
510 lines
18 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbclient/HTTP.h"
#include "fdbclient/md5/md5.h"
#include "fdbclient/libb64/encode.h"
#include <cctype>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // has to be last include
namespace HTTP {
// AWS V4 headers require this encoding for its signature calculation
std::string awsV4URIEncode(const std::string& s, bool encodeSlash) {
std::string o;
o.reserve(s.size() * 3);
char buf[4];
for (auto c : s) {
if (std::isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '~')
o.append(&c, 1);
else if (c == '/')
o.append(encodeSlash ? "%2F" : "/");
else {
sprintf(buf, "%%%.02X", c);
return o;
std::string urlEncode(const std::string& s) {
std::string o;
o.reserve(s.size() * 3);
char buf[4];
for (auto c : s)
if (std::isalnum(c) || c == '?' || c == '/' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == ',' || c == ':')
o.append(&c, 1);
else {
sprintf(buf, "%%%.02X", c);
return o;
bool Response::verifyMD5(bool fail_if_header_missing, Optional<std::string> content_sum) {
auto i = headers.find("Content-MD5");
if (i != headers.end()) {
// If a content sum is not provided, calculate one from the response content
if (!content_sum.present()) {
MD5_CTX sum;
::MD5_Update(&sum,, content.size());
std::string sumBytes;
::MD5_Final((unsigned char*), &sum);
std::string sumStr = base64::encoder::from_string(sumBytes);
sumStr.resize(sumStr.size() - 1);
content_sum = sumStr;
return i->second == content_sum.get();
return !fail_if_header_missing;
std::string Response::toString() {
std::string r = format("Response Code: %d\n", code);
r += format("Response ContentLen: %lld\n", contentLen);
for (auto h : headers)
r += format("Reponse Header: %s: %s\n", h.first.c_str(), h.second.c_str());
r.append("-- RESPONSE CONTENT--\n");
return r;
PacketBuffer* writeRequestHeader(std::string const& verb,
std::string const& resource,
HTTP::Headers const& headers,
PacketBuffer* dest) {
PacketWriter writer(dest, nullptr, Unversioned());
writer.serializeBytes(" ", 1);
writer.serializeBytes(LiteralStringRef(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"));
for (auto h : headers) {
writer.serializeBytes(LiteralStringRef(": "));
return writer.finish();
// Read at least 1 bytes from conn and up to maxlen in a single read, append read data into *buf
// Returns the number of bytes read.
ACTOR Future<int> read_into_string(Reference<IConnection> conn, std::string* buf, int maxlen) {
loop {
// Read into buffer
int originalSize = buf->size();
// TODO: resize is zero-initializing the space we're about to overwrite, so do something else, which probably
// means not using a string for this buffer
buf->resize(originalSize + maxlen);
uint8_t* wptr = (uint8_t*)buf->data() + originalSize;
int len = conn->read(wptr, wptr + maxlen);
buf->resize(originalSize + len);
// Make sure data was actually read, it's possible for there to be none.
if (len > 0)
return len;
// Wait for connection to have something to read
wait(delay(0, TaskPriority::ReadSocket));
// Returns the position of delim within buf, relative to pos. If delim is not found, continues to read from conn until
// either it is found or the connection ends, at which point connection_failed is thrown and buf contains
// everything that was read up to that point.
ACTOR Future<size_t> read_delimited_into_string(Reference<IConnection> conn,
const char* delim,
std::string* buf,
size_t pos) {
state size_t sPos = pos;
state int lookBack = strlen(delim) - 1;
ASSERT(lookBack >= 0);
loop {
size_t endPos = buf->find(delim, sPos);
if (endPos != std::string::npos)
return endPos - pos;
// Next search will start at the current end of the buffer - delim size + 1
if (sPos >= lookBack)
sPos -= lookBack;
wait(success(read_into_string(conn, buf, CLIENT_KNOBS->HTTP_READ_SIZE)));
// Reads from conn (as needed) until there are at least len bytes starting at pos in buf
ACTOR Future<Void> read_fixed_into_string(Reference<IConnection> conn, int len, std::string* buf, size_t pos) {
state int stop_size = pos + len;
while (buf->size() < stop_size)
wait(success(read_into_string(conn, buf, CLIENT_KNOBS->HTTP_READ_SIZE)));
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> read_http_response_headers(Reference<IConnection> conn,
Headers* headers,
std::string* buf,
size_t* pos) {
loop {
// Get a line, reading more data from conn if necessary
size_t lineLen = wait(read_delimited_into_string(conn, "\r\n", buf, *pos));
// If line is empty we have reached the end of the headers.
if (lineLen == 0) {
// Increment pos to move past the empty line.
*pos += 2;
return Void();
int nameEnd = -1, valueStart = -1, valueEnd = -1;
int len = -1;
// Read header of the form "Name: Value\n"
// Note that multi line header values are not supported here.
// Format string breaks down as follows:
// %*[^:]%n Some characters other than ':' which are discarded, save the end position
// :%*[ \t]%n A colon followed by 0 or more spaces or tabs only, save the end position
// %*[^\r]%n Some characters other than \r which are discarded, save the end position
// %*1[\r] Exactly one \r
// %*1[\n] Exactly one \n
// %n Save final end position
if (sscanf(buf->c_str() + *pos,
"%*[^:]%n:%*[ \t]%n%*[^\r]%n%*1[\r]%*1[\n]%n",
&len) >= 0 &&
len > 0) {
const std::string name(buf->substr(*pos, nameEnd));
const std::string value(buf->substr(*pos + valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart));
(*headers)[name] = value;
*pos += len;
len = -1;
} else // Malformed header line (at least according to this simple parsing)
throw http_bad_response();
// Reads an HTTP response from a network connection
// If the connection fails while being read the exception will emitted
// If the response is not parseable or complete in some way, http_bad_response will be thrown
ACTOR Future<Void> read_http_response(Reference<HTTP::Response> r, Reference<IConnection> conn, bool header_only) {
state std::string buf;
state size_t pos = 0;
// Read HTTP reponse code and version line
size_t lineLen = wait(read_delimited_into_string(conn, "\r\n", &buf, pos));
int reachedEnd = -1;
sscanf(buf.c_str() + pos, "HTTP/%f %d%n", &r->version, &r->code, &reachedEnd);
if (reachedEnd < 0)
throw http_bad_response();
// Move position past the line found and the delimiter length
pos += lineLen + 2;
// Read headers
wait(read_http_response_headers(conn, &r->headers, &buf, &pos));
auto i = r->headers.find("Content-Length");
if (i != r->headers.end())
r->contentLen = atoi(i->second.c_str());
r->contentLen = -1; // Content length unknown
state std::string transferEncoding;
i = r->headers.find("Transfer-Encoding");
if (i != r->headers.end())
transferEncoding = i->second;
// If this is supposed to be a header-only response and the buffer has been fully processed then stop. Otherwise,
// there must be response content.
if (header_only && pos == buf.size())
return Void();
// There should be content (or at least metadata describing that there is no content.
// Chunked transfer and 'normal' mode (content length given, data in one segment after headers) are supported.
if (r->contentLen >= 0) {
// Use response content as the buffer so there's no need to copy it later.
r->content = buf.substr(pos);
pos = 0;
// Read until there are at least contentLen bytes available at pos
wait(read_fixed_into_string(conn, r->contentLen, &r->content, pos));
// There shouldn't be any bytes after content.
if (r->content.size() != r->contentLen)
throw http_bad_response();
} else if (transferEncoding == "chunked") {
// Copy remaining buffer data to content which will now be the read buffer for the chunk encoded data.
// Overall this will be fairly efficient since most bytes will only be written once but some bytes will
// have to be copied forward in the buffer when removing chunk overhead bytes.
r->content = buf.substr(pos);
pos = 0;
loop {
// Read the line that contains the chunk length as text in hex
size_t lineLen = wait(read_delimited_into_string(conn, "\r\n", &r->content, pos));
state int chunkLen = strtol(r->content.substr(pos, lineLen).c_str(), nullptr, 16);
// Instead of advancing pos, erase the chunk length header line (line length + delimiter size) from the
// content buffer
r->content.erase(pos, lineLen + 2);
// If chunkLen is 0 then this marks the end of the content chunks.
if (chunkLen == 0)
// Read (if needed) until chunkLen bytes are available at pos, then advance pos by chunkLen
wait(read_fixed_into_string(conn, chunkLen, &r->content, pos));
pos += chunkLen;
// Read the final empty line at the end of the chunk (the required "\r\n" after the chunk bytes)
size_t lineLen = wait(read_delimited_into_string(conn, "\r\n", &r->content, pos));
if (lineLen != 0)
throw http_bad_response();
// Instead of advancing pos, erase the empty line from the content buffer
r->content.erase(pos, 2);
// The content buffer now contains the de-chunked, contiguous content at position 0 to pos. Save this length.
r->contentLen = pos;
// Next is the post-chunk header block, so read that.
wait(read_http_response_headers(conn, &r->headers, &r->content, &pos));
// If the header parsing did not consume all of the buffer then something is wrong
if (pos != r->content.size())
throw http_bad_response();
// Now truncate the buffer to just the dechunked contiguous content.
} else {
// Some unrecogize response content scheme is being used.
throw http_bad_response();
// If there is actual response content, check the MD5 sum against the Content-MD5 response header
if (r->content.size() > 0)
if (!r->verifyMD5(false)) // false arg means do not fail if the Content-MD5 header is missing.
throw http_bad_response();
return Void();
Future<Void> HTTP::Response::read(Reference<IConnection> conn, bool header_only) {
return read_http_response(Reference<HTTP::Response>::addRef(this), conn, header_only);
// Do a request, get a Response.
// Request content is provided as UnsentPacketQueue *pContent which will be depleted as bytes are sent but the queue
// itself must live for the life of this actor and be destroyed by the caller
// TODO: pSent is very hackish, do something better.
ACTOR Future<Reference<HTTP::Response>> doRequest(Reference<IConnection> conn,
std::string verb,
std::string resource,
HTTP::Headers headers,
UnsentPacketQueue* pContent,
int contentLen,
Reference<IRateControl> sendRate,
int64_t* pSent,
Reference<IRateControl> recvRate,
std::string requestIDHeader) {
state TraceEvent event(SevDebug, "HTTPRequest");
state UnsentPacketQueue empty;
if (pContent == nullptr)
pContent = &empty;
// There is no standard http request id header field, so either a global default can be set via a knob
// or it can be set per-request with the requestIDHeader argument (which overrides the default)
if (requestIDHeader.empty()) {
state bool earlyResponse = false;
state int total_sent = 0;
state double send_start;
event.detail("DebugID", conn->getDebugID());
event.detail("RemoteAddress", conn->getPeerAddress());
event.detail("Verb", verb);
event.detail("Resource", resource);
event.detail("RequestContentLen", contentLen);
try {
state std::string requestID;
if (!requestIDHeader.empty()) {
requestID = deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().toString();
requestID = requestID.insert(20, "-");
requestID = requestID.insert(16, "-");
requestID = requestID.insert(12, "-");
requestID = requestID.insert(8, "-");
headers[requestIDHeader] = requestID;
event.detail("RequestIDSent", requestID);
// Write headers to a packet buffer chain
PacketBuffer* pFirst = PacketBuffer::create();
PacketBuffer* pLast = writeRequestHeader(verb, resource, headers, pFirst);
// Prepend headers to content packer buffer chain
pContent->prependWriteBuffer(pFirst, pLast);
printf("[%s] HTTP starting %s %s ContentLen:%d\n",
for (auto h : headers)
printf("Request Header: %s: %s\n", h.first.c_str(), h.second.c_str());
state Reference<HTTP::Response> r(new HTTP::Response());
state Future<Void> responseReading = r->read(conn, verb == "HEAD" || verb == "DELETE");
send_start = timer();
loop {
// If we already got a response, before finishing sending the request, then close the connection,
// set the Connection header to "close" as a hint to the caller that this connection can't be used
// again, and break out of the send loop.
if (responseReading.isReady()) {
r->headers["Connection"] = "close";
earlyResponse = true;
state int trySend = CLIENT_KNOBS->HTTP_SEND_SIZE;
int len = conn->write(pContent->getUnsent(), trySend);
if (pSent != nullptr)
*pSent += len;
sendRate->returnUnused(trySend - len);
total_sent += len;
if (pContent->empty())
double elapsed = timer() - send_start;
event.detail("ResponseCode", r->code);
event.detail("ResponseContentLen", r->contentLen);
event.detail("Elapsed", elapsed);
Optional<Error> err;
if (!requestIDHeader.empty()) {
std::string responseID;
auto iid = r->headers.find(requestIDHeader);
if (iid != r->headers.end()) {
responseID = iid->second;
event.detail("RequestIDReceived", responseID);
// If the response code is 5xx (server error) then a response ID is not expected
// so a missing id will be ignored but a mismatching id will still be an error.
bool serverError = r->code >= 500 && r->code < 600;
// If request/response IDs do not match and either this is not a server error
// or it is but the response ID is not empty then log an error.
if (requestID != responseID && (!serverError || !responseID.empty())) {
err = http_bad_request_id();
TraceEvent(SevError, "HTTPRequestFailedIDMismatch")
.detail("DebugID", conn->getDebugID())
.detail("RemoteAddress", conn->getPeerAddress())
.detail("Verb", verb)
.detail("Resource", resource)
.detail("RequestContentLen", contentLen)
.detail("ResponseCode", r->code)
.detail("ResponseContentLen", r->contentLen)
.detail("RequestIDSent", requestID)
.detail("RequestIDReceived", responseID)
printf("[%s] HTTP %scode=%d early=%d, time=%fs %s %s contentLen=%d [%d out, response content len %d]\n",
(err.present() ? format("*ERROR*=%s ", err.get().name()).c_str() : ""),
printf("[%s] HTTP RESPONSE: %s %s\n%s\n",
if (err.present()) {
throw err.get();
return r;
} catch (Error& e) {
double elapsed = timer() - send_start;
// A bad_request_id error would have already been logged in verbose mode before err is thrown above.
if (CLIENT_KNOBS->HTTP_VERBOSE_LEVEL > 0 && e.code() != error_code_http_bad_request_id) {
printf("[%s] HTTP *ERROR*=%s early=%d, time=%fs %s %s contentLen=%d [%d out]\n",
} // namespace HTTP