
455 lines
17 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbrpc/ContinuousSample.h"
#include "fdbclient/ClusterConnectionMemoryRecord.h"
#include "fdbclient/"
#include "fdbserver/"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/"
#include "fdbclient/ReadYourWrites.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
struct VersionStampWorkload : TestWorkload {
uint64_t nodeCount;
double testDuration;
double transactionsPerSecond;
std::vector<Future<Void>> clients;
int64_t nodePrefix;
int keyBytes;
bool failIfDataLost;
Key vsKeyPrefix;
Key vsValuePrefix;
bool validateExtraDB;
std::map<Key, std::vector<std::pair<Version, Standalone<StringRef>>>> key_commit;
std::map<Key, std::vector<std::pair<Version, Standalone<StringRef>>>> versionStampKey_commit;
int apiVersion;
bool soleOwnerOfMetadataVersionKey;
bool allowMetadataVersionKey;
VersionStampWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx) : TestWorkload(wcx) {
testDuration = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("testDuration"), 60.0);
transactionsPerSecond = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("transactionsPerSecond"), 5000.0);
nodeCount = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("nodeCount"), (uint64_t)10000);
keyBytes = std::max(getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("keyBytes"), 16), 4);
failIfDataLost = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("failIfDataLost"), true);
const Key prefix = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("prefix"), LiteralStringRef("VS_"));
vsKeyPrefix = LiteralStringRef("K_").withPrefix(prefix);
vsValuePrefix = LiteralStringRef("V_").withPrefix(prefix);
validateExtraDB = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("validateExtraDB"), false);
soleOwnerOfMetadataVersionKey = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("soleOwnerOfMetadataVersionKey"), false);
std::string description() const override { return "VersionStamp"; }
Future<Void> setup(Database const& cx) override { return Void(); }
Future<Void> start(Database const& cx) override {
// Versionstamp behavior changed starting with API version 520, so
// choose a version to check compatibility.
double choice = deterministicRandom()->random01();
if (choice < 0.1) {
apiVersion = 500;
} else if (choice < 0.2) {
apiVersion = 510;
} else if (choice < 0.3) {
apiVersion = 520;
} else {
apiVersion = Database::API_VERSION_LATEST;
TraceEvent("VersionStampApiVersion").detail("ApiVersion", apiVersion);
allowMetadataVersionKey = apiVersion >= 610 || apiVersion == Database::API_VERSION_LATEST;
cx->apiVersion = apiVersion;
if (clientId == 0)
return _start(cx, this, 1 / transactionsPerSecond);
return Void();
Key keyForIndex(uint64_t index) {
if (allowMetadataVersionKey && index == 0) {
return metadataVersionKey;
Key result = makeString(keyBytes);
uint8_t* data = mutateString(result);
memset(data, '.', keyBytes);
double d = double(index) / nodeCount;
emplaceIndex(data, 0, *(int64_t*)&d);
return result.withPrefix(vsValuePrefix);
Key versionStampKeyForIndex(uint64_t index, bool oldVSFormat) {
const size_t keySize = 38 + (oldVSFormat ? 0 : 2);
Key result = makeString(keySize);
uint8_t* data = mutateString(result);
memset(&data[0], 'V', keySize);
double d = double(index) / nodeCount;
emplaceIndex(data, 4, *(int64_t*)&d);
if (oldVSFormat) {
data[keySize - 2] = 24 + vsKeyPrefix.size();
data[keySize - 1] = 0;
} else {
data[keySize - 4] = 24 + vsKeyPrefix.size();
data[keySize - 3] = 0;
data[keySize - 2] = 0;
data[keySize - 1] = 0;
return result.withPrefix(vsKeyPrefix);
static Key endOfRange(Key startOfRange) {
int n = startOfRange.size();
Key result = makeString(n);
uint8_t* data = mutateString(result);
uint8_t* src = mutateString(startOfRange);
memcpy(data, src, n);
data[n - 1] += 1;
return result;
Future<bool> check(Database const& cx) override {
if (clientId == 0)
return _check(cx, this);
return true;
static std::pair<Version, Standalone<StringRef>> versionFromValue(const Standalone<StringRef>& value) {
Version parsedVersion;
Standalone<StringRef> parsedVersionstamp = makeString(10);
memcpy(&parsedVersion, value.begin(), sizeof(Version));
memcpy(mutateString(parsedVersionstamp), value.begin(), 10);
return { bigEndian64(parsedVersion), parsedVersionstamp };
// `key` needs to be the non-prefixed key, as we use a fixed offset for the versionstamp location.
static std::pair<Version, Standalone<StringRef>> versionFromKey(const Standalone<StringRef>& key) {
Version parsedVersion;
Standalone<StringRef> parsedVersionstamp = makeString(10);
memcpy(&parsedVersion, &(key.begin())[24], sizeof(Version));
memcpy(mutateString(parsedVersionstamp), &(key.begin())[24], 10);
return { bigEndian64(parsedVersion), parsedVersionstamp };
ACTOR Future<bool> _check(Database cx, VersionStampWorkload* self) {
if (self->validateExtraDB) {
auto extraFile = makeReference<ClusterConnectionMemoryRecord>(*g_simulator.extraDB);
cx = Database::createDatabase(extraFile, -1);
state ReadYourWritesTransaction tr(cx);
// We specifically wish to grab the smalles read version that we can get and maintain it, to
// have the strictest check we can on versionstamps monotonically increasing.
state Version readVersion;
loop {
try {
Version _readVersion = wait(tr.getReadVersion());
readVersion = _readVersion;
} catch (Error& e) {
if (BUGGIFY) {
if (deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.5) {
loop {
try {
readVersion = tr.getCommittedVersion() - 1;
} catch (Error& e) {
state RangeResult result;
loop {
try {
RangeResult result_ = wait(tr.getRange(
KeyRangeRef(self->vsValuePrefix, endOfRange(self->vsValuePrefix)), self->nodeCount + 1));
result = result_;
if (self->allowMetadataVersionKey && self->key_commit.count(metadataVersionKey)) {
Optional<Value> mVal = wait(tr.get(metadataVersionKey));
if (mVal.present()) {
result.push_back_deep(result.arena(), KeyValueRef(metadataVersionKey, mVal.get()));
ASSERT(result.size() <= self->nodeCount);
if (self->failIfDataLost) {
ASSERT(result.size() == self->key_commit.size());
} else {
CODE_PROBE(result.size() > 0, "Not all data should always be lost.");
//TraceEvent("VST_Check0").detail("Size", result.size()).detail("NodeCount", self->nodeCount).detail("KeyCommit", self->key_commit.size()).detail("ReadVersion", readVersion);
for (auto it : result) {
const Standalone<StringRef> key =
it.key == metadataVersionKey ? metadataVersionKey : it.key.removePrefix(self->vsValuePrefix);
Version parsedVersion;
Standalone<StringRef> parsedVersionstamp;
std::tie(parsedVersion, parsedVersionstamp) = versionFromValue(it.value);
ASSERT(parsedVersion <= readVersion);
//TraceEvent("VST_Check0a").detail("ItKey", printable(it.key)).detail("ItValue", printable(it.value)).detail("ParsedVersion", parsedVersion);
const auto& all_values_iter = self->key_commit.find(key);
ASSERT(all_values_iter != self->key_commit.end()); // Reading a key that we didn't commit.
const auto& all_values = all_values_iter->second;
if (it.key == metadataVersionKey && !self->soleOwnerOfMetadataVersionKey) {
if (self->failIfDataLost) {
for (auto& it : all_values) {
ASSERT(it.first <= parsedVersion);
if (it.first == parsedVersion) {
ASSERT( == 0);
} else {
const auto& value_pair_iter =
[parsedVersion](const std::pair<Version, Standalone<StringRef>>& pair) {
return pair.first == parsedVersion;
ASSERT(value_pair_iter !=
all_values.cend()); // The key exists, but we never wrote the timestamp.
if (self->failIfDataLost) {
auto last_element_iter = all_values.cend();
ASSERT(value_pair_iter == last_element_iter);
// Version commitVersion = value_pair_iter->first;
Standalone<StringRef> commitVersionstamp = value_pair_iter->second;
//TraceEvent("VST_Check0b").detail("Version", commitVersion).detail("CommitVersion", printable(commitVersionstamp));
ASSERT( == 0);
RangeResult result__ = wait(
tr.getRange(KeyRangeRef(self->vsKeyPrefix, endOfRange(self->vsKeyPrefix)), self->nodeCount + 1));
result = result__;
ASSERT(result.size() <= self->nodeCount);
if (self->failIfDataLost) {
ASSERT(result.size() == self->versionStampKey_commit.size());
} else {
CODE_PROBE(result.size() > 0, "Not all data should always be lost (2)");
//TraceEvent("VST_Check1").detail("Size", result.size()).detail("VsKeyCommitSize", self->versionStampKey_commit.size());
for (auto it : result) {
const Standalone<StringRef> key = it.key.removePrefix(self->vsKeyPrefix);
Version parsedVersion;
Standalone<StringRef> parsedVersionstamp;
std::tie(parsedVersion, parsedVersionstamp) = versionFromKey(key);
const Key vsKey = key.substr(4, 16);
//TraceEvent("VST_Check1a").detail("ItKey", printable(it.key)).detail("VsKey", printable(vsKey)).detail("ItValue", printable(it.value)).detail("ParsedVersion", parsedVersion);
const auto& all_values_iter = self->versionStampKey_commit.find(vsKey);
ASSERT(all_values_iter !=
self->versionStampKey_commit.end()); // Reading a key that we didn't commit.
const auto& all_values = all_values_iter->second;
const auto& value_pair_iter =
[parsedVersion](const std::pair<Version, Standalone<StringRef>>& pair) {
return pair.first == parsedVersion;
ASSERT(value_pair_iter != all_values.cend()); // The key exists, but we never wrote the timestamp.
if (self->failIfDataLost) {
auto last_element_iter = all_values.cend();
ASSERT(value_pair_iter == last_element_iter);
// Version commitVersion = value_pair_iter->first;
Standalone<StringRef> commitVersionstamp = value_pair_iter->second;
//TraceEvent("VST_Check1b").detail("Version", commitVersion).detail("CommitVersion", printable(commitVersionstamp));
ASSERT(parsedVersion <= readVersion);
ASSERT( == 0);
} catch (Error& e) {
return true;
void getMetrics(std::vector<PerfMetric>& m) override {}
ACTOR Future<Void> _start(Database cx, VersionStampWorkload* self, double delay) {
state double startTime = now();
state double lastTime = now();
state Database extraDB;
if (g_simulator.extraDB != nullptr) {
auto extraFile = makeReference<ClusterConnectionMemoryRecord>(*g_simulator.extraDB);
extraDB = Database::createDatabase(extraFile, -1);
state Future<Void> metadataWatch = Void();
loop {
wait(poisson(&lastTime, delay));
bool oldVSFormat = !cx->apiVersionAtLeast(520);
state bool cx_is_primary = true;
state ReadYourWritesTransaction tr(cx);
state Key key = self->keyForIndex(deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->nodeCount));
state Value value(std::string(deterministicRandom()->randomInt(10, 100), 'x'));
state Key versionStampKey =
self->versionStampKeyForIndex(deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->nodeCount), oldVSFormat);
state StringRef prefix = versionStampKey.substr(0, 20 + self->vsKeyPrefix.size());
state Key endOfRange = self->endOfRange(prefix);
state KeyRangeRef range(prefix, endOfRange);
state Standalone<StringRef> committedVersionStamp;
state Version committedVersion;
state Value versionStampValue;
if (key == metadataVersionKey) {
value = metadataVersionRequiredValue;
versionStampValue = value;
} else if (oldVSFormat) {
versionStampValue = value;
} else {
versionStampValue = value.withSuffix(LiteralStringRef("\x00\x00\x00\x00"));
state bool ryw = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
loop {
if (!ryw) {
state bool error = false;
state Error err;
//TraceEvent("VST_CommitBegin").detail("Key", printable(key)).detail("VsKey", printable(versionStampKey)).detail("Clear", printable(range));
state Key testKey;
state Future<Void> nextMetadataWatch;
try {
tr.atomicOp(key, versionStampValue, MutationRef::SetVersionstampedValue);
if (key == metadataVersionKey) {
testKey = "testKey" + deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID().toString();
tr.atomicOp(testKey, versionStampValue, MutationRef::SetVersionstampedValue);
tr.atomicOp(versionStampKey, value, MutationRef::SetVersionstampedKey);
if (key == metadataVersionKey) {
nextMetadataWatch =;
state Future<Standalone<StringRef>> fTrVs = tr.getVersionstamp();
committedVersion = tr.getCommittedVersion();
Standalone<StringRef> committedVersionStamp_ = wait(fTrVs);
committedVersionStamp = committedVersionStamp_;
if (key == metadataVersionKey) {
wait(timeoutError(metadataWatch, 30));
nextMetadataWatch = metadataWatch;
} catch (Error& e) {
err = e;
if (err.code() == error_code_database_locked && g_simulator.extraDB != nullptr) {
cx_is_primary = !cx_is_primary;
tr = ReadYourWritesTransaction(cx_is_primary ? cx : extraDB);
} else if (err.code() == error_code_commit_unknown_result) {
//TraceEvent("VST_CommitUnknownResult").error(e).detail("Key", printable(key)).detail("VsKey", printable(versionStampKey));
loop {
state ReadYourWritesTransaction cur_tr(cx_is_primary ? cx : extraDB);
try {
Optional<Value> vs_value = wait(cur_tr.get(key == metadataVersionKey ? testKey : key));
if (!vs_value.present()) {
error = true;
const Version value_version = versionFromValue(vs_value.get()).first;
//TraceEvent("VST_CommitUnknownRead").detail("VsValue", vs_value.present() ? printable(vs_value.get()) : "did not exist");
const auto& value_ts =
self->key_commit[key == metadataVersionKey ? metadataVersionKey
: key.removePrefix(self->vsValuePrefix)];
const auto& iter = std::find_if(
[value_version](const std::pair<Version, Standalone<StringRef>>& pair) {
return value_version == pair.first;
if (iter == value_ts.cend()) {
// The commit was successful, and thus we need to record the new data.
committedVersion = value_version;
committedVersionStamp = vs_value.get().substr(0, 10);
} else {
error = true;
} catch (Error& e) {
} else {
error = true;
if (error) {
.detail("Key", printable(key))
.detail("VsKey", printable(versionStampKey));
const Standalone<StringRef> vsKeyKey = versionStampKey.removePrefix(self->vsKeyPrefix).substr(4, 16);
const auto& committedVersionPair = std::make_pair(committedVersion, committedVersionStamp);
//TraceEvent("VST_CommitSuccess").detail("Key", printable(key)).detail("VsKey", printable(versionStampKey)).detail("VsKeyKey", printable(vsKeyKey)).detail("Clear", printable(range)).detail("Version", tr.getCommittedVersion()).detail("VsValue", printable(committedVersionPair.second));
self->key_commit[key == metadataVersionKey ? metadataVersionKey : key.removePrefix(self->vsValuePrefix)]
if (now() - startTime > self->testDuration)
//TraceEvent("VST_Start").detail("Count", count).detail("NodeCount", self->nodeCount);
return Void();
WorkloadFactory<VersionStampWorkload> VersionStampWorkloadFactory("VersionStamp");