221 lines
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221 lines
7.5 KiB
* Inventory.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/TesterInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.actor.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
// SOMEDAY: Make this actually run on multiple clients
struct InventoryTestWorkload : TestWorkload {
std::map<Key, int> minExpectedResults, maxExpectedResults; // Destroyed last, since it's used in actor cancellation of InventoryTestClient(Actor)
int actorCount, productsPerWrite, nProducts;
double testDuration, transactionsPerSecond, fractionWriteTransactions;
vector<Future<Void>> clients;
PerfIntCounter transactions, retries;
PerfDoubleCounter totalLatency;
InventoryTestWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx)
: TestWorkload(wcx),
transactions("Transactions"), retries("Retries"), totalLatency("Latency")
actorCount = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("actorCount"), 500 );
nProducts = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("nProducts"), 100000 );
testDuration = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("testDuration"), 10.0 );
transactionsPerSecond = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("transactionsPerSecond"), 10000 );
fractionWriteTransactions = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("fractionWriteTransactions"), 0.01 );
productsPerWrite = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("productsPerWrite"), 2 );
virtual std::string description() { return "InventoryTest"; }
virtual Future<Void> start( Database const& cx ) {
if (clientId) return Void();
for(int c=0; c<actorCount; c++)
inventoryTestClient( cx->clone(), this,
actorCount / transactionsPerSecond,
productsPerWrite ), testDuration, Void()));
return waitForAll(clients);
int failures() {
int failures = 0;
for(int c=0; c<clients.size(); c++)
if (clients[c].isReady() && clients[c].isError()) {
return failures;
virtual Future<bool> check( Database const& cx ) {
if (clientId) return true;
return inventoryTestCheck(cx->clone(), this);
virtual void getMetrics( vector<PerfMetric>& m ) {
m.push_back( PerfMetric("Client Failures", failures(), false) );
m.push_back( transactions.getMetric() );
m.push_back( retries.getMetric() );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Avg Latency (ms)",
1000 * totalLatency.getValue() / transactions.getValue(), true ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Read rows/simsec (approx)",
transactions.getValue() * (2 * fractionWriteTransactions + 1 * (1.0-fractionWriteTransactions)) / testDuration, true ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Write rows/simsec (approx)",
transactions.getValue() * 2 * fractionWriteTransactions / testDuration, true ) );
Key chooseProduct() {
int p = g_random->randomInt(0,nProducts);
return doubleToTestKey( (double)p / nProducts );
//std::string s = std::string(1,'a' + (p%26)) + format("%d",p/26);
/*int c = g_random->randomInt(0,10);
s += ',';
for(int i=0; i<c; i++)
s += format("%d", c);
s += '.';*/
//return s;
ACTOR Future<bool> inventoryTestCheck(
Database cx,
InventoryTestWorkload* self)
if (self->failures()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure").detail("Reason", "There were client failures.");
return false;
/*if (self->transactions.getValue() < .9 * self->transactionsPerSecond * self->testDuration) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure").detail("Reason", "Less than 90% desired transaction rate.");
return false;
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
Standalone<RangeResultRef> data = wait(
tr.getRange( firstGreaterOrEqual(doubleToTestKey(0)), firstGreaterOrEqual(doubleToTestKey(1)), self->nProducts ) );
std::map<Key, int> actualResults;
for(int i=0; i<data.size(); i++)
actualResults[ data[i].key ] = atoi( data[i].value.toString().c_str() );
for(auto i = self->minExpectedResults.begin(); i != self->minExpectedResults.end(); ++i)
actualResults[ i->first ];
bool error = false;
for(auto i = actualResults.begin(); i != actualResults.end(); ++i)
if (i->second < self->minExpectedResults[i->first] || i->second > self->maxExpectedResults[i->first]) {
if (!error)
TraceEvent(SevError, "TestFailure").detail("Reason", "Incorrect results.");
error = true;
std::string str;
for(int d=0; d<data.size(); d++)
if (data[d].key == i->first)
str = data[d].value.toString();
TraceEvent(SevError, "IncorrectTestResult")
.detail("Key", printable(i->first))
.detail("ActualValue", i->second)
.detail("ActualValueString", str)
.detail("MinExpected", self->minExpectedResults[i->first])
.detail("MaxExpected", self->maxExpectedResults[i->first]);
if (error)
return false;
return true;
} catch (Error& e) {
ACTOR Future<Void> inventoryTestWrite(Transaction *tr, Key key)
Optional<Value> val = wait( tr->get( key ) );
int count = !val.present() ? 0 : atoi( val.get().toString().c_str() );
ASSERT(count>=0 && count < 1000000);
tr->set( key, format("%d", count+1) );
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> inventoryTestClient(
Database cx,
InventoryTestWorkload* self,
double transactionDelay,
double fractionWriteTransactions,
int productsPerWrite)
state double lastTime = now();
loop {
wait( poisson( &lastTime, transactionDelay ) );
state double st = now();
state Transaction tr( cx );
if (g_random->random01() < fractionWriteTransactions) {
state std::set<Key> products;
for(int i=0; i<productsPerWrite; i++)
products.insert( self->chooseProduct() );
for(auto p = products.begin(); p != products.end(); ++p )
self->maxExpectedResults[ *p ]++;
while (1) {
vector<Future<Void>> todo;
for(auto p = products.begin(); p != products.end(); ++p )
todo.push_back( self->inventoryTestWrite( &tr, *p ) );
try {
try {
wait( waitForAll(todo) );
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled)
for(auto p = products.begin(); p != products.end(); ++p )
self->maxExpectedResults[ *p ]--;
throw e;
wait( tr.commit() );
} catch (Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
for(auto p = products.begin(); p != products.end(); ++p )
self->maxExpectedResults[ *p ]++;
for(auto p = products.begin(); p != products.end(); ++p )
self->minExpectedResults[ *p ]++;
} else {
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> val = wait( tr.get( self->chooseProduct() ) );
} catch (Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
self->totalLatency += now() - st;
WorkloadFactory<InventoryTestWorkload> InventoryTestWorkloadFactory("InventoryTest");