
2442 lines
93 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "fdbserver/IVersionedStore.h"
#include "fdbserver/IPager.h"
#include "fdbclient/Tuple.h"
#include "flow/serialize.h"
#include "flow/"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "fdbserver/MemoryPager.h"
#include "fdbserver/IndirectShadowPager.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "fdbclient/CommitTransaction.h"
#include "fdbserver/IKeyValueStore.h"
#include "fdbserver/PrefixTree.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h"
// Convenience method for converting a Standalone to a Ref while adding its arena to another arena.
template<typename T> inline const Standalone<T> & dependsOn(Arena &arena, const Standalone<T> &s) {
return s;
struct BTreePage {
enum EPageFlags { IS_LEAF = 1};
#pragma pack(push,4)
uint8_t flags;
uint16_t count;
uint32_t kvBytes;
uint8_t extensionPageCount;
LogicalPageID extensionPages[0];
#pragma pack(pop)
PrefixTree & tree() {
return *(PrefixTree *)(extensionPages + extensionPageCount);
const PrefixTree & tree() const {
return *(const PrefixTree *)(extensionPages + extensionPageCount);
static inline int GetHeaderSize(int extensionPages = 0) {
return sizeof(BTreePage) + extensionPages + sizeof(LogicalPageID);
std::string toString(bool write, LogicalPageID id, Version ver, StringRef lowerBoundKey, StringRef upperBoundKey) const {
std::string r;
r += format("BTreePage op=%s id=%d ver=%lld ptr=%p flags=0x%X count=%d kvBytes=%d\nlowerBoundKey='%s'\nupperBoundKey='%s'",
write ? "write" : "read", id, ver, this, (int)flags, (int)count, (int)kvBytes,
lowerBoundKey.toHexString(20).c_str(), upperBoundKey.toHexString(20).c_str());
try {
if(count > 0) {
PrefixTree::Cursor c = tree().getCursor(lowerBoundKey, upperBoundKey);
do {
r += "\n ";
Tuple t;
try {
t = Tuple::unpack(c.getKeyRef());
for(int i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) {
if(i != 0)
r += ",";
if(t.getType(i) == Tuple::ElementType::BYTES)
r += format("'%s'", t.getString(i).printable().c_str());
if(t.getType(i) == Tuple::ElementType::INT)
r += format("%lld", t.getInt(i, true));
} catch(Error& ) {
r += format("['%s']", c.getKeyRef().toHexString(20).c_str());
r += " -> ";
if(flags & IS_LEAF)
r += format("'%s'", c.getValueRef().toHexString(20).c_str());
r += format("Page id=%u", *(const uint32_t *)c.getValueRef().begin());
} while(c.moveNext());
} catch(Error& ) {
debug_printf("BTreePage::toString ERROR: %s\n", e.what());
debug_printf("BTreePage::toString partial result: %s\n", r.c_str());
return r;
static void writeEmptyPage(Reference<IPage> page, uint8_t newFlags, int pageSize) {
BTreePage *btpage = (BTreePage *)page->begin();
btpage->flags = newFlags;
btpage->kvBytes = 0;
btpage->count = 0;
btpage->extensionPageCount = 0;
btpage->tree().build(nullptr, nullptr, StringRef(), StringRef());
struct BoundaryAndPage {
Key lowerBound;
// Only firstPage or multiPage will be in use at once
Reference<IPage> firstPage;
std::vector<Reference<IPage>> extPages;
// Returns a std::vector of pairs of lower boundary key indices within kvPairs and encoded pages.
template<typename Allocator>
static std::vector<BoundaryAndPage> buildPages(bool minimalBoundaries, StringRef lowerBound, StringRef upperBound, std::vector<PrefixTree::EntryRef> entries, uint8_t newFlags, Allocator const &newBlockFn, int usableBlockSize) {
// This is how much space for the binary tree exists in the page, after the header
int pageSize = usableBlockSize - (BTreePage::GetHeaderSize() + PrefixTree::GetHeaderSize());
// Each new block adds (usableBlockSize - sizeof(LogicalPageID)) more net usable space *for the binary tree* to pageSize.
int netTreeBlockSize = usableBlockSize - sizeof(LogicalPageID);
int blockCount = 1;
std::vector<BoundaryAndPage> pages;
// TODO: Move all of this abstraction breaking stuff into PrefixTree in the form of a helper function or class.
int kvBytes = 0; // User key/value bytes in page
int compressedBytes = 0; // Conservative estimate of size of compressed page. TODO: Make this exactly right if possible
int start = 0;
int i = 0;
const int iEnd = entries.size();
// Lower bound of the page being added to
Key pageLowerBound = lowerBound;
Key pageUpperBound;
while(i <= iEnd) {
bool end = i == iEnd;
bool flush = end;
// If not the end, add i to the page if necessary
if(end) {
pageUpperBound = upperBound;
else {
// Common prefix with previous record
const PrefixTree::EntryRef &entry = entries[i];
int prefixLen = commonPrefixLength(entry.key, (i == start) ? pageLowerBound : entries[i - 1].key);
int keySize = entry.key.size();
int valueSize = entry.value.size();
int spaceNeeded = valueSize + keySize - prefixLen + PrefixTree::Node::getMaxOverhead(i, entry.key.size(), entry.value.size());
debug_printf("Trying to add record %d of %lu (i=%d) klen %d vlen %d prefixLen %d spaceNeeded %d usedSoFar %d/%d '%s'\n",
i + 1, entries.size(), i, keySize, valueSize, prefixLen,
spaceNeeded, compressedBytes, pageSize, entry.key.toHexString(15).c_str());
int spaceAvailable = pageSize - compressedBytes;
// Does it fit?
bool fits = spaceAvailable >= spaceNeeded;
// If it doesn't fit, either end the current page or increase the page size
if(!fits) {
// For leaf level where minimal boundaries are used require at least 1 entry, otherwise require 4 to enforce a minimum branching factor
int minimumEntries = minimalBoundaries ? 1 : 4;
int count = i - start;
// If not enough entries or page less than half full, increase page size to make the entry fit
if(count < minimumEntries || spaceAvailable > pageSize / 2) {
// Figure out how many additional whole or partial blocks are needed
int newBlocks = 1 + (spaceNeeded - spaceAvailable - 1) / netTreeBlockSize;
int newPageSize = pageSize + (newBlocks * netTreeBlockSize);
if(newPageSize <= PrefixTree::MaximumTreeSize()) {
blockCount += newBlocks;
pageSize = newPageSize;
fits = true;
if(!fits) {
// Flush page
if(minimalBoundaries) {
// Note that prefixLen is guaranteed to be < entry.key.size() because entries are in increasing order and cannot repeat.
int len = prefixLen + 1;
if(entry.key[prefixLen] == 0)
len = std::min(len + 1, entry.key.size());
pageUpperBound = entry.key.substr(0, len);
else {
pageUpperBound = entry.key;
// If the record fits then add it to the page set
if(fits) {
kvBytes += keySize + valueSize;
compressedBytes += spaceNeeded;
flush = !fits;
// If flush then write a page using records from start to i. It's guaranteed that pageUpperBound has been set above.
if(flush) {
end = i == iEnd; // i could have been moved above
debug_printf("Flushing page start=%d i=%d\nlower='%s'\nupper='%s'\n", start, i, pageLowerBound.toHexString(20).c_str(), pageUpperBound.toHexString(20).c_str());
ASSERT(pageLowerBound <= pageUpperBound);
for(int j = start; j < i; ++j) {
debug_printf(" %d: %s -> %s\n", j, entries[j].key.toHexString(15).c_str(), entries[j].value.toHexString(15).c_str());
union {
BTreePage *btPage;
uint8_t *btPageMem;
if(blockCount == 1) {
Reference<IPage> page = newBlockFn();
btPageMem = page->mutate();
pages.push_back({std::move(pageLowerBound), std::move(page)});
else {
ASSERT(blockCount > 1);
btPageMem = new uint8_t[usableBlockSize * blockCount];
// Prevent valgrind errors caused by writing random unneeded bytes to disk.
memset(btPageMem, 0, usableBlockSize * blockCount);
btPage->flags = newFlags;
btPage->kvBytes = kvBytes;
btPage->count = i - start;
btPage->extensionPageCount = blockCount - 1;
int written = btPage->tree().build(&entries[start], &entries[i], pageLowerBound, pageUpperBound);
if(written > pageSize) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Wrote %d bytes to %d byte page (%d blocks). recs %d kvBytes %d compressed %d\n", written, pageSize, blockCount, i - start, kvBytes, compressedBytes);
if(blockCount != 1) {
Reference<IPage> page = newBlockFn();
const uint8_t *rptr = btPageMem;
memcpy(page->mutate(), rptr, usableBlockSize);
rptr += usableBlockSize;
std::vector<Reference<IPage>> extPages;
for(int b = 1; b < blockCount; ++b) {
Reference<IPage> extPage = newBlockFn();
//debug_printf("block %d write offset %d\n", b, firstBlockSize + (b - 1) * usableBlockSize);
memcpy(extPage->mutate(), rptr, usableBlockSize);
rptr += usableBlockSize;
pages.push_back({std::move(pageLowerBound), std::move(page), std::move(extPages)});
delete btPageMem;
start = i;
kvBytes = 0;
compressedBytes = 0;
pageLowerBound = pageUpperBound;
//debug_printf("buildPages: returning pages.size %lu, kvpairs %lu\n", pages.size(), kvPairs.size());
return pages;
// Internal key/value records represent either a cleared key at a version or a shard of a value of a key at a version.
// When constructing and packing these it is assumed that the key and value memory is being held elsewhere.
struct KeyVersionValueRef {
KeyVersionValueRef() : version(invalidVersion) {}
// Cleared key at version
KeyVersionValueRef(KeyRef key, Version ver, Optional<ValueRef> val = {})
: key(key), version(ver), value(val), valueIndex(0)
valueTotalSize = value.get().size();
KeyVersionValueRef(Arena &a, const KeyVersionValueRef &toCopy) {
key = KeyRef(a, toCopy.key);
version = toCopy.version;
if(toCopy.value.present()) {
value = ValueRef(a, toCopy.value.get());
valueTotalSize = toCopy.valueTotalSize;
valueIndex = toCopy.valueIndex;
static inline Key searchKey(StringRef key, Version ver) {
Tuple t;
Standalone<VectorRef<uint8_t>> packed = t.getData();
packed.append(packed.arena(), (const uint8_t *)"\xff", 1);
return Key(KeyRef(packed.begin(), packed.size()), packed.arena());
KeyRef key;
Version version;
int64_t valueTotalSize; // Total size of value, including all other KVV parts if multipart
int64_t valueIndex; // Index within reconstituted value of this part
Optional<ValueRef> value;
// Result undefined if value is not present
bool isMultiPart() const { return value.get().size() != valueTotalSize; }
bool valid() const { return version != invalidVersion; }
// Generate a kv shard from a complete kv
KeyVersionValueRef split(int start, int len) {
KeyVersionValueRef r(key, version);
r.value = value.get().substr(start, len);
r.valueIndex = start;
r.valueTotalSize = valueTotalSize;
return r;
// Encode the record for writing to a btree page.
// If copyValue is false, the value is not copied into the returned arena.
// Encoded forms:
// userKey, version - the value is present and complete (which includes an empty value)
// userKey, version, valueSize=0 - the key was deleted as of this version
// userKey, version, valueSize>=0, valuePart - the value is present and spans multiple records
inline PrefixTree::Entry pack(bool copyValue = true) const {
Tuple t;
if(!value.present()) {
else {
if(isMultiPart()) {
Key k = t.getDataAsStandalone();
ValueRef v;
if(value.present()) {
v = copyValue ? StringRef(k.arena(), value.get()) : value.get();
return PrefixTree::Entry({k, v}, k.arena());
// Supports partial/incomplete encoded sequences.
// Unpack an encoded key/value pair.
// Both key and value will be in the returned arena unless copyValue is false in which case
// the value will not be copied to the arena.
static Standalone<KeyVersionValueRef> unpack(KeyValueRef kv, bool copyValue = true) {
//debug_printf("Unpacking: '%s' -> '%s' \n", kv.key.toHexString(15).c_str(), kv.value.toHexString(15).c_str());
Standalone<KeyVersionValueRef> result;
if(kv.key.size() != 0) {
try { Tuple t = Tuple::unpack(kv.key); } catch(Error &e) { debug_printf("UNPACK FAIL %s %s\n", kv.key.toHexString(20).c_str(), platform::get_backtrace().c_str()); }
Tuple k = Tuple::unpack(kv.key);
int s = k.size();
switch(s) {
case 4:
// Value shard
result.valueTotalSize = k.getInt(2);
result.valueIndex = k.getInt(3, true);
result.value = kv.value;
case 3:
// Deleted or Complete value
result.valueIndex = 0;
result.valueTotalSize = k.getInt(2, true);
// If not a clear, set the value, otherwise it remains non-present
if(result.valueTotalSize != 0)
result.value = kv.value;
result.valueIndex = 0;
result.valueTotalSize = kv.value.size();
result.value = kv.value;
if(s > 0) {
Key sk = k.getString(0);
result.key = sk;
if(s > 1) {
result.version = k.getInt(1, true);
if(copyValue && result.value.present()) {
result.value = StringRef(result.arena(), result.value.get());
return result;
static Standalone<KeyVersionValueRef> unpack(KeyRef k) {
return unpack(KeyValueRef(k, StringRef()));
std::string toString() const {
std::string r;
r += format("'%s' @%lld -> ", key.toHexString(15).c_str(), version);
r += value.present() ? format("'%s' %d/%d", value.get().toHexString(15).c_str(), valueIndex, valueTotalSize).c_str() : "<cleared>";
return r;
typedef Standalone<KeyVersionValueRef> KeyVersionValue;
class VersionedBTree : public IVersionedStore {
// The first possible internal record possible in the tree
static KeyVersionValueRef beginKVV;
// A record which is greater than the last possible record in the tree
static KeyVersionValueRef endKVV;
// The encoded key form of the above two things.
static Key beginKey;
static Key endKey;
// All async opts on the btree are based on pager reads, writes, and commits, so
// we can mostly forward these next few functions to the pager
virtual Future<Void> getError() {
return m_pager->getError();
virtual Future<Void> onClosed() {
return m_pager->onClosed();
void close_impl(bool dispose) {
IPager *pager = m_pager;
delete this;
virtual void dispose() {
return close_impl(true);
virtual void close() {
return close_impl(false);
virtual KeyValueStoreType getType() NOT_IMPLEMENTED
virtual bool supportsMutation(int op) NOT_IMPLEMENTED
virtual StorageBytes getStorageBytes() {
return m_pager->getStorageBytes();
// Writes are provided in an ordered stream.
// A write is considered part of (a change leading to) the version determined by the previous call to setWriteVersion()
// A write shall not become durable until the following call to commit() begins, and shall be durable once the following call to commit() returns
virtual void set(KeyValueRef keyValue) {
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion &changes = insertMutationBoundary(keyValue.key)->second.startKeyMutations;
// Add the set if the changes set is empty or the last entry isn't a set to exactly the same value
if(changes.empty() || !changes.rbegin()->second.equalToSet(keyValue.value)) {
changes[m_writeVersion] = SingleKeyMutation(keyValue.value);
virtual void clear(KeyRangeRef range) {
MutationBufferT::iterator iBegin = insertMutationBoundary(range.begin);
MutationBufferT::iterator iEnd = insertMutationBoundary(range.end);
// For each boundary in the cleared range
while(iBegin != iEnd) {
RangeMutation &range = iBegin->second;
// Set the rangeClearedVersion if not set
range.rangeClearVersion = m_writeVersion;
// Add a clear to the startKeyMutations map if it's empty or the last item is not a clear
if(range.startKeyMutations.empty() || !range.startKeyMutations.rbegin()->second.isClear())
range.startKeyMutations[m_writeVersion] = SingleKeyMutation();
virtual void mutate(int op, StringRef param1, StringRef param2) NOT_IMPLEMENTED
// Versions [begin, end) no longer readable
virtual void forgetVersions(Version begin, Version end) NOT_IMPLEMENTED
virtual Future<Version> getLatestVersion() {
if(m_writeVersion != invalidVersion)
return m_writeVersion;
return m_pager->getLatestVersion();
Version getWriteVersion() {
return m_writeVersion;
Version getLastCommittedVersion() {
return m_lastCommittedVersion;
VersionedBTree(IPager *pager, std::string name, int target_page_size = -1)
: m_pager(pager),
if(target_page_size > 0 && target_page_size < m_usablePageSizeOverride)
m_usablePageSizeOverride = target_page_size;
m_init = init_impl(this);
m_latestCommit = m_init;
ACTOR static Future<Void> init_impl(VersionedBTree *self) {
self->m_root = 0;
state Version latest = wait(self->m_pager->getLatestVersion());
if(latest == 0) {
Reference<IPage> page = self->m_pager->newPageBuffer();
writeEmptyPage(page, BTreePage::IS_LEAF, self->m_usablePageSizeOverride);
self->writePage(self->m_root, page, latest, StringRef(), StringRef());
self->m_lastCommittedVersion = latest;
return Void();
Future<Void> init() { return m_init; }
virtual ~VersionedBTree() {
// This probably shouldn't be called directly (meaning deleting an instance directly) but it should be safe,
// it will cancel init and commit and leave the pager alive but with potentially an incomplete set of
// uncommitted writes so it should not be committed.
// readAtVersion() may only be called on a version which has previously been passed to setWriteVersion() and never previously passed
// to forgetVersion. The returned results when violating this precondition are unspecified; the store is not required to be able to detect violations.
// The returned read cursor provides a consistent snapshot of the versioned store, corresponding to all the writes done with write versions less
// than or equal to the given version.
// If readAtVersion() is called on the *current* write version, the given read cursor MAY reflect subsequent writes at the same
// write version, OR it may represent a snapshot as of the call to readAtVersion().
virtual Reference<IStoreCursor> readAtVersion(Version v) {
// TODO: Use the buffer to return uncommitted data
// For now, only committed versions can be read.
ASSERT(v <= m_lastCommittedVersion);
return Reference<IStoreCursor>(new Cursor(v, m_pager, m_root, m_usablePageSizeOverride));
// Must be nondecreasing
virtual void setWriteVersion(Version v) {
ASSERT(v > m_lastCommittedVersion);
// If there was no current mutation buffer, create one in the buffer map and update m_pBuffer
if(m_pBuffer == nullptr) {
// When starting a new mutation buffer its start version must be greater than the last write version
ASSERT(v > m_writeVersion);
m_pBuffer = &m_mutationBuffers[v];
// Create range representing the entire keyspace. This reduces edge cases to applying mutations
// because now all existing keys are within some range in the mutation map.
else {
// It's OK to set the write version to the same version repeatedly so long as m_pBuffer is not null
ASSERT(v >= m_writeVersion);
m_writeVersion = v;
virtual Future<Void> commit() {
if(m_pBuffer == nullptr)
return m_latestCommit;
return commit_impl(this);
void writePage(LogicalPageID id, Reference<IPage> page, Version ver, StringRef pageLowerBound, StringRef pageUpperBound) {
debug_printf("writePage(): %s\n", ((const BTreePage *)page->begin())->toString(true, id, ver, pageLowerBound, pageUpperBound).c_str());
m_pager->writePage(id, page, ver);
LogicalPageID m_root;
typedef std::pair<Key, LogicalPageID> KeyPagePairT;
typedef std::pair<Version, std::vector<KeyPagePairT>> VersionedKeyToPageSetT;
typedef std::vector<VersionedKeyToPageSetT> VersionedChildrenT;
// Represents a change to a single key - set, clear, or atomic op
struct SingleKeyMutation {
// Clear
SingleKeyMutation() : op(MutationRef::ClearRange) {}
// Set
SingleKeyMutation(Value val) : op(MutationRef::SetValue), value(val) {}
// Atomic Op
SingleKeyMutation(MutationRef::Type op, Value val) : op(op), value(val) {}
MutationRef::Type op;
Value value;
inline bool isClear() const { return op == MutationRef::ClearRange; }
inline bool isSet() const { return op == MutationRef::SetValue; }
inline bool isAtomicOp() const { return !isSet() && !isClear(); }
inline bool equalToSet(ValueRef val) { return isSet() && value == val; }
// The returned packed key will be added to arena, the value will just point to the SingleKeyMutation's memory
inline KeyVersionValueRef toKVV(KeyRef userKey, Version version) const {
// No point in serializing an atomic op, it needs to be coalesced to a real value.
return KeyVersionValueRef(userKey, version);
return KeyVersionValueRef(userKey, version, value);
std::string toString() const {
return format("op=%d val='%s'", op, printable(value).c_str());
// Represents mutations on a single key and a possible clear to a range that begins
// immediately after that key
typedef std::map<Version, SingleKeyMutation> SingleKeyMutationsByVersion;
struct RangeMutation {
// Mutations for exactly the start key
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion startKeyMutations;
// A clear range version, if cleared, for the range starting immediately AFTER the start key
Optional<Version> rangeClearVersion;
// Returns true if this RangeMutation doesn't actually mutate anything
bool noChanges() const {
return !rangeClearVersion.present() && startKeyMutations.empty();
std::string toString() const {
std::string result;
result.append("rangeClearVersion: ");
result.append(format("%lld", rangeClearVersion.get()));
result.append("<not present>");
result.append(" startKeyMutations: ");
for(SingleKeyMutationsByVersion::value_type const &m : startKeyMutations)
result.append(format("[%lld => %s] ", m.first, m.second.toString().c_str()));
return result;
typedef std::map<Key, RangeMutation> MutationBufferT;
/* Mutation Buffer Overview
* MutationBuffer maps the start of a range to a RangeMutation. The end of the range is
* the next range start in the map.
* - The buffer starts out with keys '' and endKVV.key already populated.
* - When a new key is inserted into the buffer map, it is by definition
* splitting an existing range so it should take on the rangeClearVersion of
* the immediately preceding key which is the start of that range
* - Keys are inserted into the buffer map for every individual operation (set/clear/atomic)
* key and for both the start and end of a range clear.
* - To apply a single clear, add it to the individual ops only if the last entry is not also a clear.
* - To apply a range clear, after inserting the new range boundaries do the following to the start
* boundary and all successive boundaries < end
* - set the range clear version if not already set
* - add a clear to the startKeyMutations if the final entry is not a clear.
* - Note that there are actually TWO valid ways to represent
* set c = val1 at version 1
* clear c\x00 to z at version 2
* with this model. Either
* c = { rangeClearVersion = 2, startKeyMutations = { 1 => val1 }
* z = { rangeClearVersion = <not present>, startKeyMutations = {}
* OR
* c = { rangeClearVersion = <not present>, startKeyMutations = { 1 => val1 }
* c\x00 = { rangeClearVersion = 2, startKeyMutations = { 2 => <not present> }
* z = { rangeClearVersion = <not present>, startKeyMutations = {}
* This is because the rangeClearVersion applies to a range begining with the first
* key AFTER the start key, so that the logic for reading the start key is more simple
* as it only involves consulting startKeyMutations. When adding a clear range, the
* boundary key insert/split described above is valid, and is what is currently done,
* but it would also be valid to see if the last key before startKey is equal to
* keyBefore(startKey), and if so that mutation buffer boundary key can be used instead
* without adding an additional key to the buffer.
IPager *m_pager;
MutationBufferT *m_pBuffer;
std::map<Version, MutationBufferT> m_mutationBuffers;
Version m_writeVersion;
Version m_lastCommittedVersion;
Future<Void> m_latestCommit;
int m_usablePageSizeOverride;
Future<Void> m_init;
std::string m_name;
void printMutationBuffer(MutationBufferT::const_iterator begin, MutationBufferT::const_iterator end) const {
while(begin != end) {
debug_printf("'%s': %s\n", printable(begin->first).c_str(), begin->second.toString().c_str());
void printMutationBuffer(MutationBufferT *buf) const {
return printMutationBuffer(buf->begin(), buf->end());
// Find or create a mutation buffer boundary for bound and return an iterator to it
MutationBufferT::iterator insertMutationBoundary(Key boundary) {
ASSERT(m_pBuffer != nullptr);
// Find the first split point in buffer that is >= key
MutationBufferT::iterator ib = m_pBuffer->lower_bound(boundary);
// Since the initial state of the mutation buffer contains the range '' through
// the maximum possible key, our search had to have found something.
ASSERT(ib != m_pBuffer->end());
// If we found the boundary we are looking for, return its iterator
if(ib->first == boundary)
return ib;
// ib is our insert hint. Insert the new boundary and set ib to its entry
ib = m_pBuffer->insert(ib, {boundary, RangeMutation()});
// ib is certainly > begin() because it is guaranteed that the empty string
// boundary exists and the only way to have found that is to look explicitly
// for it in which case we would have returned above.
MutationBufferT::iterator iPrevious = ib;
if(iPrevious->second.rangeClearVersion.present()) {
ib->second.rangeClearVersion = iPrevious->second.rangeClearVersion;
ib->second.startKeyMutations[iPrevious->second.rangeClearVersion.get()] = SingleKeyMutation();
return ib;
void buildNewRoot(Version version, std::vector<BoundaryAndPage> &pages, std::vector<LogicalPageID> &logicalPageIDs, const BTreePage *pPage) {
//debug_printf("buildNewRoot start %lu\n", pages.size());
// While there are multiple child pages for this version we must write new tree levels.
while(pages.size() > 1) {
std::vector<PrefixTree::EntryRef> childEntries;
for(int i=0; i<pages.size(); i++)
childEntries.emplace_back(pages[i].lowerBound, StringRef((unsigned char *)&logicalPageIDs[i], sizeof(uint32_t)));
pages = buildPages(false, beginKey, endKey, childEntries, 0, [=](){ return m_pager->newPageBuffer(); }, m_usablePageSizeOverride);
debug_printf("Writing a new root level at version %lld with %lu children across %lu pages\n", version, childEntries.size(), pages.size());
logicalPageIDs = writePages(pages, version, m_root, pPage, endKey, nullptr);
std::vector<LogicalPageID> writePages(std::vector<BoundaryAndPage> pages, Version version, LogicalPageID originalID, const BTreePage *originalPage, StringRef upperBound, void *actor_debug) {
debug_printf("%p: writePages(): %u @%lld -> %lu replacement pages\n", actor_debug, originalID, version, pages.size());
ASSERT(version != 0 || pages.size() == 1);
std::vector<LogicalPageID> primaryLogicalPageIDs;
// Reuse original primary page ID if it's not the root or if only one page is being written.
if(originalID != m_root || pages.size() == 1)
// Allocate a primary page ID for each page to be written
while(primaryLogicalPageIDs.size() < pages.size()) {
debug_printf("%p: writePages(): Writing %lu replacement pages for %d at version %lld\n", actor_debug, pages.size(), originalID, version);
for(int i=0; i<pages.size(); i++) {
// Allocate page number for main page first
LogicalPageID id = primaryLogicalPageIDs[i];
// Check for extension pages, if they exist assign IDs for them and write them at version
auto const &extPages = pages[i].extPages;
// If there are extension pages, write all pages using pager directly because this->writePage() is for whole primary pages
if(extPages.size() != 0) {
BTreePage *newPage = (BTreePage *)pages[i].firstPage->mutate();
ASSERT(newPage->extensionPageCount == extPages.size());
for(int e = 0, eEnd = extPages.size(); e < eEnd; ++e) {
LogicalPageID eid = m_pager->allocateLogicalPage();
debug_printf("%p: writePages(): Writing extension page op=write id=%u @%lld (%d of %lu) referencePage=%u\n", actor_debug, eid, version, e + 1, extPages.size(), id);
newPage->extensionPages[e] = eid;
// If replacing the primary page below (version == 0) then pass the primary page's ID as the reference page ID
m_pager->writePage(eid, extPages[e], version, (version == 0) ? id : invalidLogicalPageID);
debug_printf("%p: writePages(): Writing primary page op=write id=%u @%lld (+%lu extension pages)\n", actor_debug, id, version, extPages.size());
m_pager->writePage(id, pages[i].firstPage, version);
else {
debug_printf("%p: writePages(): Writing normal page op=write id=%u @%lld\n", actor_debug, id, version);
writePage(id, pages[i].firstPage, version, pages[i].lowerBound, (i == pages.size() - 1) ? upperBound : pages[i + 1].lowerBound);
// Free the old extension pages now that all replacement pages have been written
for(int i = 0; i < originalPage->extensionPageCount; ++i) {
//debug_printf("%p: writePages(): Freeing old extension op=del id=%u @latest\n", actor_debug, originalPage->extensionPages[i]);
//m_pager->freeLogicalPage(originalPage->extensionPages[i], version);
return primaryLogicalPageIDs;
class SuperPage : public IPage, ReferenceCounted<SuperPage> {
SuperPage(std::vector<Reference<const IPage>> pages, int usablePageSize)
: m_size(pages.size() * usablePageSize) {
m_data = new uint8_t[m_size];
uint8_t *wptr = m_data;
for(auto &p : pages) {
memcpy(wptr, p->begin(), usablePageSize);
wptr += usablePageSize;
virtual ~SuperPage() {
delete m_data;
virtual void addref() const {
virtual void delref() const {
virtual int size() const {
return m_size;
virtual uint8_t const* begin() const {
return m_data;
virtual uint8_t* mutate() {
return m_data;
uint8_t *m_data;
const int m_size;
ACTOR static Future<Reference<const IPage>> readPage(Reference<IPagerSnapshot> snapshot, LogicalPageID id, int usablePageSize) {
debug_printf("readPage() op=read id=%u @%lld\n", id, snapshot->getVersion());
Reference<const IPage> raw = wait(snapshot->getPhysicalPage(id));
const BTreePage *pTreePage = (const BTreePage *)raw->begin();
if(pTreePage->extensionPageCount == 0) {
debug_printf("readPage() Found normal page for op=read id=%u @%lld\n", id, snapshot->getVersion());
return raw;
std::vector<Future<Reference<const IPage>>> pageGets;
for(int i = 0; i < pTreePage->extensionPageCount; ++i) {
debug_printf("readPage() Reading extension page op=read id=%u @%lld ext=%d/%d\n", pTreePage->extensionPages[i], snapshot->getVersion(), i + 1, (int)pTreePage->extensionPageCount);
std::vector<Reference<const IPage>> pages = wait(getAll(pageGets));
return Reference<const IPage>(new SuperPage(pages, usablePageSize));
// Returns list of (version, list of (lower_bound, list of children) )
ACTOR static Future<VersionedChildrenT> commitSubtree(VersionedBTree *self, MutationBufferT *mutationBuffer, Reference<IPagerSnapshot> snapshot, LogicalPageID root, Key lowerBoundKey, Key upperBoundKey) {
debug_printf("%p commitSubtree: root=%d lower='%s' upper='%s'\n", THIS, root, lowerBoundKey.toHexString(20).c_str(), upperBoundKey.toHexString(20).c_str());
// Decode the (likely truncate) upper and lower bound keys for this subtree.
state KeyVersionValue lowerBoundKVV = KeyVersionValue::unpack(lowerBoundKey);
state KeyVersionValue upperBoundKVV = KeyVersionValue::unpack(upperBoundKey);
// Find the slice of the mutation buffer that is relevant to this subtree
// TODO: Rather than two lower_bound searches, perhaps just compare each mutation to the upperBound key
state MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundary = mutationBuffer->lower_bound(lowerBoundKVV.key);
state MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundaryEnd = mutationBuffer->lower_bound(upperBoundKVV.key);
// If the lower bound key and the upper bound key are the same then there can't be any changes to
// this subtree since changes would happen after the upper bound key as the mutated versions would
// necessarily be higher.
if(lowerBoundKVV.key == upperBoundKVV.key) {
debug_printf("%p no changes, lower and upper bound keys are the same.\n", THIS);
return VersionedChildrenT({ {0,{{lowerBoundKey,root}}} });
// If the mutation buffer key found is greater than the lower bound key then go to the previous mutation
// buffer key because it may cover deletion of some keys at the start of this subtree.
if(iMutationBoundary != mutationBuffer->begin() && iMutationBoundary->first > lowerBoundKVV.key) {
else {
// If the there are no mutations, we're done
if(iMutationBoundary == iMutationBoundaryEnd) {
debug_printf("%p no changes, mutation buffer start/end are the same\n", THIS);
return VersionedChildrenT({ {0,{{lowerBoundKey,root}}} });
// TODO: Check if entire subtree is erased and return no pages, also have the previous pages deleted as of
// the cleared version.
// Another way to have no mutations is to have a single mutation range cover this
// subtree but have no changes in it
MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundaryNext = iMutationBoundary;
if(iMutationBoundaryNext == iMutationBoundaryEnd && iMutationBoundary->second.noChanges()) {
debug_printf("%p no changes because sole mutation range was empty\n", THIS);
return VersionedChildrenT({ {0,{{lowerBoundKey,root}}} });
state Reference<const IPage> rawPage = wait(readPage(snapshot, root, self->m_usablePageSizeOverride));
state BTreePage *page = (BTreePage *) rawPage->begin();
debug_printf("%p commitSubtree(): %s\n", THIS, page->toString(false, root, snapshot->getVersion(), lowerBoundKey, upperBoundKey).c_str());
PrefixTree::Cursor existingCursor = page->tree().getCursor(lowerBoundKey, upperBoundKey);
bool existingCursorValid = existingCursor.moveFirst();
// Leaf Page
if(page->flags & BTreePage::IS_LEAF) {
VersionedChildrenT results;
std::vector<PrefixTree::EntryRef> merged;
Arena mergedArena;
self->printMutationBuffer(iMutationBoundary, iMutationBoundaryEnd);
// It's a given that the mutation map is not empty so it's safe to do this
Key mutationRangeStart = iMutationBoundary->first;
// There will be multiple loops advancing existing cursor, existing KVV will track its current value
KeyVersionValue existing;
if(existingCursorValid) {
existing = KeyVersionValue::unpack(existingCursor.getKVRef());
// If replacement pages are written they will be at the minimum version seen in the mutations for this leaf
Version minVersion = invalidVersion;
// Now, process each mutation range and merge changes with existing data.
while(iMutationBoundary != iMutationBoundaryEnd) {
debug_printf("%p New mutation boundary: '%s': %s\n", THIS, printable(iMutationBoundary->first).c_str(), iMutationBoundary->second.toString().c_str());
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion::const_iterator iMutations;
// If the mutation boundary key is less than the lower bound key then skip startKeyMutations for
// this bounary, we're only processing this mutation range here to apply any clears to existing data.
if(iMutationBoundary->first < lowerBoundKVV.key)
iMutations = iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.end();
// If the mutation boundary key is the same as the page lowerBound key then start reading single
// key mutations at the first version greater than the lowerBoundKey version.
else if(iMutationBoundary->first == lowerBoundKVV.key)
iMutations = iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.upper_bound(lowerBoundKVV.version);
iMutations = iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.begin();
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion::const_iterator iMutationsEnd = iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.end();
// Output old versions of the mutation boundary key
while(existingCursorValid && existing.key == iMutationBoundary->first) {
// Don't copy the value because this page will stay in memory until after we've built new version(s) of it
merged.push_back(dependsOn(mergedArena, existingCursor.getKV(false)));
debug_printf("%p: Added %s [existing, boundary start]\n", THIS, KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
existingCursorValid = existingCursor.moveNext();
existing = KeyVersionValue::unpack(existingCursor.getKVRef());
// TODO: If a mutation set is equal to the previous existing value of the key, maybe don't write it.
// Output mutations for the mutation boundary start key
while(iMutations != iMutationsEnd) {
const SingleKeyMutation &m = iMutations->second;
int maxPartSize = std::min(255, self->m_usablePageSizeOverride / 5);
if(m.isClear() || m.value.size() <= maxPartSize) {
if(iMutations->first < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = iMutations->first;
// Don't copy the value because this page will stay in memory until after we've built new version(s) of it
merged.push_back(dependsOn(mergedArena, iMutations->second.toKVV(iMutationBoundary->first, iMutations->first).pack(false)));
debug_printf("%p: Added %s [mutation, boundary start]\n", THIS, KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
else {
if(iMutations->first < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = iMutations->first;
int bytesLeft = m.value.size();
int start = 0;
KeyVersionValueRef whole(iMutationBoundary->first, iMutations->first, m.value);
while(bytesLeft > 0) {
int partSize = std::min(bytesLeft, maxPartSize);
// Don't copy the value chunk because this page will stay in memory until after we've built new version(s) of it
merged.push_back(dependsOn(mergedArena, whole.split(start, partSize).pack(false)));
bytesLeft -= partSize;
start += partSize;
debug_printf("%p: Added %s [mutation, boundary start]\n", THIS, KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
// Get the clear version for this range, which is the last thing that we need from it,
Optional<Version> clearRangeVersion = iMutationBoundary->second.rangeClearVersion;
// Advance to the next boundary because we need to know the end key for the current range.
debug_printf("%p Mutation range end: '%s'\n", THIS, printable(iMutationBoundary->first).c_str());
// Write existing keys which are less than the next mutation boundary key, clearing if needed.
while(existingCursorValid && existing.key < iMutationBoundary->first) {
merged.push_back(dependsOn(mergedArena, existingCursor.getKV(false)));
debug_printf("%p: Added %s [existing, middle]\n", THIS, KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
// Write a clear of this key if needed. A clear is required if clearRangeVersion is set and the next key is different
// than this one. Note that the next key might be the in our right sibling, we can use the page upperBound to get that.
existingCursorValid = existingCursor.moveNext();
KeyVersionValue nextEntry;
nextEntry = KeyVersionValue::unpack(existingCursor.getKVRef());
nextEntry = upperBoundKVV;
if(clearRangeVersion.present() && existing.key != nextEntry.key) {
Version clearVersion = clearRangeVersion.get();
if(clearVersion < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = clearVersion;
merged.push_back(dependsOn(mergedArena, KeyVersionValueRef(existing.key, clearVersion).pack(false)));
debug_printf("%p: Added %s [existing, middle clear]\n", THIS, KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
existing = nextEntry;
// Write any remaining existing keys, which are not subject to clears as they are beyond the cleared range.
while(existingCursorValid) {
merged.push_back(dependsOn(mergedArena, existingCursor.getKV(false)));
debug_printf("%p: Added %s [existing, tail]\n", THIS, KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
existingCursorValid = existingCursor.moveNext();
existing = KeyVersionValue::unpack(existingCursor.getKVRef());
debug_printf("%p Done merging mutations into existing leaf contents\n", THIS);
// No changes were actually made. This could happen if there is a clear which does not cover an entire leaf but also does
// not which turns out to not match any existing data in the leaf.
if(minVersion == invalidVersion) {
debug_printf("%p No changes were made during mutation merge\n", THIS);
return VersionedChildrenT({ {0,{{lowerBoundKey,root}}} });
// TODO: Make version and key splits based on contents of merged list, if keeping history
IPager *pager = self->m_pager;
std::vector<BoundaryAndPage> pages = buildPages(true, lowerBoundKey, upperBoundKey, merged, BTreePage::IS_LEAF, [pager](){ return pager->newPageBuffer(); }, self->m_usablePageSizeOverride);
// If there isn't still just a single page of data then this page became too large and was split.
// The new split pages will be valid as of minVersion, but the old page remains valid at the old version
// (TODO: unless history isn't being kept at all)
if(pages.size() != 1) {
results.push_back( {0, {{lowerBoundKey, root}}} );
if(pages.size() == 1)
minVersion = 0;
// Write page(s), get new page IDs
std::vector<LogicalPageID> newPageIDs = self->writePages(pages, minVersion, root, page, upperBoundKey, THIS);
// If this commitSubtree() is operating on the root, write new levels if needed until until we're returning a single page
if(root == self->m_root && pages.size() > 1) {
debug_printf("%p Building new root\n", THIS);
self->buildNewRoot(minVersion, pages, newPageIDs, page);
results.push_back({minVersion, {}});
// TODO: Can this be moved into writePages?
// TODO: This can probably be skipped for root
for(int i=0; i<pages.size(); i++) {
// The lower bound of the first page is the lower bound of the subtree, not the first entry in the page
Key lowerBound = (i == 0) ? lowerBoundKey : pages[i].lowerBound;
debug_printf("%p Adding page to results: %s => %d\n", THIS, lowerBound.toHexString(20).c_str(), newPageIDs[i]);
results.back().second.push_back( {lowerBound, newPageIDs[i]} );
debug_printf("%p DONE.\n", THIS);
return results;
else {
// Internal Page
state std::vector<Future<VersionedChildrenT>> futureChildren;
state std::vector<LogicalPageID> childPageIDs;
// TODO: Make this much more efficient with a skip-merge through the two sorted sets (mutations, existing cursor)
bool first = true;
while(existingCursorValid) {
// The lower bound for the first child is lowerBoundKey
Key childLowerBound = first ? lowerBoundKey : existingCursor.getKey();
first = false;
uint32_t pageID = *(uint32_t*)existingCursor.getValueRef().begin();
ASSERT(pageID != 0);
existingCursorValid = existingCursor.moveNext();
Key childUpperBound = existingCursorValid ? existingCursor.getKey() : upperBoundKey;
debug_printf("lower '%s'\n", childLowerBound.toHexString(20).c_str());
debug_printf("upper '%s'\n", childUpperBound.toHexString(20).c_str());
ASSERT(childLowerBound <= childUpperBound);
futureChildren.push_back(self->commitSubtree(self, mutationBuffer, snapshot, pageID, childLowerBound, childUpperBound));
bool modified = false;
for(int i = 0; i < futureChildren.size(); ++i) {
const VersionedChildrenT &children = futureChildren[i].get();
// Handle multipages
if(children.size() != 1 || children[0].second.size() != 1) {
modified = true;
if(!modified) {
debug_printf("%p not modified.\n", THIS);
return VersionedChildrenT({{0, {{lowerBoundKey, root}}}});
Version version = 0;
VersionedChildrenT result;
loop { // over version splits of this page
Version nextVersion = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
std::vector<PrefixTree::EntryRef> childEntries; // Logically std::vector<std::pair<std::string, LogicalPageID>> childEntries;
// For each Future<VersionedChildrenT>
debug_printf("%p creating replacement pages for id=%d at Version %lld\n", THIS, root, version);
// If we're writing version 0, there is a chance that we don't have to write ourselves, if there are no changes
bool modified = version != 0;
for(int i = 0; i < futureChildren.size(); ++i) {
const VersionedChildrenT &children = futureChildren[i].get();
debug_printf("%p Versioned page set that replaced Page id=%d: %lu versions\n", THIS,
childPageIDs[i], children.size());
for(auto &versionedPageSet : children) {
debug_printf("%p version: Page id=%lld\n", THIS, versionedPageSet.first);
for(auto &boundaryPage : versionedPageSet.second) {
debug_printf("%p '%s' -> Page id=%u\n", THIS, printable(boundaryPage.first).c_str(), boundaryPage.second);
// Find the first version greater than the current version we are writing
auto cv = std::upper_bound( children.begin(), children.end(), version, [](Version a, VersionedChildrenT::value_type const &b) { return a < b.first; } );
// If there are no versions before the one we found, just update nextVersion and continue.
if(cv == children.begin()) {
debug_printf("%p First version (%lld) in set is greater than current, setting nextVersion and continuing\n", THIS, cv->first);
nextVersion = std::min(nextVersion, cv->first);
debug_printf("%p curr %lld next %lld\n", THIS, version, nextVersion);
// If a version greater than the current version being written was found, update nextVersion
if(cv != children.end()) {
nextVersion = std::min(nextVersion, cv->first);
debug_printf("%p curr %lld next %lld\n", THIS, version, nextVersion);
// Go back one to the last version that was valid prior to or at the current version we are writing
debug_printf("%p Using children for version %lld from this set, building version %lld\n", THIS, cv->first, version);
// If page count isn't 1 then the root is definitely modified
modified = modified || cv->second.size() != 1;
// Add the children at this version to the child entries list for the current version being built.
for (auto &childPage : cv->second) {
debug_printf("%p Adding child page '%s'\n", this, printable(childPage.first).c_str());
childEntries.emplace_back(childPage.first, StringRef((unsigned char *)&childPage.second, sizeof(uint32_t)));
debug_printf("%p Finished pass through futurechildren. childEntries=%lu version=%lld nextVersion=%lld\n", THIS, childEntries.size(), version, nextVersion);
if(modified) {
// TODO: Track split points across iterations of this loop, so that they don't shift unnecessarily and
// cause unnecessary path copying
IPager *pager = self->m_pager;
std::vector<BoundaryAndPage> pages = buildPages(false, lowerBoundKey, upperBoundKey, childEntries, 0, [pager](){ return pager->newPageBuffer(); }, self->m_usablePageSizeOverride);
// Write page(s), use version 0 to replace latest version if only writing one page
std::vector<LogicalPageID> newPageIDs = self->writePages(pages, version, root, page, upperBoundKey, THIS);
// If this commitSubtree() is operating on the root, write new levels if needed until until we're returning a single page
if(root == self->m_root)
self->buildNewRoot(version, pages, newPageIDs, page);
result.back().first = version;
for(int i=0; i<pages.size(); i++)
result.back().second.push_back( {pages[i].lowerBound, newPageIDs[i]} );
// TODO: figure this out earlier instead of writing replacement page more than once
if (result.size() > 1 && result.back().second == result.end()[-2].second) {
debug_printf("%p Output same as last version, popping it.\n", THIS);
else {
debug_printf("%p Version 0 has no changes\n", THIS);
result.push_back({0, {{lowerBoundKey, root}}});
if (nextVersion == std::numeric_limits<Version>::max())
version = nextVersion;
debug_printf("%p DONE.\n", THIS);
return result;
ACTOR static Future<Void> commit_impl(VersionedBTree *self) {
state MutationBufferT *mutations = self->m_pBuffer;
// No more mutations are allowed to be written to this mutation buffer we will commit
// at m_writeVersion, which we must save locally because it could change during commit.
self->m_pBuffer = nullptr;
state Version writeVersion = self->m_writeVersion;
// The latest mutation buffer start version is the one we will now (or eventually) commit.
state Version mutationBufferStartVersion = self->m_mutationBuffers.rbegin()->first;
// Replace the lastCommit future with a new one and then wait on the old one
state Promise<Void> committed;
Future<Void> previousCommit = self->m_latestCommit;
self->m_latestCommit = committed.getFuture();
// Wait for the latest commit that started to be finished.
debug_printf("%s: Beginning commit of version %lld\n", self->m_name.c_str(), writeVersion);
// Get the latest version from the pager, which is what we will read at
Version latestVersion = wait(self->m_pager->getLatestVersion());
debug_printf("%s: pager latestVersion %lld\n", self->m_name.c_str(), latestVersion);
wait(success(commitSubtree(self, mutations, self->m_pager->getReadSnapshot(latestVersion), self->m_root, beginKey, endKey)));
debug_printf("%s: Committing pager %lld\n", self->m_name.c_str(), writeVersion);
debug_printf("%s: Committed version %lld\n", self->m_name.c_str(), writeVersion);
// Now that everything is committed we must delete the mutation buffer.
// Our buffer's start version should be the oldest mutation buffer version in the map.
ASSERT(mutationBufferStartVersion == self->m_mutationBuffers.begin()->first);
self->m_lastCommittedVersion = writeVersion;
return Void();
// InternalCursor is for seeking to and iterating over the internal / low level records in the Btree.
// This records are versioned and they can represent deletions or partial values so they must be
// post processed to obtain keys returnable to the user.
class InternalCursor {
InternalCursor() {}
InternalCursor(Reference<IPagerSnapshot> pages, LogicalPageID root, int usablePageSizeOverride) : m_pages(pages), m_root(root), outOfBound(0), m_usablePageSizeOverride(usablePageSizeOverride) {
bool valid() const {
return (outOfBound == 0) && kvv.valid();
Future<Void> seekLessThanOrEqual(KeyRef key) {
return seekLessThanOrEqual_impl(this, key);
Future<Void> move(bool fwd) {
return move_impl(this, fwd);
Standalone<KeyVersionValueRef> kvv; // The decoded current internal record in the tree
std::string toString(const char *wrapPrefix = "") const {
std::string r;
r += format("InternalCursor(%p) ver=%lld oob=%d valid=%d", this, m_pages->getVersion(), outOfBound, valid());
r += format("\n%s KVV: %s", wrapPrefix, kvv.toString().c_str());
for(const PageEntryLocation &p : m_path) {
std::string cur = p.cursor.valid() ? format("'%s' -> '%s'", p.cursor.getKey().toHexString(20).c_str(), p.cursor.getValueRef().toHexString(20).c_str()) : "invalid";
r += format("\n%s Page id=%d (%d records, %d bytes) Cursor %s", wrapPrefix, p.pageNumber, p.btPage->count, p.btPage->kvBytes, cur.c_str());
return r;
Reference<IPagerSnapshot> m_pages;
LogicalPageID m_root;
int m_usablePageSizeOverride;
struct PageEntryLocation {
PageEntryLocation() {}
PageEntryLocation(Key lowerBound, Key upperBound, Reference<const IPage> page, LogicalPageID id)
: pageLowerBound(lowerBound), pageUpperBound(upperBound), page(page), pageNumber(id), btPage((BTreePage *)page->begin()), cursor(btPage->tree().getCursor(pageLowerBound, pageUpperBound))
Key getNextOrUpperBound() {
if(cursor.moveNext()) {
Key r = cursor.getKey();
return r;
return pageUpperBound;
Key pageLowerBound;
Key pageUpperBound;
Reference<const IPage> page;
BTreePage *btPage;
PrefixTree::Cursor cursor;
// For easier debugging
LogicalPageID pageNumber;
typedef std::vector<PageEntryLocation> TraversalPathT;
TraversalPathT m_path;
int outOfBound;
ACTOR static Future<Void> pushPage(InternalCursor *self, Key lowerBound, Key upperBound, LogicalPageID id) {
Reference<const IPage> rawPage = wait(readPage(self->m_pages, id, self->m_usablePageSizeOverride));
debug_printf("InternalCursor::pushPage() %s\n", ((const BTreePage *)rawPage->begin())->toString(false, id, self->m_pages->getVersion(), lowerBound, upperBound).c_str());
self->m_path.emplace_back(lowerBound, upperBound, rawPage, id);
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> reset(InternalCursor *self) {
if(self->m_path.empty()) {
wait(pushPage(self, beginKey, endKey, self->m_root));
else {
self->outOfBound = 0;
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> seekLessThanOrEqual_impl(InternalCursor *self, KeyRef key) {
state TraversalPathT &path = self->m_path;
debug_printf("InternalCursor::seekLTE(%s): start %s\n", key.toHexString(20).c_str(), self->toString(" ").c_str());
loop {
state PageEntryLocation *p = &path.back();
if(p->btPage->count == 0) {
ASSERT(path.size() == 1); // This must be the root page.
self->outOfBound = -1;
self->kvv.version = invalidVersion;
debug_printf("InternalCursor::seekLTE(%s): Exit, root page empty. %s\n", key.toHexString(20).c_str(), self->toString(" ").c_str());
return Void();
state bool foundLTE = p->cursor.seekLessThanOrEqual(key);
debug_printf("InternalCursor::seekLTE(%s): Seek on path tail, result %d. %s\n", key.toHexString(20).c_str(), foundLTE, self->toString(" ").c_str());
if(p->btPage->flags & BTreePage::IS_LEAF) {
// It is possible for the current leaf key to be between the page's lower bound (in the parent page) and the
// first record in the leaf page, which means we must move backwards 1 step in the database to find the
// record < key, if such a record exists.
if(!foundLTE) {
else {
// Found the target record
self->kvv = KeyVersionValue::unpack(p->cursor.getKVRef());
debug_printf("InternalCursor::seekLTE(%s): Exit, Found leaf page. %s\n", key.toHexString(20).c_str(), self->toString(" ").c_str());
return Void();
else {
// We don't have to check foundLTE here because if it's false then cursor will be at the first record in the page.
// TODO: It would, however, be more efficient to check foundLTE and if false move to the previous sibling page.
// But the page should NOT be empty so let's assert that the cursor is valid.
state LogicalPageID newPage = (LogicalPageID)*(uint32_t *)p->cursor.getValueRef().begin();
debug_printf("InternalCursor::seekLTE(%s): Found internal page, going to Page id=%d. %s\n",
key.toHexString(20).c_str(), newPage, self->toString(" ").c_str());
wait(pushPage(self, p->cursor.getKey(), p->getNextOrUpperBound(), newPage));
// Move one 'internal' key/value/version/valueindex/value record.
// Iterating with this function will "see" all parts of all values and clears at all versions (that is, within the cursor's version of btree pages)
ACTOR static Future<Void> move_impl(InternalCursor *self, bool fwd) {
state TraversalPathT &path = self->m_path;
state const char *dir = fwd ? "forward" : "backward";
debug_printf("InternalCursor::move(%s) start %s\n", dir, self->toString(" ").c_str());
// If cursor was out of bound, adjust out of boundness by 1 in the correct direction
if(self->outOfBound != 0) {
self->outOfBound += fwd ? 1 : -1;
// If we appear to be inbounds, see if we're off the other end of the db or if the page cursor is valid.
if(self->outOfBound == 0) {
if(!path.empty() && path.back().cursor.valid()) {
self->kvv = KeyVersionValue::unpack(path.back().cursor.getKVRef());
else {
self->outOfBound = fwd ? 1 : -1;
debug_printf("InternalCursor::move(%s) was out of bound, exiting %s\n", dir, self->toString(" ").c_str());
return Void();
int i = path.size();
// Find the closest path part to the end where the index can be moved in the correct direction.
while(--i >= 0) {
PrefixTree::Cursor &c = path[i].cursor;
bool success = fwd ? c.moveNext() : c.movePrev();
if(success) {
debug_printf("InternalCursor::move(%s) Move successful on path index %d\n", dir, i);
path.resize(i + 1);
} else {
debug_printf("InternalCursor::move(%s) Move failed on path index %d\n", dir, i);
// If no path part could be moved without going out of range then the
// new cursor position is either before the first record or after the last.
// Leave the path steps in place and set outOfBound to 1 or -1 based on fwd.
// This makes the cursor not valid() but a move in the opposite direction
// will make it valid again, pointing to the previous target record.
if(i < 0) {
self->outOfBound = fwd ? 1 : -1;
debug_printf("InternalCursor::move(%s) Passed an end of the database %s\n", dir, self->toString(" ").c_str());
return Void();
// We were able to advance the cursor on one of the pages in the page traversal path, so now traverse down to leaf level
state PageEntryLocation *p = &(path.back());
debug_printf("InternalCursor::move(%s): Descending if needed to find a leaf\n", dir);
// Now we must traverse downward if needed until we are at a leaf level.
// Each movement down will start on the far left or far right depending on fwd
while(!(p->btPage->flags & BTreePage::IS_LEAF)) {
// Get the page that the path's last entry points to
LogicalPageID childPageID = (LogicalPageID)*(uint32_t *)p->cursor.getValueRef().begin();
wait(pushPage(self, p->cursor.getKey(), p->getNextOrUpperBound(), childPageID));
p = &(path.back());
// No page traversed to in this manner should be empty.
ASSERT(p->btPage->count != 0);
// Go to the first or last entry in the page depending on traversal direction
debug_printf("InternalCursor::move(%s) Descended one level %s\n", dir, self->toString(" ").c_str());
// Found the target record, unpack it
self->kvv = KeyVersionValue::unpack(p->cursor.getKVRef());
debug_printf("InternalCursor::move(%s) Exiting %s\n", dir, self->toString(" ").c_str());
return Void();
// Cursor is for reading and interating over user visible KV pairs at a specific version
// Keys and values returned are only valid until one of the move methods is called (find*, next, prev)
// TODO: Make an option to copy all returned strings into an arena?
class Cursor : public IStoreCursor, public ReferenceCounted<Cursor>, public NonCopyable {
Cursor(Version version, IPager *pager, LogicalPageID root, int usablePageSizeOverride)
: m_version(version), m_pagerSnapshot(pager->getReadSnapshot(version)), m_icursor(m_pagerSnapshot, root, usablePageSizeOverride) {
virtual ~Cursor() {}
virtual Future<Void> findEqual(KeyRef key) { return find_impl(Reference<Cursor>::addRef(this), key, true, 0); }
virtual Future<Void> findFirstEqualOrGreater(KeyRef key, bool needValue, int prefetchNextBytes) { return find_impl(Reference<Cursor>::addRef(this), key, needValue, 1); }
virtual Future<Void> findLastLessOrEqual(KeyRef key, bool needValue, int prefetchPriorBytes) { return find_impl(Reference<Cursor>::addRef(this), key, needValue, -1); }
virtual Future<Void> next(bool needValue) { return next_impl(Reference<Cursor>::addRef(this), needValue); }
virtual Future<Void> prev(bool needValue) { return prev_impl(Reference<Cursor>::addRef(this), needValue); }
virtual bool isValid() {
return m_kv.present();
virtual KeyRef getKey() {
return m_kv.get().key;
//virtual StringRef getCompressedKey() = 0;
virtual ValueRef getValue() {
return m_kv.get().value;
// TODO: Either remove this method or change the contract so that key and value strings returned are still valid after the cursor is
// moved and allocate them in some arena that this method resets.
virtual void invalidateReturnedStrings() {
void addref() { ReferenceCounted<Cursor>::addref(); }
void delref() { ReferenceCounted<Cursor>::delref(); }
std::string toString(const char *wrapPrefix = "") const {
std::string r;
r += format("Cursor(%p) ver: %lld key: %s value: %s", this, m_version,
(m_kv.present() ? m_kv.get().key.printable().c_str() : "<np>"),
(m_kv.present() ? m_kv.get().value.printable().c_str() : ""));
r += format("\n%s InternalCursor: %s", wrapPrefix, m_icursor.toString(format("%s ", wrapPrefix).c_str()).c_str());
return r;
Version m_version;
Reference<IPagerSnapshot> m_pagerSnapshot;
InternalCursor m_icursor;
Optional<KeyValueRef> m_kv; // The current user-level key/value in the tree
Arena m_arena;
// find key in tree closest to or equal to key (at this cursor's version)
// for less than or equal use cmp < 0
// for greater than or equal use cmp > 0
// for equal use cmp == 0
ACTOR static Future<Void> find_impl(Reference<Cursor> self, KeyRef key, bool needValue, int cmp) {
state InternalCursor &icur = self->m_icursor;
// Search for the last key at or before (key, version, \xff)
state Key target = KeyVersionValueRef::searchKey(key, self->m_version);
self->m_kv = Optional<KeyValueRef>();
debug_printf("find%sE('%s'): %s\n", cmp > 0 ? "GT" : (cmp == 0 ? "" : "LT"), target.toHexString(15).c_str(), icur.toString().c_str());
// If we found the target key, return it as it is valid for any cmp option
if(icur.valid() && icur.kvv.value.present() && icur.kvv.key == key) {
debug_printf("Reading full kv pair starting from: %s\n", icur.kvv.toString().c_str());
return Void();
// FindEqual, so if we're still here we didn't find it.
if(cmp == 0) {
return Void();
// FindEqualOrGreaterThan, so if we're here we have to go to the next present record at the target version.
if(cmp > 0) {
// icur is at a record < key, possibly before the start of the tree so move forward at least once.
loop {
if(!icur.valid() || icur.kvv.key > key)
// Get the next present key at the target version. Handles invalid cursor too.
else if(cmp < 0) {
// Move to previous present kv pair at the target version
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> next_impl(Reference<Cursor> self, bool needValue) {
// TODO: use needValue
state InternalCursor &i = self->m_icursor;
debug_printf("Cursor::next(): cursor %s\n", i.toString().c_str());
// Make sure we are one record past the last user key
if(self->m_kv.present()) {
while(i.valid() && i.kvv.key <= self->m_kv.get().key) {
debug_printf("Cursor::next(): Advancing internal cursor to get passed previous returned user key. cursor %s\n", i.toString().c_str());
state Version v = self->m_pagerSnapshot->getVersion();
state InternalCursor iLast;
while(1) {
iLast = i;
// If the previous cursor position was a set at a version at or before v and the new cursor position
// is not valid or a newer version of the same key or a different key, then get the full record
// for the previous cursor position
if(iLast.kvv.version <= v
&& iLast.kvv.value.present()
&& (
|| i.kvv.key != iLast.kvv.key
|| i.kvv.version > v
) {
// Assume that next is the most likely next move, so save the one-too-far cursor position.
std::swap(i, iLast);
// readFullKVPair will have to go backwards to read the value
std::swap(i, iLast);
return Void();
self->m_kv = Optional<KeyValueRef>();
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> prev_impl(Reference<Cursor> self, bool needValue) {
// TODO: use needValue
state InternalCursor &i = self->m_icursor;
debug_printf("Cursor::prev(): cursor %s\n", i.toString().c_str());
// Make sure we are one record before the last user key
if(self->m_kv.present()) {
while(i.valid() && i.kvv.key >= self->m_kv.get().key) {
state Version v = self->m_pagerSnapshot->getVersion();
while(i.valid()) {
// Once we reach a present value at or before v, return or skip it.
if(i.kvv.version <= v) {
// If it's present, return it
if(i.kvv.value.present()) {
return Void();
// Value wasn't present as of the latest version <= v, so move backward to a new key
state Key clearedKey = i.kvv.key;
while(1) {
if(!i.valid() || i.kvv.key != clearedKey)
else {
self->m_kv = Optional<KeyValueRef>();
return Void();
// Read all of the current value, if it is split across multiple kv pairs, and set m_kv.
// m_current must be at either the first or the last value part.
ACTOR static Future<Void> readFullKVPair(Reference<Cursor> self) {
state KeyVersionValue &kvv = self->m_icursor.kvv;
state KeyValueRef &kv = (self->m_kv = KeyValueRef()).get();
// Set the key and cursor arena to the arena containing that key
self->m_arena = kvv.arena();
kv.key = kvv.key;
// Unsplit value
if(!kvv.isMultiPart()) {
kv.value = kvv.value.get();
debug_printf("readFullKVPair: Unsplit, exit. %s\n", self->toString(" ").c_str());
else {
// Figure out if we should go forward or backward to find all the parts
state bool fwd = kvv.valueIndex == 0;
ASSERT(fwd || kvv.valueIndex + kvv.value.get().size() == kvv.valueTotalSize);
debug_printf("readFullKVPair: Split, fwd %d totalsize %lld %s\n", fwd, kvv.valueTotalSize, self->toString(" ").c_str());
// Allocate space for the entire value in the same arena as the key
state int bytesLeft = kvv.valueTotalSize;
kv.value = makeString(bytesLeft, self->m_arena);
while(1) {
debug_printf("readFullKVPair: Adding chunk start %lld len %d total %lld dir %d\n", kvv.valueIndex, kvv.value.get().size(), kvv.valueTotalSize, fwd);
int partSize = kvv.value.get().size();
memcpy(mutateString(kv.value) + kvv.valueIndex, kvv.value.get().begin(), partSize);
bytesLeft -= partSize;
if(bytesLeft == 0)
ASSERT(bytesLeft > 0);
return Void();
KeyVersionValueRef VersionedBTree::beginKVV(StringRef(), 0, StringRef());
KeyVersionValueRef VersionedBTree::endKVV(LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff\xff\xff"), std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), StringRef());
Key VersionedBTree::beginKey(beginKVV.pack().key);
Key VersionedBTree::endKey(endKVV.pack().key);
ACTOR template<class T>
Future<T> catchError(Promise<Void> error, Future<T> f) {
try {
T result = wait(f);
return result;
} catch(Error &e) {
if(e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled && error.canBeSet())
class KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned : public IKeyValueStore {
KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned(std::string filePrefix, UID logID) : m_filePrefix(filePrefix) {
// TODO: This constructor should really just take an IVersionedStore
IPager *pager = new IndirectShadowPager(filePrefix);
m_tree = new VersionedBTree(pager, filePrefix, pager->getUsablePageSize());
m_init = catchError(init_impl(this));
virtual Future<Void> init() {
return m_init;
ACTOR Future<Void> init_impl(KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned *self) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "RedwoodInit").detail("FilePrefix", self->m_filePrefix);
Version v = wait(self->m_tree->getLatestVersion());
self->m_tree->setWriteVersion(v + 1);
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "RedwoodInitComplete").detail("FilePrefix", self->m_filePrefix);
return Void();
ACTOR void shutdown(KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned *self, bool dispose) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "RedwoodShutdown").detail("FilePrefix", self->m_filePrefix).detail("Dispose", dispose);
if(self->m_error.canBeSet()) {
self->m_error.sendError(actor_cancelled()); // Ideally this should be shutdown_in_progress
Future<Void> closedFuture = self->m_tree->onClosed();
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "RedwoodShutdownComplete").detail("FilePrefix", self->m_filePrefix).detail("Dispose", dispose);
delete self;
virtual void close() {
shutdown(this, false);
virtual void dispose() {
shutdown(this, true);
virtual Future< Void > onClosed() {
return m_closed.getFuture();
Future<Void> commit(bool sequential = false) {
Future<Void> c = m_tree->commit();
m_tree->setWriteVersion(m_tree->getWriteVersion() + 1);
return catchError(c);
virtual KeyValueStoreType getType() {
return KeyValueStoreType::SSD_REDWOOD_V1;
virtual StorageBytes getStorageBytes() {
return m_tree->getStorageBytes();
virtual Future< Void > getError() {
return delayed(m_error.getFuture());
void clear(KeyRangeRef range, const Arena* arena = 0) {
virtual void set( KeyValueRef keyValue, const Arena* arena = NULL ) {
//printf("SET write version %lld %s\n", m_tree->getWriteVersion(), printable(keyValue).c_str());
ACTOR static Future< Standalone< VectorRef< KeyValueRef > > > readRange_impl(KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned *self, KeyRange keys, int rowLimit, int byteLimit) {
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> result;
state int accumulatedBytes = 0;
ASSERT( byteLimit > 0 );
state Reference<IStoreCursor> cur = self->m_tree->readAtVersion(self->m_tree->getLastCommittedVersion());
state Version readVersion = self->m_tree->getLastCommittedVersion();
if(rowLimit >= 0) {
wait(cur->findFirstEqualOrGreater(keys.begin, true, 0));
while(cur->isValid() && cur->getKey() < keys.end) {
KeyValueRef kv(KeyRef(result.arena(), cur->getKey()), ValueRef(result.arena(), cur->getValue()));
accumulatedBytes += kv.expectedSize();
result.push_back(result.arena(), kv);
if(--rowLimit == 0 || accumulatedBytes >= byteLimit) {
} else {
wait(cur->findLastLessOrEqual(keys.end, true, 0));
if(cur->isValid() && cur->getKey() == keys.end)
while(cur->isValid() && cur->getKey() >= keys.begin) {
KeyValueRef kv(KeyRef(result.arena(), cur->getKey()), ValueRef(result.arena(), cur->getValue()));
accumulatedBytes += kv.expectedSize();
result.push_back(result.arena(), kv);
if(--rowLimit == 0 || accumulatedBytes >= byteLimit) {
return result;
virtual Future< Standalone< VectorRef< KeyValueRef > > > readRange(KeyRangeRef keys, int rowLimit = 1<<30, int byteLimit = 1<<30) {
return catchError(readRange_impl(this, keys, rowLimit, byteLimit));
ACTOR static Future< Optional<Value> > readValue_impl(KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned *self, Key key, Optional< UID > debugID) {
state Reference<IStoreCursor> cur = self->m_tree->readAtVersion(self->m_tree->getLastCommittedVersion());
state Version readVersion = self->m_tree->getLastCommittedVersion();
if(cur->isValid()) {
return cur->getValue();
return Optional<Value>();
virtual Future< Optional< Value > > readValue(KeyRef key, Optional< UID > debugID = Optional<UID>()) {
return catchError(readValue_impl(this, key, debugID));
ACTOR static Future< Optional<Value> > readValuePrefix_impl(KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned *self, Key key, int maxLength, Optional< UID > debugID) {
state Reference<IStoreCursor> cur = self->m_tree->readAtVersion(self->m_tree->getLastCommittedVersion());
if(cur->isValid()) {
Value v = cur->getValue();
int len = std::min(v.size(), maxLength);
return Value(cur->getValue().substr(0, len));
return Optional<Value>();
virtual Future< Optional< Value > > readValuePrefix(KeyRef key, int maxLength, Optional< UID > debugID = Optional<UID>()) {
return catchError(readValuePrefix_impl(this, key, maxLength, debugID));
virtual ~KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned() {
std::string m_filePrefix;
VersionedBTree *m_tree;
Future<Void> m_init;
Promise<Void> m_closed;
Promise<Void> m_error;
template <typename T> inline Future<T> catchError(Future<T> f) {
return ::catchError(m_error, f);
IKeyValueStore* keyValueStoreRedwoodV1( std::string const& filename, UID logID) {
return new KeyValueStoreRedwoodUnversioned(filename, logID);
int randomSize(int max) {
return g_random->randomInt(0, max);
KeyValue randomKV(int keySize = 10, int valueSize = 5) {
int kLen = randomSize(1 + keySize);
int vLen = valueSize > 0 ? randomSize(valueSize) : 0;
KeyValue kv;
kv.key = makeString(kLen, kv.arena());
kv.value = makeString(vLen, kv.arena());
for(int i = 0; i < kLen; ++i)
mutateString(kv.key)[i] = (uint8_t)g_random->randomInt('a', 'm');
for(int i = 0; i < vLen; ++i)
mutateString(kv.value)[i] = (uint8_t)g_random->randomInt('n', 'z');
return kv;
ACTOR Future<int> verifyRandomRange(VersionedBTree *btree, Version v, std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>> *written) {
state int errors = 0;
state Key start = randomKV().key;
state Key end = randomKV().key;
if(end <= start)
end = keyAfter(start);
debug_printf("VerifyRange '%s' to '%s' @%lld\n", printable(start).c_str(), printable(end).c_str(), v);
state std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>>::const_iterator i = written->lower_bound(std::make_pair(start.toString(), 0));
state std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>>::const_iterator iEnd = written->upper_bound(std::make_pair(end.toString(), 0));
state std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>>::const_iterator iLast;
state Reference<IStoreCursor> cur = btree->readAtVersion(v);
// Randomly use the cursor for something else first.
if(g_random->coinflip()) {
debug_printf("VerifyRange: Dummy seek\n");
state Key randomKey = randomKV().key;
wait(g_random->coinflip() ? cur->findFirstEqualOrGreater(randomKey, true, 0) : cur->findLastLessOrEqual(randomKey, true, 0));
debug_printf("VerifyRange: Actual seek\n");
wait(cur->findFirstEqualOrGreater(start, true, 0));
state std::vector<KeyValue> results;
while(cur->isValid() && cur->getKey() < end) {
// Find the next written kv pair that would be present at this version
while(1) {
iLast = i;
if(i == iEnd)
if(iLast->first.second <= v
&& iLast->second.present()
&& (
i == iEnd
|| i->first.first != iLast->first.first
|| i->first.second > v
if(iLast == iEnd) {
errors += 1;
printf("VerifyRange(@%lld, %s, %s) ERROR: Tree key '%s' vs nothing in written map.\n", v, start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), cur->getKey().toString().c_str());
if(cur->getKey() != iLast->first.first) {
errors += 1;
printf("VerifyRange(@%lld, %s, %s) ERROR: Tree key '%s' vs written '%s'\n", v, start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), cur->getKey().toString().c_str(), iLast->first.first.c_str());
if(cur->getValue() != iLast->second.get()) {
errors += 1;
printf("VerifyRange(@%lld, %s, %s) ERROR: Tree key '%s' has tree value '%s' vs written '%s'\n", v, start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), cur->getKey().toString().c_str(), cur->getValue().toString().c_str(), iLast->second.get().c_str());
results.push_back(KeyValue(KeyValueRef(cur->getKey(), cur->getValue())));
// Make sure there are no further written kv pairs that would be present at this version.
while(1) {
iLast = i;
if(i == iEnd)
if(iLast->first.second <= v
&& iLast->second.present()
&& (
i == iEnd
|| i->first.first != iLast->first.first
|| i->first.second > v
if(iLast != iEnd) {
errors += 1;
printf("VerifyRange(@%lld, %s, %s) ERROR: Tree range ended but written has @%lld '%s'\n", v, start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), iLast->first.second, iLast->first.first.c_str());
debug_printf("VerifyRangeReverse '%s' to '%s' @%lld\n", printable(start).c_str(), printable(end).c_str(), v);
// Randomly use a new cursor for the revere range read
if(g_random->coinflip()) {
cur = btree->readAtVersion(v);
// Now read the range from the tree in reverse order and compare to the saved results
wait(cur->findLastLessOrEqual(end, true, 0));
if(cur->isValid() && cur->getKey() == end)
state std::vector<KeyValue>::const_reverse_iterator r = results.rbegin();
while(cur->isValid() && cur->getKey() >= start) {
if(r == results.rend()) {
errors += 1;
printf("VerifyRangeReverse(@%lld, %s, %s) ERROR: Tree key '%s' vs nothing in written map.\n", v, start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), cur->getKey().toString().c_str());
if(cur->getKey() != r->key) {
errors += 1;
printf("VerifyRangeReverse(@%lld, %s, %s) ERROR: Tree key '%s' vs written '%s'\n", v, start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), cur->getKey().toString().c_str(), r->key.toString().c_str());
if(cur->getValue() != r->value) {
errors += 1;
printf("VerifyRangeReverse(@%lld, %s, %s) ERROR: Tree key '%s' has tree value '%s' vs written '%s'\n", v, start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), cur->getKey().toString().c_str(), cur->getValue().toString().c_str(), r->value.toString().c_str());
if(r != results.rend()) {
errors += 1;
printf("VerifyRangeReverse(@%lld, %s, %s) ERROR: Tree range ended but written has '%s'\n", v, start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), r->key.toString().c_str());
return errors;
ACTOR Future<int> verifyAll(VersionedBTree *btree, Version maxCommittedVersion, std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>> *written) {
// Read back every key at every version set or cleared and verify the result.
state std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>>::const_iterator i = written->cbegin();
state std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>>::const_iterator iEnd = written->cend();
state int errors = 0;
while(i != iEnd) {
state std::string key = i->first.first;
state Version ver = i->first.second;
if(ver <= maxCommittedVersion) {
state Optional<std::string> val = i->second;
state Reference<IStoreCursor> cur = btree->readAtVersion(ver);
debug_printf("Verifying @%lld '%s'\n", ver, key.c_str());
if(val.present()) {
if(!(cur->isValid() && cur->getKey() == key && cur->getValue() == val.get())) {
printf("Verify ERROR: key_not_found: '%s' -> '%s' @%lld\n", key.c_str(), val.get().c_str(), ver);
else if(cur->getKey() != key)
printf("Verify ERROR: key_incorrect: found '%s' expected '%s' @%lld\n", cur->getKey().toString().c_str(), key.c_str(), ver);
else if(cur->getValue() != val.get())
printf("Verify ERROR: value_incorrect: for '%s' found '%s' expected '%s' @%lld\n", cur->getKey().toString().c_str(), cur->getValue().toString().c_str(), val.get().c_str(), ver);
} else {
if(cur->isValid() && cur->getKey() == key) {
printf("Verify ERROR: cleared_key_found: '%s' -> '%s' @%lld\n", key.c_str(), cur->getValue().toString().c_str(), ver);
return errors;
ACTOR Future<Void> verify(VersionedBTree *btree, FutureStream<Version> vStream, std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>> *written, int *pErrorCount) {
try {
loop {
state Version v = waitNext(vStream);
debug_printf("Verifying through version %lld\n", v);
state Future<int> vall = verifyAll(btree, v, written);
state Future<int> vrange = verifyRandomRange(btree, g_random->randomInt(1, v + 1), written);
wait(success(vall) && success(vrange));
int errors = vall.get() + vrange.get();
*pErrorCount += errors;
debug_printf("Verified through version %lld, %d errors\n", v, errors);
if(*pErrorCount != 0)
} catch(Error &e) {
if(e.code() != error_code_end_of_stream) {
return Void();
// Does a random range read, doesn't trap/report errors
ACTOR Future<Void> randomReader(VersionedBTree *btree) {
state Reference<IStoreCursor> cur;
loop {
if(!cur || g_random->random01() > .1) {
Version v = g_random->randomInt(1, btree->getLastCommittedVersion() + 1);
cur = btree->readAtVersion(v);
wait(cur->findFirstEqualOrGreater(randomKV(10, 0).key, true, 0));
state int c = g_random->randomInt(0, 100);
while(cur->isValid() && c-- > 0) {
TEST_CASE("!/redwood/correctness") {
state bool useDisk = true; // MemoryPager is not being maintained currently.
state std::string pagerFile = "unittest_pageFile";
IPager *pager;
if(useDisk) {
deleteFile(pagerFile + "0.pagerlog");
deleteFile(pagerFile + "1.pagerlog");
pager = new IndirectShadowPager(pagerFile);
pager = createMemoryPager();
state int pageSize = g_random->coinflip() ? pager->getUsablePageSize() : g_random->randomInt(200, 400);
state VersionedBTree *btree = new VersionedBTree(pager, pagerFile, pageSize);
state int mutationBytesTarget = g_random->randomInt(100, 20e6);
// We must be able to fit at least two any two keys plus overhead in a page to prevent
// a situation where the tree cannot be grown upward with decreasing level size.
// TODO: Handle arbitrarily large keys
state int maxKeySize = std::min(pageSize * 8, 30000);
ASSERT(maxKeySize > 0);
state int maxValueSize = std::min(pageSize * 25, 100000);
printf("Using page size %d, max key size %d, max value size %d, total mutation byte target %d\n", pageSize, maxKeySize, maxValueSize, mutationBytesTarget);
state std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>> written;
state std::set<Key> keys;
state Version lastVer = wait(btree->getLatestVersion());
printf("Starting from version: %lld\n", lastVer);
state Version version = lastVer + 1;
state int mutationBytes = 0;
state int64_t keyBytesInserted = 0;
state int64_t ValueBytesInserted = 0;
state int errorCount;
state PromiseStream<Version> committedVersions;
state Future<Void> verifyTask = verify(btree, committedVersions.getFuture(), &written, &errorCount);
state Future<Void> randomTask = randomReader(btree) || btree->getError();
state Future<Void> commit = Void();
while(mutationBytes < mutationBytesTarget) {
// Sometimes advance the version
if(g_random->random01() < 0.10) {
// Sometimes do a clear range
if(g_random->random01() < .10) {
Key start = randomKV(maxKeySize, 1).key;
Key end = (g_random->random01() < .01) ? keyAfter(start) : randomKV(maxKeySize, 1).key;
// Sometimes replace start and/or end with a close actual (previously used) value
if(g_random->random01() < .10) {
auto i = keys.upper_bound(start);
if(i != keys.end())
start = *i;
if(g_random->random01() < .10) {
auto i = keys.upper_bound(end);
if(i != keys.end())
end = *i;
if(end == start)
end = keyAfter(start);
else if(end < start) {
std::swap(end, start);
KeyRangeRef range(start, end);
debug_printf(" Clear '%s' to '%s' @%lld\n", start.toString().c_str(), end.toString().c_str(), version);
auto e = written.lower_bound(std::make_pair(start.toString(), 0));
if(e != written.end()) {
auto last = e;
auto eEnd = written.lower_bound(std::make_pair(end.toString(), 0));
while(e != eEnd) {
auto w = *e;
// If e key is different from last and last was present then insert clear for last's key at version
if(last != eEnd && ((e == eEnd || e->first.first != last->first.first) && last->second.present())) {
debug_printf(" Clearing key '%s' @%lld\n", last->first.first.c_str(), version);
mutationBytes += (last->first.first.size() + last->second.get().size());
// If the last set was at version then just make it not present
if(last->first.second == version) {
last->second = Optional<std::string>();
else {
written[std::make_pair(last->first.first, version)] = Optional<std::string>();
last = e;
else {
// Set a key
KeyValue kv = randomKV(maxKeySize, maxValueSize);
// Sometimes change key to a close previously used key
if(g_random->random01() < .01) {
auto i = keys.upper_bound(kv.key);
if(i != keys.end())
kv.key = StringRef(kv.arena(), *i);
keyBytesInserted += kv.key.size();
ValueBytesInserted += kv.value.size();
mutationBytes += (kv.key.size() + kv.value.size());
debug_printf(" Set '%s' -> '%s' @%lld\n", kv.key.toString().c_str(), kv.value.toString().c_str(), version);
written[std::make_pair(kv.key.toString(), version)] = kv.value.toString();
// Sometimes (and at end) commit then check all results
if(mutationBytes >= std::min(mutationBytesTarget, (int)20e6) || g_random->random01() < .002) {
// Wait for btree commit and send the new version to committedVersions.
// Avoid capture of version as a member of *this
Version v = version;
commit = map(commit && btree->commit(), [=](Void) {
// Notify the background verifier that version is committed and therefore readable
return Void();
printf("Cumulative: %d total mutation bytes, %lu key changes, %lld key bytes, %lld value bytes\n", mutationBytes, written.size(), keyBytesInserted, ValueBytesInserted);
// Recover from disk at random
if(useDisk && g_random->random01() < .1) {
printf("Recovering from disk.\n");
// Wait for outstanding commit
debug_printf("Waiting for outstanding commit\n");
// Stop and wait for the verifier task
debug_printf("Waiting for verification to complete.\n");
Future<Void> closedFuture = btree->onClosed();
debug_printf("Reopening btree\n");
IPager *pager = new IndirectShadowPager(pagerFile);
btree = new VersionedBTree(pager, pagerFile, pageSize);
Version v = wait(btree->getLatestVersion());
ASSERT(v == version);
printf("Recovered from disk. Latest version %lld\n", v);
// Create new promise stream and start the verifier again
committedVersions = PromiseStream<Version>();
verifyTask = verify(btree, committedVersions.getFuture(), &written, &errorCount);
randomTask = randomReader(btree) || btree->getError();
// Check for errors
if(errorCount != 0)
throw internal_error();
debug_printf("Waiting for outstanding commit\n");
debug_printf("Waiting for verification to complete.\n");
Future<Void> closedFuture = btree->onClosed();
return Void();
TEST_CASE("!/redwood/performance/set") {
state std::string pagerFile = "unittest_pageFile";
deleteFile(pagerFile + "0.pagerlog");
deleteFile(pagerFile + "1.pagerlog");
IPager *pager = new IndirectShadowPager(pagerFile);
state VersionedBTree *btree = new VersionedBTree(pager, "unittest_pageFile");
state int nodeCount = 10000000;
state int maxChangesPerVersion = 1000;
state int versions = 5000;
int maxKeySize = 50;
state std::string key(maxKeySize, 'k');
state std::string value(maxKeySize, 'v');
state int64_t kvBytes = 0;
state int records = 0;
state Future<Void> commit = Void();
state double startTime = now();
while(--versions) {
Version lastVer = wait(btree->getLatestVersion());
state Version version = lastVer + 1;
int changes = g_random->randomInt(0, maxChangesPerVersion);
while(changes--) {
KeyValue kv;
// Change first 4 bytes of key to an int
*(uint32_t *) = g_random->randomInt(0, nodeCount);
kv.key = StringRef((uint8_t *), g_random->randomInt(10, key.size()));
kv.value = StringRef((uint8_t *), g_random->randomInt(0, value.size()));
kvBytes += kv.key.size() + kv.value.size();
if(g_random->random01() < (1.0 / 300)) {
commit = btree->commit();
double elapsed = now() - startTime;
printf("Committed (cumulative) %lld bytes in %d records in %f seconds, %.2f MB/s\n", kvBytes, records, elapsed, kvBytes / elapsed / 1e6);
Future<Void> closedFuture = btree->onClosed();
double elapsed = now() - startTime;
printf("Wrote (final) %lld bytes in %d records in %f seconds, %.2f MB/s\n", kvBytes, records, elapsed, kvBytes / elapsed / 1e6);
return Void();