773 lines
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773 lines
29 KiB
* BackupAgent.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "NativeAPI.h"
#include "TaskBucket.h"
#include "Notified.h"
#include <fdbrpc/IAsyncFile.h>
#include "KeyBackedTypes.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <climits>
#include "BackupContainer.h"
class BackupAgentBase : NonCopyable {
// Type of program being executed
enum enumActionResult {
enum enumState {
static const Key keyFolderId;
static const Key keyBeginVersion;
static const Key keyEndVersion;
static const Key keyPrevBeginVersion;
static const Key keyConfigBackupTag;
static const Key keyConfigLogUid;
static const Key keyConfigBackupRanges;
static const Key keyConfigStopWhenDoneKey;
static const Key keyStateStatus;
static const Key keyStateStop;
static const Key keyLastUid;
static const Key keyBeginKey;
static const Key keyEndKey;
static const Key keyDrVersion;
static const Key destUid;
static const Key backupStartVersion;
static const Key keyTagName;
static const Key keyStates;
static const Key keyConfig;
static const Key keyErrors;
static const Key keyRanges;
static const Key keyTasks;
static const Key keyFutures;
static const Key keySourceStates;
static const Key keySourceTagName;
static const int logHeaderSize;
// Convert the status text to an enumerated value
static enumState getState(std::string stateText)
enumState enState = STATE_ERRORED;
if (stateText.empty()) {
else if (!stateText.compare("has been submitted")) {
else if (!stateText.compare("has been started")) {
else if (!stateText.compare("is differential")) {
else if (!stateText.compare("has been completed")) {
else if (!stateText.compare("has been aborted")) {
else if (!stateText.compare("has been partially aborted")) {
return enState;
// Convert the status text to an enumerated value
static const char* getStateText(enumState enState)
const char* stateText;
switch (enState)
stateText = "has errored";
stateText = "has never been started";
stateText = "has been submitted";
stateText = "has been started";
stateText = "is differential";
stateText = "has been completed";
stateText = "has been aborted";
stateText = "has been partially aborted";
stateText = "<undefined>";
return stateText;
// Determine if the specified state is runnable
static bool isRunnable(enumState enState)
bool isRunnable = false;
switch (enState)
isRunnable = true;
return isRunnable;
static const KeyRef getDefaultTag() {
return StringRef(defaultTagName);
static const std::string getDefaultTagName() {
return defaultTagName;
static Standalone<StringRef> getCurrentTime() {
double t = now();
time_t curTime = t;
char buffer[128];
struct tm* timeinfo;
timeinfo = localtime(&curTime);
strftime(buffer, 128, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", timeinfo);
std::string time(buffer);
return StringRef(time + format(".%06d", (int)(1e6*(t - curTime))));
static const std::string defaultTagName;
class FileBackupAgent : public BackupAgentBase {
FileBackupAgent( FileBackupAgent&& r ) noexcept(true) :
subspace( std::move(r.subspace) ),
config( std::move(r.config) ),
lastRestorable( std::move(r.lastRestorable) ),
taskBucket( std::move(r.taskBucket) ),
futureBucket( std::move(r.futureBucket) ) {}
void operator=( FileBackupAgent&& r ) noexcept(true) {
subspace = std::move(r.subspace);
config = std::move(r.config);
lastRestorable = std::move(r.lastRestorable),
taskBucket = std::move(r.taskBucket);
futureBucket = std::move(r.futureBucket);
KeyBackedProperty<Key> lastBackupTimestamp() {
return config.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
Future<Void> run(Database cx, double *pollDelay, int maxConcurrentTasks) {
return taskBucket->run(cx, futureBucket, pollDelay, maxConcurrentTasks);
/** RESTORE **/
enum ERestoreState { UNITIALIZED = 0, QUEUED = 1, STARTING = 2, RUNNING = 3, COMPLETED = 4, ABORTED = 5 };
static StringRef restoreStateText(ERestoreState id);
// restore() will
// - make sure that url is readable and appears to be a complete backup
// - make sure the requested TargetVersion is valid
// - submit a restore on the given tagName
// - Optionally wait for the restore's completion. Will restore_error if restore fails or is aborted.
// restore() will return the targetVersion which will be either the valid version passed in or the max restorable version for the given url.
Future<Version> restore(Database cx, Key tagName, Key url, bool waitForComplete = true, Version targetVersion = -1, bool verbose = true, KeyRange range = normalKeys, Key addPrefix = Key(), Key removePrefix = Key(), bool lockDB = true);
Future<Version> atomicRestore(Database cx, Key tagName, KeyRange range = normalKeys, Key addPrefix = Key(), Key removePrefix = Key());
// Tries to abort the restore for a tag. Returns the final (stable) state of the tag.
Future<ERestoreState> abortRestore(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName);
Future<ERestoreState> abortRestore(Database cx, Key tagName);
// Waits for a restore tag to reach a final (stable) state.
Future<ERestoreState> waitRestore(Database cx, Key tagName, bool verbose);
// Get a string describing the status of a tag
Future<std::string> restoreStatus(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName);
Future<std::string> restoreStatus(Database cx, Key tagName) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return restoreStatus(tr, tagName); });
Future<Void> submitBackup(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key outContainer, int snapshotIntervalSeconds, std::string tagName, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>> backupRanges, bool stopWhenDone = true);
Future<Void> submitBackup(Database cx, Key outContainer, int snapshotIntervalSeconds, std::string tagName, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>> backupRanges, bool stopWhenDone = true) {
return runRYWTransactionFailIfLocked(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return submitBackup(tr, outContainer, snapshotIntervalSeconds, tagName, backupRanges, stopWhenDone); });
Future<Void> discontinueBackup(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName);
Future<Void> discontinueBackup(Database cx, Key tagName) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return discontinueBackup(tr, tagName); });
// Terminate an ongoing backup, without waiting for the backup to finish.
// Preconditions:
// A backup is running with the tag of `tagName`.
// Otherwise `backup_unneeded` will be thrown indicating that the backup never existed or already finished.
// Postconditions:
// No more tasks will be spawned to backup ranges of the database.
// logRangesRange and backupLogKeys will be cleared for this backup.
Future<Void> abortBackup(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, std::string tagName);
Future<Void> abortBackup(Database cx, std::string tagName) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return abortBackup(tr, tagName); });
Future<std::string> getStatus(Database cx, bool showErrors, std::string tagName);
Future<Version> getLastRestorable(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName);
void setLastRestorable(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName, Version version);
// stopWhenDone will return when the backup is stopped, if enabled. Otherwise, it
// will return when the backup directory is restorable.
Future<int> waitBackup(Database cx, std::string tagName, bool stopWhenDone = true);
static const Key keyLastRestorable;
Future<int64_t> getTaskCount(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) { return taskBucket->getTaskCount(tr); }
Future<int64_t> getTaskCount(Database cx) { return taskBucket->getTaskCount(cx); }
Future<Void> watchTaskCount(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) { return taskBucket->watchTaskCount(tr); }
Future<bool> checkActive(Database cx) { return taskBucket->checkActive(cx); }
friend class FileBackupAgentImpl;
static const int dataFooterSize;
Subspace subspace;
Subspace config;
Subspace lastRestorable;
Reference<TaskBucket> taskBucket;
Reference<FutureBucket> futureBucket;
class DatabaseBackupAgent : public BackupAgentBase {
explicit DatabaseBackupAgent(Database src);
DatabaseBackupAgent( DatabaseBackupAgent&& r ) noexcept(true) :
subspace( std::move(r.subspace) ),
states( std::move(r.states) ),
config( std::move(r.config) ),
errors( std::move(r.errors) ),
ranges( std::move(r.ranges) ),
tagNames( std::move(r.tagNames) ),
taskBucket( std::move(r.taskBucket) ),
futureBucket( std::move(r.futureBucket) ),
sourceStates( std::move(r.sourceStates) ),
sourceTagNames( std::move(r.sourceTagNames) ) {}
void operator=( DatabaseBackupAgent&& r ) noexcept(true) {
subspace = std::move(r.subspace);
states = std::move(r.states);
config = std::move(r.config);
errors = std::move(r.errors);
ranges = std::move(r.ranges);
tagNames = std::move(r.tagNames);
taskBucket = std::move(r.taskBucket);
futureBucket = std::move(r.futureBucket);
sourceStates = std::move(r.sourceStates);
sourceTagNames = std::move(r.sourceTagNames);
Future<Void> run(Database cx, double *pollDelay, int maxConcurrentTasks) {
return taskBucket->run(cx, futureBucket, pollDelay, maxConcurrentTasks);
Future<Void> atomicSwitchover(Database dest, Key tagName, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>> backupRanges, Key addPrefix, Key removePrefix);
Future<Void> unlockBackup(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName);
Future<Void> unlockBackup(Database cx, Key tagName) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return unlockBackup(tr, tagName); });
Future<Void> submitBackup(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>> backupRanges, bool stopWhenDone = true, Key addPrefix = StringRef(), Key removePrefix = StringRef(), bool lockDatabase = false, bool databasesInSync=false);
Future<Void> submitBackup(Database cx, Key tagName, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>> backupRanges, bool stopWhenDone = true, Key addPrefix = StringRef(), Key removePrefix = StringRef(), bool lockDatabase = false, bool databasesInSync=false) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return submitBackup(tr, tagName, backupRanges, stopWhenDone, addPrefix, removePrefix, lockDatabase, databasesInSync); });
Future<Void> discontinueBackup(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName);
Future<Void> discontinueBackup(Database cx, Key tagName) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return discontinueBackup(tr, tagName); });
Future<Void> abortBackup(Database cx, Key tagName, bool partial = false, bool abortOldBackup = false);
Future<std::string> getStatus(Database cx, int errorLimit, Key tagName);
Future<int> getStateValue(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, UID logUid);
Future<int> getStateValue(Database cx, UID logUid) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return getStateValue(tr, logUid); });
Future<UID> getDestUid(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, UID logUid);
Future<UID> getDestUid(Database cx, UID logUid) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return getDestUid(tr, logUid); });
Future<UID> getLogUid(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key tagName);
Future<UID> getLogUid(Database cx, Key tagName) {
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr){ return getLogUid(tr, tagName); });
Future<int64_t> getRangeBytesWritten(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, UID logUid);
Future<int64_t> getLogBytesWritten(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, UID logUid);
// stopWhenDone will return when the backup is stopped, if enabled. Otherwise, it
// will return when the backup directory is restorable.
Future<int> waitBackup(Database cx, Key tagName, bool stopWhenDone = true);
Future<int> waitSubmitted(Database cx, Key tagName);
Future<Void> waitUpgradeToLatestDrVersion(Database cx, Key tagName);
static const Key keyAddPrefix;
static const Key keyRemovePrefix;
static const Key keyRangeVersions;
static const Key keyCopyStop;
static const Key keyDatabasesInSync;
static const int LATEST_DR_VERSION;
Future<int64_t> getTaskCount(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) { return taskBucket->getTaskCount(tr); }
Future<int64_t> getTaskCount(Database cx) { return taskBucket->getTaskCount(cx); }
Future<Void> watchTaskCount(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) { return taskBucket->watchTaskCount(tr); }
Future<bool> checkActive(Database cx) { return taskBucket->checkActive(cx); }
friend class DatabaseBackupAgentImpl;
Subspace subspace;
Subspace states;
Subspace config;
Subspace errors;
Subspace ranges;
Subspace tagNames;
Subspace sourceStates;
Subspace sourceTagNames;
Reference<TaskBucket> taskBucket;
Reference<FutureBucket> futureBucket;
typedef std::pair<Standalone<RangeResultRef>, Version> RangeResultWithVersion;
struct RCGroup {
Standalone<RangeResultRef> items;
Version version;
uint64_t groupKey;
RCGroup() : version(-1), groupKey(ULLONG_MAX) {};
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
ar & items & version & groupKey;
bool copyParameter(Reference<Task> source, Reference<Task> dest, Key key);
Version getVersionFromString(std::string const& value);
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>> getLogRanges(Version beginVersion, Version endVersion, Key destUidValue, int blockSize = CLIENT_KNOBS->LOG_RANGE_BLOCK_SIZE);
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>> getApplyRanges(Version beginVersion, Version endVersion, Key backupUid);
Future<Void> eraseLogData(Database cx, Key logUidValue, Key destUidValue, Optional<Version> endVersion = Optional<Version>(), bool checkBackupUid = false, Version backupUid = 0);
Key getApplyKey( Version version, Key backupUid );
std::pair<uint64_t, uint32_t> decodeBKMutationLogKey(Key key);
Standalone<VectorRef<MutationRef>> decodeBackupLogValue(StringRef value);
void decodeBackupLogValue(Arena& arena, VectorRef<MutationRef>& result, int64_t& mutationSize, StringRef value, StringRef addPrefix = StringRef(), StringRef removePrefix = StringRef());
Future<Void> logError(Database cx, Key keyErrors, const std::string& message);
Future<Void> logError(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Key keyErrors, const std::string& message);
Future<Void> checkVersion(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> const& tr);
Future<Void> readCommitted(Database const& cx, PromiseStream<RangeResultWithVersion> const& results, Reference<FlowLock> const& lock, KeyRangeRef const& range, bool const& terminator = true, bool const& systemAccess = false, bool const& lockAware = false);
Future<Void> readCommitted(Database const& cx, PromiseStream<RCGroup> const& results, Future<Void> const& active, Reference<FlowLock> const& lock, KeyRangeRef const& range, std::function< std::pair<uint64_t, uint32_t>(Key key) > const& groupBy, bool const& terminator = true, bool const& systemAccess = false, bool const& lockAware = false);
Future<Void> applyMutations(Database const& cx, Key const& uid, Key const& addPrefix, Key const& removePrefix, Version const& beginVersion, Version* const& endVersion, RequestStream<CommitTransactionRequest> const& commit, NotifiedVersion* const& committedVersion, Reference<KeyRangeMap<Version>> const& keyVersion);
typedef BackupAgentBase::enumState EBackupState;
template<> inline Tuple Codec<EBackupState>::pack(EBackupState const &val) { return Tuple().append(val); }
template<> inline EBackupState Codec<EBackupState>::unpack(Tuple const &val) { return (EBackupState)val.getInt(0); }
// Key backed tags are a single-key slice of the TagUidMap, defined below.
// The Value type of the key is a UidAndAbortedFlagT which is a pair of {UID, aborted_flag}
// All tasks on the UID will have a validation key/value that requires aborted_flag to be
// false, so changing that value, such as changing the UID or setting aborted_flag to true,
// will kill all of the active tasks on that backup/restore UID.
typedef std::pair<UID, bool> UidAndAbortedFlagT;
class KeyBackedTag : public KeyBackedProperty<UidAndAbortedFlagT> {
KeyBackedTag() : KeyBackedProperty(StringRef()) {}
KeyBackedTag(std::string tagName, StringRef tagMapPrefix);
Future<Void> cancel(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) {
std::string tag = tagName;
Key _tagMapPrefix = tagMapPrefix;
return map(get(tr), [tag, _tagMapPrefix, tr](Optional<UidAndAbortedFlagT> up) -> Void {
if (up.present()) {
// Set aborted flag to true
up.get().second = true;
KeyBackedTag(tag, _tagMapPrefix).set(tr, up.get());
return Void();
std::string tagName;
Key tagMapPrefix;
typedef KeyBackedMap<std::string, UidAndAbortedFlagT> TagMap;
// Map of tagName to {UID, aborted_flag} located in the fileRestorePrefixRange keyspace.
class TagUidMap : public KeyBackedMap<std::string, UidAndAbortedFlagT> {
TagUidMap(const StringRef & prefix) : TagMap(LiteralStringRef("tag->uid/").withPrefix(prefix)), prefix(prefix) {}
static Future<std::vector<KeyBackedTag>> getAll_impl(TagUidMap * const & tagsMap, Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> const & tr);
Future<std::vector<KeyBackedTag>> getAll(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) {
return getAll_impl(this, tr);
Key prefix;
static inline KeyBackedTag makeRestoreTag(std::string tagName) {
return KeyBackedTag(tagName, fileRestorePrefixRange.begin);
static inline KeyBackedTag makeBackupTag(std::string tagName) {
return KeyBackedTag(tagName, fileBackupPrefixRange.begin);
static inline Future<std::vector<KeyBackedTag>> getAllRestoreTags(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) {
return TagUidMap(fileRestorePrefixRange.begin).getAll(tr);
static inline Future<std::vector<KeyBackedTag>> getAllBackupTags(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) {
return TagUidMap(fileBackupPrefixRange.begin).getAll(tr);
class KeyBackedConfig {
static struct {
static TaskParam<UID> uid() {return LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__); }
} TaskParams;
KeyBackedConfig(StringRef prefix, UID uid = UID()) :
configSpace(uidPrefixKey(LiteralStringRef("uid->config/").withPrefix(prefix), uid)) {}
KeyBackedConfig(StringRef prefix, Reference<Task> task) : KeyBackedConfig(prefix, TaskParams.uid().get(task)) {}
Future<Void> toTask(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, Reference<Task> task, bool setValidation = true) {
// Set the uid task parameter
TaskParams.uid().set(task, uid);
if (!setValidation) {
return Void();
// Set the validation condition for the task which is that the restore uid's tag's uid is the same as the restore uid.
// Get this uid's tag, then get the KEY for the tag's uid but don't read it. That becomes the validation key
// which TaskBucket will check, and its value must be this restore config's uid.
UID u = uid; // 'this' could be invalid in lambda
Key p = prefix;
return map(tag().get(tr), [u,p,task](Optional<std::string> const &tag) -> Void {
throw restore_error();
// Validation contition is that the uidPair key must be exactly {u, false}
TaskBucket::setValidationCondition(task, KeyBackedTag(tag.get(), p).key, Codec<UidAndAbortedFlagT>::pack({u, false}).pack());
return Void();
KeyBackedProperty<std::string> tag() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
UID getUid() { return uid; }
Key getUidAsKey() { return BinaryWriter::toValue(uid, Unversioned()); }
void clear(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) {
// lastError is a pair of error message and timestamp expressed as an int64_t
KeyBackedProperty<std::pair<std::string, Version>> lastError() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
KeyBackedMap<int64_t, std::pair<std::string, Version>> lastErrorPerType() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// Updates the error per type map and the last error property
Future<Void> updateErrorInfo(Database cx, Error e, std::string message) {
// Avoid capture of this ptr
auto © = *this;
return runRYWTransaction(cx, [=] (Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) mutable {
return map(tr->getReadVersion(), [=] (Version v) mutable {
copy.lastError().set(tr, {message, v});
copy.lastErrorPerType().set(tr, e.code(), {message, v});
return Void();
UID uid;
Key prefix;
Subspace configSpace;
template<> inline Tuple Codec<Reference<IBackupContainer>>::pack(Reference<IBackupContainer> const &bc) {
return Tuple().append(StringRef(bc->getURL()));
template<> inline Reference<IBackupContainer> Codec<Reference<IBackupContainer>>::unpack(Tuple const &val) {
return IBackupContainer::openContainer(val.getString(0).toString());
class BackupConfig : public KeyBackedConfig {
BackupConfig(UID uid = UID()) : KeyBackedConfig(fileBackupPrefixRange.begin, uid) {}
BackupConfig(Reference<Task> task) : KeyBackedConfig(fileBackupPrefixRange.begin, task) {}
// rangeFileMap maps a keyrange file's End to its Begin and Filename
struct RangeSlice {
Key begin;
Version version;
std::string fileName;
int64_t fileSize;
Tuple pack() const {
return Tuple().append(begin).append(version).append(StringRef(fileName)).append(fileSize);
static RangeSlice unpack(Tuple const &t) {
RangeSlice r;
int i = 0;
r.begin = t.getString(i++);
r.version = t.getInt(i++);
r.fileName = t.getString(i++).toString();
r.fileSize = t.getInt(i++);
return r;
// Map of range end boundaries to info about the backup file written for that range.
typedef KeyBackedMap<Key, RangeSlice> RangeFileMapT;
RangeFileMapT snapshotRangeFileMap() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// Number of kv range files that were both committed to persistent storage AND inserted into
// the snapshotRangeFileMap. Note that since insertions could replace 1 or more existing
// map entries this is not necessarily the number of entries currently in the map.
// This value exists to help with sizing of kv range folders for BackupContainers that
// require it.
KeyBackedBinaryValue<int64_t> snapshotRangeFileCount() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// Coalesced set of ranges already dispatched for writing.
typedef KeyBackedMap<Key, bool> RangeDispatchMapT;
RangeDispatchMapT snapshotRangeDispatchMap() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// Interval to use for determining the target end version for new snapshots
KeyBackedProperty<int64_t> snapshotIntervalSeconds() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// When the current snapshot began
KeyBackedProperty<Version> snapshotBeginVersion() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// When the current snapshot is desired to end.
// This can be changed at runtime to speed up or slow down a snapshot
KeyBackedProperty<Version> snapshotTargetEndVersion() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
KeyBackedProperty<int64_t> snapshotBatchSize() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
KeyBackedProperty<Key> snapshotBatchFuture() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
KeyBackedProperty<Key> snapshotBatchDispatchDoneKey() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
Future<Void> initNewSnapshot(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, int64_t intervalSeconds = -1) {
BackupConfig © = *this; // Capture this by value instead of this ptr
Future<Version> beginVersion = tr->getReadVersion();
Future<int64_t> defaultInterval = 0;
if(intervalSeconds < 0)
defaultInterval = copy.snapshotIntervalSeconds().getOrThrow(tr);
// Make sure read version and possibly the snapshot interval value are ready, then clear/init the snapshot config members
return map(success(beginVersion) && success(defaultInterval), [=](Void) mutable {
if(intervalSeconds < 0)
intervalSeconds = defaultInterval.get();
Version endVersion = beginVersion.get() + intervalSeconds * CLIENT_KNOBS->CORE_VERSIONSPERSECOND;
copy.snapshotBeginVersion().set(tr, beginVersion.get());
copy.snapshotTargetEndVersion().set(tr, endVersion);
copy.snapshotRangeFileCount().set(tr, 0);
return Void();
KeyBackedBinaryValue<int64_t> rangeBytesWritten() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
KeyBackedBinaryValue<int64_t> logBytesWritten() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
KeyBackedProperty<EBackupState> stateEnum() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
KeyBackedProperty<Reference<IBackupContainer>> backupContainer() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// Get the backup container URL only without creating a backup container instance.
KeyBackedProperty<Reference<IBackupContainer>> backupContainerURL() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef("backupContainer"));
// Stop differntial logging if already started or don't start after completing KV ranges
KeyBackedProperty<bool> stopWhenDone() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// Latest version for which all prior versions have had their log copy tasks completed
KeyBackedProperty<Version> latestLogEndVersion() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// The end version of the last complete snapshot
KeyBackedProperty<Version> latestSnapshotEndVersion() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
// The end version of the first complete snapshot
KeyBackedProperty<Version> firstSnapshotEndVersion() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
KeyBackedProperty<Key> destUidValue() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
Future<Optional<Version>> getLatestRestorableVersion(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) {
auto © = *this;
auto lastLog = latestLogEndVersion().get(tr);
auto firstSnapshot = firstSnapshotEndVersion().get(tr);
return map(success(lastLog) && success(firstSnapshot), [=](Void) -> Optional<Version> {
// The latest log greater than the oldest snapshot is the restorable version
if(lastLog.get().present() && firstSnapshot.get().present() && lastLog.get().get() > firstSnapshot.get().get()) {
return std::max(lastLog.get().get() - 1, firstSnapshot.get().get());
return {};
KeyBackedProperty<std::vector<KeyRange>> backupRanges() {
return configSpace.pack(LiteralStringRef(__FUNCTION__));
void startMutationLogs(Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, KeyRangeRef backupRange, Key destUidValue) {
Key mutationLogsDestKey = destUidValue.withPrefix(backupLogKeys.begin);
tr->set(logRangesEncodeKey(backupRange.begin, BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(destUidValue, Unversioned())), logRangesEncodeValue(backupRange.end, mutationLogsDestKey));
Future<Void> logError(Database cx, Error e, std::string details, void *taskInstance = nullptr) {
if(!uid.isValid()) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "FileBackupErrorNoUID").error(e).detail("Description", details);
return Void();
TraceEvent t(SevWarn, "FileBackupError");
t.error(e).detail("BackupUID", uid).detail("Description", details).detail("TaskInstance", (uint64_t)taskInstance);
// These should not happen
if(e.code() == error_code_key_not_found)
return updateErrorInfo(cx, e, details);