344 lines
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344 lines
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* Tracing.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "flow/IRandom.h"
#include <unordered_set>
#include <atomic>
struct Location {
StringRef name;
inline Location operator"" _loc(const char* str, size_t size) {
return Location{ StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str), size) };
struct Span {
Span(SpanID context, Location location, std::initializer_list<SpanID> const& parents = {})
: context(context), begin(g_network->now()), location(location), parents(arena, parents.begin(), parents.end()) {
if (parents.size() > 0) {
// If the parents' token is 0 (meaning the trace should not be
// recorded), set the child token to 0 as well. Otherwise, generate
// a new, random token.
uint64_t traceId = 0;
if ((*parents.begin()).second() > 0) {
traceId = deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64();
this->context = SpanID((*parents.begin()).first(), traceId);
Span(Location location, std::initializer_list<SpanID> const& parents = {})
: Span(UID(deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64(),
deterministicRandom()->random01() < FLOW_KNOBS->TRACING_SAMPLE_RATE
? deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64()
: 0),
parents) {}
Span(Location location, SpanID context) : Span(location, { context }) {}
Span(const Span&) = delete;
Span(Span&& o) {
arena = std::move(o.arena);
context = o.context;
begin = o.begin;
end = o.end;
location = o.location;
parents = std::move(o.parents);
o.context = UID();
o.begin = 0.0;
o.end = 0.0;
Span() {}
Span& operator=(Span&& o);
Span& operator=(const Span&) = delete;
void swap(Span& other) {
std::swap(arena, other.arena);
std::swap(context, other.context);
std::swap(begin, other.begin);
std::swap(end, other.end);
std::swap(location, other.location);
std::swap(parents, other.parents);
void addParent(SpanID span) {
if (parents.size() == 0) {
uint64_t traceId = 0;
if (span.second() > 0) {
traceId = context.second() == 0 ? deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64() : context.second();
// Use first parent to set trace ID. This is non-ideal for spans
// with multiple parents, because the trace ID will associate the
// span with only one trace. A workaround is to look at the parent
// relationships instead of the trace ID. Another option in the
// future is to keep a list of trace IDs.
context = SpanID(span.first(), traceId);
parents.push_back(arena, span);
void addTag(const StringRef& key, const StringRef& value) { tags[key] = value; }
Arena arena;
UID context = UID();
double begin = 0.0, end = 0.0;
Location location;
SmallVectorRef<SpanID> parents;
std::unordered_map<StringRef, StringRef> tags;
// OTELSpan
// OTELSpan is a tracing implementation which, for the most part, complies with the W3C Trace Context specification
// https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/ and the OpenTelemetry API
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md.
// The major differences between OTELSpan and the current Span implementation, which is based off the OpenTracing.io
// specification https://opentracing.io/ are as follows.
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#span
// OTELSpans have...
// 1. A SpanContext which consists of 3 attributes.
// TraceId - A valid trace identifier is a 16-byte array with at least one non-zero byte.
// SpanId - A valid span identifier is an 8-byte array with at least one non-zero byte.
// TraceFlags - 1 byte, bit field for flags.
// TraceState is not implemented, specifically we do not provide some of the following APIs
// https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#mutating-the-tracestate-field In particular APIs to delete/update a specific,
// arbitrary key/value pair, as this complies with the OTEL specification where SpanContexts are immutable.
// 2. A begin/end and those values are serialized, unlike the Span implementation which has an end but serializes with a
// begin and calculated duration field.
// 3. A SpanKind
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#spankind
// 4. A SpanStatus
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#set-status
// 5. A singular parent SpanContext, which may optionally be null, as opposed to our Span implementation which allows
// for a list of parents.
// 6. An "attributes" rather than "tags", however the implementation is essentially the same, a set of key/value of
// strings, stored here as a SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef> rather than map as a convenience.
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/common/common.md#attributes
// 7. An optional list of linked SpanContexts.
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#specifying-links
// 8. An optional list of timestamped Events.
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#add-events
enum class SpanKind : uint8_t { INTERNAL = 0, CLIENT = 1, SERVER = 2, PRODUCER = 3, CONSUMER = 4 };
enum class SpanStatus : uint8_t { UNSET = 0, OK = 1, ERR = 2 };
struct OTELEventRef {
OTELEventRef() {}
OTELEventRef(const StringRef& name,
const double& time,
const SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef>& attributes = SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef>())
: name(name), time(time), attributes(attributes) {}
OTELEventRef(Arena& arena, const OTELEventRef& other)
: name(arena, other.name), time(other.time), attributes(arena, other.attributes) {}
StringRef name;
double time = 0.0;
SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef> attributes;
class OTELSpan {
OTELSpan(const SpanContext& context,
const Location& location,
const SpanContext& parentContext,
const std::initializer_list<SpanContext>& links = {})
: context(context), location(location), parentContext(parentContext), links(arena, links.begin(), links.end()),
begin(g_network->now()) {
// We've simplified the logic here, essentially we're now always setting trace and span ids and relying on the
// TraceFlags to determine if we're sampling. Therefore if the parent is sampled, we simply overwrite this
// span's traceID with the parent trace id.
if (parentContext.isSampled()) {
this->context.traceID = UID(parentContext.traceID.first(), parentContext.traceID.second());
this->context.m_Flags = TraceFlags::sampled;
} else {
// However there are two other cases.
// 1. A legitamite parent span exists but it was not selected for tracing.
// 2. There is no actual parent, just a default arg parent provided by the constructor AND the "child" span
// was selected for sampling. For case 1. we handle below by marking the child as unsampled. For case 2 we
// needn't do anything, and can rely on the values in this OTELSpan
if (parentContext.traceID.first() != 0 && parentContext.traceID.second() != 0 &&
parentContext.spanID != 0) {
this->context.m_Flags = TraceFlags::unsampled;
this->kind = SpanKind::SERVER;
this->status = SpanStatus::OK;
this->arena, KeyValueRef("address"_sr, StringRef(this->arena, g_network->getLocalAddress().toString())));
OTELSpan(const Location& location,
const SpanContext& parent = SpanContext(),
const std::initializer_list<SpanContext>& links = {})
: OTELSpan(
SpanContext(UID(deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64(), deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64()), // traceID
deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64(), // spanID
deterministicRandom()->random01() < FLOW_KNOBS->TRACING_SAMPLE_RATE // sampled or unsampled
? TraceFlags::sampled
: TraceFlags::unsampled),
links) {}
OTELSpan(const Location& location, const SpanContext parent, const SpanContext& link)
: OTELSpan(location, parent, { link }) {}
// NOTE: This constructor is primarly for unit testing until we sort out how to enable/disable a Knob dynamically in
// a test.
OTELSpan(const Location& location,
const std::function<double()>& rateProvider,
const SpanContext& parent = SpanContext(),
const std::initializer_list<SpanContext>& links = {})
: OTELSpan(SpanContext(UID(deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64(), deterministicRandom()->randomUInt64()),
deterministicRandom()->random01() < rateProvider() ? TraceFlags::sampled
: TraceFlags::unsampled),
links) {}
OTELSpan(const OTELSpan&) = delete;
OTELSpan(OTELSpan&& o) {
arena = std::move(o.arena);
context = o.context;
location = o.location;
parentContext = std::move(o.parentContext);
kind = o.kind;
begin = o.begin;
end = o.end;
links = std::move(o.links);
events = std::move(o.events);
status = o.status;
o.context = SpanContext();
o.parentContext = SpanContext();
o.kind = SpanKind::INTERNAL;
o.begin = 0.0;
o.end = 0.0;
o.status = SpanStatus::UNSET;
OTELSpan() {}
OTELSpan& operator=(OTELSpan&& o);
OTELSpan& operator=(const OTELSpan&) = delete;
void swap(OTELSpan& other) {
std::swap(arena, other.arena);
std::swap(context, other.context);
std::swap(location, other.location);
std::swap(parentContext, other.parentContext);
std::swap(kind, other.kind);
std::swap(status, other.status);
std::swap(begin, other.begin);
std::swap(end, other.end);
std::swap(links, other.links);
std::swap(events, other.events);
OTELSpan& addLink(const SpanContext& linkContext) {
links.push_back(arena, linkContext);
return *this;
OTELSpan& addLinks(const std::initializer_list<SpanContext>& linkContexts = {}) {
for (auto const& sc : linkContexts) {
links.push_back(arena, sc);
return *this;
OTELSpan& addEvent(const OTELEventRef& event) {
events.push_back_deep(arena, event);
return *this;
OTELSpan& addEvent(const StringRef& name,
const double& time,
const SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef>& attrs = SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef>()) {
return addEvent(OTELEventRef(name, time, attrs));
OTELSpan& addAttribute(const StringRef& key, const StringRef& value) {
attributes.push_back_deep(arena, KeyValueRef(key, value));
return *this;
Arena arena;
SpanContext context;
Location location;
SpanContext parentContext;
SpanKind kind;
SmallVectorRef<SpanContext> links;
double begin = 0.0, end = 0.0;
SmallVectorRef<KeyValueRef> attributes; // not necessarily sorted
SmallVectorRef<OTELEventRef> events;
SpanStatus status;
// The user selects a tracer using a string passed to fdbserver on boot.
// Clients should not refer to TracerType directly, and mappings of names to
// values in this enum can change without notice.
enum class TracerType {
SIM_END = 2, // Any tracers that come after SIM_END will not be tested in simulation
struct ITracer {
virtual ~ITracer();
virtual TracerType type() const = 0;
// passed ownership to the tracer
virtual void trace(Span const& span) = 0;
virtual void trace(OTELSpan const& span) = 0;
void openTracer(TracerType type);
template <class T>
struct SpannedDeque : Deque<T> {
Span span;
explicit SpannedDeque(Location loc) : span(loc) {}
SpannedDeque(SpannedDeque&& other) : Deque<T>(std::move(other)), span(std::move(other.span)) {}
SpannedDeque(SpannedDeque const&) = delete;
SpannedDeque& operator=(SpannedDeque const&) = delete;
SpannedDeque& operator=(SpannedDeque&& other) {
*static_cast<Deque<T>*>(this) = std::move(other);
span = std::move(other.span);
template <class T>
struct OTELSpannedDeque : Deque<T> {
OTELSpan span;
explicit OTELSpannedDeque(Location loc) : span(loc) {}
OTELSpannedDeque(OTELSpannedDeque&& other) : Deque<T>(std::move(other)), span(std::move(other.span)) {}
OTELSpannedDeque(OTELSpannedDeque const&) = delete;
OTELSpannedDeque& operator=(OTELSpannedDeque const&) = delete;
OTELSpannedDeque& operator=(OTELSpannedDeque&& other) {
*static_cast<Deque<T>*>(this) = std::move(other);
span = std::move(other.span);