sumBytes);
md5string.resize(md5string.size() - 1);
MD5_CTX content_md5_buf;
Future<int> read(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override { throw file_not_readable(); }
ACTOR static Future<Void> write_impl(Reference<AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite> f, const uint8_t *data, int length) {
state Part *p = f->m_parts.back().getPtr();
// If this write will cause the part to cross the min part size boundary then write to the boundary and start a new part.
while(p->length + length >= f->m_bstore->knobs.multipart_min_part_size) {
// Finish off this part
int finishlen = f->m_bstore->knobs.multipart_min_part_size - p->length;
p->write((const uint8_t *)data, finishlen);
// Adjust source buffer args
length -= finishlen;
data = (const uint8_t *)data + finishlen;
// End current part (and start new one)
wait(f->endCurrentPart(f.getPtr(), true));
p = f->m_parts.back().getPtr();
p->write((const uint8_t *)data, length);
return Void();
Future<Void> write(void const* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {
if(offset != m_cursor)
throw non_sequential_op();
m_cursor += length;
return m_error.getFuture() || write_impl(Reference<AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite>::addRef(this), (const uint8_t *)data, length);
Future<Void> truncate(int64_t size) override {
if(size != m_cursor)
return non_sequential_op();
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<std::string> doPartUpload(AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite *f, Part *p) {
std::string upload_id = wait(f->getUploadID());
std::string etag = wait(f->m_bstore->uploadPart(f->m_bucket, f->m_object, upload_id, p->number, &p->content, p->length, p->md5string));
return etag;
ACTOR static Future<Void> doFinishUpload(AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite* f) {
// If there is only 1 part then it has not yet been uploaded so just write the whole file at once.
if(f->m_parts.size() == 1) {
Reference<Part> part = f->m_parts.back();
wait(f->m_bstore->writeEntireFileFromBuffer(f->m_bucket, f->m_object, &part->content, part->length, part->md5string));
return Void();
// There are at least 2 parts. End the last part (which could be empty)
state BlobStoreEndpoint::MultiPartSetT partSet;
state std::vector<Reference<Part>>::iterator p;
// Wait for all the parts to be done to get their ETags, populate the partSet required to finish the object upload.
for(p = f->m_parts.begin(); p != f->m_parts.end(); ++p) {
std::string tag = wait((*p)->etag);
if((*p)->length > 0) // The last part might be empty and has to be omitted.
partSet[(*p)->number] = tag;
// No need to wait for the upload ID here because the above loop waited for all the parts and each part required the upload ID so it is ready
wait(f->m_bstore->finishMultiPartUpload(f->m_bucket, f->m_object, f->m_upload_id.get(), partSet));
return Void();
// Ready once all data has been sent AND acknowledged from the remote side
Future<Void> sync() override {
// Only initiate the finish operation once, and also prevent further writing.
if(!m_finished.isValid()) {
m_finished = doFinishUpload(this);
m_cursor = -1; // Cause future write attempts to fail
return m_finished;
// Flush can't really do what the caller would "want" for a blob store file. The caller would probably notionally want
// all bytes written to be at least in transit to the blob store, but that is not very feasible. The blob store
// has a minimum size requirement for all but the final part, and parts must be sent with a header that specifies
// their size. So in the case of a write buffer that does not meet the part minimum size the part could be sent
// but then if there is any more data written then that part needs to be sent again in its entirety. So a client
// that calls flush often could generate far more blob store write traffic than they intend to.
Future<Void> flush() override { return Void(); }
Future<int64_t> size() const override { return m_cursor; }
Future<Void> readZeroCopy(void** data, int* length, int64_t offset) override {
TraceEvent(SevError, "ReadZeroCopyNotSupported").detail("FileType", "BlobStoreWrite");
return platform_error();
void releaseZeroCopy(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {}
int64_t debugFD() const override { return -1; }
~AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite() override {
m_parts.clear(); // Contains futures
std::string getFilename() const override { return m_object; }
Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> m_bstore;
std::string m_bucket;
std::string m_object;
int64_t m_cursor;
Future<std::string> m_upload_id;
Future<Void> m_finished;
std::vector<Reference<Part>> m_parts;
Promise<Void> m_error;
FlowLock m_concurrentUploads;
// End the current part and start uploading it, but also wait for a part to finish if too many are in transit.
ACTOR static Future<Void> endCurrentPart(AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite *f, bool startNew = false) {
if(f->m_parts.back()->length == 0)
return Void();
// Wait for an upload slot to be available
// Do the upload, and if it fails forward errors to m_error and also stop if anything else sends an error to m_error
// Also, hold a releaser for the concurrent upload slot while all that is going on.
auto releaser = std::make_shared<FlowLock::Releaser>(f->m_concurrentUploads, 1);
f->m_parts.back()->etag =
holdWhile(std::move(releaser), joinErrorGroup(doPartUpload(f, f->m_parts.back().getPtr()), f->m_error));
// Make a new part to write to
f->m_parts.push_back(Reference<Part>(new Part(f->m_parts.size() + 1, f->m_bstore->knobs.multipart_min_part_size)));
return Void();
Future<std::string> getUploadID() {
m_upload_id = m_bstore->beginMultiPartUpload(m_bucket, m_object);
return m_upload_id;
AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object)
: m_bstore(bstore), m_bucket(bucket), m_object(object), m_cursor(0), m_concurrentUploads(bstore->knobs.concurrent_writes_per_file) {
// Add first part
m_parts.push_back(Reference<Part>(new Part(1, m_bstore->knobs.multipart_min_part_size)));
// This class represents a read-only file that lives in an S3-style blob store. It reads using the REST API.
class AsyncFileBlobStoreRead : public IAsyncFile, public ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileBlobStoreRead> {
virtual void addref() { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileBlobStoreRead>::addref(); }
virtual void delref() { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileBlobStoreRead>::delref(); }
Future<int> read(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override;
Future<Void> write(void const* data, int length, int64_t offset) override { throw file_not_writable(); }
Future<Void> truncate(int64_t size) override { throw file_not_writable(); }
Future<Void> sync() override { return Void(); }
Future<Void> flush() override { return Void(); }
Future<int64_t> size() const override;
Future<Void> readZeroCopy(void** data, int* length, int64_t offset) override {
TraceEvent(SevError, "ReadZeroCopyNotSupported").detail("FileType", "BlobStoreRead");
return platform_error();
void releaseZeroCopy(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {}
int64_t debugFD() const override { return -1; }
std::string getFilename() const override { return m_object; }
virtual ~AsyncFileBlobStoreRead() {}
Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> m_bstore;
std::string m_bucket;
std::string m_object;
mutable Future<int64_t> m_size;
AsyncFileBlobStoreRead(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object)
: m_bstore(bstore), m_bucket(bucket), m_object(object) {
#include "flow/unactorcompiler.h"