624 lines
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624 lines
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* StatusClient.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "fdbclient/CoordinationInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/MonitorLeader.h"
#include "fdbclient/ClusterInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/StatusClient.h"
#include "fdbclient/Status.h"
#include "fdbclient/json_spirit/json_spirit_writer_template.h"
#include "fdbclient/json_spirit/json_spirit_reader_template.h"
#include "fdbrpc/genericactors.actor.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // has to be last include
json_spirit::mValue readJSONStrictly(const std::string& s) {
json_spirit::mValue val;
std::string::const_iterator i = s.begin();
if (!json_spirit::read_range(i, s.end(), val)) {
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
printf("MALFORMED: %s\n", s.c_str());
throw json_malformed();
// Allow trailing whitespace
while (i != s.end()) {
if (!isspace(*i)) {
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
"EXPECTED EOF: %s\n^^^\n%s\n", std::string(s.begin(), i).c_str(), std::string(i, s.end()).c_str());
throw json_eof_expected();
return val;
uint64_t JSONDoc::expires_reference_version = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
// Template specializations for mergeOperator
template <>
json_spirit::mObject JSONDoc::mergeOperator<bool>(const std::string& op,
const json_spirit::mObject& op_a,
const json_spirit::mObject& op_b,
bool const& a,
bool const& b) {
if (op == "$and")
return { { op, a && b } };
if (op == "$or")
return { { op, a || b } };
throw std::exception();
template <>
json_spirit::mObject JSONDoc::mergeOperator<json_spirit::mArray>(const std::string& op,
const json_spirit::mObject& op_a,
const json_spirit::mObject& op_b,
json_spirit::mArray const& a,
json_spirit::mArray const& b) {
throw std::exception();
template <>
json_spirit::mObject JSONDoc::mergeOperator<json_spirit::mObject>(const std::string& op,
const json_spirit::mObject& op_a,
const json_spirit::mObject& op_b,
json_spirit::mObject const& a,
json_spirit::mObject const& b) {
if (op == "$count_keys") {
json_spirit::mObject combined;
for (auto& e : a)
combined[e.first] = json_spirit::mValue();
for (auto& e : b)
combined[e.first] = json_spirit::mValue();
return { { op, combined } };
throw std::exception();
// If the types for a and B differ then pass them as mValues to this specialization.
template <>
json_spirit::mObject JSONDoc::mergeOperator<json_spirit::mValue>(const std::string& op,
const json_spirit::mObject& op_a,
const json_spirit::mObject& op_b,
json_spirit::mValue const& a,
json_spirit::mValue const& b) {
// Returns { $latest : <a or b>, timestamp: <a or b timestamp> }
// where the thing (a or b) with the highest timestamp operator arg will be chosen
if (op == "$latest") {
double ts_a = 0, ts_b = 0;
JSONDoc(op_a).tryGet("timestamp", ts_a);
JSONDoc(op_b).tryGet("timestamp", ts_b);
if (ts_a > ts_b)
return { { op, a }, { "timestamp", ts_a } };
return { { op, b }, { "timestamp", ts_b } };
// Simply selects the last thing to be merged.
// Returns { $last : b }
if (op == "$last")
return { { op, b } };
// $expires will reduce its value to null if the "version" operator argument is present, nonzero, and has a value
// that is less than JSONDoc::expires_reference_version. This DOES mean that if the "version" argument
// is not present or has a value of 0 then the operator's value will be considered NOT expired.
// When two $expires operations are merged, the result is
// { $expires : <value> } where value is the result of a merger between null and any unexpired
// values for a or b.
if (op == "$expires") {
uint64_t ver_a = 0, ver_b = 0;
// Whichever has the most recent "timestamp" in its operator object will be used
JSONDoc(op_a).tryGet("version", ver_a);
JSONDoc(op_b).tryGet("version", ver_b);
json_spirit::mValue r;
// If version is 0 or greater than the current reference version then use the value
if (ver_a == 0 || ver_a > JSONDoc::expires_reference_version)
r = a;
if (ver_b == 0 || ver_b > JSONDoc::expires_reference_version)
mergeValueInto(r, b);
return { { op, r } };
throw std::exception();
void JSONDoc::cleanOps(json_spirit::mObject& obj) {
auto kv = obj.begin();
while (kv != obj.end()) {
if (kv->second.type() == json_spirit::obj_type) {
json_spirit::mObject& o = kv->second.get_obj();
std::string op = getOperator(o);
// If an operator was found, replace object with its value.
if (!op.empty()) {
// The "count_keys" operator needs special handling
if (op == "$count_keys") {
int count = 1;
if (o.at(op).type() == json_spirit::obj_type)
count = o.at(op).get_obj().size();
kv->second = count;
} else if (op == "$expires") {
uint64_t version = 0;
JSONDoc(o).tryGet("version", version);
if (version == 0 || version > JSONDoc::expires_reference_version)
kv->second = o.at(op);
else {
// Thing is expired so competely remove its key from the enclosing Object
auto tmp = kv;
} else // For others just move the value to replace the operator object
kv->second = o.at(op);
// Don't advance kv because the new value could also be an operator
} else {
// It's not an operator, just a regular object so clean it too.
void JSONDoc::mergeInto(json_spirit::mObject& dst, const json_spirit::mObject& src) {
for (auto& i : src) {
// printf("Merging key: %s\n", i.first.c_str());
mergeValueInto(dst[i.first], i.second);
void JSONDoc::mergeValueInto(json_spirit::mValue& dst, const json_spirit::mValue& src) {
if (src.is_null())
if (dst.is_null()) {
dst = src;
// Do nothing if d is already an error
if (dst.type() == json_spirit::obj_type && dst.get_obj().count("ERROR"))
if (dst.type() != src.type()) {
dst = json_spirit::mObject({ { "ERROR", "Incompatible types." }, { "a", dst }, { "b", src } });
switch (dst.type()) {
case json_spirit::obj_type: {
// Refs to the objects, for convenience.
json_spirit::mObject& aObj = dst.get_obj();
const json_spirit::mObject& bObj = src.get_obj();
const std::string& op = getOperator(aObj);
const std::string& opB = getOperator(bObj);
// Operators must be the same, which could mean both are empty (if these objects are not operators)
if (op != opB) {
dst = json_spirit::mObject({ { "ERROR", "Operators do not match" }, { "a", dst }, { "b", src } });
// If objects are not operators then defer to mergeInto
if (op.empty()) {
mergeInto(dst.get_obj(), src.get_obj());
// Get the operator values
json_spirit::mValue& a = aObj.at(op);
const json_spirit::mValue& b = bObj.at(op);
// First try the operators that are type-agnostic
try {
dst = mergeOperator<json_spirit::mValue>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
} catch (std::exception&) {
// Now try type and type pair specific operators
// First, if types are incompatible try to make them compatible or return an error
if (a.type() != b.type()) {
// It's actually okay if the type mismatch is double vs int since once can be converted to the other.
if ((a.type() == json_spirit::int_type && b.type() == json_spirit::real_type) ||
(b.type() == json_spirit::int_type && a.type() == json_spirit::real_type)) {
// Convert d's op value (which a is a reference to) to a double so that the
// switch block below will do the operation with doubles.
a = a.get_real();
} else {
// Otherwise, output an error as the types do not match
dst = json_spirit::mObject(
{ { "ERROR", "Incompatible operator value types" }, { "a", dst }, { "b", src } });
// Now try the type-specific operators.
try {
switch (a.type()) {
case json_spirit::bool_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<bool>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::int_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<int64_t>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::real_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<double>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::str_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<std::string>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::array_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<json_spirit::mArray>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::obj_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<json_spirit::mObject>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::null_type:
} catch (...) {
dst = json_spirit::mObject({ { "ERROR", "Unsupported operator / value type combination." },
{ "operator", op },
{ "type", a.type() } });
case json_spirit::array_type:
for (auto& ai : src.get_array())
if (!(dst == src))
dst = json_spirit::mObject({ { "ERROR", "Values do not match." }, { "a", dst }, { "b", src } });
// Check if a quorum of coordination servers is reachable
// Will not throw, will just return non-present Optional if error
ACTOR Future<Optional<StatusObject>> clientCoordinatorsStatusFetcher(Reference<IClusterConnectionRecord> connRecord,
bool* quorum_reachable,
int* coordinatorsFaultTolerance) {
try {
state ClientCoordinators coord(connRecord);
state StatusObject statusObj;
state std::vector<Future<Optional<LeaderInfo>>> leaderServers;
for (int i = 0; i < coord.clientLeaderServers.size(); i++)
GetLeaderRequest(coord.clusterKey, UID()),
state std::vector<Future<ProtocolInfoReply>> coordProtocols;
for (int i = 0; i < coord.clientLeaderServers.size(); i++) {
RequestStream<ProtocolInfoRequest> requestStream{ Endpoint::wellKnown(
{ coord.clientLeaderServers[i].getLeader.getEndpoint().addresses }, WLTOKEN_PROTOCOL_INFO) };
coordProtocols.push_back(retryBrokenPromise(requestStream, ProtocolInfoRequest{}));
wait(smartQuorum(leaderServers, leaderServers.size() / 2 + 1, 1.5) &&
smartQuorum(coordProtocols, coordProtocols.size() / 2 + 1, 1.5) ||
statusObj["quorum_reachable"] = *quorum_reachable =
quorum(leaderServers, leaderServers.size() / 2 + 1).isReady();
StatusArray coordsStatus;
int coordinatorsUnavailable = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < leaderServers.size(); i++) {
StatusObject coordStatus;
coordStatus["address"] =
if (leaderServers[i].isReady()) {
coordStatus["reachable"] = true;
} else {
coordStatus["reachable"] = false;
if (coordProtocols[i].isReady()) {
uint64_t protocolVersionInt = coordProtocols[i].get().version.version();
std::stringstream hexSs;
hexSs << std::hex << std::setw(2 * sizeof(protocolVersionInt)) << std::setfill('0')
<< protocolVersionInt;
coordStatus["protocol"] = hexSs.str();
statusObj["coordinators"] = coordsStatus;
*coordinatorsFaultTolerance = (leaderServers.size() - 1) / 2 - coordinatorsUnavailable;
return statusObj;
} catch (Error& e) {
*quorum_reachable = false;
return Optional<StatusObject>();
// Client section of the json output
// Will NOT throw, errors will be put into messages array
ACTOR Future<StatusObject> clientStatusFetcher(Reference<IClusterConnectionRecord> connRecord,
StatusArray* messages,
bool* quorum_reachable,
int* coordinatorsFaultTolerance) {
state StatusObject statusObj;
state Optional<StatusObject> coordsStatusObj =
wait(clientCoordinatorsStatusFetcher(connRecord, quorum_reachable, coordinatorsFaultTolerance));
state bool contentsUpToDate = wait(connRecord->upToDate());
if (coordsStatusObj.present()) {
statusObj["coordinators"] = coordsStatusObj.get();
if (!*quorum_reachable)
messages->push_back(makeMessage("quorum_not_reachable", "Unable to reach a quorum of coordinators."));
} else
messages->push_back(makeMessage("status_incomplete_coordinators", "Could not fetch coordinator info."));
StatusObject statusObjClusterFile;
statusObjClusterFile["path"] = connRecord->getLocation();
statusObjClusterFile["up_to_date"] = contentsUpToDate;
statusObj["cluster_file"] = statusObjClusterFile;
if (!contentsUpToDate) {
ClusterConnectionString storedConnectionString = wait(connRecord->getStoredConnectionString());
std::string description = "Cluster file contents do not match current cluster connection string.";
description += "\nThe file contains the connection string: ";
description += storedConnectionString.toString().c_str();
description += "\nThe current connection string is: ";
description += connRecord->getConnectionString().toString().c_str();
description += "\nVerify the cluster file and its parent directory are writable and that the cluster file has "
"not been overwritten externally. To change coordinators without manual intervention, the "
"cluster file and its containing folder must be writable by all servers and clients. If a "
"majority of the coordinators referenced by the old connection string are lost, the database "
"will stop working until the correct cluster file is distributed to all processes.";
messages->push_back(makeMessage("incorrect_cluster_file_contents", description.c_str()));
return statusObj;
// Cluster section of json output
ACTOR Future<Optional<StatusObject>> clusterStatusFetcher(ClusterInterface cI, StatusArray* messages) {
state StatusRequest req;
state Future<Void> clusterTimeout = delay(30.0);
state Optional<StatusObject> oStatusObj;
wait(delay(0.0)); // make sure the cluster controller is marked as not failed
state Future<ErrorOr<StatusReply>> statusReply = cI.databaseStatus.tryGetReply(req);
loop {
choose {
when(ErrorOr<StatusReply> result = wait(statusReply)) {
if (result.isError()) {
if (result.getError().code() == error_code_request_maybe_delivered)
("Unable to communicate with the cluster controller at " +
cI.address().toString() + " to get status.")
else if (result.getError().code() == error_code_server_overloaded)
"The cluster controller is currently processing too many "
"status requests and is unable to respond"));
makeMessage("status_incomplete_error", "Cluster encountered an error fetching status."));
} else {
oStatusObj = result.get().statusObj;
when(wait(clusterTimeout)) {
messages->push_back(makeMessage("status_incomplete_timeout", "Timed out fetching cluster status."));
return oStatusObj;
// Create and return a database_status section.
// Will not throw, will not return an empty section.
StatusObject getClientDatabaseStatus(StatusObjectReader client, StatusObjectReader cluster) {
bool isAvailable = false;
bool isHealthy = false;
try {
// Lots of the JSON reads in this code could throw, and that's OK, isAvailable and isHealthy will be
// at the states we want them to be in (currently)
std::string recoveryStateName = cluster.at("recovery_state.name").get_str();
isAvailable = client.at("coordinators.quorum_reachable").get_bool() &&
(recoveryStateName == "accepting_commits" || recoveryStateName == "all_logs_recruited" ||
recoveryStateName == "storage_recovered" || recoveryStateName == "fully_recovered") &&
if (isAvailable) {
bool procMessagesPresent = false;
// OK to throw if processes doesn't exist, can't have an available database without processes
for (auto p : cluster.at("processes").get_obj()) {
StatusObjectReader proc(p.second);
if (proc.has("messages") && proc.last().get_array().size()) {
procMessagesPresent = true;
bool data_state_present = cluster.has("data.state");
bool data_state_unhealthy =
data_state_present && cluster.has("data.state.healthy") && !cluster.last().get_bool();
int cluster_messages = cluster.has("messages") ? cluster.last().get_array().size() : 0;
int configuration_messages = client.has("configuration.messages") ? client.last().get_array().size() : 0;
isHealthy =
!(cluster_messages > 0 || configuration_messages > 0 || procMessagesPresent || data_state_unhealthy ||
!data_state_present || !client.at("cluster_file.up_to_date").get_bool());
} catch (std::exception&) {
// As documented above, exceptions leave isAvailable and isHealthy in the right state
StatusObject databaseStatus;
databaseStatus["healthy"] = isHealthy;
databaseStatus["available"] = isAvailable;
return databaseStatus;
ACTOR Future<StatusObject> statusFetcherImpl(Reference<IClusterConnectionRecord> connRecord,
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterInterface>>> clusterInterface) {
if (!g_network)
throw network_not_setup();
state StatusObject statusObj;
state StatusObject statusObjClient;
state StatusArray clientMessages;
// This could be read from the JSON but doing so safely is ugly so using a real var.
state bool quorum_reachable = false;
state int coordinatorsFaultTolerance = 0;
try {
state int64_t clientTime = g_network->timer();
StatusObject _statusObjClient =
wait(clientStatusFetcher(connRecord, &clientMessages, &quorum_reachable, &coordinatorsFaultTolerance));
statusObjClient = _statusObjClient;
if (clientTime != -1)
statusObjClient["timestamp"] = clientTime;
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled)
TraceEvent(SevError, "ClientStatusFetchError").error(e);
makeMessage("status_incomplete_client", "Could not retrieve client status information."));
// quorum_reachable will be false because clientStatusFetcher won't throw and it's the only thing would change
// it.
state StatusObject statusObjCluster;
if (quorum_reachable) {
try {
state Future<Void> interfaceTimeout = delay(2.0);
loop {
if (clusterInterface->get().present()) {
Optional<StatusObject> _statusObjCluster =
wait(clusterStatusFetcher(clusterInterface->get().get(), &clientMessages));
if (_statusObjCluster.present()) {
statusObjCluster = _statusObjCluster.get();
// TODO: this is a temporary fix, getting the number of available coordinators should move to
// the server side
if (statusObjCluster.count("fault_tolerance")) {
StatusObject::Map& faultToleranceWriteable = statusObjCluster["fault_tolerance"].get_obj();
StatusObjectReader faultToleranceReader(faultToleranceWriteable);
int maxDataLoss, maxAvailLoss;
if (faultToleranceReader.get("max_zone_failures_without_losing_data", maxDataLoss) &&
maxAvailLoss)) {
// max_zone_failures_without_losing_availability <=
// max_zone_failures_without_losing_data
faultToleranceWriteable["max_zone_failures_without_losing_data"] =
std::min(maxDataLoss, coordinatorsFaultTolerance);
faultToleranceWriteable["max_zone_failures_without_losing_availability"] =
std::min(maxAvailLoss, coordinatorsFaultTolerance);
// else clusterStatusFetcher added a message
choose {
when(wait(clusterInterface->onChange())) {}
when(wait(interfaceTimeout)) {
"Unable to locate a cluster controller within 2 seconds. "
"Check that there are server processes running."));
statusObj["cluster"] = statusObjCluster;
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(e.code() == error_code_all_alternatives_failed ? SevInfo : SevError, "ClusterStatusFetchError")
// Set client.messages to an array of one message
makeMessage("status_incomplete_cluster", "Could not retrieve cluster status information."));
// Put clientMessages into Client section.
statusObjClient["messages"] = clientMessages;
// Create database_status section, place into statusObjClient
statusObjClient["database_status"] = getClientDatabaseStatus(statusObjClient, statusObjCluster);
// Put finalized client section into final document. Cluster section was created above if it was possible.
statusObj["client"] = statusObjClient;
// Make sure that if a document is being returned at all it has a cluster.layers._valid path.
JSONDoc doc(statusObj); // doc will modify statusObj with a convenient interface
auto& layers_valid = doc.create("cluster.layers._valid");
if (layers_valid.is_null())
layers_valid = false;
return statusObj;
ACTOR Future<Void> timeoutMonitorLeader(Database db) {
state Future<Void> leadMon = monitorLeader<ClusterInterface>(db->getConnectionRecord(), db->statusClusterInterface);
loop {
wait(delay(CLIENT_KNOBS->STATUS_IDLE_TIMEOUT + 0.00001 + db->lastStatusFetch - now()));
if (now() - db->lastStatusFetch > CLIENT_KNOBS->STATUS_IDLE_TIMEOUT) {
db->statusClusterInterface = Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterInterface>>>();
return Void();
Future<StatusObject> StatusClient::statusFetcher(Database db) {
db->lastStatusFetch = now();
if (!db->statusClusterInterface) {
db->statusClusterInterface = makeReference<AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterInterface>>>();
db->statusLeaderMon = timeoutMonitorLeader(db);
return statusFetcherImpl(db->getConnectionRecord(), db->statusClusterInterface);