
222 lines
10 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
// When actually compiled (NO_INTELLISENSE), include the generated
// version of this file. In intellisense use the source version.
#include "fdbcli/"
#elif !defined(FDBCLI_FDBCLI_ACTOR_H)
#include "fdbcli/FlowLineNoise.h"
#include "fdbclient/CoordinationInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/IClientApi.h"
#include "fdbclient/StatusClient.h"
#include "flow/Arena.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
namespace fdb_cli {
struct CommandHelp {
std::string usage;
std::string short_desc;
std::string long_desc;
CommandHelp() {}
CommandHelp(const char* u, const char* s, const char* l) : usage(u), short_desc(s), long_desc(l) {}
struct CommandFactory {
CommandFactory(const char* name, CommandHelp help) { commands()[name] = help; }
CommandFactory(const char* name) { hiddenCommands().insert(name); }
static std::map<std::string, CommandHelp>& commands() {
static std::map<std::string, CommandHelp> helpMap;
return helpMap;
static std::set<std::string>& hiddenCommands() {
static std::set<std::string> commands;
return commands;
// Special keys used by fdbcli commands
// advanceversion
extern const KeyRef advanceVersionSpecialKey;
// consistencycheck
extern const KeyRef consistencyCheckSpecialKey;
// coordinators
extern const KeyRef clusterDescriptionSpecialKey;
extern const KeyRef coordinatorsAutoSpecialKey;
extern const KeyRef coordinatorsProcessSpecialKey;
// datadistribution
extern const KeyRef ddModeSpecialKey;
extern const KeyRef ddIgnoreRebalanceSpecialKey;
// exclude/include
extern const KeyRangeRef excludedServersSpecialKeyRange;
extern const KeyRangeRef failedServersSpecialKeyRange;
extern const KeyRangeRef excludedLocalitySpecialKeyRange;
extern const KeyRangeRef failedLocalitySpecialKeyRange;
extern const KeyRef excludedForceOptionSpecialKey;
extern const KeyRef failedForceOptionSpecialKey;
extern const KeyRef excludedLocalityForceOptionSpecialKey;
extern const KeyRef failedLocalityForceOptionSpecialKey;
extern const KeyRangeRef exclusionInProgressSpecialKeyRange;
// lock/unlock
extern const KeyRef lockSpecialKey;
// maintenance
extern const KeyRangeRef maintenanceSpecialKeyRange;
extern const KeyRef ignoreSSFailureSpecialKey;
// setclass
extern const KeyRangeRef processClassSourceSpecialKeyRange;
extern const KeyRangeRef processClassTypeSpecialKeyRange;
// Other special keys
inline const KeyRef errorMsgSpecialKey = LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff/error_message");
// help functions (Copied from
// decode worker interfaces
ACTOR Future<Void> addInterface(std::map<Key, std::pair<Value, ClientLeaderRegInterface>>* address_interface,
Reference<FlowLock> connectLock,
KeyValue kv);
// get all workers' info
ACTOR Future<bool> getWorkers(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<ProcessData>* workers);
// compare StringRef with the given c string
bool tokencmp(StringRef token, const char* command);
// print the usage of the specified command
void printUsage(StringRef command);
// Pre: tr failed with special_keys_api_failure error
// Read the error message special key and return the message
ACTOR Future<std::string> getSpecialKeysFailureErrorMessage(Reference<ITransaction> tr);
// Using \xff\xff/worker_interfaces/ special key, get all worker interfaces
ACTOR Future<Void> getWorkerInterfaces(Reference<ITransaction> tr,
std::map<Key, std::pair<Value, ClientLeaderRegInterface>>* address_interface);
// Deserialize \xff\xff/worker_interfaces/<address>:=<ClientInterface> k-v pair and verify by a RPC call
ACTOR Future<Void> verifyAndAddInterface(std::map<Key, std::pair<Value, ClientLeaderRegInterface>>* address_interface,
Reference<FlowLock> connectLock,
KeyValue kv);
// print cluster status info
void printStatus(StatusObjectReader statusObj,
StatusClient::StatusLevel level,
bool displayDatabaseAvailable = true,
bool hideErrorMessages = false);
// All fdbcli commands (alphabetically)
// All below actors return true if the command is executed successfully
// advanceversion command
ACTOR Future<bool> advanceVersionCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// cache_range command
ACTOR Future<bool> cacheRangeCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// configure command
ACTOR Future<bool> configureCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db,
Database localDb,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens,
LineNoise* linenoise,
Future<Void> warn);
// consistency command
ACTOR Future<bool> consistencyCheckCommandActor(Reference<ITransaction> tr,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens,
bool intrans);
// coordinators command
ACTOR Future<bool> coordinatorsCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// createtenant command
ACTOR Future<bool> createTenantCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// datadistribution command
ACTOR Future<bool> dataDistributionCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// deletetenant command
ACTOR Future<bool> deleteTenantCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// exclude command
ACTOR Future<bool> excludeCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens, Future<Void> warn);
// expensive_data_check command
ACTOR Future<bool> expensiveDataCheckCommandActor(
Reference<IDatabase> db,
Reference<ITransaction> tr,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens,
std::map<Key, std::pair<Value, ClientLeaderRegInterface>>* address_interface);
// fileconfigure command
ACTOR Future<bool> fileConfigureCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db,
std::string filePath,
bool isNewDatabase,
bool force);
// force_recovery_with_data_loss command
ACTOR Future<bool> forceRecoveryWithDataLossCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// gettenant command
ACTOR Future<bool> getTenantCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// include command
ACTOR Future<bool> includeCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// kill command
ACTOR Future<bool> killCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db,
Reference<ITransaction> tr,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens,
std::map<Key, std::pair<Value, ClientLeaderRegInterface>>* address_interface);
// listtenants command
ACTOR Future<bool> listTenantsCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// lock/unlock command
ACTOR Future<bool> lockCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
ACTOR Future<bool> unlockDatabaseActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, UID uid);
// changefeed command
ACTOR Future<bool> changeFeedCommandActor(Database localDb,
Optional<TenantMapEntry> tenantEntry,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens,
Future<Void> warn);
// blobrange command
ACTOR Future<bool> blobRangeCommandActor(Database localDb,
Optional<TenantMapEntry> tenantEntry,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// maintenance command
ACTOR Future<bool> setHealthyZone(Reference<IDatabase> db, StringRef zoneId, double seconds, bool printWarning = false);
ACTOR Future<bool> clearHealthyZone(Reference<IDatabase> db,
bool printWarning = false,
bool clearSSFailureZoneString = false);
ACTOR Future<bool> maintenanceCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// profile command
ACTOR Future<bool> profileCommandActor(Reference<ITransaction> tr, std::vector<StringRef> tokens, bool intrans);
// setclass command
ACTOR Future<bool> setClassCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// snapshot command
ACTOR Future<bool> snapshotCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// status command
ACTOR Future<bool> statusCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db,
Database localDb,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens,
bool isExecMode = false);
// suspend command
ACTOR Future<bool> suspendCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db,
Reference<ITransaction> tr,
std::vector<StringRef> tokens,
std::map<Key, std::pair<Value, ClientLeaderRegInterface>>* address_interface);
// throttle command
ACTOR Future<bool> throttleCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// triggerteaminfolog command
ACTOR Future<bool> triggerddteaminfologCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db);
// tssq command
ACTOR Future<bool> tssqCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// versionepoch command
ACTOR Future<bool> versionEpochCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, Database cx, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
// targetversion command
ACTOR Future<bool> targetVersionCommandActor(Reference<IDatabase> db, std::vector<StringRef> tokens);
} // namespace fdb_cli
#include "flow/unactorcompiler.h"