524 lines
19 KiB
524 lines
19 KiB
* StatusClient.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "CoordinationInterface.h"
#include "MonitorLeader.h"
#include "FailureMonitorClient.h"
#include "ClusterInterface.h"
#include "StatusClient.h"
#include "Status.h"
#include "json_spirit/json_spirit_writer_template.h"
#include "fdbrpc/genericactors.actor.h"
uint64_t JSONDoc::expires_reference_version = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
// Template specializations for mergeOperator
template <> json_spirit::mObject JSONDoc::mergeOperator<bool>(const std::string &op, const json_spirit::mObject &op_a, const json_spirit::mObject &op_b, bool const &a, bool const &b) {
if(op == "$and")
return {{op, a && b}};
if(op == "$or")
return {{op, a || b}};
throw std::exception();
template <> json_spirit::mObject JSONDoc::mergeOperator<json_spirit::mArray>(const std::string &op, const json_spirit::mObject &op_a, const json_spirit::mObject &op_b, json_spirit::mArray const &a, json_spirit::mArray const &b) {
throw std::exception();
template <> json_spirit::mObject JSONDoc::mergeOperator<json_spirit::mObject>(const std::string &op, const json_spirit::mObject &op_a, const json_spirit::mObject &op_b, json_spirit::mObject const &a, json_spirit::mObject const &b) {
if(op == "$count_keys") {
json_spirit::mObject combined;
for(auto &e : a)
combined[e.first] = json_spirit::mValue();
for(auto &e : b)
combined[e.first] = json_spirit::mValue();
return {{op, combined}};
throw std::exception();
// If the types for a and B differ then pass them as mValues to this specialization.
template <> json_spirit::mObject JSONDoc::mergeOperator<json_spirit::mValue>(const std::string &op, const json_spirit::mObject &op_a, const json_spirit::mObject &op_b, json_spirit::mValue const &a, json_spirit::mValue const &b) {
// Returns { $latest : <a or b>, timestamp: <a or b timestamp> }
// where the thing (a or b) with the highest timestamp operator arg will be chosen
if(op == "$latest") {
double ts_a = 0, ts_b = 0;
JSONDoc(op_a).tryGet("timestamp", ts_a);
JSONDoc(op_b).tryGet("timestamp", ts_b);
if(ts_a > ts_b)
return {{op, a}, {"timestamp", ts_a}};
return {{op, b}, {"timestamp", ts_b}};
// Simply selects the last thing to be merged.
// Returns { $last : b }
if(op == "$last")
return {{op, b}};
// $expires will reduce its value to null if the "version" operator argument is present, nonzero, and has a value
// that is less than JSONDoc::expires_reference_version. This DOES mean that if the "version" argument
// is not present or has a value of 0 then the operator's value will be considered NOT expired.
// When two $expires operations are merged, the result is
// { $expires : <value> } where value is the result of a merger between null and any unexpired
// values for a or b.
if(op == "$expires") {
uint64_t ver_a = 0, ver_b = 0;
// Whichever has the most recent "timestamp" in its operator object will be used
JSONDoc(op_a).tryGet("version", ver_a);
JSONDoc(op_b).tryGet("version", ver_b);
json_spirit::mValue r;
// If version is 0 or greater than the current reference version then use the value
if(ver_a == 0 || ver_a > JSONDoc::expires_reference_version)
r = a;
if(ver_b == 0 || ver_b > JSONDoc::expires_reference_version)
mergeValueInto(r, b);
return {{op, r}};
throw std::exception();
void JSONDoc::cleanOps(json_spirit::mObject &obj) {
auto kv = obj.begin();
while(kv != obj.end()) {
if(kv->second.type() == json_spirit::obj_type) {
json_spirit::mObject &o = kv->second.get_obj();
std::string op = getOperator(o);
// If an operator was found, replace object with its value.
if(!op.empty()) {
// The "count_keys" operator needs special handling
if(op == "$count_keys") {
int count = 1;
if(o.at(op).type() == json_spirit::obj_type)
count = o.at(op).get_obj().size();
kv->second = count;
else if(op == "$expires") {
uint64_t version = 0;
JSONDoc(o).tryGet("version", version);
if(version == 0 || version > JSONDoc::expires_reference_version)
kv->second = o.at(op);
else {
// Thing is expired so competely remove its key from the enclosing Object
auto tmp = kv;
else // For others just move the value to replace the operator object
kv->second = o.at(op);
// Don't advance kv because the new value could also be an operator
else {
// It's not an operator, just a regular object so clean it too.
void JSONDoc::mergeInto(json_spirit::mObject &dst, const json_spirit::mObject &src) {
for(auto &i : src) {
//printf("Merging key: %s\n", i.first.c_str());
mergeValueInto(dst[i.first], i.second);
void JSONDoc::mergeValueInto(json_spirit::mValue &dst, const json_spirit::mValue &src) {
if(dst.is_null()) {
dst = src;
// Do nothing if d is already an error
if(dst.type() == json_spirit::obj_type && dst.get_obj().count("ERROR"))
if(dst.type() != src.type()) {
dst = json_spirit::mObject({{"ERROR", "Incompatible types."}, {"a", dst}, {"b", src}});
switch(dst.type()) {
case json_spirit::obj_type:
// Refs to the objects, for convenience.
json_spirit::mObject &aObj = dst.get_obj();
const json_spirit::mObject &bObj = src.get_obj();
const std::string &op = getOperator(aObj);
const std::string &opB = getOperator(bObj);
// Operators must be the same, which could mean both are empty (if these objects are not operators)
if(op != opB) {
dst = json_spirit::mObject({ {"ERROR", "Operators do not match"}, {"a", dst}, {"b", src} });
// If objects are not operators then defer to mergeInto
if(op.empty()) {
mergeInto(dst.get_obj(), src.get_obj());
// Get the operator values
json_spirit::mValue &a = aObj.at(op);
const json_spirit::mValue &b = bObj.at(op);
// First try the operators that are type-agnostic
try {
dst = mergeOperator<json_spirit::mValue>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
} catch(std::exception &e) {
// Now try type and type pair specific operators
// First, if types are incompatible try to make them compatible or return an error
if(a.type() != b.type()) {
// It's actually okay if the type mismatch is double vs int since once can be converted to the other.
if( (a.type() == json_spirit::int_type && b.type() == json_spirit::real_type)
|| (b.type() == json_spirit::int_type && a.type() == json_spirit::real_type) )
// Convert d's op value (which a is a reference to) to a double so that the
// switch block below will do the operation with doubles.
a = a.get_real();
else {
// Otherwise, output an error as the types do not match
dst = json_spirit::mObject({{"ERROR", "Incompatible operator value types"}, {"a", dst}, {"b", src}});
// Now try the type-specific operators.
try {
switch(a.type()) {
case json_spirit::bool_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<bool>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::int_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<int64_t>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::real_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<double>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::str_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<std::string>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::array_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<json_spirit::mArray>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::obj_type:
dst = mergeOperatorWrapper<json_spirit::mObject>(op, aObj, bObj, a, b);
case json_spirit::null_type:
} catch(...) {
dst = json_spirit::mObject({{"ERROR", "Unsupported operator / value type combination."}, {"operator", op}, {"type", a.type()}});
case json_spirit::array_type:
for(auto &ai : src.get_array())
if(dst != src)
dst = json_spirit::mObject({{"ERROR", "Values do not match."}, {"a", dst}, {"b", src}});
// Check if a quorum of coordination servers is reachable
// Will not throw, will just return non-present Optional if error
ACTOR Future<Optional<StatusObject>> clientCoordinatorsStatusFetcher(Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> f, bool *quorum_reachable, int *coordinatorsFaultTolerance) {
try {
state ClientCoordinators coord(f);
state StatusObject statusObj;
state vector<Future<Optional<LeaderInfo>>> leaderServers;
for (int i = 0; i < coord.clientLeaderServers.size(); i++)
leaderServers.push_back(retryBrokenPromise(coord.clientLeaderServers[i].getLeader, GetLeaderRequest(coord.clusterKey, UID()), TaskCoordinationReply));
Void _ = wait( smartQuorum(leaderServers, leaderServers.size() / 2 + 1, 1.5) || delay(2.0) );
statusObj["quorum_reachable"] = *quorum_reachable = quorum(leaderServers, leaderServers.size() / 2 + 1).isReady();
StatusArray coordsStatus;
int coordinatorsUnavailable = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < leaderServers.size(); i++) {
StatusObject coordStatus;
coordStatus["address"] = coord.clientLeaderServers[i].getLeader.getEndpoint().address.toString();
if (leaderServers[i].isReady()){
coordStatus["reachable"] = true;
else {
coordStatus["reachable"] = false;
statusObj["coordinators"] = coordsStatus;
*coordinatorsFaultTolerance = (leaderServers.size() - 1) / 2 - coordinatorsUnavailable;
return statusObj;
catch (Error &e){
*quorum_reachable = false;
return Optional<StatusObject>();
// Client section of the json output
// Will NOT throw, errors will be put into messages array
ACTOR Future<StatusObject> clientStatusFetcher(Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> f, StatusArray *messages, bool *quorum_reachable, int *coordinatorsFaultTolerance) {
state StatusObject statusObj;
Optional<StatusObject> coordsStatusObj = wait(clientCoordinatorsStatusFetcher(f, quorum_reachable, coordinatorsFaultTolerance));
if (coordsStatusObj.present())
statusObj["coordinators"] = coordsStatusObj.get();
if (!*quorum_reachable)
messages->push_back(makeMessage("quorum_not_reachable", "Unable to reach a quorum of coordinators."));
messages->push_back(makeMessage("status_incomplete_coordinators", "Could not fetch coordinator info."));
StatusObject statusObjClusterFile;
statusObjClusterFile["path"] = f->getFilename();
bool contentsUpToDate = f->fileContentsUpToDate();
statusObjClusterFile["up_to_date"] = contentsUpToDate;
statusObj["cluster_file"] = statusObjClusterFile;
if (!contentsUpToDate){
std::string description = "Cluster file contents do not match current cluster connection string.";
description += "\nThe file contains the connection string: ";
description += ClusterConnectionFile(f->getFilename()).getConnectionString().toString().c_str();
description += "\nThe current connection string is: ";
description += f->getConnectionString().toString().c_str();
description += "\nVerify cluster file is writable and has not been overwritten externally. To change coordinators without manual intervention, the cluster file and its containing folder must be writable by all servers and clients. If a majority of the coordinators referenced by the old connection string are lost, the database will stop working until the correct cluster file is distributed to all processes.";
messages->push_back(makeMessage("incorrect_cluster_file_contents", description.c_str()));
return statusObj;
// Cluster section of json output
ACTOR Future<Optional<StatusObject>> clusterStatusFetcher(ClusterInterface cI, StatusArray *messages) {
state StatusRequest req;
state Future<Void> clusterTimeout = delay(30.0);
state Optional<StatusObject> oStatusObj;
Void _ = wait(delay(0.0)); //make sure the cluster controller is marked as not failed
state Future<ErrorOr<StatusReply>> statusReply = cI.databaseStatus.tryGetReply(req);
when(ErrorOr<StatusReply> result = wait(statusReply)){
if (result.isError()){
if (result.getError().code() == error_code_request_maybe_delivered)
("Unable to communicate with the cluster controller at " + cI.address().toString() + " to get status.").c_str()));
messages->push_back(makeMessage("status_incomplete_error", "Cluster encountered an error fetching status."));
else {
oStatusObj = result.get().statusObj;
when(Void _ = wait(clusterTimeout)){
messages->push_back(makeMessage("status_incomplete_timeout", "Timed out fetching cluster status."));
return oStatusObj;
// Create and return a database_status section.
// Will not throw, will not return an empty section.
StatusObject getClientDatabaseStatus(StatusObjectReader client, StatusObjectReader cluster)
bool isAvailable = false;
bool isHealthy = false;
try {
// Lots of the JSON reads in this code could throw, and that's OK, isAvailable and isHealthy will be
// at the states we want them to be in (currently)
isAvailable = client.at("coordinators.quorum_reachable").get_bool()
&& cluster.at("recovery_state.name") == "fully_recovered"
&& cluster.at("database_available").get_bool();
if (isAvailable)
bool procMessagesPresent = false;
// OK to throw if processes doesn't exist, can't have an available database without processes
for (auto p : cluster.at("processes").get_obj()){
StatusObjectReader proc(p.second);
if (proc.has("messages") && proc.last().get_array().size()){
procMessagesPresent = true;
bool data_state_present = cluster.has("data.state");
bool data_state_unhealthy =
&& cluster.has("data.state.healthy")
&& !cluster.last().get_bool();
int cluster_messages = cluster.has("messages") ? cluster.last().get_array().size() : 0;
int configuration_messages = client.has("configuration.messages") ? client.last().get_array().size() : 0;
isHealthy = !( cluster_messages > 0
|| configuration_messages > 0
|| procMessagesPresent
|| data_state_unhealthy
|| !data_state_present
|| !client.at("cluster_file.up_to_date").get_bool());
catch(std::exception &e)
// As documented above, exceptions leave isAvailable and isHealthy in the right state
StatusObject databaseStatus;
databaseStatus["healthy"] = isHealthy;
databaseStatus["available"] = isAvailable;
return databaseStatus;
ACTOR Future<StatusObject> statusFetcherImpl( Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> f ) {
if (!g_network) throw network_not_setup();
state StatusObject statusObj;
state StatusObject statusObjClient;
state StatusArray clientMessages;
// This could be read from the JSON but doing so safely is ugly so using a real var.
state bool quorum_reachable = false;
state int coordinatorsFaultTolerance = 0;
try {
state int64_t clientTime = time(0);
state Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterInterface>>> clusterInterface(new AsyncVar<Optional<ClusterInterface>>);
state Future<Void> leaderMon = monitorLeader<ClusterInterface>(f, clusterInterface);
StatusObject _statusObjClient = wait(clientStatusFetcher(f, &clientMessages, &quorum_reachable, &coordinatorsFaultTolerance));
statusObjClient = _statusObjClient;
if (clientTime != -1)
statusObjClient["timestamp"] = clientTime;
catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled)
TraceEvent(SevError, "ClientStatusFetchError").error(e);
clientMessages.push_back(makeMessage("status_incomplete_client", "Could not retrieve client status information."));
// quorum_reachable will be false because clientStatusFetcher won't throw and it's the only thing would change it.
state StatusObject statusObjCluster;
if (quorum_reachable)
try {
state Future<Void> interfaceTimeout = delay(2.0);
if (clusterInterface->get().present()) {
Optional<StatusObject> _statusObjCluster = wait(clusterStatusFetcher(clusterInterface->get().get(), &clientMessages));
if (_statusObjCluster.present()){
statusObjCluster = _statusObjCluster.get();
// TODO: this is a temporary fix, getting the number of available coordinators should move to the server side
if (statusObjCluster.count("fault_tolerance")){
StatusObject::Map &faultToleranceWriteable = statusObjCluster["fault_tolerance"].get_obj();
StatusObjectReader faultToleranceReader(faultToleranceWriteable);
int maxDataLoss, maxAvailLoss;
if (faultToleranceReader.get("max_machine_failures_without_losing_data", maxDataLoss) && faultToleranceReader.get("max_machine_failures_without_losing_availability", maxAvailLoss)) {
// max_machine_failures_without_losing_availability <= max_machine_failures_without_losing_data
faultToleranceWriteable["max_machine_failures_without_losing_data"] = std::min(maxDataLoss, coordinatorsFaultTolerance);
faultToleranceWriteable["max_machine_failures_without_losing_availability"] = std::min(maxAvailLoss, coordinatorsFaultTolerance);
// else clusterStatusFetcher added a message
when(Void _ = wait(clusterInterface->onChange())) {}
when(Void _ = wait(interfaceTimeout)) {
clientMessages.push_back(makeMessage("no_cluster_controller", "Unable to locate a cluster controller within 2 seconds. Check that there are server processes running."));
statusObj["cluster"] = statusObjCluster;
catch (Error &e){
TraceEvent(e.code() == error_code_all_alternatives_failed ? SevInfo : SevError, "ClusterStatusFetchError").error(e);
// Set client.messages to an array of one message
clientMessages.push_back(makeMessage("status_incomplete_cluster", "Could not retrieve cluster status information."));
// Put clientMessages into Client section.
statusObjClient["messages"] = clientMessages;
// Create database_status section, place into statusObjClient
statusObjClient["database_status"] = getClientDatabaseStatus(statusObjClient, statusObjCluster);
// Put finalized client section into final document. Cluster section was created above if it was possible.
statusObj["client"] = statusObjClient;
// Make sure that if a document is being returned at all it has a cluster.layers._valid path.
JSONDoc doc(statusObj); // doc will modify statusObj with a convenient interface
auto &layers_valid = doc.create("cluster.layers._valid");
layers_valid = false;
return statusObj;
Future<StatusObject> StatusClient::statusFetcher( Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> clusterFile ) {
return statusFetcherImpl(clusterFile);