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* IDiskQueue.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbserver/IKeyValueStore.h"
class IDiskQueue : public IClosable {
struct location {
int64_t hi, lo;
location() : hi(0), lo(0) {}
location(int64_t lo) : hi(0), lo(lo) {}
location(int64_t hi, int64_t lo) : hi(hi), lo(lo) {}
operator std::string() { return format("%lld.%lld", hi, lo); } // FIXME: Return a 'HumanReadableDescription' instead of std::string, make TraceEvent::detail accept that (for safety)
bool operator < (location const& r) const {
if (hi<r.hi) return true;
if (hi>r.hi) return false;
return lo < r.lo;
//! Find the first and last pages in the disk queue, and initialize invariants.
//! Most importantly, most invariants only hold after this function returns, and
//! some functions assert that the IDiskQueue has been initialized.
//! \returns True, if DiskQueue is now considered in a recovered state.
//! False, if the caller should call readNext until recovered is true.
virtual Future<bool> initializeRecovery() = 0;
// Before calling push or commit, the caller *must* perform recovery by calling readNext() until it returns less than the requested number of bytes.
// Thereafter it may not be called again.
virtual Future<Standalone<StringRef>> readNext( int bytes ) = 0; // Return the next bytes in the queue (beginning, the first time called, with the first unpopped byte)
virtual location getNextReadLocation() = 0; // Returns a location >= the location of all bytes previously returned by readNext(), and <= the location of all bytes subsequently returned
virtual location getNextCommitLocation() = 0; // If commit() were to be called, all buffered writes would be written starting at `location`.
virtual location getNextPushLocation() = 0; // If push() were to be called, the pushed data would be written starting at `location`.
virtual Future<Standalone<StringRef>> read( location start, location end ) = 0;
virtual location push( StringRef contents ) = 0; // Appends the given bytes to the byte stream. Returns a location token representing the *end* of the contents.
virtual void pop( location upTo ) = 0; // Removes all bytes before the given location token from the byte stream.
virtual Future<Void> commit() = 0; // returns when all prior pushes and pops are durable. If commit does not return (due to close or a crash), any prefix of the pushed bytes and any prefix of the popped bytes may be durable.
virtual int getCommitOverhead() = 0; // returns the amount of unused space that would be written by a commit that immediately followed this call
virtual StorageBytes getStorageBytes() = 0;
IDiskQueue* openDiskQueue( std::string basename, std::string ext, UID dbgid, int64_t fileSizeWarningLimit = -1); // opens basename+"0."+ext and basename+"1."+ext