
235 lines
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* IPager.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbserver/IKeyValueStore.h"
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "flow/crc32c.h"
#ifndef VALGRIND
typedef uint32_t LogicalPageID;
typedef uint32_t PhysicalPageID;
#define invalidLogicalPageID std::numeric_limits<LogicalPageID>::max()
// Represents a block of memory in a 4096-byte aligned location held by an Arena.
class ArenaPage : public ReferenceCounted<ArenaPage>, public FastAllocated<ArenaPage> {
// The page's logical size includes an opaque checksum, use size() to get usable size
ArenaPage(int logicalSize, int bufferSize) : logicalSize(logicalSize), bufferSize(bufferSize), userData(nullptr) {
if (bufferSize > 0) {
buffer = (uint8_t*)arena.allocate4kAlignedBuffer(bufferSize);
// Mark any unused page portion defined
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(buffer + logicalSize, bufferSize - logicalSize);
} else {
buffer = nullptr;
~ArenaPage() {
if (userData != nullptr && userDataDestructor != nullptr) {
if (buffer != nullptr) {
uint8_t const* begin() const { return (uint8_t*)buffer; }
uint8_t* mutate() { return (uint8_t*)buffer; }
typedef uint32_t Checksum;
// Usable size, without checksum
int size() const { return logicalSize - sizeof(Checksum); }
Standalone<StringRef> asStringRef() const { return Standalone<StringRef>(StringRef(begin(), size()), arena); }
// Get an ArenaPage which is a copy of this page, in its own Arena
Reference<ArenaPage> cloneContents() const {
ArenaPage* p = new ArenaPage(logicalSize, bufferSize);
memcpy(p->buffer, buffer, logicalSize);
return Reference<ArenaPage>(p);
// Get an ArenaPage which depends on this page's Arena and references some of its memory
Reference<ArenaPage> subPage(int offset, int len) const {
ArenaPage* p = new ArenaPage(len, 0);
p->buffer = buffer + offset;
return Reference<ArenaPage>(p);
// Given a vector of pages with the same ->size(), create a new ArenaPage with a ->size() that is
// equivalent to all of the input pages and has all of their contents copied into it.
static Reference<ArenaPage> concatPages(const std::vector<Reference<const ArenaPage>>& pages) {
int usableSize = pages.front()->size();
int totalUsableSize = pages.size() * usableSize;
int totalBufferSize = pages.front()->bufferSize * pages.size();
ArenaPage* superpage = new ArenaPage(totalUsableSize + sizeof(Checksum), totalBufferSize);
uint8_t* wptr = superpage->mutate();
for (auto& p : pages) {
ASSERT(p->size() == usableSize);
memcpy(wptr, p->begin(), usableSize);
wptr += usableSize;
return Reference<ArenaPage>(superpage);
Checksum& getChecksum() { return *(Checksum*)(buffer + size()); }
Checksum calculateChecksum(LogicalPageID pageID) { return crc32c_append(pageID, buffer, size()); }
void updateChecksum(LogicalPageID pageID) { getChecksum() = calculateChecksum(pageID); }
bool verifyChecksum(LogicalPageID pageID) { return getChecksum() == calculateChecksum(pageID); }
const Arena& getArena() const { return arena; }
Arena arena;
int logicalSize;
int bufferSize;
uint8_t* buffer;
mutable void* userData;
mutable void (*userDataDestructor)(void*);
class IPagerSnapshot {
virtual Future<Reference<const ArenaPage>> getPhysicalPage(LogicalPageID pageID,
bool cacheable,
bool nohit,
bool* fromCache = nullptr) = 0;
virtual bool tryEvictPage(LogicalPageID id) = 0;
virtual Version getVersion() const = 0;
virtual Key getMetaKey() const = 0;
virtual ~IPagerSnapshot() {}
virtual void addref() = 0;
virtual void delref() = 0;
// This API is probably too customized to the behavior of DWALPager and probably needs some changes to be more generic.
class IPager2 : public IClosable {
// Returns an ArenaPage that can be passed to writePage. The data in the returned ArenaPage might not be zeroed.
virtual Reference<ArenaPage> newPageBuffer() = 0;
// Returns the usable size of pages returned by the pager (i.e. the size of the page that isn't pager overhead).
// For a given pager instance, separate calls to this function must return the same value.
// Only valid to call after recovery is complete.
virtual int getUsablePageSize() const = 0;
// Allocate a new page ID for a subsequent write. The page will be considered in-use after the next commit
// regardless of whether or not it was written to.
virtual Future<LogicalPageID> newPageID() = 0;
// Replace the contents of a page with new data across *all* versions.
// Existing holders of a page reference for pageID, read from any version,
// may see the effects of this write.
virtual void updatePage(LogicalPageID pageID, Reference<ArenaPage> data) = 0;
// Try to atomically update the contents of a page as of version v in the next commit.
// If the pager is unable to do this at this time, it may choose to write the data to a new page ID
// instead and return the new page ID to the caller. Otherwise the original pageID argument will be returned.
// If a new page ID is returned, the old page ID will be freed as of version v
virtual Future<LogicalPageID> atomicUpdatePage(LogicalPageID pageID, Reference<ArenaPage> data, Version v) = 0;
// Free pageID to be used again after the commit that moves oldestVersion past v
virtual void freePage(LogicalPageID pageID, Version v) = 0;
// If id is remapped, delete the original as of version v and return the page it was remapped to. The caller
// is then responsible for referencing and deleting the returned page ID.
virtual LogicalPageID detachRemappedPage(LogicalPageID id, Version v) = 0;
// Returns the latest data (regardless of version) for a page by LogicalPageID
// The data returned will be the later of
// - the most recent committed atomic
// - the most recent non-atomic write
// Cacheable indicates that the page should be added to the page cache (if applicable?) as a result of this read.
// NoHit indicates that the read should not be considered a cache hit, such as when preloading pages that are
// considered likely to be needed soon.
virtual Future<Reference<ArenaPage>> readPage(LogicalPageID pageID,
bool cacheable = true,
bool noHit = false,
bool* fromCache = nullptr) = 0;
// Get a snapshot of the metakey and all pages as of the version v which must be >= getOldestVersion()
// Note that snapshots at any version may still see the results of updatePage() calls.
// The snapshot shall be usable until setOldVersion() is called with a version > v.
virtual Reference<IPagerSnapshot> getReadSnapshot(Version v) = 0;
// Atomically make durable all pending page writes, page frees, and update the metadata string.
virtual Future<Void> commit() = 0;
// Get the latest meta key set or committed
virtual Key getMetaKey() const = 0;
// Set the metakey which will be stored in the next commit
virtual void setMetaKey(KeyRef metaKey) = 0;
// Sets the next commit version
virtual void setCommitVersion(Version v) = 0;
virtual StorageBytes getStorageBytes() const = 0;
// Count of pages in use by the pager client (including retained old page versions)
virtual Future<int64_t> getUserPageCount() = 0;
// Future returned is ready when pager has been initialized from disk and is ready for reads and writes.
// It is invalid to call most other functions until init() is ready.
// TODO: Document further.
virtual Future<Void> init() = 0;
// Returns latest committed version
virtual Version getLatestVersion() const = 0;
// Returns the oldest readable version as of the most recent committed version
virtual Version getOldestVersion() const = 0;
// Sets the oldest readable version to be put into affect at the next commit.
// The pager can reuse pages that were freed at a version less than v.
// If any snapshots are in use at a version less than v, the pager can either forcefully
// invalidate them or keep their versions around until the snapshots are no longer in use.
virtual void setOldestVersion(Version v) = 0;
~IPager2() {} // Destruction should be done using close()/dispose() from the IClosable interface